Tổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Tổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Sơ đồ lu Sơ đồ luTổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Tổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Sơ đồ lu Sơ đồ luTổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Tổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Sơ đồ lu Sơ đồ luTổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Tổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Sơ đồ lu Sơ đồ luTổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Tổ chức thi côngđại học giao thông vận tải Sơ đồ lu Sơ đồ lu
Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh ROAD CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh CHAPTER 1: INPUT DATA Technical requirement data for the assignment Unit Name Value IV Lane km date Fr 21-Au Natural a Graded cru km Hot Mixing cm Layer Layer Layer Layer Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh The technical information for the road class IV Unit No Technology factor Road level Design speed km/h 40 Number of lanes Lane Road length m 9400 Lane width m 2.75 Carriageway width m 2x2.75 Shoulder width m 2x1 Treated shoulder width m 2x0.5 Road-bed width m 7.5 10 Cross slope % 11 Cross slope of treated shoulder % 12 Cross slope of soil shoulder % Doan Son Tung Value IV Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Pavement structure Location of material source (km) Construction method - Follow the task of this project, the linear process construction is chosen - In consideration of distance between quarry and two ends of route, the construction direction will be chosen from end point to start point of route - It is established as following linear processes: Linear process of base and sub-base course construction Linear process of binder and wearing course construction Linear process of finishing construction Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh - The preparation work is done in all length of route before first linear process begin Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh CHAPTER 2: CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION METHOD I Main construction processes - The processes of pavement construction are followed by below steps: Preparation embankment for construction pavement Construct sub-base layer includes: 2.1 Construct bottom soil shoulder 2.2 Construct bottom natural aggregate 2.3 Construct top soil shoulder 2.4 Construct top natural aggregate Construct base layer includes: 3.1 Construct soil shoulder 3.1 Construct Graded Crushed Stone Treated cement 6% 3.2 Construct soil shoulder 3.3 Construct Natural aggregate A Construct binder course Construct wearing course Construct soil shoulder of binder and wearing course Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment II Ths Do Vuong Vinh Main parameters of entire linear process Time of working in entire linear process Year Numbers Month of day Weekend + Holiday day off Bad weather day off August 11 September 30 October 31 November 30 December 31 Total 133 20 10 2015 Notation: - Tw Tm : Time of working (day) : Time of a month (day) Trd Tsd Tm = 133 (days) : Time of regular day off (weekend and holiday) (day) Trd = 20(days) : Time of special day off (bad weather) (day) Tsd= 10 (days) Calculating: Tw1 = Tm – Trd = 133 – 20 = 113 (days) Tw2 = Tm – Tsd = 133 – 10 = 123 ( days) Tw = min(Tw1 , Tw2 ) = Tw1 = 113 (days) Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh The time of entire linear process is divided into parts: time of starting, time of processing and time of finishing Notation: : Time of starting is the period from the starting time of first linear process to the starting time of last linear process : Time of processing is the period from the finish time of first linear process to the finish time of last linear process : Time of processing is the period from the starting time of last linear process to the finish time of first process (in other words, it is the period between and) - The above values are chosen as below: = days = days Velocity of entire linear processes The production rate of the linear is determined by the formula V= Doan Son Tung = = 85.45 m/shif Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh This is minimum of convey speed so to ensure the progress of executing unless condition unfavourable natural processes occur, we can choose the speed of the linear is V = 90 (m/shift) Effective factor of entire linear process So the choice of method allow convey method is effective III Effective factor of machine using Required Volume of Material Area of pavement and strengthened shoulder along route: Volume of Materials of Base Layer Volume of natural aggregate A Q1 = K1 × K × A × h1 where: h1 = 36 cm = 0.36 m K1: Compacting factor, K1 = 1.3 K2: Material dropping factor, K2 = 1.05 Q1 = 1.3 x 1.05 x 70500 x 0.36 = 34643.7 m3 Volume of soil shoulder Qs1 = K1 × K × (2 × b1 × h1 ) × L In which: h1= 36 cm= 0.36 m b1= 0.5m + (0.36m + 0.15m + 0.07m + 0.05m) x 1.5 = 1.445 m L= 9400m Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Qs1= 1.3 x1.05 x(2 x 1.445 x 0.36) x 9400 =13349.37 m3 Volume of Materials of Sub-Base Layer 2.1.Volume of Graded Crush Stone type I Q2 = K1 × K × A × h2 In which: h2= 15 cm = 0.15m Q2 = 1.3 x 1.05 x 70500 x 0.15 = 14435 m3 2.2.Volume of soil shoulder Qs = K1 × K × (2 × b2 × h2 ) × L In which b2= 0.5m + (0.15m + 0.07m + 0.05m) x 1.5 = 0.905 m Qs1= 1.3 x1.05 x (2 x 0.905 x 0.15) x 9400= 3483.62m3 10 Volume of materials of binder course 3.1 Volume of DG HMA Dmax 19mm In which: h3 = cm = 0.07 m ρ: Density of Medium asphalt concrete,ρ = 2.32 T/m3 Q3 = 1.05 x 0.07 x 2.32 x 70500 = 12021.66 (Ton) 3.2.Volume of soil shoulder Because we construct the top soil shoulder after finishing constructing asphalt layers, this total volume will be calculated in part 4.2 11 Volume of materials of wearing course 11.1 Volume of DG HMA Dmax 12.5mm Doan Son Tung Page 10 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Productivity of compactor: P= T × Kt × L L + 0.01L ×N ×β V In which: L: Length of compactor’s working in a shift (Lw=150 m=0.15 km) T: Time working of a shift (T=8h) Kt: Time use coefficient (Kt=0.7) V: Speed of roller (V= 3km/h) β: Coefficient considering the case roller runs inaccurate (β=1.25) N: The total number of journeys made in order to achieve the required number of roller N= nj x nc nj: Number of journeys achieved after a cycle(nj=6) nc :Number cycle must be done(nc=4) N= 6x4 =24 (journeys) The Productivity of compactor: P= × 0,8 × 0, 02 0, 02 + 0, 01× 0,02 × 24 × 1, 25 = 0.633 Km/shift - Number of shift for compacting for lane 30m: 16 Wearing course Layer (h= 0.05m, B=6.5m) • Hauling Hot Mixed Asphalt for Wearing course - Use Hyundai 10T for transporting - Mass of coarse AC needed for constructing for1 lane 30m : Doan Son Tung Page 62 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh - Productivity of hauling N = nht × P = T × Kt ×P t In which: P: capacity of the truck P = 10 (T) nht: number of car journeys made in an execution T: working time in a shift (T = hour) Kt: time use coefficient (Kt = 0.7) t: working time in a period 1, t = tb +td +tvc tb: the time of picking up the material, tb = = 0.1 hour td: time for scraping materials, td = minutes = 0.1 hour tvc: shipping time tvc = × Ltb V V: the average speed of cars (V = 40 km\/h) = Result: Shipping time: Productivity of hauling: - Number of shift for lane for 30m work: Doan Son Tung Page 63 Road Assignment • Ths Do Vuong Vinh Paving Hot Mixed Asphalt Asphalt transported to the location of the execution is poured directly into the container of the leaflets Machines sprayed used dedicated Jet sprayed (NFB6CV) with the greatest track landing sprayed can be up to m (when connected) With the entire breadth of construction is 11 m, class BTN to fit him into trail leaflets scattered in execution, the size of each track is 5, m spread - Productivity of paver: P = T × B p × h × ρ × V × Kt ×1 Which : T: working time T = 8x60 =480 minutes B: width of spreading track (B = 3.25m) h: the thickness of the layer (h = 0,05m) V: speed (V = 2,7 m/minutes) Density of Medium asphalt concrete γ = 2.4 T/m3 Kt: time use coefficient (Kt = 0.7) K1: compaction coefficient (K1 = 1.3) So, the productivity of paver: P = 480× 3.25 × 0.05× 2.4× 2.7× 0.7= 353.81 (T/shift) - Number of shift for1 lane for 30m work: In the process of paving the material if there is real phenomenon stratified or signs is not appropriate to seek remedy immediately, the area does have phenomenal stratification must mix or is dug away replaced by another • Compacting binder course layer Doan Son Tung Page 64 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh After paving we must immediately with tight compact to gain K ≥ 0.95 Operate only if the humidity of GCS is good with wrong number is not greater than 1% The class GCS is close to the density K = 0.98 following sequence: Breakdown compacting: Use steel roller static: 8T, 4t/p, speed 2.5 km/h Dense compacting: use tire roller: 16T, 10t/p, speed km/h Finish compacting: Use steel roller: 12T, 4t/p, speed km/h Preliminary compacting binder coarse layer Use steel roller static 8T Broler=1.5m, V= km/h; With required compacting time: nyc= 4t/p Doan Son Tung Page 65 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Productivity of compactor: P= T × Kt × L L + 0.01L ×N ×β V In which: L: Length of compactor’s working in a shift (Lw=150 m=0.15 km) T: Time working of a shift (T=8h) Kt: Time use coefficient (Kt=0.8) V: Speed of roller (V=2.5 km/h) β: Coefficient considering the case roller runs inaccurate (β=1.25) N: The total number of journeys made in order to achieve the required number of roller N= nj x nc nj: Number of journeys achieved after a cycle(nj=5) nc :Number cycle must be done(nc=4) N= 6x4 =24 (journeys) The Productivity of compactor: P= ⇒ × 0,8 × 0,02 0,02 + 0,01 × 0,02 × 24 × 1,25 = 0,422 (Km/shift) - Number of shift for compacting for lane 30m: Doan Son Tung Page 66 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Densecompactingbinder coarse layer Use steel roller static 8T Broler= 2.14m, V= km/h; With required compacting time: nyc= 10t/p Productivity of compactor: P= T × Kt × L L + 0.01L ×N ×β V In which: L: Length of compactor’s working in a shift (Lw=150 m=0.15 km) T: Time working of a shift (T=8h) Kt: Time use coefficient (Kt=0.7) V: Speed of roller (V= 4km/h) β: Coefficient considering the case roller runs inaccurate (β=1.25) N: The total number of journeys made in order to achieve the required number of roller N= nj x nc nj: Number of journeys achieved after a cycle(nj=3) nc :Number cycle must be done(nc=10) Doan Son Tung Page 67 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh N= x 10 =40 (journeys) The Productivity of compactor: - Number of shift for compacting for lane: Finish compacting binder coarse layer Use steel roller static 12T Broler= 1.5m, V= km/h; With required compacting time: nyc= 4t/p Productivity of compactor: P= T × Kt × L L + 0.01L ×N ×β V In which: L: Length of compactor’s working in a shift (Lw=150 m=0.15 km) T: Time working of a shift (T=8h) Doan Son Tung Page 68 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Kt: Time use coefficient (Kt=0.8) V: Speed of roller (V= 3km/h) β: Coefficient considering the case roller runs inaccurate (β=1.25) N: The total number of journeys made in order to achieve the required number of roller N= nj x nc nj: Number of journeys achieved after a cycle(nj=6) nc :Number cycle must be done(nc=4) N= 6x4 =24 (journeys) The Productivity of compactor: P= × 0,8 × 0,02 0,02 + 0, 01× 0, 02 × 24 ×1, 25 = 0.633 Km/shift - Number of shift for compacting for lane: 17 Soil shoulder of asphalt layer The width of the soil shoulder (one side) is identified as follows: B = 0.5 + 0.12 ×1.5=0.68 m The quantity of soil needed is calculated as the following equation: Q = 2×B× h×L×K1= 2×0.68×0.12×150×1.3=31.8 (m3) In which: B: the filling width: B = 0.68 × 2= 1.36 m h: the layer thickness (h = 0.12m) K1: compaction coefficient of material (K1= 1.3) L: length of construction in a shift (L= 150m) • Hauling soil shoulder Doan Son Tung Page 69 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Using truck Hyundai 12T (8m3) The volume of material needed to transport in considering the loss of material in transporting process: Qvc = Q × K = 31.8 ×1.05 = 33.39(m3 ) Productivity of truck (use above result): N= × 0.75 × = 72.84(m / shift ) 0.659 - Number of shift for 150m work: n= • Qvc 33.39 = = 0.46( shift ) N 72.84 Grading This work is carried out by labor According Technical norm, productivity for spreading work is: 0.2 labor/m3 So, total labor is: n= 0.2 × Q= 0.2 × 31.8= 6.36(labors) • Compacting Length of working: Lw= 30 m - The shoulders are compactedby rammer to reach density: K= 0.98 - The productivity of rammer is determined as follows: Productivity of compaction: P= T × Kt × V N In which: T: Working time in a shift (T=8h) Kt: Time use coefficient (Kt =0.75) V: Speed (V=1000 m/hour) Doan Son Tung Page 70 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh N:Number of cruise The width of rammer is 0.3m, so we need cruises for 1cycle compaction The required compacting time: nys= times/point Total number of cycles: N = x x 4= 32 (cycles) Productivity: P= T × K t × V × 0.75 ×1000 = = 187.5m / shift N 32 Number of shift required: n= • 30 = 0.16( shift ) 187.5 Cutting land When construction is finished we have to trim the curb to ensure for roadways achieve true size as designed -Volume of soil need cropping transferred for 30m length Q = × × 0.12 × 0.12 ×1.5 ×150 = 3.24( m3 ) - Productivity of grader: N= T × F × L × Kt t In which: T: Working time in a cycle, (T=8h) Lw: Length of compactor’s working (Lw= 150m=0.15km) Kt: Time use coefficient (Kt=0.75) F: Cross-section area cut in side of road F= ẵ ì 0.12 ì 0.12 ì 1.5= 0.0108(m2) Doan Son Tung Page 71 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh t: Working time to complete a cycle of machine nc,nx: Number of cropping land and transportingland (nx=nc=1) Vx,Vc: Speed when cropping, transporting land ( Vx = 2km/h and Vc= 3km/h) t’: Time turns head (t’= minute = 0.1h) So working time: 1 1 t = 0.15 × + ữ+ 0.1ì (1 + 1) = 0.325h = 19.5(min utes) 3 Therefore, the Productivity of grader: N= T × F × Lw × K t × 0.0108 × 30 × 0.75 = = 59.8( m3 / shift ) t 0.325 - Number of shift for 150m work: n= Q 3.24 = = 0.542( shift ) N 5.98 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BASE AND SUB-BASE CONSTRUCTION No Work Unit Volume Productivity Shift 0.22 0.18 I Preliminary compacting road-bed Compacting II Construct the lower Grade Natural aggregate A Soil shoulder construction for lower GNA A Hauling soil (5 Hyundai Trucks 12T) 70.901 0.392 Grade soil shoulder (1 Graders D144) 676.25 0.04 sides 0.08 Doan Son Tung Page 72 Road Assignment Compacting shoulder Cutting soil shoulder (1 Graders D144) Ths Do Vuong Vinh 1.11 0.036 sides 0.072 41.87 0.046 Lower natural aggregate A Hauling lower NGA (10 Hyundai Trucks 12T) 66.37 0.963 Spreading lower NGA (2 Spreaders 724) 638.82 0.092 Compacting lower NGA - Breakdown compacting 0.43 0.13 - Dense compacting 0.28 0.14 - Breakdown compacting 0.43 0.13 III Construct the upper natural aggregate A Soil shoulder construction for upper NGA Hauling soil (5 Hyundai Trucks 12T) 66.17 0.311 Grade soil shoulder (1 Grader D144) 620.35 0.0356 sides 0.0712 1.4785 0.027 sides 0.054 20.935 0.0928 Compacting Cutting (2 Graders D144) Upper NGA Hauling upper GNA A (10 Hyundai Trucks 66.17 0.92 12T) Spreading upper GNA A (2 Spreaders 724) 638.82 0.0952 Doan Son Tung Page 73 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Compacting upper GNA A - Breakdown compacting 0.43 0.13 - Dense compacting 0.28 0.14 - Finish compacting 0.43 0.13 IV Construct the Grade Crushed Stone I Soil shoulder of GCS I Hauling soil (5 Hyundai Trucks 12T) 63.09 0.235 Grade soil shoulder (1 Grader D144) 429.74 0.033 sides 0.066 1.4785 0.027 sides 0.054 29.1 0.046 63.09 0.67 81.9 972.97 0.066 - Breakdown 0.05 0.43 0.13 - Dense compacting 0.05 0.29 0.15 - Finish compacting 0.05 0.43 0.13 4.2 70 0.0536 Compacting Cutting soil shoulder (1 Graders D144) GCS I Hauling (10 Hyundai Trucks 12T) Spreading (2 Spreaders 724) Compacting upper GCS I V Protective work Hauling chipping stone (1 Hyundai Truck 12T) Doan Son Tung Page 74 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh Spraying emulsion 400 Spreading stone chipping (by labor) Compacting 0.05 0.107 0.693 0.0577 12.63 0.13 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION I Tack coat Tack coat spraying in 150m length II Binder Coarse Hauling HMA (10 Hyundai Trucks 12T) 133.70 0.115 Paving HMA (Paver, ) 566.09 0.027 Compacting for lane: - Breakdown 0.693 0.043 - Dense compacting 0.443 0.0677 - Finish compacting 0.633 0.047 III Wearing Coarse Hauling HMA (8 Hyundai Trucks 12T) 133.73 0.1156 Paving HMA (Paver, ) 353.81 0.041 Compacting for lane: - Breakdown 0.422 0.071 - Dense compacting 0.443 0.0677 - Finish compacting 1.188 0.023 Doan Son Tung Page 75 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh IV Soil shoulder for asphalt layer Hauling soil (2 Hyundai Trucks 12T) Grading (by labor) Compacting (by Rammer) Cutting soil shoulder (1 Graders D144) 72.84 0.46 6.36 187.5 0.16 sides 0.32 59.8 0.542 (150m) Doan Son Tung Page 76 ... finishing construction Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh - The preparation work is done in all length of route before first linear process begin Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment... 2km / h , with required compacting time: n =4 times/point yc Doan Son Tung Page 11 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh • Doan Son Tung Productivity of compactor Page 12 Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong... Value IV Lane km date Fr 21-Au Natural a Graded cru km Hot Mixing cm Layer Layer Layer Layer Doan Son Tung Page Road Assignment Ths Do Vuong Vinh The technical information for the road class IV