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DSpace at VNU: Nghiên cứu về Tầm nhìn của các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam và bài học về tầm nhìn của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh

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Nghiên cứu Tầm nhìn doanh nghiệp Việt Nam học tầm nhìn Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh Vũ Ánh Dương Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh; Mã số: 60 34 05 Người hướng dẫn: TS Tạ Ngọc Cầu Năm bảo vệ: 2012 Abstract: Luận văn trình bày khn mẫu, khái niệm để định nghĩa tầm nhìn cách rõ ràng, tránh mập mờ lâu khái niệm này, đồng thời cung cấp cho độc giả hướng dẫn cụ thể cho việc hình thành tầm nhìn chặt chẽ, mạch lạc, rõ ràng tổ chức Luận văn tập trung nghiên cứu Tầm nhìn doanh nghiệp sản xuất kinh doanh Việt Nam nói chung tầm nhìn Lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp Việt Nam nói riêng Trong bối cảnh tồn cầu hóa nay, Việt Nam trở thành thành viên WTO, tốc độ phát triển vũ bão công nghệ, nguồn lực tự nhiên ngày khan hiếm, hết vấn đề doanh nghiệp Việt Nam phải đối mặt sức ép cạnh tranh khốc liệt từ kinh tế phát triển Keywords: Quản trị kinh doanh; Doanh Nghiệp; Quản lý điều hành; Khả lãnh đạo; Người lãnh đạo Content TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - i ABSTRACT - ii TÓM TẮT - v LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii INTRODUCTION - Statement of the study 1 Objectives and Aims 2 Research questions Scope of Work - Data Sources and Processing - Method Significance and implications - Limitations - Expected Results Disseminations - 10 Follow-up - 11 Short Introduction CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL FOUNDATION - 1.1 Vision’s definitions - 1.2 Structure of Vision - 1.2.1 Core ideology: - 1.2.2 Future perspective: 12 1.2.3 Vision: 12 viii 1.3 Desirable characteristics for a Vision 1.3.1 Simple and compendious: -1.3.2 Inner worth: 1.3.3 Challenging and realistic: 1.3.4 Appealing and encouraging: -1.3.5 Concentrate: -1.3.6 Time factor: 1.3.7 Vivid picture: - 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 1.4 Distinguish an Vision 1.4.1 Vision and mission: 1.4.2 Vision and core value: 1.4.3 Vision and slogan: 1.4.4 Vision and strategic: 1.4.5 Vision and project objective: - 16 16 17 18 18 19 1.5 Procedures for Developing a Vision - 19 1.6 Transforming a vision - 20 1.7 Lesson of the Ho Chi Minh’s Vision -1.7.1 Ho Chi Minh’s Vision a The first case -b The second case -1.7.2 Structure of Ho Chi Minh’s Vision a Core ideology b Great aspiration 1.7.3 Characteristics of Ho Chi Minh’s Vision 1.7.4 Communicating the Vision - 21 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 Chapter 2: Research on Vietnamese corporations 35 2.1 Unawareness of the importance of Vision of an organization: 36 2.1.1 The enterprises not think that Vision is extremely important 37 2.1.2 The enterprises not want to have Vision 38 ix 2.2 The enterprises not clearly understand Vision 39 2.2.1 Misunderstanding about the vision 39 a Wrong in Vision structure: 40 b Lack of necessary characteristics of Vision -2.2.2 The enterprises mistake on Vision: -a Vision and Mission -b Vision and core value: c Vision and Slogan: d Vision and Strategic objectives: -e Vision and Project objectives: 41 48 48 50 51 51 52 2.3 The enterprises cannot effectively communicate their Vision - 52 2.3.1 Bad Vision statement 53 2.3.2 No communicate the Vision 54 2.3.3 No invest to brainpower and efforts to develop and communicate a Vision - 56 2.4 Discussions - 60 Chapter 3: Conclusions and recommendations 63 3.1 Conclusions 63 3.2 Recommendations -3.2.1 Develop a successful vision -3.2.2 Communicate widely the vision 3.2.3 Commitment to follow the vision - 64 64 65 70 READING REFERENCES 71 APPENDIX 73 APPENDIX 79 x READING REFERENCES Online resource  Papers available at www.doanhnhan.net; www.diendanlanhdao.com; www.doanhnhansaigon.vn; www.doanhnhan360.com; www.dddn.com.vn; www.doanhnhanvietnam.com Documents VNR 500 ranking document Profile of the top 100 biggest private companies in Vietnam 2010 Gary Yukl, “Leadership in organizations” Fifth edition, Jim Collins and Jerry I.Porras, “Built to last.” William J.Duiker, “Ho Chi Minh a life.” John C Maxwell, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.” Mary Key and Dennis Strearns, “The CEO golden rules.” John C Maxwell ,“ Leadership gold.” John C Maxwell ,“ The 360° Leader.” 10 Susan Ward - Newsletter, www.about.com (a part of NY times) 11.State Policy Publishing House, “Ho Chi Minh complete works.” 12 Steven L McShane and Mary Ann Von Glinow, “Organizational behavior.” 13 Prentice Hall, “Leadership in organization” 2006 14 Dr Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland and Dr Tatu Vanhanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, “IQ and Global Inequality” – 2006 15 Author Phan Ngoc Lien, State Political Publish Housing – Hanoi, “Ho Chi Minh with process of country history,” 2008 16 Some article of scholar such as: 71 - Professor Duong Trung Quoc – Historian - Professor Tuong Lai; - Bachelor Nguyen Duc Thang – Scientific Institute of Military Human Sociality (Ministry of Military); - Mr Nguyen Tran Bat – Chairman/CEO of Invest Consult Group; - Associate Professor, Dr Pham Xuan Xanh – Chief of Contemporary and Modern of Vietnam History Major, University of Science, Society and Human, Hanoi National University 17 Mr.Vu Ky, State Political Publish Housing – Hanoi, “Uncle Ho’s Secretary tell story,” 2005 18 Daniel Goleman, “Which character creates a Leader.” Harvard Business, Review-11, 12 1998 19 Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner (2004), “Lacking of Vision – An organization will not become the lead organization.” Leader to Leader, No 31, Winter 20 “Thinking of future,” VAPEC (2002) 21 Peter B Vail, (1993) “Lead by vision.” on Allan R Cohen, The Portable MBA in Management: Insights from Experts at the Best Business Schools – Skills and Strategies for Leading any Organization to Success John Wiley & Son Inc 22 John Kotter, (1996) Leading Change Harvard Business School Press 23 Victor V Room & Arthur G Jago, (1988) The New Leadership Prentice Hall 24 Daniel Goleman, (2000) “Artistic Leading to achieve result,” Harvard Business Review March-April 25 John P Kotter, “Leading change,” Harvard Business Review, January 2007 72 ... Online resource  Papers available at www.doanhnhan.net; www.diendanlanhdao.com; www.doanhnhansaigon.vn; www.doanhnhan360.com; www.dddn.com.vn; www.doanhnhanvietnam.com Documents VNR 500 ranking... Communicating the Vision - 21 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 Chapter 2: Research on Vietnamese corporations 35 2.1 Unawareness of the importance of Vision of an organization:... Structure of Ho Chi Minh s Vision a Core ideology b Great aspiration 1.7.3 Characteristics of Ho Chi Minh s Vision

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2017, 03:00


