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khao sat hsg9.2-key

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Phòng gd vĩnh tờng Đề khảo sát đội tuyển HSG lần 1 Năm học 2006-2007 Môn : Tiếng Anh I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the other . Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter (A,B,C or D)on the answer sheet . 1. A. cure B. picture C. lecture D. furniture 2. A. enough B . cough C. though D rough 3. A.well B. bell C.forget D.pretty 4. A. creature B. creative C. creamy D. crease 5. A. horse B. hour C. hundred D. head 6. A.hasty B.nasty C.tasty D. wastage 7. A. massage B. carriage C.voyage D.dosage 8. A. clothes B. gone C. host D. ghost 9. A.flood B. good C.foot D.look 10. A. caves B. marks C. exams D. days II.Choose the best answer from the four options(marked A, B,C, or D)to complete aech sentence below by writing the coresponding letter A ,B, C,or D on the answer sheet . 1.Hoi An is a famous tourist attraction with many relics. A.natural B.attractive C.cultural D.royal 2. The manager expected the team because they hadn't done enough training . A.to lose B.have lost C.to be lost D.by losing 3.He couldn't afford to .his car repaired . A.pay B.make C.do D.get 4. I would .you didn't leave just at the moment . A.rather B.like C.ask D.advise 5.The government hopes to .its plans for introducing cable TV . A.carry on B.carry out C.turn out D.keep on 6.If you want to have a pet you must be ready to look .it for several years . A.at B.for C.over D.after 7.The child hurt himself badly when he fell the bedroom window . A.out from B.out of C.down D.over 8.The small box a tiny live terrapin . A.consisted of B.comprised C.contained D. included 9.Although he is rich and famous , he lives in a .house in the village . A.limitted B.modest C.slight D.reserved 10.It is dangerous for any town to the interests of its young people . A. lack B. neglect C. express D. impress 11.Everyday thousands of . fly to Atlantic for negotiations with American firms. A.merchants B. dealers C.tradesmen D.businessmen 12.After a quick . .at the patient the doctor rang for ambulance. A.glance B.stare C. gaze D. glimpse 13.Because both teams came from the same town ,the stadium was packed with . . A.playgoers B.public C spectators D audience 14.Oh no ! I don't believe it! My purse ! A.is stolen B.has been stolen C.was stolen D. is being stolen 15.Many young people travel all over the world and do all kinds of jobs before they . . A.lie down B.touch down C.settle down D.put down 16.It is not true.He's a lot of nonsense . A. speaking B. saying C.talking D.telling 17.The doctor sent him to bed, saying he was much . to go to work. A.too ill B. very ill C.ill enough D. ill 18.Some people . at least four hours a day watching TV. A. take B. use C.spend D. last 19. She is not really poor; she just to be poor . A. invents B. acts C. pretends D. imagines 20.You need nore excercise ; you should .golf . A.take up B.take in C.carry on D. carry out 21.The reporter .to get his story in before the deadline . A.reached B.managed C.arrived D.controlled 22.I must take this watch to be repaired ; It over 20 minutes a day . A.increases B.progresses C.accelerates D.gains 23. He has been given work as a window cleaner even though he has no for heights . A.head B.skill C.ability D.balance 24. Technology is advancing so quickly that machines become .almost overnight . A.obsolete B.archaic C.stale D.second-hand 25.They are trying to find .who agree to contribute to the fund for the homeless children. A.supervisors B.sponsors C.managers D.employers III.Identify the one underlined word or phrase -A,B,C or D -that must be changed for the sentence to be correct and then correct them . 1. What is written is more easily understood than it is spoken . A B C D 2. If a glass lizard loses its tails , a new one grows to replace it . A B C D 3.In the wild ,tea plants become trees of approximately thirty feet in high . A B C D 4.I told him I'd prefer to walk ,but he insisted to give me a lift . A B C D 5. More than 600 million individual bacteria lives on the skin of humans . A B C D 6.I'm very glad that you have done lots of progsess this semester . A B C D IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence .Write your answers on the answer sheet . 1.''I'm extremely sorry I couldn't come to the meeting .'' -> I must apologize . 2.All of us will go to the meeting although it is very far from here . ->In spite of 3. We come in at all hours of the morning and he doesn't approve of that . -> He doesn't approve . 4. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights . -> The excuse . 5.I know this reporter's background well and he is 100% honest . -> The reporter , V. Fill each numbered blank with the correct form of the word given below .Write your answers on the answer sheet . 1.build 2.move 3. depend 4.year 5. essence 6. appear 7.able 8. farm 9.correct 10. book The beginning of astronomy By about 450 BC ,the Babylonians were making careful observations from the tops of tall (1) .and using mathematics to help them predict the (2) .of the sun , moon and planets . Meanwhile ,for the Ancient Egyptians ,who were (3) .on the regular (4) .flooding of the River Nile to grow their crops , it was (5) to know when this would happen and their astronomers noticed that the flood occurred following the (6) of a particular star in the morning sky . This (7) them to draw up a calendar with a year of 365 days which allowed (8) .to plan ahead . Although some of his ideas later proved (9) . ,one of the great early astronomers ,whose work is still on sale in (10) worldwide ,was the Greek Ptolemy. VI.Complete each number blank in the passage by one word from the list .There are more words than needed .Write your answers on the answer sheet . as -all -already- any- attract -both -break -by -could - even - fewer- in-instead living - might - most - spent - that- them- whose- staying - must Austin's luck finally ran out on day 92 when a cobra bit him on the arm . He had wanted to (1) .the world record for (2) in a glass cage with poisonous snakes .It was (3) part of a publicity stunt to (4) .visitors to a snake and animal park in South Africa . His companions had been no (5) .than 36 deadly snakes .They included 20 cobras and , (6) dangerous of all ,six black mambas (7) .bite can kill in under a minute . He hadn't been able to relax for a moment as (8) .movement which was made excited his " roommates ''. He fed (9) on live mice but had to make sure (10) he didn't touch them in case he was mistaken for food too ! By day 92 he had (11) been bitten twice , but on (12) occasions ,(13) .a miracle , no venom entered his bloodstream .One day he (14) fell on top of a black mamba .Fortunately for him ,(15) of striking the mamba shot across to the other side of the cage . When he was bitten for the third time , Austin (16) .have left the cage but decided wait for the antidote to arrive. Even though he was (17) . terrible pain , he thought he (18) .as well die trying to break the record . (19) .it was , he managed to survive and (20) a further two weeks in the cage to set a new record of 107 days . VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A,B ,C or D) to each of the questions .Then mark your choice on the answer sheet . The use of multiple - choice testing in American society has its beginnings in the idea of a meritocracy ,that is ,a society where the rulers or elites are chosen not through their wealth or connections but on their ability or merit .This idea can be traced as far back as the ancient Greeks. Even the ancient Chinese created examinations for the purpose of electing government officials.The notion of a society based on merit has always been favored in the United States .This has also been a country where the belief in universal individual opportunity has been greatly admired . Until the Second World War , however , elite selection through higher education , and the opportunity for ordinary citizens to achive their goals were separate and unrelated ideas .The introduction of widespread testing which was both reliable and valid meant that both these goals could be pursued together .This opportunity occurred when the United States entered the Second World War .The U.S Navy decided to test new recruits in order to find which of them were suitable for college education before beginning military service .The eventual aim was for these recruits to be better able to perform higher-level military tasks . Because of the large number of people who had to be tested ,it was necessary to use a test which could be quickly and reliably administered and scored at several test sites simultaneously . On April 2,1943 , the first mass testing was administered to 325,000 young men .The success of the program meant that educational testing could be performed not just for elite selection but to give opportunity to the large mass of ordinary citizens . 1.What is the main topic of the passage ? A. The idea of a meritocracy . B. The development of multiple- choice testing . C. The opportunities for the ordinary citizen . D. The United States' contribution to the war effort . 2. Why does the author mention the Greeks and Chinese ? A.To demonstrate how well-educated ancient people were. B. To indicate that multiple-choice testing is not new . C. To show that selection based on merit is not a new idea . D. To give examples of societies governed by the wealthy and connected. 3. According the passage , before World War II A. educational testing was widespread . B. the military elite was better educated . C. individual opportunity had ben increased . D. selection and individual opportunity were unconnected . 4. Which of the following is NOT given as a trait of a multiple-choice test ? A. Its high level of performance . C. Its validity . B. Its reliability . D. Its ease of administration . 5. The word "pursued " in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to A. hunted C. examined by B. carried on D. rectified 6. The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which of the following ? A. Other goals of the U.S Navy. B. The advances in educational testing C. N ew test sites which became available . D. The development of tests for ordinary citizens . 7.For which of the following terms underlined does the author supply a definition ? A. multiple-choice testing C. reliable B. meritocracy D. valid The end KEY AND OTHER DOCUMENTS AT WEBSITE : www.phantu2010.violet.vn

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2013, 01:25

Xem thêm: khao sat hsg9.2-key
