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Một số hệ phái đạo tin lành mới được chính phủ việt nam công nhận theo cách tiếp cận lịch sử và xã hội từ năm 2007 đến nay

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DEDICATION To all Christians in Vietnam, “Your labour is not in vain” “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” Corinthians 15: 58 (NASB) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My deepest appreciations and gratitudes to: My master degree thesis supervisor, Đỗ Quang Hưng of Vietnam National University - Social Science Humanities, Hanoi, for your guidance, wisdom and knowledge that gave me the courage to fulfil my dream to accomplished this thesis The Director of Institute, Vice-Director of Institute and Staff of Institute of Vietnamese Studies and Development Science (IVIDES) of Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, for having faith in me, allowed me to study the Master Degree in Vietnamese Studies programme inspite of my academic discipline challenges Senior Pastor, Eldership Board and Crossfields Missions of DUMC - Dream Centre, Malaysia, who have faith and believe in who I am David Steven, for your generosity and great assistance in sharing your boundiful resources, in order to make this master degree thesis from a dream to a reality Gerry Keener, USA, your humbleness and great assistance in sharing your experiences and materials that I needed for the master degree thesis Nguyễn Quang Trung, President of Vietnam Mennonite Church, HCMC, for your time, materials and sharing of your experiences that touches my heart deeply Lê Quốc Huy, President of Vietnam Baptist Convention, HCMC, for your time and sharing of the experiences that the denomination has gone through Trần Thanh Truyện, Executive General Secretary of Vietnam Seventh-Day Adventist Church, HCMC, for your big serving heart, who willingly share materials of all kinds in order for me to get this master degree thesis done Lâm Hữu Đức, President of Vietnam Methodist Church, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam, thanks for your support, encouragements and timely advice as my godfather throughout these times You never give up on me! Friends of Class K8 IVIDES, VNU, Hanoi - for your warm friendships and caring support throughout my master degree programme study Friends of Class of K9 IVIDES, VNU, Hanoi – for your friendships and encouragements throughout my master degree programme study We made it, K9! My beloved ones, for your understanding, encouragements and support Through good and bad times, you are always there for me! With you, I could go through all kinds of roller coasters in this journey of my life Above all, I want to give thanks to the LORD God, the Almighty Father of Heavens and the Earth, for loving and choosing me at such a time like this, serving You as an empty vessel, be an impactor and to make known Your Name Last but not least, my close friends who directly or indirectly, locally and overseas, have played your roles in keeping me insanity and in sober while I was writing this master degree thesis DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP I, Annette Wong Ai Khim (Vương Tâm), declares that this master degree thesis title, “A Few Significant Protestant Christian Denominations Officially Recognised By The Vietnamese Government In The Approach Through SocioHistory From 2007 To Present,” and the work presented in it are my own I confirm that:  Where the work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for the master degree with the Institute of Vietnamese Studies and Development Science (IVIDES) of Vietnam National University, Hanoi  Where I have quoted from work of others, the resources are always given with the exceptions and statements of such quotations; this master degree thesis is entirely my own effort of research work and writings  Where the resources and materials I received, researched, collected and used including the Internet, have been fully identified, cited and referenced accordingly as required of me Hanoi, Date _, Month , Year 2016 _ Annette Wong Ai Khim (Vương Tâm) ENDORSEMENT OF THE MASTER THESIS WORK BY MASTER THESIS SUPERVISOR I have read and agree with the content of this master thesis work done by the master degree student This master thesis work has been carried out under my supervision and is to my satisfaction Hanoi, Date _, Month , Year 2016 The Master Degree Thesis Supervisor, _ Professor Dr Đỗ Quang Hưng TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF PIE CHART LIST OF PDF DOCUMENTS LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS INTRODUCTION OF THE THESIS .1 The Rational Study of The Thesis Title 2 The History Challenges of The Research The Objective And Scope of The Research The Research Methods The Structure of The Thesis Chapter THE PROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY .9 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 An Understanding of A Triune God 11 1.1.2 A Protestant Christian In Relations With His Triune God 16 The Definition of “Man” (Humankind in relations to God) 16 The Creation of Man (God’s purpose for Man) 20 1.2 The Views Between Two Major Religion / Philosophy And Protestant Christianity In Vietnam .22 1.2.1 The Views From An Atheist 24 1.2.2 The Views From Tam Giao (Triple Teachings) 25 1.2.3 The Views of Tam Giao and Protestant Christianity 28 Chapter 2: THE HISTORY MOVEMENT OF PROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY IN VIETNAM BEGINNING FROM 1911 TO PRESENT 31 (Emphasised on CMA (ECVN) and three other significant Protestant Denominations that have been officially recognised by the Vietnamese Government Committee for Religious Affairs – GCRA) 2.1 The Official Beginning of Protestant Christianity In Vietnam From 1911 to Present: Christian Missions Alliance (CMA) and Evangelical Church of Vietnam (ECVN – Northern and Southern Regions) 32 2.1.1 The Socio-History of the Church Movement 32 2.1.2 The Brief History of the Denomination and Basic Doctrinal Based .42 2.2 Three Other Significant Protestant Denominations In Vietnam 43 2.2.1 Seventh-day Adventist Church of Vietnam (SDA VN) 44 The Socio-History of the Church Movement .44 The Brief History of the Denomination and Basic Doctrinal Based 57 2.2.2 Vietnam Mennonite Church (VMC) 61 The Socio-History of the Church Movement 61 The Brief History of the Denomination and Basic Doctrinal Based 77 2.2.3 Vietnam Baptist Convention (VBC – Grace Southern Baptist) 81 The Socio-History of the Church Movement .81 The Brief History of the Denomination and Basic Doctrinal Based 97 Chapter 3: THE CURRENT CHALLENGES FACING BY THREE SIGNIFICANT PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS, WHICH HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED BY THE VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE FOR RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS (GCRA) 103 3.1 Vietnamese Traditional Culture vs Protestant Christianity .105 3.2 Freedom of Rights to Believe and Rights to Practice 108 3.3 Properties And Lands Were Confiscated From The Protestant Christian Denominations After 1975 111 CONCLUSION: TODAY THE PROTESTANT CHRISTIANS IN THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM 113 (The ECVN Denomination, Three significant Denominations and Other Protestant Christian Denominations / Sects) REFERENCES 121 APPENDIX A - Interview Questionaires Sheets APPENDIX B - List of Interviewees LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS The following tables describe the significance of various acronyms and abbreviations used throughout the thesis: Abbreviation: ADRA BF&M BYU CMA CWS CYSS ECVN (Northern Region) ECVN (Southern Region) EMM GBC HN HCMC IMB IGE MCC MEI NAVMF NLF R&ROL SAWS SBC SDA VN VBC (Grace - Southern Baptist) VMC VNCS Meaning: Adventist Development and Relief Agency Baptist Faith and Message Brigham Young University Christian Missions Alliance Church World Services Christian Youth for Social Services Evangelical Church of Vietnam (Northern Region) Evangelical Church of Vietnam (Southern Region) Eastern Mennonite Missions Grace Baptist Church Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City International Mission Board (Baptist) Institute For Global Engagement Mennonite Central Committee Mission Evangelique de L'Indochine Francaire (Evangelical Missions of French Indochina) North America Vietnamese Mennonite Fellowship National Liberation Front Religion and Rule of Law Seventh-Day Adventist Welfare Services Southern Baptist Convention Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Vietnam Vietnam Baptist Convention (Grace - Southern Baptist) Vietnam Mennonite Church Vietnam Christian Service (VN) GCRA VNMM Vietnamese Government Committee Of / For Religious Affairs Vietnam Mennonite Missions These are the Bible versions of various acronyms and abbreviations used throughout the thesis: Abbreviation: ASV NASB NIV RSVB Meaning: American Standard Version New American Standard Bible New International Version Revised Standard Version Bible REFERENCES Vietnamese Language Đỗ Quang Hưng, Nhà Nước Tôn Giáo Luật Pháp, Nxb Chính Trị Quốc Gia, Sự Thật, Hà Nội, 2014 Lê Hoàng Phu, Lịch Sử Hội Thánh Tin Lành Việt Nam (1911-1965), Nxb Tôn Giáo, 2010 Nguyễn Duy Hinh, Bách Khoa Thư Hà Nội, Phần V, Đạo Tin Lành Ở Hà Nội, tr.155-171 – Tín Ngưỡng Tôn Giáo, Nxb Thời Đại, 2010 Nguyễn Hồng Dương, Mối Quan Hệ Giữa Nhà Nước Việt Nam Với Các Tổ Chức Tin Lành (Bài Báo), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn 2011 – Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Giai Đoạn 1976 – 2011, Hà Nội, Ngày 21 Tháng Năm 2011 Nguyễn Quang Trung, Sơ Lược Lịch Sử 51 năm Mennonite đến Việt Nam, Hội Thánh Mennonite Việt Nam, Tp HCM, 2008 Nguyễn Sinh, Tín Lý Căn Bản, Nxb Tôn Giáo, 2009 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Một Số Tơn Giáo Ở Việt Nam, Ban tơn giáo phủ, Nxb Tôn Giáo Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Nguyễn Văn Thơng, Trần Mạnh Hưng, Hồng Thị Thảo, Đạo Tin Lành Việt Nam, Ban Tơn Giáo Chính Phủ, Nxb Tơn 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2011, June 2011, Hanoi 23 Đỗ Quang Hưng, Reconfiguration of Religious Life In Current Vietnam – Legal Challenges (Article), Hội Thảo Khoa Học Quốc Tế - Tôn Giáo Và Pháp Quyền Ở Đông Nam Á, Hà Nội, Ngày 17-18 Tháng Năm 2011 24 Hoàng Thị Thảo, The Contributions of Protestant Organizations In Promoting The Development of Culture (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn Tin Lành Lần Thứ 2012 – Đạo Tin Lành Và Văn Hóa Việt Nam, Hà Nội, Ngày 28 Tháng 11 Năm 2012 25 Hồ Văn Định, Protestantism In Sài Gòn-Chợ Lớn Until 1975 (Article), Hội Thảo Bàn Tròn 2010 – Q Trình Phát Triển Của Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Từ Năm 1911 Đến Năm 1975, Hà Nội, Ngày Tháng 12 Năm 2010 26 Le Dung Thien, The Bamboo Cross: Towards a Vietnamese Theology and Christian Educational Ministry in Vietnam (Dissertation), 1994 27 Lê Quốc Huy, Charity Outreach Of Protestant Churches Present And Future, Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn 2011 – Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Giai Đoạn 1976 – 2011, Hà Nội, Ngày 21 Tháng Năm 2011 28 Le Van Thien, Toward A Mature Church: A Working Theology For Vietnam (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn Tin Lành Lần Thứ 2012 – Đạo Tin Lành Và Văn Hóa Việt Nam, Hà Nội, Ngày 28 Tháng 11 Năm 2012 29 Mai Thanh Hải, Religion In Vietnam And The World, Tôn Giáo Thế Giới Việt Nam, Nxb Công An Nhân Dân, 1998 30 Nguyễn Hồng Dương, Diveristy of Religion in Vietnam (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn 2011 – Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Giai Đoạn 1976 – 2011, Hà Nội, Ngày 21 Tháng Năm 2011 31 Nguyễn Khắc Huy, The Development of Legislation On Religion In Vietnam (Article), Hội Thảo Khoa Học Quốc Tế - Tôn Giáo Và Pháp Quyền Ở Đông Nam Á, Hà Nội, Ngày 17-18 Tháng Năm 2011 123 32 Nguyễn Hữu Mạc, The Gospel And Change of Cultural Life The Christians In Vietnam (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn Tin Lành Lần Thứ 2012 – Đạo Tin Lành Và Văn Hóa Việt Nam, Hà Nội, Ngày 28 Tháng 11 Năm 2012 33 Nguyen Quang Trung, Translated by Donald Senseign, The History of The Mennonite In Vietnam (Article), August 2010 34 Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn, Human Rights In Religious Field In Vietnam (Article), Hội Thảo Khoa Học Quốc Tế - Tôn Giáo Và Pháp Quyền Ở Đông Nam Á, Hà Nội, Ngày 17-18 Tháng Năm 2011 35 Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn, The Process of Formation and Implementation of Instruction 01/2005/CT-TTG of Prime Minister On Protestantism In Vietnam (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn 2011 – Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Giai Đoạn 1976 – 2011, Hà Nội, Ngày 21 Tháng Năm 2011 36 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Protestantism In Vietnam Since 1975 – Statistics And Initial Comments (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn 2011 – Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Giai Đoạn 1976 – 2011, Hà Nội, Ngày 21 Tháng Năm 2011 37 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Religions in Vietnam, Thế Giới Publishers, Hanoi, 2012 38 Nguyễn Xuân Hùng, Insight Into The Effects of Protestant Evangelism On The Vietnamese Traditional Culture And Religious Beliefs (Article), Dates unknown 39 Nguyễn Xuân Hùng, On Protestant Composition, Organizations And Denominations In Vietnam (Article), Tọa Đàm Bàn Tròn 2011 – Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Giai Đoạn 1976 – 2011, Hà Nội, Ngày 21 Tháng Năm 2011 40 Phạm Đình Nhẫn, The Role Of C&MA And Other Missionaries In The Protestant Movement In Vietnam, Hội Thảo Bàn Tròn 2010 – Quá Trình Phát Triển Của Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Từ Năm 1911 Đến Năm 1975, Hà Nội, Ngày Tháng 12 Năm 2010 124 41 Văn Đức Thu, Protestant Life In Hanoi Before 1975 (Article), Hội Thảo Bàn Tròn 2010 – Q Trình Phát Triển Của Đạo Tin Lành Ở Việt Nam Từ Năm 1911 Đến Năm 1975, Hà Nội, Ngày Tháng 12 Năm 2010 42 A Scott Moreau (editor), Evangelical Dictionary Of World Missions, Baker Book, 2000 43 Henry C Thiessen, Revised by Vernon D Dorksen, Lectures In Systematic Theology, Pg 32-34 William B Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Reprinted 2003 44 James A Fowler, The Triune God in Christian Thought and Experience, C I Y Publishing, 24 September 2013 45 Jim Newton, Underground Baptist Church Seen For South Vietnam (Internet Article), Baptist Press, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 27 May 1975 46 Kevin J Conner, The Foundations Of Christian Doctrine, A Pratical Guide To Christian Belief, pg 43-129, City Christian Publishing AAAV, October 1995 47 Luke Martin, Nguyen Quang Trung, Nguyen Thanh Tam and Nguyen Thi Tam, Articles on “The Mennonite Church In Vietnam,” Asia: Churches Engage Asian Traditions (A Global Mennonite History), Pandora Press, 2011 48 Luke S Martin, Mennonite Ministries In Vietnam, 1954-1975, Synergy, Akron, PA, May 2013 49 Mark Kelly, Former Vietnam Missionaries, Relive, Joy, Pain of Service (Internet Article), Baptist Press, Nashville Tennessee, USA, 12 July 1995 50 Millard J Erickson, Christian Theology, Baker Books, January 2001 51 Peter Toon, Our Triune God: A Biblical Portrayal of the Trinity, pg 31-49, A BridgePoint Book, The Academic Imprint of Victor Books, 1996 52 Reginald E Reimer, Christian History, Catholic Missions And Church, http://www.acts.edu/oldmissions/viethist.html, 16 November 2002 125 53 Reginald E Reimer, Diffused Influences And Loyalties – Protestant Churches In Vietnam (Article), November 2011 54 Reginald E Reimer, Vietnam’s Christians: A Century of Growth in Adversity, William Carey Library, USA, 2011 55 Reginald E Reimer, Contextualization: Some History And Principles (Articles), The 3rd Roundtable On Protestantism 2012 – Protestantism And Vietnamese Culture, Hanoi, 28 November 2012 56 Sinclair B Ferguson, David F Wright, New Dictionary Of Theology, InterVarsity Press, Leicester, England, Downers Grove, Illinois, USA, 1998 57 Stanley J Grenz, Theology For The Community Of God, pg 53-77, Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co.; Seventh Impression edition, January 2000 58 Walter A Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Baker Book House Company, 1996 59 Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, An Introduction To Biblical Doctrine, pg 226-256, Zondervan, 1994 60 Wynn Wilcox, Article on “ Đặng Đức Tuấn And The Complexities of Nineteenth-Century Vietnamese Christian Identity,” Vietnam And The West, pg 71-87, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2010 61 Agenzia Fides (Asia), Asia/Vietnam – More Than 1,500 Thousand Seminarians And 80 Young Catechists: The Church’s Future Looks Bright (Article), http://www.fides.org, 12 November 2011 62 Christian Solidarity Worldwide (Voice for the Voiceless), Vietnam: The Right To Convert: State Restriction And Social Hostilities (Article), New Malden, Surrey, UK, August 2013 63 EFC, “Not What You See”, A Report On The Religious Liberty Situation of Protestant Believers In Vietnam, September 2009 64 Acts, Christian History – Vietnam, http://www.acts.edu/oldmissions, 16 November 2012 126 65 Everyculture, Religion, http://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/Vietnam.html, 2016 66 CIA, CIA-The World Factbook, Vietnam, http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/vm.html, 2015 67 Lawrence Journal World, Missionaries In Vietnam Alive And Well (Mennonite – Newspaper Article), May 1975 68 Vietnam News, Rights To Religious Freedom Within The Law Confirmed, February 2013 69 Vietnam News, Nation Respect Religious Freedom (Internet News Article), 27 February 2013 70 Vietnam News, Religious Freedom In Vietnam Guaranteed (Internet News Article), 21 May 2013 71 Wikipedia, Religion in Vietnam, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Vienam, Updated December 2015 127 APPENDIX A Interview Questionaires Sheets As part of my master degree thesis at Institute of Vietnamese Studies and Development Science (IVIDES) of Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, I have interviewed people who somewhat partially / fully related with my thesis title, with this “Interview Questionaires Sheets.” The interviews were conducted between early February 2015 and late March 2015 Any part of the information obtained in connection with the thesis research work, which can be identified with the interviewees, shall remained private and confidential, not for public viewing and circulation Please view next page VTDC / INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET / FEB - MARCH / 2015 INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET DATE OF INTERVIEW: _ REPORTED BY: _ LOCATION: _ INTRODUCTION Name of Denomination: _ How many Churches belong to the Denomination: _ Name of Church VT visited: _ Name of Pastor/Reverend: _ Position of Pastor/Reverend: _ Congregation of the entire size: _ Structure of church organisation: _ Theological Belief: _ VTDC / INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET / FEB - MARCH / 2015 Region: _ CONTENTS The Socio-History Through Church Movement of Three Significant Protestant Denominations In Vietnam From The Period of Each Denomination That Has Established Its’ Church in Vietnam:  Church History/Background:  Church Relations to: A Social/Community (Social-History – Social work, teaching English, Aids ) B Culture and Traditions (Related to Church theology and belief) VTDC / INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET / FEB - MARCH / 2015 C Relevancy of Protestant Christianity in Vietnamese Context of Today (Between the denomination and people, both Christians and Non – Christians)  Views of Christians: _ _ _ _  Views of non-Christians: _ _ _ _ The Current Challenges Facing By Three Significant Protestant Denominations That Has Been Officially Recognised By The Government of The Socialist Republic of Vietnam… A History and Background of the Denomination:  Relations to CMA (ECVN)?  Birth of the denomination: VTDC / INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET / FEB - MARCH / 2015 B The period of time where the denomination has been officially recognised by the Government of Vietnam and year of officially recognised by the government (Pix of the official document):  Year of Recognition:  How did it happen?  Why given Recognition?  How did other small churches and house churches of the same denomination view? C The period of time where Baptist denomination has been officially recognized by the Government of VN and year of officially recognised by the government (Pix of the official document):  Two main current challenges facing by the denomination after been recognised by the Government of Vietnam: 1) VTDC / INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET / FEB - MARCH / 2015 2) Today: The Protestant Christians In The Socialist Republic of Vietnam (The ECVN Denomination, Three significant Denominations and Other Protestant Christian Denominations / Sects) Give TWO views 1) 2) Photographs of 1) 2) 3) Charts and Statistics of Protestant Christianity of Vietnam Today… VTDC / INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRES SHEET / FEB - MARCH / 2015 REFERENCES: 1) 2) 3) MISCELLANEOUS: 1) 2) 3) APPENDIX B List of Interviewees As part of my master degree thesis at Institute of Vietnamese Studies and Development Science (IVIDES) of Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, I have made appointments and interviewed the following people, who somewhat partially / fully related with my thesis title in March 2015 Any part of the information obtained in connection with the thesis research work, which can be identified with the interviewees, shall remained private and confidential, not for public viewing and circulation No: Name of Interviwee: Location: Gerry Keener HCMC Lê Quốc Huy HCMC Nguyễn Quang Trung HCMC Trần Thanh Truyện HCMC ... http://orthodoxwiki.org/Nicene-Constantinopolitan_Creed; http://www.theopedia.com/first-council-of-nicaea 12 The First Council of Constantinople: “Nicene Creed of 381” or the “NicenoConstantinopolitan Creed” (381 A.D.) to distinguish... Nicea-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Constantinople; http://www.earlychurchtexts.com/main/constantinople/creed_of_constantinople.shtml; http://www.theopedia.com/first-council-of-constantinople 11 15 council’s decision... Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Vietnam, Vietnam Mennonite Church and Vietnam Baptist Church (As to reason out that they deserved to be officially recognised by the Vietnamese Government) And along

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2017, 09:38



