I. There're ten mistakes in this passage. Find them and correct them. Japanese young today study English for six years at junior and senior high school, but very little can speak it by the time they graduate. If the Japanese want to acquire practice oral skills, they have to do a conscientious effort by themselves as going abroad or taking English conversation classes in their private country. In Japan, grammar is emphasized too much at Japanese high school, and there is no balance with the speaking language. People study English mainly for passing exams. They're so tied to grammar teaching in the textbooks that they find spoken English naturally very difficult. They should consider English more as a means of communication than of a science. Mistakes Correction Mistakes Correction 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 II. There're ten mistakes in this passage. Find them and correct them. Scientists have established that influenza viruses took from man can cause the disease in animals. On addition, man can catch the disease from animals. In fact, a great number in wild birds seem to carry the virus without show any evidences of illness. Some scientists conclude that a large family of influenza viruses may have evolved in the bird kingdom, a group that has been in the earth 100 million years and is able to carry the virus without contracting the disease. There is even convincing evidence showing that virus strains are transmitted from place on place and from continent to continent by migrating birds. It is known which two influenza viruses can recombine when both are present in an animal at the same time. The result of such recombination is a great vary of strains containing different H and N spikes. This raises the possibility that a human influenza virus can recombine with an influenza virus from a lower animal to produce an entirely new spike. Research is underway to determine if that is the way that major new strains come into being. Other possibility is that two animals influenza strains may recombine in a pig, for example, to produce a new strains which is transmitted to man. Mistakes Correction Mistakes Correction 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 III. There're eighteen mistakes in this passage. Find them and correct them. English - The International Language There are more than 3.000 languages on the world today, but only six are major languages of the world. Two-thirds of the world’s population speak those six languages. More than 300.000.000 people speak English as their first and native language. Another 300.000.000 speak it like a second language. No one knows how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese is the only language with more speakers that English. This is because of the huge population of China, more than one billion people. English is the native or official language on one-five of the land area of the world. It is spoken in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and India it is one of the office languages. More people study English than any other language. In many countries, textbooks in universities are of English. Many universities classes are taught in English even thought the native languages is not English. English is the language of international communication. It is the language in international business, research, and science. More than three-fourths of the world’s radio station use English. More than half of the scientific and research journals are in English. Most other language have borrowed many English words. Why did English become the international language ? In the middle of the nineteenth century, French is the international language. Then Britain became very powerful in the world. England started colonies in North America and India in the nineteen century. By 1990 England also had colonies in other parts of Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific. The people in the colonies had to use English. Slowly it become more important than French internationally. BỘ TÀI CHÍNH TỔNG CỤC HẢI QUAN - CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự - Hạnh phúc - Số: 11910/TCHQ-GSQL Hà Nội, ngày 01 tháng 10 năm 2014 V/v sử dụng hóa đơn hồ sơ hải quan làm thủ tục xuất Kính gửi: Cục Hải quan tỉnh, thành phố Tổng cục Hải quan nhận phản ánh vướng mắc Cục Hải quan tỉnh Hà Giang, Cục hải quan tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế số doanh nghiệp liên quan đến việc áp dụng văn hướng dẫn sử dụng hóa đơn hồ sơ hải quan làm thủ tục xuất khẩu, Tổng cục Hải quan hướng dẫn thống sau: Theo hướng dẫn cơng văn số 11352/BTC-TCHQ ngày 14/8/2014 Bộ Tài chính, hồ sơ hải quan làm thủ tục xuất nước ngoài, xuất nhập chỗ theo định thương nhân nước ngồi sử dụng hóa đơn thương mại thay hóa đơn xuất Trường hợp doanh nghiệp nội địa xuất hàng hóa vào khu phi thuế quan, doanh nghiệp nội địa bán hàng hóa cho doanh nghiệp chế xuất sử dụng hóa đơn giá trị gia tăng hóa đơn bán hàng theo quy định Thông tư số 39/2014/TT-BTC ngày 31/3/2014 Bộ Tài Tổng cục Hải quan hướng dẫn để Cục Hải quan tỉnh, thành phố biết, hướng dẫn doanh nghiệp thực hiện./ KT TỔNG CỤC TRƯỞNG PHÓ TỔNG CỤC TRƯỞNG Nơi nhận: - Như trên; - Cty CP Sông Đà Đ/c: Tầng 5, tháp B, Nhà HH4, KĐT Sơng Đà Mỹ Đình, Từ Liêm, Hà Nội (thay trả lời CV số SD1909.1 ngày 19/9/2014); - Lưu: VT, GSQL (3b) Vũ Ngọc Anh §Ò thi chän HSG cÊp tØnh 2001 - 2002 Section I. Grammar and vocabulary. Question 1. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1. Peter couldn’t understand what had been decided because too many people . (talk) at one. 2. Jean, I’m so glad you’ve got here at last. I . (expect) you all day. 3. Please don’t let me down this time! I (depend) on you. 4. By the time you . (finish) getting ready. We . (miss) the train. Question 2. Circle A, B, C or D to choose the world which is best to fill in each of the numbered blanks. 1. I didn’t go to the party as I felt a bit under A. the weather B. the water C. the clouds D. the blankets 2. When I saw the door begin to open I was scared out of my A. wits B. teeth C. blood D. bones 3. Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the A. sleeves B. collar C. vest D. chin 4. I at my watch. It was already well after three. A. face B. viewed C. checked D. glance Question 3. Reading the text and put the correct forms of the given word to fill in the blank. An important English town The site of the town of winchester was a . (0) place for a (1), at the point where the river cut through the chalk of the (2) hillsites. A simple camp at St Catherine’s Hill was the . (3) known use of the side. This was followed by an Iron Age hill-fort, but this was left (4) by 100 BC. It was the Romans who finally established the town and (5) it with a defensive wall for the protection of their people and trade. With the (6) of its first cathedral in the seventh century, the town became an important . (7) centre. Later King Alfred, who had (8) pushed back the invading Danes, moved his palace (9), and its (10) role in English history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, like Alfred, made Winchester their capital. Eg: nature - 0. natural 1. settle 2. south 3. early 4. inhabit 5. round 6. build 7. religion 8. success 9. develop 10. centre Section II. Reading. Question 1. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. The centrel plains of North American, East of the Rocky Mountains and West of Chicago, provided the homeland for the plains Indians. The Sioux, at one time divided . three entities, . (1) one of 12 nomadic tribes who roamed the plains. They lived in tepees made of as . (2) as 25 buffalo hides each, and never stayed in one place . (3) long, moving their camps to follow the huge herds that grazed . (4) the plains and to find fresh grass for their horses. The buffalo gave (5) meat for food, hides for clothing, bed and sadles, and the bladder . (6) store water. Training (7) early for the Indian children; boys were given bows and arrows, blunt ones at . (8), and girls were taught dimestic skills. Work and play soon became (9) and the same thing. Although a warrior-tribe, the Sioux fought. . (10) to secure favourable campsites and hunting grounds, . (11) the whites claimed land that was considered sacred (12) a spiritual people. It was in 1876 (13) a combined force of Sioux and Cheyenne defeated the US army at the battle of Little Big-horn. Five companies . (14) the command of Lieutenant-Colonel George Armstrong Custer were destroyed, (15) Custer killed by a bullet in the head and another in the chest. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Question 2. In the extract below from an article about the London Underground map there are incorrectly spelt words in most line. Write the word but spell it correctly in the space provided or if you think the line is correct put a tick (). Two of the lines have been done for you. The London Underground map is a designe classic. design They keep a copy in the New york Musuem of Modern 1. _________________ Art. One of the century’s most famous images, it is 2. _________________ as much a §Ò thi chän HSG cÊp tØnh 2002 - 2003 Section I. Grammar and vocabulary Question 1. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 1. I _______ (arrive) home last night to find that my house was flooded. Someone _______ (forget) to turn off the bathroom tap and water _______ (pour) out the whole day. 2. When he was 18 years old, he _______ (be) seriously ill. If he _______ (not send) to the hospital, he _______ (die). Question 2. Circle A, B, C or D to choose the word which is best to fill in each of the blanks. 1. Ken is so _______ that he can run up 12 flights of stairs without getting out of breath. A. strong B. in form C. energy D. fit 2. What are you wearing to the _______ party ? We’re going as Roman soldiers. A. costume B. disguises C. fancy dress D. wedding 3. Don’t be late for the interview, _______ people will think you are a disorganized person. A. unless B. otherwise C. if not D. or so 4. Spectators are reminded that it is _______ to take photographs during the match. A. prevented B. restricted C. forbidden D. banned Question 3. Reading the text and put the correct forms of the given word to fill in the blank. 1. Many _______ people sleep on the streets of the capital. HOME 2. Drug _______ is a problem causing great concern. ADDICT 3. _______ creates hardship for all members of the family. EMPLOY 4. We feel that the laws against begging should not be _______. FORCE 5. Police arrested well-known _______ before the match. TROUBLE 6. It seems unjust to arrest a poor old person for _______. SHOP Section II. Reading Question 1. Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. Sydney is _______ (1) important cultural, industrial and tourist centre _______ (2) the south east coast of Australia. It is the Australia’s largest _______ (3), with a population of _______ (4) than three million. It now occupies about 350 square miles. The city has _______ (5) famous sights. The harbour is _______ (6) of the largest and most beautiful places _______ (7) the world, and Sydney Harbour Bridge, as the people of Sydney _______ (8) it has been a tourist attraction for many years. However, the most famous sight here today is the _______ (9) House. Some people think it is one of the _______ (10) beautiful modern buildings in the world. Question 2. Choose the right words to fill in the blank. A. available B. Consequently C. disturbing D. eliminating E. even F. explains G. For example H. in I. marine J. poisons K. refers L. scatteering M. too N. with Environmental pollution is a term that _______ (1) to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, _______ (2) the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with _______ (3) many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings _______ (4) various other ways. _______ (5) people ruin natural beauty by _______ (6) junk and little on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with _______ (7) noise. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water, and soil are necessary to survival of all living things. Badly pollutes air can cause illness, and _______ (8) death. Polluted water kills fish and other _______ (9) life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is _______ (10) for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s naturally beautiful world. Question 3. Read the following passage choose A, B, C or D which is the best answer. If you were to stop people in the street and them to name a ship that had been sunk, it is likely that nearly all of them would say the Titanic . For the sinking of the Titanic was, if not the most tragic, certainly the most famous sea disaster in the history of ocean travel. The Titanic was built as a luxury liner, intended to be the fastest in the world, and a great deal of publicity had surrounded it. The last point Website: http://violet.vn/thanhha03vl H2A_Code Liên kết thư viện trực tuyến, chia sẻ kiến thức <a href="http://violet.vn/chiasekienthuc" target="_blank" title= "Thư viện trực tuyến Chia sẽ kiến thức"><img src= "http://c.uploadanh.com/upload/0/982/0.974654001252845781.gif" width="180" height="80"></a> Chia sÎ kinh nghiÖm t¹o Website Violet 1 NguyÔn ThÞ Thanh Hµ Email: thanhhha03vl@gmail.com
Chia sẻ kiến thức hiệu quả cho nhân viên
Việc nâng cao kiến thức cho đội ngũ nhân viên được các doanh nghiệp thực hiện
theo nhiều cách khác nhau, chẳng hạn tổ chức các khóa đào tạo, mời chuyên gia
huấn luyện ngay tại nơi làm việc, nếu có điều kiện thì tổ chức dự án với sự hỗ trợ
của chuyên gia tư vấn từ bên ngoài nhằm tạo điều kiện cho các nhân viên tham gia
dự án học hỏi khi cùng làm việc với chuyên gia…
Chia sẻ kiến thức hiệu quả cho nhân viên
Có cách tiếp cận khác nữa được Leslie Gordan, tác giả cuốn sách Employee
Development: Big Business Results on a Small Business Budget (tạm dịch: Tốn ít
chi phí mà thu được kết quả lớn trong việc đào tạo phát triển nguồn nhân lực) do
Nhà xuất bản Landrum Human Resources, Kindle Edition ấn hành năm 2011, đề
Tác giả cho rằng phí tham dự các hội thảo có thể rất cao và chi phí đi kèm (vé máy
bay, tiền khách sạn, tiền ăn…) nhiều khi cũng rất tốn kém. Do đó, để các nhân viên
đều có thể thu nhận được kiến thức phổ biến từ các hội thảo thì người được cử đi
dự hội thảo phải có trách nhiệm chia sẻ những gì học hỏi được cho đồng nghiệp ở
nhà. Tùy vào nội dung các hội thảo hoặc khóa đào tạo mà có cách chia sẻ phù hợp,
ví dụ:
1. Giới thiệu tóm tắt về nội dung hội thảo hoặc khóa đào tạo tại buổi họp của
phòng ban. Nếu có những nội dung thú vị, có thể tổ chức một buổi trình bày cụ thể
hơn, còn nếu đó là vấn đề chuyên môn thì tổ chức hẳn một lớp đào tạo nội bộ cho
những người cần được bồi dưỡng.
2. Viết bản tóm tắt nội dung hội thảo để gửi đến những người phụ trách các phòng
ban nhằm mục đích chia sẻ thông tin.
3. Đăng một trang thông tin tóm tắt lên bản tin hằng tháng.
4. Chia sẻ cho nhau tài liệu nhận được từ hội thảo.
5. Đăng một phiên bản trên website công ty để mọi người cùng tham khảo.
Những việc trên đều tốn chi phí, nhưng vẫn tiết kiệm hơn nhiều so với chi phí
cho vài người đi dự hội thảo hoặc đi đào tạo. Trong thực tế áp dụng, có những
đề xuất như sau:
1. Khi đăng ký cho một nhân viên đi dự hội thảo (hoặc khóa đào tạo) thì đồng thời
lên kế hoạch cho việc truyền đạt lại thông tin và kiến thức từ hội thảo (hoặc khóa
đào tạo) cho những người ở nhà.
2. Cần nghiêm túc thực hiện quy định là người nào đã được dự hội thảo (hoặc khóa
đào tạo) mà không chia sẻ thông tin, kiến thức như đã đề ra thì bị xử lý kỷ luật và
không được cử đi dự các lần sau. Cũng nên dành cơ hội cho nhiều người được dự
hội thảo (hoặc khóa đào tạo) để bảo đảm chính sách chia sẻ kiến thức không bị đứt
đoạn hoặc không quá tập trung vào một vài người.
3. Thiết lập quy trình truyền đạt kiến thức mới, trong đó người đã dự hội thảo
(hoặc khóa đào tạo) phải có trách nhiệm báo cáo như thế nào và những người được