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§Ò thi chän HSG cÊp tØnh 2001 - 2002 Section I. Grammar and vocabulary. Question 1. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1. Peter couldn’t understand what had been decided because too many people . (talk) at one. 2. Jean, I’m so glad you’ve got here at last. I . (expect) you all day. 3. Please don’t let me down this time! I (depend) on you. 4. By the time you . (finish) getting ready. We . (miss) the train. Question 2. Circle A, B, C or D to choose the world which is best to fill in each of the numbered blanks. 1. I didn’t go to the party as I felt a bit under A. the weather B. the water C. the clouds D. the blankets 2. When I saw the door begin to open I was scared out of my A. wits B. teeth C. blood D. bones 3. Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the A. sleeves B. collar C. vest D. chin 4. I at my watch. It was already well after three. A. face B. viewed C. checked D. glance Question 3. Reading the text and put the correct forms of the given word to fill in the blank. An important English town The site of the town of winchester was a . (0) place for a (1), at the point where the river cut through the chalk of the (2) hillsites. A simple camp at St Catherine’s Hill was the . (3) known use of the side. This was followed by an Iron Age hill-fort, but this was left (4) by 100 BC. It was the Romans who finally established the town and (5) it with a defensive wall for the protection of their people and trade. With the (6) of its first cathedral in the seventh century, the town became an important . (7) centre. Later King Alfred, who had (8) pushed back the invading Danes, moved his palace (9), and its (10) role in English history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, like Alfred, made Winchester their capital. Eg: nature - 0. natural 1. settle 2. south 3. early 4. inhabit 5. round 6. build 7. religion 8. success 9. develop 10. centre Section II. Reading. Question 1. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. The centrel plains of North American, East of the Rocky Mountains and West of Chicago, provided the homeland for the plains Indians. The Sioux, at one time divided . three entities, . (1) one of 12 nomadic tribes who roamed the plains. They lived in tepees made of as . (2) as 25 buffalo hides each, and never stayed in one place . (3) long, moving their camps to follow the huge herds that grazed . (4) the plains and to find fresh grass for their horses. The buffalo gave (5) meat for food, hides for clothing, bed and sadles, and the bladder . (6) store water. Training (7) early for the Indian children; boys were given bows and arrows, blunt ones at . (8), and girls were taught dimestic skills. Work and play soon became (9) and the same thing. Although a warrior-tribe, the Sioux fought. . (10) to secure favourable campsites and hunting grounds, . (11) the whites claimed land that was considered sacred (12) a spiritual people. It was in 1876 (13) a combined force of Sioux and Cheyenne defeated the US army at the battle of Little Big-horn. Five companies . (14) the command of Lieutenant-Colonel George Armstrong Custer were destroyed, (15) Custer killed by a bullet in the head and another in the chest. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Question 2. In the extract below from an article about the London Underground map there are incorrectly spelt words in most line. Write the word but spell it correctly in the space provided or if you think the line is correct put a tick (). Two of the lines have been done for you. The London Underground map is a designe classic. design They keep a copy in the New york Musuem of Modern 1. _________________ Art. One of the century’s most famous images, it is 2. _________________ as much a worldwide symbole of London as Big 3. _________________ Ben and Beefeaters. But it only came about because  a young enginering draughtsman living in High Barnet 4. _________________ was laid of and began sketching a map to fill the time. 5. _________________ At first 29-year-old Harry Beck’s design was rejected as to 6. _________________ revolutionary by London Transporrt. Uged on by friends, 7. _________________ he tried again. This time his map was grugingly accepted 8. _________________ and in 1933 five hundred were printed in a trail run. it was 9. _________________ an immediate success; for the first time the travelling 10. _________________ public could see the Tube system as a hole and could 11. _________________ work out how to get around London at a glance. 12. _________________ Before Beck, maps were a litteral representation 13. _________________ of distance and meandering routes became bewilderingely 14. _________________ difficult to follow. Beck realised that it was important to 15. _________________ Show the order of stations and there connections. 16. _________________ Clarity, not geography, was what counted. 17. _________________ Question 3. Read the following passage choose A, B, C or D which is the best answer. It is not true that the British talk about the weather more than any other nations. In many parts of the world the weather holds just as much fascination. Part of fascination arises because the weather in many parts of the world is very difficult to forecast. Because Britian is an island sandwiched between a large continient and a large ocean, slight changes in direction of winds in the Atlantic or movements in areas of high or low pressure can make a major difference to our weather. Most of the time our weather is unremarkable. But the last few years weather patterns have been causing so much trouble that it raises the question is the weather changing to such an extent that it amounts to a change in the climate ? It is a question that it is very difficult to answer. The daily and weekly variations in weather are so great that it takes years of careful measurement to detect changes in the average weather from year to year, and to detect changes in the climate involves the worldwide application of a whole number of scientific investigation. Howere, looking at the distant past and estimating what may happen in the future based on theoretical possibilities, it seems there are two possibilities. The world could be slipping back towards another ice age. But in the shorter term what man is doing may well lead to a heating up the planet which could delay, if not prevent, any forthcoming ice age. It is sudden and unexpected weather which made people wonder what is happening to our climate-like the once-in- a-lifetime experience of the vicious storm which swept southern England in Autumn 1987. The southern states of the USA are used to such storms, the southern part of Britain isn’t. And when literally millions of trees were uprooted and millions of pounds worth of damage was done to houses, farms and business, people wondered just what was going on. It was probably the worst storm in South-East Britain for some 300 years. 1. People are more interested in the weather in the places where A. the weather changes often. B. weather forcasts may be wrong. C. the sea affects the climate. D. the wind makes a big difference. 2. It is very difficult for scientist to discover A. how great the changes are. B. If the weather is getting worse. C. if the climate is changing. D. what causes so many changes. 3. Scientist now think that A. it is impossible to say what the weather will be like. B. in the future the weather will be the same as in the past. C. it will become hotter all over the world. D. the world will certaintly be covered with ice. 4. what does the storm of 1987 show us ? A. storms can be damaging to trees and property. B. Britain’s climate is becoming more like that of the USA. C. We no longer know what weather to expect. D. The climate in South-East Britain has been getting worse for 300 years. Section III. Writing Question 1. Finish each of the following incomplete sentences so that it has the same meaning as the one printed before it. 1. You may be very intelligent, but you should be careful about this. No matter _____________ 2. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me. Not only _________ 3. Smoking is forbidden here. You are not _________ 4. I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances. Under ________ 5. What would you do if you won the football pools ? Supposing ________ Question 2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given in brackets is such a way that they mean the same as the original sentences. The word given must not be altered in any way. 1. I wish I know what to do about this problem. (solution) _____________ 2. You have to pay your son’s debts as he is under age. (liable) _________ 3. How exactly did this situation happen in the first place ? (come) __________ 4. Winning the football pools meant we could buy a new car. (enable) ___________ 5. I like cheese best for breakfast. (what) ________ Question 3. You have had an accident in your car and you are going to make an insurance claim. As you will have to include a short description of what happened on the claim form, you make a few notes given bellow. You must use all the words in the notes but not necessarily in the same ofder and you may add words and change the form of the words where necessary. Look carefully at the example that has been done for you. 0. Friday evening / driving home / 6 o’clock. - It was Friday evening and I was driving home at about 6 o’clock. 1. traffic heavy / getting dark / joined line of stationary cars / Victoria Avenue. 2. obviously hold - up / probably traffic light stuck. 3. suddenly loud bang / back my car / forwards and upwards. 4. shocked / turned / saw a driver behind / getting out. 5. first words / sorry, all right ? / foot slipped brake. 6. car mess / bonnet hit car in frnt / serious dent. 7. car behind / boot pushed. 8. do nothing / sit, wait police / none move. Question 4. Write an essay to say how to have a good health. (about 120 words) . weather which made people wonder what is happening to our climate-like the once-in- a-lifetime experience of the vicious storm which swept southern England. defeated the US army at the battle of Little Big-horn. Five companies . (14) the command of Lieutenant-Colonel George Armstrong Custer were destroyed,

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2013, 15:46


