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  • I. choose the corect answer:

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LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 1: Getting started Preparing date: 21 / / 2017 Teaching date: 23 / / 2017 I.Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some specific information related to the topic "My hobbies'' and practice asking and answering with “ Do you like + Ving ? II Preparations: -Teacher: Laptop, speakers - Students: Notebooks, school things III.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students' activities 1.Warm up: *Chatting -Ask Ss some questions - Answer them individually What you like doing in your free I like collecting stamp/playing time? computer games/ Do you like collecting dolls? Yes/ No Do you like collecting glass bottles? Do you enjoy mountain climbing? * Lead-in: What topic are we talking - "HOBBIES" about? Pre-reading: a Pre-teach: - Elicits some vocabs from Ss -Guess the words from T's eliciting -Repeat the words in chorus and then individually -Copy the words into their notebooks + unusual (adj) (trans) + unusual (adj): khơng bình thường + a piece of cake ( idiom) (synonym) + a piece of cake ( idiom) += = very easy += = very easy: dễ ợt + chall + challenging ( adj ) (translation) + chall + challenging ( adj ): thách thức + bird-watching (n ) (picture) + bird-watching (n ): quan sát chim *Checking the vocabulary : R.O.R - Rewrite the rubbed words b Pre-questions: ?Open your book and look at the -Open your book and look at the picture on page picture on page -Set the scence: They are Nick, Elena - Listen to T ( Nick’s sister) and Mi The are at Nick’s house, in Elena's room ? What hobbies are they talking about - Tell T some bobbies they think friends are talking While –reading: a Checking: -Listen to the recording once ? Listen to the recording once -Read the conversation quickly and Period 1: Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH ? Read the conversation quickly and check your answers about what the check your answers about what the hobbies are hobbies are -Give T the answers: - Get the answers from Ss * Expected answers: collecting dolls, collecting glass bottles, mountain climbing b T/F ?: - Run through 5sentences ? Read the conversation again and decide if they are true or false indiv17 idually ?Share your answers with a partner - Get the answers from Ss -Run through 5sentences with T -Read the conversation again and decide if they are true or false individually -Share your answers with a partner - Give T the answers *Expected answers: F (They go upstairs to her room) T F( Mi’s hobby is collecting glass bottles) F ( Her parents, aunt and uncle) T c Answering the questions: ?Now answers the questions in part b -Answers the questions in part b0 orally orally *Expected answers: She receives dolls on special occasions No, they aren’t They are all very different She keeps them after using them No, she doesn’t No, he hasn’t Post – reading: a Listen and repeat: -Ask Ss to listen to the recording and -Listen to the recording and repeat the repeat the words/ phrases words/ phrases - Have some Ss practise reading the - Some Ss practise the words/ phrases words/ phrases loudly b Matching: -Ask Ss to work individually to match -work individually to match the words/ the words/ phrases from with the phrases from with the pictures pictures -Have them compare the answers with -Have them compare the answers with their partners their partners - Ask for Ss’ answers -Give T their answers Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH - Give the feedback and confirm the playing board games correct answers taking photos bird-wattching cycling playing the guitar gardening cooking arranging flowers skating c Game: Find someone who likes ? Ask Ss to use the table on p for the -use the table on p for the game game ? Move around and ask your friends: - Move around and ask their friends: Do you like + (Ving) ? and write their Do you like + (Ving) ? and write their friends' names if they answer "yes" friends' names if they answer "yes" - (After 3-5 mins)? Report your results -Report their results Homework -Give Ss the homework: - Copy the homework ? Learn by heart the new words ? Do 4p (TB) ?Prepare a closer look UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK Preparing date: 22 / / 2017 Teaching date: 24 / / 2017 I Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items related to hobbies and pronounce the sounds / ə / and / ɜ :/ in isolation and in context II Preparations: -Teacher: Laptop, speakers for pronouncing the sounds / ə / and / ɜ :/ - Students: Notebooks, school things III Procedures: Old Lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: * Brainstorming Hobbies - Go to the board and write words related -T guide Ss to brainstorm the words to Hobbies as many as they can related to Hobbies in teams like: Period 2: Hobbies Teacher:Do Thi Hăng Listening to music reading chatting on Facebook LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH T: lead into the new lesson Presentation: a Pre-teach - Elicits some vocabs from Ss -horse- riding (n ) (tran) -gymnastics (n) (mime) -melody (n) (tran) - (to) go surfing (tran) - painting (n) ( situation) *Checking the vocabulary : R.O.R b Vocabulary: *Match the correct verbs with the hobbies - Run through columns and ask Ss to give the meaning of some vocab in part - Asks Ss to match the corect verbs in Column A with the hobbies in column B, remind them some hobbies can go with more than one verb individually.- a sk Ss to compare their answers with their partners - Have Ss give the answers - T gives the feedback - Ask Ss to read aloud the answers in chorus -Guess the words from T's eliciting -Repeat the words in chorus and then individually -Copy the words into their notebooks -horse- riding (n ): cưỡi ngựa -gymnastics (n): môn thể dục thẩm mỹ -melody (n) : giai điệu -go surfing : lướt sóng -painting (n): mơn vẽ -Give the meaning of some vocab in part -Match the corect verbs in Column A with the hobbies in column B individually -Compare their answers with their partners - Give the answers * Expected answers: go camping / go mountain –climbing / go horse-riding gymnastics collect bottles/ collect photos/ collect dolls play the piano/ play badminton take photos watch TV *Fill in each blank in the sentences with one hobby or one action verb from the box below - Say again the meaning of these hobbies - T checks Ss’ understanding, asks Ss to and action verbs remind the meanings of these hobbies Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH and action verbs - Ask Ss to read aloud in chorus - Ask Ss to work in pairs to read all the sentences carefully and give the answers - Read aloud - Ss work in pairs to read all the sentences carefully and give the answers * Expected answers: swimming / swim listen / listening to music plant / gardening catch/ fishing painting / paints * Keywords: - T explains what a key word is, a explains exercise and the way to - Models: Listening to music -> Melody, songs, headphones, noise, rhythm, lyrics - As Ss to work in 2teams to the same by adding some more words to the table (Team A: gardening, fishing: Team B: painting, swimming) The team with more words will be the winner - Give the feedback - Listen to T - Look at the model - Give keywords in teams * Expected answers: Hobby Gardening Fishing Painting Swimming Keywords Trees, flowers, garden, plant, grow, vegetables, fruit… Lake, river, catch, water, fish Creative, colours, pictures, artist, painting… Pool, water, swim, keep fit…… *Game: ( Not necessary because the lesson is too long) b Pronunciation: /Ə/ and /з:/ *Listen and tick the word you hear Repeat the words -Ss listen and tick the words they hear - Ask Ss to Ss listen and tick the words * Expected answers: Burn, common, they hear T plays the recording once hurt, neighbour, birth, answer, heard, away - Repeat the words - Ask Ss to repeat the words T plays the recording twice *Put the words in the correct column - listen again and put the words they hear - Ask Ss to listen again and put the in the correct column Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH words they hear in the correct column - Ask Ss to compare with the partners *Listen to the sentences: - Play the recording, ask Ss to listen to the sentences twice and tick / ə /, / ɜ :/ -ask Ss to pracise them after the recording - compare with the partners * Expected answers: /Ə/ /з:/ away, answer, burn, birth, hurt, neighbour, heard common /Ə/ /з:/ 1.His hobby is collecting √ toy cars My sister has a lot of √ photos When I have free time, I √ usually go surfing I love the colours in their √ paintings My friend has an unusual √ hobby; learning foreign languages Production: ( Not necessary because the lesson is too long) Consolidation: ? say again what you have learnt in this -Say again what you have learnt in lesson this lesson Homework: - Give the homework ? Learn the vocabs by heart ? Do the exercises in wWorkbook ?Prepare Unit 1: A closer look Period 3: - Copy the homework UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK Preparing date: 25 / / 2017 Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH Teaching date: 26 / / 2017 I Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the present simple, the future simple and use verbs of liking + V-ing correctly and appropriately II Preparations: - Teacher: Textbook - Students: Notebooks, school things III.Procedures: 1.Old lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up: Chatting - T asks Ss : What you like doing in - Answer the teacher’s question your free time ? - Introduce the new lesson II The new lesson: * Vocabulary * Vocabulary: - result(n): kết - Elicit the words from Ss - hate (v): ghét - Check vocab: rub out and remember - monopoly(n): cờ tỉ phú - Ask Ss to recall about the present simple - continue(v): tiếp tục or future simple tense ( form, usage) Complete the sentences Use the * Expected answers: present simple or future simple form of loves Will not/ won’t continue the verbs take - Have Ss this exercise individually does - Ask them to compare their answers will enjoy - Confirm the correct answers Do Will play Read the table and complete Nick’s report using the present simple tense * Expected answers: - Ask Ss to look at the table and make likes watch sure that they understand it don’t love go - T models first enjoy play - Ask Ss to work individually then plays doesn’t like plays compare their answers with a partner -Confirm the correct answers and write the correct answer on the board Work in groups a Take a survey - Ask ss to work in groups of Ss They -Work in groups to take a survey should draw a table similar to the one in The number of the column depends on the numbers of group members - One group member asks and records the answers They may use the question : How often you ? Note : Frequency means how often Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH someone does something in a given time frame b Write a short report Verbs of liking + Ving Complete the sentences - Explain that some of liking verbs and not liking such as : like , love, enjoy, hate + V-ing -Ask Ss to work individually and write the answers on the board Look at the pictures and write sentences - Ask ss to read the example and explain the way to this activity Ss write sentences using the pictures as clues - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Call on Ss to write the sentences on the board What does each member in your family like or not like doing ? Write the sentences - Have ss work individually - Let them compare the result - Have other Ss comment III Consolidation: - Recall about the present simple and the future simple , liking verbs + Ving IV Home work: ?Learn by heart all the new words and structures of the present simple, the future simple and use verbs of liking - Guide Ss how to exs : B5, in WB ? Prepare: Communication Period 4: - Report the result * Expected answers: riding watching , going talking playing eating walking * Expected answers: He doesn’t like eating apples They love playing table tennis She hates playing the piano He enjoys gardening She likes dancing - work individually - compare the result with their partners - comment -Recall about the present simple and the future simple , liking verbs + V-ing - Copy the homework UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 4: COMMUNICATION Preparing date: 28/ / 2017 Teaching date: 29 / / 2017 Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH I.Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to; - know how to give their opinion about somthing using “ find sth/doing sth + adj; think (that) sth/doing sth is + adj” - practice talking about their own hobbies II Preparations: - Teacher: Textbook - Students: Notebooks, school things III.Procedures: Old Lesson? Teacher’s activities Warm –up: Chatting - Ask some questions about themselves ?Name some hobbies you and your friends have What you think about these hobbies? Presentation: * New words: - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabs (situation, realia) * Checking vocab: Slap the board Students’ activities - answer themselves some questions about - Guess the words and copy down + making pottery: nặn đồ gốm + making models: làm mơ hình + carving good: chạm khắc gỗ + (to) take up S.T: đeo đuổi Match the activities with the pictures - Ask Ss to run through the activities - run through the activities and match and match them with the picture them with the picture - Give the answers *Expected answers: A carving wood; B making models; C ice-skating; D dancing; E making pottery What you think about the hobbies in - Run through the table - Run through the table - Ask Ss to work individually to tick - work individually to tick the table then the table then move on to complete the move on to complete the five sentences five sentences in activity in activity - Ask Ss to give out their reasons and - Present their opinion then correct mistakes or give any helps Ss want including the structure: find sth/ doing sth + adj = think (that) sth/ doing sth + is + adj 3.Production: Mapped dialogue Teacher:Do Thi Hăng LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH ( 3p.11 TB) Interview a classmate about the hobbies in - Practice asking and answering about - Ask Ss to work in pairs their hobbies - Choose some Ss to present to the -some Ss to present to the class about their hobbies class about their hobbies Homework: ? Learn by heart all the new words and -Copy the homework the structures ? Prepare: Skills UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 5: SKILLS Preparing date: 30 / / 2017 Teaching date: 31 /8/2017 I.Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - use lexical items related to hobbies - read for general and specific information about an unusual hobby - talk about their own hobbies base on the given questions II Preparations: - Teacher: Textbook,pictures III.Procedure: Period 5: Teacher’s activities Warm up : Brainstorming - Elicit the topic from students - Teacher model ? Work in groups to add as many hobbies as possible -Teacher monitors and gets feedback ? Read all the words chorally * Suggested answers: - making models - making pottery - dancing - ice-skating Reading: *Pre- reading a.Vocabulary - Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab and use different techniques to teach Teacher:Do Thi Hăng Students’ activities listening to music hobbies - Give the new words: + eggshell (n): vỏ trứng + fragile (a): dễ vỡ + unique (a): đặc biệt, độc vô nhị 10 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH To raise funds for street children, will and sell them we You should your more There is a small garden behind my house I vegetables there I like a lot II Use the following words to make meaningful sentences: (1.0m) I / think / future / I / continue / hobby -> My best friend / not / like / climb mountains / because / it / be / challenging -> D LEXICO-GRAMMAR (3MS) I Choose the best answers: (2ms) Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined A bird B girl C first D sister My friends sometimes make of the things they like best A meanings B models C copies D uses - " Hi doctor I feel very hot and my face is red" - “You have a sunburn …………… ” A You should eat more B You should get more exercise C You should wear a sun hat when you go out D You should go to bed early Find which word does not belong to the group: A sick B tired C sore D fit Rob eats a lot of fast food and he on a lot of weight A takes B spends C puts D brings She blood twenty times so far A has donated B donates C is donating D to donate We can make postcards and sell them to money to help the homeless people A rise B raise C get D own He had a cold he didn't wear warm clothes in the cold weather A so B and C because D but II Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: (1m) Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 288 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH He (start)………….………… this hobby years ago you (see) the film Titanic yet? Our uncle (play) badminton once a week I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure II Collecting the test papers III Homework: ? Prepare for test correction Preparing date: 21 / 10 / 2016 Teaching date: 26 / 10 / 2016 test REmark Period 26: A Objective: To help Ss revise the knowledge from U1 to U3 after correcting the mistakes they have made in the test papers B Preparations: The marked test papers C Procedure: Warm up: (no) Delivering the marked test papers for Ss 3.Guiding Ss to remark: ( Đề A, B giống nhau) A LISTENING (2MS) I itchy skin (v) allergy (v) runny nose (v) sick (v) stomachache sunburn II B eleven A nice and helpful A Vietnamese A at break time B LEXICO-GRAMMAR (3MS) I D sister B models C You should wear a sun hat when you go out D fit C puts A has donated B raise C because II started Have seen Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 289 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH plays collecting C READING (2.5MS) I less (3) junk food (1) and (4) see (2) more II No, it isn't The medicine can only relieve (làm giảm) the symptoms It can make you cough less, make you feel better, and stop your nose running for a while People should drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice C WRITING (2.5MS) I To raise funds for street children, we will make postcards and sell them You should wash your hands more There is a small garden behind my house I plant vegetables there I like planting a lot II I think in the future I will continue the/this hobby My best friend does not like climbing mountains because it is challenging 4.T comments : * KÕt qu¶: Líp SÜ sè -> SL % 2,5< 4,9 SL % 6,5 -> 7,9 SL % 8,0 ->10,0 SL % TB SL % Gh i ch ó 34 5.Homework: ? Prepare: Unit 4- Getting started Date of planning: 14/4/2016 Period: 99 UNIT 12: AN EVERCROWDED WORLD LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects of overcrowding II TEACHING AIDS: - Projector, CD Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 290 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH III PROCEDURES Class organization - Greetings - Checking attendance New lesson Ss and T’s activities Warm up Contents Write the word ‘population’ on the board Make sure Ss know the meaning of this word by either giving the equivalent Vietnamese word or writing: There are million people in Ha Noi → Ha Noi has a population of million Ask Ss if they know the population of any area in the country or in the world Once the Ss have done it, add the prefix “over” and elicit the meaning of this newly-formed word from Ss Activities I New words Presentation Overcrowded (adj): đông nghịt Elicit the new words Overpopulation (n): dân số đông Slum (n): Khu nhà ổ chuột Peaceful (adj): bình Crime (n): tội phạm Commit crime: phạm tội Healthcare (n): chăm sóc sức khỏe Wealthy (adj): giàu có Diverse (adj): đa dạng, khác - Set the scene: Ask Ss to look at the title Lawful (adj): hợp pháp, of the text and the pictures and ask them pháp luật > < Unlawful Spacious (adj): rộng rãi prediction question about what they are going to read The questions may be: • What is the conversation about? • What you think Brazil is like? • Do you think Phuong likes Brazil? Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 291 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH • What can you find about Rio/Brazil in this conversation? Ss guess the answers Practice II Activities Play the recording Ss listen and read Activity 1a Ask Ss if their predictions are correct T T T F 1a Ss work independently Ask them to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false Ss compare answers with a partner Have Ss correct the false sentences T writes the correct answers on the board F b Ask Ss to read the explanations in the exercise and try to find the words without Activity 1b checking the text Then ask Ss to refer to the deverse wealthy dialogue again for the correct words Correct major slums crime the answers as a class Make sure Ss know the meaning of the words in the box Then Ss work independently Activity 2 c to label the pictures Have them compare their a answers with a partner e d b Play the recording and have Ss repeat the words T gives correction if necessary Production: Ss complete the exercise independently T calls some Ss to share their sentences with the class T can choose some good sentences and write them on the board for other Ss to learn from Encourage Ss to make as many sentences as possible In groups, ask Ss to think of the problems and make a list of them If Ss have difficulty, suggest that they look for problems in their daily life at their own classes, schools, homes, areas or any Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 292 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH other places they know for the answers Call each goup to report their list to the class T may help write the problems on the board Ask the class if they agree or not Encourage them to give an explanation to their answers Then move on to the next group and the same IV HOMEWORK -Learn new words and phrases Prepare for A closer look V.selfvaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 33 Date of planning: 14/4/2016 Period 100 UNIT 12: AN EVERCROWDED WORLD LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss can: use the lexical items related to the topic of an overcrowded world II TEACHING AIDS: - Projector, CD III PROCEDURES Class organization - Greetings - Checking attendance New lesson Ss and T’s activities Teacher:Do Thi Hăng Contents 293 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH Warm up Brainstorming: Ask Ss if they can remember any new words they learn in Getting Started Categorize them as positive (peaceful, wealthy…) and negative (poor, slums…) Move on to this lesson which focuses on some problem as a result of overpopulation Activities I New words Presentation Dense (adj): dày đặc, đông đúc Elicit the new words shortage (n): thiếu hụt nutrition (n): dinh dưỡng malnutrition (n): suy dinh dưỡng spread (v): lan tràn, phát tán Practice II Activities Activity 1 Ss listen to the recording and number crime the words Ss listen again and repeat the poverty words disease dense T checks the understanding of the words bay asking questions like: ‘Do you think our school has enough space?’; ‘What causes disease?’ Ss work individually T checks the answer as a class Encourage Ss to explain why they choose that word for the sentence T can give an example of causes and effects Write the example on the board and ask Ss which one is the effect Ss work independently or in pairs When they have finished, let them exchange their answers with a Teacher:Do Thi Hăng malnutrition shortage space healthcare Activity healthcare crime Diseae Malnutrition poverty Activity Eg: He fast drove a He had an accident √ b He felt hungry 294 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH partner/another pair T then gives correct answer T may ask Ss to explain why In groups, Ss discuss to fine out which problems each place may have T 1.b a f d c 6.e collects Ss’ answers and write them on the board Then the whole class look at the problems and discuss for Activity agreement/disagreement a Lack of entertainment, few opportunities for employment, not enough services Pronunciation b Poverty, slums, disease, pollution, Word stress unempoyment, poor healthcare Ss listen and mark the stressed c Noise/ air pollution, crime, syllables T corrects the answers Have overcrowded, shortage of accommodation Ss listen again and repeat the words Production: Look out! Write two pair of the word’supply’ and ‘question’ on the board, denoting one is a verb and one is a noun Ask some Ss to read them Ask other Ss to listen and see if they can find the difference in pronunciation of the two words Activity s’pacious Po’llution ‘poverty ‘stressful ‘hungry Nu’trition In’crease (v) Su’pport ‘violence ‘shortage Di’sease ‘healthcare Key: su’pply (n), su’pply (v); ‘question (n), ‘question (v) Activity 6 Have Ss listen and repeat the As a words noun Teacher:Do Thi Hăng As a verb ‘record ‘record ‘picture ‘picture 295 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH ‘answer ‘answer pa’rade pa’rade Su’pport Su’pport IV HOMEWORK -Learn new words and phrases Prepare for A closer look V.selfvaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 34 Date of planning: 21/4/2016 Period 101 UNIT 12: AN EVERCROWDED WORLD LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss can: use comparatives of quantifiers, make tag questions II TEACHING AIDS: - Projector, CD III PROCEDURES Class organization - Greetings - Checking attendance New lesson Ss and T’s activities Warm up Chatting: - Remind Ss of items they Teacher:Do Thi Hăng Contents 296 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH learnt in the previous lessons + words of quantifiers (many,a little…) + countable and uncountable nouns + imperatives with “more”, “less”, and “fewer” Activities GRAMMAR: COMPARISONS OF QUANTIFIERS Have Ss read the sentences and the rules in the table Ask Ss to add more words to the table for each type of comparison I- Comparisons of quantifiers Read the sentences - more + Nu/Ns + than… - less + Nu + than… - fewer + Ns + than… Look at the information for the two cities below, and compare their data Eg: In Brumba, there are more people per square kilometre than in Crystal ……………………………………… Read the comparisons of the two cities, and decide if they are true If they Ss complete the reading are not, correct them independently.Encourage Ss to observe Correct and recognise that both tables include Incorrect In Brumba, more people live the same kinds of information in slums Incorrect People in Crystal earn more per day Ss complete exercise by referring Correct to the tables Correct Have Ss this exercise independently T then check the answers as a class GRAMMAR: TAG- QUESTIONS - Write questions on the board: Draw Ss’ attention to how these three questions are formed: the first two types Ss have already learnt and the new one, tag questions Have Ss read the conversation Complete the sentences with more, less or fewer fewer more more fewer less II- Tag- questions + How can the government improve the life of people in the slums? + Do you live in an overcrowded place? + They have moved to the city to look for a job, haven’t they? Check if the tags are correct If they Ss this exercise independently are not, correct them Then they share their answers with a Incorrect….do you? – don’t you? partner T checks and writes the correct Incorrect…aren’t they?- don’t they? tags on the board Correct Correct Incorrect…can’t they?- can they? Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 297 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH Ss this exercise independently T checks the answers as a class Choose one of the question tags in the box to complete each blank in the interview don’t they isn’t it? can’t we? is it? IV HOMEWORK -Learn the grammar rules Prepare for Communication .V.selfvaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 34 Date of planning: 21/4/2016 Period 102 UNIT 12: AN EVERCROWDED WORLD LESSON 4: COMMUNICATION I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use some information of two differenent places in the world and then talk about the differences between them II TEACHING AIDS: - Worksheets III PROCEDURES Class organization - Greetings - Checking attendance New lesson Ss and T’s activities Warm up T shows pictures and ask Ss to guess what places they are and how they are Teacher:Do Thi Hăng Contents 298 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH different? Activities Presentation - Elicit the new words - Checking technique: What and where I New words - Densely populated(adj): đông dân - density(n): mật độ, độ dày - physician(n): thầy thuốc - slavery(n): nô lệ, cảnh nô lệ - malnutrition(n): bệnh suy dinh dưỡng - hunger(n): đói, tình trạng đói Practice Ss work in pairs to this tast T then calls II Activities on some pairs to share their list with the class Activity Picture 1: clean water, good Ss write their lists on the board education, crime…… Picture 2: poor healthcare, crime, hunger…… Ss match the words in the box with the Activity places in independently and then T asks Suggested answers: them to explain their choices Picture 1: high living standards, clean water, good education, crime, densely-populated…… Picture 2: poor healthcare, crime, 3.T can tell Ss that the readings provide the hunger, malnutrition…… same kinds of information T can draw a table Activity Facts Mauritanica Hong on the board then asks ss to fill in the table Kong with the information before they talk about Area the differences Density Population Economy Healthcare Problems Result Unusual facts Activity Work in pairs Encourage Ss to talk about the differences Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 299 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH Then calls some pairs to share their ideas with the cass IV HOMEWORK -Learn new words Prepare for skills V.selfvaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 34 Date of planning: 21/4/2016 TEST CORECTION Period 103: I OBJECTIVES: Correct the test number Give comments to encourage the students to study hard Discuss the ways to improve the test score II TEACHING AIDS: - Test papers III PROCEDURE: - Greetings - Checking attendance Remark on the tests: -In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge -There are many exellent and good tests - Some Ss' skill of doing general test is not good -The teacher shows some best and worst tests to correct before class: Key I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 300 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH B A D II Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others C B III Choose the correct answer to complete each following sentence by circling D B B C 5.C CA B 8.B C 10 D IV Read the following text carefully and answer Yes, it is It is in New York harbor Friench people did It was put up in 1886 She symbolzed a welcome to the land of freedom V Rewrite these following sentences using given words I often walk to school I often go to shool on foot I will meet my grandmother nextmonth My gandmother will be met next month by me We won’t have a holiday this summer A holiday won’t be had this summer by us My father will spend two hours repairing my bike Two hours will be spent repairing my bike Will you play outdoor games instead of indoor games? Will outdoor games be played instead of indoor games? IV HOMEWORK: - Review all knowledge from the two units - Prepare UNIT 12- SKILLS V.selfvaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 301 LESSON PLAN -_ENGLISH Teacher:Do Thi Hăng 302 ... talking about your hobby ?Ex D1,2,3 P7-8 (Workbook) ?Prepare: Skills Period 6: UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 6: SKILLS Preparing date:4 / / 20 17 Teaching date: / / 20 17 I.Objective: By the end of the... words ? Prepare: Looking back UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 7: LOOKING BACK + PROJECT Preparing date: / / 20 17 Teaching date: 8/ / 20 17 I.Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to... Looking back - Copy down the homework UNIT 2: HealtH Lesson 7: LOOKING BACK + PROJECT Preparing date: 22/ / 20 17 Teaching date: 23 / / 20 17 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2017, 22:34

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