Tài liệu PDF Get out of stuck tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vự...
KRONE: 800-775-KRONE www.kroneamericas.com www.truenet-system.com No part of this document may be reproduced without permission ©2001 KRONE, Inc. The Effect of Errors on TCP Application Performance in Ethernet LANs do to application performance? This question has arisen time and time again since the KRONE ® TrueNet TM structured cabling system was launched. The simple answer is that errors can degrade application performance; the com- plicated answer is that the degradation is dependent on how the errors effect TCP. How TCP works, and what can happen to TCP in the face of errors is the subject of this paper. KRONE enlisted the help of an independent consultant, Dr. Phil Hippensteel, to study this topic and provide his evaluation of what Ethernet errors would do to application performance. The following paper presents Dr. Hippensteels findings. --Editor In this paper we will discuss the relationship between errors that occur in networks and their impact on the performance of applications that run over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). While many individuals in the industry give the impression that they understand network errors and error detection and while much has been published on the performance issues of TCP, few attempts have been made to tie these two topics together. However, this topic is important. A vast number of applications use TCP, including most transac- tion-oriented systems and virtually all webenabled processes. Our purpose will be to provide some insight into how applications are affected by errors, particularly at the physical level, and to illustrate this through case studies. We will begin by developing some background. We will study how a typical TCP message is encapsulated as well as the differences between connection-oriented protocols and connectionless-oriented protocols. We will investigate TCP and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the two protocols nearly all applications use to communi- cate. Then, well review the three classes of errors and how they are detected. Once this background has been introduced, well study how TCP operates in some detail. Some case studies will be used to illustrate these WHAT CAN ERRORS concepts because they are the most difficult that will be covered. We will conclude the paper with a summary and some observations about how to control errors in your network. Background Information Messages sent from application to application in packet data networks such as LANs and WANs are encapsu- lated. For example, as a server responds to a client request, the message flows down through what is referred to as the protocol stack. This is illustrated in Figure 1. In most implementations, each of the layers shown creates one of the headers in the encapsulated message. As a specific example, suppose a client device such as a PC makes a request of a web server to retrieve a web page. The application program interface (API) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) would formulate the request in this format: HTTP Header HTTP Message (response) Figure 1 This message and header would be given to TCP. TCP would add its header and pass it to the Internet Protocol (IP). IP would add its header and pass it to the network interface card (NIC), for instance an Ethernet card. Finally, the Ethernet card would be responsible for sending the total Ethernet frame onto the network. That frame would Get out of stuck Get out of stuck Bởi: Joe Tye “Use your mistakes as a springboard into new areas of discovery; accidents can hold the key to innovation When things fall apart, make art Carry this spirit through to every area of your life.” Philip Toshio Sudo: Zen Guitar Ever have days where you feel like this – stuck in the mud? Most of us And when you’re stuck in “stuck,” it is imperative that you get yourself moving Momentum is one of the four cornerstones of Core Action Value #4, Focus in our course on The Twelve Core Action Values Everything’s better when you’re on a roll Here is my 6-Get It Formula for Getting and Staying on a Roll Get real: When you’re stuck, it’s easy to hope and pray for someone to rescue you – which all too often leads to playing the victim role and blaming other people for your problems The first step to getting out of Stuck is to accept responsibility for your circumstances and to acknowledge to yourself that the cavalry is not coming and you are not going to win the lottery You are going to have to work your way out of the problem, whatever it is Get the facts: Anxiety and fear breed in ignorance When you’re stuck in “Stuck” the first step to freeing yourself is often to ask more and better questions, some research, and get the facts In particular, the assumptions we make (about ourselves, about other people, about the world) can contribute to keeping us in “Stuck” – challenging assumptions with knowledge is often the first step to gaining freedom of movement Get centered: Being stuck can be seriously anxiety-provoking, and when you’re in a state of high anxiety three bad things can happen at a cognitive level: memories are distorted so past failure loom large and likely to be repeated while past successes seem insignificant and unlikely to happen again; perception is distorted so risks seem much bigger and more threatening than they really are while the resources you have 1/2 Get out of stuck to draw upon seem small and inadequate; and vision is distorted to the point that it’s hard to imagine a positive outcome because a bad outcome feels so inevitable Getting emotionally centered helps achieve the mental toughness and spiritual equanimity that are essential to pulling yourself out of the metaphorical mud Get connected: The cavalry is not going to rescue you, but you probably can’t get out of “Stuck” all by yourself Think about the help you most need – counseling, a bank loan, a new customer, the support of a caring friend – and be willing to ask for it And don’t just ask – keep asking In their book The Aladdin Factor, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen say that the secret is to ask the right question of the right person at the right time Get out of your mental box:You’ve probably heard that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome When you are stuck in “Stuck” because what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it’s time to try something else Get moving: Tom Peters says the only characteristic of excellent companies that has stood the test of time in the 40 years since his book In Search of Excellence was published is having a bias for action What specific action can you take to help you free yourself from the state of “Stuck”? Just it – and it now 2/2 No Child out of Reach Time To end The healTh worker crisis NO CHILD out of Reach TIME TO END THE HEALTH WORKER CRISIS Save the Children works in more than 120 countries. We save children’s lives. We fight for their rights. We help them fulfil their potential. Published by Save the Children UK 1 St John’s Lane London EC1M 4AR UK +44 (0)20 7012 6400 savethechildren.org.uk First published 2011 © The Save the Children Fund 2011 The Save the Children Fund is a charity registered in England and Wales (213890) and Scotland (SC039570). Registered Company No. 178159 This publication is copyright, but may be reproduced by any method without fee or prior permission for teaching purposes, but not for resale. For copying in any other circumstances, prior written permission must be obtained from the publisher, and a fee may be payable. Cover photo: Midwife Catherine Oluwatoyin Ojo weighs six-month-old Mariam at a clinic in Nigeria – a country with one of the most severe shortages of health workers in the world. (Photo: Jane Hahn) Typeset by Grasshopper Design Company Printed by Park Communications Ltd Acknowledgements This report was written for Save the Children by Patrick Watt, Nouria Brikci, Lara Brearley and Kathryn Rawe. Thanks are due to colleagues in Save the Children’s country programmes around the world and at Save the Children International for the contribution of case studies, testimonies and comments. We are grateful to Benjamin Hennig at the Worldmapper Project at the University of Sheffield for his work on the map on pages 6 and 7. The health worker crisis in numbers iv Preface vi Executive summary vii 1 The scale of the health worker crisis 1 No health without health workers 1 The global shortage of health workers 2 Unequal distribution of health workers 8 The health worker crisis hits children hardest 9 Health workers and health systems 9 Time for action 11 2 Causes of the crisis 12 Lack of education and training 12 Poor pay, insufficient incentives 13 Insufficient funding 16 Unmet promises 18 Ineffective aid 18 Under-funded and unimplemented national health workforce plans 19 3 Overcoming the crisis 21 Global political action at the highest level 21 Action at the country level 21 More health workers with appropriate skills 22 Effective health worker deployment 24 A fair wage for all health workers 27 More and better funding 29 Conclusion 30 Appendix 1: International commitments to health workers 31 Appendix 2: Commitments on health workers as part of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health 33 Bibliography 35 References 37 CONTENTS iv THE HEALTH WORKER CRISIS IN NUMBERS 1 BILLION PEOPLE NEVER SEE A HEALTH WORKER IN THEIR LIVES. THERE IS A SHORTAGE OF 3.5 MILLION DOCTORS, NURSES, MIDWIVES AND COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS IN THE WORLD’S 49 POOREST COUNTRIES. THE SHORTAGE IS CRITICAL IN 61 COUNTRIES – 41 OF WHICH ARE IN AFRICA. A QUARTER OF THE GLOBAL DISEASE BURDEN IS IN AFRICA, BUT THE CONTINENT HAS JUST 3% OF THE WORLD’S DOCTORS, NURSES AND MIDWIVES. 1 billion 3.5 million 41 3% v GHANA HAS HALF OF THE HEALTH WORKERS IT NEEDS. SIERRA LEONE HAS LESS THAN A TENTH. A DOCTOR IN ZAMBIA COULD EARN 25-TIMES MORE IF THEY WORKED IN THE UNITED STATES. THREE-QUARTERS OF MOZAMBICAN DOCTORS AND 81% OF www.it-ebooks.info Windows 8: Out of the Box Mike Halsey Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo www.it-ebooks.info Windows 8: Out of the Box by Mike Halsey Copyright © 2012 Mike Halsey. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://my.safaribookson line.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales depart- ment: 800-998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com. Editor: Rachel Roumeliotis Production Editor: Rachel Steely Copyeditor: Proofreader: FIX ME! Indexer: Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Interior Designer: David Futato Illustrator: Robert Romano September 2012: First Edition. Revision History for the First Edition: 2012-09-04 First release See http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781449326647 for release details. Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are regis- tered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. !!FILL THIS IN!! and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O’Reilly Media, Inc., was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages re- sulting from the use of the information contained herein. ISBN: 978-1-449-32664-7 [?] 1346784529 www.it-ebooks.info Table of Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 1. Using Windows 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Top Tips from This Chapter 1 The Start Screen vs The Desktop: What You Need to Know 2 Starting Windows 8 2 Finding Your Way Around the New Start Screen 3 Using the Charms Menu 5 Using the App Bar 6 Finding All the Apps in Windows 8 7 Switching Between Running Apps in Windows 8 8 Docking Apps to the Left or Right of the Screen 8 Logging Out Of and Locking Windows 8 9 Using Touch Gestures in Windows 8 11 Using Windows 8 with a Keyboard and Mouse 11 Using the On-Screen Keyboard 11 Shutting Down and Restarting Windows 8 12 Summary 12 2. Using Email and the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Top Tips from This Chapter 15 Getting Online with Windows 8 15 Step by Step: Connecting to a Wireless Network 16 Getting Quick Access to Your Email 18 Using the Internet Explorer 10 App 18 Saving Your Favorite Websites to the Start Screen 21 Internet Explorer on the Desktop 22 Using Windows Live Mail 22 Step by Step: Setting Up Email in Windows Live Mail 23 Summary 24 iii www.it-ebooks.info 3. Sharing Your Files, Photos, Music, and Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Top Tips from This Chapter 27 The Windows 8 Sharing Tool 28 Sharing with Other People in Your Home 29 Sharing with Other Media Devices 30 Creating and Joining HomeGroups 30 Connecting Windows 8 and Your Xbox 360 30 Connecting to Your Xbox 360 Using the Xbox Companion App 31 Connecting to Other Devices in Your Home 33 Connecting to Devices from the Charms Menu 33 Connecting to Devices from File Explorer 34 Summary Tạo ảnh Out of bound QuanTriMang - Trong bài tiếp theo của series hướng dẫn về Photoshop, chúng tôi sẽ trình bày một số bước cơ bản để tạo hiệu ứng của những bức ảnh vượt khung hình – Out of bound. Cụ thể tại đây, từ 2 bức ảnh gốc, chúng ta sẽ tạo ra hình ảnh của 1 vận động viên thể thao đang cố gắng "vượt" ra khỏi màn hình của chiếc TV. Để chuẩn bị, các bạn cần tìm được ảnh mẫu với tỉ lệ kích thước sao cho phù hợp, trước tiên là ảnh hiển thị bên ngoài (ở đây là chiếc TV), và bên trong là đối tượng chính chúng ta sẽ thao tác và tập trung các hiệu ứng vào đó. Trước tiên, chúng ta sẽ mở ảnh của chiếc TV: Việc xử lý những góc cạnh của thiết bị này hết sức đơn giản và dễ dàng, vì chỉ cần chọn những đường thẳng bằng công cụ Polygonal Lasso của Photoshop: Và chọn 4 góc tương ứng như sau: Tiếp theo, mở bức ảnh sẽ xuất hiện bên trong chiếc TV này: Sau đó, nhấn Ctrl + A (Windows) hoặc Command + A (Mac) để chọn toàn bộ bức ảnh, và nhấn tiếp Ctrl + C (Windows) hoặc Command + C (Mac) để copy toàn bộ vùng chọn này. Quay trở lại bức ảnh chứa đối tượng hiển thị bên ngoài (ở đây là chiếc TV) và chọn Edit từ thanh menu > Paste Special > Paste Into: Nếu bạn đang sử dụng Photoshop CS4 hoặc những phiên bản trước đó, chỉ cần chọn Edit > Paste Into, kết quả sẽ như sau: Khi nhìn vào bảng điều khiển Layer, chúng ta sẽ thấy rằng Photoshop đã thêm 1 lớp mới bên cạnh bức ảnh xuất hiện bên trên Background Layer. Đồng thời, Photoshop cũng đã sử dụng lớp lựa chọn bên ngoài để khởi tạo Layer Mask cho bức ảnh, và đó là lý do tại sao chúng ta chỉ nhìn thấy chi tiết bên trong chiếc Tv cho dù kích thước thật của ảnh lớn hơn chiếc TV nhiều: Giữ nút Shift và nhấn vào lớp Layer Mask như hình dưới: Quá trình này sẽ tạm thời tắt bỏ lớp Layer Mask và chiếc TV sẽ bị ẩn đằng sau: Tiếp theo, thay đổi thông số Opacity từ 100% xuống còn 60%: Và khi đó, 2 ảnh sẽ hòa trộn với nhau như sau: Chuyển đổi tài liệu PDF sang Word 01:07' 22/11/2005 (GMT+7) Word đã trở thành "vua" của các bộ soạn thảo văn bản. Hầu hết các văn bản đều được định dạng và in bằng Word. Tuy nhiên, bạn có một số văn bản bằng PDF (Portable Document Format), bạn muốn chỉnh sửa các tài liệu này trước khi in ấn. Acrobat Reader không có khả năng chỉnh sửa văn bản, còn Acrobat thì giá cả hơi "mắc" mà lại đòi hỏi tài nguyên khá lớn. Vậy, có phần mềm nào có khả năng chuyển đổi định dạng từ PDF sang Word mà vẫn giữ nguyên định dạng, giá cả cũng chấp nhận được và lại tiêu tốn ít tài nguyên hệ thống ? Thực ra, để giữ nguyên các định dạng tài liệu sau khi chuyển đổi là rất phức tạp và khó khăn. Đến ngay như phần mềm Acrobat, khi chuyển đổi tập tin PDF sang Word cũng không được hoàn hảo. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn đã từng sử dụng qua phần mềm SolidPDFConverter của hãng Solid, phần mềm này thật tuyệt vời ! Các tài liệu phức tạp gồm các nội dung văn bản, hình ảnh, bảng tính . vẫn giữ nguyên định dạng sau khi chuyển đổi sang Word. VietNamNet đã thử nghiệm chuyển đổi tài liệu phức tạp gồm hình ảnh, bảng biểu , đồ hoạ, văn bản xen kẽ, khoảng 70 trang bằng Adobe Acrobat và SolidDPFConverter. Kết quả là SolidPDFConverter cho tốc độ chuyển đổi tài liệu nhanh hơn và giữ được định dạng tài liệu gốc chính xác hơn Acrobat. Tuy nhiên khi chỉnh sửa một số văn bản kết hợp trong các bảng biểu, đồ hoạ cho kết quả chưa được tốt lắm. Mặc dù vậy SolidPDFConverter vẫn là công cụ đáng giá với mức giá tương đối rẻ so với phần mềm đồ sộ tương đối "nặng ký" Acrobat. SolidPDFConverter có đồ thuật đơn giản sẽ giúp bạn chuyển đổi định dạng .pdf sang định dạng .doc nhanh chóng chỉ với 5 bước: Bước 1: Chọn định dạng Bạn hãy chọn tập tin PDF cần chuyển đổi ngay trong khung tìm tài liệu của SolidPDFConverter. 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Exact sử dụng các TextBox của Word để đảm bảo chắc chắn văn bản và đồ họa vẫn giống y nguyên bản PDF gốc.Chế độ Exact không nên sử dụng nếu bạn cần chỉnh sửa rất nhiều nội dung từ Get started Get started Bởi: Joe Tye “The most pernicious aspect of procrastination is that it can become a habit We don’t just put off our lives today; we put them off till our deathbed Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance This second, we can sit down and our work.” Steven Pressfield: The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle David D Burns, M.D says in The Feeling Good Handbook that we must recognize the many positives to procrastination: it is easy; we can more enjoyable and relaxing things; we can, for a while, forget our problems and avoid hard work; we can frustrate the people who are nagging us; and we can prevent people from pressuring us to more work by proving our ... essential to pulling yourself out of the metaphorical mud Get connected: The cavalry is not going to rescue you, but you probably can’t get out of Stuck all by yourself Think about the help you most.. .Get out of stuck to draw upon seem small and inadequate; and vision is distorted to the point that it’s hard to imagine a positive outcome because a bad outcome feels so inevitable Getting... question of the right person at the right time Get out of your mental box:You’ve probably heard that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome