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Trang 3

tcerritgssteteeevssssdill 2U) Table of Contents Unit 1 - Meet our hc ppl pinoy cond ER ON lố 4 ee et ee ee 6 ee ee | 8 Unit 4 - Family-friendly pig eae ee i 10 Unit 5 - Valet service . Oe ‹< 12 "Ma ne © 14 Unit 7 - Checking IYO nee een giờ VD, si 16 Unit 8 - Meet the F tnuranLeinf 7c cãẽã c6 7 18 20

D107 Bigakfpst.estV|GS577 060i 5i cô cạn hố 22

UREA AR the ato 000 000 Sage rte ee ee cg 24

Unit 12 - Meet the kitchen s†aff -++ ch nen nh nen no 26

Unit13:- Utenell§”?: S5 4199955590”, 1à /2@0i 21 nến vụn Shin (o0 non in 28

Unit 14 - Food service equipment - 30

Unit 15 - Food preparation EES, ye ame T2 an 32



Trang 4

Get ready!

@ Before you re

4 What kinds

2 What do hotel employees

d the passage, bout these questions a i ? of jobs are available in - Bere] @ Imainten \ work PS housekeeper) Cm h ok Reading @ Read the hotel “ following st

newsletter, and then mark | iatements as true (T) or false —Tom arboro tents rooms to guests, j sf ug ts g —The night at yr St: : \Uditors job is to tell Quests about _Š —The main ; tenance Workers fix Problems with Employee of the Month | vc:

Tom Yarborough - Front Desk Clerk

What do you do on a regular day at work?

| work with the doorman, valet and elevator operator to

make guests feel welcome Then | check in the guest

Finally, | ask the bellhop to take the guest's bags to the

guest's room

Do you think that teamwork is important?

Yes Teamwork is a big part of my job | talk to the night

auditor every moming She shares important guest information with me Sometimes guests have questions

about the city So | tell them to speak to the concierge

Other times, there are problems with the rooms The

housekeepers and maintenance workers fix those problems Vocabulary

© Match the jobs (1-8) with the duties (A-H)

A a person who parks cars for guests B a person who rents rooms to guests

C aperson who handles guests and financial matters at night

@ person who waits at the hotel entrance and greets new guests

& Person who fixes broken items in the hotel

& person who cleans the hotel Person who tells hot




el guests about local

@ person who carries bags to rooms for quests i

Trang 5

@ a) Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part

1 The act of working together with others helps

speaking i

© With a partner, act out the roles y sờ an based on the dialogue from Task 7 who Student A and Student B are Then

the hotel staff provide great service switch roles

Pees LW ee K

2 Allison arrives at the hotel and goes to the front desk to rent ahotelroo ek ~~ 3 The person who cleans hotel rooms cleaned

my room this morning h_ s—k— er

What's your favorite part of your job? Do your co-workers help you do your job?

What's your goal as a ?

b) Use the photographs on p 4 to present

the jobs available at a hotel Student A: You are an interviewer for a monthly

newsletter Ask Student B questions to find out:

e what his or her job is

e which employees he or she works with

e what his or her goals are at work

Make up a name for the employee of the month, |

@ 6? Listen and read the newsletter again What

does an elevator operator probably do?


6 $9 Listen to an interview with the

employee of the month at the Royal Point Hotel Then choose the correct answers

Student B: You are a hotel employee Answer Student A’s questions Make up a job and a goal

1 The interview is mostly about the employee's for your job

A opinions about his job

B feelings about his co-workers Writing

C previous work experience

D goals for the future © Use the conversation in Task 8 to fill out an interview note sheet

2 What is his position at the hotel? Interview Notes

A front desk clerk B doorman

C bellhop D concierge What is the hotel employee's position?

@ $8 Listen again, and fill in the blanks) J

[ ‘Interviewer: Mr Huxley, what's your 1 ^

| about your job?

| Employee: Every day is anew experience | | meet new people and work with a

| great 2

| Interviewer: Oh, so your 3 —-

| you do your job?

| Employee: Yes | work with the doorman and the What hotel employees does he or she work wIt?———== ` help 4 | every day | Interview: | see Tell me, what’s your goal as a 5 7

Employee: My goal is to make the guests happy

Interview: | think you're a great choice for

[ei St ea ng i


Trang 6

Get ready!

@ Before you read the passage, talk

about these questions

4 What makes people feel welcome during hotel stays? 2 How do you make people feel welcome? Vocabulary Welcoming Our Guests

Why do people from all over the world choose the Royal


Hotel? Because of our friendly atmosphere How can

you makg

guests feel welcome? Here are some tips:

« Greet new guests with a friendly ‘welcome’ Also, be sure to

introduce yourself Begin your introduction with the phrase,

“Allow me to introduce myself”

+ Address all guests as “si” or “maam” The title “Mr”

or ‘Mg

followed by the guests last name is also appropriate

+ Is a guest having trouble carrying his or her luggage? Offer to

take his or her bags A guest may have additional baggage

in his or her Car trunk Don't forget to ask!

© Match the words or phrases

(1-9) with these definitions (A-), 4 _ atmosphere

2 _ welcome

Reading 3 _ introduce yourself @ Read the training manual for new employees, and ee a

then choose the correct answers 5 —title

4 What is the main idea of the training manual? G5 luggage

AA how to welcome new hotel employees 7 take his/her bags B ways to make guests comfortable at the hotel 8 _ additional baggage

» Ti a - people who don't know each other “nh

communication between employees A more or extra luggage

According to the pressor which of the following is true B to talk to someone

i tig! ` Point Hotel? € the mood of a place

They alow quests to TH D the bags that you take with

k i `» selves first, when you travel

; " xinh Quests’ addresses, = ests by their last names, E a space in the back of aca that is for storing things

ars F

@ word used before a perso

name to show respect


H to help cary someone's

Trang 7

© Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part

1 Give me permission to help you carry your pecs tw on 2 The guest takes a lot of bags on her trip fo) Soe 3 The doorman says his name to the guest eet 0 Career NY oo ka

@ © Listen and read the Passage again

What ways are appropriate to address



@ & Listen to a conversation between a

doorman and a guest Then mark the

following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 _ The guest's luggage is in her car trunk 2 _ The guest prefers to carry her own bags

3 _ The doorman checks in the guest at the front desk @ @ Listen again, then fill in the blanks Doorman: 1 to the Royal Point c Hotel!

Guest: Thank you I'm 2 to be here

Doorman: And we're 3 race you

Allow me to introduce myself My name is Roland Hayes I'm the doorman

Guest: It's nice to meet you, Mr Hayes

Doorman: It's nice to meet you, too May |

4 2

Guest: Sure My luggage is in my 5 _

Doorman: Okay I'm happy to unload your

luggage In the meantime, why don't

you check in at the 6 2

Guest: All right Thank you very much

© With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles

Welcome to the Royal Point Hotell

May | take your bags?

Why don't you check in at the front desk?

Student A: You are a doorman for the Royal

Point Hotel Make Student B feel welcome at

the hotel Be sure to:

e introduce yourself

e offer to take his or her bags

e direct him or her to the front desk Make up a name for yourself

Student B: You are a guest at the Royal Point Hotel Respond to Student A’s statements and



© Use the conversation in Task 8 to

complete a survey about hotel service

renee di to abe

ốc “5

Trang 8

@ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

4 What activities do hotels offer guests? 2 What places can you find inside a hotel?


@ Read the brochure from a hotel,

and then choose the correct answers

1 What is the brochure Mostly about?

A how the front desk clerk can help guests

B the different kinds of Services the hotel offers C the kinds of €quipment in the fitness center

D how to use the hotel's Internet service

2 Wit 'S NOT true about the hotel?

` _ is Intemet in the guest rooms,

8 It offers different Ways to spend free time, ve different food Options

F check email

Relax in the heated pool or work out in the fitness cent

Want to check your email or surf the web? It's not a proble WiFi Internet access is available throughout the hotel

Feeling hungry? Visit our hotel restaurant It is ‘open from h

to 10pm Or use the vending machines and ice machin:

when you want a snack or a cold drink They are available anytin

on every floor

Need anything else? Ask the clerk at the front desk He or she

always happy to help you!


© Put the Phrases from the word bank

Trang 9

@ Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part

1 George works hard all year long On vacation, he wants to spend time not working _e — 2 Guests with laptop computers take advantage

of the wireless communication service eas estes eS ie

3 Frannie swims in the large hole filled with warm water _e e_ Gr

6 § Listen and read the passage again

How many places in the hotel can you get

food from?


@ G Listen to a conversation between a

hotel guest and an elevator operator

Then choose the correct answers

1 What is the guest looking for?

A avending machine B_ the hotel restaurant

C the swimming pool D the fitness center

2 What will the guest probably do first?

A go to the ground floor B pass the front desk

C use the ice machine D visit the fitness center

@ © Listen again, and fill in the blanks

Guest: Excuse me, can you direct me Cc

fh ?

Operator: Of course! First, take the elevator to the


Guest: That's what | thought! Then what? Operator: Go right as you leave the

3 :

Guest: Do| pass the 4 _?

Operator: Yes, you do And 5

down the hall Turn right

again at the ice machine

Guest: Oh, | think | took a6

the last time

Operator: Just look for the fitness center The

Swimming pool is not far from there



With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles


Where is the ? Take the elevator

Tum left at

Student A: You are a hotel guest, and you want

to find something in the hotel Ask Student B

questions to find out:

e how to get to the place you want e@ what is nearby

e what floor you need to go to

Student B: You are an elevator operator

Answer Student A’s questions


© Use the conversation in Task 8 to write

directions for your friend in the hotel H,—————————”

Meet me at the———————————— at

Trang 10

1 Get ready! :

Before you read the are talk about these ques

đến, ,


1 Isit hard to travel with children


2 ie activities do families do on vacation? ee Family-FriendÌy Lodging

: ’ entertainment beyond your hote| T00

Looking Fe Visit our hotel restaurant It has ,

entire family? Visit the ee children’s menu that satisfies Picky where family vacations ai for families eaters Or rent a stroller from the fon Our guest rooms are perfect for ape desk and explore the nearby attractions

Order eel Nts vies on Do mom and dad want a quiet everin € oo, our room And together? Let us do the babysitting

Ned te we provide With our professional chỉidcạ b crbs upon request What about don't have to worry specialists and a fun playroom, yụ, Nà stroller Reading

@ Read the text on a hotel

website, and then choose the correct answers,

1 What is the main idea of the website?

A how to set up Childcare at the hotel



ees ee

© Match the words and phrases (1-7) with

h Why the hotel is 900d for guests with Children bs chư Ẫ Ways to make family vacations legs 1 — playroom eee i Ẵ + x ree kid-friendly 6 _ babysit 3 _ childcare Specialist 7 _ upon request 4 — Pay-per-view Aa SP8cial bed for babies B ;

: Something that is done or Made for children : 4 place with toys and games


: Hàn ho knows how to take Care ay : One or Provided Ing d when someone of kids Ẽ

Trang 11

@ Complete the sentences with words from the word bank

word [MA

stroller children’s menu picky

1 Michael is very

certain foods

and only eats 2 Put the baby in the

go outside

when you

3 The restaurant has many choices available on its

@ G@ Listen and read the passage again

What can guests do with their children at the hotel?


@ & Listen toa conversation between a

front desk clerk and a guest Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false * (F)

4 The parents want to take the kids to a show

2 The childcare service is free of charge

3 Toys are provided for the children

@ @ Listen again, and fill in the blanks


wife and | want to go to a show

night But we don't want 2 ids

does that work?

t leave your children in the

office It's on the ( Good afternoon, Mr, Clark How can | Cc we offer free 3 _—- the kids to do there? m with a lot of — Speaking oe

With a partner, act out the roles below, -

© based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles

Student A: You are a guest You want to go out

for the evening without your children Ask

Student B questions to find out about: e hotel childcare

e what the kids get to do e how much it costs

Make up somewhere you want to go

Student B: You are a clerk at the front desk of

the hotel Answer Student A's questions Make

up a name for your guest


© Use the conversation in Task 8 to complete

the childcare release form Make up a

Trang 12

a) ia K= Royal Point hotel is hi iI guests conventen va

To use the service, follow t : ables out of the car

pe one of the parking attendants Just look jg

in the blue uniforms

let ticket that the parking attendant gives you

ar is safe in our parking


Read the pamphlet about a hotel's valet service, and then mark the following statements as true (T) or

false (F)

14 _The hotel offers valet service for free

2 _ The hotel advises guests to remove expensive items from

their cars, @ Choose the correct word or

3 _ Guests need their valet tickets in order to pick up their cars phrase in bold

Vocabulary 1 The parking attendant gives Mr

Wilson a (valet ticket / parking

© Complete the sentences with words from the word bank attendant) so that he can get hs

word car back easily when he returns

eo [a ee 2016 ertrude uses the (car keys /

ae convenient int valet parking Parking garage) to unlock het

Car and turn the car on

17 ` ae _ Not a lot of places to ———â ca downt Hà ca his car in the :

ae ees the hotels valet Service bi ooking for a park Pecause it is more si " ee ratuable | Safe) He doesn't want anything

bad to happen to his car

The hotel's (uniform / parking

Xây 95408) is very large and can fi Š9 People will know he ig a Many cars inside,

Trang 13

© &@ Listen and read the passage again

What color clothes do parking attendants



@ @ Listen to a conversation between a

hotel guest and a parking attendant Then choose the correct answers

1 What does the hotel guest want? A help finding her valuables

B_ for the attendant to park her car

C directions to the parking garage

D_ instructions for picking up her car

2 What item does the parking attendant need from the guest?

A the valet ticket B the parking fee

C the room number

D the car keys

@ & Listen again, and fill in the blanks Hotel Guest: i here? | Parking Attendant: Yes, ma'am [m a1 Hotel Guest: Perfect! I'd like to use the pene ee, Parking Attendant: | can help you with that May | have your 3 ni

Hotel Guest: Sure, 4 -

Do you need anything else?

No, but please make sure to

remove any 5

from your car

Of course | have my purse

and cell phone with me Okay, here's your 6

You need that in order to pick up your car Parking Attendant: Hotel Guest: Parking Attendant: Excuse me, do you work Cc Speaking

© With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles


| need to use the valet service

May | have your car keys? Do you need anything else?

Student A: You are a hotel guest, and you need

to use the valet service Ask Student B questions to find out:

what items the parking attendant needs

what you need to do before you leave your car e how to pick up the car

Student B: You are a parking attendant at the

Royal Point Hotel Answer Student A’s questions Give Student A instructions for picking up his or

her car


© Use the pamphlet in Task 2 and the

conversation in Task 8 to complete the

Trang 14

Before you read the passage; talk

about these questions

items are usually in a hotel room?

4 What i

2 What items do you like to have in a hotel



@ Read this brochure from a hotel,

and then choose the correct answers

4 What is the main idea of the brochure? A the availability of hotel rooms

B the reasons why guests choose luxury suites

© what items come in different hotel rooms Cironing board

D where guests can find different items in Vocabulary

their rooms m © Match the words and phrases (1-6) with

2 According to the passage, what is NOT Ta nnene {AF}

included in each room? 1 suite 4 hair d

A a hairdryer Ten 2 mini-bar — 5 iron hà

—— 3 — coffeemaker 6 deluxe

D amini-par A @ machine that prepares a hot beverage ) B amachine that gets very hot

clothes smooth and and makes

Trang 15

© Complete the sentences with words and

phrases from the word bank

feel athome ironing board luxury

dining room desk living room

1 Kate pays extra to stayina_ hotel

because she enjoys the extra services there,

2 The clean rooms and comfortable beds make guests at the hotel

3 The hotels asks that guests only eat at the table

in the , Not on the sofa or bed

4 Isit at the to write postcards

5 Use the when you get the wrinkles out of your clothes

6 Sara sits on the sofa and watches television in


@ @ Listen and read the passage again How

many rooms are there in a luxury suite?


6 @ Listen to a conversation between a booking agent and a guest Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

4 _ The guest would like to book three rooms 2 No luxury suites are available

@ © Listen again, and fill in the blanks

Agent: Thank you for calling the Royal Point «™

Hotel 1 Department

| My name is Sam How may | help you?

| Guest: Hello I'd like to 2 a room

Agent: We offer two room types: the deluxe

room and a3 suite

Guest: What's the difference between the

deluxe room and a suite?

For one, the suite is very large In

ition to a bedroom, it has a kitchen, : —— and dining room - But is it more 5 2 ‘Yes, itis

sounds nice But | think a 6 _—

—— Ìs enough for me

3 The guest chooses to stay in the deluxe room

Speaking Ÿ

© With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles


I'd like to book a room

We offer two room types What's the difference between the deluxe room and a suite?

Student A: You are a guest, and you would like

to book a hotel room, Ask Student B questions

to find out:

e the types of hotel rooms available e the difference between the rooms

Student B: You are a booking agent at the

Royal Point Hotel Answer Student A’s questions

Make up a name for yourself and what types of

rooms are available


© Use the picture below and the

conversation in Task 8 to complete the

feedback form Make up a guest name

| What did you like about your room? ——

Trang 16

e rent hotel rooms? ions do hotel employees

@ Read this training guide for

hotel employees; and then choose

the correct answers


4 What is the purpose of the document? ‘(A to show employees how to look for

room damage

B to explain how guests make reservations

© to teach the steps of renting a room to guests D to explain how guests complete

registration forms

2 What happens after employees collect the

damage deposit?

A the guest returns the registration form B the guest receives a key to the room

© the employee asks for payment

D the employee finds an available room 3 According to the passage, what is NOT

true about guests with reservations? A They fill out a registration form B They state the number of guests

Trang 17

@ Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

reservation number, registration form, walk-in, room key, damage deposit, reservation

4 The hotel does not accept guests when

there are no rooms available

2 Mr Formiga makes a(n)

room at the Royal Point Hotel

3 Penny uses a to open the door of her

hotel room

4 The guests left a stain on the carpet The hotel

used the to pay for the cost of replacing the carpet

5 Ms, Johnson tells the front desk clerk her Then the front desk clerk finds the details of Ms Johnson’s stay

6 James wrote his home address and phone number on the to stay ata

@ Listen and read the passage again How

many types of guests must hotel employees deal with? Speaking © With a partner, act out t z he roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then switch roles


Do you have a reservation?

What name is the reservation under?

Your reservation is for a room


Student A: You are an employee at the Royal Point Hotel Ask Student B questions to find out:

e reservation information Make up some room details

Student B: You are a guest at the Royal Point

Hotel Answer Student A’s questions Create

personal information about yourself

Writing Listening

@ @ Listen toa conversation between a

hotel employee and a guest Then mark the following statements as true (T) or (F) false

O Use the dialogue in Task 8 to fill out thi

registration form

Guest Registratio

Guest Name: — MajaSNh ——

1 The man is a walk-in guest

2 _ The man tells the employee his reservation


3 The man wants a non-smoking room

@ Listen again, and fill in the blanks ;

0 : a Reservation & Walk-in

Employee: yee: Welcome to the Royal Point Hotel @ i 5 _ double, smoking — i

_—_ How† ba you today? Room Type:

Guest: Hi | want to 2 ; Length of Stay: three nights _

a Employee: Do you have a(n) 3

Guest: Yes, | do

_ Employee: Okay What name is the reservation


Guest: Edward Green

' Employee: Allright, Mr, Green Your reservation is for a

rf single 5 - room, And

youre staying for two nights Is that correct?

Guest: Yes, 6

Trang 18

@ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions 1 What jobs are available in restaurants? 2 Which job ina restaurant seems most difficult? Reading

@ Read the job posting for the Post Meridian

Restaurant, and then mark the following

statements as true (T) or (F) false

1 _ Servers give directions to bussers

2 Hosts and hostesses are assisted by servers

3 Many employees bus tables on busy nights


© Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E),

1 _busser 3 — hostess 5 host

2 server 4 head waiter

Mployee whi

Š Customers and takes : Tu

B 8T@Staurant em ae ployee who takes orders and

Testaurant employ i lap yee Who takes Used plates

¢ helping bussers clear tables during busy shifts “oh

e following directions from the head waiter

The Post Meridian Restauran, *kkukx**


Are you friendly? Do you work well with other People? The

the front-of-house team at the Post Meridian Restaura, are currently hiring waitstaff Servers are responsible ta

following duties:

working with the host or hostess to help customers to their Sy © putting utensils and napkins on tables before customers ati

explaining the different dishes on the menu to customers

@ taking food orders

¢ bringing orders to kitchen staff Xe: aS Ê

e delivering food from the kitchen to customers “_ my

For more information, call Jim Paisley at 555-1907

‘ea RRR ay t

—_——.—mm Me

@ Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part

1 After customers eat, an employee takes the

dirty plates away siete t_e Pb = There are no tools that people use to eat food on table five she Mises The customer has a question about one of the Meals listed on the menu di ee

The employees who work in the public area of

the restaurant hay e excell icati

Trang 19

What would someone who is interested in

the job do next?


Oe Listen to a conversation between a

me waiter and a job applicant Then

choose the correct answers to Student B about:

e current job e responsibilities e extra duties

Create personal details for you and the person

being interviewed

Student A: You are a head waiter You are

interviewing someone for a server position Talk

1 What is the conversation mostly about?

A the duties of Riley Café hostesses ` B the responsibilities of a head waiter \ C the woman's experience in restaurants

D the benefits of working at the Post Meridian Student B: You are interviewing for a server

position Answer Student A’s questions Create a

place where you are currently employed

i ee Listen and read the job posting again

2 Why does the woman want a new job? A She needs more shifts

B She expects higher pay Writing

C She wants more experience D She dislikes her current job © Use the interview in Task 8 to take notes about an applicant @ @ Listen again, and fill in the blanks

He Waiter: Hi, Rebecca Im Jim, the 1 - `

Thanks for coming

F5 Glee ,1Tn6FPóst Meridian

seems like a great place to work

Waiter: It really is So, you work at another

restaurant right now?

‘Yes I'm era at the Riley Café Interview Otes PP Applicant Name:

Speakin g Applying for:

z Currently working at:

Owith a partner, act out the roles below, ` g

oe on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide Responsibilities there: ———————

Student A and Student B are Then Ragen eh Se hs

Switch roles,

Trang 20

Get ready!

Before you read the passage, talk

about these questions

4 What kind of restaurants require reservations?

2 How do you make a reservation?


@ Read the page from a restaurant log, and

then choose the correct answers

1 What is the purpose of the document?

A teaching the steps of taking a reservation

B showing the booking details at a restaurant

C informing customers of available tables

D describing the restaurant's seating policies

2 What is true about the restaurant?

A It makes arrangements for young children

B It has a limit of 10 People per party

© It does not provide outdoor seating

ibs € fee for cancelled feservations, the document, which is : customers? NOT tr = Meridian Restaurant 2s 8 The Post Meridi Contact e ———- number | —_ ee © e Id So 3-1292 | Has chỉd, needs ag Ginsburg) 38 booster seat re Requested al N _| seating isi 380-0124 Celebrating birthda, Lis

Sec (provide free desse,

~ 381-9642 | May have one ext, guest: seat at table for 4 oe 3 | Kurt Channing enin: ee = a - = nan [316-8201 | Seat in party roon

poles check for open es before booking log after cancellations -

: sa hinh NI before guests arrive (when applicable) @ review the details of the reservation before hanging up



© Choose the correct meaning of the

underlined word or phrase

1 Janie rents a party room at her favorite

restaurant to celebrate her birthday

A aplace in a restaurant for special events B a place where employees write details

about a period of time

C aplace where young children sit

The host informs me that there is no opening at the restaurant until 8pm

A decision to not d 0 somethin reed

to do earlier oe

B availability or space at a place

© outdoor Gating area

3 Dario places

Hee Son in the booster seat and

Trang 21

@ Choose the correct word or phrase to

complete each sentence

1 The host shows the (log/party) to their table 2 There is now a table available because of a


3 Ms Rogers provides a (high chair/party room) for the customer's baby

© © Listen and read the restaurant log

again How many people are going to the

restaurant to eat that night?


@ © Listen to a conversation between a hostess and a restaurant patron Then

mark the following statements as true (T)

or false (F)

41 There are no tables available before 8pm 2 Mr Billings requests a table for two

3 The restaurant has chairs for children

@ © Listen again, and fill in the blanks

Hostess: Thank you for calling the Post Cc

Meridian Restaurant This is Natalie

How can | help you? Patron: Hi I'd like to 1 a table for tonight Hostess: Of course May | have your 2 : sir?

Patron: It's Mark Billings

Hostess: Okay, Mr Billings | don’t have any 3 until 8 o'clock Is that okay? Patron: Yes, 4 Hostess: Great How many people are in your ee?

Patron: Three - that’s two adults and one

toddler Do you provide 6 _ a Hostess: Yes, sir, we can 7 Speaking

© With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then switch roles


I'd like to reserve a table

I have an opening at 8 o'clock

How many people are in your party?

Student A: You are an employee at a

restaurant A customer wants to reserve a table

Ask Student B questions to find out: @ name @ number of people Make up your personal details

Student B: You are a restaurant customer You want to reserve a table Answer Student A’s

questions Create your requirements and personal details


oO Use the conversation in Task 8 to complete the reservation Write reminders to the

Trang 22

Royal Point Hotel

Breakfast Voucher

($10 for brunch upgrade) Continental breakfast

e Includes a pastry, toast, or bagels

Free refills on beverages (including coffee,

¡1 Buffet breakfast

Ala carte menu ($25 limit)

Choose from pancakes, eggs (over easy, scrambled or fried) See menu for more options

Hours: 7:30 am to 11:30 am

Name: Wes Doherty Room No 315

By: Carol Baker (front desk associate)

_ Please give this coupon to the employee at the restaurant : Excludes gratuities No: 247895 juice, or tea) Date: 3 JUNE No cash value

@ Read the document from a hotel restauran,

and then choose the correct answers,

41 What is the purpose of the document?

A providing hotel guests a morning meal B informing employees about meal options

C notifying hotel guests of nearby restaurants

D giving customers information about lunch


2 According to the document, the continental breakfast

A is not available after 11:30am

B is worth twenty-five dollars

C includes scrambled eggs D does not come with drinks

What is Probably true about Mr Doherty?

A He decides to have lunch

B He has to Pay a tip for the meal

C He drinks Coffee with breakfast

D He gi © gives the voucher to a front desk clerk

99S age

Pan Kes toast vn Sy pastry “99S Over aac,

Trang 23

@ Match the words (1-5) with the definiti ae lefinitions 1_——voucher 4 buffet _— brunch — refill 5 _ gratuity 2 3

A apaper that allows people to get items for free B money given as a reward for a service

C ameal that's between breakfast and lunch D a meal in which guests serve themselves as

much as they want

another serving of a drink


6 (@ Listen and read the passage again

How many types of breakfast are available?


6 @ Listen to a conversation between a hostess and a customer Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false


4 Mr Doherty gets his food from the buffet

2 Mr Doherty asks to see what his options are

3 The woman takes the customer's order

@ © Listen again, and fill in the blanks

Good morning, and welcometo œ

the Post Meridian Restaurant Good morning | have a1

Here you go Thank you, Mr Doherty

| see there’s a 2

where | get my food?

Actually, you have the 3 _


Customer: What does that mean?

Hostess: It means you choose exactly what you want 4

Customer: Great May | look at the 5 ? Hostess: Certainly A server will be here to 6 shortly Hostess: Customer: Hostess: Customer: Is that Hostess: Speaking

© With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles


| have a breakfast voucher You have the option

What does that mean?

Student A: You are an employee at the restaurant Talk to Student B about:

e@ what menu option he or she has

e how to order breakfast with that option

Make up details for Student B Answer Student B’s questions

Student B: You are a restaurant customer Ask questions about your breakfast


© Use the passage in Task 2 and the

conversation in Task 8 to complete the breakfast voucher ‘at the Royal Point Hotel “E Breakfast Voucher i ($10 for brunch upgrade) N (4 Continental breakfast i e Includes e Free refills on beverages i juice, or tea) Buffet breakfast a i Ala carte menu ($25 limit) Š Choose from jo: 247896 (including coffee, i See menu for more options i Hours: 7:30 am to 1:30 am Room No.: — i Name: _——— |

Please give this coupon

Trang 24

v! 1e P0SÌ “7 IW@i0\uW +kkkxk*x*x* Daily 5pm †0 7pm aes a domestic beers on tap 2f9 half-price Imported and get the third Ífee › pitchers o{ 5 House wines by th [0095 white wine on our wine list 5 [D00 401102 A top shelf liquors, N0 071 or 1D Get ready! == @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

4 What are some drinks at a bar?

2 What kind of drinks do you order?


@ Read the flyer from a bar, and then mark

the following statements as true (T) or

false (F)

1 The restaurant has a Happy Hour every day 2 _ Bartenders check ID to see customers’ ages

3 _ Top shelf liquors are on sale during Happy



Trang 25

4 Janie and Marissa share a container of juice Chae 3

5 Rita shows the worker her card that shows her identity and picture before buying alcohol, _ _

6 The team went to the bar during a time with

special pricing on alcoholic drinks to enjoy a

Gilkey OT

7 The bar does not allow people under the legal

age toenter —_i_o_s

8 Tim asks to see the menu of wines available

before he orders ~_n_— | _

@ @ Listen and read the flyer again Which

drinks are excluded from happy hour pricing?


(6) ¢} Listen to a conversation between a

bartender and a customer, and then choose the correct answers

4 What is the dialogue mostly about?

A what type of drink to order at a bar B forms of acceptable identification

C the differences between red and white wine D special pricing on certain drinks at the bar : 2 What is probably true about the bar?

| A It does not serve beer on tap

| | B It doesn't have a happy hour C It is open until midnight

D It sells single servings of wine @ @ Listen again, and fill in the blanks | ae to drink?

Customer: |'m not sure if | feel like a 2 or ; a glass of wine Can | see the wine list?

_ | Bartender: Sure We have red wine and white wine 3 _ _ | Customer: | think Ill have a glass of the ‘al Bartender: Good choice Can | see 5 2

Sure, here you go

Thank you Enjoy your wine


_ Bartender: Good evening Whati_ /@đ AS


â With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles


What can | get you to drink? I'll have a

Can | see some ID?

Student A: You are a bartender Student B is a

customer Talk to Student B about: e@ drink order

e types of drinks

e identification

Student B: You are a customer, and you want to order a drink Ask about some drinks


© Use the flyer and the pictures below to complete the order that the bartender

Trang 26

9 What tasks must different

employees do?


© Read the article from a travel magazine,

and then choose the correct answers

1 What is the main idea of the article?

A who creates the menu at the restaurant

B the people who work in the kitchen at a restaurant © what makes the kitchen staff at the restaurant special D the most important customer service Positions at a restaurant 2 i 4

_ ® According to the article, what is true about the

AX thas breakfast and lunch service,

Wolfers @ special dish everynight

Ms butcher and prep cooks do similar wor,

Serve food in the restaurant,

† the Post Meridian is graas

know that the service a! : Qrea

thải ow what happens behind the scenes


But few people kni

Every morning, the head chef and the sous chef choos the day's specials Then they tell the butcher which meat,

they need And they also give directions to prep Cooks

At 6 o'clock, the restaurant opens Line cooks listen to caller to find out what foods to cook On busy night

swing cook helps the line cooks at different food stations

Finally, the pastry chef prepares desserts Everyone kitchen works together to make sure that customers | great meal! ‡ " aac i PT, Vocabulary

Match the job positions (1-8) with the

descriptions of the job (A-H)

1 head chet 5 — swing cook

2 sous chef 6 butcher

3 prep cook 7 pastry chet 4 line cook 8 _ caller

A tek Cooks one type of food all night, : aS Sauces, fish or vegetables

'S IN charge of all activi

Trang 27

Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part

4 All of the fish is prepared at the fish place ina

kitchen where a specific type of food 3

is cooked s t_o_

2 The server described the restaurant's meals

that are only available on certain days to the

Ccustomers _ _ ® _ Ì _ _ s

3 Janie got a job as a dishwasher and learned

what happens in the part that is not visible in

fosiaurants —6— nN _- sien

@ Listen and read the article again How

many different kitchen employees work in the mornings?


@ © Listen toa conversation between a line

cook and a sous chef Then mark the

following statements as true (T) or false (F)

4 The restaurant opened 15 minutes early

2 The line cook is responsible for preparing the special

3 The line cook needs help from the swing


@ @ Listen again, and fill in the blanks

s Chef: How long until we1 the £@


» Cook: Itsa2 , SO we

have fifteen minutes before opening Is all the 3 done? 'Yes, maam What 4 tonight? are you working

f: Excellent Our 6 5 eliaen

; So I'll probably need some help Is "N7 7 tonight? And he's great with fish fm in charge of the 5 _ _ for tonight is available Speaking

© With a partner, act out the roles below, based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then switch roles

Is all the prep work done? x ¥ : I'm in charge of the fish station z Our special for tonight is :

Student A: You are a sous chef Talk to Student B about:

e when the restaurant opens

e the day's special

e if the food prep is done

Student B: You are a line cook at the Post

Meridian Restaurant Answer Student A’s questions and tell them what station you will work at


© Use the article in Task 2 and

the conversation in Task 8

to make a list of the kind

Trang 28

Reading @ Read the arti then choose

4 What is the main idea of the a

A ways to care for cooking equipment

B the items that cooks commonly use

C the uses for different types of spoons

D how chefs prepare their tools

cle about chefs’ tools, ang

the correct answer

2 According to the passage, chefs’ knives are

popular because they A are inexpensive B come with a knife roll C do many things D are easy to clean chef's knife e

What are some tools that no chef can live without? No kitchen is complete without a

cutting board, grater, vegetable peeler

and can opener Chefs use these items before

3 According to the passage, which of the

following items is NOT used to prepare food before cooking?

A vegetable peeler C spatula

they start cooking And even small kitchens B knife D whisk

have spoons and whisks These are for

mixing food After food is done, chefs use Vocabulary

‘Spatulas or ladles to les to serve food,

© Choose the word or phrase closest in Meaning to the underlined Part

1 Helen uses the kitch

Pick up the

Many cooks like plate,

knives because it can Ag Patula

cảm © whisk nạ He

: tool with a flat side to

Plece of cake and set it on the

Trang 29

; | - Line Cook: o Match the words or phrases with the blanks 1 ladle / spoon

A Ricky uses his _ to eat his cereal

B The chef gets the

the soup —— —_ and serves

2 chef's knife / cutting board

Al crushed the garlic and cut it into small

pieces with my

B It damages the surface to cut directly on the counter, so | always use a

3 can opener / knife roll

A Jack keeps his knife collection in his B Lisa opens the tuna can with a

4 whisk / grater A Olivia uses the

B Sam cuts the cheese into small pieces with a _——

to mix the eggs

@ Listen and read the article again Which utensils are used to combine

different types of food?


@ Listen toa conversation between a line cook and a dishwasher Then mark the

following statements as true (T) or false (F)

1 There are no clean spatulas in the kitchen

2 The man gives the woman a grater 3 The woman plans to wash the utensils

@ & Listen again, and fill in the blanks

Line Cook: Hi, Kevin | need your help

Dishwasher: 1 , Kathy?

Line Cook: I need a spatula, but | think we're

2_— — _ _ cl6anon9s

Yes, theres a 3 of them at

the sink Do you need me to wash a

few for you?

Yes, please And can you wash the

4 for me, as well?

Dishwasher: Sure, Ill do that 5

Thanks a lot! Please leave the 6 _at my station No problem cr Dishwasher: Speaking

© With a partner, act out the roles below, based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are, Then

switch roles


| need your help

| need a

Do you want me to wash them for you?

Student A: You are a line cook Tell Student B: e what utensils you need

e where to put the clean utensils


Student B: You are a dishwasher Listen to Student A and ask about:

e how you can help him or her | e where to put the clean utensils Writing

Use the conversation in Task 8 to

complete the instructions from the line

cook to the dishwasher 208 (5 er Meridian Restaurant +kkk*k** The Post pare = | need your help Please wash the following utensils for me Je Ni eae

Trang 30

Kitchen Industries T FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT IN THE WORLD! THE John Gibson, Executive Chef, dung + Post Meridian Restaurant Dear Mr Gibson, Thank you for your recent order Based ON your pre vious Get ready!

@ Before you read the passage,

talk about these questions

orders, | have put together a list of new pr oducts that you may enjoy:

Fire It Up Gas Range Milton Count

© 45 cm griddle e 2 open burners Chasey Oven @ temperature range 65'-260°C _ @ automatic timer Mix-A-Lot Mixer €rtop Deep © two fry baskets Bake It Oven Rack

® Fits 12 sheet Pans Mollier Stockpot inless stee| 1 What tools do chefs use to cook? sheet pan 2 What items are in kitchens? ‘ Visit our website f th R ; : OF other great deals To Order these ead ing :

Products, please call one of our sales representatives today

© Read the letter from a supplier, and then choose the correct answers Sincerely,

Gillian Watkins, Director of Sales, Com Kitchen Industries

1 What is the purpose of the letter? A to list the delivery items

B to identify problems with an order Vocabulary

© to tell the customer about new products

© Choose the Correct word or

D to inform the Customer about a sale

Phrase in bold 2 Customers place an order by

1 The line cook lifted the (fry

A ‘sending an order form to the director of sales,

basket / griddle) from the hot B contacting the

Oil and took out the onion rings

Shelly makes a soup in the

(stockpot / oven rack)

Chef Madsen uses a(n)

(automatic timer / gas range)

to heat food,

Kevin owns a (countertop /

Stainless Steel) stockpot

Trang 31

— @ Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part, Speaking

1 Allison fries Potatoes in the machine that © With a partner, act out the roles below,

based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide

who Student A and Student B are Then

switch roles


cooks food in hot oi d _ ¢ 9 _

2 The pastry chef arranges the desserts on a

large flat cooking container and puts it into the oven sh t

h pices the f ea thee This is from the

heat until the flame is very small, How can | help you?

aon Ot I like to order the

6 @ Listen and read the letter again What job Student A: You are a sales executive at a kitchen

does the person who wrote the letter do? equipment company Talk to Student B about:

: @ a product they want to order Listening e the features of that product

` 6 @ Listen toa telephone conversation @ when the company will send the product

Ƒ between an executive chef and a sales Make up a delivery date

representative Then choose the correct

answers Student B: You are an executive chef at a

4 Why does the man call the woman? È se Học Tell student A what you would like to

A to inform her that he received her letter 3 4

B to ask about the price of a product Writing

€ to complain about a tool he purchased

D to place an order for an item © Use the passage in Task 2 and the conversation in Task 8 to complete the

2 What will the man probably do next? order form Use today’s date

A look for his credit card

B give his credit card number

C ask to pay with a check

D call Com Kitchen Industries again @ @ Listen again, and fill in the blanks

Kitchen Industries This is Gillian c

Watkins This is John Gibson 1

————— Post Meridian Restaurant Mr Gibson How can | help

Customer’s Name: nee

Prodiict: 22 See tagi

Ship Date:

Trang 32

«5 dozen eggs © 1 kg onions © 1kg spinach 1 kg tomatoes © 1 kg red peppers © 400 g bacon * 400 g cheese © 500 g mushrooms ® 50 g garïc

1 Peel and mince the onions

2 Wash and chop the spinach

3 Julienne the tomatoes

4, Dice the red peppers

5 Grate the cheese 6 Slice the mushrooms

Notes: Place all of the prepared items in

Separate bowls and seal with plastic wrap, Then place al of them on cart number

three and store in the cooler

@ Read the prep list from a hotel restaurant

d then mark the following statements ani as true (T) or false (F) 1 The document shows cooks how to make = an omelet 2 Omelets are part of the restaurant's breakfast menu 3 The food is not used as soon as it is prepared Vocabulary

© Match the words and phrases (1-9) with

the definitions (A-l)

1 _ dice 6 prep list

2 mince 7 plastic wrap 3 julienne 8 grate

4 slice 9 cooler

5 ingredients

` Cut something into very small pieces

z ie that says how to get food ready f s

@ Machine that keeps food cold

cut Something into strips like matchsticks te small squares

pone ei ces

ees Material that is Used to cover food shred Something

Trang 33

Complete the word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the underlined part, Speaking

The lettuce must be cut into large, unev © With a partner, act out the roles below,

i pieces C p _ into large, uneven based on the dialogue from Task 7 Decide who Student A and Student B are Then

2 Sara takes the skin off the carrot before switch roles


3 Oscar takes a block of cheese and make: Can you get started on the prep for the ?

small, long strips of it, sh _s What ingredients do | need?

Do you want me to the ?

@ Listen and read the prep list again

Where should the food be placed before

going in the cooler?

Student A: You are a sous chef Make up a dish Then tell Student B to prepare the Listening ingredients Talk about:

@ Listen to a conversation between a e@ what ingredients are needed

sous chef and a prep cook Then choose how to prepare each ingredient

the correct answers

Student B: You are a prep cook Listen to

4 What is the conversation about? Student A’s instructions Ask questions about:

A changing the menu @ what ingredients are needed B preparing a ˆ e how to prepare each ingredient

C looking for ingredients

D writing a prep list Writing

2 What will the prep cook do first? © Use the prep list in Task 2 and the

A peel the cucumbers conversation in Task 8 to complete the prep list B slice the tomatoes

C wash the ingredients

D julienne the tomatoes \ “= -.-

@ 9 Listen again, and fill in the blanks Service: 1 Breakfast

Menu Item:

Cc Ingredients do |

| Sous Chef: Jack, can you 1

the salads on tonight's menu?

Prep Cook: Sure What 2


Sous Chef: Lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers

Prep Cook: Okay Do you want me to 3 _ the cucumbers? Šous Chef: Yos, But fist,4_ — — all of the ie ingredients Will do, 5 _ slice or julienne the tomatoes? According to the 6 _

_ you need to slice them

Trang 34

-_ nu and paid for separately ang, ot offered from a me! cleé coc additional [aDJ-U2] If something is addition, 4 - em address [v-T-U2] To address S0 eone is t talk to th 2 i it is outdoors _ al fresco [ADJ-U9] If an area Is al fresco: : ees xin Bs FF o do cc t U2] To allow someone : é

eone [V PHRASE-U2] e responsible for doing something

allow som ing is to make someon Cc

assign [V-T-U1 i od of a place

Yo) The atmosphere |S the mo

atmosphere [N-UNCOUNT U2]

ie al


tic timer [N-COUNT- yi4] An automatic timer

is a machine that alerts people when â certain

amount of

automat ‘ime a


Ñ : im

their parents are unavailabl :

i Í ause their par


babysit M -U4] fe) babysit someone

is to take care of him or her bec:


ie in the middle (

round piece of bread with a hol

bagel [N-COUNT-UI0] A bagel is a

baggage [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Baggage is a

bartender [N-COUNT-U11] A bartender is a perso!

behind the scenes [ADJ -U12] If something happens behind th

person's bags that contain personal belongings

n whose job it is to make and serve drinks in a bar

e scenes, it takes place in private and not in public, NT-ƯI] A bellhop is a person who carries a guest's bags to his or her room

bellhop [N-COUI

something is to make plans to do something or be somewhere at a certain time in the future

book [VI/VT-U9] To book

booster seat [N-COUNT-U9] A booster seat is a tall seat that small children sit on to eat

brunch [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Brunch is a meal between breakfast and lunch

busser [N-COUNT-U8] A busser is a restaurant worker who takes away dirty plates from a table i

butcher {N-COUNT-U12] A butcher is a person whose job is to cut up or sell meat i i

caller [N-COUNT-U12] A caller i ler is a person whose job is to deliver the food orders to the kitch j itchen can opener [N-COUNT-U13] A can opener is a tool that Opens metal al containers of food i ;

cancellatior [N-COUNT-U9] A cancellation i ion ion is th is the decision not to do soi lething that yo isi you planned to do before

car key [N-COUNT-U5] A is a pi


car key is a piece of metal that Opens and st;

Trang 35

convenient [ADJ-U5] If something is co! i 9 'nvenient, it is useful or easy because it does not waste tim ient, it i ime or cause

ler[N |-COUNT-U15] A cooler is a machine that keeps food cold

[ADJ-U14] A countertop item is something that goes on the fi ountertop

@ flat working surface in kitchens ‘coupons [N-COUNT-U10] A coupon is a piece of paper that people _ use to get discounts on items i tb [N-COU ] A crib is a special bed for small children and babies

-COUNT- i is pi

cutting board [N- U13] A cutting board is piece of wood, stone or plastic that is used to cut food on

deposit [N-COUNT-U7] A damage deposit is the m : the mone hotel guests must pay immi pay i i heck-in h jag i y I gi y immediately at check-in It

deep fryer [N-COUNT-U14] A deep fryer is a machine that cooks food in hot oil

_ deluxe [ADJ-U6] If something is deluxe, it is of good quality and costs a lot of money desk [N-COUNT-U6] A desk is a table with drawers that you sit at in order to work

dice [V-T-U15] To dice something is to cut it into small squares

dining room [N-COUNT-U6] A dining room is a room where you eat meals

dish [N-COUNT -U8] A dish is food that is part of a meal

- domestic beer [N-COUNT-U11] A domestic beer is a beer that is made in the country in which it is served an [N-COUNT-U1] A doorman is a person who greets guests at a hotel and carries their bags inside

-U7] A double is a room with beds for two people

r easy [N-COUNT-U10] Eggs over easy is an egg dish It includes eggs that are cooked on both sides

e yolk intact

tor operator [N-COUNT-U1] An elevator operator is a p

e [V PHRASE-U6] To feel at home is to be comfortable and at ease in a place

erson who runs the elevator in a building

-[N-COUNT-U3] A fitness center is a place that has exercise equipment -U10] Fried eggs are eggs that are cooked in oil

[N-COUNT-U1] A front desk clerk is a person who checks in guests and assigns them to a hotel room

-of-house, it relates to or takes place in the public part of a restaurant

are fried in a deep fryer

8] If something is front

T-U14] A fry basket is a container that holds foods that

-U14] A gas range is a type of stove that uses gas to create heat

Trang 36

nin the early evening, when drinks arg

‘ble for creating the menu,

ker who gives directions to and organizes the waitsta,

er isa restaurant wor


is a large hole filled with warm water that you

can swim in

[N-COUNT-U8] Ahead wait [N-COUNT-U3] A heated pool i

NT-U9] A high chair is a tall se head waiter heated pool high chair [N-COU host [N-COUNT-U8] A tables hostess [N-COUNT-U8] A restaurant hos' available tables

aurant [N-COUNT-U3] A hotel restaurant is a place to

at that very young children sit in to eat

ant worker who greets customers and sits

them at availa restaurant host is @ male restaur

tess is a female restaurant worker who greets customers and sits them a

eat inside a hotel

hotel rest

staurant and that is not listed on

house wine [N-COUNT-Uff] A house wine is a cheap wine that is featured by a re!

the menu under its usual name

housekeeper [N-COUNT-U1] A housekeeper is a person who cleans a home or building

ice machine [N-COUNT-U3] An ice machine is a machine that makes ice

ID [N-COUNT-Uff] An ID is a document that proves your name, address and age It often has a photograph on it is

imported beer [N-COUNT-U11] An i ie ] An imported beer is a beer that is made in a country other than the one in whichit i ;

ingredient [N-COUNT- IN -U15] An ingredient is one of the foods that is used to make it ient i ingr

a meal

knife roll [N-COUNT a “UI3] A knife roll ig a , it is m, fade or done just for Children,

IN-COUNT-U13] A ladle j ladle is a large ; that holds ditt Srent types of knives :

bid ©ook [N-COUNT “Vi2] A line cook ice hat is used to serve liquig foods, like so

: up,

{ One fi

Chef is Sually the ling cook's Preparing and cook 00d station,

Trang 37

‘jog [N-COUNT-U9] A log is a book in IN-UNCOUNT-U2] L in which employees write the details of a period of time whi luggage = uggage i 9 1 sẽ IN-COUNT-U6} ea ge Is a person's bags that contain his or her personal belongings ‘ury is somethi Tà

ething that is enjoyable or pleasant, but is not needed It is often expensive

maintenance worker [N-UNCOUNT-U1 aie ] A maintenance worker is a person who fixes mechanical problems in a hotel i

mince [V- ] To mince something is to cut it into very small pieces

mini-bar [N-COUNT-U6] A mini-bar is a small fri ; -

for the snacks and drinks ridge in a hotel room with snacks and drinks inside You have to pay

Sie napkin IN -COUNT-U8] A napkin i ] pkin is a piece of cloth that people use to clean themselves with while they eat i

ni auditor [N-COUNT-U1] A night auditor is a hi HN Be a work at right otel worker who handles hotel guests and financial information 1

7 non-smoking [ADJ-U7] If a room is non-smoking, guests are not allowed to smoke in there % on tap [ADJ-Ut1] If a beer is on tap, it is served in bulk from a big container using a faucet

open bumer [N-COUNT-Ui4] An open burner is a part of the stove that sot Bren: creates heat T es heat The flame is visible with this is visible with thi

_ opening [N-COUI

oven [N-COUNT-U14] An oven is a cooker with a door that bakes or heats foods

INT-U9] An opening is an available time to do something

: ‘oven rack [N-COUNT-U14] An oven rack is an item that is on wheels and holds large baking pans

pancakes [N-COUNT-U10] Pancakes are flat cakes cooked in a pan or over a grill,

park [VIVT- -U5] To park a car is to leave it in a certain place while it is not in use

endant [N-COUNT-U5] A parking attendant is a person whose job is to help customers

with parking garage [N-COUNT-US5] A parking garage is a place where cars are left for a certain

period of time [N-COUNT-U9] A party is a group of people who are g

room [N-COUNT-U9] A party room is a private area in a restaurant for special


joing to the same place or event, or doing the same activi

\T-U10] A pastry is sweet bread that is typically eaten for breakfast

f [N-COUNT-U9] A pastry chef is the person whose job is to make

desserts in a restaurant

billing people for movies they order to watch on televi

[N-UNCOUNT-U4] Pay-per-view is a method of

° To peel something is to take the skin or covering off it

To pick up something is to collect something from a certain place someone is picky, he or she only likes certain things

-Utt] A pitcher is a large container with a handle and spout that holds


-U15] Plastic wrap is thin materi

-U4] A playroom is a place with toys for kids to have fun

Trang 38

ooked A prep cook does ng we : d to be © aring foo! kitchef prep’ M «+ table os -ui2) A -gredient in on it in am vơ prep cook or ow to prepare a” mg : Sai Tu

usually cook: vist 8 2 P2 r that $2! S

an rape skins and is red

tak@ Ð

5 -UI6] A prep © ade W!

: prep list [N-COUNT rea wine 68 wine that has peen

— holding a arink teamw©

ne [N-COUNT-UE Â 8 : 0 fill uP


red wine [N cou! ema nt of liquid n€' d †

- information about a hotel guest and tis , que IN io] A refl wi : Tớ ss NT-U7]A registration 1977 js a document toast IN i |-COUNT- gistration form IN nà her hotel er ‘oy time t worl ` :

relax [V-I-U3] To relax is to gpend and enjoy ` akes so that

2 room or place IS available, usuay unif

reservation [N-COUNT-U7] A reservation ig an arrang oe at a hotel Or restaurant es of numbers that a hotel uses to identify a guey utensl Si ber [N-COUNT-U7I A reservation number |S aserl reservation num: : hich opens and locks 4 door vacan room key [N-COUNT -U7] A room key is an instrument Wn! i ror harm valet safe [ADJ-US] If something is safe, it is free from dange! Pi it ooked

scrambled eggs [N-COUNT-U10] scrambled eggs

are eggs that are stirred before they

are ©! valet

server [N-COUNT-U8] A server iS 8 restaurant

worker who takes orders and brings food to

customers vale

sheet pan [N-COUNT-U14] A sheet pan is 4 long,

flat cooking container


shift [N-COUNT- yg] A shift is a period of time

that people work, often about eight hours


shred [V-T-U15] To shred something is to make it into small and

long strips by using a special tool ve

single [N-COUNT: U7] A single is a room with a bed for one person : vị slice [V-T-U15] To slice something is to cut it into flat pieces ing i V [ADJ-U7] If a room is smoking, guests are allowed to smoke in it ; sous chef [N-COUNT-U12] A sous chef has the most authority after the head chef and often assists the head chet spatula [(N-COUNT-U13] A spatula is a kitchen tool that has a wide side It is used to serve food S ‘i Ẵ

pecial [N-COUNT-U12] A special is a dish that chefs make for a limited period of time

spoon [N-COUNT-U13] A spoon has TT ca aonoe7Ÿ I a handle a nd a round part that can transfer small amounts of liquid Used for m

stainless steel [ADJ-U14] Some’ hing that is stainless steel is made of a hard, shi iny metal station [N-COUNT-U12] : : | A station is the ; Tin place where a chef - ef m : akes a certain type ee ype of food | Í |

Trang 39

table for (number) [N PHRASE restaurant

b take one 's bags [V PHRASE- fe} E-U2] To take one’s bags is to ca Tc y someone's bags for them xi

-U9] A table f or (number) describes how many people will sit at a table at a i

teamwork [N-UNCOU! NT-U1] Teamwork is the act of working t : g together with other people h othe ple in order to i achieve a goal i IN OUNT-U2] A title is a word used before a person's name to sho

l -C\ Ww respect

: ‘toast [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Toast is a piece of bread that has been cooked so the outside is cri

- top shelf [AD-UIf] If a bottle of alcohol is top shelf, it is of a high quality and is oe sek

uniform [N-COUNT-U5] A uniform is a particular outfit that each member of a group ke

request [ADV PHRASE-U4] To do something upon request is to do it when someone asks

[N-COUNT-U8] A utensil is a tool that people use to eat food

IN-COUNT-U7] A vacancy is an open or available room at a hotel

N-COUNT-U1] A valet is a person who parks guests’ cars

parking [N

et [N-COUNT-U5] A valet

| which customer

; IN-UNCOUNT-U5] Valuables are personal items that are worth a lot of money

peeler [N-COUNT- -U13] A vegetable peeler is a tool that takes the skin off foods like potatoes or carrots

main [N-COUNT-U3] A vending machine is a machine that sells

piece of paper that some businesses accept instead of money

-UNCOUNT-U5] Valet parking is a service that involves parking a guest's car for him or her

ticket is a piece of paper that lets a parking attendant know which car belongs

snacks automatically COUNT -U10] A voucher is a

INCOUNT- -U8] Waitstaff are restaurant workers who tak

7) A walk-in guest is a person who does not call and arrange to have a room at

e orders and bring food to customers

a hotel before he

J2! To welcome someone is to make him or her feel comfortable in a new place

hisk is a tool that has metal loops and mixes items together

at is made without grape skins and is pale in color

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2017, 03:13


