Tài liệu TOEIC sát với đề thi thật nhất - TOEIC mỗi ngày L i tho i cu n E tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận...
(C) The man is getting into a vehicle (D) The woman is waiting or a parking spot (A) Some signs are blocking the entrance (B) A clock is hanging above a doorway (C) Some recycling bins are being emptied (D) The doors have been le open (A) �¥ Df�OI 11� l lQ i �Q (C) �¥ :H g 01 l-\' Xll lQ (D) �OI �.1 lQ (B) AIJIPf 1O (A) A man is putting away some crutches (B) wo people are looking at each other (C) A woman is monitoring a patient (D) They are entering an elevator .1� :l-l lQ 10 (A) a'f7f (B) � Af'OI J- -� !l lQ (C) ; f t: ?Al3fl �Q (D) Af'�OI 1l IOIJII �j7fl IQ 11 Which gym you use? (A) The one near my home (B) readmills mostly (C) I think it's new 11 i 12 Where will the ban uet take place? 12 l�7f iCIIIA �.ItR? 13 When will the company release its annual re ort? 13 �Af7f 111 !li� !: l of[R? 14 Where is your apartment? 14 alJ Of (A) Please make a donation (B) The Washington Ballroom (C) In the evening, at 8:00 (A) Later this week (B) We didn't e port them (C) I didn't write them (A) It's downtown (B) Three bedrooms (C) es, it is , l� O gofAItR? (A) IIA1 7fJ l (B) QPH - a l!R (C) H£g OfR (A) 71¥E� l lR (B) !�a �£i� (C) 'i9 8AI\IR (A) OI ? ll (B) -.I� !�� * of'1 J�i (C) : l7f J ii � iIII ltR? (A) AIIII W> (B) mJ 37H (C) 11, t 15 Who translated this news article? 15 r7f OI !¥ 71.f� J1 4R? 16 There's a typo in this advertisement 16 01 lII l7f liR 17 What did you like about the factory tour? 17 ;§ i %\Ii 7f �iR? (A) 11, -.I \Ii 2�7f *iR (B) J- l l\I1R (C) tfJOI O e OI O ? IR (A) From a finance maga ine (B) Yes, it's a new article (C) Kathy did that (A) Really ? Where? (B) es, it's on sale now (C) Send me 10 copies (A) Yes, everyone in our group did (B) At a clothing manufacturer (C) Our guide was very knowledgeable (A) g:1\IiR (B) 11, H£g 7IAfIIR (C) HAl7f !O (A) - ? Ill.? (B) il, '1E l fDH OIIIR (B) 'i II 10 � l lR 161 the contracts a qE j q 11 !�Sfl �E7f? (A) f�� 7J j (B) llOJ AI , ¥�1 J I J H g Sf.jl (C) � if l (D) � J l 70 aAfE 11 ¥1� W J7f? jAfE ¥1� Sf tl ofE7f? (A) JI aAf� ! I (B) le A - £ gA f71 (C) aAfI f� 1� q, (0) 11f1� of71 J tJ� 71 (B) llOJ AlI Af �JIAi �� ! (C) Af] Af¥�£ O 7f71 (0) Af]I � llll 1f � -71 (A) EIJI j f71 71-73 advertisement emove stains and odors from your furniture without hiring a professional