Hoa Kỳ GSCMN1USA1S6 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế,...
WORLD TRADE G/ADP/N/1/USA/1/Suppl.6 G/SCM/N/1/USA/1/Suppl.6 18 October 2002 ORGANIZATION (02-5723) Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Original: English NOTIFICATION OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS UNDER ARTICLES 18.5 AND 32.6 OF THE AGREEMENTS UNITED STATES Supplement The following communication, dated 18 October 2002, has been received from the Permanent Mission of the United States _ Pursuant to Part 1, Section 15(c), of the Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China, the United States hereby notifies to the Committee on Anti-dumping Practices its methodologies for determining price comparability with respect to products from non-market economy countries The law and regulations pertaining to such methodologies were previously notified to the Committee on March 16, 1995 and July 30, 1997, respectively In particular, the United States notifies the following specific provisions of its previouslynotified statute and regulations: • 19 U.S.C §1677b(c) – calculation of normal value with respect to non-market economy countries; • 19 C.F.R §351.107(d) – rates in anti-dumping proceedings involving non-market economy countries; • 19 C.F.R §351.202(b)(7)(i)(C) – requiring, in non-market economy country cases, that the petition include factual information relevant to the calculation of normal value using a method described in 19 C.F.R §351.408; • 19 C.F.R §351.204(b)(1) – period of investigation will normally be the two most recently completed fiscal quarters in a non-market economy country anti-dumping investigation; and • 19 C.F.R §351.408 – calculation of normal value of merchandise from non-market economy countries See G/ADP/N/1/USA/1, G/SCM/N/1/USA/1 (10 April 1995), G/ADP/N/1/USA/1/Suppl.2 and G/SCM/N/1/USA/1/Suppl.2 (25 August 1997)