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Kiểm tra ngữ pháp Chapter 14 SENTENCE PATTERNS

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-8Chapter 9: CÁC LOẠI MẪU CÂU THƯỜNG GẶP I) :WISH CLAUSE(MỆNH ĐỀ AO ƯỚC) Future Wish : SUBJECT + WISH(ES) (THAT) SUBJECT +WOULD/COULD +V Ex1: He is studying very hard at maths,chemist and biology He wishes he would be a doctor in the future Ex2: Hoa is living in HaNoi for her study.She misses her parents in Hue She wishes she could visit them every day ***Note : Nhóm từ I wish you would… I wish you wouldn’t… dùng cách lòch câu mệnh lệnh yêu cầu Ex 1: I wish you would stay here Ex : I wish you could help me Present Wish : SUBJECT + WISH(ES) (THAT) SUBJECT +V(past form) Ex1: She isn’t a manager She wishes she were a manager Ex2:Ba only gets mark for his English test He wishes that he got mark 10 3) Past wish : SUBJECT + WISH(ES) (THAT) SUBJECT + HAD +V(past participle) Ex1: I ‘m sorry that I didn’t go to the party last Sunday I wish that I had gone to the party last Sunday Ex2: It ‘s a pity that you were not here last weekend I wish you had been here last weekend EXERCISE : Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses : 1) I wish I ( own) an automobile 2) John wishes He (be ) _ a mechanical engineer now 3) I wish I (go ) to the movie with you last night 4) I wish I (have ) today off I ‘d go swimming 5) I wish that ,for just a day , I (be ) _President of the United States 6) I wish ,when a boy, I ( study ) French instead of English 7) I wish I ( can ) help you ,but I can’t 8) I wish I ( not spend ) so much money yesterday EXERCISE :Begin the sentences with I wish you would… or I wish you wouldn’t… With the following phrases to make suitable sentences : 1) Come back in an hour 2) Miss Smith ,type this letter right away 3) Write this exercise in ink 4) Don’t write your composition in pencil 5) Help me with this problem 6) Wait a few minutes * EXERCISE :SENTENCES TRANSFORMATION I can’t play the guitar I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… 2)He is sorry that he hasn’t done his homework -8He wishes………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 3)I didn’t meet them at the party I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… 4)I am not good at English I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… 5)It is a party I didn’t take a trip last week I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… 6) Tom is not very tall He wishes………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… 7) Mary doesn’t have a brother She wishes………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… 8) He is not here now I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 9) I have never been in Hanoi I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 10) He can’t speak English very well although he has learned it for years He wishes………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… * EXERCISE :MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST “Joe has three sisters,doesn’t he?” “No wonder he wishes he ……………………….a brother A) had B) have C)will have D) can have 2)” I hear that the Jenkinses lost all their money gambling in Las Vegas” “ Now they wish they……………………………” A) have never gone B) never go C)never went D) had never gone 3)” My daughter wants to go to Disneyland.” “Many children wish they …………………………there.” A) can go B) will go C) could go D)go 4)“ Monica is such a nice person ” “Yes.I wish I………………………her more often” A) see B) will see C)saw D) have seen 5)“Are you coming to the gym ?” “I wish I………………………….,but I have to work.” A) had B) could C) will D) could have II) CÂU VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ : SUPPOSED TO ( GIẢ SỬ ) * Chúng ta dùng supposed để diển tả bổn phận dự tính Chúng ta dùng khứ Ex : Mr Smith is supposed to be here -8Ex : They were supposed to arrive last night *EXERCISE :Fill in the blanks with the verb to be supposed 1) They (send) the merchandise last night 2) The ship (sail) _ at two o ‘clock this afternoon 3) He (come) _at four o ‘clock yesterday afternoon 4) John (bring) _the book with him 5) That letter (write) _ yesterday III) CÂU VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ used to( thường hay) * Used to dùng để diển tả thói quen khứ thói quen không tồn tại Ex: I used to smoke.(Now I don’t smoke) Ex: He used to teach English.( Now he doesn’t teach English) ** Exercise : In each sentence,use used to in place of the bold words I walked to work -> John was a good student and worked hard > I bought all my clothes in Macy ‘s -> I never made so many mistakes in spelling - John played the violin - IV) CÂU VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ be used to( thường hay,quen với ) Be used to + V-ing / phrase * * Be used to diển tả thói quen khứ * Ex : Women are used to being independent Women are used to earning their own money She was used to living alone *Exercise 1:Complete the following sentences with USED TO and the proper form of the verb in parentheses 1) I ‘m quite hard work 2) I ‘m quite ( work ) hard 3) She ‘s not (be ) _laughed at 4) I (have ) my phtographs taken 5) I ‘ve lived in Ho Chi Minh city for a long time now ,so I ‘m quite (drive) _around *Exercise 2:Complete the sentences with use, used to +infinitive ,Or be used to: 1) If you (not) _your English ,you ‘ll forget it 2) My father _smoke apack of cigarettes a day ,but now he has given it up 3) I heavy traffic in this city 4) Life here is much easier than it be 5) Do you know how to _a computer ? 6) We speaking English to our teacher 7) He be an excellent footballer,but now he is too old to play 8) My teacher _ teaching six hours a day 9) May I your textbook ? 10) When my father was young ,he was (walk) _ long distances ,but now he is out of practice *Exercise : Make sentences with BE USED TO ,using these cues a) get up early _ b) stay up late to watch live sports programmes on TV _ c) study for long hour _ -8d) live in the countryside _ e) go on picnics at weekends _ f) hot weather _ g) English conversation in class _ V) CÂU VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ would rather…than( thích… hơn) Would rather +V …than +V * Ex 1: I would rather watch TV than go to a movie Ex 2: He would rather walk than take a taxi **Note :Trong đàm thoại ngày ,ta thường rút gọn would rather ’d rather Ex 1: I’d rather watch TV than go to a movie Ex 2: He’d rather walk than take a taxi *** Exercise :Change the following sentences using’d rather I prefer to wait outside. -> _ We prefer to spend the Summer at home instead of in the countryside - The doctor says that he prefers to examine you in his office - _ I prefer to speak with her in private - _ I prefer to see a good movie rather than go to the opera  _ VI) CÂU VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ had better ( tốt hơn…nên/thích hợp hơn) had better + V * *Example : You had better see a doctor She had better come back later * Note :Trong đàm thoại ngày ,ta thường rút gọn had better ’d better *Example : You’d better see a doctor She’d better come back later ***Exercise :Use’d better to change the following sentences: It will be better if you come back later  You’d better come back later It will be better if she rests a while  _ It will be better if she doesn’t see him again  _ It will be better if you don’t mention this to anyone - _ It is advisable that you tell them the truth - _ VII) CÂU VỚI CÁC TRẠNG TỪ :still ( ) ,not…any more/ not… any longer (không… )= no longer Still đặt trước động từ thường / sau động từ to be, cho biết vài hành động tiếp tục Ex : He is still working in that office They still live in that house 2) No longer : trái ngược với Still , No longer đặt trước động từ thường / sau động từ to be , cho biết vài hoạt động không xảy -8Ex 1: He is no longer working in that office They no longer live in that house **Note : Dạng khác no longer not… any more not ….any longer Ex 2: He is not working in that office any more They don’t live in that house any more Ex : He is not working in that office any longer They don’t live in that house any longer ***Note 2: Trạng từ No longer đặt đầu câu phải thực việc đảo ngữ trợ động từ chủ từ ( INVERSIONS) Ex : Women no longer bear a lot of children - No longer women bear a lot of children *** Một số trạng từ khác đặt đầu câu dạng đảo ngữ No longer : NEVER ( không bao giờ), SELDOMới( ), RARELY ( khi), NO SOONER (chẳng ), HARDLY ( khó mà ), ONLY WHEN (chỉ )… Ex : EXERCISE :Fill in the blanks with still or any more : He doesn’t study in this class…………………………………………… She is ……………….working as a clerk in this company We never see you at the school dance……………………………… We………………………are good friends although I rarely see them……………………… EXERCISE 2: Rewrite the sentences provided into the negative form,follow the example : Ex : Women no longer bear a lot of children -Women don’t bear a lot of children any more / any longer 1) She is still delaying having children My mother still spends 14 hours a day doing housework She still takes care of her daily housework in 14 hours It is still raining EXERCISE 3: Use the adverb No longer at the beginning of the sentences : 1) 1) She is no longer delaying having children My mother no longer spend 14 hours a day doing housework She no longer takes care of her daily housework in 14 hours It is no longer raining VIII ) EMPHATIC SENTENCES ( phép nhấn câu ) * Chúng ta dùng trợ động từ DO ,DOES DID câu xác đònh để trình bày nhấn mạnh cảm thấy chắn vấn đề Ex : She knows him (normal)  She does know him.( she is sure ) Ex : I called you last night (normal) - I did call you last night ( sure) * Chúng ta thể hiễn nhấn mạnh câu mệnh lệnh Ex : Sit down -> Do sit down IX) TAG QUESTIONS : * Ta dùng câu hỏi đuôi để hỏi lại môït việc mà có lẽ ta biết câu trả lời 1) Tag Endings in affirmative sentences ( câu khẳng đònh ) : Theo quy tắc : ta dùng câu hỏi đuôi thể phủ đònh sau câu xác đònh ( trước khẳng sau phủ ) Ex : He can speak English , can’t he ? + She is an American ,isn’t she ? -8+You live in Co Do ,don’t you ? +They went home , didn’t they ? 2) Tag Endings in negative sentences (câu phủ đònh ) : Theo quy tắc : ta dùng câu hỏi đuôi thể khẳng đònh sau câu phủ đònh (trước phủ sau khẳng) Ex : He can’t speak English , can he ? + She isn’t an American ,is she ? +You don’t live in Co Do , you ? +They didn’t go home , did they ? * Exercise 1: Complete the dialogues with the correct tag : a) Jim: You have read this article on the website , _ ? Lina : Not yet b) Minh : Baird produced the first TV picture in 1926 , _? Yes ,he did c) Thu : A daily newspaper was published in Germany in 1550 , ? Tri : No ,it wasn’t It was in 1650 d) Ha : You don’t like playing compuetr games , ? Thanh : Yes , I But I don’t have much time for it e) Mai : We are going to have cable TV soon , ? Thang :Yes , I think so * Work with a parner Look at the table Ask and answer the questions about television programs these people like and dislike Use tag questions Key : v = like x = don’t like Example : a A : Tuan likes news , doesn’t he ? B:Yes , he does b A : Mai and Anh don’t like news , they ? B:No ,they don’t Programs News Movies Music Sports Quizzes Games English lessons Cartoons Exercise 1: Tuan v x x v x x v x Hanh v x v x v x x v Mai x v x x x v x v Anh x v x v v x x x X) CÂU VỚI TỪ THAY THẾ :TOO / SO – ( / ) * Để tránh nhắc lại từ nhóm từ ,chúng ta dùng too so trợ động từ riêng cho Ex 1: He speaks English and she speaks English  He speaks English and she does too - He speaks English and so does she ? Ex :I went to New York and John went to New York - I went to New York and John did too  I went to New York and so did John Exercise : Rút ngắn câu sau với Too He wants to go there and she wants to go there _ Mary left right after lunch and John left right after lunch -8She is going to the concert and I am going to the concert John will be here at ten o ‘clock and I will be here at ten o ‘clock She wanted to go to a movie and I wanted to go to a movie Smith has gone back to Europe and his wife has gone back to Europe He can speak French and she can speak French I have had lunch and Mary has had lunch Exercise : Rút ngắn câu sau với so He wants to go there and she wants to go there _ 10 Mary left right after lunch and John left right after lunch 11 She is going to the concert and I am going to the concert 12 John will be here at ten o ‘clock and I will be here at ten o ‘clock 13 She wanted to go to a movie and I wanted to go to a movie 14 Smith has gone back to Europe and his wife has gone back to Europe 15 He can speak French and she can speak French 16 I have had lunch and Mary has had lunch XI) CÂU VỚI TỪ THAY THẾ :EITHER / NEITHER – ( chẳng /cũng chẳng) Chúng ta dùng too so để tránh lập lại câu xác đònh dùng Either Neither để tránh lập lại câu phủ đònh Ex 1: : He doesn’t speak English and she doesn’t speak English  He doesn’t speak English and she doesn’t either - He doesn’t speak English and neither does she ? Ex :I didn’t go to New York and John didn’t go to New York - I didn’t go to New York and John didn’t either  I didn’t go to New York and neither did John Exercise : Rút ngắn câu sau với either 17 He doesn’t want to go there and she doesn’t want to go there _ 18 Mary didn’t leave right after lunch and John didn’t leave right after lunch 19 She isn’t going to the concert and I am not going to the concert 20 John will not be here at ten o ‘clock and I will not be here at ten o ‘clock 21 She didn’t want to go to a movie and I didn’t want to go to a movie 22 Smith hasn’t gone back to Europe and his wife hasn’t gone back to Europe 23 He can’t speak French and she can’t speak French 24 I haven’t had lunch and Mary hasn’t had lunch -8Exercise : Rút ngắn câu sau với neither 25 He doesn’t want to go there and she doesn’t want to go there _ 26 Mary didn’t leave right after lunch and John didn’t leave right after lunch 27 She isn’t going to the concert and I am not going to the concert 28 John will not be here at ten o ‘clock and I will not be here at ten o ‘clock 29 She didn’t want to go to a movie and I didn’t want to go to a movie 30 Smith hasn’t gone back to Europe and his wife hasn’t gone back to Europe 31 He can’t speak French and she can’t speak French 32 I haven’t had lunch and Mary hasn’t had lunch FOCUS on : CONNECTED STATEMENTS & TAG – QUESTIONS 1/ They never came to class late , and a neither did we b so did we c we did either d neither we did 2/ My wife had never been to Hue , and I a never have b neither have c neither had d neither did 3/ They are studying pronunciation with Mr Brown , _ ? a are they b aren’t they c they d don’t they 4/ She should have obeyed her parents , _ she ? a should b should have c shouldn’t have d shouldn’t 5/ My father doesn’t speak Chinese, and _ a my mother does neither b my mother doesn’t too c neither does my mother d so doesn’t my mother 6/ The air – hotess knows the time that plane is due to take off , _ ? a doesn’t she b isn’t it c doesn’t she d did she 7/ This is the second time she has been here , _ ? a has she b hasn’t she c isn’t this d isn’t it 8/ They must as they are told , _ a so must I b I must either c I too d I am too 9/ “ I don’t like strong coffee” - “ No , _ ” a I don’t too b either don’t I c me either d neither don’t I 10/ He hardly has anything nowadays , ? a has he b doesn’t he c does he d hasn’t he 11/You’ve never been in Italy, _ ? a haven’t you b have you c been you d had you 12/ Sally turned in her report , _ ? a had she b did she c hadn’t she d didn’t she 13/ You have a ticket to the game, _? a you b haven’t you c don’t you d have you 14/ Tom knows Alice Reed, _ ? a doesn’t he b does he c is he d isn’t he 15/ We should call Rita , ? a should we b shouldn’t we c shall we d should not we 16/ Monkeys can’t sing , ? a can they b can’t they c can it d can’t it 17/ These books aren’t yours , _ ? a are these b aren’t these c are they d aren’t they 18/ That’s Bob’s , _ ? -8a is that b isn’t that c is it d isn’t it 19/ No one died in the accident , ? ( British English ) a didn’t they b did he c didn’t he d did they 20/ I’m right , _ ? a aren’t I b amn’t I c am not I d not I am XII ) CÂU VỚI TR ĐỘNG TỪ : must have /may have: dùng để diển tả suy diển lôgic việc khứ ( logical inference in the past ) +Must have cho ta biết khả việc theo suy diển chắn xảy khứ +May have cho ta biết khả việc theo suy diển có khả xảy khứ S + Must have + p.p * Nhưng hai trợ động từ theo sau qúa khứ phân từ ( V V-ed ) S + May have + p.p Must have Ex : Nancy Lee couldn’t remember how she was able to get home She guessed that she must have danced all the way home Ex :I am trying to find my keys in my bag but I can’t find them I guess that I may have left my keys at home or I may have lost them somewhere I am not sure *Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with Must have OR May have 1) She taken the book by mistake 2) They don’t answer the phone ;they gone away on their vacation 3) They been wealthy at one time ,but I doubt it 4) They think now that the jewels _stolen by one of the servants 5) William got very good marks on his examinations ; he studied very hard for his exam 6) It been John or it been mary who told them about it 7) He speaks English very well; he _learned it for a long time 8) He and Helen are not friends any more ;they said good-bye after that big argument **Exercise 2: Make logical inference ,using the cues in brackets: Nancy Lee won the scholarship.( be very happy) The committee did not let Nancy Lee get the scholarship (be very disappointed) Nancy Lee had tears on her face.( weep a lot ) Nancy Lee made a lot of good paintings ( have talent in art ) Exercise :Answer the following questions and add “I am not sure “ at the end of each answer” Did professor Smith learn Spanish in South America ? Did Helen call while I was out ? Was Mr Reese born in this country or Europe ? Did Mary and Helen have a quarrel ? XIII) CÂU CẢM THÁN ( Exclamatory sentences) + Khi muốn nhấn mạnh danh từ ,ta bắt đầu câu cảm thán với từ What: Ex 1:What a beautiful day ! Ex 2: what a pretty girl ! What + (a /an ) +adjective +Noun ! -8+ Khi muốn nhấn mạnh tính từ trạng từ ,ta bắt đầu câu cảm thán với từ How: Ex 1: How tall she is ! Ex : How well he swims ! How +adj +S + (be) ; How +adv +S + V ! EXERCISE :Use Exclamatory sentences to express these sentences : 1)She is a very graceful girl ………> What _! The meal was excellent ……….> What _ ! You have a beautiful home…… > What ! He is a fast runner ……… > How fast ! She sang very beautifully………> How _ ! S+ BE+ADJ.+THAT CLAUSE S+BE+ADJ.+TO INFINITIVE XIV) Ex : We were careful that we said the right thing ………> We were careful to say the right thing Exercise : I ‘m sorry that I have to leave I ‘m 2) He ‘s delighted that he knows the answer He ‘s _ We were surprised that we saw you in town We were She ‘s pleased that she ‘s making progress She ‘s _ We ‘re sure that we ‘ll hear the news We ‘re _ They were satisfied that they came in second They were S+BE+ADJ +TO INF IT +BE+ADJ.+TO INF XV) Ex : He ‘s nice to talk to ………> It ‘s nice to talk to him Those things are good to know……… > It ‘s good You weren’t easy to recognize……… > It wasn’t Her house is convenient to go to …….> It ‘s His pronunciation is hard to understand…… > It ‘s _ The solution wasn’t difficult to figure out… > It wasn’t Good friends are wonderful to have ……….> It ‘s _ A thing like that isn’t possible to forget…… > It isn’t Is this water all right to drink ? …………………….> Is it XVI) DOUBLE COMPARATIVES : IF +S2+V2+ Comparaitve adj./adv +S1+v1+ Comparaitve adj./adv The + Comparaitve adj./adv.+S2+V2,The+ Comparaitve adj./adv.+S1+V1 Ex 1: If you work harder ,you make more products -8………> The harder you work , the more products you make Ex 2: If you are happier , you look younger …….> The happier you are ,the younger you look Exercise :Complete the sentences : If there are more people , it ‘ll be better The more people If they rise higher ,They ‘ll fall harder The higher If you get here sooner ,We ‘ll be able to start out sooner The sooner If you hear more about it , you become more anxious The more you _ If the letter is heavier , you have to put more stamps on it The heavier _ If you have a better job , you get higher pay The better _ ... How well he swims ! How +adj +S + (be) ; How +adv +S + V ! EXERCISE :Use Exclamatory sentences to express these sentences : 1)She is a very graceful girl ………> What _! The meal was excellent... used to earning their own money She was used to living alone *Exercise 1:Complete the following sentences with USED TO and the proper form of the verb in parentheses 1) I ‘m quite hard... Ho Chi Minh city for a long time now ,so I ‘m quite (drive) _around *Exercise 2:Complete the sentences with use, used to +infinitive ,Or be used to: 1) If you (not) _your English ,you

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