Elementary Level 1. Speaking already ........................................................................ 78 2. Drive carefully ......................................................................... 79 3. Listen vs. Hear ......................................................................... 80 4. Finish vs. End .......................................................................... 81 5. Start vs. Begin ......................................................................... 82 6. Modal Verbs ............................................................................. 83 7. How to use the articles ................................................................. 84 8. Relative Pronouns ....................................................................... 85 9. Present Tense ........................................................................... 86 10. Conditionals ........................................................................... 87 11. We went on holiday ..................................................................... 88 12. Grammar Questions ...................................................................... 89 13. An Easy Question ....................................................................... 90 14. Learn it by heart ...................................................................... 91 15. White Water Rafting .................................................................... 92
PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net TESTS 1528 English Grammar Tests Index 1 Elementary Level 1. Speaking already 78 2. Drive carefully 79 3. Listen vs. Hear 80 4. Finish vs. End 81 5. Start vs. Begin 82 6. Modal Verbs 83 7. How to use the articles 84 8. Relative Pronouns 85 9. Present Tense 86 10. Conditionals 87 11. We went on holiday 88 12. Grammar Questions 89 13. An Easy Question 90 14. Learn it by heart 91 15. White Water Rafting 92 16. Where am I? 93 17. Remove the Spoon 94 18. Weather Forecast 95 19. On TV tonight 96 20. The Bells 97 21. Sailing 98 22. Responses (1) 99 23. Responses (2) 100 24. Responses (3) 101 25. Responses (4) 102 26. Responses (5) 103 27. Responses (6) 104 28. Responses (7) 105 29. Question Tags (1) 106 30. Question Tags (2) 107 31. Question Tags (3) 108 32. Object Pronoun 109 33. Relative Pronoun Exercises 110 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 34. Reflexive Pronouns 111 35. Basic American English 112 36. Basic English Grammar 113 37. Basic Weather Expressions 114 38. Basic English Expressions 115 39. Elementary English Grammar 116 40. Question Words 117 41. Common Prepositions 118 42. Modal Verb Questions 119 43. Elementary Grammar Questions 120 44. English Grammar Exercise 121 45. Much, many, a lot, lots 122 46. Elementary Adjectives 123 47. Chit Chat: At the bus stop 124 48. Chit Chat: Talking about the Doctor 125 49. Chit Chat: In the Aeroplane 126 50. Chit Chat: At the pub 127 51. Chit Chat: At the restaurant 128 52. Chit Chat: On the phone 129 53. Chit Chat: In the theatre 130 54. Chit Chat: In the supermarket 131 55. Chit Chat: In the train 132 56. Other, another, others, the others 133 57. Adjective Prepositions Constructions 134 58. Anything, nothing, something, everything 135 59. American homophones 136 60. Pronouns: who, whose, whom, which 137 61. Some, any, few, little 138 62. Prepositions Test 139 63. Past Participle Sentences 140 64. ESL Prepositions 141 65. Common English Errors (1) 142 66. Common English Errors (2) 143 67. Common English Errors (3) 144 68. Common English Errors (4) 145 69. Common Quantity Nouns 146 70. Using Make and Do (1) 147 71. Using Prepositions 148 72. Using Make and Do (2) 149 73. Why Questions 150 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 74. While, during and for 151 75. auxiliary verbs: was, did, have 152 76. Words with time: for, ago, since, on, at 153 77. Common English phrases with prepositions 154 78. Articles in English Grammar 155 79. a, some or any 156 80. Interrogative pronouns 157 81. Possessive pronouns 158 82. Phrasal verbs 159 83. Agatha Christie test questions 160 84. Conjunctions: and, but, or, so 161 85. Compound words with 'tooth' 162 86. Beginner Grammar Questions Test (1) 163 87. Irregular Verbs (1) 164 88. Postcard: Writer 165 89. Postcard: Winner 166 90. Postcard: Job 167 91. Postcard: Holiday 168 92. Postcard: France 169 93. Postcard: Appointment 170 94. Weather Test (1) 171 95. Weather Test (2) 172 96. Weather Test (3) 173 97. Weather Test (4) 174 98. Weather Test (5) 175 99. Weather Test (6) 176 100. Conversations and Comprehension (2) 177 101. Real Life: Grocery Stores (1) 179 102. Real Life: Grocery Stores (2) 180 103. Real Life: Geography (1) 181 104. Real Life: Accessories and Clothing (1) 182 105. Real Life: Accessories and Clothing (2) 183 106. Real Life: Occupations (1) 184 107. Real Life: Occupations (2) 185 108. Real Life: Transportation (1) 186 109. Real Life: Transportation (2) 187 110. Vocabulary Practice: Bottlenose Dolphins 188 111. Real Life: Farm Animals (1) 189 112. Conversations and Comprehension (3) 190 113. Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (1) 192 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 114. Vocabulary Practice: Sharks (1) 193 115. Vocabulary Practice: Tigers (1) 194 116. Vocabulary Practice: Bees (1) 195 117. Vocabulary Practice: Halloween (1) 196 118. Vocabulary Practice: Penguins (1) 197 119. Vocabulary Practice: Tortoises (1) 198 120. Real Life: Types of Buildings (1) 199 121. Real Life: The Body and Related Verbs (1) 200 122. Real Life: The Body and Related Verbs (2) 201 123. Real Life: The Body and Related Verbs (3) 202 124. Real Life: Healthcare Vocabulary (2) 203 125. Using Adjectives (1) 204 126. Using Adjectives (5) 205 127. Using Adjectives (6) 206 128. Real Life: Parts of the Body (2) 207 129. Question/Response Test (2) 208 130. Vocabulary Practice: Cold/Flu Season (1) 209 131. Dialogue Practice: Going out for Lunch (1) 210 132. Dialogue Practice: Buying a Music CD (1) 211 133. Dialogue Practice: Making a Dentist Appointment 212 134. Months of the Year (Solar Calendar) 213 135. Appliances in the Home (1) 214 136. Dishware and Utensils (1) 215 137. Weekend Activities: Verbs (1) 216 138. Weekend Activities: Verbs (2) 217 139. Basic Meals (1) 218 140. Daily Activities: Verbs (1) 219 141. Daily Activities: Verbs (2) 220 142. Days of the Week 221 143. Holidays: Word Match (1) 222 144. Grammar Crunch (3) 223 145. Grammar Crunch (4) 224 146. The Platypus: Vocabulary Practice 225 147. Zebras and Kangaroos: Vocabulary Practice 226 148. Parrots: Vocabulary Practice 227 149. Brown Bears: Vocabulary Practice 228 150. Koala Bears: Vocabulary Practice 229 151. Jellyfish: Vocabulary Practice 230 152. Lions: Vocabulary Practice 231 153. Elephants: Vocabulary Practice (2) 232 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 154. Where, Why, What, When and How (1) 233 155. 'Age' Terms 234 156. Vocabulary Practice: Ants (1) 235 157. Comparatives and Superlatives (1) 236 158. Comparatives and Superlatives (2) 237 159. Comparatives and Superlatives (3) 238 160. Basic Grammar Exercises (1) 239 161. Basic Grammar Exercises (2) 240 162. Basic Grammar Exercises (3) 241 163. Modal Verbs (1) 242 164. Verb Tense Practice (1) 243 165. Verb Tense Practice (2) 244 166. Verb Tense Practice (3) 245 167. Verb Tense Practice (4) 246 168. Verb Tense Practice (5) 247 169. Verb Tense Practice (6) 248 170. Verb Tense Practice (7) 249 171. Verb Tense Practice (8) 250 172. Verb Tense Practice (9) 251 173. Verb Tense Practice (10) 252 174. Comprehension Sentences (1) 253 175. Real life sports vocabulary 254 176. Real life sports vocabulary 3 255 177. Birth and Children (1) 256 178. Dialogue Practice: Making a Business Call (1) 257 179. Superlatives and Prepositions (1) 258 180. Non-Count and Count Nouns (1) 259 181. Pronoun Practice (1) 260 182. Pronoun Practice (2) 261 183. Pronoun Practice (3) 262 184. Pronoun Practice (4) 263 185. Vocabulary Practice: Animal or Plant? (1) 264 186. Vocabulary Practice: Animal or Plant? (2) 265 187. Related Things (1) 266 188. Related Things (2) 267 189. Related Things (3) 268 190. Opposite Meanings (1) 269 191. Opposite Meanings (2) 270 192. Vocabulary Practice: On the Farm (1) 271 193. Non-Count and Count Nouns (2) 272 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 194. Adverbs of Quantity (1) 273 195. Appliances and Electronics in the Home (2) 274 196. Non-Action Verbs (1) 275 197. Non-Action Verbs (2) 276 198. Non-Action Verbs (3) 277 199. Grammar and Vocabulary Practice: California (1) 278 200. Articles (1) 279 201. Articles (2) 280 202. Articles (3) 281 203. Articles (4) 282 204. Articles (5) 283 205. Real Life: Beverages (1) 284 206. Skin and Facial Features (1) 285 207. Related Things (4) 286 208. Related Things (5) 287 209. Adverbs of Quantity (2) 288 210. Adverbs of Quantity (3) 289 211. Adverbs of Quantity (4) 290 212. Adverbs of Quantity (5) 291 213. Various Conjunctions (1) 292 214. Various Conjunctions (2) 293 215. Various Conjunctions (3) 294 216. Various Conjunctions (4) 295 217. Various Conjunctions (5) 296 218. Vocabulary Practice: Animal or Object? (3) 297 219. Vocabulary Practice: Animal or Object? (4) 298 220. Vocabulary Practice: Animal or Object? (5) 299 221. Opposite Meanings (3) 300 222. Opposite Meanings (4) 301 223. Opposite Meanings (5) 302 224. Non-Count and Count Nouns (3) 303 225. Non-Count and Count Nouns (4) 304 226. Non-Count and Count Nouns (5) 305 227. Noun and Verb Opposites (1) 306 228. Noun and Verb Opposites (2) 307 229. Pronoun Practice (5) 308 230. Modal Verbs (2) 309 231. Modal Verbs (3) 310 232. Dialogue Comprehension (1) 311 233. Dialogue Comprehension (2) 312 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 234. Dialogue Comprehension (3) 313 235. Dialogue Comprehension (4) 314 236. Dialogue Comprehension (5) 315 237. Noun and Verb Opposites (3) 316 238. Noun and Verb Opposites (4) 317 239. Noun and Verb Opposites (5) 318 240. Noun and Verb Opposites (6) 319 241. Dialogue Comprehension (6) 320 242. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (1) 321 243. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (2) 322 244. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (3) 323 245. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (4) 324 246. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (5) 325 247. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (6) 326 248. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (7) 327 249. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (8) 328 250. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (9) 329 251. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (10) 330 252. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (11) 331 253. Gerund and Infinitive Practice (12) 332 254. Basic Grammar Exercises (4) 333 255. Basic Grammar Exercises (5) 334 256. Basic Grammar Exercises (6) 335 257. Basic Grammar Exercises (7) 336 258. Related Things (6) 337 259. Related Things (7) 338 260. Related Things (8) 339 261. Related Things (9) 340 262. Related Things (10) 341 263. Basic Grammar Exercises (8) 342 264. Basic Grammar Exercises (9) 343 265. Basic Grammar Exercises (10) 344 266. Basic Grammar Exercises (11) 345 267. Basic Grammar Exercises (12) 346 268. Basic Grammar Exercises (13) 347 269. Areas in a House (1) 348 270. Electronic Devices (1) 349 271. Household Items (1) 350 272. Household Items (2) 351 273. Household Items (3) 352 7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 274. Real Life: Cleaning Supplies (1) 353 275. Real Life: Outdoor Chores (1) 354 276. Household Items (4) 355 277. Advice 356 278. Vocabulary Practice: Going to the Beach! 357 279. Life: Phrasal Verbs 358 Intermediate Level 1. Like a red rag 359 2. If you tend to forget 360 3. Easy Questions 361 4. Do, make, get, take 362 5. The Farmer and his Sons 363 6. A Holiday Report 364 7. Going on foot 365 8. Say vs. Tell 366 9. Close vs. Shut 367 10. At the Restaurant 368 11. At the Theatre 369 12. Popular Idioms 370 13. Popular Garden Idioms 371 14. Eating Out 372 15. Hot and Cold 373 16. A Collision: Finish this Story 374 17. Will or Shall? 375 18. The two Butter Frogs 376 19. Cross Questions 377 20. Leave me alone 378 21. What now? 379 22. Wrapped round her finger 380 23. The Ants and the Grasshopper 381 24. The Two Dogs 382 25. The Hare and the Tortoise 383 26. Who has done it? 384 27. Life on Mars? 385 28. Story (1) 386 29. Story (2) 387 30. Story (3) 388 31. Go for it 389 32. Eating Disorder 390 33. Save the Day 391 8 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 34. Yes, Yes, Yes 392 35. Do you mind? 393 36. Good Bye 394 37. Keeping it Quiet 395 38. A Crying Shame 396 39. Speaking: At the Theatre 397 40. Speaking: At the Supermarket 398 41. Speaking: At the Station 399 42. Speaking: The Broadcast 400 43. Speaking: The Wedding 401 44. Speaking: Political Party 402 45. Cinemas 403 46. Lots of Stuff 404 47. Hear my Story 405 48. High and Low 406 49. A Night Out 407 50. Lots of Pieces 408 51. Testing, Testing 409 52. Cliches 410 53. Losing It (1) 411 54. Losing It (2) 412 55. How to ask a question 413 56. How to attract someone 414 57. How to compliment 415 58. Modal Medley 416 59. Christmas Postman (1) 417 60. Christmas Postman (2) 418 61. Christmas Postman (3) 419 62. Christmas Postman (4) 420 63. Tick Tock 421 64. Company Decisions 422 65. Save Our Animals (1) 423 66. Save Our Animals (2) 424 67. Save Our Animals (3) 425 68. Simple Present (1) 426 69. Simple Present (2) 427 70. Simple Present (3) 428 71. Simple Present (4) 429 72. Simple Present (5) 430 73. Tenses (1) 431 9 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net 74. Tenses (2) 432 75. Tenses (3) 433 76. Hotchpotch 434 77. Student Teacher Dialogue (1) 435 78. Student Teacher Dialogue (2) 436 79. Student Teacher Dialogue (3) 437 80. Phrasal Verb: Walk 438 81. Charlie's Knees 439 82. Paper expressions 440 83. Verb Tenses 441 84. English Tenses 442 85. Conditional Tenses 443 86. Sleep Expressions 444 87. English tense explanations 445 88. English tense explanations (2) 446 89. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'come' 447 90. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'look' 448 91. Time clauses: future tense examples 449 92. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'bring' 450 93. Question / Response Test 451 94. Short Idioms Exam 452 95. Conversations and Comprehension Test 453 96. Compound words: 'someone', 'anyone', 'somewhere' 455 97. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'break' 456 98. Financial and bank expressions 457 99. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'run' 458 100. Traveling Down Under: How can I immigrate to Australia? 459 101. How to describe people: attitude expressions 460 102. Comparison with 'as as' 461 103. English grammar and vocabulary questions 462 104. Compound words: 'aftermath', 'afterthought', 'afterbirth' 463 105. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'drop' 464 106. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pass' 465 107. Airport and flight travel expressions 466 108. Digital cameras, photography and picture vocabulary 467 109. Expressions with death, marriage and divorce 468 110. Mobile telecommunication expressions 469 111. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pull' 470 112. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'get' 471 113. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'go' 472 10 [...]... Straight (1) 1036 678 Grammar Tutorial: Avoid Verb Tense Shifts (1) 1037 679 Grammar Tutorial: Avoid Verb Tense Shifts (2) 1038 680 Real Life: Habitats (1) 1039 681 Vocabulary Practice: Elephants 1040 682 Snow Words (1) 1041 683 Boat/Sailing Common Phrases (1) 1042 684 Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (2) 1043 685 Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation... 482 124 Phrasal idioms with the verb 'put' 483 125 Reported commands: reported speech 484 126 Doing business: expressions with the word 'business' 485 127 Australiana: expressions that describe life in Australia 486 128 Facts about pizza in the US: pizza industry expressions 487 129 Who wants to be a millionaire? 488 130 Pablo Picasso: expressions describing the Picasso's... Common Phrases (1) 1042 684 Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (2) 1043 685 Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (3) 1044 686 Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (4) 1045 687 Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (5) 1046 688 Real Life: Circus Terms (1) 1047 689 Magical Words and Phrases (1) 1048 690 Magical Words and Phrases (2) 1049 691... 1507 315 Surprise Idioms (2) 1508 316 Feathered Friends Idioms (1) 1509 317 Money: Slang Terms (1) 1510 318 Employment (4) 1511 319 Real Life: Traffic and Roadways (1) 1512 320 Real Life: Traffic and Roadways (2) 1513 36 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net ... 'a lot' and 'too' (1) 554 196 'Few', 'a little' and 'some' (1) 555 197 'Today', 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' (1) 556 198 Polite Indirect Questions & Statements Test (1) 557 199 Travel Arrangements Test (1) 558 200 Good, Well and Okay Test (1) 559 201 Irregular Verbs Test (2) 560 202 Irregular Verbs Test (3) 561 203 Irregular Verbs Test (4) ... 1213 23 Speed 1214 24 Up in the Clouds 1215 25 Papers 1216 26 Bones 1217 27 Lucky You 1218 28 Stages 1219 29 Venues 1220 30 Trains 1221 31 Bite, Bit, Bitten 1222 32 Issues 1223 33 What a Cracker 1224 34 Lunch is served 1225 35 Dry as you like 1226 36 Back Again ... 178 Bank Terminology (1) 537 179 Bank Terminology (2) 538 180 Common Phrases and Responses (1) 539 181 Phrasal Verbs used with Criminal Activity 540 182 Phrasal Verbs and Traveling 541 183 Common Phrases and Responses (2) 542 184 Common Phrases and Responses (3) 543 185 Question Tags Test (1) 544 186 Confusing Words test (13) 545 187 . Life: Occupations (1) 184 107. Real Life: Occupations (2) 185 108. Real Life: Transportation (1) 186 109. Real Life: Transportation (2) 187 110. Vocabulary Practice: Bottlenose Dolphins 188 111 expressions 457 99. Phrasal idioms with the verb 'run' 458 100. Traveling Down Under: How can I immigrate to Australia? 459 101. How to describe people: attitude expressions 460 102. Comparison. Doing business: expressions with the word 'business' 485 127. Australiana: expressions that describe life in Australia 486 128. Facts about pizza in the US: pizza industry expressions