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Wood SC pham thi minh khuyen

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Việt Nam là một trong những quốc gia chịu ảnh hưởng lớn nhất của biến đổi khí hậu, chặt phá rừng là một trong những nguyên nhân chính. Bài viết cung cấp những thông tin tổng quan về chuôi cung ứng gỗ trên thế giới, Việt nam và tại Chợ mới Bắc Kan

Wood supply chain in Vietnam in 2010 - 2015 Khuyen Minh Thi Pham Thainguyen University of Technology, Thainguyen University, Thainguyen city, 230000, Vietnam E-mail: khuyenqlcn@gmail.com Abstract— Vietnam is one of six biggest export wood countries in the world, but the unit value of wood is much lower than other countries because of many reasons from wood supply chain: high value in importing material wood; deforestation, affectless exploiting and management leading to low production value Constructing an effective wood supply chain is good method to achieve main point of all international certification for wood and wood product to achieve higher value and it also is the best way to protect and develop forest sustainably with higher economic value This article will concentrate to provide an overview of wood supply chain management, analyse the effectiveness of wood supply chain in Vietnam in period 2010 - 2015 and propose some solutions to enhance the effectiveness of wood supply chain in Vietnam and to protect and develop sustainably the forest in Vietnam Keywords— Wood supply chain; forest; effectiveness; stakeholder INTRODUCTION By 2050, rising population and demand, as well as an increase in use of wood for bio-energy, could triple the amount of wood society takes from forests and plantations per year, according to the latest instalment of World Wide Fund for Nature - WWF’s Living Forests Report So, if people don’t motivate good stewardship that safeguards forests, with current 13 million hectares are deforested a year, we could destroy the very places where wood grows and it would relate to extremely bad changes in climate, especially in developing countries, - the places where forests are damaged seriously Vietnam is one of six biggest export wood countries in the world, but the unit value of wood is much lower than other countries and we have to use a lot of importing material wood because we can’t gain the certifications for exporting wood products It also relate to situation that wood products of Vietnam often concentrate on some special kind of perennial wood and it relates to deforest in many areas – therefore, Vietnam is also one of countries that are effected most seriously by climate changes Constructing an effective wood supply chain is good method to achieve main point of FSC certification and PEFC and it also is the best way to protect and develop forest sustainably with higher economic value in Vietnam LITERATURE REVIEW Sustainable Forest Management can contribute towards preserving forests and forest bio-diversity thereby strengthening their resilience and enabling them to adapt and mitigate for climate change impacts and contribute to combating climate change So, many governments, sciences, forest owners and managers of wood companies take a lot of care to this There are many kinds of wood products (Fig 2), so there are also many researches about SC of these products We can count some recent researches, such as: Wood furniture chain of Kaplinsky et al in 2003 [13], Global Forest Product Chains in China of Changjin Sun et al in 2008 [4], wood pellets chain in Canada of Mahdi Mobini et al in 2013 [15], and may other studies These studies have shown that there is no universal solution for designing an efficient wood supply chain due to the numerous factors which we have to be considered However, the approach of optimising the interplay of the single participants and process steps to increase efficiency and profitability can be applied to each supply chain Fig Wood products and upstream of wood SC [24] Group authors: H Gunnarsson, M R ̈onnqvist, and D Carlsson have many researches about many kind of wood SC from 2000 to 2007 [5,6,7,8] A general overview of SC models in forestry was given by them as in Fig Fig Part of Forest supply chain [8] Wood supply chain in Vietnam Wood supply chain model In Vietnam, there are also many researches about forest and wood product, but only few of them are about wood SC Huynh Thi Thu Suong in her doctoral thesis has describe the wood (concentrate on furniture) SC in Southeast area of Vietnam with influential factors to wood SC [9] But in research, she only concentrated on proposing some solution to improve the relationship among wood SC components In WWF and IKAE project about the legal of wood in Vietnam, they described wood SC in Vietnam as Fig Fig 3: Wood supply chain in Vietnam [23] : Situation of wood processing : Technology step to transform wood : Buy and transport relate to wood ownership Component - Forest Owners: There are 12,1 million forest area in Vietnam, 36,8% of them are households and 28,2% are small state agencies, only about 10% are organizations that continue joining the wood processing Fig 4: Forest Owners and their kind of forest (2013) Households own biggest production forest area, most area of state agencies are protective and specialized forest Economic organizations, most of them are forest produce companies, have about million forest area and 81% area are production forest - Wood Importers - Collectors: Most collectors in wood SC don’t make added value for wood products, but they often take an important role because most of household owners don’t have enough money for cutting down and transportation They are private traders, peeled wood workshops and State Forest Enterprises - Production organizations: There are about 3900 wood-processing enterprises and 85% of them are in private sector Only 10% of them are FDI companies but these companies contribute 35% exporting wood products value There are three kinds of wood-processing enterprises: chip processing facility, pulp processing facility/ paper companies and sawmills and wood refinery Vietnam has more than 300 wood-processing villages, 50 percent of which are located in the Red River Delta These villages consume approximately 350-400 thousand cubic meters (m3) roundwood equivalent (RWE) per year, mostly for furniture and wooden carvings Most manufacturers in these villages are households processing large quantities of timber from natural forests legally restricted from commercial use - Wholesalers, retailers and exporters: Big furniture enterprises often manage their distribution channel to domestic and foreign customers, but there are few enterprises like this in Vietnam With furniture SC: Most of production organizations are medium, small and even extremely small Extremely small organizations often produce to order and buy directly to customers Bigger organizations often buy for retailers in other provinces With pulpwood SC: paper with different usage often distribute on other kind of wholesalers, retailers and exporters This channel is much higher than furniture SC - Customers Exporting products hold about 70% wood products value In domestic market, most of wood customers are in cities with 30% for families, 40% for new construction projects analyse the effectiveness of wood supply chain in Viet nam A The value change in wood supply in Vietnam Compare the value of wood product in Import, domestic production and Exporting Importing Wood in period 2010 -2014 Domestic production in period 2010 -2014 TABLE 1: PRODUCTION OF WOOD BY KINDS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Unit: Thous m3 Year TOTAL State Non-state Collective Private Household Foreign invested sector 2010 4042,6 1376,8 2612,5 2555,2 54,3 2011 4692 1893 2737,1 3,4 2670,7 63 2012 5251 1721,4 3460,3 3,7 3386,1 70,5 53,3 61,9 69,3 2013 2014 Certificated wood area Exporting Wood in period 2010 -2014 Exporting value Average exporting price Wood Supply Chain Management The legal of the wood and good wood SC will help enhance the value of wood But most households in Cho Moi don’t know and don’t care about it After The 147 project of Government started enforcing in 2011, forest rangers and forest managers of Cho Moi district held to supply information about planting and management forest skills to household The planted forest area is increasing, but deforesting still exists Most production organizations are small scale, so they don’t care about long-term business and the relation with other component of SC They also have their own forest area and use a lot of wood from collectors because they don’t need to care about legal responsible for wood, cutting trees and moving them to workshop DISCUSION – SOLUTIONS FOR WOOD SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN VIET NAM This article will approach the ideal of Rod Taylor, Director of WWF’s Global Forest Programme to propose some solution to construct wood SC in Cho Moi: “Wood, if sourced from well managed forests or plantations, is a renewable material with many advantages over non-renewable alternatives The key challenge for forest-based industries is how to supply more wood products with less impact on nature This challenge spans the whole supply chain, from where and how wood is grown and harvested to how wisely and efficiently it is processed, used and reused.” A Some important certifications need for improving the value of wood product Programme for the Endorsement of Forest certification (PEFC) [10]: Implementing sustainable forest management as defined by PEFC, ensures that forests remain the most biodiversity terrestrial ecosystems on the planet, and that society’s forest needs and demands will be met in the long term Today, the imperative for sustainability and increased environmental awareness means that there is a desire by responsible companies to demonstrate that they are operating sustainably Companies have long recognised that sourcing and using PEFC-certified timber does not only contribute to safeguarding the world’s forests, but also assists in improving one’s sustainability credentials and the overall reputation of wood as an environmentally sound raw material Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification [11]: The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international, nongovernmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world‘s forests It was founded in 1993 in response to public concern about deforestation and demand for a trustworthy wood-labelling scheme FSC has developed a system of forest certification and product labelling that allows consumers to identify wood and woodbased products from well-managed forests FSC certification is internationally recognised as the benchmark for responsible forestry Well-managed forests provide a wide range of social and economic benefits and environmental services, such as livelihoods for people and habitats for animals and plants Supporting project of EU: Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade( FLEGT) [20]: The EU FLEGT Facility was established in 2007, and is hosted by the European Forest Institute (EFI) The Facility supports the EU, countries in the EU and partner countries in implementing the EU FLEGT Action Plan Headquartered in Barcelona, the Facility employs experts in a range of fields from forest governance to communications and timber market research The Facility mainly carries out activities in Africa, Asia and Latin America The Facility provides technical assistance to governments and other stakeholder groups in timberexporting countries to support the negotiation and implementation of Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) The Facility assesses linkages and strengthens synergies between initiatives stemming from the EU FLEGT Action Plan and REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation), the key international program under development to combat climate change in the forestry sector B Some solutions to wood SCM in Viet Nam Basing on the key contents of these certificates and requirements of import countries (FLEGT of EU, LACER of American…) all components of wood SC in Vietnam need to improve the effect of their activities to enhance the quality of wood products according to legal condition and demand of customers With rich of natural potentiality to develop wood industrial, constructing wood SC will help people in Cho Moi have a better life with higher income Main solutions to this SC include: Orient the consumption to the quality and beauty of wood products instead of kind of wood in domestic market As we know most domestic customers use wood furniture as the way to show their personality and they are easily persuaded by sellers, therefore, promoting the reputation of products, the beauty and value of products is good way to make new trend in consumption wood products With these activities, we can reduce the pressure to cut down old tree in nature forest and orient the need to planted forest They can also orient the market to use furniture from non – wood or recycle wood materials, especially customers in cities where have more demands and easier to accept the new trend 2) Introduce new kind of wood that easy to plant and its special characteristics to international market Most wood producers depend on requirements of international market in kind of wood they need use, so it make strong pressure to nature forest while we have a lot of good conditions to plant other good wood Introduce new kind of wood that easy to plant in Vietnam condition and its special characteristics to international market will help wood exporters of Vietnam have a stable position in international market and it also help to develop forest in the long future 3) Encourage producers to concentrate on developing wood manipulated skills to hold the leader position of SC Marketing and branding of Products Targeting niche markets Design and Innovation.Multi-functional products, intelligent design Sourcing of materials and components globally Managing international supply chains Degree; Professional or ‘Meister’ courses incorporating some management and design functions including CAD Craft; Courses in carpentry, cabinet-making and wood machining Usually apprenticeship format Semi- skilled includes CNC machining, basic finishing techniques, sewing and cutting and pattern making Furniture fixtures and assembly and frame construction; some CNC machining Fig 8: Pyramid of skill needs in wood sector [1] 4) Encourage farmers to plant wood with science process Household now have more skill in planting trees for their forest area but they often accept to cut down the tree when they are only in or year old while the two years later they can times bigger than before Early cutting down the tree also make the land become poorer and the effect of next planting is much lower So share the information about the content of planting, protecting forest and the benefit they can gain with right science processes is the real and urgent need 5) Remove collectors in wood supply chain Producing organizations can help household owners in cutting and moving the tree Buying directly and removing collectors in wood SC will provide household and organizations more benefit Removing collectors and use wood in supply contract will reduce deforestation situation and increase the value of wood when they have legal resource 6) Create strict relationship between all components of wood supply chain Long-term contrast must be sign between forest owner and producing organizations Because, many of producing organizations has their own forest area, they co-operate with household to ensure the quality of wood Sharing wood market information system between all components in wood SC now is very low Production companies need to hold the lead position of market to collect and share the information to SC to improve the value of wood in each step of SC I CONCLUSIONS Vietnam is a high forest coverage rate country, we also exporting many wood products, but the value of products is much lower than products of other top wood - exporting countries and we also have suffer from climate change strongly Deforestation, affectless exploiting and management are the main reasons Constructing an effective wood supply chain is the best way to protect and develop forest sustainably with higher economic value and to against climate change To this in Vietnam, we should concentrate on these activities: Orient the consumption to the quality and beauty of wood products instead of kind of wood in domestic market Introduce new kind of wood that easy to plant and its special characteristics to international market Encourage producers to concentrate on developing wood manipulated skills Encourage farmers to plant wood with science process Remove collectors in wood supply chain Create strict relationship between all components of wood supply chain Gain the international certifications for wood to enhance the value of wood products II REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] Aleksandras Abišala et al, Study of wood sector - Research report on skill needs, Vilnius, 2008 A Toppinen and J Kuuluvainen, “Forest sector modelling in Europe-the state of the art and future research directions,” Forest Policy and Economics, vol 12, no 1, pp 2–8, 2010 Auer, Matthew "Group Forest Certification for Smallholders in Vietnam: An Early Test and Future Prospects" Human Ecology 40 (1): 5– 14 doi:10.1007/s10745-011-9451-6 , 2012 Changjin Sun, Liqiao Chen, Lijun Chen, Lu Han, Steve Bass, Global Forest Product Chains - Identifying challenges and opportunities for China through a global commodity chain sustainability analysis, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), 2008 Dick Carlsson, Mikael Ronnqvist, Supply chain management in forestry––case studies at Sodra Cell AB, European Journal of Operational Research 163, 2005 H Gunnarsson, J.T Lundgren and M R ̈ onnqvist, Supply chain modeling of forest fuel In: G.J Arthaud and T.M Barrett (Eds.), Systems Analysis in Forest Resources: Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium held September 27–30, 2000, Snowmass Village, Colorado, U.S.A H Gunnarsson, M R ̈ onnqvist, and D Carlsson, Annual planning of the supply chain and ship routing problem in the pulp industry In: H Aronsson 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The case of South Africa, UNIDO, Vienna, 2003 Mahdi Mobini Dr Taraneh Sowlati Dr Shahab Sokhansanj, Simulation of wood pellet production and distribution supply chains, Canada Biomass Pelletization Workshop, 2013 MARD (2007a) 2006 forest sector development report Available at: http://www.vietnamforestry.org.vn/NewsFolder/2006%20Forest%20Sector%20 Development%20Report_Eng.pdf MOFA (2007) Viet Nam forestry development strategy 2006–2020 Available at: http://www.theredddesk.org/sites/default/files/viet_nam_forestry_ development_strategy_2.pdf N Lu and R W Rice, “Characteristics of wood fuel pellet manufacturers and markets in the united states, 2010,” Forest Products Journal, vol 61, no 4, pp 310–315, 2011 Reino Pulkki, Role of supply chain management in wise use of wood resources, Southern African Forestry Journal, Vol 191, 2001 Supply Change: Corporations, Commodities, and Commitments that Count, Forest Trends 2014 www.forest-trends.org/illegal-deforestation.php Supporting Vietnam’s FLEGT process at http://www.nepcon.net/vn/VNFLEGT Vietnam Wood and forest product association (2013), Wood processing industrial overview in Vietnam V Uran, “A model for establishing a win-win relationship between a wood pellets manufacturer and its customers,” Biomass and Bioenergy, vol 34, no 5, pp 747–753, 2010 WWF & IKEA project, The legal of wood and wood products, Vietnam, 2012 WWF Living forest report 2012, 2013 Khuyen Thi Minh Pham (2015), Construct wood supply chain - Solutions for protection and sustainable development of forest at Cho Moi, Bac Kan, The International Conference on “Livelihood development and Sustainable Environment management in the context of Climate change”, held September 14, 230000, Thainguyen, Vietnam ... Certificated wood area Exporting Wood in period 2010 -2 014 Exporting value Average exporting price Wood Supply Chain Management The legal of the wood and good wood SC will help enhance the value of wood. .. trustworthy wood- labelling scheme FSC has developed a system of forest certification and product labelling that allows consumers to identify wood and woodbased products from well-managed forests FSC certification... researches about forest and wood product, but only few of them are about wood SC Huynh Thi Thu Suong in her doctoral thesis has describe the wood (concentrate on furniture) SC in Southeast area of

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2017, 10:27

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