Choose 2.SET STATIC DATA in INIT SETUP and press @® button.. Press button and choose 2.INIT SETUP in the menu and press ‘Internal’ means the description of the internal GPS function of
Trang 1Automatic Identificati
on System
Trang 3SUMMA
UM k} (a4 định
1 How to set up MMSI IMO and Static Data (NAME,CALL SIGN)
Press button in [ TARGET LIST ]
1-2 Choose 2.SET STATIC DATA in INIT SETUP and press @® button
Enter the password - * Input the Administrator Password
1~2—1 MMSI : Input the marine mobile service ID (Max 9 digits)
wusi: ® 0001111011
1-2-2 IMO No : @) Input IMO-designated vessel ID ®
1-2-3 Ship Name : @) Input the ship name
1-2-4, C SIGN: @ Input the Call sign ®
1-2-5 DTE Flag : (@) Set up KEY & DISPLAY (Defaut YES) @)
After setup, press @) SAVE button to have the below display
Trang 4For information save, press Œ) YES button to save the changed information 7
2 How to set up GPS ANT Position
In the display of [ TARGET LIST ],
2-1 Press button and choose 2.INIT SETUP in the menu and press
‘Internal’ means the description of the internal GPS function of the internal GPS
function and the right ‘external’ means the position of the externa! GPS antenna
For input, use button or button to move to each item and press ®
button to delete the current information and input any new information
Trang 5
3-1 SEN No.1 Terminal - External GPS Input RXA15 (+) RXBI4(-)
3-2 SEN No.2 Terminal — HEADING Input RXA18 (+) 'RXB17 (-)
4-2 Choose 3.SYSTEM SETUP in MENU and press @) button :
4-3 Choose 1.SET I/O PORT in SYSTEM SETUP and press button
Trang 6
L SET 1/0 PORT J ORS fe 2004-1
The definitions for each item are as follows;
1 GPS : Internal GPS Baud Rates(Internal GPS Baud Rates)
2 SEN1 : Sensor Port1
3 SEN2 : Sensor Port2
4 SEN3 ; Sensor Port3
5 SEN4 : Reserved
6 LONG : Long Range Port
8 SPARE : Not Used
9 MKD : Baud Rates between Transponder and MKD
For setup of baud rates on each 1/O port, it is deeply related to external devices That is
to say, the setup value of baud rates for each MKD port is decided based on the
external device For example, if the internal GPS baud rate is 38,400, users are
required to set up 38,400 in MKD I/O port setup so that the communication between
move to the wanted item and press @) button to indicate the selectable baud rates
If all the baud rates are completed, press @) SAVE button to have the below display
Trang 7In order to save, press Œ) YES button but if not, press Œz) NO button
5 How to change Password
® button to have the below display
For change of password, 6(six) digits’ input is available as follows;
PASSWORD after the input, the ‘Password is wrong ’ comes out
Move @ button onto NEW PASSWORD to input a new password and press @)
@) bution *O input the new password again and then press @) button again and
(2) SAVE button, the below display will come out
Trang 8C SET PASSHORD tt Uk 70" aria
In order to change, press Ct) YES button but if not, press 26 button
* In the display of [ TARGET LIST ],
Trang 9Caution
1 lt may happen that ship's posifion received in SIS-5 is different with ship’s
real position {t should be used for navigation data after visual checking
and combination with Radar
External GPS data should be used over NMEA0183 (Rs-422) version 2.0
2 When external GPS data format, which is not fecOmmended by IMO is
used, it may cause to dangerous accident such as ship’s collision and
vessel traffic control
3 Be sure to read carefully safety guidelines and indications before = — —— operation for this product and related documents
All PCB used in this unit are manufactured:
according to protection environment for -_ -:¬ discharging static electricity, because al!
semiconductor eléments used in this PCB could
be damaged sensitively due to electrostatic
To prevent the unit from damaging due to
preventive measure before operating ms Handling circuit related work should be carried out-}
by technician who specializes for the eléctronic'
device sensitive for electrostatic
"xố x
Dismantling SIS-5 is restricted to the person who
Trang 113.4.2 Description of initial screen
3.4.3 Display of Message Item
4.1 Object Item View
4.2 How to display the objects in Range
4.3 How to display the objects in Bearing
4.4, Graphic Display
8.1 Voyage Data Setup
8.2 Static Data Setup
8.3 Regional Areas
8.4 Long Range Mode Setup
8.5 GNSS Antenna Position
Trang 13
deliver information, data communication such as vessel name, type, position information,
speed, direction, navigational information and safety information through identical one
radio frequency channel (VHF band) 4fe ba cuee
daw tết Automatic Identification System is cémposed with Transponder and MKD (Minimum
Keyboard Display), Transponder has a function in transmitting periodically via VHF band
defined in International regulation, and in receiving related information-and data-from-other-———_—— - - - vessel equipped with transponder The using channel can be transferred to the outside
via integrated DSC receiver
Hee Aidan | ant Pp?
The increase of number of ships those equip with Transponder and the object related to
} 2Ý nary cao Navigation can enhance the safety of Navigation Therefore IMO recommends that all
ships those are under SOLAS regulation must equip vn Automatic Identification System
Cy Aaten / WNibeos phán yo g se wụ
in a defined time schedule step by, step Such an obligation will be enforced as of 1st
Tine dete,
July 2002 depending on ships’ class and size (for all new building vessels) unti! 1st July
2008 for all ships constructed before 1st July 2002 but not engaged on International
Hever hy
All Ships 300 gross tons and over engaged on international voyages should be equipped
with AIS from 1* July 2004 until before ships first safety survey|or at least not later than
tt may happen that screen and others illustrated in operation manual can
be different with real screen Reference screen iilustrated in operation manual can be subject to change according to composition of parts and environmental setting and software and hardware related with system can also be subject to change under the condition that are no effect to the performance of AIS
sis-5 (5)
Trang 14
1.2 Features
SIS-5 is a universal shipborne AIS capable of exchanging navigation and ship data
between own ship and other ships or coast stations
It is fit for SOLAS convention defined in Universal AIS Class A and complies with IMO
(International Maritime Organization) MSC (Maritime Safety Cothinittée) 74(69) Appendix
3, A.694, ITU-R M.1371-1 and DSC ITU-R M.825 and also complies with IEC 61993-2
(Type Test Standard), IEC 60945 (EMC and environment condition)
SIS-5 consists of VHF and GPS antenna, Transponder Unit, MKD (Minimum and
Keyboard Display), and several associated units Transponder Unit includes VHF
transmitter, two SOTDMA (Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access) receiver
DSC (Digital Selective Calling) in two independent VHF Channel, Channel 70 Receiver,
Interface, Communication processor, internal GPS receiver Key-board and Screen device consists 5” LCD screen, MKD and keyboard for controlling Transponder
GPS board Built-in transponder is a receiver system utilizing as a UTC standard for
system synchronization to prevent collision among multi-users It also may provide position, COG and SOG when external GPS fails
The MKD LCD Screen displays ail information required for static data, passive data, navigational data and safety messages Information and message is automatically
updated according to fTU-R M.1371 (e.g., static information every 6 minutes or when data has been amended and on request, dynamic information in from 2 seconds to 10 minutes dependent on speed and course alteration)
1.2.1 Prineipal Information
AIS can contribute the safety of navigation by exchanging navigation data automatically
between ships and coastal station or between ship and ship
@ = Static Information
~ IMO Number (When available)
- MMSI(Ship own identification number different with other ship)
- Call Sign and Name
- Length and Beam
- Course Over Ground (COG)
- Ratio of turn (When available)
@ Voyage Related Information
- Draught
- Destination and Route plan
Trang 16The object feature can be detected by AIS Transponder and it will be displayed as
either Class A or Class B
When it needs communication for safety, it would be possible for the object
communicating to all objects and the other one is for communicating to a part
of objects When it is communicated to respondent objects, it can be
possible by using usable digit, English and specialletar _ —_ —
~ Information for objects displayed in MKD will be displayed in the letter type and it is realized with the advanced and high resolution Graphic Mode 1.2.3 System Composition
Trang 17- Black-White FSTN-LCD 71.99 (H) X 95.99(W)mm, 320 X 240 dots
2.2 Transponder Unit 2.2.1 CPU (DSP)
Trang 18
2.5 Sensor and Interface
2.5.1 Sensor Port
SIS-5 requires that an alarm output (relay) be connected to an audible alarm device
or ship's alarm system
(10) sis-5
Trang 19(Note : Program version is subject to change without pre-notice according to
improvement of the goods or company’s situation) :
Trang 20
buttons To input ‘alphabet and various
buttons, press the assigned button until
thew wanted button | will be displayed
Buttons for moving to up, down, right and
left side It also can be used for erasing the previous data
power on If pressed short time, power will
be on and if pressed longer time, power |
Trang 21
It is displayed related to Menu, goes back
It is enter key button, which makes it possible to store the information after alteration or correction of them
It is consisted of 4 key indicating LCD, :
= of MKO, which makes it possible t io TT
implement the function of the pressed
3.2 LED Function eo mỏ pie È
it has 3 numbers of LED in functionality in MKD display those are Tk LED at top par, X LED at Middle part and Power LED at bottom part
Each function is as follows
\t indicates Tx It is a function that
TX indicates when MKD display Red Color LED
_| transmits the data to transponder
It indicates Rx tt is function to
RX indicate when MKD display Yellow Color LED
MKD display ts being powered on
Trang 22
Itis also designed to detect the alarm when iti is act
® -_unit, press’ the power button l9) longer time
when the cause of danger will be safely eliminated
MMSI number, Call sign, length and width, Type of ship and Position-of GPS — _
antenna Safety related information shall be reported on request
Updated dynamic data shall be reported according
to following <Table-1>d.
Trang 23© sawvuncenc
After Transponder and MKD powered on, SIS-5 starts receiving data
ship and displays object data on LCD of MKD
3.4.2 Description of initial screen
After power on, following initial screen appears ‘It displays ‘LOGO of
SAMYUNGENC, software version of Transponder and software version of MKD
Trang 24Ế ` sawMvUNG ENG |
After power on, following initial screen appears The meaning for
Bearing of Own ship ——> | 59°O9, 1542N 129204.2/41E- 09.Økt 13%
<Target data display screen >
Brightness and Reverse of Screen can be used by one button (easy button) on
Target data display screen
characters of display and the screen are reversed, when pressing & button
Trang 25
HYSI escoaaoa1 RNG 8.0mm BRG 2¢6.1°
<Graphie Screen display>
3.4.3 Display of Message Item
For reference, the message icon »<
means it has the received message-and
er no message or the status after reading the received message
sis-5 (17) /
4 Object Vessel Display
4.1 0bject Item View
After power MKD on, following initial screen appears
Following screen is displayed based on Ship's Name
and can also refer to detail information Above screen is being displayed based on Ship’s
name when it displayed
Service Identity) number and poss
described in following illustration
ible to display, the example is
Trang 27€c SAMYUNG ENC
hth hi secs Sih
In above illustration, number of ship’s list includes 74 objects in total For example black
colored item, that is to say, 412324620 2.1nm 318°, it displays 38" information of the
The method how to browse 74 numbers of ship information from the beginning is as follow
button up and down, then cursor turn to black color
4.2 How to display the objects in Range
LCD of MKD is displayed in initial screer-based on MMSI number, RNG-(Bistance)-BRE— — — TT” user can browse information ìn various direction by using various function buttons
For example, it has a function to display from the closest distance Press (3) SORT
button in initial screen, following screen appears
On screen arranged by Range basis, moving screen up and down and moving screen
Trang 28TORAH è.3nm 202?
1 TT ơn Am Pade PAN GRACE 1.Bnm 219?
On screen arranged by Bearing, moving screen up and down and moving screen page by
For this function, press G@) PLOT button in the initial screen, then screen will be reversed to the plotter mode as below The plotter mode can display North Up of the vessel and Heading Up of the vessel Below illustration shows Heading-Up of the vessel
NAHE CARINA STAR over 35°07.0260N - +
For the adjustment of nautical meter displayed in the plotter screen, it is available to
indicate Min.0.25nm and Max.32nm In order to select the indicated range, use
button and (4) button for adjustment For the range indication, users can see the range
Trang 30
in the left bottom and BỊ]
Information to be suppliec.from Plotter mode is basic information for target and the relative
“information” sgshown as such below figure when pressing (72) INEO button, if need
more detail information
ETA tt Nov 1:aa S/C TYPE 70
DRAUGHT 7.6n Cargo shiPs ALL ships type
Trang 31display and press G3) PLOT bu tton to get back to the previous plotter screen
5 Indication of own ship
That is to day, SIS-5 provides the integrated information such as static information,
dynamic information and navigation related information
C ONN SHIP DATA J x 2004-10-29 1ìr02 SAMYUNG
HHSI aaagogaaa «Has DTE yes THO 167412589 EPFS
C.SIGN az5a #9 ETA 11 Nov 22:22 S/C TYPE 51
The first page contains static information such as ship name, MMSI number, IMO number,
call number and also indicates vessel type, ETA, destination etc
The second page handles latitude, longitude, COG(Course Of Ground), SOG (Source | Of
Ground), Heading value, ROT(Rate Of Turn), status on navigation efc
Trang 33
The third page is indicating the information of relating GNSS and shows Internal GPS
position information and External GPS position information
In this screen, If press @) PLOT it goes back to Plotter screen, If press Œz) LIST or
Œ) EXIT, it goes back to initial screen
SIS-5 (25
Trang 34User can select ail functions
whatever he wants by using é)
button in MKD During
the time using various functions,
when user is unable to access the
other wanted function
due to unskillful operation, press
Trang 35
button, then it goes to Menu screen or press
CG) EXIT button, then it goes back to initial screen
button, then selected item will turn to black color It is aiso available to moye the
SI5-5 (27
7 Set up Viessage
in Menu List, the screen shows message related 8 items as follows when placing cursor to
1 MESSAGE & LOG and pressing © button, It displays items related to message transmission and receive, alarm signal with its status
(28) sis-5
padi Alina chn ieee a aye he
New message is transmitted by composing with a few methods such as Type for
transmitting to opponent (broadcasting, individual transmission), in case of
individual transmission it composes with selection of MMSI number, Message type
(safety, text), Channel (automatic, A channel, B channel and A&B channel)
In destination, if press 4) it makes possible to choose Broadcast, MMSI Number and
and if press
or BỊ it is possible to move to next or previous page After selection
and move cursor to message screen Following screen is shown, after pressingany one -
In the above screen, when press @) LOAD button, screen reversed to [FAVORITE
MESSAGES] scree , which makes it possible to choose favorite messages or previous
recorded (used) messages
On below screen, place the cursor to 1 HELLO and press @) SELECT button, the = =
applicable sentence is to be selected and reversed to message screen
After drawing up messages to be sent on message-sereen, press @) save on
button, then below screen appears thatmeans saving ef sentence-on {FAVORITE — —— — MESSAGES] From here, when press @) SEND button, below screen shows” —
message has been successfully transferred After pressing @) OK button, the
screen can be switched-over to [MESSAGE & LOG] screen - -
Trang 39
thả Ho udád 2k Á Cá bac Sea 1265 EEE su
[Favorite Messages] is the function to draw up new message and to transmit the selected
messages by using stored messages Place the cursor to 2, FAVORITE MESSAGES on _
[MESSAGE & LOG] and ress) button Below screen appears
Trang 40
This item is used to requesting for information to ships / coastal stations receiving current
Frequencies Put the cursor to 3 -INTERROGATION on [MESSAGE & LOG] and press
button Below screen is shown