canon ixus i instruction manual

ACB instruction manual

ACB instruction manual

... extinguishing Visual inspection chamber 3.Condition of the arc extinguishing Visual inspection plate Movable/Fixed contacts Visual inspection Criteria No detrimental deposits of dust and dirt ... circuit breaker when the indicator shows ON (see page 13) Inspection Details 4.1 Initial Inspection 4.1.1 Inspection prior to applying current Perform the following inspections after installing ... ACB Inspection item 1.Dust and soiling Inspection method Visual inspection 2.Loosening of the main circuit Tighten with a torque wrench terminals 3.Loosening of control terminals Tighten with

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 17:49

40 590 0
Instruction Manual for the MoreBeer! BrewSculptures pot

Instruction Manual for the MoreBeer! BrewSculptures pot

... place the immersion chiller in the boil for at least 15 minutes prior to the end, which will sanitize the chiller If you’re using a counter flow chiller, you can sanitize it by pumping hot (>180) ... but not limited to any implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in time to the term of the limited warranty period No warranties, whether ... implied, will apply after the limited warranty period has expired We not accept liability beyond the remedies provided for this limited warranty or for consequential or incidental damages, including,

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20

21 515 0
MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT - Instruction Manual and Experiment Guide for the PASCO scientific Model TD-8551A potx

MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT - Instruction Manual and Experiment Guide for the PASCO scientific Model TD-8551A potx

... His main scientific accomplishment in later life was his large role in founding the Royal Institution in 1800 It was Count Rumford who hired Humphrey Davy as lecturer at the Institution and it ... authorization and shipping instructions will be promptly issued NOTE: NO EQUIPMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR RETURN WITHOUT AN AUTHORIZATION FROM PASCO ä Limited Warranty PASCO scientific warrants this ... equivalence is not immediately obvious A quantitative relationship is needed that equates Joules and Calories This relationship is called the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat The PASCO scientific Model TD-8551A

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

18 509 0
RADAR JMA 650 instruction manual

RADAR JMA 650 instruction manual

... resulting in unconsciousness and rigidity FIRST-AID TREATMENTS As far as the victim of electric shock is not in dangerous condition, artificial respiration should be started at once at the site ... the power unit In this condition, all circuits are energized except the CRT high voltage power supply circuit in the display unit, the modulating circuit in the transmitter-receiver unit and the ... 3) 4) Dimensions: Weight: Polarization: Beam width, Horizontal: Vertical: Side lobe level: Within 4 min Within 1 min Height 581 mm Swing circle 2260 mm (7 feet) Height 625 mm Swing circle 2810

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 00:15

91 216 1


... cneenhrmieeiiiiireiriririririrriiiiiiiriirridrerirrrrmmilrrriim 44 Selecling the DGPS inpul signal baud rate Ấ.ề độ Selling a DGPS alarm - eecrrerrrerrieiiitrirerrrieiietdirrerriiiirrtrrreriiee ... Menu options Selecting a menu option Menu 2 Whal is the differential GPS (DGPS)? .ceeeeieteriirrirrrrriiiieirieriiiie 44 Displaying diiferential GPS (DGPS) .eceeniieeeririiiiiiirrrirmrerrrree ... eeereniieiriiderrrrirrrrrrrirrrih 64 Initial Menu 65 Inilializalion e eereireriDridie ể 65 Changing tho display language Ấ 65 Era onlire data {rom MOMOLY s eceeneeneeesrnrreere " 65 Switch

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 00:17

76 267 0
NAVTEX NCR 300a instruction manual

NAVTEX NCR 300a instruction manual

... functions high data processing ability using multiprocessor system legible print-out Message ID being received is displayed on the LCD simultaneously with the message reception four kinds of audible ... using coastal station mode available displaying the reason of non-print-out message during receiving available printing out the status while receiving message and vice-versa available receiving ... input circuit off when it is required as a keying control to avoid heavy RF power inducing to the input circuit of main unit The necessary currents for driving the relay circuit is approximately

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 00:22

50 240 0
WEATHER FACSIMILE JAX 9a instruction manual

WEATHER FACSIMILE JAX 9a instruction manual

... according to the radio propagation condition and the on/off status of the following five signals in the facsimile broadcasting: ® Start signal @) Phase signal ©) Similarity signal (similar to ... Trang 10 TERMINOLOGY (Description of Main Terms) Scanning: The facsimile receiver picks up a facsimile signal from the air and reproduces it into pictures In reproduction, the recording head starts ... are illustrated the functions of the signals in a facsimile broadcasting Signals in a facsimile picture @® Black signal as wide as the phase signal ® Start signal @ Phase signal nợ a @® Similarity

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 00:40

88 885 2
JHS 182 instruction manual

JHS 182 instruction manual

... Ship’s Detail Information is displayed if the Jog Dial or the Stick is pressed in the Other Ships List (See the Other Ship’s Detail Information, The Other Ships List is displayed again ... prohibited.) The illustration inside the @ symbol specifies obligatory instructions (In & The @ symbol indicates operations that must be performed this example unplugging is the obligatory instruction.) ... The illustration inside the Q symbol specifies the contents of the & The © symbol indicates that performing an action is prohibited prohibited operation (In this example disassembly is prohibited.)

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2016, 09:26

108 217 0
Instruction sheet inverter FR d700 instruction manual

Instruction sheet inverter FR d700 instruction manual

... AND INSPECTION SPECIFICATIONS Thank you for choosing this Mitsubishi Inverter This Instruction Manual provides instructions for advanced use of the FR-D700 series inverters Incorrect handling might ... This protective function does not function in the initial status ∗5 This protective function is available with the three-phase power input specification model only 275 SPECIFICATIONS Operation ... SPECIFICATIONS Operation specifications Indication Output signal points Output signal Control specifications Control method Outline dimension drawings 7.3 Outline dimension drawings FR-D720S-008 to 042

Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2017, 12:58

288 651 0
GYLOT 107 instruction manual MÁY ĐIỆN HÀNG HẢI

GYLOT 107 instruction manual MÁY ĐIỆN HÀNG HẢI

... order indicator Lever steerer Operation selector switch ro Hand Re mo te Hand steering wheel Leve r Gy TOKYO KEIKI PS operation indicator lamp (red) PS operation indicator lamp (blue) Latitude ... INSTRUCTION MANUAL GYLOT 107 GYLOT-107 Course setting pointer Course setting knob Steering repearter card Weather Adjustment Dimmer Course indicator Course setting knob (gyro steering) Rudder ... window Handle for opening and closing Latitude corrector Buzzer switch PILOT STARTING: Turn switch from "STOP" to "STAND-BY-START" position then to "RUN" position after makes sure that lamp lights

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2017, 14:57

119 697 1
JFE 582 585 instruction manual MÁY ĐIỆN HÀNG HẢI

JFE 582 585 instruction manual MÁY ĐIỆN HÀNG HẢI

... This is equivalent to an antenna on a radio : Stands for international Maritime Organization : stands for Marine Equipment Directive This is the directive for marine equipment in Europe This directive ... +" increases sensitivity Pressing "SET -" decreases sensitivity If the receiver sensitivity is set too high noise will also be displayed on the DISP_ SURF CE recording paper making it ... power fail alarms You can check indication : : : : 7 soa: oa Sea bottom which alarm is being issued from the blinking characters | 2 If due to bubbling etc it is not possible to discriminate the

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2017, 14:57

45 746 1
SIS5 instruction manual hh06b 8forum net

SIS5 instruction manual hh06b 8forum net

... Trang 9 Caution 1 lt may happen that ship's posifion received in SIS-5 is different with ship’s real position {t should be used for navigation data after visual checking and combination with Radar ... position information, speed, direction, navigational information and safety information through identical one radio frequency channel (VHF band) 4fe ba cuee ⁄ daw tết Automatic Identification ... System is cémposed with Transponder and MKD (Minimum Keyboard Display), Transponder has a function in transmitting periodically via VHF band defined in International regulation, and in receiving

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2017, 07:37

104 187 0
ASIO4ALL v2 instruction manual

ASIO4ALL v2 instruction manual

... audio host application Sometimes, when switching from another driver to ASIO4ALL v2, the previous driver will not release the audio device in time If the device is an USB/PCMCIA/FireWire device, ... by clicking on the ASIO4ALL status icon in the System Tray area The tray icon will become visible whenever an application initializes the ASIO4ALL driver If there is no tray icon, your audio application ... possible solutions: • ASIO4ALL v2 not visible in host audio configuration menu There are two possible reasons for this: Either your audio application does not support ASIO or you installed ASIO4ALL

Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2017, 20:12

11 466 0
MICROLOGIX 1500  instruction manual

MICROLOGIX 1500 instruction manual

... scan time G-9 sinking G-9 sinking and sourcing circuits 3-10 sinking wiring diagram 1764-28BXB 3-14 sourcing G-9 sourcing wiring diagram 1764-28BXB 3-15 spade lug wiring 3-3 specifications input ... screws 2-16 installion 2-17 instruction G-4 instruction set definition G-4 integer key 5-3 Integer Mode 5-6 isolated link coupler installing 4-12 isolation transformers power considerations 2-5 ... processing unit), definition G-2 CSA certification see C-UL 2-1 C-UL certification 2-1 D DAT Communication Errors 5-9 configuration 5-4 Controller Faults Displayed 5-8 display 5-5 Error Conditions

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2018, 13:08

175 725 2
Tài liệu LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual P2 pptx

Tài liệu LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual P2 pptx

... as (Windows) Notepad, WordPad, (Macintosh) TeachText, (UNIX) Text Editor, vi, or vuepad ❑ LabVIEW Basics II course disk, containing the following files. Filename Description LVB2SW.exe Self-extracting archive containing VIs ... State Machine VI architecture is a method for controlling the execution of VIs in a nonlinear fashion. This programming technique is very useful in VIs that are easily split into several simpler ... Instruments Corporation 1-17 LabVIEW Basics II Course Manual Exercise 1-2 Verify Information VI Objective: To build a VI that demonstrates the simple VI architecture. You will build a VI that accepts...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

282 449 1
Tài liệu LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual P1 pptx

Tài liệu LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual P1 pptx

... during the course and for doing certain course exercises basics1.llb VI library containing subVIs used during the course Zip file containing the LabVIEW instrument driver for the NI ... as (Windows) Notepad, WordPad, (Macintosh) TeachText, (UNIX) Text Editor, vi, or vuepad ❑ LabVIEW Basics I course disks, containing the following files. Filename Description Disk 1 LV Basics I Directory for saving VIs created ... Creating, Editing, and Debugging a VI LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual 2-12 Duplicating Objects You can duplicate most objects by pressing the <Ctrl> key while using the Positioning...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15

388 472 1
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng máy ảnh kỹ thuật số Canon Ixus 100 is pptx

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn sử dụng máy ảnh kỹ thuật số Canon Ixus 100 is pptx

... . –ffOsroloCyM Vivid Neutral Sepia B/W Positive Film Lighter Skin Tone Darker Skin Tone Vivid Blue Vivid Green Vivid Red Custom Color ã ã Trờn mn hỡnh hin th ch đ đã chn. Không th c i đt tông ... Đính Kèm Ngày Giờ Đính kèm ngày gi vào hình nh thiu ngày gi. S dng chc năng in DPOF. Kt n i máy nh v i máy in và in. S dng phn mm i kèm. 44 Sau khi chp xong, chn l i ch đ . –ffOsroloCyM Vivid Neutral Sepia B/W Positive ... c i đt t i ưu nht khi chp. Bao gm màu xanh da tr i Gray (Xám) Light Blue (Xanh nht)  mt v i i u kin chp, biu tưng hin th trên màn hình s không khp v i cnh chp. Đc bit...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 05:17

66 3,3K 8