CRAFTINGEFFECTIVETITLESCraftingEffectiveTitles Academic writing ¨ Purpose of Titles ¨ Create/Review title at end of writing process ¨ Disciplinary Context ¨ EffectiveTitles Should Be: Engaging ¨ Informative ¨ Connected ¨ Unique ¨ Sample Titles ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ “The Sweet Spot: The Rule of HighVelocity Learning” (Coyle) “Secrets of Greatness What it Takes to Be Great” (Colvin) “The Role of Expertise Research and Human Factors in Capturing, Explaining, and Producing Superior Performance” (Charness and Tuffiash) “From Tyro to Virtuoso: A Long-Term Commitment to Learning” (Sosniak) ...Crafting Effective Titles Academic writing ¨ Purpose of Titles ¨ Create/Review title at end of writing process ¨ Disciplinary Context ¨ Effective Titles Should Be: