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Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN TỰ TIN CHINH PHỤC KỲ THI THPTQG 2017 ĐỀ THI THỬ TIẾNG ANH SỐ Môn Tiếng Anh – Thời gian làm bài : 50 phút Giáo viên: Vũ Mai Phương - MOON.VN Follow FB: facebook.com/covumaiphuong Cô Vũ Mai Phương Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in the following questions Question 1: A perseverance Question2: A different B application C agriculture D dedication B terrorist C contrary D domestic Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question 3: A.formed B naked C recorded D Trusted Question 4: A.command B compose C comment D complaint Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following sentences Question 5: For example, you can play a ballad, then move on to something more energetic such as rock 'n' roll A languid B soft C ill D slow Question 6: It’s incomprehensible to a non-addict that an illicit drug can control the life of a young abuser A readable B favorable C imperative D understandable Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 7: No sooner had he been appointed to the post when the new editor fell ill A B C D Question 8: The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal A species that have become extinct have increased B C D Question 9: Foreign students who are doing a decision about which school to attend A B may not know exactly where the choices are located Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN C D Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following question Fashions go round and round Fashions have always changed with time No (10) Roman girls worried about having the latest hairstyle and boys in Ancient Egypt wanted to have sandals that were cool and not the sensible ones their mothers preferred Looking (11) _ over recent times, there seem to be two main differences in the way fashions have changed compared to earlier times Firstly, (12) more people have a choice of clothes available to them There are few places in the world where the trainers, the caps or the T-shirts of teenagers not change from one year to the next Secondly, styles are (13) within a much shorter time than they used to be For instance, in the 1960s, (14) had the same low waists and narrow skirts as forty years before In the early years of the 21st century, the shops are full of long skirts and coloured scarves like the ones in fashion only thirty years before Soon, we will find that the really fashionable people look no different from the rest of us, because it is only ten years since their clothes were in fashion before! Question 10: A way B doubt C chance D matter Question 11: A about B round C behind D back Question 12: A far B some C even D much Question 13: A exchanged B returned C repeated D accepted Question 14: A jackets B blouses C trousers D dresses Choose the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable complete the following exchanges Question 15: Hoa: “Are you going to buy a new computer or just continue using the old one?” Mary: “ _” A Neither I’m going to lease one B That’s impossible I can’t afford a new one C Yes, I’d like one Thank you D Yes, I am Question 16: A: “Today is my 20th birthday” B: “ _” A Take care! C Many happy returns! B Have a good time! D I don’t have time Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer of each of the questions: The principle of use and disuse states those parts of organisms’ bodies that are used grown larger Those parts that are not tend to wither away It is an observed fact that when you exercise particular muscles, they grow Those that are never used diminish By examining a man’s body, we can tell which muscles he uses and which he doesn’t, we may even be able to guess his profession or his reaction Enthusiast of the “body-building” cult make use of the principle of use and disuse to “build” their bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this peculiar minority culture Muscles are not the only parts of the body that respond to use Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN in this kind of way Walk barefoot and you acquire harder skin on your soles It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank teller by looking at their hanks alone The farmer’s hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough work The teller’s hands are relatively soft The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their worlds progressively better during their lifetime as a results of living in that world Humans, through direct exposure to sunlight or lack of it, develop a skin color which equips them better to survive in the particular local conditions Too much sunlight is dangerous Enthusiastic sunbathers with very fair skins are susceptible to skin cancer Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin-D deficiency and rickets The brown pigment melanin which synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight If a suntanned person moves to a less sunny climate, the melanin disappears, and the body is able to benefit from what little sun there is This can be represented as an instance of the principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown when it is “used”, and fades to white when it is not Question 17: What does the passage mainly discuss? A How the principles of use and disuse change people’s concepts of themselves B The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse C The way in which people change themselves to conform to fashion D The effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse Question 18: The word “Those” in line refers to _ A organisms B bodies C parts D muscles Question 19: According to the passage, men who body build A appear like sculptures B change their appearance C belong to strange cults D are very fashionable Question 20: It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of use and disuse enables organisms to _ A survive in any condition C change their existence B automatically benefit D improve their lifetime Question 21: The author suggests that melanin _ A helps protect fair-skinned people B is beneficial in sunless climates C is necessary for the production of vitamin – D D is a synthetic product Question 22: In the second paragraph, the author mentions sunbathing as an example of _ A humans improving their local condition B humans surviving in adverse conditions Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN C humans using the principle of use and disuse D humans running the risk of skin cancer Question 23: The world “susceptible” could A condemned B vulnerable C allergic be best replaced D suggestible by _ Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentence: Question 24: The boy _ went to the hospital to ask for doctor’s help A whose sick mother B whose mother sicked C who his mother is sick D whose mother was sick Question 25: Sarah and I _ reserved the rooms in the same hotel She was really surprised to see me there A intentionally B practically C.coincidentally D.Deliberately Question 26: John proposed _ Mary on a fine day at the crowded beach in their hometown A that they married B getting married C to have married D to marry Question 27: The twins look so much alike that almost no one can _ them _ A take/apart B tell/away C tell/apart D take/on Question 28: Tam, the boy who sits next to me in class, often wears shirt to school A an old white cotton B an old cotton white C a cotton old white D a white cotton old Question 29: John would like to specialise _ computer science A of B to C in D at Question 30: _ eighty percent of the students in our school are eager to work with foreign teachers, aren’t they? A Most B Most of C Almost D Mostly Question 31: It last night because the ground is really wet A must rain B must to rain C must be raining D must have rained Question 32: Many young people in rural areas don’t want to spend their lives on the farm like their _ parents So they leave their home villages to find well-paid jobs in the fastgrowing industrial zones A long-term B up-to-date C weather-beaten D wide-ranging Question 33: Remember that things such as language, food and clothing are simply expressions of our cultural _ A solidarity B identity C assimilation D celebration Question 34: The government is aiming _ 50 % reduction _ unemployment Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN A to/in B.at/in C at/of D for/of Question 35: On _ for what he had done, he cried A having scolded B scolded C being scolded D scolding Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined words Question 36: The conference is governed by its newly elected board A watched B chosen C ruled D advised Question 37: I take my hat off to all those people who worked hard to get the contract A encourage B congratulate C respect D welcome Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions In the world today, particularly in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling is big news People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the environment Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time The motto of the recycling movement is “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” The first step is to reduce garbage In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and expensive plastic wrappings A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper, a box and a bag All that packaging is wasted resources People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply, and reuse cups and utensils Another way to reduce waste is to buy highquality products When low quality appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more energy For example, if a customer buys high-quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer receives an important message In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that customer sends an important message to manufacturers To reduce garbage, the throwaway must stop The second step is to reuse It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles After customers empty the bottles, they can return them to the store The manufacturers of the drinks collect the bottles, wash them, and then fill them again The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved In some parts of the world, returning bottles for money is a common practice In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass and plastic from throwaway bottles The third step is to recycle Spent motor oil cans can be cleaned and used again Aluminum cans are costly to make It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as it does to run a color TV set for three hours When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help save one of the world’s precious resources Question 38: People can the following to reduce waste EXCEPT A buy simply-wrapped things B buy high-quality product C buy fewer hamburgers D reuse cups Question 39: What is the best description of the process of reuse? A The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN B The bottles are collected, returned filled again and washed C The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed D The bottles are washed, returned, filled again and collected Question 40: Why is it a waste when customers buy low-quality products? A Because people will soon throw them away B Because customers change their ideas all the time C Because they have to be repaired many times D Because they produce less energy Question 41: The word “sensitive” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to A friendly B cautious C responding D logical Question 42: The energy used to make a can is the energy used to run a color TV set for hours A more than B less than C as much as D not worth being compared to Question 43: The word “precious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A natural B substantial C first D invaluable Question 44: Which statement is true according to the passage? A It's impossible to recycle aluminum B Aluminum is one resource that needs to be saved C It's cheap to make aluminum cans D Aluminum is a lasting resource Question 45: What does the passage mainly discuss? A what people often understand about the term “recycle” B what is involved in the recycling movement C how to reduce garbage disposal D how to live sensitive to the environment Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 46: We can’t deny that all of us made certain mistakes early on A It can be denied that not all of us made mistakes B Everyone of us denies that we made certain mistakes early on C It is true that nobody could avoid making mistakes D We admit that we could avoid making certain mistakes when young Question 47: After Louie had written his composition, he handed it to his teacher A Handed the composition to his teacher, Louie wrote it Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 2017 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN B Having written his composition, Louie handed it to his teacher C Writing the composition, Louie handed it to his teacher D Handing the composition, Louie had written his composition Question 48: I whispered as I didn’t want anybody to hear our conversation A So as not to hear our conversation I whispered B Since nobody wanted to hear our conversation I whispered C Because I whispered, nobody heard our conversation D I lowered my voice in order that our conversation couldn’t be heard Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines the pair of sentences given in each of the following questions Question 49: I strongly disapproved of your behavior However, I will help you this time A Despite of my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time B.Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time C Because of your behavior, I will help you this time D Although I strongly disapproved of your behavior, but I will help you this time Question 50: Mike graduated with a good degree However, he joined the ranks of the unemployed A Mike joined the ranks of the unemployed because he graduated with a good degree B If Mike graduated with a good degree, he would join the ranks of the unemployed C Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he joined the ranks of the unemployed D That Mike graduated with a good degree helped him join the ranks of the unemployed ... fashion in this peculiar minority culture Muscles are not the only parts of the body that respond to use Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 20 17 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương – MOON.VN in this kind of... author mentions sunbathing as an example of _ A humans improving their local condition B humans surviving in adverse conditions Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 20 17 – Cô Vũ Mai Phương... young Question 47: After Louie had written his composition, he handed it to his teacher A Handed the composition to his teacher, Louie wrote it Khoá học PRO S – luyện thi THPTQG 20 17 – Cô Vũ Mai

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2017, 14:57



