Choose the correct picture n,hile listening to vrords and structures and vocabular\' r Listen to u'ords and identifv letters at the beginning of n'ords except x rt'hich is presented as t
Trang 2and Associated Companies throughout the world.
@ Pearson Education Asia Limited 2005
All rights resen ed; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmit
The follor,r,ing pages, however, may be photocopied by a school or teacher for use in a classroom: pp 2 'o
Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder
Publisher: Christienne Blodget
Managing Editor: Marie Webster
Editor: Richard \Vhitbread
Designers: Iunko Funaki, Tonic Ng
I wish to express my thanks to mv students, n ho taught me ever-\'thing I have learned about them, to m1,
editors, nhose dedication and professionalism are responsible for all that is good in this edition, and to mother, Leona, who always knew I would r,ririte a book and rthose encouragement led me to try And mv -
gratitude to Lesley, r,vithout rir,hom this r,r,ould not be
Aleda Krause
\Vriting a children's course is a team effort I nould like to thank all of the editors and the entire SuperKfd.s
team at Pearson Education for making the new edition of SuperKids a reality I also rrr,ant to thank
ffi),co-author, Aleda Krause, for her support and encouragement Lastlll I u:ant to thank ml,friend Lesley n,irobelieved in me I dedicate this book to m\r mother, Ien,el
Greg Cossu
The publislrer rtould like to thank rhe follou,ing
Christine Choi Susan Bainbridge
Daphne Clren Florencia Chen
Lee Seung Eun Sharon Eun
Gu, Eun-\br.rng Yunri Hamanaka
Katsuko Kato Christina Ke
Kim, Sun-\bung Kim, young-Soor-r
\lark N4cTamnev Ichizo Murakarni
Rie Noguchi Samuel Oda
Sult, \bon-li Chizuko Takai
Shittichi I anaka Shellv Thies-lroh
Noriko Yosh jo Eva Zau,adzka
people for their contributiolt to the course:
I athryn Burder
Daniel FlynnKazuko KantevamaGreg Kennerh'
Jessie Lin
N4ari NakanruraAJ,ako Ozasa
l-iideko Takasu
Nalhan Tolernan
N,lan, L Burkitt
Cho, Jin-HeeAllen Giln-ran
Kim, Soo-Kr,eongTim Lyon
iiaoru Naritomi
- Song, Na-YoungDereky Takeda The
Na0ko\{atanabe PUblisher'r
poficy is tc L
PaPer manulac
Trang 3Toble of Contents
Course Description Page
Student Book 2 unit description Page
Unit 1: Feelings (including teacher replodqcibles (TRs) 1, 2 and 3) Page
Unit 2: OurHgup_e_ (incJudEBJRla-:5 and 6) Page
Unit 3q Weathgl 0l_.J".4FgTRs-I, B ?nd e) Page
Recygle illt (inglgdiqgTRg 10, 1] an{ 12) Page
Discover it! 1: Seasons (includingTR 13) Page
Unit 4: TellingTime (includingTRs 14, 15 and 16) Page
Unit 5: In a Toy Store (including TRs 17, 18 and 19)
2 2 2 3
L2 13
Z2 32
Q"_gt_U4i"gJR*0r ?r_ap,!_zl) _
Recycle it!2 (includingTRs 23,24 and 25)
Discover it! 2: Foods Around theWorld (includingTR 26)
Unit 7: Art Class (includingTRs 27, 28 and29)
L":f-.-lCI!-_s _q!9!g4i!sT$s ! Q, _3 J 11q 3_B)
Discover it! 3: More Numbers (includingTR 39)
Culture 1: Mother's Day I Father's Day (includingTR 40)
Culture 2: Valentinels Day (inglgdingTR I)
I can do it!
How to Make and Use a Mini-book
Activity Book Answer Key
Test Script and Answer Key
52 58
90 96 98
Unit B: ffier School (includingTRs 30, 31 and 32) Page
Unit 9: Class Party (includingTRs 33, 34 and 35) Page 118
Trang 4,.
ciipffih "rrrJ PhilosophY
SuoerKiclsis a six-level course for elenlelltarl'school :
.irifO*t leartring English as a Foreigu Language (EFL)' ;
SupcrKids is based on the follort'ing philosophies' '
Voriety of methods
No one particular English teacl.ring methodologl'works
for all children in all classes Tecl.rniques from various
upprou.f,.t are used' Detailed suggestiotrs are provided in
.uih l.rton plan Approaches used include Total Phvsical
Response (TPR) in Levels I and 2, Wlrole Language
-i irirg,
and the Conlnrunicative Approacir' all of rt'hicl.r
have been proven successful lT'ith cl-rildren'
Contextuol leorning
Language is introduced contextuall-v and in.categories'
Chiiirei are able to learn and remember related
*."U"i"fu, simple dialogs and structures m-ore readill' lf
these are introduced in a common context' Familiar
,l-,"n'r" and situations from children's lives are used in
order to make the task of learning Englisll more
interesting and less illtimidating'
Listening lirst
Ir,Ianv children studying in EFL situations do not hear
.potl" English outiide the classroom atrd have no other
base for their attempts to communicate in English' In
SttlterKids, children hear and respond tolanguage
receptively before being required to p ''oduce it, that is
tl'reljlisten, then speak' The CDs give moiimum exposure
to native sPeaker competence
Speoking needs Proctice
Chiidren learn to speak Englisl'r by saf ing things they
\{ant to sa-v in mi:aningful contexts' SuperKids provides
activities and games that encourage children to speak out'
Four skills
Su p e rKi ds systenraticallll progresses through.the four
stitls of listening, speaking, reading and rt'riting vr'ith each
skill formally introduced and then practiced' The
emphasis is on listening and speaking (the natural order
of language acquisition) so that children can immediatelv
beginiommunicating orally in English'
The CD is used to model the lal.rguage items and tasks
before expecting childrell to speak or cotnplete a task'
Children ieel less threatened and nrore successful r"'l-ren
r,r,orking n,ith nel,r language ol completing tasks in tl-ris
Review ond recycling
Itr EFL situations, revievr'of langtrage is ven' importanl'
The language in Srrpcr'/{id.s is carefullt'r'c'ct'clctd u'ithin
each level and benn'c'etr levels'
l.t:arnilrg is t-tlade cniovable throtrgll gatrles qrd
task-trasccl ai'tiviritrs Strpcr(ir/-s ait.tls 1o help children tlt'r't'lo1i
l posit ivt' ittti1u(l(' 1ou'itrtls lcarlling En glish'
" a , r I-)cc-inlirtn
1 : i '+ ir: r-;r :
a.;1', l
Studenl Book
The Student Book includes:
1 A ston,line n'ith familiar characters to stinlulatestudent interesl and to provide a sellse of continuitr"
2 Nine theme-based units n'ith colorful double-pagespreads
3 Tl.rree Recl'cle itl units to reinforce and expand orr
previousl-v tau glrt language
4 Three Discover itl units to introduce cross-curriculartoPics
5 Trr,o double-page Culture units to introduce differentevents of universal interest to cl-rildren, m,akingIearning English an international experience'
6 At least one song or chant per unit to help childrenpractice and remember grammar points and dialogs'
7 Pictorial icons on each page to identify the focus of
B A gradual introduction to reading and rT'riting' Sounds
thit have simiiar mouth positions are taught together
so children can acquire the sounds more easilv andlearn to differentiate between them'
Student Book 2
Level 2 is based on thepremise that childrenare able to make shortstatements and ask /answer questions aboutthemselves and others
They are able to fill in
blanks to comPletewords, but theY are not)Iet expected to read hl
I-evel 2 the letters of thealphabet and their
sounds are taught as then-riddle or last sounds of
rvords Text on the Pages
serves as a reference for teachers and also helpsfamiliarize children n'ith the Roman alphabet'
ln Unit 2, the SuperKids meet Iupiter and Pluto, nvoaliens who arrive by spaceship' The children and thealiens interact throughout the book, making learning
en jovable and stimulatin g'Level 2 focuses on:
Eigl.rteerr functional dialogs tlrat are useful irl dailv life
\iocabulan, building of nouns'
\jocabular)' building of verbs using the TPR method.Nirre simple structures to provide a strong foundation
in basic English granllllar.
l\liddle and final phonics sound of the letters of thealpl.rabet
Iiccr-rgnizing altd rt'ritillg all the letters atld phot'ricssounds
Student Book CD
'l lrt'Stutlent liook Cl) includes:
l \lotlt'ls lirr lrll lirt'r'ocltbtrlitrl itcltls' l'uttciional dialogs'
lut rtl gt'lttlttltllt slLtl('ll)('ll I s alrcl ti ialogs'
Trang 5:::l-j,;:: !,
2 r\ narration oi the storvline to add special interest
l) Lively and rhvthmic songs and chants tbr each unit
.1 Nlodels for the phonics sounds
5 The stories and listening actirities in each Recycle it! unit
ti The vocabulary, dialogs and songs from each of the
Discover it! and Culture units
children, e.g word
search puzzles and
craft activities
3 One page for every
lesson in Units 1-9
and one page for
every Recycle it!, Discover it! and Culture unit
4 A listening activity on each page as well as another
activify to practice reading and writing words and
5 Letter writing and tracing activities in Levels I and 2
Later levels develop more advanced skills such as
reading and writing words, simple phrases, sentences
and short passages
Activity Book CD
The Activity Book CD includes:
I All the instructions necessary to complete the listening
2 Instructions followed by abell sound signaling where
the CD should be paused so children can complete the
3 Audio scripts and
answer keys for the
Student and Activity
4 Placement tests / assessments with answer key
5 Photocopiable supplementary activiries.
6 An Activity Bank of activities to supplbment each
7 Reproducible Reduced Picture Cards foreach unit
8 TPR card reproducibles for each unit.,
Note that throughout the Teacher's Guide, srrrrlenrs is
one card for each vocabulary item
The Picture Cards can be used toteach and review vocabularywords as well as the dialogs
Detailed suggestions on how to
use the cards are provided in eachlesson plan
Student Book 2 unit description
Tolk obout it!
(Vocobulory, lunciionol diologs, grommol diolog)
Each unit opens with a double-page spread showing thefollowing in an illustrated context:
1 Target vocabulary items underneath the illustratedscenes
2 Two functional dialogs or expressions
3 The unit's target grammar dialog outlined in red
4 Numbered dialogs so that Ss will know which dialog tofocus on when listening to the CD
5 Some of the phonics words for the target phonicssounds in the unit
6 Humorous elements to add to the enjol'rnent of learning
7 A hidden iguana for Ss to find.
2 Have Ss open their books:
a Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to eachvccabulary item under the main scenes
b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen andrepeat the items
c Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen, find
the words and write the numbers in the boxes
3 Praclice: All vocabulary items appear in the main
scenes Name items in random order Have Ss
point to the corresponding items in the main scene
4 PIay the story on the CD and have Ss listen The storieshelp to reinforce the vocabulary and provide a contextfor them
l Introduce the dialogs as suggested in the Teacher'sGuide
2 Have Ss open their books:
a Play the CD Have Ss listen to the srory and point tothe people or objects in the main scene as they are
mentioned The story helps to reinforce thevocabulary and provide a context for it
Course Description 3
Trang 6b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss first Iisten to
the dialog and point io the characters u'ho are
speaking, and then repeat the dialog
3 Practice: Divide the class into groups or pairs Have
Sroups A and B (or SI and 52) sav alternate lines of the
dialog Have Ss change roles
Do il! gnnl
Vocabulary building ofverbs is done at all levels Levels I
and 2 teach verbs using rhe l'PR teaching method wherebl'
Ss learn English through a ph5'sical response to English
commands TPR activities in the lesson plans and in the
Actirriry Bank consist of both receptive and productive
acti\rities Once Ss are familiar n ith responding to the
commands (receptive), tlrev can practice giving the
commands (productive).'l-he productivc acti\ities act as
review or consolidation ol'tlre language learned
General teaching method
TPR verbs
t Tell Ss (in theirnative language if necessary) that it is
uot necessar)'to repeat the comt-Irallds Thelr should
only do the actions
2 lntroduce one command:
a Sa1'one command and do the action
b Repeat the command Have Ss do the action nith
3 II Ss respond confidently', introduce the next command
in the same wa1, If not, repeat step 2 Repeat until all
the commands have been introduced
4 Play the CD and have Ss listen to the commands and
point to the pictures
5 Play ths CD again and have Ss listen and do the actions
G Shuffle the TPR Cards and give the commands in the
random order of the cards Have Ss point to the
pictures in their books
7 Use the TPR cards to say the commands in randon.r
order again and have Ss do the actions
This is a short grammar song n hich introduces the
grammar point in each unit Ss can hear, understand and
absorb the grammar patterns before being required to
produce them The Sing-a-grant is on the CD
Ss should only be introduced to the song in this lesson
It serves as a preview of the grammar point to be taught in
the next lesson The song should be taught in detail in the
next lesson
l Introduce tbe Sittg-a-gra,r? as suggested in
Teacher's Guide
2 Play the CD Have Ss listen and point
3 Play the CD again and have Ss follou' along n,ith the
solrg or do actions as suggested in the Teacher's Guide
For example, give out Picture Cards or Reduced Picture
Cards of the items in the song and have Ss raise the
cards r,"hen the-v hear the u,ords in the song Ss should
not sing tlre song in tlris lesson
Build it! lorommor;
Gramntar is practiced in the form o[staten]el'lts, dialogs
and srrbslTtulicln exercises using pictures Thc,st, scel)es
shun, tlte cor'r1ex1 in u4tich cach grantntar point is rrst,tl
4 Course DescriPlion
This lesson includes:
l Tno scenes illustrating the colttext of the grarnnrar poir.rt
2 The statement form of unit's grammar pointoutlined in red
3 Simple statenrent form practice exercises
4 The dialog form of the unit's gramnlar point alsooutlined in red
5 Simple dialog practice exercises
6 A listening exercise to practice the grarnmar point
General teaching method Gramntar
l Introduce the grammar statement Hold up the PictureCard or real object ofthe vocabularf item to be used inthe statement Say the statement, e.g These are kites.Have Ss repeat
2 Introduce the grammar dialog:
a Draw a large question mark on tlre board
b Hold up the Picture Card of the rrocabularJ, item to
be used in the question
Divide the class into two groups
Hold up Picture Cards one at a time Have group A
ask the question and group B answer, using the .
cards as cues Have Ss change roles
3 Have Ss open their books:
a PIay the CD for part A Have Ss listen and repeat
b Have Ss do the four Listen Sa-y exercises in pairs
c Play the CD for part B Have Ss listen and repeat
d Have Ss do the four Listen Ask Answer exercises inPairs
e Play the CD and do the listening exercise in part C.
Note: Contracted forms are used in all levels in order to
be consistent n ith natural spoken English
1 Have Ss look at the Sri?g-a- gram in the previous lesson
2 Play the CD Have Ss listen, point and do any acrior"rs,
speaking or singing as suggested in the Teacher's Guide
3 Divide Ss into pairs or groups to sing different parts of
the song
4 Have pairs or groups change roles and sing the songagain
Reod it! lenonics sounds)
Phonics is an integral part of each level, beginning rt'irh
initial phonics sounds in Level l Ss can listen ro andrepeat the phonics sounds, and practice recognizir.rg andrvriting the letters is given in Level 2 En.rphasis is onvou,els as rr-redial sour:ds and nrost of the consonants as
the final sounds in rt,ords
'lhis lesson includes:
I \\,ords u'ith target phonics sounds clearlt' illustrared
2 I\4alchirrg sinrple senlc'r'rces that contain ihe lthonics
rr,orcls n'ith a corresl-rortding picture irr part B.
ii '[iirr:ilrg and tlrcn rr'riting practice ol'eac]r of tht, l;hor-ricssorrrrtls irr piirt O.
Trang 7I-he tbllorving svmbols are usetl to indicate the
pronunciation of the phonics sounds introduced in the
Bcarl lr-l section of each unit
General teaching method
Phottics sottnds
l [ntroduce the tirst word ending:
a Write the target ending on the board, e.g ar
b Have Ss say the sound oi each letter individually,e.g.4, t
c Read the letters as one word, e.g af Have Ss repeat
2 Introduce the phonics rvords with real objects orpictures
3 Say the sound of the first letter, the two-lettercombination, then the whole word, e.g c-at, cat.Have
6 Have Ss open theirbooks:
a Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to each picture
b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen andrepeat
7 Practice: Have Ss find pictures of items in the mainscene on the first two pages of each unit that beginwith the target phonics sounds
1 Focus Ss'attention on part B:
a lVrite the three sentences on the board and read one
l Focus Ss'attention on part C:
a Write each of the three target phonics sounds on theboard and have Ss point to the picture with therelevant phonics sound
b Say each lvord and have Ss repeat
c Point to the phonics sound on the board and thenthe blanks on the page
d Play the CD Have Ss listen and fill in the blankswith the letters of the target phonics sounds
e Write the word on the board leaving blanks for thephonics sounds and then fill in the blanks
Proctice it!
This section contains a task-based speaking activity lor
pairs or small groups, designed to allolv Ss to use thelanguage they have [earned immediatel-v
Sing it! / Chonl it!
This section contains an enjoyable song or chant to wrap
up each unit These are also included on the Student BookCD
Course Description 5
Trang 8General teaching method
1 Have Ss open their books Focus Ss' attention on the
Practice irl exercise
the top of the page
3 Put Ss into pairs or small groups
4 Explain the rules of the particular activity (see lessor.r
plans for Lesson 6 of the unit).
5 Have Ss complete the actir,ity in pairs or groups
6 Follou,up u'ith the activity detailed in the lesson plan
Singit! / Charxt it!
l Play the song / chant on tl're CD Have Ss listen
2 Play the song / chant again Have Ss sing / chant along
(or follorv the other suggestions provided in the lesson
RecyCle il! lneview of three units)
After every three units, there is a Recycle itl unit which
serves to reinforce and expand on previously studied
language items lncluded are an illustrated, humorous
story, review exercises and a board game
2 Have Ss open their books to the story section
3 Review the characters and items in the pictures
4 Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to the
corresponding pictures
5 Play the CD again Have Ss listen and repeat
6 Put Ss into pairs or small groups and have them
practice the dialogs Give them props as necessary
7 Have volunteer groups perform the story in front of
the class
Reuiew it!
l Have Ss open their books to the ReuieuL irl section and
look at part A
2 Give the different commands and have Ss find and
point to the correct picture
3 Play the CD Have Ss listen and write the numbers of
the commands in rhe boxes above the pictures
4 Check the ansr,r,ers as a whole-class actit ity
5 Have Ss look at part B
6 Point to each letter and have Ss say the Ietter name
and the sound
:::ilJ: a picture and ask v1mt's rftis? Elicit the
B Model how to do the exercise or r,r,rite the letter under
the picture
9 Give Ss time to complete the exercise \Valk around to
cl-reck for accurac\,
10 Check the ansrryers as a n hole-class activit\,
Each boarC game is slightly different The game is colorcoded and each color represents a different languagepattern to be practiced Read lesson plans for details
l Have Ss open their books to the P/d1, rrl section andlook at the board game
2 Revierr the dialogs for each color-coded section
3 Point to the firsr space ir.t eacl'r colored section andhave ftvo Ss sa1,1hs dialog according to the languagepattern
4 Put Ss into pairs and give eaclr pair one die l-lar,e
pairs use their erasers as markers
5 Have Ss in each pair take turns rolling the die andmoving around the game board, saying the dialogsaccording to the language patterns
2 Have Ss open their books and look at part A
3 Play the CD Have Ss Iisten and point to the pictures.
4 Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen andrepeat
5 Point to the vocabulary items in random order andhave Ss name them
l Introduce the dialog as suggested in the lesson plans
2 Play the CD Have Ss listen and repeat
3 Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialog
I Play the song or chant on the CD Have Ss listen
2 Play the CD again Have Ss singor chant along
3 Do the wrap-up activity suggested in the lesson plans
The Culture units introduce holidays enjoyed by children
in many English-speaking countries Each unit provides
an opportuniry for further content-based learning, as lt ell
as for a fun break from more serious lessons
General teaching method
lntroduce tlie holiday in Ss'native language, if possible.Notes abour the holidav are included in the lesson plans.Shon' Ss pictures of the holidal
I Introduce the vocabularY items rvith your ownpictures, ol'use the pictures in the Student Book Notc,s
about the vocabulan are included in the lesson plans
2 Ilave Ss open their books:
a Plat'the CD Have Ss listen and point tcl eachvocairularv itenr under the nrair-r scenes
6 Course Description
Trang 9r:,:i :
b Play the same track on the CD Hirve Ss listcu rnrl
repeat the items
c Name the vocabularv items in randonr order FIav(.1
Ss find and poini to the itetns in rhe main scenes.
3 Practice the vocabulary items ivith a game or activitv
Suggestions are in the lesson plans
l lntroduce the dialogs and commands as suggested in
the lesson plans
2 Have Ss open their books Play the CD Have Ss first
listen to the dialog and point to the characters lvho are
speaking, and then repeat the dialog
3 Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialogs
Play the CD Have Ss first listen, then sing or chant along
with the song or chant
Do one or more of the optional activities (to help Ss
understand the holiday) or any ofthe reproducible
Activity Book
At the beginning of Activiry Book 2 is an Alphabet Chart
for Ss to ftll in the letters of the alphabet for review and
extra writing practice
There is one Activiry Book page for each lesson in Units
1-9 ofthe Student Book, and one page for each Recycle it!,
Discover itl and Culture unit.
The first exercise on each page is always a listening
exercise The other exercises are either listening, reading
or writing activities.
I Have Ss open their books
2 Have Ss look at exercise A:
a Play the CD Have Ss listen and follow along in their
b Pause the CD at each bell sound for Ss to complete
the tasks
c Check Ss' answers and correct where necessary
3 Have Ss look at exercise B:
a If it is another listening activity, follow the
instructions above If it is a writing activiry
demonstrate how to do the activity
b Give Ss time to complete the activity
c Check Ss' answers and correct where necessary
4 The Activity Book may also be assigned for homework
after explaining to Ss how to do the exercises in class
Alternatively, do exercise A in class and assign B for
homework, or vice versa
5 Have Ss color the appropriate spaces onthe Reward!
page at the back of the Activity Book upon completion
of each unit Have Ss use the color indicated in the
Activity Book for thar unit ,
lVarm-up / review t0-13 minutes Activiry Book check* (5-7 minutes) Introduce and practice
new language items 30-32 minutes Activity Book assignment* (5-7 minutes)
Course timing ond schedule
Suggested timing lor one lesson plon
One-yeor schedule
70 classes per yezrr
* Assign homework after every other class and check thehomework during the following class
Warm-up / review 5 minutes Activity Book check* (5 minutes) Introduce and practice
new language items 15 minutes Activity Book assignment* (5 minutes)
9 units x 6 classes each 54 classes
3 Recycle itl units x 3 classes each 9 classes
3 Discover it! units x I class each 3 classes
2 Culture units x 2 classes each 4 classes
58 classes per yezrr
Q trnifc w 4 nlaccoc oa^L / ( ^l^ ^
3 Recycle it! units x 2 classes each 6 classes
3 Discover it! units x I class each 3 classes
2 Culture units x 2 classes each 4 classes
47 classes per ye.rr
9 units x 4 classes each 36 classes
3 Recycle it! units x 2 classes each 6 classes
3 Discover it! units x I class each 3 classes
2 Culture units x I class each 2 classes
Course Description 7
Trang 10Suggested scheduling lor one unit
6 classes per unit (72 classes per year)
Lesson plans in the Teacher's Guide follor+, this schedule
5 classes per unit (60 classes per year)
4 classes per unit (49 classes per year)
I Talk about it!
Ilevierv dialogs Revier,r, previous unit's TPR verbs Teach and practice
5 Read it! Review previous unit's phonics sounds Teach and practice new
phonics sounds and words
2 Talk about it!
(Dialogs) Review previous lesson's vocabulary Teach and practice dialogs. Talk about (Dialogs) it!
3 Do it! /
Sing-a-gram /
Build it!
Teach and practice newTPR verbs receptively Do the Sing-a-gram
Introduce new grammar
Review prerrious lesson's vocabular)' Teach ar-rd practice dialogs
Teach and practice nerv TPR verbs receptively
Talk about itl
Trang 11Lesson plonning
Teachers should plan each lesson carehrlly with specilic
goals and ob1'ectives in mind It is allvavs better to plan
n'rore activities tltan necessar-v in case one activity does
not rvork according to plan
Explonotion of lesson plons in ihe
Teocher's Guide
There is one complete lesson plan for each Student Book
page However, ifyou need to teach nvo Student Book
pages in one lesson, you can do so by implementing one
ofthe suggested schedules on p B.
Success requires planning, and planning takes
tirne-something the busy teacher of children often has too little
of The lesson plans in the Teacher's Guide have been
designed to help the teacher cover all the material in
SuperKids in an organized manner with minimal
planning A brief look at the Activity Bank before class will
often give you that one extra idea that boosts an average
class to a great class Each suggested lesson plan has been
divided into the following sections
Warm-up / review
Each lesson begins with a fun lvarm-up in order to review
material previously learned and motivate Ss to use
English during class
Each warm-up / review section practices language
items lrom the previous lesson or from the previous unit.
Activity Book (check homework)
Systematic review is key to the retention of new language
Further review of the previous class'material is built into
the lesson in the form of the homework check
Introduction of newlanguage items
New language items are introduced in this section
without the aid of the book The focus is on the teacher,
so Ss hear language before producing it themselves
Suggestions are given in each lesson plan on how to use
Picture Cards or real objects to introduce the material
Ss open their books and listen to and practice the new
language items, Detailed suggestions on how to involve Ss
while listening to the CD are provided in each lesson plan
After the book
Practice is essential ifSs are to internalize the new
language items Detailed suggestions on how to further
practice the language items are provided in each lesson
Beginning and ending each class in an enjoyable way is
essential to instilling in children a love of English Each
lesson plan has suggestions lor activities to finish each
class and send children home feeling good about the
lesson and themselves
Each lesson plan suggests tlrther activities to be used,either as part of eacl'r lesson or in place of suggestedactivities Tl.ris section usually sLlggests tasks or activitiestbr [urther practice
Note: Materials needed for optional activities arc notincluded in the materials box of each lesson plan
The Activity Book serves to reinforce what was taught in
class Exercises may be done in class or at home
Materials for the next lesson
If any materials are needed for the next lesson or for any
of the optional activities in the next lesson, the teacher is
informed ahead of time to bring / prepare these for thenext lesson
Course Description 9
Trang 12Unit and title Topic and vocabulary Grammar
l'm scared
Are you scared? / Yes, I am /
No, I'm not
hall, bedroom, bathroom, closet, \,ard
Joey is in the bathroom
\\lhere's loey? / Hes in thebathroom
3 Weother Weather: sunn),, cloudy,, nind)', rainy, snowy, foggy,
Seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall
1 0:00, I I :00, 12:00, 12:15, 12l'30, 12:45
It's I2:00
What time is it? / It's 12:00
comic books, yo-yos, balloons, rockets
These are yo-yos / Those are kites.What are these? / They're yo-yos.What are those? I They're kites
noodles, fruit, soup
I want noodles / We want soup.What do you want? / I wantnoodles / We want soup
rice balls,
7 Art Closs Art supplies: scissors, paintbrushes, paints, stickers,
pinsPrepositions: in, on, under
The scissors are in the box.Where are the scissors? / They're
in the box
8 After School After-school activities: English class, math class,
calligraphy class, swimming class, dance class,
soccer practice, judo practice, baseball practice
I'm going to judo practice.Where are 1,ou going? / I'm going
to judo practice
the drums, watching a D\D, reading a book, feedingthe hamster, painting a picture, drawing a map
He's dran'ing a map
\Vhat's Mojo doing? / He's drau'ing
Trang 13Functional dialogs TPR verbs Phonics
FIi, Beth How are voui' / I'rn OK .\nd yotri /
['m great, thanks
Whats that? / I don't knrrrv
(ioing to a friend's house: knock on the cloor,o[)en the door, sil\', "FIello.", sa1', "Comt: itr.",
go inside, close the door
Initial sounds revier'v
Hi I'm Beth \,!hat's your name? / Nlv names
How old are voui / I'm 10.
Cleaning up the house: hang up vour coat,make the bed, rvash the dishes, lvipe the table,vacuum the carpet, rake the leaves
Initial sounds reviewM-\,V y and ZFinal sound X
This is my friend, Lisa / Nice to meet vou
I'm Iupiter
Let's go to the park / Good idea
Going out on a rainy day: put on vourraincoat, put on your boots, open yourumbrella, walk in the rain, jump in thepuddle, close your umbrella
at: cat, hat
an: can, van
ad: sad dad
\A/hat's your lavorite season? / I like summer
I like your watch / Thanks
It's time to eat lunch / Don't forget your hat
Doing daily activities: get up at 6:30, go toschool at B:15, eat lunch at 12:00, do homework
at 4:30, take a bath at7:45, go to bed at 9:00
ot: dot, pot
ox: fox, boxock: clock sock
\,t/hich toy car do you want? / The red one
May I have that comic book, please? /
Here you are
Playing a board game: put your marker onStart, throw the dice, count the dots, moveyour marker, go forward 3 spaces, go back 2
S: yo-yos, balloonsbooks, kitespaintbrushes,witches
I'm really hungry / Me, too
Can you use chopsticks? / No, I can't Can you?
Ordering at a fast food restaurant: get in line,choose your food, take your food, find a seat,eat your lunch, throw away the trash
ed: red, bed
en: pen, ten
eil: bell, spell
Do you like tacos? / Yes, we do / These are
What's your favorite class? / Art class
How do you spell fox? / f-o-x
Drawing a picture of a fox draw a head and a
body, draw 2 ears and a tail, draw 4 legs, draw 2
under the picture
Uh-huh Let's go
Bye See ycu at soccer practice / See irou then
Leaving school and getting ready for baseballpractice: put your books in your bag, put on your
jacket, say goodbye to Vour teacher, put on Vouruniform, run to baseball practice, loin your team
This is for you / A soccer ball Thanks
Cleaning up the classroom: pick up the toys,
put away the toys, sweep the floor, wipe the
desks, erase the board, turn off the lights
ame: name, gameake: cake, make thebed
ase: pencil case, vase
How many yellow fish can you see? /
I can see 13.
Happy lvlothers Day, NIom These are for you /
Ooh! Flowers Thank you
lVhat are you doing? / We're making breakfast
It's a new tie Thanks a lot / Happy Father s Da-v.
lVhat are vou doinq? / We're washing the car
\,Vhat are you making? / A card How about
you? / Ivle, too
HappyValentines Day, Beth / Happy
Valentine's Da_v, Peter
Have some candv hearts? / Thank vou
Trang 14I Choose the correct picture
n,hile listening to vrords and
structures and vocabular\'
r Listen to u'ords and identifv
letters at the beginning of
n'ords (except x rt'hich is
presented as the last letter
of rryords)
Repeat simple statements,questions and ansr,r,ers
rthen given a model
o Ask and ans\rrer simplequestions aboutthemseh,es vr,hen given a
r Sa),the sounds ofall
letters as the first Ietters ofrtords (except x n'hich is
presented as the last letter
o liace and n'rite allupper and Ion'er
case letters onstaves
o \\Irite their on'nlrames in English
2 o Choose a picture r,r'hile
dialogs and TPR commands
Listen to words and identifu
the sounds of most letters
as the medial or final
sounds of rt'ords
o Ask and ans\{er questioltsabout themselves andothers
o Say the sounds of mostletters as the medial orfinal sounds of n,ords,including final -s
o Read and saY thesound of most letters
as the medial or finalsounds ofrvords,including final -s
o Read and underslandwords and shortsentences
o Recognize commonsight words
Write ke1'n,ords
on staves whengiven a modelFill in letters tocomplete nrords
J o Choose a picture or r,r,ord
after listening to statements
and dialogs
o Recognize the sound of
two-letter consonant and
vowel digraphs
e Make statements and ask
and answer questionsabout themselves andotl'lers
Sa), the sounds Ietter consonant andvowel digraphs
oftruo-o Read and understandsentences
\{rite key nrordsand recognize thatthe same soundmay be spelleddifferent rvaysFill in blanks tocomplete r,rrords
and sentences
4 Choose yes or no answers
after listening to questions
Recognize the sounds of
common consonant and
o Answer yes or noquestions
Say the sounds ofcommon consonant andvowel blends
Read and understanddialogs and short
r Fill in blanks tocompletesentences
r Write short
questions afterreading shortpassages
5 o Recognize the sounds of
and differences betn'een
common blends,
diphthongs, and initial
r Atrsrter questions after
listening to dialogs and
shorl passages
r Take part in dialogs,asking, ansrvering andmaking statements aboulthemselves and others
o Say the sounds ofcommon blends,diphthorrgs, and ir.ritial
o \Airite ans\.vers toquestions aboutslrort passages
6 e Anss'er questions after
listenir-rg to conversatiolrs
and passages
o Distinguish sinrilar sountls
r Take part ir.r
conversations, askirrg,artsu'ering ancl nrakingstaterlrents aboLllthemselves arrd otltct's
r (lreale sinrplt' rolr'-plavsu'hen rt troclcl
o lit,ad and understand
\Vrite short emailmessages andpostcards
\\Irite questionsand ansu,ers abotrl
12 Course Gools
Trang 15+ Activity Bonk Contents List
7 Reduced picture cards bingo
B Find it and srvat it!
9 On the table
I0 Say it! Bingo
I l Say itl Lotto
Tolk obout it! (Vocobutory)
12 Pick it upl
13 All pick it up!
14 Touch and say
30 Uncover the color
Tolk obout it! (oiologsl
36 Pass the puppets
37 Toss the animal
48 Choose and tell
49 Throw and tell
.50 Dratv and tell
51 Look and tell
52 Tell your partner
65 Take a step back
66 Call our number
73 Write it! Relay
74 What's the word?
SoloLine by line
.,, .
Activity Bonk Contents Lisl 13
Trang 16Worm-up / Review
Have Ss look at the first trvo pages of
each unit Have Ss point to and name
items in the main scene
2 Slowmotion
Place a Picture Card ir.r an envelope
or bag Pull it out slortll', revealing
only a small part of the picture at a
time The student u'ho first identifies
the item can now plav the role of
3 Fast motion
Cover a Picture Card u'ith a piece of
paper Hold up the covered card
Quickly remove the paper, then
cover it again, so Ss catch only a
glimpse of the picture The student
nho first identifies the item can take
on the role of the teacher
4 Memorylist
Have Ss sit in a circle Have SI saY a
short sentence, e.g I haue a pencil
Have 52 repeat what Sl said and add
another short sentence, e.g I haue a
pencil I can surim Continue around
the circle until the list is too long for
Ss to remember Start again
Use B to l0 Picture Cards to be
reviewed Choose B to l0 Ss and give
them a card each Name the cards in
random order Have those Ss stand
up and make a line in the given
order The rest of the Ss is the "jury"
and checks whether the Ss are
standing in the correct order Name
the cards again, faster and in a
different order Have Ss again stand
in the given order Repeat with
different Ss.
Variation: In large classes, have Ss
play in groups of B to I0 and use
Reduced Picture Cards (Teacher's
Guide pp 170-179) Give each
student a card and have groups tr-y to
be the first to line up in the correct
14 Activity Bonk
Use two or three identical sets of
Reduced Picture Cards ofwords to be
revier.r,ed Give each student a card,making sure that at least t$'o Ss havethe same card Have Ss search for theother student(s) with the same card
by saying the name of their card in a
loud voice as they walk around Ss
may not show an1r611s their cards
\\hen they find their partners, theyraise their hands together, come toyou and name their cards
7 Reduced picture cards bingo
Prepare Reduced Picture Cards and
TPR Cards for each student Have Ss
mix the Reduced Picture Cards and
TPR Cards together and plage themface up in front of them in thepattern of a 3 x 3 (for nine cards)grid Name one card at a time b-Y
reading out the commands for the
TPR Cards and the sentences with
that word for the Reduced PictureCards Have Ss turn over the cards as
they are named When a student hasturned over three cards in a row(donn, across, or diagonal), havethat student say Bingo
B Find it and swat it!
Place 10 to 20 Picture Cards on thetable or floor (with the picture sidesshowing) Have Ss gather around thecards Sa1, one of the cards Have Ss
find it and slap it The first handdown wins the card Using fly
svr'atters instead of hands increasesthe fun In large classes, divide Ss
into groups of four to six and use one
set of Reduced Picture Cards pergroup
Divide Ss into groups of three orfour Make sets of l5 to 20 TPRCards Give a set of cards to eachgroup Say a command Have groupstry 16 5" the first to pick up the carddepicting that command, then runand put it on the table
Cards to use Have Ss place themface up in front ofthem in thepattern of a x3 (for 9 cards) or 4 x 4
(for 16 cards) grid Name one card at
a tinre Have Ss turn o\rer the cards as
thev are named \Arhen a student hasturned over three (9-card game) orfour (16-card game) cards in a rott'(donn, across or diagonal), have thatstudent say Bitrgo Have him nameall the cards turned over
Ss could be asked to name the cards
Tolk obout it! Uocobulory|
12 Pickit up!
Hold up Picture Cards to be rer.iewedone by one Name each card andhave Ss listen Put the Picture Cards
on the floor (n'ith the picture sidesshovving) Say Pick up (card name),
(51's name) and have Sl pick up thecard Then instruct himto Put dowrr(card name) Repeat this with other
Ss Have Ss take the teacher's role if
simultaneously follorv thecommands
Place 8 to 10 Picture Cards of revier,r,
u,ords on the table (rr'ith the picturesides shou'ing) Name one of thecards Have Ss try to be the first one
to touch tl're card and name it Inlarge classes, divide Ss into groups offour or fi'r,e and use one set ofReduced Picture Cards per group.Variation: To make the actititv ntorechallenging, )rou may u'ant to cut olf
llre rt,ords / phrases from tlre cardsbelirre using thenr
Trang 1715 Stand up and sayit!
Choose a lew Picture Cards of revierv
rvords Have Ss stand up Show Sl a
card Sl should name the card or ask
and answer a question about the
card, e.g happy or Are you happy?;
spaghetti or What do you uant? If Sl
correctly names the card or correctly
asks and answers the question, she
remains standing If not, she should
sit down until her next turn If Sl is
able to name the card or ask and
answer the question on her next
turn, she may stand up again PIay
lor five minutes or until everyone is
standing again
16 Drawaline
Draw a picture of a review word on
the board, one Iine at a time Have Ss
try to guess what it is using /s ir (aJ
first student to guess
correctly draws the next picture
Have Ss sit in a circle Hold up a
Picture Card and name it Hand the
card to the student sitting next to
you Have the student name it and
pass it to the next student, who
names it and so on When the card
returns to you, repeat the process
with another card Start two or more
cards in opposite directions for
greater challenge Ensure that Ss
with different cards take turns to
name them
Divide Ss into two teams standing in
two lines Whisper a word Ss know to
Sl in each line On the count of three,
have Sls whisper the word to S2s who
whisper it to S3s and so orr, Have the
last student in each line run to you
and whisper the word Have Sls then
go to the back of their lines before
continuing with another word
Use some Picture Cards of new
vocabulary items Hold up one of the
cards and, without looking, guess
what it is by asking Is this (a) _?
Have Ss answer Yes, it is or No, if
isn? Keep guessing until Ss answer
Yes, it is Allow individual Ss to take
on the role of the teacher and guess
to identifv the missing card or item
Increase the difficulty by removingtlvo cards / classroom items orrearranging them Let the student
',vho first answers correctly take onthe role of the teacher and remove a
card or item the next time
Place six to eight Picture Cards onthe table (with the picture sidesshorving) Have Ss look at them for afer,v seconds and then close their
eyes Change the position of one ormore cards Have Ss open their eyes
and ask themWhat's dffirent?Have
Ss name the item on the card(s) thatwas moved
22 Run to it!
Put slx to eight Picture Cards of
review words on the board Divide Ss
into two teams Give Ss a command,
e.g Ru.n to (toy cars) Have Sl oneach team run to the card, touch it
and name it Vary with other familiar
commands, e.g Point to
23 Name it! Relay
Divide Ss into two teams standing intwo lines Use Picture Cards of
review words Hold up a card HaveSls on each team try to name thecard The first S1 to name it is giventhe card Have that Sl go to the end
of his line; the other S 1 stays in front
and has one more chance If he is notthe first to name the next card, he
goes to the back of the line
24 Behindyourback
Have Sl stand up with his handsbehind his back Place an object inhis hands and ask What's thk? Have
Sl respond with lt's a _ If he is
correct, have him sit down If not,have SI turn around to show theother Ss the item Have him ask theother Ss What's this? Have Ss answer
as a group
25 Ficasso
Choose 5 to l0 Picture Cards Divide
Ss into two teams standing in twolines Show Sls the same card HaveSls run to the board and draw thatitem Have their teams try to guessthe item Have Sls then go to theback of their lines, and continue theactivity with the next Ss in line
26 Thumper
Have each student choose a numberfrom I to 20 Choose a numberyourself, as well, e.g B Wrire eachstudent's number, along with yourown, on the board, but not in order.Have Ss sit or stand in a circle Have
Ss slap their thighs twice, clap twice,then call out your number and a
student's number while snappingyour fingers, first with your righthand and then with your left, e.g
(slap) (slap) (clap) (clap) I (snap) 5(snap) 55 then takes his turo: (slap)(slap) (clap) (clap) 5 (snap) 6 (snap),and so on Continue until eachnumber has been practiced a fewtimes Increase the pace each time tomake the activity more challenging.Variation: Use vocabulary wordsrather than numbers
Stand four cards of the samecategory to be reviewed in the fourcorners of the classroom, one in eachcorner Call out the name of anobject or do an action that wouldusually be associated with one of thecards, e.g for toy cards, you coulddemonstrate actions done with thosetoys; for food cards, you coulddemonstrate actions used wheneating those kinds of food Ss shouldrun to the correct card and stand in
that corner (ln large classes, have Sspoint to the card.)
Put Ss into pairs Prepare I0 to 20
Reduced Picture Cards lor each pair.Have Ss place the cards face down inrows or piles Say Go Have Ss in eachpair take turns turning the cards overand naming them Ss can "pass" and
go on to the next card if they are notable to name it, then return to thatcard later
Activity Bonk i5
Trang 1829 Grids
Drawa big3 x3 or4 x 4 grid on a
sheet of paper and rn'rite a number or
' letter in each square Make one copy
for each student Have Ss form pairs
Give each student a grid and have
pairs sit back-to-back so that they
cannot see their partner's grid
Prepare the same 9 or l6 Reduced
Picture Cards for each student Have
Sl in each pair ask Vrhat\ I (or A)?
Have 52 place one ofhis cards in that
square and tell Sl rthat it is, e.g' If 's a
(fish).Have Sl then place the same
card on his grid Have Sl and 52
continue to ask and answer
questions until all their cards have
been placed on the grids Have Sl
and 52 then check their grids to see if
they are identical Have Ss in each
pair change roles and PlaY again
Select Picture Cards of review words
Have more cards than Ss Place one
Picture Card for each student on the
table (with the picture sides
showing) Name each card and give
Ss 10 seconds to memorize their
locations Have a variety of colored
cards Give Ss the color cards Have
Ss cover a Picture Card with their
color card All Picture Cards should
be covered Have Ss then, in turn,
name a color and point to a card and
try to identi8/ the card under it' If the
student correctly identifies the card,
have her take it Replace this Picture
Card with another one and cover it
with a color card This student
continues until she fails to identify
the card Whenever a student fails to
identily the card, play continues n'ith
another student
Tolk obout it! (Diologsl
31 Repeat in halves
Divide Ss into group A and group B.
Say the dialog line by line with the
appropriate emotion and gestures
Have group A repeat line one and
group B line two, copying the
emotion and gestures Have groups
change roles
32 Repeatinpartners
Put Ss into pairs Sa1, the dialog using
appropriate emotion and gestures
Have SI in each pair repeat line one,
52 repeal line ln'o lt is important
that Ss look at tlreir partners r,r'hetr
speaking Ilave Ss in each pair
change roles
i6 Activity Bonk
Divide Ss into group A and grouP B.
Have Ss look at a dialog Have grouP
A say line one of the dialog andgroup B say line two Have groupschange roles
34 Sayinpartners
Put Ss into pairs Have Sls in eachpair say line one of a dialog and S2s
say line two Have Ss change roles It
is important that Ss look at their
partners when speaking
Give two Ss in the circle a PuPPet
Have Ss perform the dialog, thenhand the puppets to tlvo other Ss
rvho perform the same dialog
37 Toss the animal
Have Ss stand in a circle Toss a
stuffed animal to a student (Sl) and
say line one of a dialog Have S1
respond with line t!vo, say line oneagain, then toss the animal toanother student (S2) Have 52
respond with line two, sa), line oneagain and so on Prompt Ss u,hennecessary
39 Who said it?
Blindfold Sl Have S2 say line one of
a dialog u,hile trying to disguise hervoice Have Sl respond u,ith line trn,o
of the dialog, then tr1' to guess n hosaid line one
Varv b)' having nvo different Ss sa)'
lines one and tn'o Have thc'blindfolded student guess bothspeakers
Note: If a dialog has three lines, dothe activity in the same vvay but haveSls say lines one and three, not onlvline one
41 Change p:rrtners
Divide the Ss into circle A and circle
B with one circle within the other
Have Ss in the two circles face eachother and stand so that they aredirectly opposite a student in theother circle Have circle A say lineone of the dialog and their partners
in circle B say line two Say Change
Ss in one circle take tr,r,o steps to theright and the Ss in the other movetwo steps to the left so that all Ss
have new partners Repeat theprocedure Monitor the Ss and help
r,r,hen necessary
42 lnthe corner
Divide Ss into four groups Give eachgroup and each corner of the room a
number from 1 to 4 Have group 1
line up against the wall starting atcorner 1 Do the same with groups
tn o, three and four respectively Thefour Sls who are standing in the fourcorners say the target dialog with theSls standing across from them Use
Picture Cards as cues For example,hold up the happy card and have Sl
in corner I say Areyou happy?Have
Sl in corner 3 answer Yes,I am, Hold
up the kitchen card and have Sl incorner 2 say Where's slze? Have Sl incorner 4 answer She's in the kitcheruHave these four 51s then go to theback of their lines and the next four
Ss move into the corners
If a dialog has three lines, do theactivities in the same r,r,ay but haveSls say lines one and three, notonly line one
Do it!
Have Ss listen to the CD or listen tovou reading the script Have Ss point
to the pictures in their books as thevhear tlrem To make this activitY morechallenging, read the comrnands inrandom order so that Ss cannotanticipate tire uext command
Trang 1944 Draw and do
tJse'l'PR Cards to rv[.rich Ss can
corriider.rtlv respond Place tlte cards
face dorvr-r on the table Have SI cir:arv
a card and hand it to you rvithout
looking at it Give the cornmand on
the card Have Sl do the action
within five seconds If he does the
action within the set title, give him
the card If not, or if he does the
incorrect action, return the card to
the table Continue with anv other
45 Teacher says (Simon says)
Use TPR Calds to r,vhich Ss can
confidently respond Have Ss stand
such as Teacher says or Please before
some of them Have Ss do only those
actions preceded by the phrase If
the phrase is not used, Ss do not
move To make the activity more
game-like, have Ss who make a
mistake sit down You could use
negative commands to make the
activiry more challenging As Ss
become more experienced, have one
of them take on the role of the
46 Do as I say, not as I do
Give commands and model them
NIodel some commands incorrectly,
e.g say Open the d,oor, but model
closing the door Have Ss do the
actions you say, not the ones you do
Ss need to listen to what you say as
opposed to simply copying your
Nlake copies ofTPR Cards of one
unit Divide Ss into groups of three
or four and give one set ofcards to
each group Say the commands in a
chain, at first in the same order as in
the book, then later in random order
Have groups put the cards in the
given order
48 Choose and tell
Use six to eight TPR Cards to which
Ss can confidently respond Place the
cards face up on rhe table Have
volunteers choose and give
commands to otlter Ss using the
cards as cues
\,lakc l large die r'vith a nrilk carton
or carclboard Write contnrancls onthe six taces ol ttre die Have tr
student thror,v the clie and give therrther Ss the command depicted onthe top of the die
Choose l0 to 12 TPR Cards of
commands to which Ss can respondcontidently Place the cards in a pilelace dorvn on the table Divide Ss
into two groups standing in twolines Have Sl in each line take a cardand give that command to 52 Have
S2s do the action Have Sls go to theback oltheir lines, and S2s take thenext cards and so on
51 Lookandtell
Stand at the back of the room so Ss
cannot see you Have S I go to thefront of the class and face you andthe other Ss Have Sl watch you do
an action, then instruct the other Ss
to do the same action Have Sl sitdown and have 52 go to the front
each pair change places and roles
Hold up another card and repeat theprocedure
Choose TPR Cards to which Ss canconfidently respond Place the cards
on the table (with the picture sides
chnrrrinal Llarra el nhnnca
^ 1 Jrrvrrrrrb/i
without showing it to anyone Have
SI act out the card by doing theaction on the card Have other Ss trv
to guess the command The firststudent who guesses correctlv actsnext
Build it!
Put Ss into pairs Have SI be the
"questioner", 52 the "ansrverer"
llodel the dialog Have SIs repeatthe questions and S2s repeat theansrvers Have Ss change roles
tbrm is the same as thecorresponding statemeltt ibrm, e.g.
statement torm: We Luant (nooclles)
dialog form: Wltut clo you tuant? We
ruant (noodles) Do this acriviry after
Ss have learned the statement ibrm.Ask the question on the relevantBuild it! section Elicit the answer byprompting Ss to use the statementform they have already learned andthe pictures on the page as cues
Divide Ss into group A and group B.
Draw a large question mark on theboard Point to the question mark,then model the target question Havegroup A repeat Hold up the card to
be used in the answer, and modelthe answer Have group B repeat
57 Passitaround
Have Ss stand or sit in a circle IVIodel
the target dialog, holding up PictureCards as cues Have Ss repeat Have
S I ask the student on his left (S2) rhequestion Have 52 answer Repeatthe procedure with 53 and 54 andcontinue around the circle Model a
different ans\,ver to the question andrepeat the procedure, this timereversing the direction so that theroles are changed
Divide Ss into group A and group B.
Hold up Picture Cards and say thegrammar dialog For example, hold
up the sunny card and say What's theweather lilce? It's sunny, Have Ss
repeat Hold up another card Havegroup A ask the quesrion and group
B answer according to the card Dothe same for the remaining cards
Have Ss change roles
Have S I stand in front of the otlter Ss
as the "teacher" and ask a question.Sit in the student's seat rvhile Sl is
asking the qr.restion Have other Ss
answer Have a fer.v Ss take on therole ol the teacher
Place Picture Cards or classroomiterns in various locations in theclassroom Have Ss circulate in pairs,asking and anslvering questionsabout the different cards / objects.When vou say Chattge, have Ss rnove
to another card / object
Activity Bonk 17
Trang 2061 Throwthedie
Put Ss into pairs and have them open
tl.reir books to the relevant Build it!
section Give each pair a die Have
Sls in each pair throrv tlre die, and
either sav the statement (section A)
or ask the question (section ts) of
that number lf Sls asked a question,
have S2s ans\{er Then it's S2s' turn
to thro',r'the die \{iren Ss throw a
five, have them make t\\'o statements
or ask n,*'o questions \\rlren they
thro\\'a six, have them skip a turn
62 Grammarmemory
Have Ss sit in a circle Model the
target grammar statement Have Ss
repeat Point to other pictures on the
relevant Build it! section in your
book and elicit the statements Have
Sl then make a statement using the
target grammar point Have the
student on the left of Sl repeat SI's
statement and make another
statement using the same target
grammar point Continue around the
circle until the list is too long for Ss
to remember or until a student
makes a mistake Start again with the
student r,r,ho last said the chain of
statements correctly
Have Ss use the target grammar
point to make original statements or
dialogs using previously learned
vocabularl, Teach classroom
language such as Howdoyou say
-in Englislt? so that Ss can use r,r,ords
they do not know in English in the
statements or dialogs
64 Outofthehat
Prepare slips of paper making sure
that there is one slip of paper for
each student Number each slip of
paper in order starting from l Put all
the slips of paper into a hat Drart,
two slips of paper from the hat Have
Ss ltith those two numbers do the
target dialog Put the slips ofpaper
back in the hat and drar,r'trt,o more
As a variation, have Ss take turns
draruing the slips of paper front the
65 Take a step back
Put Ss into pairs and have themstand in tu,o parallel lines facingeach other, one arm's length apart
Hold up one of the Picture Cards
Have Sls in each pair ask a questionusing the target question form andhai,e S2s ans\\fer Have both linestlren take one step back Hold up thenext Picture Card This time, have
SZs ask the question and Sls answer
Have both lines again take a stepback Continue in the same n,a_v rt ith
Ss taking one step back each time
This actirdt,v "forces" Ss to speakloudly and listen carefull), as man-v
Ss are speaking simultaneousl),
Assign each student a number Callout anv trvo numbers Have those
Picture Cards you hold up as cues
Place Picture Cards on the table
Place the cards face up Have anystudent choose a card and use it as a
cue to say the target statement orquestion, or as the first line of a
dialog to be practiced If thestatement, question or dialog is
correct, have him keep the card If
not, have him return the card to thetable It is then another student'sturn
Place some chairs or pillovvs in a line
in the middle of the room Make surethat there are half as many chairs as
there are Ss, minus one chair, e.g if
there are ten students, there should
be four chairs Have Ss walk in a
circle around the chairs as you ,1.,,
some music (the Sing-a-grant w,illdo) Have Ss grab another studentwhen the music stops, say the targetdialog, and then botlr sit don'n onthe same chair The pair lefi standing
is "out" and can take turns operatingthe CD pla1,er In classes r,',ith an oddnumber of Ss three Ss rvill be leftstanding in tl're first round Havethose three Ss be "out"
Reod it!
On the board, drart, two to fir,epictures of items or vsrite the rt,ordswith the phonics sounds to bereviewed Number each picture oru'ord Name one of the piclures orread one of the rt,ords Have Ss hold
up lhe number of fingerscorresponding to that picture oru,ord For example, have Ss hold upone finger ifthe rvord corresponds topicture or u,ord l.
are The student r,r,ho guesses
correctll'draws the next \ryord
71 Brainstorm it!
Have Ss think of as man1, words as
they can containing the phonicssound Drart, pictures of these n,ords
on the board or n rite the r,r,ords.
Have Ss then name each picture orread each r,t,ord
Put Ss into pairs Give each pair a
ball or beanbag Write the endingphonics sounds on the board Have
Sl in each pair sa1'one ofthem andtoss the ball to 52 Have 52 saY a
u,ord containing that sound, ihen sav
another ending phonics soundbefore tossing the ball back to Sl,
e.g Sl: -ar (toss) S2: (catch) Ca.t, -ad(toss) Sl: (catch) Sad, -an (toss)
Divide Ss into t\{ro groups and havethem stand in trvo lines \\rhisper one
ofthe target phonics vvords to Sls ineach line Have Sls rvhisper the rvord
to S2s in their lines, n'ho thenu,hisper it to 53s, and so on Have thelast student in each group run ro theboard and r','rite tlre n'ord
lB Activity Bonk
Trang 2174 What's the word?
Drarv one line lor each letter in a
phonics word on the board, e.g.
for pencil Have Ss draw
the head of an alien with six facial
parts (two eyes, a mouth, a nose and
two antennae) Have Ss call out
letters they think may be in the r,vord
Write the letter in its correct position
above the line for each correct guess
For each incorrect guess, write the
letter somewhere else on the board
and have Ss erase one feature from
the face Have Ss try to guess the
word before the face is erased Allow
Ss to take on the role ofthe teacher
once they are used to the game
Give each student or pair a set of
blank cards, one card for each word
in the sentences from section B.
Have Ss write each word from each
sentence on a separate card, using
their books as a reference Have Ss or
pairs then arrange their cards in the
correct order, and read them
Proclice it! / Review it! /
Ploy it!
76 Snap!
Give a set of Reduced Picture Cards
to each student Put Ss into pairs
Have pairs put down one card each
on their desks, saying the words on
the cards at the same time If they
say the same words, they try to be
first to call out Snap! Continue until
all the cards are used
Divide Ss into groups of four to six
standing in lines Write the letters of
a phonics word, in scrambled order,
on the board Have Sls on each team
run to the board and try to be the
first to write the letters in the correct
order Have the other Ss help by
calling out the letters or words Have
Sls then go to the back oftheir lines
Write another scrambled word or
command on the board and repeat
the procedure with S2s.
ir:i1rrl ;:;;iiw;;;i:lLii
[Jse around i5 Picture Cards to bereviewed Prepare empq/ grids of
3 x 3 squares Give each student a
grid Show Ss the 15 cards you lvill be
using Have Ss choose any nine of
these cards and draw a simplepicture ofeach in any square on theirgrid Once Ss have filled up theirgrids with the nine pictures, playbingo in the usual way, crossing out
or placing markers on the pictures
Use Reduced Picture Cards to makeone deck of cards containing 5 to I0pairs ofidentical cards Place all thecards face down on the table Have
Ss try to find matching pairs byturning over any two cards If the twocards match, have the student namethe pair of cards before taking them
If the two cards do not match, havethe student turn over both cardsagain (in their original positions) andthe next student turns over rlvocards
Make one set of cards using l0 to 12sets of four identical cards from theReduced Picture Cards Deal out allthe cards among Ss Have Ss try tocollect sets of four identical cards
Have S1 ask 52, (52's name),
please (Or Do you have a
OrCan I haue a
If 52 has thatcard, have her give it to Sl Have Slcontinue asking different Ss or thesame student until someone doesnot have the card requested Havethis student answer i1/o Sorry It is
then the next student's turn When a
student has a set offour identicalcards, have her place them on thetable For larger classes, play in smallgroups using one set of cards pergroup
Bl Oldmaid
Divide Ss into groups of three to six
Nlake one deck oIcards for eachgroup using l0 to 20 pairs of
Reduced Picture Cards Add an oddcard, the Old Nlaid card, to each set
Have a student in each group dealout ail the cards among the Ss in hisgroup Have Ss with pairs of identicalcards put them down and namethem Have the student with themost pairs (Sl) then draw a cardfrom the student on his left (S2) If
the card Sl draws pairs up with one
ofhis cards, have him place the pair
on the table and name it If the card
Sl draws does not pair up with any
of his cards, then have 52 draw a cardfrom the student on his left Thegame continues clockwise with thenext student either putting down a
pair or drawing a card from thestudent on his left lVhen onestudent is out of cards, he is out of
the game The student left with theodd card is the Old Maid
82 Followthe path
Place 15 to 20 Picture Cards on thetable (with the picture sidesshowing) in a straight line, circle orother pattern Choose one place to
be Start and one to be Finish Eachstudent places a marker on Start
Have Sl roll a die, move her markerthat number of cards, and name thecard on which she lands If Sl cannotname the card, she goes back towhere she started The gamecontinues with Ss in each grouptaking turns to roll the die until
everyone reaches Finish This is
more fun if the more challengingcards are towards Finish
Divide Ss into group A and group B
and distribute different markers toeach group Place nine Picture Cards
of items to review on the table (withthe picture sides showing) in theshape ofa tic-tac-toe board (a nine-square grid) Have group A turn over
a card and try to name it If they are
able to do this, have them put one oftheir markers on the card If theycannot do it, have them turn the cardoveragain Have group B chooseanother card If they name it
correctly, have them put one oftheir
markers on the card Have groups trv
to be the first to have markers onthree cards in a rorv
Activity Bonk 19
Trang 2284 Monkeyinthemiddle
(Fruits basket)
Use Picture Cards of review words In
a small class, use one of each card In
a larger class, use multiples of the
same card Give each student one
card Have all except one student sit
in chairs in a circle Have the student
rt'ith no chair stand in middle He
is Ir4onkey Have Monket' name two
cards at a time Have Ss vr,ith those
cards stand up and tr),to sit in the
empty chairs, but thel' cannot sit in
the chair that they originally sat in
Monkey also tries to sit in an empq'
chair Have the student n'ho is left
standing become MonkeY \A/hen
Ir4onkey say s M onkey Time!, hav e all
Ss stand up and change seats
85 Tiddlywinks
Give eacl'r student fir,e coins Place 10
to l5 Picture Cards and a Pile of
coins (or flat markers) in the middle
ofthe table Any Sl tosses a coin,
tr1,in* to aim it at one of the cards If
her coin lands on a card, she names
it and reads the words on it If Sl can
do this, she takes back her coin, Plus
a bonus coin from the pile in the
middle If the coin lands on a card
but Sl cannot name it, she should
put her coin on the pile If her coin
does not land on a card, she should
put her coin on the pile, and lose a
turn Continue u,ith 52
Have Ss make a circle Specify a
number from I to10 to be the buzz
number, and a grammar statement
to be the buzz statement For
example, if the buzz number is 5 and
the buzz statement is / /ille
Ss begin counting, in turns, around
the circle: SI says l, 52 saYs 2, and so
on When the buzz number is
reached, that student should saY a
sentence using the buzz statement,
but not the buzz number Have the
next student then continue n ith the
next number, e.g S1: I., 52:2., 53:3.,
54: 4., 55: I want (nood.les), 56: 6.' S7:
7., and so on up to I0, then start at I
again If a student makes a mistake
or says thebuzz number, she is out
Continue ut'ltil onh' one student is
87 Team spelling
Divide Ss into two groups Makethree or four sets of alphabet cardsand place them face up on the floor
Call out a revien, phonics word Have
Ss on each team determine hon,manv letters that word has, thenhave that number of Ss from eachteam run to the cards Have those Ss
tr1'to be the first to select the correctletters from the alphabet cards andstand in order to form that word
Each student should take one letteronly
89 Sing and do
Have Ss stand in a circle lt ith
classroom items or Reduced PictureCards of items named in the song
Have Ss hold up the classroom items
or cards when they hear the n'otds in
the song or chant
90 Singit!
Have Ss sing the song once or t\^'ice
There should be no movement here,
as they need to focus on the lyrics
91 Solo
Assign specific rvords or phrases toindir.idual Ss to sing as a solo Haveother Ss sing all parts of the songthat are not sung by the soloist
Instruct the class and soloist tt hen tostart and stop singing Vary b1' givingthe solo part to a duet or trio
Assign different lines of the song todifferent groups ofSs Ifthe song hasquestions and ansners, assign tlrose
to differerrt groups Have groups
onll'their assigned lines lnslrucl Ss
u'hen to start singing
93.In a round
Dir,ide Ss into two or thret' gror.rps
Have groul.l A begin singing lirre ottt'
Have group B llegin singing lint ttto
u'hen group A rcaches thc end ol lineonc and so ort Ilrslrttct Ss n ltt'n trr
stan sir-rging
20 Activity Bonk
Have pairs or snrall groups of Ss
choose words to replace originallyrics Provide relevant Picture Cards
or classroom items as reference Playthe lead-in music of the song, tl.tenstop the CD Instruct groups \^,hen tobegin singing
Prepare two toy microphones and set
up an imaginary stage Have trvo Ss
sing tlre song together using thesame melody as in the original song,but different lyrics (based on thevocabular-v the1,have learned in thatunit)
Before checking Ss' ansrt ers, pla-v tire
CD again Have Ss confirm tl.reiranswers and make any changes the5,
think are necessary
Before checking Ss' answers, harre
them exchange books r,r,ith a partner.Play the CD again Have Ss confirmtheir partner's answers and consultwith each other on any changes the-v
think are necessar)'
Read the script, leaving out theanswers Have Ss suppl-v the answersfrom the pictures For example, say
Have Ss sa1, scared
Encourage all attempts to supphr ananswer in English
99 Expandit!
EIicit different responses from those
in the Student Book Read the script,leaving out the answers Have Ss
supply the answers from PictureCards or classroom items You holdup
Shou,individual Ss Picture Cards ofiterns 1o be practiced Have Ss nanretlre cards before they Ieave Corrc,clnristakes If thev cannot do rhis, havelhenr repeat the u'ords belbre thel
Trang 23l0l Do it!
Give one, t',vo or three commands to
Ss Have them do the actions before
102 Make aletter/number
Put Ss into pairs Have all pairs stand
up Call out the name of a letter
Pairs should try to form that letter
with their bodies To make this
activity more challenging, add blg for
uppercase or lirrle for lowercase
before the letter name This activity
can be done with numbers instead of
103 Ispy
Think of a review word visible in the
room It can be a Picture Card, an
object in the room, or an object in a
specific color Sayfspy Have Ss ask
- questions to try to guess the word,
e.g Is it red? Is it a ball?Have ttle
student.who guesses correctly be the
next to say fspy
104 Parrots
Have Ss stand up Make true or false
statements using the target grammar
points or vocabulary items Have Ss
repeat the true statements and
remain silent for the false
statements Have Ss who make a
mistake sit down
105 Rewardcards
Give Rewards (TR 42: Teacher's
Guide p 147) to Ss for particiation or
good behavior Encourage Ss to
collect as many cards as they can
106 Verbalpraise
Praise Ss often, e.g Great! Way to go!
Good joblWarm smiles have a great
107 Certificate of completion
Give a certificate of completion to
each student when the Student Book
is completed (Teacher's Cuide p 188)
108 Warm fuzzies
A simple warm touch from you can
be a great reward for Ss A hug goes a
long way
Activiiy Bonk 2l
Trang 24@ Totk obout it! (vocobutory!
Ss can point to and narne happy, sad, sleepy, angry,
sick, hot, cold and, scared
Picture Cards l-8, CD
O Before the book
Greet Ss as they come in the room Sa1'Hr, (S's rmnre)!
Have Ss say Hi, (T's nanre)! Model it first and encourage Ss
to repeat Have Ss greet each other in pairs Have Sls sav
Hi, (52's nante)! and S2s say Hi, (SI's rmme)!
lntroduce vocabulary
Hold up, nanre and minre each feeling for ])icture Cards
I -8 For example, snrile broadly for happr,, girre a big 1,au'n
for sleept', and n'ipe ),our bron'for hot Have Ss repeal,
copi,in g vorrr aclions
Have Ss turn to Student Book pp 6-7 and look at thepictures at the bottom of the pages Play CD track Al .
Have Ss listen and point to the feelings
@A, Listen and point.
sad (2x) ltot (2x)
sleepl, Qx) cold (2x)
Play CD track 42 Have Ss listen and repeat
@A Lkten and repeat.
(Sante a^s altot)e, but eaclt word is said ottly once u,itlt a
pause for Ss to rcpeat.)
PIa1, gp track 43 Have Ss listen and nun.rber the feelir-rgs.
B Listen artd tttfinber.
Nurnlter l sick (2x)Ntrtttbcr 2 ltnTtpl' Qx)Nrtutbtr 3 utld (2.r.)
Nrttrrbar 1 nrrgn' i3.t)
Nuntber 5 ltot (2x)Nuntber 6 scared (2x.)
Ntrtttber 7 snd (2x)Ntuttber B sleepv et.)
22 Unit l, Lesscn I
Trang 25(llteck Ss' ausrvers br.'saling cacit rrocabrrlarV rrrrtl
har.'irrg Ss lind ancl point to rhc characte rs irr thc rrrairr
scl'ne r,vho shrlr,r,tliis t'eeling poirrt to tllc picturos ill
nrntlorn order and lrave Ss sar: tlte r or.ds.
Have Ss look for the hidden iguana in tlte rnairr scerrc
(;\r-rslver: Its on tlte right-lrand greell curtain in thc
O After the book
Place Picture Cards 1-B o11 rhe floor (rvirh the picture
sides showing) Act the ieeling on each card Have Ss
gtress the feeling by pointing ro tltar card and narning it
Continue with other Ss using the remaining picture Carcls
Try to give all Ss a chance to act and name the feelings
Put Ss into pairs Have Sls act one of the feelings ancl
have S2s trv to name it
o Getting to know you (TR 1: Teacher's Guide p 29)
o Stand up and say it! (Teacher's Guide p 15)
Activity Book p 4 can now be assigned for homework or
used in class See ans\,ver key, Teacher's Guide p l48
@ Tolk obout it! (Diotoss)
Ss can greet each other using FIi How are
you? and respond with I'm OK And you? Ss can
answer using I'm great, thanks
Creet Ss as they come in the room Say Hi (S,s nante)
Hotu are you? Have Ss say lii (T's nante) How are you?
Introduce dialogs
Dialog l: Point to individual Ss and say Hl, (Sb name)
Horu are you? Elicit /',r? OK Repeat rvith other Ss Have
another student (SI) greet you by saying.Ifi, (T,s name)
How are you? Say I'm OK And you? Repeat with other Ss.
Have another student (S2) greet you This time, smile ancl
say I'm great, thanks Repeat with other Ss.
Dialog 2: Hold up a familiar classroom item, e.g a
pencil and ask a srudenr (Sl\ What's tltis? Elicit lt,s a
pencil Repeat with other familiar classroonr iterns point
to alr untantiliar classroonr itern, e.g chalk and ask a
strrclcrrt $I) lVlmt's tlnt? Encourage studcnt to shrugthcir slrorrlders Sav Irlon'f kttotu ?Iave Ss repeat
(lrlntinue lvith other uniirrniliar classroour items.
Diirlog 3: Hold up Picrure- Card B and ask Are you,
scared? Siry Yes, I am Have Ss repeat Repeat with otherpictrrres Have Ss say No, I'nt tzot irs i,vell, for practice
Have Ss turn to Student Book pp 6-7 Introduce the mainscene by ptaying CD track A4 Have Ss listen and poinr ro
the people, animals or items as tl.rev are mentioned
(Note: In the first three units, the main scene is
presented as a series of panels, not one whole illustration.These panels represent different scenes in different parts
ol the house, not necessarily in a time sequence.)
C Listen to the story
The SuperKids are at Peter and Tbni\ house Tbni is in bed
The dog is sad There's Peter ancl his friend Beth peter isltappy Beth is hot Donny and Chip are on the sofa Theysee something strange in the yard.ltWat is it? Look at Mojo
the mouse He's sleepy loey and Lisa are in the bedroom
Peter Beth, Donny and Chip are looking out the doorl/f'lxat
do they see? It's a spaceship Donny is scared.
Point to Peter and askWho's he? Elicit peter point to Bethand ask Who's she? Elicit Beth Continue with the rest of
the SuperKids in the same way
Say Let'slisten.Play CD tracks A5-A7 For each dialog,have Ss first listen and point to the character speaking
and then repeat the dialog
D Dialog I.
Listen and point.
Peter: Hi, Beth How ate you?
Beth: I'm OK And yotr?
Peter: I'm great, thanks
Now listen and repeat
(Same as aboue, but each line is saicl once Luitlt a pause
for Ss to repeat.)
D Dialog2.
Listen and point.
Donny: What's tltat?
Chip: I don't know
Notu listen and repeat
(Same as abot'e, but ecLclt litre is sctitl once utitlt a patLse
for Ss to repedt.)
D Dialog3.
Listen and poirtt.
Beth: Are yoLt scared?
Donrty: l'es, I ant
Unit l, Lesson 2 23
Trang 26Notp listert attd rcpeat.
(Satrte as abote, but eat'lt lirtt, is said ortt'c u'illt o l)tnts(
.fc'r S.s lo rapear.)
Pr-rt Ss into pairs artd have thern praclice tlrc clialogs
@ Afier the book
iialc Ss practice dialog I irr pairs using their o\{'lr nanres
I Iave Ss practicc' dialog 2 in pairs I']lace Picture Cards I -u
on the board Nou'revien'thc rrords hungrv and tl-rirstr,
\\1.ite hungrv on the board Ilub vour stomach and sa1,/hr
Ittutgrl, \\'rite thirstv on the troard Hold vour throat and
sav I'rn rlrirsn,.Have Ss practice dialog 3 in pairs, using tht'
nerv vocabulart, ar-rd hungn' and thirstr' Har,e confident
student pairs go 1o the fronl of the rootr-r to pcrlbrrl the
I'm fine!
Introduce additional phrases to answer the I/ou
are you? question, e.g Not too bad, Not so good,
Have Ss stand up Demonstrate the dialogwith SI
first by saying IIi (57's name) How are you? Have
Sl say I'm fine, tha nkr,- And you? Say I'm great,
tlmnks.Tell Ss they should use their own names
and can use any ofthe phrases in place off'nr
ftne Give Ss 2*3 minutes and have them talk to as
many other Ss as possible
r Act with feelings
Demonstrate dialog 2 using the feelings that Ss
have learned Say e.g Scared Have Ss practice the
dialog in pairs using facial expressions, body
language and tone ofvoice that show they are
scared Have some pairs act out the dialog in front
of the rest of the Ss and have other Ss guess what
feeling they are performing
Activitv Br.rok p 5 can nort be assigned for hontett,ork or
tusctl ir-r class See ans\^,er ke1,, Teacher's Guide p i48
Ss can understand and respond to commands to
Knock an tlrc door Open the doon Say,,,Hello.,,,5a1,,
"Come in.'i Go inside and Close the door
'il)ll Cards Unir I (l'lt
2:'lL:acher's Grriric 1: :i0), CD,
ktock ott the doon Have Ss do action along r,tith 1,ou.Repeat as above Opett tlte door Give the commands
Krrock ort tlrc door and Opert tlrc doorn ithout doing tlreactions Have Ss do the actions Introduce the rest ofthe
commands in the same vr.a\, Use the TPR Cards to give thecommands in random order Have Ss do all the actions
g Open ihe book
Do it!
llave Ss turr"r 1o Studenl Book p B Plav CD track AU Ilave
Ss liste'n to the c:ontntarrds and point to the pictures
Listen and Ttoirtt.
l r\lriock orr tltt'dorr i3.r')
l'ltrr tlrc (.1) aglrin trrttl Iravt'Ss iistt'n arrr-1 rlt-r llte aitions
Slrv t'ornrrxnrrls irr riurtlottt ordcr usirre ilrc'l'I)li (l:riris
i li+i'i.Ss poiru lo titt,picturt's irt tlrtir booiis
I lst,tlrt, l l'}li (,lrlls 1o sltr tlrc i'rrtrtt'xrrrii irt nintlorlr l,r'ii,'
;r,-:l;:t :t!lri l1;ri sr i!{,i:l( :1, ii,':1
Cro!c the oro:
Yes I om Yes.1 om
{Reoeoi hoi i colil
Opea h.r doolllkti ilffi
-7-Go rn!!aie
jl Unil l, Lesson
Trang 27Introduce the Sing-a-gram
Use Picture Cards I and 2 to elicit ha1tpy ancl sazl put
Picture Cards I and 2 on the board (rvith the picture sitJcs
shorving) Play CD trackAg Have Ss listen arrd point to
tlre leelings on the page (Note: The Sing-tt-grant lvill be
revierved and taught in more detait in Lesson 4.)
Listen and point Sing
Girl: Are you hot?
Boy: Yes, I am-Yes, I am
Girl: Are you cold?
Boy: No, I'm not No, I'm not
Girl: Are you hot?
Boy: Yes, I am
Girl: Are you cold?
Boy: No, I'm not
Girl: Are you hot?
Boy: Yes, I am.Yes, I am
Play the CD again and have two Ss go to rhe front to drar,v
happy or unhappy faces above the picture Cards
according to the lyrics
@ Afler lhe book
Give all commands in order a few times Have Ss do the
actions Start slowly and gradually increase the pace Mix
up the TPR Cards and give the commands in random
order Have Ss do the actions as a class or individually
Give rwo commands in a row Have Ss listen first, then do
both actions
(Simon says) (Teacher's Guide p 17)
Activity Book p 6 can now be assigned for homework or
used in class See answer key, Teacher,s Guide p, I48
@ Buitd it! @ sins-o-srom
Sr .* *"Le a statement about feelings using.Im
o Ss can ask and answer about feeHlrgs usingAre you
I am / no, I'm not ;
Ss can singthe Are you happy? iang.
0 rlm Usten Ask Answer.
O Before the book
Keep holding Picture Card I and shake your head SayNo,
I'm not Have Ss repeat Continue as above using theremaining cards
Divide Ss into group A and group B Hold up pictureCards l-8, one at a time Have group A say Are you,
(happy)? Have group B Ss answer yes, I am / no, I,m not
according to their fleelings Have groups change roles
A Open lhe book
Have Ss turn to Student Book p 9 and look at part A Notethat the contraction I'm (I am) is used to be more consistentwith natural spoken English Play CD track AI0 Have Sslisten and repeat
Unit l, Lesson 4 25
Trang 28and
repeat-I'm scared (pause)
Sa-v the number of each picture in part A Have individual
Ss say the sentences Say numbers I-4 in random order
Have Ss sa)'the sentence for each number
Have Ss look at part B' Plal' CD trackAll Have Ss listen
and repeat
B Listen and repeat
Beth: Areyou scared? (Pausel
Mojo: No, I'nt not (Pause)
Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialog for
each picture in part B
Have Ss look at part C Play CD track Al2 Have Ss listen
and check ("./") the correct pictures
C Listenandcheck.
1.1'm sad (2x)
2 I'm cold (2x)
lyy9u angry? Yes, I am le, l
1 e*l
No, I'nt not )
Check Ss' answers by having individual Ss raise their
hands, point to the correct pictures and say the
statements or dialogs
Have Ss look at the Areyou happy? songat the bottom of
p B in the Student Book Play CD trackA9 Encourage Ss
to point to and say the names of the feelings when they
hear the words in the song
Listen and point Sing
Girl; Yes, I am
Boy: Areyou sad?
GirI: No, I'nt rrct
Boy: Areyou ltaPPl,?
Girl: Yes, I ant.Yes, I ant
(See p.25 for optional verse.)
Divide Ss into group A and group B Have group A sing tlre
questions alrd group B sitrg the ans\\'ers Have both
groups sing the Iast lilre Have groups change roles and
sirrg the s<-rttg agailr
26 Unit l, Lesson 5
A Listen
O After the book
Have two Ss each choose a picture card and stand at thefront showing the card Sing the song again, using thesubstitutions on the cards Do this a few times withdifferent Ss.
Pass it around (Teacher's Guide p l7)
Musicalchairs (Teacher's Guide p l8)
Activity Book p 7 can now be assigned for home'a,ork orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 149
Trang 29{t Belore lhe book
Pla-v CD track 893 Have Ss point to the letters as they sing
'tlrc Alplmbet Song Plav the CD and sing the Sing-a-grun
in trvo groups
Review the letters and sounds
Print the lor,ver case letters a-l as a list on the board Have
Ss name the letters as vou write them (Do not erase the
board so that you can use the letters later.) Show Ss p 10
in your book Point to and name the pictures in order.
Have Ss listen and repeat Point to each picture and ask
What's the first letteri Have Ss answer Remind Ss that
English letters have both a name and a sound point to
each picture and ask What's the firsf soun dl Have Ss
answer Point to the pictures in random order Ask What,s
this? What's the first letter? What,s the first sound.? Have
Have Ss turn to Student Book p l0 and look at part A play
CD track Al3 Fiave Ss listen and point to the pictures
A Lkten and repeat
(Same as aboue, but each item said only once with a
pause for Ss to repeat.)
Play the CD again Have individual Ss repeat each item
lSl: a a alligator.l ISZ: b b bird.l Conrinue Name the
pictures in random order and askWhat,s thefirst letter?
or What's the first sound? Have Ss answer Say the initial
sound or letter name of each picture Elicit the name of
the pictures Have Ss turn to Student Book pp 6-7 and
look at the main scene Have them find and- name o.,y
items with the sounds they have just reviewed (Answers:
alligator, bird, dog, (hidden) iguana).
Remind Ss that English letters can be written as upper
case letters or lower case letters Use the lower case letters
on the board and have individual Ss name each one Have
Ss look at part B on Student Book p 10 Point to picture I.
Ask What's rhrt? Elicit Hapw.Write _appy on the board
@ After the book
Point to each letter on the board Have Ss say the sound orletter name Have individual Ss write the correspondingupper case letter under each letter Look around theclassroom Have Ss find and name any items beginningwith the Ietters a-l Elicit any English words Ss know thatbegin with the letters a-l.Write the words or drawpictures of them on the board
to be the firstto write B orU onitre'bodrd,l,,
'Cbntinue with the ijttrer letters (Variation: Add, big (representing Fppg5,qasel or little .
(representing lower case) to your instructions,
e.g big d,5 SSs write D on the board.)
Activity Book p B can now be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 149.
@ Proctice it! @ Chont it!
Ss can understand and produce this unitb target
Trang 30Hr 'ji How ore you?
I'm sleepy And you?
I'm OK lhonks.
$ riow ore voul
I m hungry And you?
I m OK lhonks.
O Before the book
Sing the Sing-a-gram rogerher
Play Reduced picture cards bingo (Teacher's Guide
p l4) using Reduced Picture Cards l-B (Teacher,s Guide
Put Ss into pairs Have pairs turn to Student Book p l l.
I|ryg on9 pair demonstrate the dialog lSt: Areyoi cod?)
lS?:Yes,I am,l Point to ,,Me,' on the t|p ror,,, Say l,lt ask
tjtlluestlons.If yes, write a check If io, i,rite an,,X,,
rornt to rhe picture of cold Say Are youcold?Have Ss
write a check ("/ ,,)
or an ,,X,,.'Continue r,r,ith the rest of
the pictures put Ss into group, oiii-ri." Hare them ,n.ite
tlreir partners' names in ihe iriend I and Friend 2 spaces
Ilave Ss ask their nartners the same questions and write
"/" or'X" Walk aiound the classroom and check Ss,
Re'ierr- the diarogs from the Tark ab.utirl sections Ha'e
irrdividual Ss act"out trre aiarols i;[i, crj ,rr.t A] 6 Have
Ss listen and point to the pictJre,
"ir"ri,'ciip and perer
as their names are chanted
Listen and point Chant.
Beth: Hi, Toni Hortt are yotr!,
ZB Unii I, Lesson
Toni: I'rn great Atlfl y6y!
Beth: I'nt OK, tlmrtks
Totti: Hi, Cltip Hou, are J,ou?
Chip: I'tn sleepy And you?
Torti: l'tn OK, tlnnks.
Chip: Hi, HotLt are ),ott?
Peter: I'ttt ltuttgn lltd y611t
Cltip: I'nt OK, thanks
Play the CD again Have Ss chant along vvith the CD put
Ss into pairs and have them chant using their otvn names
O After the book
Put Ss into pairs and give a set ofReduced picture Cards
l-B (Teacher's Guide p 170) to each pair Have Ss, inturns, pick a card and mime the feeling using the bodyIanguage
-and facial expressions Have ihe partn"r, gu"rswhat the feeling is by asking A re you (sleepy)?
Concentration (Teacher's Guide p 19)
Guide p.20)
Activity Book p 9 can novr, be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teachers Guide p l4g Nowthat Ss have completed Unit l, they can go to the Reward!page, Activitv Book p 70 and colornumber I blue
Trang 31Getling to know you
Teachet's instructions Prepare photocopies for each student in advance Hand out the ivorksheets Help Ss clralv
a picture of themselves in the box and write their name on the line Have Ss copy their age on to tl're line provided Have
Ss copy their names on to their nametags and the picture of themselves into the space provided Have Ss cut out their
nametags, fold them along the dorted line and then place them on their desks
I I l
; I I
Trang 32TPR Cords UnitI
+ 8,-Ja2
i open the door I
Knock on the door.
Close the door.
30 Unit l, Teocher Reproducible 2 O Peorson Eciucolion Asic irmiied
Trang 33Teacher's instructions See mini-book instructions on Teacher's Guide p I46.
Unit l, Teocher Reproducible 3 31
Trang 34Ss canpoint to and name kitche,n, lifi.ngroom, dining
room, hall, bedroom, bathroom,, closet andyard
@ Open the book
Have Ss turn ro Student Book pp l2-13 and look at tlre
pictures at the bottom of the pages play CD track Al7.
Have Ss listen and point to the rooms
'3@A Listen and poittt.
kitclrcn (2x) bedroom (2x)lirtirtg roont (2x) bathroont (2x)d.irting roont (2x) closet (2x)
lmll (2x) yard (2x)Play CD track AtB Ilave Ss Iisren and repeat
A Listen and repeat
(Sanrc as abot,e, but each word is said otrly ottce tlirh a
pause for Ss to repeat.)
Play CD track A19 Have Ss listen and number tlre locations
B Lislen and nurnber
Nuntlter l.batltrrnnt (2.r)
Ntunber 2 lit,ittg roont (2t)
Nttrttlx'r li bcdroorn (2x)
Ntortber 5 kircltett (2x)Ntttnber 6 closet (2x)
\ttntbcr 7 dirtirtg roont (lt)
Nuntber B ltall ex)
32 Unit 2, Lesson I
Nt.ttttbar 4.wtrrl
Trang 35(.lrt:ck Ss' iins\\'ers ltv saving each rocaltular\,,,"vorrl urrtl
Iravins Ss find and poini t,l'ihe ruorns in thc rnuiu
I)oint to tlte pictures irr randon-r rtr-der.and have Ss siiv tltc
Ha','e Ss loot tbr the hidden iguana in the rnain sccnc
('\nsrver: lt's on the tloor ol the closet in the lterlrurtur.)
O Afier lhe book
Place Picture Cards g-16 on the iloor lwith the picture
sides showing) Sa,v to a student (Sl) Run to the yarcl
picture, pick it up and say it Have S I run to the yard card,
pick it up, sav Yard and then put ir back dolvn Conrinue
with other Ss using different cards
Whispers (Teacher's Guide p 15)
Activiry Book p 10 can now be assigned for homework or
used in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 150
@ Tolk obout iil (Diotogs|
Ss.can greet each other usingFli I'm
your name? Ss can answer with My name's _.
o Ss can ask and answer How old are you? I'm
Picture Cards 9-16, CD
@ Open tlre book
Flavc Ss turn to Student Book pp l2-13 [ntroduce the rnain
scene bv ptaying CD trtrck A20 Llave Ss listen and poir-rt tothe people, animals or iterns as tllev ale mentioned
C Listert to tlte stoty
Look Betlt artcl Dontty at'e in tlrc y6yfl Beth is ailking toPltrto Dorttty is talkittg to Jrtpiter Pluto and Jupiter arealietts Tltey haue a blue spaceship Point to the liuittgroottr.lVho's in the liuing room? Nlojo the mouse Hello,
Nlojo Lisa is in the hall Lisa's father is itt tlrc bedroom.Poittt to the closet loey's in the batht-oom He's brushing
his teeth.Wo's irt the diningroom? Peter antl his tnotherLook at the kitclrcn.ltVlmt color is the kitchen? It's g-een
Point to Beth and askWho's she? Elic\t Beth, Continuewith the rest of the SuperKids in the same !vay Point ro
Pluto and say She's Plttto Introduce Iupiter in the sameway'
Say lef 's listen PLatl CD tracks A21-A23 For eachdialog, have Ss first listen and point ro the characterspeaking and then repeat the dialog
D Dialog 1.
Lbten andpoint.
Beth: Hi, I'm Beth.Wltctt's your name?
Pluto: N[y nante's Pluto
Notu lkten and repeat
(Same as aboue, but each line is said ortce witlt (t pausefor Ss to repeat.)
D Dialog2.
Listen and point.
Donny: Hotu old are you?
lupiter: I'm 10.
Notu lbten and repeat
(Same as aboue, brfi each line is saitl ottce rcitlt a pause
for Ss to repeat.)
D Dialog3.
Listen and point.
Peter: Where's Joey?
lllom: He's itt tlte bathrootn
Notu listen and repeat
(Same as aboue, btff eaclt lirte is sttitl ouce utitlt a pflusefor Ss to repeat.)
Divide Ss into group ,\ and group B point ro each dialog
in the main scene Fiave grotrp A sav line one and group B
sav line trvo Havc grorrps changc'roles
O Affer the book
Have Ss practice clialogs I and 2 in pairs using their orvnnames and ages Hirve confldent student pairs go to the
lront of the room to pertbrm the tliatogs.
O Before the book
your name? Have Ss repeat Say
lvly name's _ Have Ss repeat Repeat r,vith other Ss.
Dialog 2: Ask a student (Sl) Hotu old are you? Have
other Ss repear Have Sl sav I'm (agel.Rspsalr,vith other
Dialog 3: Ask another srudent (S2) to stand outside the
classroorn Pretend to be looking for hirn / her and ask
Have Ss ask you and say He,s / she,s in tlrc
lmll Use Pictr-rre Cards 9- t 6 to pracrice ivith other Ss in
ditferent locations Place Picture Cards g-16 around the
roorn Alternate using nrale and tbnrale Ss to elicit FIet /
Unit 2, Lesson 2 33
Trang 36lntroduce commands
o Repeat in halves (Teacher's Guide p 16)
Repeat in parolers (Teacher's Guide p 16)
Activity Book p I I can norv be assigned for homelryork or
used in class See anstter kel',1uu.n"ta Guide p'150
Ss can understand and respond to commands to Hang
up your coat, Mctke the bed,Wash the dishes,Wipe tlrc
table,Vacuum the carpet and Rake the leaues
Picture Cards 9-16, TPR Cards Unit 2 (TR 4: Teacher's
Guide p.39), CD
CD Before the book
Say Hangupyour coat Demonstrate tlre action Repeat
Hangupyour coat.Have Ss do action along n ith you.Repeat as above with Make the bed Give the commands
Hangupyour coat and Make the bed vr'ithout doing theactions Have Ss do the actions Introduce the rest ofthe
commands in the same u,ay Use the TPR Cards to give thecommands in random order Have Ss do all the actions
2 Make tlrc bed (2x) 5 Vacuurn the carpet
3 Wash the dishes (2x) 6 Rake tlrc leaues
Play the CD again and have Ss listen and do the actions
Say commands in random order using the TPR Cards.Have Ss point to the pictures in their books
Use the TPR Cards to say the commands in randomorder again, and have Ss do the actions
Introduce the Sing-a-gram
Use Picture Cards 13, 9, l0 and 16 to elicit bedroom,
kitchen,liuingroomandyard Put Picture Cards 13, 9, l0
and l6 on the board (with the picture sides showing) Play
CD trackA25 Have Ss listen and point to the pictures of
Toni, Mother, Father and Chip as their names are sung.(Note: The Sing-a-gramvttll be reviewed and taught in
more detail in Lesson 4.)
Listen and point Sittg
Girl: l\4rcre's Torti?
Boy: Sh,e's in the bedroont
Girl: Wrcre's Motlrcr?
Bolt; She's irt tlrc kitclzen
Girl: Were's Fatlrcr?
Bo7,; He's in the liuing room
Girl: Wrcre's Cltip?
Boy: He's itt the )'ard
All: Torti is itt tlrc bedroom
Ir4otlter is itt tlrc kitcltert
Fatlrcr is irt tlrc living roont
Clrip is irt tlrc y6v6l.
Plat,the CD again Have four Ss go to the front and eachhold one of tlre Picture Cards on the board Have thenrraise their cards rvhen thef i.rear the u,ords being sulrg
@ After the book
Give all conrmands in order a fert'times Harre Ss do theactions Start slovlly and gradualll,ittcrease the pace Ir4ix
up tlre TPR Cards and give the cotnmauds in randnnlordcr llave Ss do the actiotts as a class or individualll'.Oivc trto conrr:urnrls itt a rolr' IJave Ss listen first, tl-retr dtrboth actions
lirEB $sten Poinl.
-.-.;.i.t, -,,*l;'r:i;*?**;
*ii;il*";:;:!:i&iiaiiji;.lrjil::ii-,1:, *
-t Do rt!
r-/ -.-.-
.lP Listen.Point.
ffi|.,mfl'#Hong up your cool Moke lhe bed Wosh lhe dishes
&'M,"&Wipe lhe loble Vocuum lhe orp€| , R9k9ll: lmvesl
Trang 37Look and tell (Teacher's Guide p 17)
Tell your partner (Teacher's Guide p 17)
Activity Book p l2 can now be assigned for homelvork or
r:sed in class See answer key, Teachers Guicle p 150.
@ Buitd i* @ sins-o-grom
o Ss can make a siatement using (someone,s name) is
in the
o Sscan asilnd answer us *|Wfrer", (someoneb
name)? Heb I she's in the ' , '
o Ss can sing the Where's Toni? song
Ss repeat Continue with the remaining cards Usedifferent Ss each time Hold up picture Card 9 and point
to Sl Ask Wrcre's (Sl's nante)? again Have Ss repeat
Keep holding Picture Card g and say He,s in the kitclrcn.Have Ss repeat Repeat the procedures using a femalestudent to practice s/ze Continue as above using theremaining cards, alternating male and female Ss.
O Open the book
Have Ss turn ro Student Book p l5 and look at part A play
CD track A26 Have Ss listen and repeat
A Listen anclrepeat.
Mother: Joey is in the bathroom (pause)
Say the number of each picture in part A Have individual
Ss say the sentences Say numbers 1-4 in random order.Have Ss say the sentence for each number
BHave Ss look at part B Note that the contraction Where's
(Wltere is) is used to be more consistent with naturalspoken English Play CD track A2Z Have Ss listen andrepeat
B Listen and repeat
Peter: \Ahere's loey? (pause)
Mother: He's in the bathroom (pause)
Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialog foreach picture in part B.
CDraw a picture on the board and the letters T / F Make a
statement and have a student circle the T or say,,yes,' if
the statement is true or circle the F or say,,No,, if thestatement is false Have Ss look at the pictures in part C.
Play CD track A2B Have Ss listen and circle T or F.
C Listen ancl circle.
l Mojo is in the liuittg roont
Unit 2, Lesson 4 35
Trang 38Have Ss look at the l44lere ls Ioni? sor.rg at bottom of
p l4 in the Student Book Plal'CD trackA25 Encourage
3s to point to and say the names of the characters n'hen
thev hear their names being sung
Listen artd Poirtt Sirtg
Git'l: lVhere's Totti?
Bo1': She's irt tlrc bedroottt'
CirI: l44tere'sMotlter?
Bo1,: She's itt tlrc kitclrcn
Girl: l|4tere'sFatlter?
Bo1': He's itt tlte liYitt€{ rttotn'
Girl: llrltere's ChiP?
Bo1,: He's itt tlrc
Yard-Alt: Toni is in tlrc bcdroottt'
L4other is in tlte kitchen
Father is in tlre liuing roortt'
CttiP is in rhe
Yard-Divide Ss into group A and group B' Have group A sing the
questions and group B sing tlre answers' Have both
groups sing the last four lines Harre groups change roles
and sing the song again
e After lhe book
Put Ss into groups of three Hold up Picture Cards
9-16, one aia time Have St and 52 practice the dialog'
lsls: Mrere's (53'sname)?l [S2s: (He'slslre's) ittthe
(bedroom).1Have Ss change roles so that thel'all have a
chance to speak
Change (Teacher's Guide P' 17)
Throw the die (Teacher's Guide p 18)
Activiry Book p 13 can now be assigned for homer'r'ork or
used in class See ansrver key' Teacher's Guide p I 5 1
Review the letters and sounds
Print the lorver case letters ni-z as a Iist on the board.Have Ss name the letters as -You rvrite them (Do not erasethe board so tl'lat you can use the letters later.) Shorv Ss
p l6 in ),our book Point to and name the pictures inorder Have Ss listen and repeat Point to each pictureand ask l41mt's the first letter?Have Ss answer Remind Ss
that English letters have both a name and a sound Point
to each picture and ask What's th.e first sourtd? Have Ss
answer Point to tlre pictures in ratldom order Ask l\rhat'sthls?Wlut's the first letter?Vlmt\ the first sound? Have
Ss ansrt,er For x, ask Wtat's tlrc last letter / sourtd?
Ilave Ss lunt lo Strtclt't'll Book p 16 and
(lt) track A2t) Ilrn c Ss listen atrd point
look at part A l)lar
to the pictures
Trang 39A Listen and poittt.
tn tn ntonkey (2-u)
tt tt rrctebook (2x) -ttturtlc (2.r)
rL tL trtnbrella (2-t)
tr u ttiolirt (2-t)tLt tu tttitclt (2.r)
ktu kru questiort (2x)
r r rabbit
s s snake
(2x)Play CD trackA30 Have Ss iisten and repeat
A Listen and repeat
(Same as aboue, but each item said ottly once u,itlt a
pause for Ss to repeat.)
Play the CD again Have individual Ss repeat each item
lSl: m m monkey.l lS2: n n notebook.l Continue Name
the pictures in random order and askWmt's thefirst
letter? or What's the first sound? Have Ss answer Say the
initial sound or letter name of each picture Elicit the
name of the pictures Have Ss turn to Student Book pp
12-13 and look at the main scene Have them find and
name any items with the sounds they have just reviewed.
(Answers: notebook, snake, violin, fox, yo-yo)
Remind Ss that English letters can be written as upper case
letters or lower case letters Use the lower case letters on
the board and have individual Ss name each one Have Ss
look at part B on Student Book p 16 Point to picture 1 Ask
What's this? Elicit ltb a yard.Write _ard on the board
Have a student write the lettery in the blank Play CD track
A3l Have Ss listen and write the letters on the lines
B Lkten and write.
classroom and check Ss' progress
O After the book
Point to each letter on the board Have Ss say the sound or
letter name Have individual Ss write the corresponding
upper case letter under each letter Look around the
classroom Have Ss find and name any items beginning
with the letters nl-2 Elicit any English lvords Ss know that
begin with the letters m-LU, y, z or that end with r Write
the words or draw pictures of them on the board
r Mini-book Unit 2 (TR 5: Teacher'$ Guide p 40)
o Fingers up (Teacher's Guide p l8)
Activiry Book p 14 can now be assigned for homework or
used in class See anslver key, Teacher's Cuide p 151
I'm Chip
Hi t'm Chip Whol's your nome?
My nome s Plulo. #s
How old ore you?
I'm 10 How obout you? Hi I'm Beth Whol s your nome?
Sing the Sing-a-gram together
Play Behind your back (Teacher's Guide p 15)
Hold up Picture Cards 9-16 Elicit Wrcre's (student'snarne)? Elicit He's / she's itt the (kitchen)
O Open ihe book
Practice it!
Put Ss into pairs Have pairs turn to Student Book p 17.
Have one pair demonstrate the dialog LSI: Wtere's Totti?l
lS2: She's in the bathroom.l Say Look at these pictures
Then have Ss cover the pictures Demonstrate the dialog
with individual Ss first Point to Toni s tace underneaththe picture AskWhere'sToni? Elicit She's in the
Unit 2 Lesson 6 37
Trang 40bathroont Have pairs, in turns, ask and ans\ryer about thepictures.
Cltip: Hout old are J'ou?
Pluto: Iin 10 How about y6Y/
Chip: I'nz 9.
Betb HL I'nt Betlt.Wlwt's )toltr name?
lupiter: My nante's Jupiter
Beth: How old are you?
Jupiter: I'nt 12 Hout about YIYT
Beth: I'tn 9.
Play the CD again Have Ss chant along Put Ss into pairsand have them chant using their own names
O After the book
Place Picture Cards 9-16 on the board Ask eight Ss tocome to the front AskWhere's (51's name)? Have a
volunteer answer using one of the places lS9: (57's nante)
is in tbe (kitclrcn).) Have SI go to the board and stand infront of the corresponding Picture Card Point to one ofthe Ss Elicit the question and answer Repeat the
procedure with different Ss until all eight Ss are standing
in front of the cards
r ' Whereb To-Bi? (TR 6: Teacher's Guide p, 41) ,
newspaper to introduce the different weather icons
38 Unit 2, Lesson 6