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Full superkids 1 teachers guide

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Say the sounds of allletters as the frst letters ofwords except x which ispresented as the last letter r Trace and write allupper and lower dialogs and TPR commands o Listen to words and

Trang 1


Trang 2

@ Pearson Education Asia Limited 2005

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted

in an"y form or by any means, elecironic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior

written permission of the Publishers

The following pages, however, may be photocopied by a school or teacher for use in a classroom: pp 27,

35-37,45-47,55-57,61-63, 65,73-75, Aa-AS, SS-SS, 99-I01, I03, ill-113, 121-123,13i-I33, 137-139, 141,

Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder

Publisher: Christienne Blodget

Designers: Junko Funaki, Tonic Ng

Illustrator: Bernd Wong


I wish to express my thanks to my students, who taught me everything I have learned about them, to my

editors, whose dedication and professionalism are responsible for all that is good in this edition, and to my

mother, Leona, who always knew I would vrrite a book and whose encouragement led me to try And mygratitude to Lesley, without whom this would not be

Writing a children's course is a team effort IWould like to thank all of the editors and the entte SuperKidsteam ai Pearson Education for making the new edition of SuperKids a reality I also want to thank my co-atrthor, Aleda Krause, for her support and encouragement Lastly, I want to thank my friend Lesiey who

believed in me I dedicate this book to my mother, Iewel

Samuel OdaChizuko Takai

Jessie Lin

Mari NakamuraAyako OzasaHideko Takasu

Song, Na-Young

R::",I"#*ffi ,,J,,Iiu., o

poliry is to use paper manutactured lrom sustainable toresls


Trang 3

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Culture 2: Merry Christmas (includingTR 42)

I can do i1lRewards


Reduced Picture Cards

reglc5lp1a+q{!!ggf{Sy _Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Certif, cate of Completion

Page 2

Page 2

Page QPage 7


Pagg _ lQ

Pagq \2 Page 13

Unit B: Playing Sports (includingTRs 31, 32 and 33) Page 114

_u"ilei* _c"E+fl!qg q+{gq,"gIlg$ 3_q and 36) Page L24

Trang 4

SuperKids is a six-level course for elementary school

childre_nlearning English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

SuperKids is based on the following-pfritos6ptr'ies

Voriety of methods

No oneparticular English teaching methodology works

for all children in all classes, so tedhniques frorilvarious

approaches are used Detailed suggesti,ons are provided in

each lesson plan Approaches used include Totil phvsical

Response (TPR) in Levels I and 2, Whole Language

Learning, and the Communicarive Approachiall"of ,rhi.h

have been proven successful with cNldren

Conlextuol leorning

Language is introduced contextualiy and in cateqories

Children are able to learn and remember related"

vocabulary, simple dialogs and structures more readily if

these are introduced in a common context Familiar

themes and situations from children,s lives are used in

order to make the task of learning English more

interesting and less intimidating

Listening tirsl

Many children studying in EFL situations do not hear

spoken English outside the classroom and have no other

base for their aftempts to communicate in English In

SuperKids, children hear and respond to langu"age

receptively before being required to producJit, t=hat is

they listen, then speak The CDs givjmaximum exposure

to native speaker competence

Speoking needs proclice

Children learn to speak.English by saying things they

walt tg say in meaningful conrexts SupJrKids provides

activities and games that encourage children to speak out

Four skills

SuperKids systemarically progresses through the four

skills of listening, speaking, reading and \^;itins wirh each

skill formally introduced and then !racticed Tf,e

emphasis is onlistening and speaking (the natural order

of language acquisition) so thit childien can immediately

begin communicating orally in English


The CD is used to model the language items and tasks

before expecting children to speak o-r complete a task

Children feel less threatened and more suicessful when

working with new language or completing tasks in this


In EFL situations, review of language is very important

The language ia Superlfrds is carefuUy recyiled^within

each level and befween levels


Learning is made enjoyable through games and task-based

activities SuperKids ums to help children develop a

positive aftitude towards learning English


Student Book

The Student Book includes:

l A storyline with familiar characters to stimularestudent interest and.to provide a sense of continuity

2 Nine theme-based units with cotorfirl double-pagespreads

3 Three Recycle itl units to reinforce and expand onpreviously taught language

4 Three Discover it! units to introduce cross-curriculartopics

5 Two double-page Culture units to introduce differentevents ofuniversal interest to children, makinglearning English an intemational experience

6 At least one song or chant per unir to help childrenpractice and remember grammar points ind dialogs

7 Pictorial icons on each page to identi8rthe focus ofthelesson

8 A gradual introducrion to reading and writing Soundsthat have similar mouth positions are taught-tosether

so children-can acquire the sounds more Jasilyind

learn to differentiate between them


Studenl Book I

Level 1 is based on thepremise that childrencannot read anyEnglish words andhave had little or noprevious exposure toEnglish In Level l, allthe letters of thealphabet and theirsounds are taught asthe first sound of

words (with theexception of x which is

taught as the finalsound ofwords) Text

Level i focuses on:

1 Eighteen functional dia.togs that are useful in daily life

2 Vocabulary building of nouns

3 Vocabulary building of verbs using the TpR rnethod.

4 Nine simple structures to provide a suong foundation

in basic English grarnmar

5 Initial phonics sound ofeach letter ofthe alphabet

6 Recognizing and writing all the upper and lower caseletters

The Student Book CD includes:

I Models for all the vocabulary items, functional dialogs,and grammar statements and dialogs

2 A narration of the stoq'line to add special interest.

Trang 5

3 Lively and rhythmic songs and chants for each unit

4 Models for the phonics sounds

5 The stories and listening activities in each Recycle itl


6 The vocabulary, dialogs and songs from each Discover

it! and Culture unit

and one page for

every Recycle it!, Discover it! and Culture unit

4 A listening activity on each page as well as another

activity to practice reading and writing words and


5 Letter writing and tracing activities in Level 1 Later

levels develop more advanced skills, such as reading

and writing words, simple phrases, sentences and

short passages

Aclivily Book CD

The Activity Book CD includes:

l All the instructions necessary to complete the listening


2, Instructions followed by a bell sound signaling where

the CD should be paused so children can complete the

3 Audio scripts and

answer keys for the

Student and Activity


4 Placement tests / assessments with answer key

5 Photocopiable supplementary activities

6 An Activity Bank of activities to supplement each lesson

7 Reproducible Reduced Picture Cards for each unit,

colors and numbers 0 to 12.

8 TPR card reproducibles for each unit

There are 72-103 Picture Cards per

level One side is a color picturewhile the other side shows thecorresponding word There is one

card for each vocabulary item aswell as each SrrperKids character

The Picture Cards can be used to

teach and review vocabularywords as well as practice thediaiogs Detailed suggestions onhow to use the cards are provided

in each lesson plan

Student Book I unil description

Tolk qboul it!

(Vocobulory, funclionql diologs, gromm<rr diolog)Each unit opens with a double-page spread showing thefollowing in an iUustrated context:

I Target vocabulary items underneath the illustrated


2 Two functional dialogs or expressions

3 The unit's target grammar diaiog outlined in red

4 Numbered dialogs so that Ss will know which dialog tofocus on when listening to the CD

5 Some of the phonics words for the target phonicssounds in the unit

6 Humorous elements to add to the enjoyment of leaming

7 Ahidden bugfor Ss to find

General teaching method

2 Have Ss open their books:

a PIay the CD Have Ss listen and point to eachvocabulary item under the main scenes

b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen andrepeat the items

c Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen, findthe words and write the numbers in the boxes

3 Practice: All vocabulary items appear in the main

scenes Name items in random order Have Ss point tothe corresponding items in the main scene


1 Introduce the dialogs as suggested in the Teacher's


2 Have Ss open their books:

a Play the CD Have Ss listen to the story and point tothe people or objects in the main scene as they are

mentioned The story helps to reinforce thevocabulary and provide a context for it

Trang 6

b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss first listen to

the dialog and point to the characters who are

speaking, and then repeat the dialog

3 Practice: Divide the class into groups or pairs Have

groups A and B (or Sl and 52) say alternate lines of the

dialog Have Ss change roles

Do it! gnny

Vocabulary building ofverbs is done at all levels Levels I

and 2 teach verbs using the TPR teaching method whereby

Ss leam English through a physical response to English

commands T?R activities in the lesson plans and in the

Activity Bank consist of both receptive and productive

actMties Once Ss are familiar with responding to the

commands (receptive), they can practice giving the

commands (productive) The productive activities act as

review or consolidation ofthe language learned

General teaching method


1 Tell Ss (in their native language if necessary) that it is

not necessary to repeat the commands They should

only do the actions

2 Introduce one command:

a Say one command and do the action

b Repeat the command Have Ss do the action with


3 If Ss respond confidently, introduce the next command

in the same way If not, repeat step 2 Repeat until all

the commands have been introduced

4 Play the CD and have Ss listen to the commands and

point to the pictures

5 Play the CD again and have Ss listen and do the


6 Shuffle theTPR Cards and give the commands in the

random order of the cards Have Ss point to the

pictures in their book.

7 Use the TPR cards to say the commands in random

order again and have Ss do the actions


This is a short grammar song which introduces the

grammar point in each unit Ss can hear, understand and

absorb the grammar patterns before being required to

produce them The Sing-a-grarnis on the CD

Ss should only be introduced to the song in this lesson

It serves as a preview of the grammar point to be taught in

the next lesson The song should be taught in detail in the

next lesson

1 Introduce the Sing-a-gram as suggested in the

Teacher's Guide

2 Play the CD Have Ss listen and point

3 Play the CD again and have Ss follow along with the

song or do actions as suggested in the Teacher's Guide

For example, give out Picture Cards or Reduced Picture

Cards of the items in the song and have Ss raise the

cards when they hear the words in the song Ss should

not sing the song in this lesson

Build it! (Grommor)

Grammar is practiced in the form of statements, dialogs and

substitution exercises using illustrated scenes These scenes

show the context in which each grammar point is used

This lesson includes:

l TWo scenes illustrating the context of the grammar i


2 Thestatementformoftheunittgrammarpoint a

outlined in red

3 Simple statement form practice exercises

4 The dialog form of the unitt grammar point also

outlined in red

5 Simple dialog practice exercises

6 A listening exercise to practice the grammar point

General teaching method


1 Introduce the grammar statement Hold up the PictureCard or real object of the vocabulary item to be used inthe statement Say the statement, e.g She\ my mother

Have Ss repeat

2 Introduce the grammar diaiog:

a Hold up the Picture Card and ask the question, e.g.

Who's she?Have Ss repeat

b Answer the question, e.g She's my mother Have Ssrepeat

3 Have Ss open their books:

a Play the CD for part A Have Ss listen and repeat

b Have Ss do the four listen Say exercises in pairs

c PIay the CD for part B Have Ss listen and repeat

d Have Ss do the four listen Ask Answer exercises in


e Play the CD and do the listening exercise in part C.

Note: Contracted forms are used in all levels in order to

be consistent with natural spoken English


I Have Ss look at the Sing-a-gram in the previous lesson

2 PIay the CD Have Ss listen, point and do any actions,speaking or singing as suggested in the Teacher's

Reod il! lenonics sounds)

Phonics is an integral part ofeach level, beginning withinitial phonics sounds in Level l Ss can iisten to and repeat

the phonics sounds, and practice recognizing and writing

the letters

This lesson includes:

l Words with target initial sounds clearly illustrated

2 Recognition of the written form of target letters in part




Trang 7

Pronunciation table

The following symbols are used to indicate the

pronunciation ofthe phonics sounds introduced in the

Read it! section of each unit


3 Introduce the other target phonics sounds in the sameway

4 Have Ss open theirbooks:

a Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to eachpicture

b PIay the next track on the CD Have Ss Iisten andrepeat

5 Practice: Have Ss find pictures of items in the main

scene on the first tlvo pages of each unit that beginwith the target phonics sounds

Letter recognition

1 Print the target upper and lower case letters on the board

2 Point to and name each letter Have Ss repeat

3 Focus Ss' aftention on part B:

a In Units 1-6, have Ss draw a circle, square ortriangle around each upper and lower case letter

b In Units 7-9, play the CD Have Ss listen and circlethe first Ietter of the word they hear

Note: From Unit 3, Ss should circle only the targetletters "Distracters" (other non-target letters) make the

task more challenging


l Write the upper case form of the fust target letter onthe board.Write slowly so Ss can see clearly how toform the letter

2 Have individual Ss write the letter on the board

3 Do the same for the lower case form of the flrst letterand the upper and lower case forms ofthe other target

Sing it! / Chont il!

This section contains an enioyable song or chant to wrap

up each unit These are also included on the Stude[t BookCD

General teaching method

Trang 8

3 Put Ss into pairs or small groups.

4 Explain the rules of the particular activity (see lesson

plans for Lesson 6 of the unit)

5 Have Ss complete the activity in pairs or groups

6 Follow up with the activity detailed in the lesson plan

Singit! / Chant it!

1 Play the song / chant on the CD Have Ss listen

2 Play the song / chant again Have Ss sing / chant along

(or follow the other suggestions provided in the lesson


RecyCle it! lneview ot three units)

After every three units, there is a Recycle itl unit which

serves to reinforce and expand on previously studied

language items Included are an illustrated, humorous

story review exercises and a board game

General teaching method


) Review the dialogs and the vocabulary found in the


2 Have Ss open their books to the story section

3 Review the characters and items in the pictures

4 Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to the

corresponding pictures

5 Play the CD again Have Ss listen and repeat

6 Put Ss into pairs or small groups and have them

practice the dialogs Give them props as necessary

7 Have volunteer groups perform the story in front of the


l Have Ss open their books to the Reyieru irJ section and

look at part A.

2 Point to each picture and have Ss think about what the

dialogs are about

3 Play the CD Have Ss listen and write the numbers of

the dialogs in the boxes above the pictures

4 Check the answers as a whole-class activity

6 Point to each letter and have Ss say the letter name

and the sound

7 Point to a picture and ask What,s this?Elicit the answer

8 Model how to do the exercise or write the letter under

the picture

9 Give Ss time to complete the exercise Walk around to

check for accuracy

10 Check the answers as a whole-class activity


Each board game is slightly different The game is color

coded and each color represents a different language

pattern to be practiced Read the lesson plans for details.

l Have Ss open their books to the play lr! section and

look at thil board game

2 Review the dialogs for each color coded section

3 Point to the first space in each colored section and

have two Ss say the dialog according to the language

2 Have Ss open their books and look at part A

3 Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to rhe pictures

4 Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen andrepeat

5 Point to the vocabulary items in random order and

have Ss name them


l Introduce the dialog as suggested in the lesson plans

2 Play the CD Have Ss listen and repeat

3 Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialog

Songor chant

l Play the song or chant on the CD Have Ss listen

2 Play the CD again Have Ss sing or chant along

3 Do the wrap-up activity suggested in the lesson plans


The Culture units introduce holidays enjoyed by children

in many English-speaking countdes Each unit provides

an oppcirtunity for further content-based learning, as well

as for a fun break from more serious lessons

General teaching method

IntraductionIntroduce the holiday in Ss' native language, if possible

Notes about the holiday are included in the lesson plans

Show Ss pictures ofthe holiday


1 Introduce the vocabulary items with your ownpictures, or use the pictures in the Student Book Notesabout the vocabulary are included in the lesson plans

2 Have Ss open their books:

a Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to eachvocabulary item under the main scenes

b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen andrepeat the items

c Play the CD again Have Ss find and point to theitems in the main scenes

3 Practice the vocabulary items with a game or activity

Suggestions are in the lesson plans

Trang 9

2 Have open their books Play the CD Have Ss first

listen to the dialog and point to the characters who are

speaking, and then repeat the dialog

3 Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the diaiogs

Play the CD Have Ss first listen, then sing or chant along

with the song or chant


Do one or more of the optional activities (to help Ss

understand the holiday) or any ofthe reproducible


At the beginning of Activity Book I is an Alphabet Chart

for Ss to fill in the letters of the alphabet for review and

extra writing practice

There is one Activity Book page for each lesson in Units

1-9 of the Student Book, and one page for each Recycle itl,

Discover itl and Culture unit

The first exercise on each page is always a listening

exercise The other exercises are either listening, reading

or vwiting activities

General teaching method

1 Have Ss open their books

2 Have Ss look at exercise A:

a Play the CD Have Ss listen and follow aiong in their


b Pause the CD at each &e/l sound for Ss to complete

the tasks

c Check Ss' answers and correct where necessary

3 Have Ss look at exercise B:

a If it is another listening activiry follow the

instructions above If it is a writing activiry

demonstrate how to do the activity

b Give Ss time to complete the activity

c Check Ss' answers and correct where necessary

4 The Activity Book may also be assigned for homework

after explaining to Ss how to do the exercises in class

Alternatively, do exercise A in class and assign exercise

B for homework, or vice versa

5 Have Ss color the appropriate spaces on t:,e Reward!

page at the back of the Activity Book on completion of

each unit Have Ss use the color indicated in the

Activity Book for that unit





Introduce and practice new

Suggesled timing for one lesson plon

Introduce and practice new

3 Recycle it units x 3 classes each I classes

3 Discover it units x 1 class each 3 classes

2 Culrure units x 2 classes each 4 classes

3 Recycle it units x 2 classes each 6 classes

3 Discover it units x 1 class each 3 classes

2 Culture units x 2 classes each 4 classes

3 Recycle it units x 2 classes each 6 classes

3 Discover it units x 1 class each 3 classes

2 Culture units x 1 class each 2 classes

Trang 10

Suggested scheduling for one unil

6 classes per unit (72 classes peryear)

Lesson plans in the Teacher's Guide follow this schedule

1 Talk about it!

Build it!

Read it! Review previous unit's phonics sounds Teach and practice new phonics

sounds and words

Sing-a-gram /

Build it!

Teach and practice newTPR verbs receptively Do the Sing-a-gram

Introduce new grammar

4 classes per unit (49 classes per year)

Review previous lesson's vocabulary Teach and practice dialogs Teach

and practice newTPR verbs receptively

Talk about it!(Dialogs) / Do it!

Trang 11

SLj: -'.:.- :.:.-

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Lesson plonning

Teachers should plan each lesson carefuIly with specific

goals and objectives in mind It is always better to p_lan

irore activities than necessary in case one activity does

not work according to Plan.

Explonotion of lesson Plons in the

Teocher's Guide

There is one complete lesson plan for each Student Book

page However, ifyou need to teach two Student Book

pages in one lesson, you can do so by implementing one

of the suggested schedules on P 8.

Success requires planning, and planning takes

time-something the busy teacher of children often has too iittle

of The lesson plans in the Teacher's Guide have been

designed to help the teacher cover all the material in

SupirKids inan organized manner with minimal

planning A brief look at the Activity Bank before class will

often give you that one extra idea that boosts an average

class to a great class Each suggested lesson plan has been

divided into the following sections

Warm-up / review

Each lesson begins with a fun warm-up in order to review

material previously Iearned and motivate Ss to use

English during class

Each warm-up / review section practices language

items ftom the previous lesson or from the previous unit'

Activity Book (check homework)

Systematic review is key to the retention of new language

Further review ofthe previous class' material is built into

the lesson in the form of the homework check

Introduction of new language items

New language items are introduced in this section

without ihe aid of the book The focus is on the teacher,

so Ss hear language before producing it themselves'

Suggestions are given in each lesson plan on how to

use Picture Cards or real objects to introduce the


Ss open their books and listen to and practice the new

language items Detailed suggestionson how to involve Ss

whi'ie liitening to the CD are provided in each lesson plan'

After the book

Practice is essential if Ss are to internalize the new language

items Detailed suggestions on how to further practice the

Ianguage items are provided in each lesson plan


Beginning and ending each class in an enjoyable way is

essential io instilling in children a love of English' Each

lesson plan has suggestions for actMties to finish each

class and send children home feeling good about the

lesson and themselves

OptionsEach lesson plan suggests further activities to be used,

either as part of each lesson or in place of suggestedactivities This section usuaily suggests tasks or activitiesfor further practice

Note: Materials needed for optional activities are no,included in the materials box of each lesson plan

ActivityBookThe Activity Book serves to reinforce what was taught in

class Exercises may be done in class or at home

Materials for the next lesson

If any materials are needed for the next lesson or for any

of the optional activities in the next lesson, the teacher isinformed ahead of time to bring / prepare these for thenext lesson

Trang 12

Unit and title Topic andvocabulary Graminar

Storter Unit Numbers:0-I2

Colors: red, green, blue, yellow, pink, orange,purple, brown, black

I Bockto School Classroom items: book, crayon, pencil,

notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen, ruler

It's a pencil

\ty'hat's this? / It's a pencil

2 My Fomily Family members: mother, father, big sister,

big brother, little sister, little brother,grandmother, grandfather

She's my little sister

He's my little brother

Whot she? / She's my little sister

\Mho's he? / He's mv little brother

3 On o Picnic Food and drink: rice, chicken, cake, candy,

water, juice, milk, tea

I like chicken / I don't like chicken

Do you like chicken? / Yes, I do /

No, I dont

Recycle it! I Review of Units l-3

Discover it! I

Body parts: eye, 2 eyes, head, nose, ear,2 ears,

mouth, shoulder,2 shoulders, finger, 10 fingers,toe; l0 toes

4 Hoving Fun Actions: swim, skate, skateboard, fly a kite,

draw, ride a bike, juggle, sing

i can swim / I can't swim

Can you swim? / Yes, I can / No, Ican't

5 Pet Doy Pets: dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, turtle, bird, flsh,


This is a snake

Is this a snake? / Yes, it is

Is this a rabbit? / No, it isn'r

6 In the Clossroom Classroom objects: ciock, board, door, desk,

CD player, trash can, computer, chair

This is a computer / That's a clock

'dr'hat's this? / It's a CD player

What's that? / It's a computer

Recycle it! 2 Reviewof Units,t 6

Discover it! 2

My Clothes

Clothes: cap, jacket, pants, sandals, T-shirt,skirt, shoes, socks

7 At Home Verbs: reading, painting, dancing, watching T!

eating, sleeping, playing, coloring I'm coloring.\Arhat are you doing? / I'm coloring

8 Ploying Sports Sports and sports equipment: bat, glove,

baseball, basketball, soccer ball, heimet, racket,paddle

I have a glove / I don't have a glove

Do you have a glove? / No, I don't /

Yes, I do

9 Croft Time More classroom items: rulers, crayons, erasers,

staplers, colored pencils, pens, markers, hats I

have I pen / I have 2 pens

How many pens do you have? /

Culture 2

Merry Christmos

Christmas decorations and symbols: Christmastree, candy cane, star, Santa Claus, reindeer,sleigh, present, stocking

Trang 13

\fhat color? / Black.

I'm Chip \tVhat s your name? /

I'm Donny

Hi, Beth / Hi, Toni How are you? /

Fine, thank vor.r.

Classroom commands: stand up, sitdown, open your book, close your book,take out your book, put away your book



book, book bag, bugpencil, pencil case, purple

Thank you / You're welcome

Are you ready? / Yes.

Basic movement commands: wa]k, run,hop, skip, turn around, stop

F f: fathet four, five

V v: violin, vase, vest

I'm hungry / Me, too Let's eat

the table: eat the candy,

drink the water, pass the chicken, takesome chicken, pour the milk, cut the cake

C c: cake, candy, crayon

G g: green, grandmother,grandfather

M m:milk mouse mother

Command: touch vour toes

Sorry! / That's OK

Ouchl / Are you all right? / I think so.

Sports commands: take offyour shoes,

put on your skates, get on yourskateboard, get offyour bike, jump in thepool, kick vour feet

S s: swim, skateboard, seven

I j, juggle, juice, jump

\I/hose bird is that? / It's mine

Can i hold your hamster? / Sure

Commands with pets: pick up thehamster, put down the hamster, feed thefish, pet the rabbit, brush the cat, walk thedoe

D d: dog, Donny, draw

T t: turtle, Toni, two

I i: iguana, insect, iglooSorry I'm late / That's OK

'vVho's next? / Me

Classroom commands: go to the board,

go back to you seat, turn on the computer,turn off the computer, write your name,throw awav the trash

N n: notebook, nose, nine

Ll: Iight,leg,lion

A a: apple, ant, alligator

Whose jacket? / Itt mine

May I watch TW / Sure Go ahead

Hurry upl / Wait a minute

Getting ready for bed commands: doyour homework, brush your teeth, washyour face, put on your pajamas, get inhed so to sleeo

R r: reading, rabbit, ruler

O o: octopus, ostrich, omeletItk hot / Yeah

Lets play basketball / Good idea

Commands with a ball: throw the ball,catch the ball, kick the ba11, hit the ball,bounce the bal1, shoot the ball

H h: helmet, hamster, head

K k: kite, kangaroo, king

Q q: question, queen, quilt

E e: elephant, egg, elbowWhat are you making? / A hat

lVhere's the glue? / Here it is

Commands for making a hat: draw a halfcircle, cut it out, paint it, fold it, glue it,put on your hat

Xx box, six, fox

Yy: yes,yellow yo-yo

U u: umbrella, up, under

How many goriilas? / 2.

'vvhat are you? / I'm a ghost

Is it ready? / Yes.

Trick or treat! Trick or treat!

Who's next? / Me

\tVhatt this? / Itt a star

Where's the tape? / Here it is

Ho ho ho!

Wowl A baseball / Thank you /

Yorr're welcome

Syllobus 11

Trang 14

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

I r Choose the correct picture

while listening to words and

structures and vocabulary

r Listen to words and identiS

letters at the beginning of

words (except x which is

presented as the last letter


o Make simple statements,questions and answerswhen given a model

o Ask and answer simplequestions aboutthemselves when given a


Say the sounds of allletters as the frst letters ofwords (except x which ispresented as the last letter

r Trace and write allupper and lower

dialogs and TPR commands

o Listen to words and identify

the sounds of most letters

as the medial or final

sounds ofwords

r Ask and answer questions

about themselves andothers

r Say the sounds of mostletters as the medial orfinal sounds ofwords,including final -s

o Read and say thesounds of most letters

as the medial or finalsounds ofwords,including final -s

o Read and understandwords and shortsentences

o Recognize commonsight words

c Write key words

on staves whengiven a model

e Fill in letters tocomplete words

o o Choose a picture orword

after listening to statements

and diaiogs

o Recognize the sounds of

tr,vo-letter consonant and

vowel digraphs

o Make statements and ask

and answer questionsabout themselves andothers

Say the sounds of letter consonant andvowel digraphs

two-r Read and understandsentences

o Write key wordsand recognize thatthe same soundmay be spelleddifferent ways

r Fill in blanks tocomplete wordsand sentences

4 r Choose yes or no answers

after listening to questions

e Recognize the sounds of

vowel blends

Answer yes or noquestions

Say the sounds of

r Write shortanswers toquestions afterreading short


5 o Answer questions after

listening to dialogs and

short passages

Recognize the sounds of

and differences between

Say the sounds of commonblends, diphthongs, andinitial I and r

o Perform role-plays afterlistening to dialogs

o Read and understand


r Write sentenceswhen given a


o Write answers toquestions aboutshort passages

6 Answer questions after

listening to conversations

and passages

o Distinguish similar sounds

o Take part inconversations, asking,answering and makingstatements aboutthemselves and others

o Create simple role-playswhen given a model

Read and understand


o Write short email

messages andpostcards

r Write questionsand answers about

Trang 15

24 No Sorry (Go fish)

Tolk obout it! (oiologs)

33 Pass the puppets

34 Toss the animai

46 Choose and tell

47 Tfuow and tell

70 Sound it and find it!

71 Point to the letter

81 Uncover the color

82 Say itl Lotto

97 Over and under

Trang 16

1 Whatcanyousay?

Have Ss look at the frst wo pages of

each unit Have Ss point out and

name items in the main scene

Place a Picture Card in an envelope

or bag Pull it out slowly, revealing

only a small part of the picture at a

time The student who first identifies

the item can take on the role of the


Cover a Picture Card with a piece of

paper Hold up the covered card

Quickly remove the paper, then

cover it again, so Ss catch only a

glimpse of the picture The student

who first identifies the item can take

on the role of the teacher

4 Pick it up!

Take two new Picture Cards Hold up

one card Say frb 4 (book) Put the

card down Say Pick up a (book),

then show the student what to do

Thensay Put doutn a (bosk) and

show her what to do Do this with

three Ss Do the same for the other

card with different Ss Then altemate

between the tlvo cards and the two

commands with different Ss.

A similar activity to Pick it up!, but

this time each student has a set of

Reduced Picture Cards (Teacher's

Guide pp f76-I87) ofwords you

want to introduce Give the same

commands as in the Pick it up!

activity for each card, and have Ss

simultaneously foliow the


Have Ss sit in a circle Have 51 say a

word, e.g pencil Have 52 repeat what

S1 said and add anotherword, e.g.

pencil,pen Continue around the

circle until the list is too Iong for Ss to

remember Start again

Place three to four Picture Cards of

review words on the table (with the

picture sides showing) Name one of

the cards Have Ss try to be the first

one to touch the card and name it

14 Activity Bonk

Choose Picture Cards of reviewwords Put the cards in a pile in thecenter of the table (with the word

sides showing) Have 51 take the topcard from the pile without showinganyone arrdaskWhat's rlris? Haveother Ss try to guess what it is using

It's a * Have S1 answer with Yes or

No The student who guesses

correctly takes the next card

9 Standup and sayit!

Choose a few Picture Cards of reviewwords Have Ss stand up Show S1 acard Have Sl name the card or ask

and answer a question about thecard, e.g What's this? Itt a


If Slcorrectly names the card or correctly

asks and answers the question, she

remains standing If not, she shouldsit down until her next tum If Sl isable to name the card or ask andanswer the question on her nextturn, she may stand up again Playfor five minutes or until everyone is

standing again

Tolk qbout it! (Vocobulory)

10 DrawalineDraw a picture of a reviewword onthe board, one line at a time Have Ss

try to guess what it is using /s i, faJ


first student to guess

correctly draws the next picture

11 Passthecard

Have Ss sit in a circle Hold up a

Picture Card and name it Hand thecard to the student sitting next toyou Have the student name it and

pass it to the next student, whonames it and so on.'vVhen the cardreturns Io you, repeat the processwith another card Start tvvo or morecards in opposite directions forgreater challenge Ensure that Ss

with different cards take turns toname them

12 Whispers

Divide Ss into two teams standing intwo lines.\dhisper a word Ss know to

Sl in each line On the count ofthree,

have Sls whisper the word to S2s whowhisper it to S3s and so on Have the

Iast student in each line run to youand whisper the word Have Sls then

go to the back of their lines beforecontinuing with another word

13 Teachet'sguess

Hold up and name two Picture

Cards HoId up both cards again andname one of them Have Ss point tothe card you named Do the same

again, naming the other card Pick

up one of the two cards withoutIooking at it Guess what it is by

asking Is fhrs (aJ


Have Ssanswer Ies, it k or No, it isn't

and ask them What's different? Have

Ss name the item on the card(s) that

was moved

15 Bag it!

Hide an object in a bag Hand the

bag to S1 Ask What's this?Have Slfeel the object and guess what it is If

Sl fails to identifythe object, havelr,im say I don't knor,u, hand the bag

to 52 and askWhat's this? and so onuntil a student identifies the object

Continue with different objects

16 Listen to me

Place two to four objects or Picture

Cards in different places around theroom Give a familiar commandcombined with a target noun, e.g.

Pick up the (book) Repeat thecommand Have Ss listen, locate theobject or card and do the action, i.e

they pick up the book or Picture Card


17 Run to it!

Put three or four Picture Cards ofreviewwords on the board Divide Ssinto two teams Give Ss acommand,

e.g Runto (apencil) Have Sl on eachteam run to the card and touch it.Varywith other familiar commands, e.g.

Sl on each team try to name the

card The first Sl to name it is giventhe card That S1 goes to the end of

her line; the other SI stays in frontand has one more chance If she is

not the first to name the next card,

she goes to the back of the line

Trang 17


19 What's this? 1

Use Picture Cards or classroom items

of review words Hold up a card or

object and askt$hat's this? Have Ss

answer indMdually or as a group

20 What's this? 2

Place Picture Cards on the table

(with the word sides showing) Have

Sl turn over a card, show it to the

class and ask What's this?Have Ss

answer /t3 a _ Give all Ss a chance

to ask a question

21: Behindyourback

Have S1 stand up with his hands

behind his back Place an object in

his hands and asktdhat's this? Have

S1 respond with Irb a -* If he is

corect, have him sit down If not,

have S1 turn around to show the

other Ss the item Have him ask the

other Ss What's thk?Have Ss answer

as a group

22 Drawit! Relay

Divide Ss into two teams standing in

two lines.,vVhisper a word to S1 in

each line On the count of three,

have SIs run to the board and draw a

picture of that word Have Sls then

go to the end of their lines before

continuing with another word

23 Infrontofme

Place Picture Cards of review words

in a pile on the table (with the word

sides showing) Have Sl take a card

without looking at it, and put it

against her forehead so everyone can

see it Have Sl try to guess what it is,

24 No Sorry (Go fish)

Make one set of cards using 10 to 12

sets of four identicai cards from the

Reduced Picture Cards Deal out all

the cards among Ss Have Ss try to

collect sets of four identical cards

Have Sl ask52, (52's name) Doyou

52 has that card, have him give it to

51 Have S1 continue asking different

Ss or the same student until

someone does not have the card

requested Have this student answer

No.Sorry.lt is then the next

studentt turn When a student has a

set of four identical cards, have him

place them on the table For larger

classes, play in small groups using

one set of cards per $oup

Tolk obout it! loiotossl

25 Puppets

Use two puppets, with name tags if

necessary Each puppet says one line

of the dialog Have Ss use thepuppets to perform the dialog,repeat after the puppets, or have aconversation with a puppet

Have half the class repeat line one ofthe dialog Have the other half repeatiine two of the dialog

27 RepeatinpartnersPut Ss into pairs Say the dialog

Have Sl in each pair repeat line oneand 52 repeat line two It is

important that Ss look at theirpartners when speaking

last word Say the iast two words,

i.e Yor.r haue Have Ss repeat

Continue in this way, adding oneword at a time untii Ss are fluentlyrepeating the entire line This activityhelps to keep the intonation morenatural

29 StudentpuppetsUse two Ss as puppets to model thedialogs Manipulate the Ss as one

does puppets Have "puppet" Ssrepeat after you Have all Ss repeatafter the "puppet" Ss.

30 SayinhalvesDivide Ss into group A and group B.

Have Ss look at a dialog Have group

A say line one of the dialog andgroup B say line two Have groupschange roles Prompt if necessary

31 Sayin partnersPut Ss into pairs Have Sls in eachpair say line one of a dialog and S2s say line two Have Ss change roles It

is important that Ss look at theirpartners when speaking

32 Puppetrole-play

Have two Ss go to the front of the

class Give each a puppet Have

these Ss perform the dialog using thepuppets, then hand them to tlvoother Ss Have these Ss then performthe dialog using the puppets

33 PassthepuppetsHave Ss make a circle Give two Ss inthe circle a puppet Have Ss performthe d.ialog, then hand the puppets totwo other Ss who perform the samedialog

Have Ss stand in a circle Toss astuffed animal to a student (Sl) andsay line one of a dialog Have S Irespond with line ruro, say line oneagain, then toss the animal toanother student (S2) Have 52

respond wirh line rwo, say line oneagain and so on Prompt Ss when

36 Who said it?

Blindfoid S1 Have 52 say line one of

a dialog while trying to disguise hervoice Have 51 respond with line twoofthe dialog, then try to guess who

said line one Vary by having twodifferent Ss say lines one and two

Have the blindfolded student guess

both speakers

37 Role-play

Have two Ss act out the dialog

Provide them with all the necessaryprops

Note: If a dialog has three lines, dothe activity in the same way but haveS1s say lines one and three, not onlyIine one

Do it!

38 Listen andpointHave Ss listen to the CD or listen toyou reading the script Have Ss point

to the pictures in their books as theyhear them

39 Listenanddo

Give a command and model it Have

Ss copy you Divide Ss into tlvogroups and name them, e.g Boys /Girls, Apples / Bananas Give thegroups different commands, e.g.

Girls, sit doun Boys, stand up Haveboth groups do the actions

simultaneously Vary the activity bygiving different commands toindividuals




Activitu Bonk 15

Trang 18

40 On the table

Divide Ss into groups of three or

foirr Make sets of 15 to 20 TPR

Cards Give a set of cards to each

group Say a command Have groups

try to be the first to pick up the card

depicting that command, then run

and put it on the table

41 Chaining

Give two commands in quick

succession Have Ss listen to both

commands before doing the actions

42 E:rpansions

Use verb + noun combinations Use

the same verb in combination with

various nouns (familiar or new), e.g.

Open your book, Openyoar mouth,

Open the door Have Ss do the


Use verbs familiar to Ss Have Ss

stand up Give commands using a

phrase such as Teacher says or Please

before some of them Have Ss do

only those actions preceded by the

phrase If the phrase is not used, Ss

do not move.You could use negative

commands to make the activity more


44 Do as I say, not as I do

Give commands and model them

e.g say Touchyourhead, but model

touching your toes Have Ss do the

actions you say, not the ones you do

Ss need to listen to what you say as

opposed to simply copying your


45 RoIe reversal

Have Ss giveyou commands Do the

actions Do not expect Ss to say the

commands perfectly Do the action

without correcting Ss.

On the board, write six to eight

commands to which Ss can

confidently respond Have

volunteers choose and give

commands to other Ss.

47 Throw and tell

Make a large die with a milk carton

or cardboard Write commands on

the six faces of the die Have a

student throw the die and give the

other Ss the command depicted on

the top of the die

48 Draw and tellChoose 10 to 12 TPR Cards of

commands to which Ss can respondconfidently Place the cards in a pileface down on the table DMde Ss

into tlvo groups standing in twolines Have SI in each line take a cardand give that command to 52 HaveS2s do the action Have Sls go to theback of their lines, and S2s take thenext cards and so on

49 Look and tellStand at the back of the room so Ss

cannot see you Have Sl go to thefront ofthe class and face you andthe other Ss Have Sl watch You do

an action, then instruct the other Ss

to do the same action Have S1 sitdown and have 52 go to the front

Build it!

50 Q&A

Ask the target question while holding

up the related Picture Card, e.g hold

up the card for swim and askCanYousruim?Respond withYes,I canor No,

Icazt Ask Sl Can you swim? Have SI

respond truthfully Continue, usingdifferent Picture Cards Have Ss

answer each question

51 In twos

Put Ss into pairs Have Sl be the

"questioner", 52 the "answerer"

Model the dialog Have Sls repeatthe questions and S2s repeat theanswers Have Ss change roles

52 OutofthehatPrepare slips of paper making sure

that there is one slip of paper for each

student Number each slip of paper inorder starting from 1 Put all the slips

of paper into a hat Draw two slips ofpaper from ttre hat Have Ss with

those two numbers do the targetdialog Put the slips ofpaper back inthe hat and draw two more As a

variation, have Ss take turns drawingthe slips ofpaper from the hat

53 50/50

Divide Ss into group A and group B.

Hold up Picture Cards and say thegrammar dialog For example, hold

up the doB card and say What's this?

It's a dog Have Ss repeat Hold upanother card Have group A ask thequestion and group B answeraccording to the card Do the same

for the remaining cards Have Sschange roles

l6 Aciivity Bonk

54 Side by side

Have Ss practice the target dialog inpairs using pictures in their books,Reduced Picture Cards or classroomitems as cues Monitor and help ifnecessary

55 Student-teacherHave Sl stand in front of the other Ss

as the "teacher" and ask a question

Have other Ss sit in their seats while

SI is asking the question, and answerit

56 Change

Place Picture Cards or classroomitems in various locations in theclassroom Have Ss circulate in pairs,asking and answering questionsabout the different cards / objects

\iVhen you say Change, have Ss move

to another card / object

section B, alternating bewveen

asking and answering the questions.Variation: For each section, say a

number from one to four Have Ss say the corresponding statement orquestion and answer

58 VolunteersHave pairs of volunteers go to thefront of the class and perform thedialogs Thank all Ss for

or ask the question (section B) ofthat number If Sls asked a question,

have S2s answer Then it's S2s'turn

to throw the die When Ss throw afive, have them make two statements

or ask two questions When theythrow a six, have them skip a turn

Trang 19

60 Charades

Have Sl choose a verb Picture Card

without showing it to anyone Have

51 act out the card by doing the

action of the verb, Have other Ss try

to guess the word by usingAreyou


first student who

guesses correctly acts next

Reod it!

61 Traceit!

Model writing the target letter on the

board two to three times Have Ss

trace the letters in their Student

Book with their fingers

62 In the air

Write the target letter in the air with

your finger Have Ss copy you,

writing in the air with their fingers

63 Fingers up

On the board, draw two pictures or

place two Picture Cards of items

beginning with two target initial

sounds Number them 1 and 2 Say

the initial sounds of one of the

pictures Have Ss hold up one finger

if the sound corresponds to picture I

or two fingers if the sound

corresponds to picture 2 This can be

done with more than tlvo pictures

64 Point to the picture

Place tlvo Picture Cards on the board

or draw tvyo pictures that have

different initial sounds on the board

Say one of the sounds Have Ss point

to the picture with that initial sound

65 You sayit!

Hold up a card beginningwith a

rarget sound Have 51 name the card

and 52 say the initial sound of that


66 Brainstorm it!

Have Ss think of as many words as

they can starting with a target sou[d

Draw pictures ofthese words on the

board Have Ss then name each

picture and say its initial sound

67 Saythepicture

Place two or three pictures on the

board Say a letter or its phonics

sound Have Ss name the picture

that starts with that letter or sound

68 Find it! By soundPlace six to ten Picture Cards (oniysome of which contain words thatstart with the target sound) on thetable (with the picture sidesshowing) Say a sound Have Ss try to

be the first to flnd the picture(s) ofthe word(s) with that initial sound

69 Shoutit!

Have 51 walk around the room andstop behind 52 Hoid up a picture of

a phonics word Have S1 and 52

shout out the word of the pictureand / or its initial sound If Sl is first,

have her sit down and have 52 takeher place If 52 is first, have Slcontinue walking around the room

70 Sounditandfindit!

Make multiple copies onto card orpaper of letters of sounds to bepracticed Make sure there are atleast two copies of each letter

Distribute them among Ss Have Ss

find the other(s) with the same lener

by saying the phonics sound oftheir

letters as they walk around the room

Ss may not show other Ss theirpaper i card

71 Point to the letterDraw four pictures on the board, two

each of words containing the same

target initial sound Print the upperand lower case letters of each sound

on the board Name a picture Have

Ss point to both the picture younamed and the upper and lower case

letters corresponding to the initialsound ofthe word

72 ln the dark

Place objects of words beginning withtarget letters on the table Blindfold astudent Say a letter or sound (not theword) Have the blindfolded studenttry to find an object on the tablebeginning with that letter or sound,and then name it

73 I got one!

Write the letters of target sounds onthe board Have Ss take turnsdrawing pictures ofwords startingwith the sound of each letter Haveother Ss ffy to guess what they are

The student who guesses correctlydraws the next word

74 Whichone?

Give each student cards which havetwo or more target initial soundslvritten on them Hold up a PictureCard, a classroom item, or say a wordstarting with one of the sounds Have

Ss hold up the letter card whichmatches that initial sound

75 Find it and do it!

Distribute multiple copies of targetIetters among Ss, making sure that at

Ieast three Ss have the same letter.Have Ss with the same letter locateeach other by shouting their letter,and then stand together in theirgroups Give commands to thedifferent groups, e.g Bs, sit dotun

Cs, run

76 BoardrelayDivide Ss into two or more teamsand have each team stand in line.Say a letter Have 51 on each teamrun to the board and write the letter.Have S1s then go to the end of theirlines

Variation: Write various letters Ssknow on the board Have Ss run tothe board and circle the letter(s) youname,

77 BacktoboardDivide Ss into two teams standing intwo lines Have Sl on each team go

to the board and face it Show a letter

to 52 on each team Have S2s writethat letter with their fingers on Sls'

backs They must not say the word.Have S1s then write the letter on theboard

Proctice it! / Review it! /

Ploy it!

Give a set of Reduced Picture Cards

to each studenr Put Ss into pairs.Have pairs put down one card each

on their desks, saying the words onthe cards at the same time If they

say the same words, they try to befirst to call out SnapJ Continue untilall the cards are used



Aciivity Bonk L7

Trang 20

79 Sayit! Bingo

Pass Ss 9 or 16 Reduced Picture

Cards to use Have Ss place them

face up in hont of them in the

pattern of a 3 x3 (for 9 cards) or 4 x4

(for 16 cards) grid Name one card at

a time Have Ss turn over the cards as

they are named When a student has

turned over three (9-card game) or

four (16-card game) cards in a row

(down, across or diagonal), have that

student say Bingo Have him name

all the cards turned over

80 Gridbingo

Use around 15 Picture Cards to be

reviewed Prepare empty grids of

3 x 3 squares Give each student a

grid Show Ss the 15 cards you will be

using Have Ss choose any nine of

these cards and draw a simple

picture of each in any square on their

grid Once Ss have filled up their

grids with the nine pictures, play

bingo in the usual way, crossing out

or placing markers on the pictures

81 Uncoverthecolor

Select Picture Cards of review words

Have more cards than Ss Place

Picture Cards on the table (with the

picture sides showing) Name each

card and give Ss 10 seconds to

memorize their locations Have a

variery of colored cards Give

students color cards Have Ss cover a

Picture Card with their color card All

Picture Cards should be covered

Have Ss then, in tum, name a color

and point to a card and try to

identify the card under it If the

student correctly identifies the card,

have her take it Replace this Picture

Card with another one and cover it

with a color card This student

continues until she fails to identify

the card \l/henever a student fails to

identify the card, play continues with

ahother student

82 Sayit!Lotto

Tell Ss which 5 to l0 Reduced Picture

Cards to use to make a set Have Ss

choose any three or four cards from

their set and place them face up on

the table Name cards in random

order Have Ss turn the cards face

down as they are named Have the

first student to turn over ali three or

four cards raise his hand More able

Ss couid be asked to name the cards

83 Concentration.

Use Reduced Picture Cards to makeone deck ofcards containing 5 to l0

pairs ofidentical cards Place all the

cards face down on the table Have Sstry to find matching pairs by turning

over any two cards Ifthe two cards

match, have the student name thepair of cards before taking them If

the nvo cards do not match, have thestudent turn over both cards again (intheir original positions) and the nextstudent turns over tlvo cards

84 Find it and swat it!

Place l0 to 20 Picture Cards on thetable or floor (with the picture sides

showing) Have Ss gather around thecards Say one ofthe cards Have Ss

find it and slap it The first handdown wins the card Using flyswatters instead of hands increasesthe fun

85 OldmaidDivide Ss into groups of three to six

Make one deck of cards for eachgroup using I0 to 20 pairs ofReduced Picture Cards Add an oddcard, the Old Maid card, to each set

Have a student in each group dealout all the cards among the Ss in hisgroup Have Ss with pairs of identical

cards put them down and namethem Have the student with themost pairs (Sl) then draw a cardfrom the student on her left (S2) If

the card 51 draws pairs up with one

of her cards, have her place the pair

on the table and name it If the card

Sl draws does not pair up with anyofher cards, then have 52 draw acard from the student on his left The

game continues clockwise with thenext student either putting down a

pair or drawing a card from thestudent on his left When onestudent is out ofcards, she is out ofthe game The student left with theodd card is the Old Maid

86 Followthe pathPlace 15 to 20 Picture Cards on thetable (with the pictures sideshowing) in a straight line, circle orother pattern Choose one place to

be Start and one to be Finish Each

student places a marker on Start

Have SI roll a die, move his markerthat number of cards, and name thecard on which he lands If 51 cannotname the card, he goes back towhere he started The gamecontinues with Ss in each grouPtaking turns to roll the die until

everyone reaches Finish

IB Activity Bonk

87 Tic-tac-toe

Divide Ss into group A and group Band distribute different markers to

each group Place nine Picture Cards

of items to review on the table (withthe picture sides showing) in theshape of a tic-tac-toe board (a nine-square grid) Have group A turn over

a card and try to name it If they are

able to do this, have them put one oftheir markers on the card If theycannot do it, have them turn the card

over again Have group B chooseanother card If they name it

correctly, have them put one of theirmarkers on the card Have grouPs try

to be the first to have markers onthree cards in a row

88 PartnersearchUse two or three identical sets ofReduced Picture Cards ofwords to bereviewed Give each student a cardmaking sure that at least two Ss havethe same card Have Ss search for theother student(s) with the same card

by saying the name of the card in aloud voice as they walk around Ss

may not show anyone their cards Ifthey do not find a partner, they come

to you and name the card

89 What's missing?

Place 8 to 10 Picture Cards orclassroom items on the table Have

Ss study them for 15 seconds, then

close their eyes Remove one card oritem Have Ss open their eyes and try

to identify the missing card or item.Increase the ditficulty by removingtwo cards / classroom items orrearranging them

90 I spy

Think of a review word visible in theroom lt can be a Picture Card, anobject in the room, or an object in aspecific color Say /spy Have Ss askquestions to try to guess the word,

e.g Is it red? Is it a ball? Have thestudent who guesses correctly be thenext to saylspy

Choose 5 to 10 Picture Cards Divide

ss into two teams standing in twolines Show SIs the same card HaveSls run to the board and draw thatitem Have their teams try to guess

the item Have S1s then go to theback of their lines, and continue theactivity with the next Ss in line

Trang 21

92 Youhaveit

Place classroom items of nouns for

review on the table Have each

student choose one or two objects,

name them and put them in their

pocket or hide them Have Ss try to

remember the items other Ss have

Have Sl look at any student and

make a statement, e.g (52's name),

youhaue (apen).lf 52 has it, have

her give it to SI Have Sl continue

until the answer is No, f don't It is

then another student's turn

93 Monkeyinthemiddle

(Fruits basket)

Use Picture Cards of review words In

a small class, use one of each card In

a larger class, use multiples of the

same card Give each student one

card Have all except one srudent sit

in chairs in a circle Have the student

with no chair stand in the middle He

is Monkey Have Monkey name t*o

cards at a time Have Ss with those

cards stand up and try to sit in the

empty chairs, but they cannot sit in

the chair that they originally sat in

Monkey also tries to sit in an empty

chair Have the student who is left

standing become Monkey When

Monkey says MonkeyTime!, have all

Ss stand up and change seats

94 Roundandround

Place Picture Cards or classroom

items around the room Have Ss walk

around the room in a line Name a

card Have the student who first

grabs the card / object keep it

Variation: Change the direction of

the line and action, e.g run, skip

95 Step onit!

Have Ss make a circle Place Picture

Cards on the floor in the center of

the circle (with the picture sides

showing) Name a card Have Ss step

on the card you named Later,

combine words with verbs, e.g Hop

to the boole Have Ss hop to the book

card and step on it

96 Sayit on 3!

Start a I 2 3 4 5 rhyrhm: Have Ss pattheir knees wice, then clap theirhands three times Once the rhythm

is established, hold up Picture Cards

or objects one by one Have Ss namethe cards or objects as they clap thethird time Begin wlth Ss namingcards as a group, then individually

Gradually increase the pace Ifsomeone misses, start again withthat student For very familiarvocabulary categories, do not usecards Have Ss name things frommemory

Hoid up cards or classroom items one

by one Have S1s name the card and

pass the ball over their heads to S2s,who repeat the word and pass the ballbetween their legs to S3s Have S3srepeat the word and pass the ball overtheir head to S4s Continue until theballs are passed to the end of thelines Have Sls then go to the end oftheir lines HoId up another card

Cards or classroom items can be

passed instead ofthe ball

Chqnt it!

98 Point along

Use Student Books, Picture Cards orclassroom items Have Ss listen andpoint to the pictures or classroomitems when they hear the words inthe song or chant

99 Singanddo

Have Ss stand in a circle withclassroom items or Reduced Picture

Cards of items named in the song

Have Ss hold up the classroom items

or cards when they hear the words inthe song or chant

100 Sing it!

Have Ss sing the song once or twice

There should be no movement here,

as they need to focus on the lyrics

l0l SoloAssign specific words or phrases toindividual Ss to sing as a solo Haveother Ss sing all parts of the songthat are not sung by the soloist

Instruct the class and soloist when tostart and stop singing.Vary by givingthe solo part to a duet or trio

102 LinebylineAssign different lines of the song todifferent groups ofSs Ifthe song has

questions and answers, assign those

to differenr $oups Have groups singonly their assigned lines Instruct Sswhen to start singing

choose words to replace originallyrics Provide relevant Picture Cards

or classroom items as reference Playthe lead-in music of the song, thenstop the CD Instruct groups when tobegin singing


105 Selfcheck

Before checking Ss' answers, play the

CD again Have Ss confirm theiranswers and make any changes theythink are necessary

106 PaircheckBefore checking Ss'answers, havethem exchange books with a partner,

Piay the CD again Have Ss confirmtheir partners' answers and consultwith each other on any changes theythink are necessary

Read the script, leaving out theanswers Have Ss supply the answersfrom the pictures For exarnple, sayIt's a


Have Ss say (Panda)

Encourage all attempts to supply ananswer in English

Aciivity Bonk 19

Trang 22

r08 E:ryandit!

Elicit different responses from those

in the Student Book Read the script,

leavireg out the answers Have Ss

supply the answers from PictureCards or classroom items you holdup


ll0 Pointtoit!

llslne 3 cl:ssrcorn ebject, co!o1 orcolor and object Have Ss point toand name it before leaving

1ll Do it!

Give one, two or three commands to

Ss Have them do the actions beforeleaving

I12 Backwriting

Put Ss into pairs Have Sls in eachpair turn their backs to the board.Write a letter on the board Have S2sdraw that letter on Sls'backs with

their fingers Have Sls try to guess

the letter This can also be done withnumbers or letters of phonicssounds

Praise Ss often, e g Greatlway to go!

Good joblWarm smiles have a greatimpact

Give a certificate of completion to

each student when the Student Book

is completed (Teacher's Guide p 197)

116 Warmfuzzies

A simple warm touch frorn you can

be a great reward for Ss A hug goes a

long way

20 Activity Bonk

Trang 23

><-: ;*i '>i

,tH- zfr

iH-H-nRoise your hond.

Shh! Be quiel.

rffi st

Sheet of paper, crayon or colored pencil, CD

O Before the book

Warm-up / review

Introduce yourself to Ss Say Hi! My name is (T's name)

Say to a student (Sl) Hi! My name is (T's name)

Encourage Sl to say.EIiIMy name is (51's narre.) Continue

as above with other Ss.

Introduce commands

Place your index finger in front ofyour lips Say Shh! Be

4aier Have Ss do the action Raise your hand Say Ralse

your hand Have Ss do the action Do the same action

again with your other hand and say the command Have

Ss do the action Cup your hand behind your ear SayListen Haye Ss do the action Do the action again withyour other hand and say the command Have Ss do theaction Review commands Shh! Be quiet, Rake your hand

and Listen Have Ss do the actions with you Have Ss

stand up Say Make a circle Help Ss arrange themselves

in a circle Nlake a big and round circle in the air usingyour arms Have Ss do the action Say Big and rottnd Say

Make a line Put Ss in a line Say Sirdown,Then, sit down.Have Ss do the action Show Ss a blank sheet of paper and

a crayon or colored pencil Draw a very simple shape like

a circle Say Color and color the shape Have Ss mime theaction

Have Ss.turn to Student Book p 6 Play CD track A1 Have

Ss listen and point to each picture

Listen and do the actions

Teacher: Shh! Be quiet Raiseyourhand

Raise your hand Raise your hand

Shh! Be quiet Raise your hand

Listen Listen Listen

Make a circle big and round

Big and round Big and rouwl

Make a line and then sit dolun

Color Color Color

Put Ss into small groups of thr6e or four hnd play the CD

again Have Ss listen and do the actions Have each groupmake their or,rrn circle and line

@ ater lhe book

Give all commands in the same order as in the StudentBook Have Ss do the actions Do this a few times

Give commands in random order Start slowly andthen gradually increase the pace

Sing it! (Teacher's Guide p 19)

Activity Book p 4 can now be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 153.

Next lesson: Bring a clock to review numbers 1-12 with


Storter Unil, Lesson I 21

Trang 24

Lislen Point, Soy.

Ss can point to and name the numbers 0-12

Ss can ask ald answer What number? 6 , r :


Picture Cards l-13, CD, Reduced Picture Cards i-13

(Teacher's Guide pp 176-177), clock

(} Before the book

Warm-up / review

Say Hi! My nante is (T's name) Say to a studenr (S1) Hr!

My na nte k (T's name) Encourage Sl to say Hi! My name

k (51's name), Do the same with other Ss.

Say Make a circle Help Ss arrange themselves in a

circle )oin the circle and say to the student (Sl) next to

yort Hi! My name is (T's narne) Elicit the response IIilMy

nam,e is (51's nante) Encourage Sl to look at the student

next to him / her (S2) and say,EIiIMy rtame k (SI's name)

Continue until all Ss have had a turn

lntroduce nlrmbers

Introduce numbers 0-12 using Picture Cards i-i3 or by

writing them on the board Hold up each number and

name it Ask Ss to Listen, please Do the same as above,

but this time ask Ss to repeat each number Hold up a

number, e.g 6, shrug your shoulders and askWai

number? Have Ss repeat Say 6 Have Ss repeat Do the

same for the remaining numbers


Have Ss turn to Student Book p 7 and look at part A Play

CD trackA.2 Have Ss listen and point to the numbers

What number? Have Ss repeat Say 6 Have Ss repeat Dothe same for the number card the boy is holding Say Ief 's

listen to the dialogs Play CD tracks A4-A5 For eachdialog, have Ss first listen and point to the peoplespeaking then repeat the dialog

B Dialog 1

Lkten and point

Girl: What number?

Boy: 6.

Now lkten and repeat

(Same as aboue, but each line is said once witlx a pause

for Ss to rcpeat.)

B Dialog2.

Listen and point

Boy: What number?

Girl: 10.

Now lkten attd repeat

(Same as aboite, but each line b said once with a pause

prSs ro repeat.)

Put Ss into pairs and give each pair a set of ReducedPicture Cards 1-I3 (Teacher's Guide pp 176-177) Havethem take turns picking up different cards and asking andanswering each other What number? (3)

@ afer lhe book

Use a clock to review numbers I-12 Point to eachnumber Have Ss say each number Point to numbers inrandom order Ask What number?Elicit, e.g 12 Have Ss

ffi e-h



/.a'aa-td ii ,|,Y,




&il Ei!]i@

.4nc] ll


lhree ElcadJ

B;, Ui, ' eleven

the book


22 Slorler Unil, Lesson

Trang 25

take turns going to the front of the room,

numbers on the clock and asking other Ss

Have Ss answer

pointing toWhat nttmber?

o :Toss thg gnimal (Teacher's Guide p 15) , , '

Stand in a circle with the Ss Hold the stuffed

animal in the air and say Zero.Toss the animal to

another student (Sl) Prompt SI to say the next

number, One.Have Sl toss the animal to another

student (S2) Have 32 say Tlao and then toss the

animal to $3.who.qpys Thryge, Conlinie as.above

until the.number 12 For'an'added challenge, play

th9 Bame in.reverse order fiom 12 to 0,,i, - :-', r


o Say it! Lotto (Teacher's Guide p 18)

Use one deck of playing cards for every foi rr Ss.

represent the number Il and queens r"pr"."rrt

'' the numbirr 12) Have Ss chogqe any four'and,.' :

place them face up on the table: Call out numbers

-i^.-l-.&^- a +^ ia 1i^-.^ C^ l:^+^- !^-+L^:.;

roauvtrllJ r raavc 95 llrtcrrrur ulcu

numbers and tum the cards.overwhen the r', : .,.

numbers are called Have Ss try to,be the first to

turn over all four cards

Activify Book p 5 can now be assigned for homework or

used in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 153.

Next lesson: Bring nine different colored crayons,

pencils or origami paper (red, green, blue, yellow pink,

orange, purple, brown and black) Bring a bag ifyou

choose to do the optional activityWhat color?


6ffi w


Ss can pointto and name the coloisred, green, ' ,

blue, yellotr pinb orange! purple, brown 4ndblack

Ss can ask and answer Whatcolor? Blaql , 'r I : : .:Moteriols

Picture Cards 14-22, nine different colored crayons,

pencils or origami paper (red, green, blue,.yellowpink, orange, purple, brorrrrn and black), CD .

O Before the book

Warm-up / reviewUse Picture Cards 1-13 to review numbers 0-I2 Show Ss a

number, e g 8 Have a student ask lUhat n umb er ? Hav e

the other Ss answer 8 Do the same for the remainingnuinbers Have Ss take turns askitgWhat number?

Ss iisten and repeat Hold up a Picture Card, e.g red

Shrug your shoulders and askWhat color? Have Ss repeat.Say Red Have Ss repeat Do the same for the remainingcolors

Wh"l cd*?'


7 r',t{/-+}l ' 6,^-L ]Bl


Storier Unit, Lesson 3 23

Trang 26

@ Open the book


Have Ss turn to Student Book p

CD track A6 Have Ss iisten and

8 and look at part A Playpoint to the colors

out one crayon ItskWhat colnr? Elicit the correctanswer Have a student (Sl) take out one crayonand ask the cla ss What color? Do tire same with

A Lkten and poittt



other Ss.

PIay CD track A7 Have Ss listen and repeat

€PA Listen and repeat.

()orye ns ahdp hrtt cnclt rtnrd is sni.d onlv on.cc uti.th a

pause for Ss to rcpeat.)

: : i,1 r tl ,r:

o Coloriire"#a',r.1-,,; ',:' :.:.r: :;

I r' :!lI'rlr:':; I r.' lll.

' : :ir'-'., 't -.' :' 1 :j:Give one set of Reduced picture Cards 14=22 ' -

(Teacher's Guide pp I77-I7 8)' to each student.Name the color on each card and have Ss colortheir cards with the correct colors

Activity Book p 6 can now be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 153

Next lesson: Bring nine different colored crayons (red,

green, blue, yellow, orange, pink, purple, brown andblack)


Have Ss look at part B Point to the boy Say Thrs is a boy

Point to the girl Say lhis k a girl Point to the crayon the

girl is holding Shrug your shoulders and askWhat color?

Have Ss repeat Say Br4ck Have Ss repeat Say Let's listen

to the dialog Play CD track A8 Have Ss first listen and

point to the people speaking then repeat the dialog

Listen and point

Girl: What color?

Boy: Black

Now lkten and repeat,

(Same as aboue, but each line is said once with a patue

for Ss to repeat.)

Say the dialog using different colored crayons Have Ss

listen and repeat

Put Ss into pairs ald have them practice the diaiogs

using different colored crayons

@ ater lhe book

Hold up a Picture Card or item, point to it and shrug your

shoulders Elicit from Ss the question, Wat color? and

the correct answer Have Ss find and touch an object in

the classroom that is the same color Do the same for the

Trang 27

ond lz4ond .,B

ono w07


Draw four dots on the board to make a square and numberthem l, 2,3,4 Cup your hand behind your ear Say Listen.Connect the elots Start at 3 Go ,o 4 Draw a line from 3 to

4 Continue with the other numbers to complete the

square \iVhen you Iinish say Sfopl Have Ss turn to StudentBook p 9 and look at exercise I in part A Say Listen

Connect the dots Play CD track A9 Have Ss listen andconnect the dots Pause the CD when you hear Slopl CheckSs' answers Do the same for exercise 2 in part A-

A Listen and connect the clots

Ss can point to and name the numbers and colors

Ss can chant the t, 2, green and blue! chant


Picture Cards i4-22, nine different colored crayons

(red, green, blue, yellow, orange, pink, purple, brown

and black), CD

(O Before the book

Warm-up / review

Say the numbers 0-12 Have Ss rvrite the numbers on the

board Point to a number and shrug your shoulders Elicit

from Ss the question, \lhat rutmber? and the correct

answer Do the same for the other numbers Review

colors using Picture Cards 14-22 or nine different colored

crayons Hold up a card or a crayon Have a student (S1)

ask lNhat colorS Have the other Ss answer Do the same

for the other colors Have Ss take turns askingl,that color?

Introduce the command Clap

Clap your hands and say Clap.Have Ss clap their hands

Say Clap without doing the action Have Ss clap

Play the CD again to check Ss' answers Pause the CD aftereach crayon and ask a student who has colored the crayoncorrectly to show the class his / her book

CHave Ss look at part C Review the numbers, colors andcommand {Clap) inthelyrics Play CD trackAll Have Ss

point to the numbers and colors when they hear them inthe song

Trang 28

C Listen and point Chant.

All: 1, 2 (clap, clap, clap) green and blue

(clap, clap, clap)

3,4 (clap, clap, clap) purple and orange

(clap, clap, clap)

5,6 (clap, clap, clap) brown and pink

(clap, clap, clap)

7,8 {clap, clap, clap) orange andyellow

(clap, clap, clap)

9, 10 (clap, clap, clap) black and red(claP, claP, clnP)

1, 2,3,4, 5, 6,7,8, 9, 10!

Play the CD again Encourage Ss to clap along PIay the

CD a third time Have Ss chant and clap along

@ atter the book

\,trrite the n'-rmbers 0-12 on the board, Clap five times.Point to the numbers on the board AskWhat number?Elicit 5 Do the same for the remaining numbers

,Namg tag (TR l:,Teactrer's Grride p 27).,1.:, ".: r, i.:,

Activity Book p 7 can now be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p I54

26 Storler Unit, Lesson 4

Trang 29

What number? Elicit l In pairs, have Ss take turns asktngWhat ntrmber? atd answering Have Ss cut out their name tags

and coior the bugs Write Ss' names on their name tags in pencil and have Ss trace them Collect name tags and save for



Trang 30

;iirfi3cc:t j "i.! Ff Gg ., tri -?j til: i i i-isn'iln

., r Pp,f4 i1lf; {ru : [i'url.it.: 'iZz

srory OGlg usten ' Di"logt

@ toff obout it! (Vocobutory)


Ss can point to ald name book, crayon,pencil,

notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen and ruler


Picture Cards 23-30, classroom items (book, crayon,

pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen and

ruler), CD

O Before the book

Warm-up / review

Greet Ss as they come into the room Say I{i, (S's name)!

Have Ss say Hi, (T's name)!

Show Ss a pen, for example, and ask What color? Elicit

answer Have individual Ss point to objects in the classroom

and ask Whatcolor?Have the rest of the Ss answer

Introduce vocabulary

Show Ss either Picture Card 23 or a book Say Book Have

Ss listen and repeat Do the same with Picture Cards

24-30 or the classroom items

28 Unit l, Lesson I

PlayTeacher's guess (Teacher's Guide p 14) usingPicture Cards 23-30jor the items

Have Ss turn to Student Book pp 10-1 I and look at thepictures at the bottom of the pages Play CD track A12

Have Ss listen and point to the items

A Listen and point

A Listen and repeat

(Same as aboue, but each word is saicl otzly once with apause for Ss to repeat.)

Play CD track A14 Have Ss listen and number the items

Trang 31

B Listen and number.

Number 1 notebook (2x) Number5 bookbag

Number 2 book (2x) Number 6 crayon

Number 3 pencil case (2x) Nu,mber 7 ruler

Nu.mber 4 pen (2x) Number 8 pencil

Check Ss' answers

Say each vocabulary word Have Ss find and point to

the items in the main scene

Have Ss look for the hidden bug in the main scene

(Answer: It's on the bookshelf.)

@ aner lhe book

Place Picture Cards 23-30 on the floor (with the picture

sides showing) Say Book, for example, and point to a

student (Sl) Have Si find the card, pick it up and say

Book.Have SI name another card and point to another

-! i^-r /O^1 II -^ Ca C-l ^:^l- - J ^ .L- ^ J

i rluuLrrL \JEl rldvu J- rrrtu' Plur uP drlu rldlllc Lltc Ldlu.

I Continue until all Ss have had a turn

Draw a line (Teacher's


uide p 14) I ,

Activify Book p 8 can now be assigned for homework or

used in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 154.

Next lesson: Bring the Name tags (TR 1: Teacher's Guide

p.27) Ss made in the Starter Unit

@ to,l obout it! (Diotogs)

o Ss can introduce themselves and ask for someonet

name using I'm (Chip).tNhat'syour name? I'm

Ss can understand and say Hi, (Beth) Hi, (Toni)

How are you? Fine, thankyou

o Ss can ask and answer Whaf's this? It's a pencil


Greet Ss as they come in the room Say Hi,I'm (T's name)

Elicit Hi, I'm (S's name)

PlayTouch and say (Teacher's Guide p 14) using

Picture Cards 23-30 or classroom items

Introduce dialogs

Dialog 1;Wave to a student (Sl) and say I'm (T's name).t$hat's your name? Have 51 wave back and say I'm (Sl'sname).Repeat with other Ss.

Dialog 2: Say to another student (52) Hi, (52's name).How are you? Say Fine, thank you, Have 52 repeat Fine,thank you Con tinue with orher Ss.

Dialog 3: Hold up a pencil and ask What's this? Have Ssrepeat Say Irt a pencil Have Ss repeat

Introduce the SuperKids characters using Picture Cards95- 1 03

Have Ss turn to Student Book pp 10-I1 Introduce themain scene by playing CD trackA15 Have Ss listen andpoint to the people, animals or items as they are

mentioned-L;.L$tentu tne srcry

Look at the SttperKids! They are at school This is their

teacher Look at Donny Point to Donny Donny has a red

and green book bag Look at Chip Point to Chip Chip

has a bhre book bag Look at Toni Point to Toni Toni has

a book bag.lNhat color? Yellow Point to Beth Beth has

tuo notebooks.I$hat color? Red and blue Point to Peier.

Peter has two boolcs Peter has a book bag lt's green

Where's Mojo? There he is Mojo has a pencil case Mojo

has a pencil, too.What anice classroom

Point to Chip and say lhis is C&ip Point to Donny and

say Thls is Donny Continue with the rest of theSuperKids and other characters Say Let's listen Play CDtracks A16-A18 For each dialog, have Ss first listen andpoint to the character speaking and then repeat thedialog


Lbten ancl point

Chip: I'm Chip.tNhat's your name?

Notu listen and repeat

(Same as aboue, but each line is said once with a patLse

for Ss to repeat.)

D Dialog2

Listen and point

Toni: Hi, Beth

Beth: Hi, Toni How are yoLr?

Toni: Fine,thankyorL

Now lkten and repeat

(Same as aboue, but each line is said once with a pause

for Ss to repeat.)

D Dialog3.

Listen and point

Mojo: l{hat's this?

f Peter: It'sapencil



Unit l, Lesson 2 29

Trang 32

Now lkten and repeat.

(Same as aboue, but each line k said once with a pause

for Ss to repeat.)

Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialogs

@ atter the book

Hand out a prepared Name tag (TR 1: Teacher's Guide

p.27) to each student (Use the name taBs Ss prepared in

Lesson 4 of the Starter Unit.) Put Ss into pairs and have

them practice dialogs 1 and 2 using their own names

Have Ss change partners several times to help them learn

their classmates' names

Have Ss stand in a circle Pass a ball, bean bag iir any

other soft objeit to the student (S1) standing next,to

you on your right :Say to 51 1'rz (T\ name).What's',

.-,-^ ^2Eli^i+,r* fell ^l U^!t^ C1 +,, i^

his / her right, pass the ba! and s?'l llm (St\ name)

\lrhatk your 4angfl Continu,g until all Ss have had a

Play again using dialog 2 Say Hi, (51's name)

Eli.cit Hi, (T's ruime) How are yoa3 Respond 'i,ldth ,

Flna thq;4|t9.u;;

Activity Book p 9 can now be assigned for homework or

used in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 154.

Pui owoy your book

2 /ii)


M, , tt'6

r 4-4,



-ioke oul your book

' Take out yqir book ind Put away your book

Picture Cards 23-30, TPR Cards Unit I (TR 2: Teacher's

up Do the same with the rest of the commands


Flave Ss turn to Student Book p 12 Play CD track A19

Have Ss listen to the commands and point to the pictures

Listen and point.

l.Standup (2x) 4.Closeyourbook (2x)

2.Sitdown (2x) S.Takeoutyourbook (2x)

3 Openyourbook (2x) 6 Put autayyourbook (2x)Play the CD again and have Ss listen and do the actions.Say commands in random order using the TPR Cards.Have Ss point to the pictures in their books

Use the TPR Cards to say the commands in random order

again, and have Ss do the actions

Introduce the Sing-a-gramShow Ss a pencil AskWhat's therSElicit 1/'s apencilDo the

same for crayon, notebook, book bag and pen Hold up apen and askWhatcolorSElicitlfb (red).Do the same forthe rest of the items

Play CD trackA20 Have Ss listen and point to theitems on the page (Note: The Sing-a-granzwillbereviewed and taught in more detail in Lesson 4.)

Listen and poittt Sing,Boy 1: HeylWhat's tl'rb?

Girl 1: It's a pencil

Girl 1: HeylWhat's this?

Boy 2: It's a crayon

Boy 2: Hey!|44zat's this?

Girl2: It's a notebook

Trang 33

Play the CD again and have Ss hum along.

@ aner lhe book

Mix up the TPR Cards and give the commands in random

order Have Ss do the actions as a

class-Divide Ss into two or more grollps Give different

commands to each group

Give two commands in a roq e.g Stand up Open your

book.Have Ss wait until they hear both commands and

then respond to them in the corect order

Give commands to individual Ss.

o Usten and do (Teacher's Guide n l5i

I What's this?

Hand out Picture Cards ofpencil, crayon,

notebook, book bag and pen to individual Ss.

Have all Ss sit in a circle Play the r{hat's this?

song (CD trackA20) Have Si stand up and shorv

their cards when they hear the wordJin the song

Continue until all Ss have had a turn

Activity Book p 10 can now be assigned for homework or

used in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 155.

Ss can ask and answer Wat's this? It\ a _.

Ss can sing the What's this? song

MoteriolsPicture Cards 23-30, CD

(! Before the book

Warm-up / review

Hold up Picture Cards 23-30 Have Ss name the items

Introduce grammarShow Ss Picture Card 23 Have Ss say Book Say It's abook Have Ss listen and repeat Do the same with Picture

Cards 24-30

Cover Picture Card 23 with a sheet of paper AskWhat's

thrs? Have Ss repeat Uncover the card and say lt's a book

Have Ss repeat Do the same with Picture Cards 24-30

€) open lhe book


Have Ss turn to Student Book p 13 and look at part A

Note that the contraction lrs (1, is) is used to be consistentvvith natural spoken Engiish Play CD track A2 1 Have Ss

listen and repeat

A Listen and repeat

Peter: It's apencil (pause)

Say the number of each picture in part A Have individual

Ss say the sentences Say numbers 1-4 in random order.Have Ss say the sentence for each number


Have Ss look at part B Note that the contraction I4lharb

(What is) is used to be more consistent with naturalspoken English Ptay CD trackA22 Have Ss listen andrepeat

B Listen and repeat

Mojo: ltVhat's this? (pause)

Peter: It's a pencil (pause)Have Ss practice the dialog in pairs for each picture inpart B.

CDemonstrate how to do the exercise Write the numbers 4and 6 on the board with a small box underneath each

number Have a student (Sl) go to the board Say lt's afou.r Have 51 write a check ("/") in the box under the 4.

Ask Ss to look at the pictures in part C Play CD trackA23

Have Ss listen and check the correct pictures

Unit l, Lesson 4 31

Trang 34

Have Ss look at the What's this? song at the bottom of

p 1 2 in the Student Book Play CD track A20 Encourage

Ss to point to and say the names of the items when they

hear the words in tlre song

Lkten and point Sing

All: Wow! It's red.

Divide Ss into group A and group B Have group A sing the

questions and group B sing the answers Have both

groups sing the last line, Wow! It's red Have groups

change roles and sing the song again

@ Anerthebook

Hold up Picture Cards 23-30 one at a time Have Ss name

each card Have a student (S1) go to the ftont of the room,

take a card, hide it behind his / her back and askWhat's

flris? The first student to guess correctly takes the next

card and asks the other Ss to guess what the card is

Continue until all Ss have had a turn

Change (Teacher's Guide p 16)

Use Picture Cards 23-30 or classroom

items- Classroom item: Make a die (TR 3: Teacher's

Guide p 36)

Activity Book p 1l can now be assigned for homework or

used in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 155.



lrr,t )rr,t

Play CD track B92 Have Ss point to the letters as they

Introduce the letters and sounds of Bb and Pp

Write B and b on the board, saying the sound and name ofthe letter Point to b and hold up a book Say b, b, boolcHave Ss listen and repeat Write P and p on the board,saying the sound and name of the letter Point to p andhold up a pencil Say p, p, pencil Have Ss listen and repeat

Trang 35

Pronunciotion note

b lbl , p /p/ (See pronunciation table on Teachert

Guide p 5.)

Both the b and p sounds are made with the lips

initially together Have Ss close their mourhs tightly,

then open them quickly and push the air out The b

sound is often used for u by Ss whose native

language has no u sound

The p sound in English has more air behind it

than in other languages Ifsaid with insufficient aii,

it can sound like b Have Ss hold a piece oftissue

paper in front of their mouths If Ss make the p

sound correctly, the tissue should rise into the air


Have Ss turn to Student Book p 14 and look at part A PIay

CD track A24 Have Ss listen and point to the pictures

A Listen ancl repeat

(Same as aboue, but each item is said ot'tly once with a

pause for Ss to repeat.)

Have Ss turn to Student Book pp I0-1 l Have them find

and name pictures of words that start with the b or p

sound (Answers: book, book bag, bug, blue, brown,

pencil, pencil case, purple, pen, pink.)


Draw a circle on the board, point to it and, say Draw a

circle Draw a square on the board, point to it and say

Draw a square Have Ss look at part B on Student Book


Point to the pencil case and askWhat's this? Elicit lrk a

petrcil case Say Draw a circle around each B and b Have

Ss draw circles Say Draw a square around each P and p

Have Ss draw squares Put Ss into pairs and have them

check each other's answers


Write B on the board Have Ss watch closely Ask

individual Ss to write B on the board Do the same for b, P

and p

Have Ss iook at part C on Student Book p 14 Show Ss

how to trace and write the letters on the staves Walk

around the classroom and check Ss' progress

@ ltter the book

Choose four Ss to write B, b, P and p on the board Point

to each ietter and have Ss say the sound Have Ss find and

point to items in the classroom of words that begin with

each sound Have Ss turn to the Alphabet Chart on


pp 82-83 in the Srudent Book and fiil in today's letters, b

and p

Mini-book Unit I (TR 4: Teacher's Guide p 37)

Fingers up (Teacher's Guide p 17)

Tongue twistersHave Ss repeat the following tongue ftvisters:

Ablue baok in abrownbookbag

A pink pencil in a purple pencil case.

Start slowly and gradually increase the pace

Activity Book p 12 can now be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 155.

Next lesson: IfSs did the optional activity Classroomitem: Make die (TR 3: Teacher's Guide p 36) in Lesson 4,

bring the dice to the next class Otherwise, prepare somedice in advance

Unit l Lesson 6 33

,:'m Lislen Point Chont.

Whol's Voui nome?

Im &! whoi's your nom€?

,^fi ry :2

ui, {Q no* o," yorr

rm $ wnols your nome?

hh /9 /*

x;,1S uo* or" you?

a"e.no""yo".)) l) tj Fine.rhonkyou * D t?

Trang 36

Classroom items (e.g book bag, pen, notebook, ruler),

Classroom item: Make a die (TR 3: Teacher's Guide

p.36), CD

O Before the book

Warm-up / review

Sing the Sing-a-grarn together Hold up a book bag, for

example, and ask I,Wratb this? Ehcit lt's a book bag Ask

What color?ElicilYellow, for example Do the same using

other classroom items

Practice it!

Put Ss into pairs and have them turn to Student Book

p 15 Ask a pair to demonstrate both dialogs Have S1 ask

What's tltis? and 52 answer /r's a pen Cor.timte with Sl

askingW?"at color? and 52 answering Blue Have

Classroom item: MaI<e a die (TR 3: Teacher's Guide p 36)

prepared in advance and hand out a die to each pair

Have Ss use their erasers as game markers and put them

on the Start space Have Ss take turns rolling the die and

moving their markers along the game board, asking and

answering each other's questions


Play CD track A26 Have Ss listen and point to the pictures

of Toni, Donny and Beth when they hear the names in the



Listen and point, Chant

Toni: I'mToni.Wltat'syour name?

Donny: I'm Donny (clap, clap)

Toni; Hi, Donny How areyou?

Doruty: Fine, thank you (clap, clap, clap)

Donny: I'm Donny.What's your name?

Beth: I'm Beth (clap, clap)

Donny: Hi, Beth How areyou?

Beth: Fine, thank )rou (clap, clap, clap)

PIay the CD again Have Ss chant along with the CD Put

Ss into pairs and have them chant using their own names,

@ Ater lhe book

Put Ss into pairs and have them ask and answer What's


Teach Ss how to reply with I don't know when they

can't answer the question

Activity Book p 13 can now be assigned for homework orused in class See answer key, Teacher's Guide p 156 Nowthat Ss have completed Unit 1, they can Eo to t}jle Reward!

page, Activity Book p 70 and color number I blue.Next lesson: Bring a family photo or picture to Lesson

1 of Unit 2 to introduce Ss to the vocabulary

34 Unit l, Lesson 6

Trang 38

Clossroom item: Moke o die

36 Unit l, Teocher Reproducible 3

Trang 39

Teache/s instructions See mini-book instructions on Teacher's Guide p 196.

Trang 40

@ ,o,n obout it! (vocobutory)


Ss can point to and name motlrcr, father, big sister,

big brotlrcr, Iittle siste1little brotlzeri grandntother

atd grandfather


Picture Cards 23-38, your family photo or picture, CD

O Before lhe book

Slrow Ss a family photo or picture Say This k myfantily

Today we're going to leatn about the fatni\,.

Hold up Picture Cards 3 L-38 Say the words and have

Ss repeat

38 Unit 2 Lesson

Have Ss turn to Student Book pp 16-17 and look at thepeople at the bottom of the pages Play CD track A27

Have Ss listen and point to the people

,4- Listen and point.

rnother (2x) ltnle sister (2x)

father (2x) Iittlebrother (2x)

bigbrother (2x) grandfather (2x)

Play CD track A28 Have Ss listen and repeat

@A- Listen and repeat.

(Sanu as aboue, but each word is said only once with apatue for Ss to repeat.)

Play CD trackA29 Have Ss listen and number the people

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2017, 07:33

