lVltetr tlre last \tuh'nl rlltlllcs a card, sttlp the Ss rt'pt'at tlrt'activity arll iry to contplt'lc all tlre rvords itt a sltortcr tirrrt'.. iivc orrc lralf rhe sttttlctrt rvith tllt'
Trang 2I'rrlrlislrctl ltt'
I.otrgrnittt Asla liljl'
2 / l: ( .or n\\'irll I lotts('
arrrl Associatetl Contpatrles througltout tlte world.
( t l\'rrrson lrtlttcnliott Asia t-inrited 2005
All r iglrls rlgtl; no l)ilrt ol'rlris ptrblicatiorr rnny l)c reprotlttcctl, storcd itl a retricvitl sysletrt, or tritlts.lttitlt'tl
irr ,,rrv lirrrrr rlr llv any u,*,,,',r, clecironic, rnecllilrticfll, llliotttcoPyirtg, recttrtlittg or tlthenvistt, rvilltrlttt llte 1tri.r
u'r ittcrr pcrtrtissiotr tlf tltc I'ttltlisltors.
l'rrlrlislrct : (.lu isticltttc llkltlgct
ivl ir r r rr11ir r1i I :tlitor: [rlaric \Vcltsttlr
l'r litor: llicltirt rl \Vlritllrcatl
I tt'ri13rct r: ltntko l:ttttitki,'litrrir: Ng
lllrr,.t t ;rtot l ltt't rttl \\trttg
I rrislr to r,\llr.(,ss trrt,tlrnrrks to ill),slu(lenls, wtl() lattS,ltt ttte tlvcrytltittg.l ltavc lcitrtrt'tl.itlrotll lll('lll, ltt lllv
rrr,tlrt,r, I lrir, rllrq irlrvir\,s k1i,rv I rv1;trltl rvrilc lt llook irtrtl rvltrtsc cllcotllilg()lllcllt l('(l lll('l(l ll\'.,\tttl ttrt'
lirlrtitrtrlo to l.r'slt'y', rvitltottt rvllolll tltis rvrlttltl l)ot lxl.
Alt'tla Krirttst'
\\r irirrli rr r ltilrlrt,n's (:orlrse is a tearrr cffort I rvotrltl likc to tlrirrrk all ol'tltc ctlitot's:rlltl iltt'r'ttlitr'.$tt/rt'r^irls
t(,;,, ilt l,r,;'s,lt l:tttrcaligrr frlr rpakilg tlte lcrv etlitigtr.11l Sr tlx,rKids a rtltlit\' I itlso rt'itttt lo lltltrtk ltl\'( ()'
;rrrtltlr, ,\lt.rlir Krirrrse, frlr lrer strpport'artrl cncottritgcttlcllt t,ilstly, t wallt ((, tltitttk lttY ltit'ttrl l t'slcv tlltrr
lr,'lit,r lrl irr ntr' I tlt'tlicitte tltis llotlk to tttl' tlttttltcr, lctvcl.
( irt'g ( iosstt
llcollle ltlr tlreir ctttt(rilltttitltl to tllt: ('()tlls(':
I lrr l'ttlrlisltlrs n'ottltl like
( lrr ist irrr' ( .ltoi
\lrirrir lri I ;ttutl';t
Nor iko \ilsltitt
to thank thc Ir;llorvirrgSttsittt llititttrritlgc I:krrcnciit (lltctt
Nlart' 1 lhrrkitt (.lro, litr"l lt't'
Alk'rr ( iiltttittt
I liroko K;tsltitttrltrt Kittt, Soo'Klcottll
'littr l.t'ott Kitortt Nitt itottti
Sottg, Nit"\tlttttli
I )ert'k \' lrtkt'tlit IrE
Niroko \\'ittrtttltllt' pub"srw't
fvllry rs l0 uss prPrr mtnufrcturcd
lrom rullrlnlbh lorrllt
Trang 3(lotr rse I)cscrilltirln
Corrrsc Goals
Activity llank
tlnit 1: StrnrmerVacation (incluclingTlls 1 and 2)
thit 2: Lost in tlawaii (includingTlls 3 ancl 4)
tlnit 3: Strnrnrer Camp in Canacla (including'l'lts 5 ancl 6)
Itecycle it! I (includingTRs 7 and B)
I)iscovcr it! l : Islands (inclucling'l'lls I anrl l0)
LJnit 4: On Safari in South Africa (includirrg l'Rs I I and l2)
tlnit 5: I{aving Fun at the Beach (incltrdingTRs 1.3 and l4)
tlnit ti: Setting tIp Canrp (includirrg'l'lts 15 ancl I6)
Itecycle it! 2 (includingTRs I7 ancl I t])
Discover it! 2: Camping Safety'fi1ts (incluclingl'lts 19 ancl 20)
[Init 7: A Scary Night (including'l'lls 2] ancl 22)
tJnit tl: Ilack l{ome (incluclingl'lts 2lt and 24)
tlnit 9: School Starts Soon (including'l'lts 25 ancl2G)
Discover it! 3: Iinclangerecl Aninrals (inclucling'l'Rs 2g ancl 30)
Ctrltrrrc I : Adverrttrre Sports (inclrrding"f R 3l )
Crrlttrre 2: International Foocls (incltrding'lR 32)
Ilcrvir rtls
(lert i l'icate of Cornpletion
r\ctivit1, Iltl6k Attswer Kcy
Page l3 Page 22
Trang 4lbrJur )q;r L/H}S! lp_|,!ur I
Sll,,'r Air/r is rr rir lr'r r'l ('(llu s(' [rtr t'letttt'ttlnt'\' scltotll
clrilrlrr,rr lt';rttrirrg I'rrglislr it,i it lrrtreigtt l.rttrgttltge (lilrl.).
.Slrrr'rAir/' ir lrlrrlrl ott lltc follorvirtg plrikrsoplries
Voriely ol melhods
1,vo or rr p;rr l it trl;rt l:rrlilislr lcnclri trli tttcl l rotloltlgt' rvot ks
llllrr)il( lrt'.:ttl rrrctl I)elailrtl sttggestiorts are lrrovitll'tl ilt
(';rr lr lr,ruorr 1rl;rn, Apprr;tt'ltt's ttst'tl ittclrrtle'lirtal I'lrYsical
Ir;rr r, lrtcn l)ro\ ('n sttct'r'sslitl n'itlt r:ltiltlren
Conlexluol leorning
I rrrrlirr;r1,,r,is itttrorlttct'tl cotlttxttlitlly arttl itl cittcgorics
( lrilrlrlrr rrrc ulrlc trt lt'itttt ittttl rctttt'llllrt'r rclittt'tl
lrir rrlrrrl;rr\', sirtrillc rlillolls ittr(l stttlcttll{'s Ill{}ro rr'ltlilf il
tlrtrrrls lutrl sitttitlirltts frottt t'lriltlrctt's livcs arc ttsetl itt
ortllr lo tn:tkl lltc llt'ik of k';tl tritlg I:rrglislr trtorr'
irrtlr lstirrg irttrl lt'ss itrlirrritlltittg.
Lislening lirsl
l\l;rnt t'lriltlrett sttrrlving in lil;1 sitrratiotts tltt ltrlt ltcar
spoLlrr l:rrglislr otttsirle lltc t'lussr<lttttt atttl ltltve tltt otltcr
Irrsr'[or tlr0ir attctttgrt!i to conlltltlt'licatc itr lirrglislr lrt
.srr1r,'r f,ir/s, r'lrilrlrctt lte ar ittttl respotttl to lattgttitge
tllr'\' lislon tlterr speak.'l'lre (ll)s give tttitxitlttttll cxl)ostlre
to tr;rlivc rpt'lrkr'r cornlx't(:ttcc,
Speoking needs proclice
(.lriltlrr.rr llrrrn to spcnk l:rrglislr lt1'slrfirrg iltirrgs tltcy
llanl Iu r:tv itt tttt';ttlitrglill corrtrxts ,\rr2r'r(irls ptovitlt's
a( tivi(i('\ rrtrtl p,:ttttt's lltal ettcttttrage cltiltlrcrt to sl)cak otlt
slillr ol listt'rrirr1i splirkirrg, rtrttlirrg antl rlr itirrg rvitlr citclt
sl.ill lorrrr:rllt' inlrorlttct'tl atttl tltt'tt prttcticctl.'l ltc
ll,'lnrl r,\1tr'('tin1i clrilrlrr'rr lo sllt'ak or cotttltlt'tt'lt task
( lrilrlrt'n ltt'l lt'ss llrrr.'ltctttrl ittttl nrrtrt: sttct'esslttl tvltctt
ll l;1t,,,,,
rr itlr ntu' ltttlittitgt' ttr ctttttPlctirtg titsks in tlris
Roview snd lecycling
lrr I I I .'itrr:rtions, rr'\ictv ol l;trrgtrirly'is vt'rf itttltorlitttt.
Ilrl l:urrirrrllr'irr.\trpr'r(lrl.s is cirrclrrll.v t'et:1'clt:tl tvitltirr
:r lroritirr, rrtliitrrlt trrrvitttls leitrttitrg lirrglislr
i{ i ;*$,1 :,ii':lrr
Components Sludenl Book
l A stolvlitrc rvitlr frttrrililr t'ltttt ltt lt't s l(] stiltlttlilt(' sttttlcttt itttcrt'st ltttrl lo pttrvitlt' it cr'ltst' ol t'trtltilltlitl'.
.1.'l lrce llecl'clc it! trrtits to r('illl()l( (' ittttl crltittltl otlprcviousll' titrrglrt lirrrlittrtlit'
'l''llrrt'r'l)iscrlvt'rit!rrrrilstttitttt.tlttt't'tt,ss t'ttrtitttllttto1rics
5.'lu'o rlotrhlr'-1tir11' tlttlttrrl ttttils to illllu(ltl( (' tlilllrcrrt
7 l'ictoliirl lt:rttts tltt t'itt'lt ltitgc trr itlr'trlilr lltt'lot tts rrl lltt'
so clriltlrctt catt itctlttirtl tlte stttltltls tttott' t';tsil\' ;tttrl
Student Book 6
rurrtlcrstatttl ltassagt's itt
Irrrlilislr.'l ltr'f itrc itlstl
lrlrlr to litkc llitrt itt
corrvt'rslttiotts, itskitrg,
irrrsrlt'rirrg arrtl rrtakittg
tlrcrnsclvts attrl otltcrs
(llriltlrot lt'artt to rvritc
lrr tlrrit I, tlre Srrpt't Kirls rttt trrlkirrli ttlrotlt rllttrt' lltt'\
arrrl'lotri ;trt' goittg to I llrrtitii (.llrrck lclls Ilt'tll tllrtt lrt'
ltook trrakitrli lt'lrrttitrli cttiol lllrll llrttl st itttttl;rl ittli'
Ittrrr:tiotutl tlillrrlls tltilt ilt(' ttst'lttl itt rllrilt' Iilt''
Trang 5|)iscor'cr it! rrnits
7 llrrr vor';rlrrrlary,, r.t'irrlirrgs arrrl lislr',trirrg itctivitios ip tllo
crrsstvortl itttrl rvorilscarclr glttzzlcs
llr't'r't lt itl lrrtl
I)isr'ovt,r it! rrnit arrrl olto l)ilgo lilr ear:lr Crrltrrrt: rrnit
ur.ll ls irrrollrt'r' itctivily to,pltrctit.c rcirtlirrg itrrrl rvritirrg
Activity Book CD
l r\ll iltc irrstlrrcliotrs n('('cssilr),to corrrlllcte thc listcrrirrg
3 lrrslrrrcliorrs lirllorvt,rl lr1, :r Dr,l/ s<turrrl sigrritlirrg rvlrt:rr
tlrt' (.1) slrorrltl llc purrsr:tl so clrildre n ciul conlplcte f lrc
ir l'lrolot opiirlrlt' strpplr,rrrlrriirry lt:livitics.
lvlrilc the other sirle shrlrvs llte
cartl lirr caclr vocallrrlnry itenr
'l'lrcrc is also onc cartl [or caclr
I)ictrrrr: (larrls carr hc rrsed to le.tch
itnrl rcvicrv urcirlrrrlirry rvorrls as
I)etailerl suggestirtrrs on Irorv trl rrsetltc t:arrls arr: grrovitlerl irr t:lclr
krsson yrltrr
Student Book 6 unit description
Tolk obout il!
(Vocobulory, lunclionol dlologs, grommor dlolog)
ljaclr rrnit opcns rvith l rlorrhlc-1tagc sprcart slrrxvirrg tlrt,
lirllorvirrg irr un illtrs{r'ltctl corrlr:xl:
illrrstralerl sccnrls (sevcral scenr!s irr Urrit 71.
2 Onc lirrrctiorral dinlog, one vocabrrlarl, srrbstilrrriorr
rliirlog irrrrl orrc rt'vicw srrllstitrrtion rlialog
.1 'l'lrc ultit's t.rrget grat)ltnar rlialog urrtlirrr:tl irr n:il
.1 Ntrrnlrcrctl tlialogs so tltirt Ss rvill krrrnv u,lriclr t[illog ro
lcarr r irrg
7 A lritklcrr trrrtlc for Ss to l'irrrl
(icneral tcaching mctIl0d
'l'ltcrc is ()trr: l)iciilt'c (lurrl
l llsc l)ictrrrc (llr<ls, rt'irl rrbjct.ts or piclrtrt,s lo tlrr
voeltrtrlirry itcrrts rrrrrlt:r tlrc tttitirt sccncti I lolrl rrll rrrrl
2 IIavc Ss ollclt tlrcir llooks:
vocllrtrlury itcrtr rrrrrlur tlrc ntairt ri(:cncs
ll I'lly tlre ( ll ) uguin l llvc ss listcrr arrrl re pt,lillrrl ircrrrr
c l!lir1, tlrc rrcxt track or) lhc (ll) llave Ss listcrr, lirrtl
tlrc rvorrls arrrl rvrite tlrc rrtrrrrllcrs irt tltc lttlrls.
tltc rrtairt riccnt:s Nuntc itctrrs irt rlrrrlotrr oltlcr I lavtr 5s
point to tlrc t:orrt:sporrrlirrg ilcrrrs irr llrc nr;rirr s(.(,trcs.
Course Descriplion :l
Trang 6l l r r t r otl ttcc tlrr-' tlilkrgs its strggr:stctl irt tltt''li'itelrcr's
( irr irlr'
L llrrvt'Ss oltctt tlttir llooks:
lr l'llv tlrt'(ll) tlttvt'Ss listetr ttl tlte story lttltl prtittl trr
tlrr'pcoplt'or ohit'cls itt lltc tttaitl scellt's as tlteY are
ilr('ilti(,ltc(l l lre storl'lrclps to reirtforcc tlle
r'ot'ltlrttlitry lttttl prtrvitltl a cotllt'xl [or it'
tltt tlilklg ntttl poittl lo lll('('llilrit('lcrs tvlttl itrc
spt'rkitrg, atttl tlrcrl rept'al tltc tlilrklg
.1 I'r;tr.lit:t': l)ivitle the clitss itlto grottl)s or pairs I lavt:
liroul)s A antl ll (or Sl irtrrl S1l) sily itlttlrtlltttt lillcs oI tlre
rlialog Illve Ss cltattge roles
Soy il! (Revlew recycled vocobulory)
lrrrilt rrlron arttl cxpatttlctl lrotlt a sirrrilar tlialog tirtrrrrl irl ir
Itt'r'iottc lt'r't'1
srrlrstiltttitttr tlirtlog lrottt llte previrltts lessott
llvtls [or sttlrsiitrttirttt ittto llte'tliirltlg pltts a
pcrsorurlizltiott opliott itl ench tttrit
(icneral teacltllrg tllelllod
I ) i n kt g n nd rtcycled wtcab u krY
I Ik'r'ilrv tlro tlialog its sttggestetl irr tltc'l'eat:lrer's (itritlc.
.1 tl,rlrnss ol)ctt lltcir llooks:
lr l'rrt Ss itrto ltitirs atttl ltavt'tltt'ttt practice tlle tlialog
(,ltuttl -tt-g,trtttt
I lrir ir rr sltot t grattttttttr t'llltttl tllticlt itrttotlttct's tltt'
lr3llnlnrilr lroitrt itr citclt tltlit Ss catl ltear, tltttlerstlttttl lttltl
\s slrotrltl ortly bc ittlrorlttcctl t<t tlre cltalrt itr this
It,rson lt scrvt's its a prtvicrv oI tlte grattttttar lloitlt to bc
tlt't;ril irr lltt' ttt'xl lt:ssott
I Irrlrrrrlttct' tlrt' (,ltartl-a-grurr ils stlSScst(](l ill (llc
I r,:rr lrcr's ( irrirlr'
.1 l'l;rv tlrt'(.1 ) I lirve Ss listett
t l'lrrr tlrr'(,1 ) rrgititt atttl lravtr Ss follorv al<lrrg rvitlr (he
lli( tur(,('irtrls of llte itettts irt tlte cltattt atttl llave Ss
\s slrottlrl n()l cllilttl itt lltis lttssott
Build il! lcrommorl
( ir un ur rar is pract icotl irr t lte forrrl oI siiltellletlts, <lialrtgs arrtl
qrrl r,;l itrttiott t'xt'rt'ises trsirtll illtrstlatiotls
I I I lrt slrtlt'ttt('ttl Ii)rllls of tltt'trrrit's grattllttitr poittt
lir,.:, rifrliolr
(ieneral teaclrlng ttlelllo(l
L ltrtrotlttcc llttl grattttttltr slill('lll('llls I ltrkl rtp tlrr'
Ii(:ttlt('(llrltl rll tltc voeitlrttllttf il('lll tr) lrt tnlrl itt lltr'
sliltclllcltt Say tlre still{'ltl('tll l litvc Sr tt'1rr':tt
2 ltttrotlttce tltc grattltttlrr tlialolls:
a I loltl ttp tltc l'ictttrt'()ltttl ol lltt'r'ot ltlrtll:rrv ilt'ttt lrrItc ttsctl itt tltc tlttestiott'
lr Ask a t;ttt'stiott, e.g llorl' lottg tlttts it |,lkt lo 14r'l ltt llarurtii? I Iitve Ss [cl)cilt
rl l)ivitle tltc class ittltt two llloLll)s.
c I loltl ttlt I)iclttrc Cartls rlttc ill l! tilll(' I lltr t' 11t'rttlr'\
c l'lay the CI) [or part I], Ilirrc Ss listt'tr ;ttttl rt'1tt'rtt'
cl Ilavc Ss tkr tltc lltrec tlr ft)llI I i.s,(',r 'lsL.' rlrtstttt
o l'lay the Cl) atttl tkl tlrq listt'rrirrg t'tt'tt is* irt P:rrt (i'
llc cottsistettt lvitlt ttlttttritl sp0kItt l:rrlilisll
2 l'lay tlrc (.1) I lave Ss listcrr'
ll l)ivitlo Ss illto pitirs or 8[otll]r ltt eltllttl tliIlt'tt'ttl P;rrtr
cin listen io atttl repett tltc pltottit's sottttrls, ittttl ltrlrctict'
Trang 7I)ronunciallon tallle
'l Irc lillknvitrg syrnbols arc rrserl to inrlicatc thc
protrrrrrciation of tlre plrorrics sorrrrrls irrtrorlrrcerl in tht:
l Write tlre lettcrs of one of tlre target phonics solrntls rlrsllellings otr the boar(1
2. Slr<xv Ss tlre l)lronics (larrls of rvrlrtls rvilh llral plrorrit.s
targct lllrorrics s<nrntl I lave Ss listcn Ask Ss rvlrit:lr
sotrttrl is thc sarrre llave Ss answcr
lntrotlrrcc llrc olltcr targut plronics soru.rrls or sprllirrgs
irr the sarne rvay
to tlrun irt rantlotn ortler arrrl ltavc Ss nalllc tllrnl.
Ilave Ss ol)cn their hooks atrrl look at part A:
b I'}lay tlrc sarne track 0rr thc Ol) Ilave Ss liste n ilrrrlr(jpcat
(i Ilave Ss look ilt the l)ox of revicrv rvorrls I lave Ss rrarrrt,
7 l)racticc: Ilave Ss finrl alrtl nanlc I)iclllr.(:s of rvrlrrls irt
rvitlr le tte rs of plronics sutrntls lly referrirrg to grirrt ;\
as a worrl bank lr{orc arlvatrccrt Ss t'an cove t ltl) l)ilrl
eacll sctttcnctt
tll0 (:orrccl pictrrre
Proclice it!
'l'his scctiorr contains a listening,
.rctivity iirrrl a (ask-hase tl sltcakirrg activily for puiri or
groul)s.'l'hesc activitics are <lesigrtcrl to alknv Ss to rrsr: tlre
lattgrragt r '' ,y havc lcarrrt:rl
I'ractice lt!
l llave Ss opcn their books arrrl look at lhc ,rrrcri(.(? irlPage
conrpletc tltesc activitics inrlividrrally
the l)ottonl 0[ tlrc glagc I lave Ss cornple te tlrc at:tivity
ilr lltrirs or Hroul)s
Recycle il! 6nevtew ot three unlts) Allcr ovcly tltree urrits; tlrsrr: ls a llucyclc lt! rrrrit rvlrir:lr
story itn(l rcvicrv cxcrci$cs
Course Description 5
Trang 8L lltvir'rv tltrt tlilkrgs ntttl vot:itltttlnry filtrtttl itl tlte story,
ll, Illve Ss oltott lltt'ir books to llle sl(,ry scctitltl and lorlk
irt llitrt A,
t lllvicrl lltt'cltar;tclers ntttl ilcttts itt tlrtt pictttrcs'
r rrr rr,rlrotrtlinB l)lcttllcS
fi, l'l;rv llrr' .irtttu' ttit('k ()ll tlrr'(ll)' I lavc Ss listetr artd
t; l'ut S.i into pitirs or sttttrll grollps ntttl llavc'tltcttl
7 I lrrrc vttltttttt'ct gr(,tll)s lrerlilrttt tllo story irr llont oI thc
I k, t, i t t t, {'J{'rt:is g.s
l I lirre intlivitlrral Ss rcatl the cliakrgs irl ptrt A agititt'
ll Ilirre Ss oltt'tt tltcir botlks to ilte rcvieu't'xt'rcises atl<l
tlrr itttstvt'rs
I lrrr 0 Ss look itl l,ilrt C
I Irrvr irrtlivirltrnl Ss rearl tlle rvtlrtls in tlle llox
l'lirv thc (ll) llave Ss listerr alrd fill in the trlanks rvith
I Irrtrorlttct' tltt'r'ttcitllttl;ttY itr'ttts rvitlt pictttrcs (tltere art:
n(l l)i('turr'( iittrls [0r tltcse itcrrts)
l', I lrrr r, Ss oltctt tltcir lrooks atttl ltlok at l)ilrt n '
.1, l'lly tltr'(ll) llltvc Ss listen artd prlittl to tlle llictttres.
l I'lav tlre (ll ) agairr I Iave Ss listen and repeat
5 I'liry tlte ttcxl ltltck ott lllc Cl)' Ilavc Ss listcn to tlrc
t citrlittg
L Ilrrvt,ss look rtl llitrt ll
ll I'll1'tlrr'(ll) llave Ss listen to tllc qttcstitltts irrttl lvritc
tlrr.:tttsn'crs by rcfcrrirrg to tlle rcaclirtgs irr part A
.t ('lrlck tlte itttsrvcrs itri n rtltole'clirss aclivity
Crosstt ottl lntzzle
ll I llrvt'Ss litrd tlte itttsrvcrs itr llte rcatlirtgs
crrtrtplclt' tlrt' ptrzzle
irrturttali<tttitl Iilorls t:ttioyetl lty clriltlrctr itrotttltl lllc rvotltl
l:irclt ttrrit llrovitlt's ittt oltlrttllttttity lirl frrttlrlr ('olll('ltl'
seriotts lcsstttts
(ienernl teaclrlng ttlellto(l
IntroductiorrIttfrodttce tlte atlvcttlttre sl)orl ot illtt'rllitti()tlitl firorl itt Ss'
nirtivc litttgtllgrl, if 1t<lssiblo N(ll('\ :tlrrrttl lltt'ntlvt'ltltttr'
sl)orl or itttt'rttatirlltal fttott art'irlcltttlrtl itt lltl lt'rsrrtt
i rrturnatiotral fttod
l ltttrotlttcc tltc vtlcitltttlitry itollls tlillt \rtttt orr'tr
lticlttrcs, or ttse tlte pictttrt's irt tltc Strrrlcrrt llooL )iott's allout tlrc vtlcrllulary ltrc ittcltttlt'tl itt tltt lt'rsott pl;tttt'
vtlcittlttlary itcttt tttttler lltt tttititt \('('ll('\'
b l'lay tlro(ll) agairr llave Ss lisletl lltrtl l('lt(';rl lllt'
Ss fintl atttl poittt to lhe itt'trts itt lllt'lttlritt \('('ll('sl] l)ractice tlte vocabtrlar)'ittlttts rtillt lt llitllrr'oI il( ti\ it\'"
Activity Book
l-U of tltc Strrtlctlt llortk llvo lrltgt's for r':tt'll llt't'vt lo itl
'l'lte [irst t'xercist'ott t'itt'lt ltitlit'oI lltt' ttl:titt trtrils is a
listcrrlttg excrcise.'l lrt'sr,t.0rrtl t.rt'rt isr, l(,( u\('\ olt lr'ltllitt1l,
Certeral tcitcltlltg lttetltott
2 Illvc Ss looh itl t'tt'tt ist' r\:
a l'lir1'tlrc (ll) I litvt'Ss listt'rr ltttl ftrllorr itlottg ilr tlrt'ir
Trang 9a l)cnronstrltc hurv to tlo tlre activity
ll (iive Ss tirrre to corrrplcto tlre activity.
c (lhcck Ss' irltsrvc'r$ anrl crlrrect rvltcre necessary
aftcr cxplairring to Ss hrlrv to do the exerciscs in class
r\lterrrativell,, tlo cxe rcisc A in class ancl assign cxcn:ise
ll lirr lrorncrvork, rlr vir:c vcrsa
Iluve Ss color tlrc apllropriatc spilccs on tlle /k,ll,nrll
clt'lr rrrrit I lavc Ss rrsc thc color inrlicatcd in tlrc
r\ctivitl' llook litr tltirt rrrrit
Activity llrok clreck' (5-7 tuirrrrtcs)Irri rotlrrcc antl llractice
Activity llook assigunre nt (s 7 tnirrrrtt.s)
Course timing ond schedule
Suggested timing lor one lesson plon
70 classcs per ye&r
" Assigrr lronrcrvork ulir:r t:r,cry ollrcr cllss arrrl tlrr:
30-minute class
Activity llook clreck (li lrtirrrrtr:s)
Introtlrrce and practice
nctivity Ilook assigrrnrcnt' (5 rttirtulcs)
1) rrniis x (i cltrsscs e aclr li.l t'litssls
3 I)iscovcr itl rrnits x 2 classes eactr (i cllrsst,s
2 (lrrlture rrrrits x 2 classes caclr .l t'litssts
5[] classcs pcr ycar
ll I)iscover itl rrrrits x I class
2 (ltrltrrlc rrnits x 2 t'lasses cuch
47 clusscs 1)cr ycar
1l units x.l classes circlr .l{i t'litsrt'r
2 Ortllrlrc rrrrits x I cltrss t' ll t'litssls
Course Descrrption 7
Trang 10Suggesled scheduling lor one unil
(i classes per urrlt (70 classes per year)
( i I rt,ic l'ng,c tltlc ln clsss Actlvlty llook
:l Say il! llrvicrv prevlous lcssorr'.s levicrv srrhsllttttiott tlinkrg l)ritelicc tlilkrg tritlt
srrbstittrtion excrcises, ttsittg vrtcallttlitry rccycletl frrtttt prcviotts lt'vel'i
Irrtrrlrluce tlre Clrattt-a- grarrt
grnnillrar StAtenletrt antl tlialog rvith stthstittrtitttt ttxt'rcises.'li'aclr lrrttl
llrriltl itl
5 Itcld it! llcvierv previuus urtit's phortics sottttds.'l'each ancl l)r.lcllc(' tttttr' ltllottit's
lk'ltl it!
(i I'roctice it! llevierv thc unit'.s grotlllror statcgletlt arltl dialqg l)o lltc titsk.hitstrtl
llrirctice llevierv tlte unit.
5 chsses per unlt (58 classes pcr yeor)
l)o lltc Oltalt-a-grartt ltttrgtlttct lltg grattttttitr stillt'lllctll ittttl tlilrhrli
Slv it
Ituild ir!/
llt'ird it!
llrriltl itl
5 llt.nd it! /
l)ractice Ilevierv the urtit
Itr,lrl it! /
l'rnt'licu il!
4 clusses per unlt (47 classes per year)
llcvierv lrrevitttts lcsstttt's vocnlltrlitly.'l'each atrtl l)rilcti(:o tlinlogs
'lalk ahout it!
l)rilcti(:0 Ilcvicl tltc uttit.
lk:ad it! /
l'racticr it!
8 Corrrse Descriplion
Trang 11Lesson plonning
Explonolion of lesson plons in lhe
Teocher's Guide
tinre-sonrclhing tlte btrsy te aclre r of chiklrcn olten has too littlc
ol'.'l he lr:ssorr pl:rrrs in tlrc'l'caclrcr's (irri<lc have llce rr
tlcsignctl to ltelp thr: tr:aclrcr covcr all the nraterial in
llllrrnirrg A brie t look at tlrc Activiry llank before class will
oltt:rr givt:1'otr that one r:xtro irlca tlrat ltoosts an average
rlivitletl irrto tlre lirllorving sectiorrs
Wtrm-trp / revicrv
liat'lr lt:ssorr llcl;ins rvitlr it hrn wilrnl-ul) irr rlrtlcr to revir.rrv
rrratcrial prcviorrsly le arrrcrl anil rnotivale Ss io trsc
ite rrrs l'roltr llte previorrs less<lrr or fronr tlte previorrs rrnit
Activity llook (chcck honrcwork)
Sy stt'rlntic rt:r,it:rv is k(ly io lhc rclcnlion of rrt:rv lartgrurgc
litrrtlrrr rcvierv oI the ltreviorrs class' lrratcrial is brrilt irrto
tlrr lcssorr in tltc lirrrrr of tlte lrorrrervurk clrcck
rvitlrorrt the airl ol'thc Irook.'l.hc lircrrs is <trr thc leaclrc'r,
trrc l)ictrrrr: (llrrls or rt:ll olrjr.cts lo irrtrorlrrce tlrc
tvlrilt.listt,rrirrH t() tll(,(ll) irrr,provirlcrl irr clclr lt:ssorr lllitrr
Al'lcr thc lrook
Itra(tit f is t:ssctrtitrl il Ss flr'e to iiltcrrralizc tlre trcw
either as part ofeach lcsson or in place ofsrrggestetl
activities.'l'his section usually sugge sls tasks or aclivirir:sfilr practice i
Actlvity Book
Materials for the next lesson
of the optional activities in thc ucxt lessot'r, tlrr: tcil(:ltrjr i:,
intbrnrctl aheacl of tinre to lrring / pre parc thcse frlr rlrcn(.xt l0ssotr
Trang 12I krrv krttg rkres il titli(' l{} 1it't to I lartaii? /
It takcs 7 ltrtttrs hy lrlltttc
Sltc'.s sltortrr lltittt ritt' / \li.'I('\'l,tlllll('t lltlttt tllt'tlt
ls slrc talkrr tluut vott? / No, slte's llol Sll('s
Arc yrtt )outtB('r lltittt tltlttt? / Ntt, rltJle ttol
Wc'rc oltler llt:ttt llrctrt / \i's, rtc itte
I litve 1'rttt ('\'cr Sotto t itttrtt'ittlir / N, I ll.rtltr't /
cvcrv rvcekutttl
I klrv o[tctr tltl 1'tttt go strrlilrg? / l:r't'rt rtct'l*r'tttl
I ltnv oftcn doci slrc go srrl lirrg? / l:r t't v rr t'clctttl
I l",r,L;|,,tif c,,r,l J 1 l"rei Itt rl,' dlTl",.' r- ;
Ilorvnruch colIl is tlltro? / llttrt"s ll lol I Ihcrr.'s ;r littlt'
I knv ntany rnarshntltllotrs atc lll('10? | I ltt'rt lrr: ;t ft'rr I 'l lrcrc are a lot.
I screartted llccattsc I stt'1lpt'tl (lrl sl)ltl('lllilt8
llte scltool hitttrl
'lbpic and vocabulary
(irlrrtl Onrrl'ort, thc (ircat llnrricr llt't'1, stllltlller
lJrrit and titlc
t0l), toilst, toilstcr ovell
'llpes of ltalrl straiglrt trlirck hair, Iottg bkrtttl hitir,
curly rctl ltair, short hrtlrvtr hair
we/trs, thoy/lltcrrt
l'ast-icnse cnnrplng acllvltles: gottt' cittttrt:itlg,
trratle tt cltrtlllirc, slcllt irr t lcttt, ttsctl it collll)itss,
sunscrccn, lrttg sprity
lrttnrpbnt:k rvhalt', l'lrr:ilic Oct'alt' islirrttl, sltip,
Sulerlatlve atlit'ctlves u.ltlr -c.t frieptllv/lr icntlliest,
Supcrlath e arlicctlvcs rvltlt "tltost": lllosl lx)isollotlssnike, ttt,,tt lrtiarrtiltrl l)ir(1, llt()\t col()rlrrl lizitrd, tttost irrtelliqcrrt attintnl, ttrost tl
sailing, rvitttlsttrlittg
lveek, cvcry rveckctttl, tlvice a ttrotttlt
the hlckpru'k, turtt otr tltc latttcrtr, ttrrrr oll thc {lashlightQuantltlos o[ food: a lot o[ cortt, a lot o[ potato salitd, a
Ilevl$v of tlnlts 4-6sting, stirtgcr, skltt, retl lltttttp, poisolt, t'ltltsc, slttcll,
Scnry crcutttrcs: ttat, cockrttitclt, cotrrit, ttttrstlttito,
-Vncntlon acllvltlos: g(! lo slttlttttcr ctrrlrlr, visit firrttilli
set: wiltl anitttals, go lriking, go lxrrsclrnck ritlilrgSclrool clubs: scltool lrattd, clteerlcatlitlg teattt,
till ovcr, tlo ltrtrtgrs, sttorvltoitrtl' lrirrtlirrg, lritrnsailcallol)y
Trang 13t-il
Vocabulary substitution dialog Revierv substitution dialog Functional dialog Phonics
strrrrrrrcr? / lin going lo go to Soutlt
Aliit a / lle alll,?
l( rvits grcirt / Wlrat rlirl yorr
rlo there? / I clirnbcd a
volcano / \{rlrv!
otv: flotvcrs, lltrtrvtt, crlrls
sister / \\'lrat rkres slrc look like? /
Sltc lrirs stritigltt lrlirt'li, lutir lrrrl
\Vlrat'.s lrcr rranre'l /'lirni
'l'- shirt
I li, Arrnt lr'lary I li, t lnt:le
/ lt's 1;oorl to sec yorr aguin
cr: shotrltlcr,sllnnl(.[,
sornu ltclll? / Srrrc, tlranks,
rlt: lcrrl, clt.plrilnt,l)rcscllls
pl; sl(:l)t, cnrlrl, s\\,r.1)t
\Ve sure arc! Is it dapgcrorrs? /
stily in thc i(jcp
ey trtorrLcl,, lot:1i rrtottr.\
y: Sartrly,lrrrrrgrl,,
I t'1's st:t up tlte r:arrrglsitc / \\'lritt tkr
tvc lrlvt: to r!r? / l)it k rrp lltu rocks
"l lrcrr lrrrt up tltc tctrt
\Vhich tkr you like betrer, srrrfing
or sturrkclirrg? / Srrrling is lirrr,brrt I like snorkcling br:ttcr / I
like lrotlr srrrl}rg arul srro]l1|][
\Vlrat'.s tlte nlitttcr? / I lravc anciu'rrr:lre / Why rlrln;t yorr go
lic tknvrr? / I thirrk I rvill
clrufrrl l)on't lorrclr thc
/ OK, llrt corrre lrat k at l-r:ll0
I lrt'lrtl it, too I)o 1,ou tlrink it's a
bat? I I <lon't rlrink so I l'll go klok,
/ IUe, too / \Vlre rc's tltc
I ltearl a noise / \\/lrat kirrd
ol noisc? / It sorrrrdcrl lik: an
oi: rtoisc, ririri, prrirrrcrl
{)yi toy, ho1', snl,slrrll
l)irl you lravu a gootl vit('ittion?
tvits lltr: rvctrlltur tlrt|lt:? / ( lrt,ilt,
eit: itl:1, Korea
Arc y'rrrr going to irrirr tlre sr.ltool
lr;rrrtl? / I'rn nol srrrc vt't I lligllt. \Vlto's tlrc
/ N{r I}llck I'r,e lrulrrl lro's llre
/'l'lral s cxcitirrg! / \'ealr, it ls.
Syllobus I I
Trang 14o lleatl atttl sat'tlte
as tltc trtt:rliitl rrr firtll
sotttttls of tvrtrtls,
incltttlirrg fitral - s
o \Ylitc llreir orvtt
r \\'rite kcy rrottls
o l:ill in l('llcrs lo t'olrtltlctt' rlttrtls
l.lstenlng l.tvel
r llepeat sintple stittcltlcllls,questions antl ansrvers
lettcrs as thc first lttters oI
of rvords)
aftcr listening
r (llroose tlrt corrt'cl l)icltlrc
rtlrile lislcrriltg to rvorcls arrtl
slructtlres atxl vocallttlnrY
l.isten to words autl ide rltily
llres0illc(l ils lllc lilsl lctter
oI rvrlrtls)
r Ask ntttl otlswcr rlttt'stiotrsallout tlretnsclves itttdothers
vo<:abtt la ry ftt nc t iot tal
l.isten to rvorrls arrd idetrtify
tlte souttds of Itlost lettcrs
as tlte nrrtlial rtr fitt:rl
o (llroose a pictttrrr or rvord
a[ter listenirtg to sl0telllellts
llcarl and rttttlerstittttl
conlnlon cottsottattt atrcl
vorvcl blerrds
r (llroosc )'cs trr iro fltlsrvers
r \Vritu ttttsw(trs l(,
(presliotls al)(rttlsltort passages
r 'lirkc part in diakrgs,
conlrnon lllcrrrls,diplrtlrongs, trttl irritial
listclling trl tlinltlgs antl
slrort passages
nrcssagtis atrtlpostcards
r (lrcate sinrple rolc-plitvs
Trang 1510 Say it! l.otro
22 (iet tlrern all
32 lVrire ir arxl circlc irl ltelay
Tolk obout it! {Dlotosst /
Soy it!
I ligh tlralrra
llcad lny lipslkrlc-play
Stop tlre sloprvatclr
\Vllo saitl ir?
74 Write it! Ilelay
Proctice it! / Recycle it!
tll Mirrre it! ltclay
tl2 No Sorry ((io l'islr)
tl:J, Old nraid
l|4, C)pposltes
tls, I)arrots
t|(i, lloll it two tirrres
l0B What I learned roday
Trang 16Note:'lir rnlrkt' irclivities ttsitlg
l lleat tlte tltrte
l'ilt l'i('tttrt'(lartls fo lle revietved ott
tlrc lroltrtl (rvitlr the picltrrc sitlcs
slrortirrlil I l:rvt'Ss statltl itl a citcltr'
lirst lrtrtl rirr tlre bttard, S2 ttitltte tltc '
clrtls if tl('ccssary lVltetr tlre last
\tu(h'nl rlltlllcs a card, sttlp the
Ss rt'pt'at tlrt'activity arl(l iry to
contplt'lc all tlre rvords itt a sltortcr
2 I)rarv tlte cat
I )ir itlt' lhc cll:is itlto stttall grortlts'
Irt'ltl, lrorlf irrrtl legs of a cal (tttl otlttlr
It'lttttcs) ort tlte lltlnrtl.'l llett shorv a
Ii('lute (lrrrtl ttl be revict'-ctl to oll Sls'
lrr.lirst strtrlt'ttt lo llittlle tlle cartl
,lrlltl)'s clt lI I ls lltrotvtt, Sl tlrarvs att
rr lri,,lt'rs: 5, it rtlrtrttlt; ti, a tail'
('onl itlttt' itt lllt' sitttlt' rvay rvitll llrr:
(ltlr('r citr(ls A cat catt only lravc 2
tr t's ittttl 2 citrs ll u Erotll) tllro\vs tllc
,irtt,' tttrtttlrt'r agairr, thcy eatr'l drarv
iillrllrillll ( irottlts try to be first itl
corttlrlllt' tlrcir r:itt'
l| I:irrtl lt, srvat lt and say ltl
l'llr'r' | 0 l() 2{) lti( ltlr(} (lnrtls to bc
rr,vicn't'tl ott lltt'lalllc or flotlr (rvitlt
11;rtl rcr ;tt otttttl lllt' citrtts Sal' ottc tlf
,1,,'1q sir)' tlrc cttrl.'l lrc first lturrtl
rlorrrt rvitts tltc citrtl tlsirrg fly
\\!:rll('rs irtstcad 0f harltls ittcreuses
tlrc ltttt lrr lnrge cla$sos, divitlc Ss
\('l r,I ll('(ltl('t"rl l)lclttre (inrtls pcr
4 (iucss itt
I )ivitlr ss iltto gtrlttp A atttl grottp ll
lrrrl lirtvc tlrtrrt litte ttp itt trvo littcrs itt
Irortl oI lltt'lloittrl l'ttt l)ictttrrl (]arrls
llrt' llit'tttrt' sitlcs ltitltlctr) (ilver tlte
r,,,,,1r,,,, tlle' l)icturt: (lards with
' , ;t, [r,ttrl,
correct or ittcrlrrtlct IIavr: Sls thcrt
go to tlle back ol'tlrcir litttrs
i}rntitttre tllltil illl Ss lrave hatl a
5 Ilow nr.ury c.rtr You trattrc?
I)ivittc thc class irtlrl strtall grtlups'
Iltvc otte stu(lctlt itt tlitclt grotll) ilct
as tlte sccretary or artisl' (iive grtlttpsfivc rrrittutcs to list ttr tlritrv' frtlttl
frottr tlte ltreviotts trttit (rlr lvtlrtls tlt:tt
Ss ltitvc irircatll' lt'irl trctl) as ;lossilrlc'
rlrcir list lVrite caclt itctn ott tltc
Variatkltt: I tave Ss list phonics rvtlrtlsfront lltc tlead it!scctiolls in the
Sttttlcttt llotlk.
6 Itr nrY row
frorrt rorv (ttcross) ol ss stattd trll'
u,,* ni'n tlialog Stantlirrg Ss try to [)e
first to raise thcir hirllds alld illlswcr'
'l ltc sttrtlettt wlto itttsrcrs corrcctly
as Sl llow stattd ttp (}rrltinuc tllc
lrlvo ltatl a cltattctl to illlswcr
atllectivcs ott lltt' lroitrd I lave Ss
tlrink tlf sorrretllirrg that ctttt ltcdcscribcd by all thc adicctives'
y,ii,,,g, slttall ittttl coior[ttl, tlltttgt'rtlttsarttl poisotttttts
Ilse llccltrced I)ictttte (lards to be
[ovicwcd, ol' tlse tttilgilzitttt ltictttrcs'(lttt eaclt pictttrt: irl lralf (iivc orrc lralf
rhe sttttlctrt rvith tllt'otlrcr hirll tll'
thcir l)icttlrc, Ss tttltY trot sllorv tltcirpictuie to tltc otltcr Ss Ilavc Ss rtalkaroutttl tttc classroottr tlescribirlg
tlrcir lralf of tltc llictttrc' t:'g'' Iotrg
blond ltair or curl)'rarl lmir'
9 Nattte ltl ltelaY
l)ivirlc Ss ittlrl lrvo grotll)s stltltlitlg
(iivc tltc cartl lo tlle sttltlcttt rvlttl
nlnlcs it first.'l'lrat Sl got's ttt tlte t'tltl
lrrtl lrits ()tl(' lllole cltitttt't' lI lrt'is ttotllrc lirst lo lliltlle tlle ttt'xt cirrtl, llt'
Vnrlittkltt: Sltf it gritttttttilr l)itilorll to
rcvicrvt'tl I litvr: Ss clttto$t' atty fottr
oI tlrt'rtt, Ntttttc llte t'ltrtls frtlttl tht'set
in rttttlrtltt rttrlt'r I litvc Ss ttrrrl ovtr
stu(lcnl \\'ll(, lllrlls over all ltis t:artls
rort tttl
I l What's nrisslrrg?
titllle I litvtr Ss sttrtly tltcttt [or l5
tlctttttvt' ttttr' r'itttl I lnvt' Ss ol)(lll illoirevr.s irttrl trv to itlt'rttilv tlte rtrissittg
r irrtl ,,r itt'tit Itrctcitst' tlrt' rlillit rrltl'lly rt'ttttlvitlg trro c;tttls tlr
lt:urritttgittg Iltcttt l.t't tlle sltttletlt
cirrtl lltt tlt'xt lilll('" lrt l:trgtr classtls,
put Ss illto llrollps o[ [ottr arrtl plly ivith llctltrcctl l'icttrrt' (lards,
12 Where alll l?
"r','r\',r,i,'(rittl s('c it
arr otttsitlc scctltt I lavc Sl llrctcttd lte
is lritlirrg stttltcrvltcre itt tlto ;tictttrr-''
lundtortttt)? I lavc tltc sttttle tll rvlto
tlcxt lli(lillg l)lilct!
Trang 1713 Wlrisllcrs
l)ivirle Ss into lrvo gr{)ul)s stantling
of a tliaklg to S I s in e aclr line On the
tvlrisgre r it to Slls arrrl so on Ilave the
s('nl(] nct,:
Varlatlon: I lave llru last strrrlerrt in
lloa rrl
Tolk obout it! (Vocqbulory)
14 All ln ortler
'lhc rest of tlre Ss are lhe "itrry" and
llrc t:rlrrecl orrlcr Nalttc llte carrls
Varlatltttt; ln hrrge classes, lrave Ss
llcrlrtced Itictrrre (larrls (iivr: eaclr
slu(lunl a cartl antl lrave gnltrps lry t0
lrc [irst lo lirre rrp irr llre t:orrecl
15 All put lt dorvnl
llctltrcctl l)ictrrrc (iartls ol rvorrls yrrrr
16 llalloorr borurcc
llrc l)i('trrr(r sirlcs slrrxvirrg) l)rrt Ss
ittlo sntall Broltl)s, ( iivtr lr groul) il
llrlloorr rrp irr tlrc air l:lclr tirrre tlre
6n rrr thilgs u,e like to do.l lave Ss try
nrtv tvorrls llrc1,rvorril liLt: tu say irt
lB Cards ln ortler
table (rvith tlre pictrrrr.l sitlcs slrorving)
I llve tlrerrr llrerr nlrrrc tlre r:lrrls irr
llrat ortlur Nanre tlrc caKls lirstcr ilrrrlirr a tlill'orent ortlcr euch tirrre
Varlatlon:'l'his cln lle done rvitlr Ss
[irst to line trp the cartls in the
irlclttily tltc t:itrrl l lrc l'irst slrtrlcrri to
correctly nanre tllc cilrrl acls out thencxt cartl
ll oul) gueriscs tlrc rvrlrtl, lrave 52
l)icirrrc (lartls l)ivitle Ss inlo groups
of lorrr to six (iivc eaclr grorrp a sct
up tllc t(!l) carrls in their lliles anrl,
rvitlrout shurvirrg it to tlre ir groul)s,
llrc rrcxi carrl arrtl hcgirr to drilrv it
curreclly grress illl tlrc Carrls
21 Fast actionllsu orrc sct of l'icirrrc Olnls I lirve Ss
the stu(lent who grrcsses t:orructly
I'ictttre Citrrls (iive orre sct ol cartls
groul)s as thore irrc I)ir:trrrc (lirrrls,
l)iclurc (lartls, tltcre slroukl bc ciglrt
Do 1,qv11 lrave llrc (wlndxtrfiug) t'unl'{
sitl'Mt, Sorr;, llavr: grorrlls tr'1, 1., ,,,'
23 Gucssl)ul orrr: sel of l)iclrtre Oitrtls in l pilrr
l'es rlr No 'l he strrtk-'nl rvlro grrr,sst,scorre ctly takes tltr: ncxt r:arrl
24 Meet me in the rnirltllelltrt one sut oI l)i(:trlre (larrls orr tlrt,
tlrnrrlurrtl ltavu tlterrt pluy lltc girrrrr
tlte lirre lorr,;rrtls llru ogrlursilc crrrl,
Variation: llcplacc t:arrls regrrl;rrl1 loatlrl irrlclcst
25 I\llnd ganre
llrc Irorrt ol the rorrrrr, [:rcirrg tltt:
olt lh()ir [orclrr:irrl, pfllrtts rttrtrvurrl
l'lacc a l'ictrrrc Oarrl in cach slrrrlt.rrt's
Itlrtrls Ss r:irn hurk at llrt: otlrr,r Ss'
lirttr Ss gut'ss lllr:ir ctrrrl:, t otrlirrrrt,
rvith lirttr tnrlrc Ss urrtl rlilfr-,rr,rrtcartls
26 I\ly nrlslakc
I lold rrp l)ictttre (littrls to lrr, lrr.rctir r'il
yottr trristlkls lilr r,xlrnlrlt', lrolrl rrlr
llte card frlr sttnscrcerr anrl say,llrrg
Trang 1827 l)ut lt downl
I'llt e orrt s(.t oI l)iclu]e (lards orr tlrc
htlr), (Sl's nanrc).llave Sl pick u1r
tlotltt (slnrt black halr).llepeat thls
uitlr S.l, lrrrt tlris tirtrc adrl a locnliolr,
( lrntirrrre tvitlr different Ss, cards and
lot'ut iotrs
2lt Ittce by nrutrbcr
for all lgrortqrs lI rtccessary, give one
rrrrtlt'rrt tr,r'o rrurrtlttrs (lall ottt a
rr rr rulr(.r, t.E G oile carroe l rtg.'l\t,o
I lrrvr Ss rvlro are nurrrbcr trvo rtltr to
I lre lroartl, rvrite 6oae cc noeing or
tlr lrrl il plclrtre oI trvo pcrtllle
conrplt'lt'thc insk
Notr.: llris activity can also be dotrr'
rlorrls y'ott say
21) ltepcat after me
I lolrl rrp onc nf llre l'ictrrrc (larrls or a
rr,al olrir,cl I\lint to Sl anrl ltavc lrcr
ilir!il( llrc cnrd or ohjcct, Ilnve llrc rest
rrrislrrkt'or carrnot nontc tllc cord,
nillil( llrrr cnrtl yourst'lf, have Sl
tlrl Ss rr'ptirt alttrSl, llavc tlilfcrcrtt
r':rr lt litttr'
ll0 Slorv ilctlon
l,\(' [)i( trrr(! Cards I lil'r: Sl clr()osc a
t lrrl anrl cover tlre cartl with a piece
un('o\'('r llre citrd vcry slowly atttl tlte
(iivc t'rrch slrrrlerrt a set (tf llerlucerl
tlrcir tlcsks sitf irrg tlrt rvords ott tlte
t'lrtls at tlre sanre tirnc lf tlrev llut
tlon'n llrc sarue carcl, tltcy try to be
lirst to call out Srtoltl'l lrc first pcrsott
( rrrrtinue unlil otte studeltt has all
32 Wrlte lt and clrcle ltl trtolay l)ivido llre class itrto trvrt gloul)s
I)ividc thc lloarrl ilr lral[, ottt' half frlr
I Iold up one cartl at a tinlc, so lltitt
elch groull takc turrrs writing tlre
wrlrtls on tlrcir Irall'of tlrc bonrcl
After all the words ltave beett rvrittett,
flrld Bive Sls in eaclr Broup a piecc of
thc lloartl anrl try to be tlre first tocircle llre wortl, say i(, lrantl tho clrllk
to S2s, arrtl grr to tltc back of tlrclr
lvortls ltitvc bccn circlctl.
Tolk obout it! (oiologs) /
Soy it!
lirr orre o[ tlre words llavc Ss supplytlrc replacelnettt rvortl I:tlr exatttple,
say I heanl a lrcr,pr llave Ss say rroise
(lontinrre rvillr rlil'[crcrrt dialugs,
sulrstituting Beep [<tr differerrt lvords
l)ividc Ss itrto glotrll A atrrl grottp ll
Ilave group A furnr ltl otller circlc
otlrer anrl stanrl so tlrat tlrey are
tlircctly oppositc a student itt the
otlrer circle llavc all Ss irr grotrlt Asay line orre o[ a tlialog atrd their l)ilrinors itt gr0trP ll litl(r two SayCltuge.llavc Ss irr gtoult n titko two
act out the tlialogs trsing tliflercrlt
the class
tJsc tlialogs that \vill allorv Ss to
strllstitute diflcrcrrt rvttrds ittttl tltetll.
Put Ss irtto pairs I litvc pairs rrllc-play
tlrc tlialogs, sutrstitrrtirtg dill.crettt
Say onc of the rliakrg lirtes siletttll',olrly nroulhirrg thc tvrlrds I lave Ss
Vnrlatlorr: l'lrorrics rvortls catl also bc
30 Itole-grlny
turno I iot rs il r r(l gcsl tl I cs l)rttvltlt' I ltentrvitlr rrlct'ssitry ltrol)s I lnve pnirs or
llrc clirss
l'rtt Ss ittlo llairs I lltvc pairs sitl'
itllerrratt: lirrcs oI rt tliitlog I ltvc Ss
40 Stup tlte sloltrvntclt
Use a tlialog lltirt t'ottlititts a
si<lcs slrrrn'ittg), rrsirrg itt'ttts tlratstrllstitttte ittto lltt' tlialog Say llr'rlrl1'
tliakrg rvitlr llre .lirst sttltsliltttiott,
llnislrcrl, stol) tlre sttllttfrtlclt ittttlclrcck tlrc tirrrc I litve Ss rr'pt'at tltt:activit!' atrrl lr1' lo crltrtltlt'tt' all lltetliaklgs irt it sltrrt lt'r tittte
41 'lirss tlre artlrttnl Ilavi Ss stiul(l in it circle .'lilss a
of a tlialog I lavc Sl reslrotttl rvitltlirte trlo, slt littc otttt itgaitt, lltctt ltlss
tlrc, attitttal to 52 Ilavt'S2 rcsltottdrvitlr lirrt t\r(,, sa)'littc otte agaitr artd
42 Wlxr sald lt?
lllirrrlfokl 52 IIlvc Sl say' lirrc tlttt'rtf
a ,ii.l,,g rvhile rrf irrg to disgrrise trcrvoicc I lavc 52 rcsllotttl tr'itlt littc lrvrl
Varlutlon: I lave ttvo tliffcrt'rrt Ss sny
blintlfoldcd sttttlcttt littess lltllh
l{i nrtivily Bonk
Trang 19Build it!
43 Chooseacard
orr tlrc tahle {rvith tlre glictrrre sides
linc of a rlitlog to hc prlcticcrl If thc
slillenlunt, qrrcstion rlr rlilkrg is
corlrjcl, lrave lrilrr kccll tlre cartl ll'
nol, lrave ltinr return the card to thc
talllc It is then another stu(lent!
\Vritc /rrr, slrc, tue,l/re1,, I anrl )/ol ou
pr(,noun carrls I lavc Ss sit in a circltl
(iarrls in tlre rtrirkllr: oI tlre circlo
l'oittl lo 0 l)ronout) <:arrl itrttl a
l)ir:lrtrc (lanl l lavc Sl rnakrr ir
stirlcrnonl rrsltrg tlrilt Pr0trorrrr, llrat
slilt(,ul(,lll trsirrg tltr, satrrc rvolrl rrr
lllrrirse llrrt il rlil'lcrcrrl l)ronoull,
(lturt ltcrscf) or tlre sarrre l)ronoun
(lle) screanrcd bacause (|rc) (hit hts
.15 Dctcctlves
rvitlr their harrrls bclrirrrl rlreir llacks
Slrrrrv orre l)iclrtrc (larrl, e.g oncc a
rlal' to llrc class, arrrl givc il to Sl,
lrrlrilrrl tlrr:ir blchs so tlrc tkrlcctlves
curulol sec rvlro is lrolrlirrg tlrc card
tlrc targe t r;rresti()n, onu ilt il titrre,
t:.y, lktu, ofttu ilo.1'tttt gu stulnt
rlirirrg? l lrc Ss lnsrvcr Once a tkty,
e lc l hc rletcctivcs lry lu l.grre ss Irorrr
tlrc hody larrgrrage rvlro is telling the
trrrtlt, i.e rvlro lras the cartl (}lntinue
tritlr rlillercnt r:arrls irnrl rlt:tcctivcs
{6 Iylrrg colultdorvll
l'llcc l)ictrrrc (lartls to he llracticcd
rln tll(: lill)le (rvitlr tlrc l)i(.trlr0 si(k)$
cartlr, narne il irrr:orrcr:tly rlr ttrake a
[alrc slilte rne nl allorrt it, atrrl tlrelt
(()unl lo le rr, l:0r e xalttple , ltirVe S I
l)oint to the lnost poisnnorrs snakc
polsonous sltkler ln Soutlr Afrlca l, 2,3,4 Ilave tlre rest of the Ss try to
stu(lcllt wlro con ucts tlre rrrislakr:
first will tre llre ncxt strrrlcnl to rtrake
llefore Sl reaches 10, have Sl narne
slalernent about it, then continrrewith a ncw sttrclent and a nr:w card
47 Mychoice
point lo nrakc rlriginal state rrre nts rlr
vocahrrlary.'l'cach classroonr
lirrglislr in tlre statcnronts or rliaklgs,
48 On myback
49 Partncrscarch
lletlrrccd Pictrrre (larrls Give each
with tlre satne cartl by sal,irrg tlrt:
llrcir partncrs, lrirve tlrcrrr tlo tlrc
ca rrl s,
50 Pass lt aroundllave Ss stantl or sit irr a circle Say
lhc targcl diakrg rvlrilc Iroltlirrg rrll
tlte re levant I'ie irrre Carrl I lavc Ss
rel)e at I lavc S l ask tlre strrdcnt onhis lcft (S2) iho qucstion I lavc 52
(luestiotl and repoa1 tlro ltrocedrtrc,
tlris tirrre rcvcrsirrg tlrc rlircction so
tltat roles are rcverserl
l)ividc Ss illto group A arrrl grorrp ll
lloanl Poirrt lo the tlrrostiolr rrralk
antl say lhe larget qrrcstion l lave
(lanls, llrrt elicit the qtrestiolls [r()tn
grrtttll A arrrl lhe 0nsrvcrs frorrr grorrp
B Ilave grollps change roles.
52 Saylt fastl
the activity Clrcle slalclnenls .ll){rve)
in yotrr right lrand antl onc nonn ()r
verll llhrase Pictrrre (larrl irr 1,orrr lr:l't
slatenlenl or ask a questiolt rrsirrg llrr:
illt lncorrc(:l St0lerne nl 0r r1ttt.sti0rt,
f<lr tlttl reuraitrirrl; r:arrls, rrsirr14
llaslt the currls tprickll, Ilavc ss rrr;rkc
slaternent fnrru onc of tlrc llli/rl itl
sintilar slalcnlent rrsinlS a rlillirrcrrtvocallttlnry wrlrtl or plrrirsc lrrrl / or irdiffercnt pronoutr, e.g, (llr) tlrittks llmt's llre most ltolsottotts (slthler) itt
sirttllar slilte llt: trl Itlvr.: Sll l'1rt';rt
Sl'.s arr<l 52's stittcrtronts lrrtl rrlrlut,
lttotlrcr orre Ilavc Ss Lt.r'p f.irring
trotttrrl tlrc circle rrrrtil Ss ( ilutot
rcrnctrtbcr all lltc stirtctrt(:nlri orciuulnt colltc ltl) tvillr itrtolltcr rrr.s,
statcrllent Start ag;rin rvitlr the
stu(lcllt wlr0 rvas trtt0lrle lo c0rrlirrutl
tltrcc rlr forrr otlrers rvlrrl ltt.lp tlrt:rn
tlrcir sentcrrccs rvith rlillcrr.trtl)ronoutrs arttl ll[irrrurl i\,(' or n(,gili i\'('
lhal's lhe (nrcsl dattgarous ctttl itt
Aclivity Bonk l7
Trang 205,1 'l'hrorv the dle
I'trt Ss into grairs nnd ltavo tltettt opclt
tlroir lrooks to lltc rclcvitltt llttild it!
p;r1,,r' (iive t'aclt palr a die llavc Sls irt
r';rr"lr pair tlrrorv the dic, nrrtl eitlter
s;rv tlrr' sluto[lclll (part A) or ask llrc
S I s lskr,tl n t;ttcstiult, ltavc S2s
rlr('rrltl nlako llvo stai(ltlretrls or flsk
tr\o (luesli(rns.When tlrey throrv a six,
t )ivirlc tlrc Ss irtto lrvtl grotrps I lave
rusirrg tlrt litrget I)itttortt, e.g I/r'goc.s
slcltl itt rt ,crtr Croup Il gtresst:s if tlre
slirt( nr('nt is lnte <lr fillse lf lltcy
srilt('nlr.,lt itllottt n tttt'trtltt:r of tlreir
(,\\'n gr(rtll)
Reod it!
llse arr errlarged set of l)ltortics
lllve tlre Ss tear tlp pilper ittto 3 cttt
irll tlre rvttrtls rln lltc gricccs tlI paller'
l'rrl nll the picces of llnptrr otr n tattle
(iivc tlrc Hroups n grair of clropsticks
()r l\to lrcncils I lavc Sroul)s race to
slrcll llrt'rrorrls on tltc t'nrrls Sl tnkcs
cnr r ics it Lrack to lrer g,rott1t, iltett
liilr,s tltr clropslicks lo 52 (i)ntintte
Vlrlirtlorr:'l lre silnlc gatttc catt llc
bv rvritirrg tlte rvords orr ilrtlivitlttal
57 I:ill lrt the blanksl
in lrrrrlorrt ottlr,r Sa-y tltt: pltottics
rrortls, otrt' lt1' ttne, itt rittttlottt ortlt'r
I lrrlt'Ss rr'pt'at tlte rvorrls, filrd tlrc
tlrl lctit'rs of tlte targct stltttltls
58 I:ind thc word
slutlt.rrt lvlro [otttttl tltc rvrlrtl lirst say
59 Give rlle fivtll'rtt Ss ittto lllrirs I lirvc Sl irr clrclr
-fur brotlrt I lirvc 52 siry lcttt:rs slrc
tlrirtks rnay bc itt tlrc rvtlrd l lave S l
rvrite the lettcr irt its correct positiorr
ltr caclt ittcorrcci gtress, Sl drarvs att
"X" uttdcr the lirres llnvc 52 try ttt
60 I got ortet
grtcss rvlrai it is,'l lrc sttttlcttt rvltrt
guesses corrttctly tlrarvs tltc ttext
llave Ss look at tlte lclrtlittg irr pltrt Ii
goillg to reatl it to tlterrt, bttt yott itrc
tirctl attrl nrigllt tllilk(' sotlle
lvltettevcr tltcY lteitr a tttistitkc ittttlcorrect (he trtist lrke
ti2 Pnlr tllctatlott
l)ttt Ss ittto pairs (iivt: caclr ltair a
lry to rvrite tlrtrvtt tltc sclltcl'lccs
l)lronics Cartls lirr eaclt pair ol Ss l'rtt
Ss into ltairs I)lrrllrlcol)y ollc ltagtl rll'tlrc lllrottics (litrtls lirr t'aclt llitir ol Ss.
llair (rvorrl itttrl pit ttttt') l)Y ltll.ll'lll.l
r, li ,;l\? p/lt.\1
thcir originnl positirltts
Iltve Ss cut or,ll pitgtor lislt attd rvrite
of tho lfuyrrl ill llage (tll tltc [islt, oltc
t:lip lo caclt fislt Irlitkt: a lislting pole
strirr11 I litve Ss go lislrirrg for tllt'
Variatkltr:'l his catt alstl llc tlotlt'rritlt
lcttt'rs ort tlrt'lislr Ss tr)'to spt'll tlte
65 Pltottics grtlul)stlse l'hottics (lnrtls lrottt tltrtlctlil'[crt'rrt trrrits lrlix ttl) tllc car(l$
(iive clt'lt ,,ittttlt'ttl tlttt'ca.rrl I lavrl Ss t11' lo lirrtl otllor Ss tvitlt a tvortl llritl
'l lrln lrave Ss gel irrlri llottps' \Vltt'tt
cortccl or llot.
66 l'honlcs ttlttslcal chalrs
Arritngc clritirs itt it t'itt'lt" otte cltitir
Ilavc Ss trV trl sil tlorvtt oll n clurir
I'lrotocopl' l)ltrtttics (litrtls Irlnktr
cnrlrtglt sets so tltat t'ach sltttlctrt ltas
nilrl(f tlr{: cartl, c.g sa!'srlr atttl ltave
Ss lrold up :ttttl ttattte tltt'spritrklcr ctrtl (}rttlitttto tlrrtil nll sottttrls lt;tvt'
btt'tt grracticetl
6tl Scllrtratc the setltellces
\\'titc tlre rlortls rtI lr1'l) or lllolt'
Trang 21llair lirtc lrl) llre c.rr(ls to lirrrrr the
l)ivitle Ss inlo i\r'o or nlort: groul)s
grorrll ln e at:lr colrrrrrrr, rvlitr thc
sarrre rvorrls, rvith lctlers of targct
pholtics souurls nrissirrg, r].H t{f
- -, tyri - -, .r/c - -,
,rrfr.r tlrc lxr;rrl - - -, I lave .rr Sls - - llntl Sa)' tlrc ii tvrlrtl tttlrvortl itt
thcir colrrrrrrr antl lill itt tlre tnissing
le ttcrs I lave S Is g() lo lh(: back of
tlrcir lines lnrl lritve 52s go ttext
70.'l'carn bralnstornrlng
l)ivirlc Ss into groups IIave caclt
grorrll tttlke a list of ittlrlitiotritl rvrtrtls
71 'I'eam spelling
l)ivitle Ss into trr'o groul)s I\'lilke
llrrcc or fotrr scts of irlgrlrabct ctnls
lctlrrs tlral rvrlrrl lras, tlrun harre that
[irsl lo selc<:l tlre corrocl lettcrs frour
llrc alplr0llct cilrrls illrtl sliltr(l in
orrlur ttl lirrrrr tlrat rvorrl liilr:lr
slrrtlcrtt slrorrltl tirke <lnc leltcr rlrrly
72 Ilnscranrllle itl
I)ivirlc Ss ittto grorrps oI lirrrr to six
slantlirrg in lirrcs \Vritc the lctters oI
a pltrtttics tvortl in scrarrrllletl rlrrler
run lo tllc lroilftl ilrrrl l11,1,, t,",,r,'
litst to rvrite tlrt: lt:ltr:rs irr tltc corrr:r'l
orrlcr Ilavc tlrc otllor Ss lrclll by
cilllirtg olrl llro l('llers (lr rvoftls I lilvc
\Vritc atrotlrcr s('r'.lrul)lr:(l lllronir:s
7ll Vanlslring scntenccs
\\'ritc ;r sr:nl('r('c Iront plrt ll or grllt
sfnlf n('(: trvo ()r lltree tirilcs rvillr Ss.
I la!e Ss ckrsc tlre ir c)frls (,r iunl t(,
Ilave Ss look at tlre lloarrl antl rcatl
tlle se ntence aglin, adrling in tlrc
othcr se rlterrccs
74 Write ir!ltelay
I)ividc Ss ir.rlo trvo groul)s stanrlirtg in
in their lines, rvlro tlren rvlrispt:r it to
Slls, antl so on Ilave tltc lilst stu(lctrt
rvrite llre senterlcr:
Writc the rel)ort li'orrr llart ll rrrt llrclroartl, leaving sorne of the rvorrls
hlank Ilavc Ss sut4[.icst rvortls to
rvrite in the lllirrrks to rnakc a ncrv
rcpol't I lave indivithlal Ss rr:a(l thenow story out lort(|,
Varintion: I lavc groups of tlrree Ss
rvritc thcir rlrvrr sluries
Proctice it! / Recycle it!
76 Ilest in tenLlse nrrrliiple sets ol itlerrricallledrrcetl [)ictrrre (]ards I)ivirle Ss
grorrll be the "nattre r" and havc S2s
llitvr: Sls natne as nrarry cartls as
possilllc lrt l0 sccorrtls Sly.Slo;rl
count tlle nrrrrrlrr:r of cartls tlrc S I s
crtrrectly ltanrcrl irn<l rvritc rlorvrr tlre
sct 0[ cards cach tirtrc
rttttttller, flll(l al grilnlntar stalcntult lo
slote melrl is /l ,rrl'c.s
ltortrs by
says 2, and so on Wlre rr the buzz
slirtclnont bttt tt0t tlte lutzz nrrrrrllur
Ililvc tlrc ncxt sltulent continrre rvilhlllc next lrttnrlter, e 9 Slr 1., S3:2., Slll
.?., 54: 4., S5: It ,rl['es sct't,tr |tours lt),
brs, 56: 6., 57: 7., an(l so otr ul) lo 10,
Varlatlonl'l'rr nrakc tlre aclivily nlor(,
challcrtging and to practicc tlrclligger nrrnrllcrs, have Ss count rrlr to
t,lsc llctluce d l)icttrre (lartls trl nrll.t:
Varlation: llave Ss play irr pairs I lirvt'
l)oilrt to anolher card arrtl ask ls ,lis
52s turn over llte carrl S I s are
pointing to lf it is a rnirtt:lring carrl,
S I s tlre pai r of cartls I I tlre cirrtls tlr r
-Sorry lt is then 52s' lrrnr
talllc in a straight lirrc, cirt:le or otlrcrpiltl(rrn (tvitlt tlte pictrrre sirks
studcrtt gllace a nrarke r urr Stirlt
llave Sl roll a die, nrove his rrr;rrkt'r
lllirl nrrrnllcr of carrls lrlrvilrtls tlrr,
goll, antl nrakc a scrrleut'c rrlrir lr
rtlticlt he lartds If Sl callnol rrurkt,ir
cartls are lrrrvanls lrirrislr
l)ivitle Ss inlo l\v(, groups I lavc S Is
go lo llto frrlttl rtf lllr: rooru irrrrl stirrrrl
helrinrl tlrcir lrlcks, r\lllllr l l'it lrrrt'(larrl to tlre llack ofeaclr slu(l{.rrt,
Aclivily Borrk lli
Trang 22Scl (iol I hc trvo Ss trv lo sce lhtr card
or! tlleir ol)l)onenl's llack, r!ith0trt
It'tting thc oilrer sce tlre card on lheir
tlrl cartl (irrrtirrur rvitlr other Ss arttl
rrllrr.I r':rrrls
lll t\tlnrc ltlllcluy
llrr.llrorrt l0 !'iclrrrr (larrls I)ivklc Ss
irrto grougl A ancl group ll l lave S l s
Ihlrrr orrt of the l'lcturc Cartls I lave
tlrlir grortp gucss I lavc S2s tltert go
Irr \'(lu l() s(.c ilnotllcr cnr(l,
Il2 No Sorry (Go flsh)
irllkt'orre st't of cards using l0 to l2
llctlucctl l'ictrrrc'Cards Deal out all
s:rrrrc sltrrlcrrl rtntil sornc(lre d(,cs ltol
tll| Old nrald
I)ivirlr, Ss into groups of three to six
lk'tlrrt lrl l)ictulo (lards Adtl att otltl
llrrvc a stutlcrrt in eaclt group rleal
tlrcrn I lnrr: llre sturlerrt rvith the
nl()sl llilirs (S I ) tlrerr rlrarv a carrl
tlris cartl nlllcllos orte of ltis other
t';u tls, (lrr.n lravc 52 dralv a carrl frottt
lrorn llru strttlt:rrt ort lrer lo[t !Vlrcrr
orkl c:rrtl is thc 0kl N'lairl
2() Aclivily Bonk
84 0ppositesWrite I to l0 lvorrls orr the board
rvortls.'l'hcn erase thc originals I lnvc
Ss try to recall tlrt'origirtal rvrlrrls by
statcnleDts usirrg the tilrgct granlntar
tl6 Itoll lt two tlrnes l'rrl I I l)it:tttre (lartls ott thc lloard(rvitlr tlre picture sitles slrolving)
Write the nurrrbcrs 2-12, ortc
iilto snlall grouPs (iive each grotll) a
cutnp).I lavc S ls in caclt grottp rolltlreir clie trvice.'l'lrc groups atld tlreir
Piclure Card they shoultl use Ss try
{17 Say itll}ingo
(iivc Ss I or l6 lle tltrced l)icture Cards
ctch I lavc Ss placc thertt face up irr
front of tlrern in tlle patte rn of a x il
Ss ttrnr over tlrc cartls as they are
rut,t r thrce (9-carrl grtrrtu) or frlttr
Vnrlntlon: llavc Ss take lulrrs nraking
which all Ss tlren turn over
Bt| Stand in order
orrler.'l hey nray slleak only linglishlvhcn tloing this.'l'ry ortlers such as:
alplrabctical lly first Itatttc,
Varlatlonl Civc cac:lt student a card
in rlifferent ways: snrallest to biggest,
89 '['[re ntost
on :r fanriliar topic, e.g arrirrtals,
footl, clothcs, peollle, fitrrtiitrte,
ol tltc grotrlt
$0 'l'lc-tac-toe
l)ivitle Ss irrto group A arrd groull ll
rkulrr on tlre lablc irr llre sltitllt' oI a
lic-tac-toe lroartl (t rritre-srluare gritl)
to nanlc it If tlrey ;trc itble ttl tlo tlris,
tlrctn tttt n tltt'cartl ovt'r itgititt I litve
of tlreir rrtarkcrs on lllc cnrd Ilnve
91 't'itltllyrvinks
tnarkcrs) l'lact' l0 ltl ll'r l'ictttre
coilr, trl,irrg to ainr it ltt ortc t)f tlte
the rnirldlc lf tlrc coitt lartds ort a
llilc antl losi a trtrrr (loltlitttte rvitlt
l)ut Ss irrto l)flirs, I)rel)irrc l0 to 20
llcrluct:d I)icture Cartls lbr euclt pair
llave Ss plnce the cartls face d<lrvrt itt
pair take turns turnirtg tlte cards over
card later
Trang 23Chont-o-grom
llavc Ss slanrl in a circlc rvith
llte clrant
litttes irt a chant llcfore listenirrg to
thc chant the first time, tell Ss to
listun filr and courrt horv nratry times
tlrcy lrcar that rvorrl
95 Flll lt ln
palr of Ss l)lay tlre chant I lave Ss
listen and try to fill in the missing
96 Ilot pototoes
llave Ss sit in a circlc Start nvo
l'lay tlrc chant Stop the chant I lave
urrrl corrtintu.l passilrg the l)ictrrrt:
(lartls or classtoorn iicrns.
chant togethet usirrg the sanre
rhythnr'as in tlre original chanl, but
98 Llnebyllne
llrc clranl I'rovitle relevartt l)ictrrre
relcrcncc l)lay tlre leatl'irr nrrrsic of
100 Polnt along
point to the picttrres or classroonr
the chant
l0I Rearrangc
Ilse Picture Cards of the items in thechant l)lace thern on the board irr
the clrant, so that tlrey are in the
corrcct orrlcr
Varlatlon: Do tlrc clrant with the
102 Solo
individual Ss to chant as a solo I lave
other Ss chant all l)arts that are notchanted by the soloist Instrrrct the
plrt to a dtrct or tlio.
103 Stand rrp whenyou hearlt
Divide the class irrto grorrps Assign
104 BackwritlngPut Ss into pairs llave Sls in eaclr
pair turn their lltcks to the boar(1
Write a phorrics rvord on the lloarrl
llave S2s writc tlrnt word on Sls'
105 IIow many can you thlnk
llrlrrk of tlutt nre big,ger than yott?
lndividrrally or in grotrps, havc Ss try
to tlrirrk of as rnany ite nrs as thcy
pcncil, tlrinnor than yorrr [inglislr
Iulok, etc
106 Least to most
tlnn tlre lislr or The wlutle is the
other adjectives
107 Myowndlctatlon
Dictate five sentences lo the clilss,
dictations together Have Ss tlrcn
tnre for themselvcs Ilave Ss sharc
their nerv sentences wilh otlrcr
mcrnbers of the class
l0B What I learned totlayIlave Ss tlrink of five thirrgs (rvorrls,
thcn sharc one of tlrcrrr rvitlr tlre rcst
of the class
109 Where was ll?
grid I lavc Ss study tlrr: ;riclrrre s [or
stu(lcnt rvlro nnsrvcrs Cotrectly arL
Rewsrds I10 Ccrtlflcote of conrple tlorr
is crlrn;tlcterl ('l'eachcr's (irritlc 1r l.l7).
I I l Rcward cartls
(iivc Rowards ('l'R l'13:'l'e aclre r's(ittirle p 146) to Ss for parricipariorr
collect as nrany card$ as thcy can
I12 Vcrbalpralse
Aclivily Bonk ll
Trang 24story @ fu urtcn Drorosr Ofu
nordr Q l*D utlm Folnt.5y.
@ Tolk obout it! Uocobulory)
filod6offiiffi *; " *
.:','!Frr i*:.'' r i :'-'" :*n1
l'itccs ol llapor, l)icturc Carrls l-10, rvorkl rrrall, Ol) !
O Before lhe book
\Varrn-up / revlerv
(irt,r't Ss as llrt'1't'otttc ittto tlte rttortt Say IIi ll1'rtarttc's
( l utclrcr's ntnrc) I llvt' Ss sa1' /li, ('li'acher's rmrne)!
!t, t,rt,1,t l'ott, frto (iivc eitclt sttttlcttl a piece of 1tlt1tcr I litvtt
Ss rtritt'tlrcir ttrntes ott tltcir lraper, drarv a picttrre oI
. I'ttt gorlrl at - Irrsrrrllt' lo st ltortl I litr tr Ss itltlo(ltlce tllt:tttsclvcs ttl
tlrt cluss trsing lltt'ir l)itl)('rs.
nil$il ffiffiffi 'm'q lrrttnc i
i I
Siry 'lbda1, urc'ro goi,tg to talk alntrt Ttktt'(s tt' 8o lo ott
udcallon.I krld u1l l)it:tttro Olrtls I-5 {,tl(' lt it littte ntttl sa1'
the rtatrrcls I Iitve Ss Iol)cat Ask irrtlivirlrrrtl Ss Ilrtt'r'.1'rttr et'er
beerr to(soutlr Ali'ica)7 llavc Ss ittls\r('r l'es, I have <tr No, I lnve n'|,ltrint to tlre rvorltl rtrirp I klltl trlt Itit'lttrc (larrls I -5
Say Norrr we're goirtg, lo talk altottt olhcr ltktces u't'g,o
oil uacotiotr,Il<llrl trp l)icturc (lartls 6-10 otle fll a (ittlc
tlre placcs
@ Open lhe book
Ilavc Ss tunr to Sttttlettt llook pp (i*7 arrtl klok at tliel)iclures at tltc llot tottr oI tlre pirge s l'la1' (]l) t rack A l.
I ltttt,ttii(ittrrukt
Trang 25I'}l11,tlre Ol) aglitr Ilirve Ss listcn arrrl rol)eilt.
Il l.istt'tt rttttl tttuttlrcr.
l\'ttrrrlttr IJ Iltt ( )ruttd ( )
Nrttrtlnr 9 ttty gratullnrtttts' ltottse
Ntttttltt,r 10 tlre Oreat liltrrier lletl
( )hcr'l Ss' ulstvcrs Ily sayirrg tlrc rrrrrnbers arrtl lravirrg Ss
pointinl; to t.irclr orrc
llavr: Ss look for tlrc hirlrlcn turtlc ill tlre rnain scenes
O Afler lhe book
Attaclr l)ictrrre (larrls l-l() t0 the h0arrl (rvith tlre pictrrre
rirfls slrorvirrg) r\sk irrrlivirltrirl Ss ll,lrrrl ilr.! )t()u gitlng to
ilo IItis strrttnter? I llve Ilrcrn :lIls\vor l,nr g1tittg ti go lo
at llre frorrt, hokling tlre cartl helrintl tlrcrrr Al'tcr Ijve Ss
rtlnrrnllrcr rvlro lras rvlrich card Ibinl to il stu(lcrrt arrtl ask
rtlnrirrg tlrc ltltcu.
t"tate a cof,y of Redr.*o pr.irrJirij, i-r o "':,i*i: "1
(reacher,s'ira pliiiir"i riliiiriuii fr*" s, ;
,o Bralnstorm (Tbacher's Guide p l5) ,ial:,'" l
Ijavg Ss choose any one of rhe places on picture'l,r ,i
Ctrds l-t0 Have them bralnstirm actlvities they
candothere, ir .,.,, r;r r
.i .- -.,4ui6 .,1, ., -,., , , ,_.- ,_,,.,;*._,.liit].a;,*lra;" ir."r".";.- ::."r,,;
;\t'tivity llook p ll clrr rrorv hc assillred ftrr lrorrrcwork rlr
trrtrl irr r:l;rss Sr:e iuls\\,ct.key,'l'ear:lrcr! (irrirle
Nexl lcssotr: llrirrg a calcntllr to irrtrorluce thc conceltt
lrlirrrllirltl il y urr choosc to tlo llro optiirnitl u,,iiuity Wlro
raltl lt? ('li:lllrcr's (itritle gr l(i).
@ Tolk obout it! tDiotogst
O Before lhe book
Wurm-rr1t / rcvicrv
(larils l-10.
Introdrrce dialogs
llevicrv lhe scasorrs spring, sttmnenfall antl rlillcr llsirrl;
corning rrp Say 'l'ltis sunrnrcr.l lave Ss re1rr',ai 'l.lre n
irtrlicatc llrc llre vi<lrrs s.,,llcr arrrl say Las, sr,lrl,.r l,lirr t,
l)ilkrg l: Illve trvo Ss (Sl ancl Sl) go ro tlrc front ltrirrr
l)icttrre (larl I (Sorrtlr Alrica] Srlirrl ncxt ro S l, jook ar Sl
l)ialog 2: I lave lrvo otlrer Ss (Sll anrl S.l) go ro thc liorrr.
tltc tliakrg aglrirr on tlrcir orvrr l)o it agnirr atrrl llrvc tlrr,
lcst oI llrc Ss rcllcat
l)ialog ll: lllve tlrrcc otlrcr Ss (Sl-r, S{i anrl 57) g,o lo rlrc
I'r'rrrrt l\ritrt l Sli .rrrl say ?Iis ls lrclen l\liut l iti.rtrl sirl
'lltis is l)otttty l)oint lo S7 arrrl say ?'lrls ls.lbnl (iilt Sfr
l)i(:tutc ( larrl 2 (l larvirii) Stirrrrl rrt:xt to Sli lrrrrt st!, 11,,,,.r,
Unil l, Iesson 2 2:l
Trang 26v S7 sa-v tlrc rli:rlog agaitl oll tllcir orvn Do it agtirt atrd ltavt:
I )iakrg.l: I lat'e lrvtt otlrer Ss (SB artd S9) go ttl tlte frottt'
wilr'utto.liave Sll repoal Statttt ttcxt to S9 and say lfotrtl
I llvt' Sll t('pcnl I lavc S8 and S9 say the dialog again on thcir
@ Open lhe book
I llle Ss ltrrtl to Sttrtlcttt llook pp 6-7 trrtrrltlttec lllc trlilill
tlrc pcrtple or lllaces as tltcy flrc lllclltiollo(1
.Sclrool ! a ut lo tno r rott' l'eal il'l'l rc St t p erKid s a re I n v i r ry' a
portv.Wltnt arc tlu'y sa1lng aml drinking? 'I'lrcy're mlkittg
v,rui,l.r like fim l'clar and Tbni ore going,to Ilawaii'
I lriu,ttii ktst sttrtune n I Ie clinilted a uolutrrtt' Wrttu! I lott'
alnttt 1'ou? lllrat are )Qtt goitrg to do tltis sttttrnrcr?
I'lly Ol) lracks A4-A7 Ibr eaclr dialog, have Ss [irst listetl
D.l)ialog l.
'l'caclrcr: Wlnt oro 1'ott goittg, to do tltis suntnrcr?
Sarrrl;': l'nr goirrg to go to Soutlt Aft'ica
Tbachen lleallY?
D Dialog2.
l.istut tuul ltoittt.
'l'eaclrcr: lVlmt altoul Ytrr?
Cttip: Dortny and I urt goirrg to sunu'rcr catttp'
'l'eachen'l'hal xttouls likt' Jittr'
,, t l,.rit l tpss0n 2
ln tliilog l, tvith risittg itllottiltitttt, lt irltlit:alcs itltcrcst'
irttotrirliorr titoa,.tt I lrcaul vttrt.llerlllt carr also llc ttsctl
retillv hot
Norl lf.srcrr and reputt.
(Sutne as altorry, lttrt eaclr lirrc is sair/ ott<'t' tuitlr d l)Qttst'
D Diuktg3.
Iteter: llTira Soirtgro llauurii.
Dortrrl': I luu ktrrg dot's it tuke to get tlrcrc?
'liuti: ,, ,(r^r'.s 7 hortrs by' platn:'
fir.Ss trr,7'ltt'(tl )
CJlrrck; I tt't'rtt ttt I lauttii lrt''it 'sttrtttrtcl ll tuos g,rttt' Ilellt: 1Yl1111 llial yttr ltt tlrcrt?
Chtrck: I dintlrctl tt utlcttttt.
Beth ll'rtrr'!
tlre class
O Afier lhe book
llcvierv thc w<lrds boat, btrs, car atltl trltitt ott Sttttlt'tttllook 1t 7 Say cach lvtlrd ittltl ltavtl Ss rr'lleitt' Illtvl:
voluntecrs sliolv they utttlerstatttl lltc rltlrtls ll1'<lrartitrg
selltencc trsittg otrc of tlrc rvortls
picture sitles sltorving) as a rt'l'ercttc(!, or tlso tlte rvrlrldinap llave Ss forttt giirrrps of tllrcc alttl llractice tlialogs I
substituiio.s li,cuurag,c Ss t lle tr.tltftrl arttl ask lttlrv lrl
say orlrer places ilr lirrglislr, ttsittg flott'rlo 1'ou say
Activity llook p 3 catt tttlt'v bc assigned for ltottterlork or
2 (lapau), ll (trtcxico), 5 (Koreir), (i (tlre t,l'K'), tl(i (rotlc a
rollei c.asicr'),ll1; (t k a ll t ritlc) arrtl 1X) (Stlttgltt sttttttt
Trang 27m'
l[ t, X / rqlo o
CeE ;
@ soy it! @ chont-o-srom
Notct'l'lre .Srr.1,ill sct:riorrs in tltis le vel use onc of the
irr:Torggt '
\X.*rl;,:1,".*l10*;U:*i;il.;.,".".-, *" a-,*:*iulr,i,,**.*r*.-,"-1.^ "*.-r-j*,,j
l)icitrrc (litrtls l-10, ,l l)ictrrre Cartls 2 0allan), 6
( r)it:,1(f rl,lX) (lrorrglrl soilt(f s()uvr,tlirs) ilrrtl llll (to0k it
O Betore lhe book
lVarnr-rrp / rcvlcw
llrvirrv tlte llllces rrsirrg I)ir.rrrre (lirrrls l-10 l)ivirlc tlrc
canls one 0t a linle arrd e licit llre pltrce or activity lf ss
@ Open lhe book
Say itl
Bellt.'thelre glitrg to talk altottt tulrcrc thq,y,1,111 ,,rr,1ulmt thcy ditl on lrcliday l-et's llsteil.l loltl up l)ictrrrt: Olrrl
2 (l lalaii) arrrl say I wenl to I luruail lust sunruu.r lt u,ns
I)o it again anrl lrave lhe rest of thc Ss rel)eat l)lay Ol) trat.k
Clrrtck: I u,ent to Ilou,ail last sunnntr
otlrcr pkrces oud actiultles,Wlail docs ho su1,? Ilavr: rrvo Ss
(Sll artd 54) try tlre lirsr dialog I lave 53 lx)int to tllc l)i(:lllr(:
say I bought sottrc souuenirs I lave Ss say ll'orlJ llul Ss into
Introdrrce the Chant-a-granr
llcviclv lhc vocahtrlarl'rvortls Slrrlrv Ss llictrrre Clrrls i
(lartl 3, ;roinl to the clock arrtl ask llotu lottg dot s lt tukt, ttt
I loltl trp l)iclrtrc Car<l l) anrl clicit Ilorl lottg, dots it takr, to
iursrve r ll tukcs 20 ttrltrttles by cur |Iave Ss re pe at Irlly
tltcy are clranterl (Nore:'l'ho Clrattt-a-g,rnnl ivill ltc
I.lstett artd t:hnttt.
I ltxu lotrg, does it l(/re to gtrt to (iutatkti'
Ilout lottg does it k*e? Haw ktng does it tnke?
I knu bng doc$ lt tilke h gttt ta tlrc lmu:lt?
It tnkes 20 ntinutes lry cur
Unill, Lesson 3 2!t
Trang 28I'ln1'tlrr'Ol) agairt atttl ltitvt'Ss clall akrtrg rvillt tltc
O Afier lhe book
l'lirr' Stop tltc sloprvalclr ('l'eaclrct's (itritlt: p l6) I lave Ss
rrsr, tlrt'ir books tvhctt cloirrg tlre strbstittrtions
My pum dlalog (Teacher's Guide p 16) '
r tt was greel (TR l: Teachbr's Guicle p e0)
Activitl'ltook 1r.4 citll ttttrv hc nssigtretl lilr lrotrtcwork tlr
trse rl in class See iltlsw(:r key, 'liraclter's (itridc p, l4tl.
toy cilr to irttro(luce llte gratlttttar
@ Buitd itt @ chont-o-srom
,,-1p{rcsqq,*r,1-!,a*"1 "tr*,1l itt'::-{i-llii!s,i tI Ii1".'l{ 1l ,
Torgets,ig ,, r ,(*fr,{ 1,,", r ,, ,,.:,.
, Ss cen make stelsnents qbout how long it takes to
(Hawail)by(plane) ,.' ,.
$latmit)? lt wkes CIrhours) by (plane).'
r' Ss can chant the Horu lon g does it talce? chant
r,i rt'ritl ltrSSOn4
Irlve tlkctt l'ive cartls, ltavc olltt'rs lly l(, rclllcttlbcr rllto
Introduce gratntllilr
Ss say tlrc tirtre.'t lten itsk Ilott' lotrg is it frttrtr l:Oo to 2:00?Illicii t hour.'l'ry otltcr litltt's to elicit 2 /torrrs atttl 3 fiottr.e
boartl Ask llotu longdot'.s it trr['r' to qt't to the lxttclt? llavr
Ss repcat lilicit thc iltls\!cr.
@ Open the book
tlnvc Ss tuln to Stttdcttl lkrtlk 1r, ll atttl krnk ill l)ilIt A l'lly
(ll) trlck A 10 I lavc Ss listcn atttl rt'1lt';tt
A Lislen and repurl.
'Ibrri: lt tukes T hours to gil to llarcuii lty plane (purse)
Say the uutttller oI eirclt ;lictrrrc itt llarl A t lavc Ss say tlte
individttal Ss say the seltterlces'
lr Llsteil nrtd rePcnt,Dotttrl,; I lotu ktttg, does it take to g,et to I lawoii? (lxtuse)
'lbtrl: lt nkes 7 luttu's lty pltnrc $xutse)
part l|
Trang 29C, I.lsten nrul writc.
l /t trtlls tltrct lttntrs to g.'l tt, (irtuultt l).1, !r(in (2x)
? lt nkar stlt\rtt lururs to lll"t b Soutlt Ali.icrt 14,pkurc.(2x)
.1 I lttt, lrnrg tlots it Inkc to get to tlrc Grutul (iur1,utr?
llou, longtloes it tttkc to get lo tlrc tttorttttttitts?
Itlttrls lrrtl say the stitlcntonts or rlilklgs.
l)()ttoul oI p Il in tlrc Srurlerrt lllok Itlay (]l) track Ag altd
l.lsleil und clrttrtt.
I kut lrtrtg tlu:s it tul;e? I knu lortg tlots il tekc?
l lur ktttg, ilttt,s it !ttka b gct to tlrc lwu'lt'!
Ir trrlts 20 rtritttrtcs by car.
l)ivirlr: Ss irrto grotrll A antl grrlrrp Il Ilave grotrp A chant
Atler lhe book
I lot potatocs ('l'traclrr:r's (iuidu
11 2l ).
Detectlves (Teacher's Gulde p 17)
r\t'tivitl, lkrok p l'r r:arr norv hc assignerl frtr ltonrervurk rlr
11 l4g
srl)itrilte carrls i[1,orr t:lroosc trl rlo tltc oplional ilctivily
Scporulc llrc sclrtcrrr:cs ('li:ilr:lrcr'"s (irrirle gl I 8),
Reod it!
Ss can pronounce, read and wrlte one sound of ow ,
., - ri n.;e* $,i!;red r., , is}"., ,*e*d;ri:t*d,&h*il3
t rh.
b.hnd hos Lart amer.l bqrJht o (01 - r@r'
tt mt q (rDr - n loy ms Whol d'd (a,t - do?
Ilave inrlividual Ss rvrile the le tters oI tlre allthalle l (trgrpcr
r:asc anrl lowor casc) olr tlre lulartl, lilicit tlre leilcrs irrrrl
ortlcr arrd lrave indivitlrral Ss say tltrl lctters arrtl sorrrrrls
Inlroduce the lotters oud solrnds of oru alrtl or
Writc orl orr tlrc lrolrrl I lse crrlargr:tl phonlcs Cords llrrlt I('l'll 2: 'l'eachcr'.s ( irr itle 11 3l ) to slrorv Ss thc orl rvorrls
l'oint to antl tcittl tlte rvortls, erttplrlsizirtg Ilrc otl sorrnrl
llirvc Ss liste rr Say/ntrers, ltftnt,n, t.otus.ll,ltlclt sorrrlrl i.r
llrirt lurve llre sarrtc rrrl sourrtl.'l'e ll Ss ?Irc,se hatlt soutttl lltrxutte, but tltey're spelled di.fJarcntly 't'lretr rlo tlrc sarnc [or
on tllc lx)itr(1 llcarl llrc rvrlrrls on lltt: carrls, cnrplrlsizirrg
likc o (as in .s/rorr,, lirrrrrrr arrtl lrorll.) llcvicrv the otlrt'r
prorrunciation tallle on'l'eaclre ri (iuidc ;r 5.)
Unil I, lesson 5 'J7
Trang 30A Open lhe book
,}lat, trlrl ( lxtr t st') ott, ou (lr+rtstc)
ou, ou, soul) (ltrtttst)
ou, ou, sotttutttir (ltause)
ort,, ott', Jlou,e,rs (l)(u$e)
l'llv tlrc (ll) a tlrirtl titrtc I lavc irrdivitltral Ss relleat tlte
it crr rs.
llst'thc I)lttlnics (larrls Slrr:rv tlle I)icttlres atlcl ask
tt'har is !|rc wonl? I lave indivitlttal Ss rvritc tlte rvortls tltt
tltt lroitrtl
Note:'l lte "lI: carefttl!" scctions foctts otr rvords rvit[t
llrc s;ttttc kl.y lclters ils lllc wor(ls in tlrr-'prcvirltts t:olttllttt
crplrrittt'tl to Ss.
Ilavt'Ss lurtl lo Stttdettt llook pp 6-7 nrrtl krok at tlre
tlrli ( (,nllitt tlrt'ltltrlttlcs stltttttls tlrcy lravc ittst lcarttotl.
(,\rrsrvcrs: florvt'rs, brorvtr, sotrth.)
rlrl lrolrrrl I litvu a sttttlcttt wl ite ihc lctlet s ottr itt tltt:
sprrt r: l)o llte sattte rvitlr tlre otltcr revicrv rvtlrtls
u r itt' oll or ott itt the blanks
ll l,isten and write.
Al.y Srrntlner 1 ltca t iott
14'Clruck Allett
irr llrc n'loturtttirrs, lr trrl'es1tt'c Itottts la 8e t tlt(re by Mr
lttst sttnttnrn I lnug,ltt o souttcnir lt twts a ltnnutt tttl'
,n.,r,.ir, ll'hut did r,ttu do?
I'llr' Ot) track A l5 l tav* Ss listerl atld fill irl the rvottls as
tlrt'1'lrcar tltettt
,rt) I r,ir 'l Inssnn /r
2, 'l'hr ttrrutsr qtillul srtrtlt itr lti.s /trrttsr" (lLt l
3 I took u lticlttre oJ tt bxtu'tt t'ttru t'tttittg,llurt'rs (2.u)
\Vritt tlrr: scnlt'nccs rvitlt tlrtr llllttrks ott tlrc lroartl (lltcr:k
the atrsrlt'rs h1'lrtviltg irrtlividrrirl Ss go lo tltl: lroltttl atttlrvritirrg tlte rtortls irr tltc bllrrkS I lavc irrtlivitlttal Ss rcatlllrt: scttlttttct's
ll'ltich scntenca ls tltls? I lavc Ss tvrilc tlre tttttttbcr oI lllt'
('oil(,('t s('nt('tt('(: tttttltr llte llicltllc (n llswcr: lt's:1.)
O Afier lhe book
l'lay Irirttl tltc rvortl ('li'rrt:lrer's (irrirlc
Fill tn the blanksl (Teacher's Guide p lB) '' 'r - ',
$eparate tlre oentences (Teacher's Guidg n 1,81 I
Tongue nuleters
" i"':::;:i'.lili ,; ,:'t
' My lrrwd in the mountalns kdown in thewuth.
Starislowly nnd grarlually increase the pace.'
-Activity llook 11 0 catt Ittlrv [lr' ;tssigrtt'tl lor ltottlt'tlttrk ttr
1ll:ry tltc ganrc
Fru \:-7 Proctice it!
Moldil6-1r.i' :' , :,ri,,.,.,,,1: ";11;i,',"
i l'i.,,,r" (lartls l-l(), Ol), ollc crlitt ittttl lrvo tltlttkt'ts ftlr 1
Trang 31l*10 orrc al a tirrre arrd [rave iritlivirlrrnl Ss ask the qrrestion
(lrrrlirrrrc until you lrave praciice<l all (he lllaces
O Open lhe book
llb're golttg to listen to the SuperKids nnrl lrls Ilrown.
Illve Ss look al the first rorv oI tlre r:lrart altorrt'l'oni anrl
tri;r, Ask llthere are they goirtg,? l lou, lotrg rloes it lttke?
tltcl' slrorrkl rvritc llrt ansu'e rs
l'lay OD track A I {i I llvc Ss liste rr.
(.'lrtrrl'; I lotu lortg rlots it tttkt to gttl to I ltttt,rtii?
'littti: lt ktltes V lrours ltt,plrtttr:.
'Iittrln,r:, 7 luttlrls!'lltttl's rr ltttrl4litttt,.
II.rrc Ss look al the first rrnv oI tlre c]rarl altotrt'tilni arrd
l:.licit By plane I lave Ss write tlte arrsrve rs in their books
(lt) trackAl6 llirvc Ss listcn.
Tbacl rc r : I ow alrn t yo r r, Cl t I 1 t? l\Il ta I t re yru goi n g t o d t ti,
Cltlp: l)otrrty orul I und gtirtg, to sumnrcr canrp
'litrrl: Are ynt going by ltus?
Clrlp: )'r,s Ir rrl'r,s l,l lrours anil 20 ninutes lty lrtts
Ilelleat tlrc proccrltrre anrl lrave Ss write lhe ansrvers in
tltcir llooks
Say Norl lot's lrcar about Sanily und Beth's trlp,
I'lar-(ll) trlckAl(i IlavcSs listen
'feacher: I lou, ll,out )nu, Sandyl
Srrrrdy: lleth and I are goittg ttt Soutlt Africa
Cltttt:k: I luru lotrg cloes it tttkc let g,t'l to Soutlr i[,.tt?
Sandy: lt tukcs 22 lrcurs and 45 ntinut s 14, ltlotta
I)otttty: 'lltilt's n rcally lotrg tinrc!
tlistribute a coin and trvo rnarkcrs to each pair l lave Ss prrt
thcir rnarkcrs on tlre Srarr space F-xplain that tlrey rvill llipilrc t:oirr arrtl rrtovc onc or two sllilces at a tinle, <lcpcttrling
sttttttner'll lS2: I'trr going to tlrc beach.l lS l: Ilorrr lnng dor,s
lirtislr early havr: thcrrr plal'again
r\t:tivity llook p 7 carr norv be assigrrctl for lrr)rnervork or
tlrirt Ss lrave corrrlllcterl IInit l, tlrcy r:an go to tlrc lleuunl!
plge, Activity lklok p 7(l orrd color rrrrrnhcr I blrre
irclivily Morc plcturo sctrchlng ('l'cat:lrcr'.s Grritlc gr l4)
O Afler lhe book
l'lay Iluzz ( l'eaclrer's Grritle p. t9)
Unill, Lesson 6 29
Trang 32Teaclrefs lnstructlons'' I)rt,pare photocogries lor eac:lr Pair of Ss in advance, tland otrt tltc rvtlrksltce ls I)ttl Ss iltlo
iriryr.tlrt: rest of thr: is rcpcat llavc Sl in eaclr pair throw thc tlic Ilave Sl tltcn find thc picltlrc rvitlt tltat tltttltber alttl rlrlrv a lilc frorrr rlrat gtiiturc to an iqrpropriate answcr I lnve pairs tlten sity tlte dialog.'l'hett it's 52'.s turtl' lf llte satlte
I Whol did you I
-SWOh in lhe pool
:t0 Unil I, Teocher Reproducible I @ Peorson Educolion Asio [imiled
Trang 33s _ venir
Trang 34A Listett,lroi,tt o,td rel)e0t.
striligltl ltlttck ltair llrattsl,)
Ss crn poirrt to aiid name straigttt black hah lotrg
lilond hain curly'7rd nrr, sltort brown hair anrJ I, me,
t'ott, !'au, he; him, she, her, uq ,$, they, tlrcnt
Itr (lnttsc) Itittt (!,tttts()
S;rv ?irlrrl rt'c'rc goirtg, to lillk fil,o,tt descriltittg 1tt'ople
ll\t' l)i('trrr('(lards I l-14 to itttrrttlttce thc tlilli:rcttt ways t()
rllst rilrt'lrair color itrttl ltttgtlr Sltorv eaclt carti atttl
tlr,rlr ilrc llrr pt'rsott's ltitir I lavtr Ss rellcitt I lavc tlilli'rtrrrt
voc:rlrrrllrl' jttsl le arttcd.
srory O (F utlon. IE urtm lotnt toy.
l)rarv a 4-colttttttt clrittl ott tltt'lro;tttl n'ith six rtlrus ltttlrc I'iLst Io\v, \t'r il(' / itl tll(' lit st t:trlttttltt, lrt.l'itt lltt' st't'tttltlcolrrnttt attrl ntitlr'irt tlte thirtl t'olttttttt l:licit serrtt'rlct's
coltuntt arrd e lit:it.lrtttr atttll'rtto.s ll'ottt Ss [)tt tlttl satttt'
rvitlr /rl I his I lris, sltt / ltrr / lttrt, ttt'l ttrrr I otus atrtl lltct'ltlrcir I llreirs Irr tlrc lirst torr', rvritt' rrtc irl tllt'lirrtrtll
tlrt' cltart rvitlr l'ort, ltirtr, lttr, ltr tttttl lltr'rrr
O open the book
Ilin,c Ss luln t(l Sttttlctt( IIrok pp l2-lll arrtl look at tlrc
l:l lJrril 2, Lesson i
Trang 35l'lly OI) track i\ lt] I lave Ss listcn antl rrtrrnller the
(lhcck Ss' ilnswcrs by saying the nunrbers and having Ss
pointing to caclr one
Ilave Ss klok lirr tlrc hirl<le n trtr(lc in tlto nralrr scerres
O Afier lhe book
l'lily All lll tlrtler ('leaclter's (ittitle p l5) trsirrg I)ictrrre
(lartls I l-14.
r:arr regllacc tftegirl rvitlr the rvrlrtl lcr [irase tftegirl and
tlrc lny Ask Ss rvlrat rvorrl carr relllace ir (ltirr,) I lave a
tr'itlt t/rr, lro.1s (rePlacc rvith llrear) Oharrgc the origirral
sentrf lrce 111 {/11,5411r.1,ott ruul tttc.lilicit the rcplacernent rrs.
,\e tivity lkrok p ll carr rtorv lrc assigrrerl lirr lrontcrvrlrk oL
llrirrg irr a strrlibrl itninral if yrtrr r:lroose to tlo tlic optional
rctlvit),'lirsr tlre urrIrrrul ('lcuclrcr.! (irrkle p I (i)
@ Tolk obout it! {oiotosst
l" Moierlols ' ';' ':-'i:'"';;r:'l'r I i;i'
Dialog l: I lave trvo Ss (Sl arrd 52) go to the frorrr l\rint ro
S I and say 77ris lt rlfr /orres lrln lones works ut tlrc '
alrport in llawuil Illint lo S2 arrrl say ?'llis is lrcttr Ita!r,r
aildToni are at the airport ln lluwail.Itctt'i ctttt't litrtl
To[i Stand next to SI, look at 52 arrtl ask ll?ld, s wrong?
tlave Sl re l)cat Stanrl next to 52 antl stty I ctttt't litul ttn,
sister I lave 52 rel)eat Stanrl ncxl to Sl arrtl ask lt,lrrrl rlor,.r
rvlrispering lltcir litrcs if lrr:r:cssirry l)o it irglitr urrtl lrirr l
l)ialog 2: Ilavc trvo otlrt:r Sr (S.l urrtl S l) go to tlrt, lrorrl,[\rirrt to Sil antl say'I]ris is llr, lrtttts l\rinr ro S.l arrtl rirv
'l'ltis is Pclen Stanrl nr.xt to S:l iut(l usk ll,[aIt lttr ttutttt,?
Ilavc Sll rcl)ent Slarrrl rrcxl to S,l lrrtl say ?irnl ( jlrrrA Il,rlr,
Whal's she wearing? llave Sil repcat tlrc rvrrrrls anrl tlrr
'I'-shlrt.l lave S,l rtl
I)ialog ll: Ilavc trvo otltr: r Ss (55 anrl S{i) go to llrt lionr.
l\rint trr Sl-r artrl suy ?'fils ls llr, lorrt,s.l\rirrt to S(i lrrrl s.rv
'l'ltis is lteter Stancl ncxt to Sl-),
slrorter lhan lle Ilave S{i rcgrcat Slatrtl rrcxt to S5, lroirrr
itt tlte tlistancc orrtl usk ls I lrat 1'our slsltr out r Illt rr,/ I l.r r r'
Unil2 Lesson 2 3.1
Trang 36sry l?-r, llmt's her.'I'hanks a lot I lave SG rc;rcat I lave Slr
antl S{i sitv the dialog again on their orvn Do it again and
l)ialog.l: llavc six orhe'r Ss (57, S8, 59, Sl0, St I and
Sl2) go to tlre frorrt and stand together I)oint tu 57 a,ld St]
lkrirrr to Sl) nrrd Sl0 arrd say ?'ftis is lenny ondllris f.sSlerrr,
l ltty're'lbnl and lreterb corrsirrs I\rint to S I I and say ?}ls
is lirrtl I\rirrt to Sl2 antl say ?7ris is lteter Starrtl ncxt to S7,
,r,lr('irl Strrrrrl rrext to Sl2 and say Ili, Arutl fi.lary Ill, Uttcle
agaln I lavo S$ rol)cat I lavc Ss sny
Lonouooe nole
tllttlrtt is il traditional llarvaiian greeting
/i'y is a conlrnon rvay for young pco;rle today to
@ open the book
ll:rvr.Ss llrnr to Studcrrt llook p1t l2-13 lrrtroduce llre
l)()int t() thc peolllc or objccts as they arc nlclltioncd.
C l.isten lo lhe story
ll'/rr,rtlr l\,t$? Ile's at tlte airltort in lkruuii.l(ltttt's lrc
scrtrurl Iteter spes a ntiltt.?'ltc mrut ruorks ul tlrc oirlnrt,
l\'tcr usks Jir lrclp.7'1rc nnu u,ants to klr:lw tuluil 'litrti
Irrol.s lilr, Do 1,ou kttott? 'l'lre nrart is u,ritittg irt ltis
rtotrlxxtk.Ils aslr lreter sonte qu esriorr.s l)eftr sa1,5'!'611i ig
yrn Jind lrcrl She's lookittg at souuenirs Nttttt'!i1ni anfl
l\'trr ntu sce tlrclr [nnil),.'l lrcy soy hello to their Aunt
I'lrrr'(.[) trncks A20-A23 [or each tlialog, have Ss ljrst
l) Diulog l.
I.istt'tt und polttt.
rlirllort nmn: Wltal's u,rot,g?
l\,tcr: I cait lirttl nty sister
,lir'1xtrl ttrttrt: lVl:,rl.t r/oe.s slre kruk like?
l\'ttr: .$he lra.s.slrnlgltt black hnir orrd ltrown
A'orl li.slcrr ttnd rtpcat.
firr.\s lrr rt1x,rtt.)
:l,l tlnil 2, Lesson 2
D Dialog2.
l,islen eutcl ltoittt.
Airport nmtt: Wltot's lter rtattte?
Airporl nuttr: l|y'lmt's slte u,cnritt$?
Iteler: Illue slrcrls ottd a grcctt 7:.slrirl
($nlre rr.r (tl,ot,c, but t\tclr lirlr,i.s srtirl once willt t l.trtttst,/irr.S.s tr.r raltutt.)
D, DinlogS.
Alrytort nratr: ls slra lallcr tlum yttr?
Itelcr: Mr,.shr:ir r,(rr .S/rc:s sltorter tltatt nu,.
Airltorl ttttrrt: Ls lhal1,orrr srs tcr oyer tltere?
Iteler: lir, t/rntls han'l'ltttttks a kil
D, Dinktg4.
l.istett ond poittt.
It's g,txxl to stt, 1'ott ttgrtitt
(Satrrc os abotv, bul utd, lirte is sairl ottt'o u'illt a l)ilusefitr Ss to rtl)aet.)
l)ttt Ss irrto llairs rlr gr()ul)s o[[orrr irrrtl lurvc lltcrrr prncticr:
the class
@ Aller lhe book
lleview the words tflllcr, sllorlcr, oldcr alrtl youlrgcr Say
[)ivirlc Ss irrlo grorrps of llrrt'c arrtl lravc llrenr prae lice
lincourage Ss to atrsler truthfully about thc students irr
tlreir orvn class
llicturc sirles slrrlrvirrg) as a refcrencc l)rrt Ss irrto;rairsittttt lutvc tltcrrr,irrlog I rrsirrg tliIIcrr,rrt
Iil'c? arrtl lrave 52 answer Slte hns curll' red hnir onil greerr
r,-ye.s I ltvc S I grrcss rvlro is lrt'irr1i rlt'scrillt.rl (i.r llt'tlr).
Use dialog 4 for this activity
Trang 37Activity llook 11 1) can norv hr: assigrrerl litr honrewrlrk or
ttsctl ilr clirss Se e inlswcr kcy,'l'e irche r's (irritle
11 150
Ss can perform dlalog I uslng vocabulary worcls
2 Unlt 7ln level3 and Unlt 4 in Levet 4
rvrarilrg ll thcy irre lll rvr,;rring rrrrifornrs or sirrrilar
rlillcrcnt ckrtlring llevicrv colors
I'1a1, Ilftlrc plctrrrc searching ('l'caclrer s (itritlc p I4)
llave Ss trlrn to Sirrrlcrrt llook p l,l,llavc trvo Ss (Sl urrrl
52) g<r to the front Say (Sl's nrtnrc) is rllr /naes (.$?,s
rcl)cal Say Tbri Clarll I lave 52 re pcat Say ll/lrllt slrc
rue uring? I Iave S I rr: l)cilt Say tllrre sllor ts anil a 6run
tlreir owrr l)o il agnlrr nnrl hnvc tho rcsl of tlul Ss rrl)(.nt.l'lay ul) track A2,1 llave Ss liste n antl rcpcar the rliiikrg
l,isten unrl repetl.
Airport mnn: lVlmt's ln,r natrrc?
Airport nmn: lVlnt's slte u,earing,?
['eler: Illtrc slrcrts ttul a grcctr
( t tt sr )
(1rrttl.t r'/
'l'-sltirt (l)tuti()
u,eurlng,lVlnt does hc say? llitve trvo Ss {Sll anrl S.l) trr
the llrst diaklg I lave 53 sa1, lVllatb slrc wcarlng? I lar.e S l
say llrorrrrr punts and a red swcatsltlrl llrrt Ss irrto ;lnirs
l)ictures, |or rtrrrtrber 5, have Ss nrake llrcir orvtr tliulogs
front of thc class
Introtluce the Chant-a-gram
l\rirrt to tlrc lvrlrtls as tllcy are chautctt (Notc: ?Irt, Olttrtrt.a-gru,n rvill llc revierved arrd tauglrl in rtrurc detail inI.esson.1.)
Nr.r, Ics ttol No, lte's not
Atttl lrc's yorutger tha,t lm
Yes, we ure.l't's, tt,tt 1tre.
point to thc correct rvonls as llrt:y are chantcrl l,lll, rlrt,
()t) agairr arrrl lrave Ss clap aklrrg rvitlr tlre rlrytlrrn ol rhl
O After the book
Itair and eycs Ilave 0tltcr Ss try to gucss rvlr() is lrr:ilrg
tlescrilletl I lavc lhe strrrlerrt rvlro Iirsl glrr:sses corrcr.lll,
Unil 2, lesson 3 :t5
Trang 38EEEEL,;fi:rs,;;;[.i]-,"in"'rr -.Is,rifi]lf,; r "
Descrlbe lour frlends'(TR 3: Teacher's Guide p 40)
At rivitl'llook 1t l0 calt tttlrv tre itssigrretl ftlr lttlttlcrvork tlr
@ Buitd itt @ chont-o-srom
rr y4, F,!oi rm rhnr ffrtr"djiifitl$*oi*itfi'r#t-liJF il'
'l{i I tnit o IncSf'}n
(lnrds I l-2(1.
llcvicrv tltc llrrtlltttttt cltart itrtrodtrccd itt l.essolt l.
Introduce grammar
I lrrve otte sttt(t(tllt (Sl) 8rl to tltc ljrlttt ittttl stitttd ll('rt l(t
Yort (icslttrt' tlto stl,l(lellth lrcig,llt anrl sitl' l'ott'rc (slnrter)
'thatt urc,llavc Sl say tlre sallle selltt!l'lcc frtlttl a tlillcrclttlrrri rrt o[ r'it'rv, t' g I'rr sl t o rler tlutrt 1'o tt I lave ilro rost ofilre class say tIe'slsfte's slrcrter thorr )'ort.'l'hctr say l'rl
killcr llrut yott I litvc S I sny l'nlr'ru lnlle r lluttt rtlc' I lttve
ilrc rcsl rrl'lltc clitss say l?rrr're lnller thort hlm I hor
rlrrcsliott tttitrk, Sl alld askzlrel'ort shorter.tlmn me?
tullcsl 0f tltr: tltrt'o (S?) !ititlt(l willl 1'ott ittttl llte otlttrr trt'tl
lrrrint lo lrtttrscll atttl 52 arld say'l'hey're slrcrter llmn us'
iltun them llitvc Sll itttrl S'l slt' lirtt'rt taller llurrt tts' I lave
que stioll trtat k ittttl sti' ,1rc ruc shorter'lltttll lllclrri I lavc thc,il.r, at,.t ,,t No,yttlre rtoi,lbtirc tnller llmn tlretrt'
@ Open lhe book
(ll) track A26 I lavc Ss listt'rr lttttl tt'1tcat
Iteter: S/tels s/rorlor lltrttt trta (lxutse)
lenny: Wdreyoutrgt't'tlrrtttllrutr (lxtrtst')
irrtliviclutl Ss sal' tlre sorlt('tl('os
I llvc Ss klok at part ll, l'lay Ct) track A27, I love Ss listcll
I'eter: No, slrrris ,rct Slrc's shortcr llutrr
Aiqtort nmn: ls slrc taller tlntr yotr?
Jerrrrl,: )'es, srtc i's'
Sterte: No, wa're ,tot.Wc'rtt oklu tlurrr
'Ibrti: Yes, we are
Trang 39N0le:'l lte arlrvork orrl1,slrotvs tlre pr0norrrr <llljects, not
lhu l)i('tltr(:s in parrs A arrrl ll first, ilntl thcn itlcrrli[y thc
Itlonoult objccts llclilre rkring tlrc srrbstitrttirlns
llavc Ss look al part C l,lty Ol) tr:rck A2ll Illvc Ss listcrr
antl rvritt: rvorrls to cornllle te caclr scrrlt:nce
(.' Lfstc,n gtul u,rlt*
l .SIrc} tallcr tlrrttt tttt,.
2 'l'lrey're olrltr tlmn ynt.
.t llt's slnrttr tlntt her
5 Arc u'c sltortrr tlut,t tlrcttt? No, u,e urctit
(llteck Ss'ans\!ers hl,havirrg irrrlivirltral Ss raise their
Itlntls arrrl say tllc st.rlelt'lrf ltts or tliaklgs
l.islr'tt ttwl chant.
.Slrt,i tal/cr tlturt hittr
tltrrl hds slutrttr tltan lttr.
No, lrc's rror Atr, ltt's ttot
.5/rt,!' rrlr[,r t I ut tt I t i t tt
tlrt tue okler thutt llrcrn?
Atrrl tlrcy're yt,t,t!!tr tlmil ,$
l)ivirle Ss irrto grorrp A anrl groul.r Il I Iave grotr1i A chant
(Il(,:'lions llr:r.ersc r()hts ilrrrl cltollt ilgilin l)ltt Ss illlo pilirs
grolrlls of llrree arrtl lrave tlrenr practice tlre sccorrrl vcrsc
lrrilcli(:e the final verse
O Afier lhe book
l)ivirle Ss lnlo srrrnll groul)s trr<l lrirvc llre rrr nrake rrll thcir
lltcir ttr:rv vcrsc [or tlre rcst of llrc t:lass
Activity lkrok p I I e an rrorv lrc assi1.;rrcrl lirr lrorrrervork or
chopslicks if yotr choose to tkl thc ol)lional .tr: livir)
Olropstlck rclty ('l'cache r'.s (irrirle
i !|{l
bd:!&.&i, b
rh,Lr1 fffif (1,r,MrLr *
R $Il(u(h!!
O th urlcn.writ o., ir or h REd
X":T,;:*:., try.I.hru*d s ti.p€tu'? Ff,ry.-l
O Before lhe book
Write orre of tlre rvortls frorn llre lh'arl irl se ction irr tlrrit I
{)n tlle l)oar(1, rvith a sllacc irrstelrl oI tlre targct soirrrtl,
correct sorrnrl I lave a volurrtecr go to llre llolrrl arrrl [ill irr
tlrc nrissing lctters (lonlinue rvitlr tlrc renraining rlortlr
Unil 2 lessorr 5 lli'
Trang 40to antl rt'url lltr tlorrls, r:rttl)llfltiiz.illll lltc t'r'stttttttl I ltvc Ss
l ist trr Snv sl tou kler, su tn rnen crockors l|y'h iclt sorut d ls t lrc
.srlrrcl I lllt Ss say er Itrirrt otlt thitt this sotrrrd irt these
:r1',;rirr poirrtirrB (nrl tlt(! dill'crcrrt spr:llilrg.'l'cll Ss TItcssall
t'rrrplrlsiz.ittll llte ersouttd, atttl poiltt ttt tltt: rvrtrtls its ytttl
rrilrrls Ss rlo nol ull(lcrstatttl l\lirrt lrl llre cartls ilt tatttlottl
@ open lhe book
,1!ott, ltoint atul rPlrcttl.
tr, ar, sltotrhh'r (l,uuse) ir,
t't', (t', srtnlnlt'r (lr,Jlts?f) ir,
r'r; r't: r'tztr'[t'r.i (rxllr.s(f) in
Il, l.islen nnd utrile.
'lixkrf is'l'lrurxlay.lf i"rt itr I lau'aii SN tlte 1tit:t,trc?
i .Srclr,, I I a's t I t i r t t'ar t, I le u m su rf.'l'ha g,i tl i.r hi.r .ri.rrr'nJanny Slte's rritrc Jentty lms o pet lurtle lt cnr.s ('rrl( lrrs.
lV,'rt g,oittg, lo haut'rt p4rutt sttt,t,n.'r urcalittrt!
2 Ile ltouglrt t purpla'l'-slrirt ttrr'l'ltrtrxlol' (2x)
rvritirrg tltc wortls ltt tltc blarrks I llrvc ilrtlivirltrlrl Ss rcadtlre scntences
Wltich senlen ce ts t/lis? llave Ss rvrilc tltc rtttlttllcr o[ tltecorrect senlence utrtlcr tlte picltrrc (Arlsrver: lt's 3.)
O After the book
Writo er - l, ur - 2, ir - .'l ort tlttr lllr:trtl, S:rt' tltc rvortls itt
accortlittg to rvhiclr is tltc corrt't:t slrcllirrg rlf tltc stltttttl.Atkl otlrcr rvuttls Ss arc latttilittr rvitlr, t'.1i' llake r1',
birtlrtlay, llrrrrr, circlc, crat:kt'rs, ('otttl)tlt('I, fatlrcr, firrgcr,
picturc, I)ostcr, Itlle r, Sittur(lltY, Septt'lrrber, sistcr, skirt,
winter, yeslerday atrd 1'ogurt
Activity llook p l2 catt tttlrv llc assigrtctl lilr ltttlttervtlrk or
in girl Qnuse)in'l'-shirt (ltause)
ir, lhirtce,t (pattse)(lturtst')
lrlly thc (ll) a tlrirtl titttc I lavc irrdivirlual Ss rcllcat tlltl
rltt'n,oxl? llrn'e irtdividual Ss writc tltc w<lrtls ott tltc
I llvt Ss lilnr to Student llook;rp l2-13 and look at the
tlrirt c(,rrtilin the plronics sotrnd they lrave jtrst revielvecl
\\'ritt' slrorrlrl- on tlte board I lave a sttldetlt write
lln'ie rv tlrt' tlords hcr,'l'ltursday, ttlrtle and bird I)oittt ttt
orr tlrc boartl I lave a stud(j llt rvrite tlte letters ltr ill the
splce I )o tlrtr satrtc rvitlr the tltltcr revicrv rvtlrtls'
st'ttt ( lri(ture, kn Lel's resd his letter l'lay (lD track All0,
i '1'
r't ltrl ttr /cr/ ir /cr/(Scc 1)rtttttlttciittiotl titlllc ott
lllt'ltt'r's (itritle p 5.)
r\ll tlrrt'c spcllings oll tltis l)itgc aIe llrtltlottttcetl
lrlctll' tlre sattit'.'l'ltc rlil l'crolrt slrcllirrgs eotttt: ll <tttt
:lll t Inil 2, tesson 5