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Full superkids 6 activity book

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Activity Book iil ril ffi = Aledq Krouse Greg Cossu Tolk obout it! Vocobulory O@ Lisien Number Write I WORD BANK beoch the Grond Conyon the mountoins Conodo the wildlife pork summer comp my grondporents'house South O Africo the Howoii the Greot Borrier Reef Unscromble Write Unscromble the letters Write the mystery words l d q o m q tt _s_L:l &e* '_ "' C &&{mrs tt ,!_ _ ttL_l kp&r iJ:, f$lwde ,i tlti ym rmdegn*p oors' tltt tili tltt \ l We're going to pcm m r.t tt it o L t_t $&hue ttii t-j-rJ,@ \y Student Book poges 6-7 Tolk obout it! Diologs O ffiW Listen Write Number l tif l e W ffiffiY #f ffi I'm going to go to you going to this summer? *& e! a e b**Yf1 &?flt** I Donny ond Iore going to does it toke to get to there? It tokes you there? WORD BANK climbed o volcono hours by plone O I South Africo Whol did Whol ore summer comp How long Whot oboui Look ot the diologs obove Write Student Book poge Soy it! @@ Listen Drow o tine O*r*_- trl O a Oa O ,."***%a Look of the onswers obove Wriie WORD BANK Jopon sow o plotypus O souvenirs took o boot ride Austrolio rode o roller coosler bought some How obout you? Write lost summer I Chino Mexico Student Book poge Build it! OW Listen.write tokes I It It tokes How long ry? Uy pl*n* to get to the beoch by to get to Conodo? It tokes to get to Howoii ond by How long to get to the wildlife pork? It tokes ond by WORD BANK plone summer comp boot South Africo Reef hours the Greol Borrier my grondporents'house bus minules does il toke @) write 45 minutes / troin How long It tokes hours ond 30 minutes / cor ll hours / plone Student Book poge Reod it! O@ Lislen Write &u or &w l h *\i,i m h-se s O ntoin - venirs Reod Look of the words obove Write y7 fl - h-rs c-s ers :// /7,- t '///7 Summer Comp by Chip Lee This summer, Donny ond (1) ffi*?v tong does get to summer comp? ft tokes by bus We're going to go hiking We're going to (3)- Donny wonts f wont to pick some (4) to see some (5) (6)Do (7) O are going to summer comp it toke to (2) climb o f for my friends Whot om f hove to buy some f going to buy? know? How obout you? Wrile This summer, I'm going to It tokes I'm going to I'm going to Iwont to too 10 Student Book poge 11 Proctice it! OW Listen.write ffi Steve ond John How long? "; ; J;e t.;!l'*;q! *.,"** "; l_n I w How? I Mork ond Cothy f\.1 - "v - -I{ -* r- ; s*r6; t:-"."""1, -*; Where? O Ann ond Sue t*q:,d*, F"/9Uidl!# Look ot the onswers qbove Write Where ore Steve ond iohn going? r! t rJ\-b q B I f'j{-}\, y'd-r f,-*f')lrtr,r1 r*#L-,,rx,{\-d ,'\ +d tt6 I iwc-l'rtr-r I it r'\6x -t How long does it toke to get there? Where ore Ann ond Sue going? How long does it toke io get there? Where ore Mork ond Cothy going? How long does it toke to get there? Tolk obout it! Vocobulory @W Listen Drow Cotor 2.: Ilr i"' l : o Look of lhe piciures obove Write l He She He O How obout you? Write I hove Student Book poges 12-13 Tolk obout it! Diologs OW l Listen Check Number Whot's wrong? ,,d , il Icon't find my sister I con't Is she find my brother toller thon you? it"" , No, she's not I'm shorter thon her "; L_j No, she's not She's shorter thon me Is thot your sister over there? l Yes, thot's her Thonks o lot ;, ; No, thot's not her t *; Aloho Welcome to Conodo Welcome to Howoii O Look ot the diologs obove Wrile l Studenl Book poge 14 Soy it! O@ Listen write Color I Donny WORD BANK sweolshirl yellow green O Look qt the onswers obove Write How obout you? Write Whot ore you weoring? t0 oronge T-shirt sneokers brown roincoot Tqlk obout it! Vocobulory O@ Listen Number Unscrombte Write o ll\ ropmetes lbeu mrodq tebs rohie eerhdlegqeni eeseien uleb hoelos dbno etmq O How obout you? Write Which club you wont tojoin? 58 Student Book poges 62-63 Tolk obout it! Diologs O@ l Listen Write Number in two weeks School Thot's Are you going to join the I'M I might more fun, the school bond c or the cheerleoding teom? I think the our teocher going to be? i Mr Block I've he's the best teocher .id i i I I I Who's storts heord Which is WORD BANK school bond cheerleoding teom nol sure yel @) Look ot the diologs obove Write s9 Student Book poge 64 Soy it! O@ O Listen Check Look of the onswers obove Write I oclor o I How obout you? Write Who's the best ortist in your closs? Who's the best singer in your closs? 60 Studeni Book poge 65 Build it! @W l I Listen.write think the is more thon lhe ls more thon ihe ls more thon the science club I think the choir I think the computer club Which is more the computer club or the Which is more the or the cheerleoding teom? Which is more the dromo club or the O How obout you? Write l Which is more fun, the dromo club or the computer club? Which is more interesting, the science club or the choir? 61 Student Book poge 66 Reod it! O@ Listen.write WORD BANK sneokers @) leocher Reod Look ot the words obove Write Are you ready for school? by Chip Lee ft's foll The (1) arebeautiful School storts in two weeks f'm reolly excited f hove a greot (z) f'm going to moke o poster for our new (3) , Mr Block T've heord he's the best teacher Tomorrow, r'm going to get up eorty ond (+) new (6) (7) (8) O (5) Then f'm going to buy some I might buy o jocket, too, becouse the is going to be cool I might join the boseboll , but f'm not sure yet How obout you? Write Are you reody for school? 62 Student Book poge 67 Proctice it! O@ Listen Number rb I -t I :e d l : l : i il l O Look of the pictures obove Write Thot's exciting! Yeoh, it is I'm not sure yet I might The cheerleoding teom How obout you? O How obout you? Write Which club ore you going tojoin? ffi\ Finished? wett done! Now go to poge 70 Color number block 63 Student Book poges 68-69 O Reod Look ot the word bonk Write Across I I l t I hove to go to the Which is - Down _ fun? Did you hove o good Are you going to _ _? the school bond? Hove you ever gone on School storts in two _? I _ Who's our Why did you Do you - going to be? -? it's o bot? Why did you go to O Toni gove me o 12 Iheordo- WORD 64 _ I join more sofori think _? _ Student Book poges 68-69 O Reod the crossword questions Motch the onswers Number :- fr l* " i*i O Io go to summer comp I don't think so Ithink the cheerleoding teom I'm not sure yet I might Whot kind of noise? Are you excited? , , Me, too Let's go Mr Block It's reolly cute Yes, I did Howoii wos fontostic Becouse Istepped on something Yes, I hove Whot did Chip tost week? Write Chip's Diorl i:ilMirti,iil: ploy tennis illi lii: sweep the steps :Tri$ltiri join the computer club l:i:Wa$::il proctice with the choir :i&Ur11$i:il go out for dinner :i:rl:lmiIi:i; toke out the trosh :ii::iSnfir:tll see o movie O How obout you? Write 65 Studenl Book poges 70-71 O Soy Find Circte l S V o h v o u S e S S j t t f I e o h o n e o r U e o S h o U C m h p m e d o S r m h U g S S S t o f o o d e S S S t J m e d r I C u t j e W e r v o S n S o r t C o V S g d h o d Y c o r V n g S n W h C h o S n g o S C o ,.W WORD BANK O l corvrngs Africon elephonts soup jewelry medicine forests Mountoin gorillos food Asion turtles houses Reod Look ot the words obove Write There ore only 300,000 to 600,000 of these onimols in the world They ore the world's biggest lond onimols people ore cutting down the where they live Some people kill them for their ivory tusks Ivory is used to moke Whot onimols ore they? 66 ond Student Book poges 70-71 These onimols live in Eost Africo People cut down their forests to moke i ond forms These onimols need their forests for food Some people kill them for Some people steol them to sell os pets Whot onimols ore they? In ab, ,b , some people cotch these onimols ond sell them for o lot of money These onimols live for more thon 100 yeors Mony people like to eot oo' mode from these onimols People olso use the shells for Whot onimols ore they? O@ Listen to the questions Write 67 Student Book poges 72-73 O Reod write T = true or F = fqlse correcr rhe folse sentences Snowboording is like surfing, but it's on woter You need o snowboord, bindings ond boots You go reolly fost down the river Snowboording '- ''' ,] you need o koyok, o poddle ond climbing shoes You wont to tip over You see fur seols ond dolphins i, Seo koyoking You need climbing shoes, o horness ond o helmet You should proctice In o librory, then go climbing outside Use your fingers ond shoulders to climb up i Rock climbing I You need o horness, o porosoil conopy ond o reolly slow boot The bool pulls you up like o kite You fly 100 meters obove the snow Porosoiling 68 Student Book poges 74-75 Reod Number the sentences in order l Put the whipped creom on the ice creom ond bononos Then pui the cherry on top Scoop the ice creom into o dish First, slice the bonono Put the bonono next to the ice creom pour some chocolote syrup on the ice creom Bonono Split i_ " - Then mix everything together _.j First, peel ond chop the ovocodos, tomoto, onion ond gorlic Mosh the ovocodo in o bowl Add the tomoto, onion, gorlic, solt ond cilontro Guocomole First, put the chocolote on one grohom crocker Put the second grohom crocker on top Toost everything in the tooster oven Put the morshmollow on the chocolote When the morshmollow looks brown, toke it out S'mores L ; Peel ond chop the cucumbers Add the cucumbers ond solt to the yogurt Sprinkle the mint on top of the oil Put the olive oil on top First, put the yogurt ond woter in o bowl Cocik 69 t/t- l t.-'-( w 70 \ This certificote is presented to for completing Activity Book Congrotulotions! Signed Dote Published by Pearson LongmanAsia EIT '20lF Cornwall House Taikoo Place 979 King's Road QuarryBay Hong Kong fax +852 2856 9578 email: pearsonlongman.hk@pearson.com earsonlongman com \^nvw p and Associated Companies throughout the world @ Pearson EducationAsia Limited 2005 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers First edition 1997 This edition 2005 Reprinted 2012 (three times) Produced by Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong EPC/18 ISBN- 13: 978-962-00-5291 -0 ISBN- 10: 962-00-5291 -9 Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder Publisher: Christienne Blodget Managing Editor: Marie Webster Editors: Ravin Daswani, Ian Purdon Designers: Iunko Funaki, Tonic Ng Illustrator: Bernd Wong Cover illustration: Felix Ng Audio Production: David Pope and Sky Productions ... Student Book poge 30 Soy it! O@ O l Listen Write / = Yes e1f = No Look of the onswers obove Write ilu*Se* e-lrir 6, cheetohs,ff:r1;lT crocodiles, rhinos, gorillos, zebros, lT{:1,' ? Student Book. .. to too 10 Student Book poge 11 Proctice it! OW Listen.write ffi Steve ond John How long? "; ; J;e t.;!l'*;q! *.,"** "; l_n I w How? I Mork ond Cothy f.1 - "v - -I{ -* r- ; s*r6; t:-"."""1, -*;... iohn going? r! t rJ-b q B I f'j{-}, y'd-r f,-*f')lrtr,r1 r*#L-,,rx,{-d ,' +d tt6 I iwc-l'rtr-r I it r'6x -t How long does it toke to get there? Where ore Ann ond Sue going? How long does

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2017, 07:36

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