Tolk obout it!Donny ond Iore going to Whol did How long Whol ore Whot oboui O Look ot the diologs obove... Build it!Student Book poge 9 hours bus does il toke It tokes to get to the be
Trang 1Activity Bookiil
Trang 2Tolk obout it!
Conodo the wildlife pork summer comp my grondporents'house the Greot Borrier Reef
mr.t tt
pcm ,i
Trang 3Tolk obout it!
Donny ond Iore going to
Whol did How long
Whol ore Whot oboui
O Look ot the diologs obove Write
Trang 4Austrolio rode o roller coosler
Chino Mexico
lost summer I
O How obout you? Write
Trang 5Build it!
Student Book poge 9
hours bus does il toke
It tokes to get to the beoch by
How long to get to Conodo?
Trang 6O Reod Look of the words obove Write.
O @ Lislen Write &u or &w
(1) ffi*?v tong does it toke to get to summer comp? ft tokes
climb o (3)- f wont to pick some (4)
(6)- for my friends Whot om f going to buy?
O How obout you? Wrile
Trang 7Student Book poge 11
O Look ot the onswers qbove Write
I Where ore Steve ond iohn going?
r! q B
t rJ\-b ,'\ r*#L-,,rx,{\-d tt6 I it r'\6x -t
3 Where ore Ann ond Sue going?
5 Where ore Mork ond Cothy going?
Trang 8Tolk obout it!
Trang 9Student Book poges 12-13
Tolk obout it!
l Whot's wrong?
il I con't find my brother
t"" ";
Trang 10T-shirt brown
O Look qt the onswers obove Write
Trang 11Student Book poge 15
younger thon older thon toller thon shorter thon
4 Is he
1 t I
Trang 12Reod it!
O Reod Look of the words obove Write
O How obout you? Write to your friend.
visiting my cousins, Sleve ond Jenny
of the beoch He wos surfing Steve likes to (3) o lot His
porrot is (+) and green Do you know how old his porrot is?
Trang 13Student Book poge 17
He hos short blond hoir ond blue eyes.
il : l
Trang 14Tolk obout it!
O 'l@ Listen Number Write
lenl bug sproy
Trang 15@ W Listen Write Number.
Sludenl Book poges 18-19
some help Sure,lhonks.
O Look ot the diologs obove Write
Trang 16Student Book poge 20
Trang 17Student Book poge 21
Hove you ever
Hove you ever
O How obout you? Write
Hove you ever mode o compfire?
Hove you ever slept in o tent?
Trang 18Deor Beth ond Sondy,
Todoy, we're going to moke some (4) .r(5)
O How obout you? Wrile lo your friend.
Trang 19Studenl Book poge 23
O How obout you? Write.
Hove you ever gone conoeing?
Trang 20O Reod Look ot the word bonk Write.
Student Book poges 24-25
Down O
4 Hove you ever _ o fish?
8 Whot does she look
help Howoii
cought there
Trang 21Student Book poges 24-25
O Reod the crossword questions Motch the onswers Number.
Ll to, I hoven't Hove you?
Donny ond Chip ore going toThey're going by
It tokes
They're going to go toHove ihey gone
w3 hours
They're going to summer comp
It tokes 7 hours by plone
The doy ofter tomorrow
Trang 22O Soy Find Circle.
Student Book poges 26-27
ships lortoise
Whot islonds ore they?
Trang 23Student Book poges 26-27
2 These ore 700 corol islonds in the Oceon
Pirotes lived on the islonds 300 yeors ogo They brought
their treosure to the islonds People con go snorkeling ond
Whot islonds ore they?
3. These islonds ore on lhe
Oceon Mony interesting onimols live on the islonds
Whot islonds ore they?
Trang 24Tolk obout it!
dongerous poisonous
Trang 25Tolk obout it!
But stoy in thejeep
Student Book poges 28-29
the mosl poisonous the friendliest
@ Look ot the diologs obove Write
Trang 26Student Book poge 30
O Look of the onswers obove Write
Trang 27Student Book poge 31
Build it!
cot in South Africo?
No, Idon't think so.
O How obout you? Write
Trang 28O How obout you? Write.
South Africa is the most beoutiful country in the world!
Todoy, Sondy ond f went on sofori We sow o (1)
Trang 29Student Book poge 33
Proctice it!
Trang 30Tolk qbout it!
O @ Listen Number Write
il:t -,-
Trang 31H
Studenl Book poges 34-35
Tolk obout it!
O look ot the diologs obove Write
l How often do you go snorkeling?
2 Surfing is fun Do you wont to try it?
L_-i Sure, thonks.
3 Which do you like belter, surfing or snorkeling?
l-" *l
f ] Surfing is fun, but I like snorkeling better
il Snorkeling is fun, but I like surfing better
Trang 32ploying soccer ploying boseboll
O How obout you? Look of the questions obove Write.
O @ Listen Check two pictures Write.
Trang 33Student Book poge 37
O How obout you? Write
l you / every doy
Trang 34Student Book poge 3B
I go (1)
but f li
ploy (z)
Tomorrow, we're
We wont to know more obout Howoii
Trang 35Studenl Book poge 39
Look ol the onswers obove Write
How often does Uncle Roy go doncing?
How often does Aunt Mory ploy iennis?
3 How often does Jenny go soiling?
I Uncle Roy i.;{:{jl-j: {:iii*.*:
Trang 36Tolk qbout it!
Trang 37,t
Student Book poges 40-41
Tolk obout it!
I Whot do we hove to do?
2 Whot's
Look of the diologs obove Write
How much put up
Pick up the motter
Trang 38Student Book poge 42
Trang 39Build it!
There ore sondwiches o
Trang 40Student Book poge 44
Deor Mom ond Dod,
Yesterdoy, Chip ond f went f ishing We (1)
story Chip wos scored
We con't sleep now We're going
ond he turned on his (s)
to (6) letters to oll our friends!
O How obout you? Write
Deor Mom ond Dod,
Yesterdoy, I
After dinner, I
Trang 41Student Book poge 45
O Look ot the pictures obove Write
Trang 42Student Book poges 46-47
O Reod Look ot the word bonk Write
I Are you reody to go on _? 2 Surfing looks like _.
3 Is thot the most
7 Those ore
9 How often do you go
-? I O How much _ is there?
cheetohs poisonous
now sofori
elephont snorkeling
fish fun
Trang 43O Reod the crossword questions Molch the onswers Number.
intelligent onimols
I hove on eoroche
Studeni Book poges 46-47
Whot do we hove to do?
There's o lot.
No, they oren't They're hyenos
O Write obout your friend.
fovorite onimol is the thinks
O How oboul you? Wrile
Trang 44Student Book poges 48-49
Don't be scored of bees They don't wont to hurt you If o
bee stings you, the stinger will be in your
There's in the stinger Toke the
on your skin Put ice on the bump ond it will get smoller
Trang 452 Beors ore strong onimols If you see o beor, don't be
scored Turn oround ond slowly
Don't run or the beor might you.
you If o beor smells you, it will usuolly run owoy
Sludent Book poges 48-49
you see o helicopter, wove your honds If you hove o
" , You should wove vour honds.
Trang 46Tolk obout it!
O Lislen Number Write
heod mosquito
hond cockrooch
down lion
Trang 47Student Book poges 50-51
Tolk obout it!
Trang 48vocuum the room
moke her bed
Trang 49Student Book poge 53
Ls ":gyTj i[l i,j:] il_"_99_j
you , Why: SCreorn? , did
Trang 50O How obout you? Write.
Deor Mom ond Dod,
Deor Mom ond Dod,
f heord o stronge (1) lost night ft come
from the window f (e) to the window ond
Beth went to look Then she screomed r wos reolly scored
duck! Todoy, we (4) o snoke form tour.
We wonted to see some (5) snokes There wos o nice
Trang 51Student Book poge 55
Look of the pictures obove Write
Whot wos Donny doing?
Why did Sondy screom?
3 Whot wos Chip doing?
5 Whot wos Beth doing?
Trang 52rode wild onimols
token boby pineopple
Trang 53Student Book poges 56-57
Tolk obout it!
6 W Listen Check Number.
I Hove you ever gone on sofori?
r , Me? Of course
Greot It wos usuolly sunny ond hot.
Greot It wos usuolly hot ond sunny
O Look ot the diologs obove Write
Trang 54O How oboul you? Write.
l Did you hove o good vocotion?
2 Where did you go?
Trang 556 W Listen.write.
5 Why did she go to
6 Why did you go to
Build it!
Sludent Book poge 59
Jopon Conodo
Trang 56lot of mosguitos They cought o lot of fish ond (e)
best of all!
Trang 57Student Book poge 61
Proctice it!
O Look ot the pictures obove Write
I Hi! Did you hove o good vocotion?
To go hiking
5. Where did you go?
It wos fontostic!
Trang 58O How obout you? Write.
Which club do you wont tojoin?
Trang 59Student Book poges 62-63
Tolk obout it!
i i
Who's storts heord Which is school bond cheerleoding teom nol sure yel
@) Look ot the diologs obove Write
Trang 60Student Book poge 64
How obout you? Write
Who's the best ortist in your closs?
Who's the best singer in your closs?
Trang 61Studeni Book poge 65
O How obout you? Write
l Which is more fun, the dromo club or the computer club?
Trang 62Student Book poge 66
Then f'm going to buy some
I might buy o jocket, too, becouse the
O How obout you? Write
sneokers leocher
Trang 63Student Book poge 67
O How obout you? Write
Which club ore you going tojoin?
ffi\ Finished? wett done! Now go to poge 70 Color number 9 block.
Trang 64Student Book poges 68-69
Across t
I I hove to go to the _.
3 Which is
- fun?
5 Did you hove o good _?
7 Are you going to _ the school bond?
9 Hove you ever gone on _?
Down I
2 Who's our _ going to be?
4 Why did you
Trang 65Student Book poges 68-69
O Reod the crossword questions Motch the onswers Number.
Ithink the cheerleoding teom
" , Me, too Let's go.
i*i Becouse Istepped on something
I'm not sure yet I might
Are you excited?
Trang 66O Soy Find Circte.
Studenl Book poges 70-71
jewelry Asion turtles
medicine houses
soup food
Some people kill them for their ivory tusks Ivory is used to
Trang 672 These onimols live in Eost Africo People cut down their
forests to moke ond forms These
Some people steol them to sell os
Whot onimols ore they?
Student Book poges 70-71
Whot onimols ore they?
Trang 68Student Book poges 72-73
O Reod write T = true or F = fqlse correcr rhe folse sentences.
.'- ,] you need o koyok, o poddle ond climbing shoes
You con see fur seols ond dolphins
i, Seo koyoking
Use your fingers ond shoulders to climb up.
Trang 69Student Book poges 74-75
Then pui the cherry on top
Toost everything in the tooster oven.
When the morshmollow looks brown, toke it out.
Sprinkle the mint on top of the oil.
Put the olive oil on top
Trang 71This certificote is presented to
for completing
Trang 72@ Pearson EducationAsia Limited 2005
ISBN- 13: 978-962-00-5291 -0
ISBN- 10: 962-00-5291 -9
Publisher: Christienne Blodget
Designers: Iunko Funaki, Tonic Ng
Cover illustration: Felix Ng