Organizing as a Management Function Allow people to make contacts with others who can help them get things done Stimulate learning as people work and interact together Sources of em
Trang 1Chapter 11 Fundamentals of Organizing
11 John R Schermerhorn, Jr.Daniel G Bachrach
Introduction to Management
13th edition
Trang 2Planning Ahead — Key Takeaways
and the difference between formal and informal
organization structures
and the strengths and weaknesses of each
and the strengths and weaknesses of each
in the modern workplace
Trang 3Chapter 11 Outline
Trang 4designs
Trang 5Organizing as a Management Function
Trang 6Figure 11.1 Organizing viewed in relationship with the other management functions
Trang 7The division of
work relationships Supervisory Communication channels Major subunits management Levels of
Organizing as a Management Function
reporting relationships and the formal arrangement of work positions within an organization It includes:
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Trang 8Organizing as a Management Function
organization members
Identifies informal structures and social relationships in the organization
Trang 9Organizing as a Management Function
Allow people to make contacts with others who can help them get things done
Stimulate learning as people work and interact together
Sources of emotional support and friendship that satisfy members’ social needs
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Trang 10Organizing as a Management Function
Trang 11Traditional Organization Structures
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Trang 12Traditional Organization Structures
similar tasks are grouped together into formal work units
few products or services
Trang 13Figure 11.2 Functional structures in a business, branch bank, and community hospital
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Trang 14Traditional Organization Structures
and training
Trang 15Traditional Organization Structures
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Trang 16Traditional Organization Structures
product or process, serve similar customers, and/or are located in the same area or
geographical region
Trang 17Figure 11.3 Divisional structures based on product, geography, customer, and process
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Trang 18Traditional Organization Structures
products, and regions
Trang 19Traditional Organization Structures
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Trang 20Traditional Organization Structures
to gain advantages and minimize disadvantages of each
Trang 21Figure 11.4 Matrix structure in a small, multi-project business firm
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Trang 22Traditional Organization Structures
Trang 23Traditional Organization Structures
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Trang 24Horizontal Organization Structures
teams to solve problems, complete special projects, and accomplish day-to-day tasks
of members from different functional departments
task or project and disbanded once
Trang 25Figure 11.5 How a team structure uses functional teams for improved lateral relations
cross-Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 26Horizontal Organization Structures
Trang 27Horizontal Organization Structures
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Trang 28Horizontal Organization Structures
Network structures
networks of outside suppliers and service
alliances or outsourcing to provide other
Trang 29Figure 11.6 A network structure for a Web-based retail business
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Trang 30Horizontal Organization Structures
Potential advantages of network structures:
employees and less complex internal systems
operating efficiency
Trang 31Horizontal Organization Structures
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Trang 32Horizontal Organization Structures
Boundaryless organizations
subsystems and external boundaries with the external environment
structures, with the addition of
Trang 33Horizontal Organization Structures
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Trang 34Horizontal Organization Structures
Boundaryless organizations
flexibility, and efficiency
essential component
Trang 35Horizontal Organization Structures
Virtual organization
alliances that are engaged as needed, using
IT and the Internet
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Trang 36Figure 11.7 The boundaryless organization eliminates internal and external barriers
Trang 37Organizational Designs
Organizational design
accomplish mission and objectives
approached from a contingency perspective
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Trang 38Organizational Designs
and the legitimate use of formal authority
Clear-cut division of labor
Strict hierarchy of authority
Formal rules and procedures
Promotion based on competency
Trang 39Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 40and uncertain environment
Adaptive organizations operate with a minimum of bureaucratic feature and encourage worker
empowerment and teamwork
Trang 41Organizational Designs
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Trang 42Figure 11.8 A continuum of organizational design alternatives: from bureaucratic to adaptive organizations
Trang 43Organizational Designs
Contemporary organizing trends include:
Shorter chains of command
Less unity of command
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Trang 44Trends in Organizational Designs
Trang 45Trends in Organizational Designs
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Trang 46Trends in Organizational Designs
entrusting work to other persons
authority to act, and creates accountability
Trang 47Organizational Designs
Three Steps in Delegation:
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Trang 48Organizational Designs
Decentralization with centralization
Trang 49Organizational Designs
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Trang 50Organizational Designs