John R Schermerhorn, Jr 16 Daniel G Bachrach Introduction to Management th 13 edition Chapter 16 Motivation Theory and Practice Planning Ahead —Key Takeaways Explain theories of how individual needs motivate behavior Identify the influences of expectancy, equity, goal-setting, and self-efficacy processes on motivation Discuss the roles reinforcement principles and strategies play in motivation Explain how job designs and alternative work schedules influence motivation Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Chapter 16 Outline Individual Needs and Motivation a) Hierarchy of needs theory b) ERG theory c) Two-factor theory d) Acquired needs theory Process Theories of Motivation a) Equity theory b) Expectancy theory c) Goal-setting theory d) Self-efficacy theory Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Chapter 16 Outline Reinforcement Theory a) Reinforcement strategies b) Positive reinforcement c) Punishment Motivation and Job Design a) Job simplification b) Job enrichment c) Alternative work schedules Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Individual Needs and Motivation Motivation—the forces within the individual that account for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Individual Needs and Motivation Needs Unfulfilled physiological and psychological desires of an individual Explain workplace behavior and attitudes Create tensions that influence attitudes and behavior Good managers and leaders facilitate employee need satisfaction Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Individual Needs and Motivation Hierarchy of needs theory Developed by Abraham Maslow Lower-order and higher-order needs affect workplace behavior and attitudes Lower-order needs: Physiological, safety, and social needs Desires for physical and social well being Higher-order needs: Esteem and self-actualization needs Desire for psychological growth and development Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Figure 16.1 Opportunities for satisfaction in Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Individual Needs and Motivation Hierarchy of needs theory Deficit principle A satisfied need is not a motivator of behavior Progression principle A need at one level does not become activated until the next lower-level need is satisfied Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Individual Needs and Motivation ERG theory Developed by Clayton Alderfer Three need levels Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Job rotation and job enlargement: Expands job scope Job rotation Increases task variety by periodically shifting workers among jobs involving different task assignments Job enlargement Increases task variety by combining two or more tasks previously assigned to separate workers Horizontal loading Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Job enrichment Building more opportunities for satisfaction into a job by expanding its content Increases job depth by adding work planning duties normally performed by a supervisor Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Focuses attention on the extent to which five core job characteristics are present in a job: Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Figure 16.6 Job design essentials using the job characteristics model Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design How to improve core job characteristics: Form natural units of work Combine tasks Establish client relationships Open feedback channels Practice vertical loading Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Alternative Work Schedules: Flexible working hours Any work schedule that gives employees some choice in the pattern of their daily work hours Core time — all employees must be at work Flextime — allows employees to schedule around personal and family responsibilities Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Potential benefits of flexible working hours: People have greater autonomy in work scheduling while ensuring maintenance of work responsibilities Organizations can attract and retain employees who have special non-work responsibilities Worker morale may be improved Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Alternative Work Schedules: Compressed workweek Allows a full-time job to be completed in less than the standard days of 8hour shifts Benefits — more leisure time, lower commuting costs, lower absenteeism, and potentially improved performance Disadvantages — increased fatigue, family adjustment problems, increased scheduling problems Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Alternative Work Schedules: Job sharing One full-time job is split between two or more persons Potential advantages of job sharing: organizations benefit by employing talented people who are unable/unwilling to commit full-time Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Alternative Work Schedules: Telecommuting A work arrangement that allows a portion of scheduled work hours to be completed outside of the office Hoteling Virtual offices Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Potential advantages of telecommuting: Freedom from Constraints of commuting Fixed hours Special work attire Direct contact with supervisors Increased productivity Fewer distractions Being one’s own boss Having more personal time Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design? Potential disadvantages of telecommuting: Working too much Having less personal time Difficulty in separating work and personal life Less time for family Feelings of isolation Loss of visibility for promotion Difficulties supervising work-at-home employees from a distance Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Contingency workers Part-time workers who supplement the full-time workforce, often on a long-term basis Part-time work Work done on any schedule less than the standard 40-hour workweek and does not qualify person as a full-time employee Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Motivation and Job Design Implications of part-time work: Provides employers with flexibility in controlling labor costs and dealing with cyclical labor demands Temporary workers may lack commitment and be less productive Contingency workers are often paid less and don’t receive important fringe benefits Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc ... that they have been treated unfairly in comparison to others, they try to eliminate the discomfort and restore a perceived sense of equity to the situation Perceived inequity Perceived equity... Needs and Motivation Two-factor theory Developed by Frederick Herzberg Hygiene factors: Elements of the job context Sources of job dissatisfaction Satisfier factors: Elements of the job... Motivation Acquired needs theory Need for Achievement (nAch) Desire to something better or more efficiently, to solve problems, or to master complex tasks People high in (nAch) prefer work that: