c Power, diversity, and organizational subculturesCopyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc... Organizational Cultures The system of shared beliefs and values that guides behavior in organ
Trang 1Chapter 12 Organizational Change and
Trang 2 Explain the concept of organizational culture and discuss how it affects
organizational behavior and performance
Describe how a multicultural organization handles subcultures and diversity issues.
Identify alternative approaches to organizational change and the types of change
strategies and resistance to change found in organizations
Trang 3c) Power, diversity, and organizational subcultures
Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 43 Organizational Change
a) Models of change leadership
b) Transformational and incremental and change
c) Phases of planned change
d) Change strategies
e) Resistance to change
Trang 5Organizational Cultures
The system of shared beliefs and values that guides behavior in organizations
How new members learn the culture of the organization
Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 6Four common organizational cultures, according to LeadershipIQ:
• Hierarchical cultures emphasize tradition and clear roles;
• Dependable cultures emphasize process and slow change;
• Enterprising cultures emphasize creativity and competition; and,
• Social cultures emphasize collaboration and trust.
Trang 7 Encourage positive work behaviors
Discourage dysfunctional behaviors
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Trang 8• How tight or loose is the structure?
Questions for reading an organization’s culture
Trang 9Figure 12.1 Levels of organizational culture—observable culture and core culture in the organizational
Trang 10 What is observable culture?
What one sees and hears when walking around an organization
Ceremonies, rites and rituals
Legends and stories
Metaphors and symbols
Trang 11Organizational Cultures
Core culture: consists of the core values, or underlying assumptions
and beliefs that shape and guide people’s behaviors in an organization.
Core values are beliefs and values shared by organization members
Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 12 Important cultural values include:
Trang 14 Workplace spirituality:
Creates meaning and shared community among organizational members
Trang 15Multicultural Organizations and Diversity
involves inclusiveness, pluralism, and
respect for diversity
Trang 16 Characteristics of multicultural organizations:
Structural integration
Informal network integration
Absence of prejudice and discrimination
Minimum intergroup conflict
Trang 17Multicultural Organizations and Diversity
groups of people who share similar beliefs and values based on their work or
personal characteristics
Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s subculture is superior to all others
Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 18 Common subcultures include:
Occupations and functions
Ethnicity or national cultures
Trang 19Multicultural Organizations and Diversity
Diversity basically means the presence of differences
Diversity alone does not guarantee positive performance impact
Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 20 Challenges faced by minorities and women:
Glass ceiling
Leaking pipeline problem
Harassment and discrimination
of the majority culture
Trang 21Figure 12.2 Glass ceilings as barriers to women and minority cultures in traditional organizations
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Trang 22Diversity Leadership
Trang 23Organizational Change
A change agent who takes leadership initiative for changing the existing pattern
of behavior of another person or social system
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Trang 25Organizational Change
Change initiatives come from senior management
Success depends on support of middle-level and lower-level workers
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Trang 26 Bottom-up change
The initiatives for change come from any and all parts of the organization, not
just top management
Crucial for organizational innovation
Made possible by:
Trang 27Organizational Change
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Trang 28 Transformational and incremental change
Trang 31Organizational Change
Making continual adjustments as changes are being implemented
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Trang 33Organizational Change
Uses formal authority as well as rewards and punishments to induce
Relies on belief that people are motivated by self-interest
Direct forcing and political maneuvering
Produces limited and temporary results
Most useful in the unfreezing phase
Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 34 Rational persuasion strategy of change
data, and rational argument
Trang 35Organizational Change
Shared power strategy of change
from which support for change will naturally emerge
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Trang 36 Why people resist change:
Trang 37Organizational Change
Checklist for dealing with resistance to change:
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Trang 38 Methods for dealing with resistance to change: