Decision Making in Teams a Ways teams make decisions b Advantages and disadvantages of team decisions c Groupthink d Creative team decision making Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trang 1Chapter 17 Teams and Teamwork
17 John R Schermerhorn, Jr.Daniel G Bachrach
Introduction to Management
13th edition
Trang 2Planning Ahead — Key Takeaways
Identify the ways teams contribute to
Trang 3Chapter 17 Outline
1. Teams in Organizations
a) Teamwork pros
b) Teamwork cons
c) Meetings, meetings, meetings
d) Organizations as networks of groups
2. Trends in the Use of Teams
a) Committees, project teams, and task forces
b) Cross-functional teams
c) Self-managing teams
d) Virtual teams
Trang 4Chapter 17 Outline
3. How Teams Work
a) Team inputs
b) Stages of team development
c) Norms and cohesiveness
d) Task and maintenance roles
e) Communication networks
4. Decision Making in Teams
a) Ways teams make decisions
b) Advantages and disadvantages of team decisions
c) Groupthink
d) Creative team decision making
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Trang 5 The process of people actively working
together to accomplish common goals
Trang 6Teams in Organizations
Team and teamwork roles for managers:
Team leader— serving as the appointed head
of a team or work unit
Network facilitator — serving as a peer leader
an network hub for a special task force
Team member — serving as a helpful
contributing member of a project team
Coach or team developer — serving as a
team’s advisor on ways to improve processes and performance
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Trang 7Teams in Organizations
Trang 9Teams in Organizations
Trang 11Teams in Organizations
Trang 13Teams in Organizations
Informal groups
Not recognized on organization charts
Not officially created for an organizational
Emerge as part of the informal structure and
from natural or spontaneous relationships among people
Include interest, friendship, and support groups
Can have positive performance impact
Can help satisfy social needs
Trang 14Trends in the Use of Teams
Committees, project teams, and task forces:
People outside their daily job assignments work together in a small team for a specific purpose
Task agenda is narrow, focused, and ongoing
Projects teams or task forces
People from various parts of an organization work together on common problems, but on a temporary basis
Official tasks are very specific and time defined
Disbands after task is completed
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Trang 15Trends in the Use of Teams
Functional chimneys problem – a lack of
communication across functions
Trang 16Trends in the Use of Teams
Trang 17Trends in the Use of Teams
Characteristics of self-managing teams:
Trang 18Figure 17.1 Organizational and management implications of self-managing work teams
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Trang 19Trends in the Use of Teams
Virtual (distributed) teams
Teams of people who work together and solve problems through largely computer-mediated rather than face-to-face interactions
Trang 20Trends in the Use of Teams
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Trang 21Trends in the Use of Teams
Trang 22Trends in the Use of Teams
Team Building
Activities that analyze teams and make
changes to improve performance
May include meetings, games and outdoor activities
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Trang 23Trends in the Use of Teams
Trang 24How Teams Work
Effective Teams
Perform tasks
Satisfy members
Remain viable for the future
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Trang 25Figure 17.2 An open-systems model of team
Trang 26How Teams Work
Team effectiveness may be summarized as
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Trang 27How Teams Work
Team diversity:
A variety of values, personalities,
experiences, demographics, and cultures among members
Greater variety of available ideas,
perspectives, and experiences
As team diversity increases, complexity of interpersonal relationships also increases
Trang 28How Teams Work
Team input factors that influence group
process in the pursuit of team
Membership characteristics
Resources and setting
Nature of the task
Team size
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Trang 29How Teams Work
Stages of team development:
Trang 30Figure 17.3 Criteria for assessing the maturity of a team
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Trang 31How Teams Work
Behavior expected of team members
Rules or standards that guide behavior
May result in team sanctions
Trang 32How Teams Work
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Trang 33Figure 17.4 How cohesiveness and norms influence team performance
Trang 34How Teams Work
Guidelines for increasing team cohesion:
Create agreement on team goals
Reward team rather than individual results
Increase membership homogeneity
Increase interactions among members
Decrease team size
Introduce competition with other teams
Provide physical isolation from other teams
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Trang 35How Teams Work
Task activities
Actions by team members that contribute
directly to team’s performance purpose
Trang 36How Teams Work
Maintenance activities
Support emotional life of a team as an
ongoing social system
Trang 37How Teams Work
Distributed leadership roles …
Make every member responsible for recognizing
when task and/or maintenance activities are needed and taking actions to provide them
Leading through task activities focuses on solving problems and achieving performance results
Leading through maintenance activities helps
strengthen and perpetuate the team as a social system
Trang 3817.5 Distributed leadership helps teams meet task and maintenance needs
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Trang 39How Teams Work
Disruptive activities that detract from team
Trang 40How Teams Work
Polarized subgroups contest one another
Subgroups may engage in antagonistic relations
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Trang 41Figure 17.6 Interaction patterns and communication networks in teams
Trang 42Decision Making in Teams
Methods of team decision making:
Trang 43Decision Making in Teams
Trang 44Decision Making in Teams
Symptoms of groupthink:
Illusions of invulnerability
Rationalizing unpleasant and disconfirming data
Belief in inherent group morality
Stereotyping competitors as weak, evil, and stupid
Applying direct pressure to deviants to conform to group wishes
Trang 45Decision Making in Teams
Trang 46Decision Making in Teams
Creativity in team decision making
Open and spontaneous discussion of problems and ideas
Go for quantity of ideas
Don’t criticize each other
Welcome “freewheeling”
Build on the ideas of others
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Trang 47Decision Making in Teams
Creativity in team decision making (cont’d)
Nominal Group technique
Meeting agenda structured to allow participation of all group members
Individual contributions are brought to the group for discussion