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Speak now 4 WB www frenglish ru

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Speak Now is a fourlevel speaking course which develops students communication skills both in and out of the classroom. Every activity in Speak Now includes a speaking component. Video activities are integrated every four lessons, providing reallife language models for students. Speak Now can also be expanded into a fourskills course through extra activities available in the Workbook and on iTools. The MultiSkill Bonus Pack, available on Speak Now iTools, features targeted activities across every skill area. Encourage your students to improve their listening, speaking and pronunciation skills outside class with Speak Now Online Practice. The speak and record facility lets your students send you their speaking activities for grading and feedback. A range of interactive teacher tools allow you to track each individual students progress, monitor their grades, and keep in touch with them.

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'aARiEhs, fleading rnd Wriliiti ,i,., - .-., , :,,,- r ,: - -, -:, ;r.;35;.37r39i41 FEEI.INGS l€fsoni 21-24 25.-r8 POP l]U TTURE' lRAVE(,':r r Video IN TH€]NEWS aomprehpn\;on - , , 75 t : Vocabulary !-esson Part Wl ite the \\'oids from the box to complete each phrase a rish opportunity to 2_ a changc x challerge Part Write the completed exprcssions tiom Part I to complete the col1\.ersatiolls Use eacil eapressior oJlce You may ha\e to change the torms ofthe lvords In class, practice the conversations with a partner 1.A: B: I hear that Nlxtteo ov€rcamean obstacle last\!eek Yeah Hc has been r.antiuit to acllng, but peoplc told hiln hc rLasn t looking er1orgh Instcad ofletting ttlal slop hnn, Nlalleo worked people rrho told hin o11 his hcial *p.essjon!, and the ! -.: i.:-: he l.asrit good lookiDg cnolrgh hired hin)! A: Oh, thai reminds me l{eDdy tells me tirat )-ou during your !a.aiio: B: Yeah! I was olt r cruise and I ms rcallv sick I had a hard tnDc enjoying m) \.ncatiorl 3.A: Co1lin tclls me Thai! lbr hc'.s A: Lhar st.re t)romotion he w.rs cxpccting He said it 1l'as onc ofthe ever faced bcca$e hea been lr'orking toward the new position for t'\'o years su1c He diddt gcr Lhe I hear you are B: Urell, Im going to move ovelseas 1t's onc What are you going to difcreni? ofthe lnost cxciting lhings 5.-^.: Hi, Carlos.I hear that yolr I \,'e ever done- go back to college, and you graduated I?.: I had no idea you lrcre studyirg and l,rorking rt the samc timcl Congratulationsl B: Thar*s In my company, we it It was hard, blrt ir turred out to be the best A: I hear that you B: Thalt ght- It was scary the time, but tlring I've ever done a fery years ago, but it tr.ned out to itt really payilg offnorr be $'orth the uncertainlv :r - 'E: L"!r** Part Reading & Writing R.ad thc arricle belol! Have you ever had a setback turn into a brq trieJl7 Trat\ u hrt happened to Fred H Conrad Conrad station waiting for the aoffect tralr, now late and frlrstrated, he saw a wonderful sight is a fhotoqtapher One worl aserqnmEnts Fr.st, hc had to take a portraitola chef,n Llrnhettaf And pottrarts requ re a lot ol h.rvv equipnrent Tlien hc had to rrr\,cl to Drooklyn to photograph a lincr Both places are in Newyork, so he gotaround by tiking the subway That,s when he A.ross the platfonn fronr him, waiting a train going in the other drrection, sa1 a man completely surrounded by b.rloons Conrad couldnt even see the man, only dozcns olb, g ttly colored bal oof5 Forlunately, he had ever),thing he needed to dav, he hdd \evcr,r had somc b.d ior take a great photo so he did.The photo u/as so good dtat it v,,as pub ished jn the ruel1, lbr* r,?er the very next day Then thc l/,,,er (overed the storyofthe pl.ture il turned or L tu bp the besr thtng rhat e\,.r I rpr-,ct)td ro lr m.0f.ourse fia inq thc LIFl.ision to take t re picture had its cio,",/nside-Conrad uck.Thc train he boarded didn'i go to Brooklyf l1e got as far as thc t p oi l\4anhaftan belore he reaTized hj5 misrake.Then he had to backto qeton o.l-t ,,,;r m.i,-'J,g !orqa ot r ,l"dv, photogrrph equipment A5 he 5rr n the mlssed his tra irr I l.l.r1L the srrterlrerts T (true) or F (fatse) Co rad is a chet lou needllror ell l)ln€nt lo maLe i phobsnphj portmit - (lorrad had ro trar-el hom lirooktyr lo l{:1rtija1ran - He clra€cl up on the rirong sLibrar He hird to go He sar{ a n-Iafl Ihe pi.turc E

Ngày đăng: 11/05/2017, 21:57

Xem thêm: Speak now 4 WB www frenglish ru



