Tài liệu tham khảo |
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1. Acharya, V.V., Naqvi, H., 2012. The seeds of a crisis: a theory of bank-liquidity and risk-taking over the business cycle. Journal of Financial Economics, 106:349–366 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Financial Economics |
2. Acharya, V.V., Shin, H.S., Yorulmazer, T., 2010. Crisis resolution and bank liquidity. Review of Financial Studies, 24: 2166–2205 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Acharya, V.V., Shin, H.S., Yorulmazer, T., 2010. Crisis resolution and bank liquidity. "Review of Financial Studies |
4. Aspachs, O., Nier, E., and Tiesset, M., 2005. Liquidity, Banking Regulation and the Macroeconomy: Evidence on Bank Liquidity Holdings from A Panel of UK- Resident Banks. Bank for International Settlements |
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Tiêu đề: |
Aspachs, O., Nier, E., and Tiesset, M., 2005. Liquidity, Banking Regulation and the Macroeconomy: Evidence on Bank Liquidity Holdings from A Panel of UK-Resident Banks |
5. Athanasoglou, P. P., Delis, M. D., and Staikouras, C. K., 2006. Determinants of Bank Profitability in the South Eastern European Region. Bank of Greece Working Paper, 47 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Bank of Greece Working Paper |
6. Barth, J. R., Nolle, D. E., Phumiwasana, T., and Yago, G., 2003. A Cross- Country Analysis of the Bank Supervisory Framework and Bank Performance.Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 12: 67-120 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments |
7. Bjửrn Imbierowiczi và Christian Rauchii, 2014. The Relationship between Liquidity Risk and Credit Risk in Banks. Journal of Banking & Finance, 40:242-256 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Banking & Finance |
8. Bryant, J., 1980. A model of reserves, bank runs and deposit insurance. Journal of Banking & Finance, 4: 335–344 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Banking & Finance |
9. Bryant, John, 1980. A Model of Reserves, Bank Runs and Deposit Insurance. Journal of Banking & Finance, 4(4): 335-344 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Banking & Finance |
11. Cooper, M. J., Jackson, W. E., and Patterson, G. A., 2003. Evidence of Predictability in the Cross-Section of Bank Stock Returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 27: 817-850 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Banking and Finance |
13. Dermine, J., 1986. Deposit rates, credit rates, and bank capital: the Klein-Monti model revisited. Journal of Banking & Finance, 10: 99–114 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Banking & Finance |
14. Diamond, Douglas W., 1997. Liquidity, banks and markets. The Journal of Political Economy, 105: 928–956 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Journal of Political Economy |
15. Diamond, Douglas W. and Philip H. Dybvig, 1983. Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity. The Journal of Political Economy, 91: 401–419 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Journal of Political Economy |
16. Diamond, D.W., Rajan, R.G., 2005. Liquidity shortages and banking crises. Journal of Finance, 60: 615–647 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Finance |
17. Eichengreen, B., and Gibson, H. D., 2001. GreekBanking at the Dawn ofthe New Millennium. Paper presented at the Centre for Economic Policy Research |
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Tiêu đề: |
Eichengreen, B., and Gibson, H. D., 2001. GreekBanking at the Dawn ofthe New Millennium |
19. Gatev, E., Schuermann, T., Strahan, P.E., 2009. Managing bank liquidity risk: how deposit-loan synergies vary with market conditions. Review of Financial Studies, 22: 995–1020 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Review of Financial Studies |
20. Goddard, J., Molyneux, P., and Wilson, J. O. S., 2004. Dynamics of Growthand Profitability in Banking. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 36: 1069-1090 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking |
21. Gorton, Gary and Andrew Metrick, 2011. Securitized Banking and the Run on Repo. Journal of Financial Economics, 104(3): 425-451 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Financial Economics |
22. Iyer, R., Puri, M., 2012. Understanding bank runs: the importance of depositor- bank relationships and networks. American Economic Review, 102: 1414–1445 |
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Tiêu đề: |
American Economic Review |
23. Jeanne, O. and Svensson, L.O., 2007. Credible commitment to optimal escape from a liquidity trap: the role of the balance sheet. The American Economic Review, 97(1): 474-490 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The American Economic Review |
24. Jose Arias, Mauricio Jara-Bertin and Arturo Rodriguez, 2014. Determinants of Bank Performance: Evidence for Latin America. Working paper |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Jose Arias, Mauricio Jara-Bertin and Arturo Rodriguez, 2014. Determinants of Bank Performance: Evidence for Latin America |