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Lesson Plans – English 7 Week 6 Unit 3. At Home Period 16 Lesson 3. Hoa s family (B2-4)’ Date: .2008…………………… I-Objectives: - Students will be able to describe the work of some typical occupations such as: doctor, farmer, journalist, and nurse using the words of describing: work, take care of, teach, write, and grow … - Students practice reading and listening skills for specific information. II- Work arrangements: Individual, pair work, group work… III- Materials: English 7 text book, tape + cassette, pictures, posters .…… IV- Procedures: Prepared by Pham Van Kinh 1 Lesson Plans – English 7 Prepared by Pham Van Kinh Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 5’ 5’ 8’ 5’ 10’ 1-Warm up and old lesson * Class: 7A …………………… …… 7B .…………… …… ………… 7C .……………………………… 7D ………… …………………… * Brain storming: Jobs Doctor, farmer, teacher, journalist, nurse… 2. New lesson * Pre teach - take care of (v) (explanation) = chăm sóc -newspaper (n) (realia) = tờ báo - Journalist (n) (explanation) = nhà báo - Junior high school (n) (example) = Trường trung học - magazine (n) ( realia) = tạp chí * Check vocab: rub out and remember a) Activity 1: Before reading: guessing Has students to guess the jobs of those people Picture1: doctor Picture2: teacher Picture 3: journalist b) Activity 2: Reading Gets students to read the text about Lan’s family and answer the questions: - What does her father/ mother/ brother do? - Where does he/ she work? -Get Ss to listen to the dialogue and check their prediction. Lan Student Father Doctor mother Teacher brother Journalist - Ask them to talk about their family. c) Activity 3. Matching B3 (P. 35) Ask students to match the half-sentences Calls several students to give answers Makes any necessary corrections d) Activity 4: Listening B4 Set the scene:- You are going to listen about 3 people. First, you have to guess about their names, ages, jobs and places of work. Give students time to guess and compare with their partners in 3 minutes. Tells the students to copy the table Play the CD for students Practice listening name age job Place of work Tom 26 Teacher High school - Monitor answers Whole class: - Give some typical jobs - Listen, repeat and copy down Give the jobs of those people - Copy down - Read the text and answer the questions (pair work) - Her father is a doctor. He works in a hospital - Her mother is a teacher. She teaches in a primary school. - Her brother is a journalist. He writes for a Ha Noi Newspaper. - My father is a . He works in … - Do the matching and give answers: 1. A farmer works on a farm 2. A doctor takes care of sick people 3. A journalist writes for a magazine 4. A teacher teaches in a school - Give predictions - Copy the form and listen to the CD 2 Lesson Plans – English 7 Week 6 Unit 3. At Home Period 17 Lesson 3. Hoa s family (B5)’ Date: .2008…………………… I-Objectives: - Students revise the comparative of adjectives and superlative through the dialogue about renting an apartment. - Students drill reading comprehension II- Work arrangements: Individual, pair work, group work… III- Materials: English 7 text book, tape + cassette, pictures, posters .…… IV- Procedures: Prepared by Pham Van Kinh 3 Lesson Plans – English 7 Prepared by Pham Van Kinh Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 5’ 10’ 8’ 5’ 10’ 1-Warm up and old lesson * Class: 7A …………………… …… 7B .…………… …… ………… 7C .……………………………… 7D ………… …………………… * Table completion Tall Taller The tallest Small Cheap Nice Expensive Suitable - Calls on several students to give their answers. 2. Presentation * Pre teach vocabulary: - an apartment (example) - suitable ( translation) - good - better- the best - expensive - more expensive - the most expensive (explanation) * Practice the dialogue (B5 p36) - Read the dialogue and ask Ss to look at the dialogue while listening to the teacher - Ask Ss to read the dialogue in chorus - Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs - Call 2 pairs read aloud * Comprehension questions - Ask students to answer the questions a- d a. Which is the cheapest apartment? b. Which is the most expensive? c. Which is the best apartment? d. Which is the most suitable apartment for John and his family? Describe it. - Give feedback and correct - Elicit and give model sentences S + be + short adj + er S + be + the most + long adj 3. Practice: * Picture drill (language focus 5 (p39,40) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and make comparatives and superlatives with the things in the pictures 4. Further practice * Written exercise - Monitor answers - Students do the task individually. - Go to the board and finish the table filling - Listen, repeat and copy down new words. - Practice reading the dialogue in pair - Practice asking and answering the questions in pairs * Answer key: a) The cheapest apartment is at number 27 b) The most expensive is at number 79 c) The beat one is the at number 79 d) The most suitable is the one at number 27 * Model sentences The apartment at number 40 is better. It more expensive The apartment at number79 is the best .It is the most expensive - Whole class - Work in groups of three S1: A is a cheap toy S2: and B is cheaper S3: But C is the cheapest - Work individually 4 Lesson Plans – English 7 Week 6 Language Focus 1 Period 18 Date: .2008…………………… I-Objectives: - Students revise the comparative of adjectives and superlative, II- Work arrangements: Individual, pair work, group work… III- Materials: English 7 text book, tape + cassette, pictures, posters .…… IV- Procedures: Prepared by Pham Van Kinh 5 Lesson Plans – English 7 Prepared by Pham Van Kinh Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 5’ 10’ 8’ 5’ 10’ 1-Warm up and old lesson * Class: 7A …………………… …… 7B .…………… …… ………… 7C .……………………………… 7D ………… …………………… 2. New lesson 2.1. Present simple tense (LF. 1) - Ask students to work individually to complete the passage using the verbs in brackets with present simple tense - Give feedback and correct 2.2. Future simple tense (language focus 2) * noughts and crosses - Ask Ss to work in groups - Tell things Nam will do or will not do tomorrow e.g Nam will go to the post office He won’t see a movie 2.3. Ordinal number (language focus 5) - Ask Ss to work individually to write the ordinary numbers of the position in the table 2.4. Preposition of place (language focus 4) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 39 - Tell them to answer the question "Where’s my cat?" in each picture. 2.5. Adjectives Revise comparative and superlative for students and ask them to give the correct answers in front of the class. 2.6. Occupations (language focus 6) * Lucky numbers - Ask students to work in groups to practice the game - Monitor answers Students do the task in pairs * Answer key: a) is .lives .are .goes b) are eat rides .catches Team work go post office √ call Ba x read book √ tidy yard√ see movie x watch T.V √ meet Nam x do homework √ write grandmot her √ - Work individually (4) fourth (5) fifth (6) sixth (3) third (2) second (7) seventh - Work individually * Answer key: a) It's under the table b) It's in front of the chair c) It's behind the T.V d) It's next to the bookcase e) It's on the couch - Work individually then compare with partner - Work in groups a) A is a cheap toy – and B is cheaper – But C is the cheapest b) A is an expensive dress – And B is more expensive; But C is the most expensive c) A is a good student; and B is better; But C is the best d) A is strong; And b is stronger; But C is the strongest. - Listen to the Job word and give the correct definition Example Group A gives a question, group B answer. 6 Lesson Plans – English 7 Duyệt bài Prepared by Pham Van Kinh 7 . 5’ 8’ 5’ 10’ 1-Warm up and old lesson * Class: 7A …………………… …… 7B .…………… …… ………… 7C .……………………………… 7D ………… …………………… * Brain storming: Jobs Doctor,. 10’ 8’ 5’ 10’ 1-Warm up and old lesson * Class: 7A …………………… …… 7B .…………… …… ………… 7C .……………………………… 7D ………… …………………… * Table completion Tall Taller

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2013, 01:26

