Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 THPT chuyên môn tiếng anh
Trang 1Ti'Li li¢u lunJng d,111 <J11 tlti vrto lo'p 10 THPT cltuyen Ngo(li ngu- 1'vlou Tidug Anh
DE TIU MON: TIENG ANH Thoi gian lam bai: 120 phut (Khong ki th&i gian phat d§)
L For Question from 1-5, choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose
stress pattern is different from the others in the same line
1 A weather B unique C highland D ladder
2 A experience B hurricane C volcano D material
3 A depend B prepare C predict D forecast
4 A tidal B ainount C ancient D heavy
5 A tropical B com1nercial C disastrous D extensive
H For Questions 6-20, choose the word or phrase that best
substitutes the underlined in the sentence below
6 Germination of seeds begins with the absorption of water, the swelling
of the whole seed, and the cracking of the seed coat
A outer B entire C wet D stiff
7 In order t~ understand the concept of infinity, we 1nust think in much broader terms than we are accustomed to
C confronted with D aware of
8 The h01ne of Helen Keller was a crossroads where people gathered to discuss art, politics, and the state of the world
A huge rural estate B quiet refuge
C central" 1neeting place D national 1nonmnent
9 The A1nerican Medical Association has called for the sport of boxing to
be banned
A forbidden B regulated C studied D reorganized
10 The Little Foxes, a draina by Lillian Hellman, was first introduced in
New York in 1939
A play B novel C music D dance
11 The policy of separation of church and state has limited direct
government support of private schools in the United States
A restricted B reversed C de1nanded D imposed
Trmh1g THPT clmyen Ngo(li ngii·- D(li lt9c Ngo(li ngii'- DHQG Ha N{Ji I R
Trang 2Tdi lifu !lU'ong dlin on thi w10 l<rp J() THPT chuyen iVgo{li ngii· - il4on Tiing Anh
12 In the twentieth century, drugs markedly improved health throughout
the world
A recently B consistently C supposedly D noticeably
13 The bald eagle is fond of fish and prefers to live near water.·
A likes B finds C hunts for D dives for
14 Rehoboth is probably Dela,vare's most fan1ous seaside resort
A smnmer B holiday C beach D fainily
15 The n1ost drainatic example of static electricity is lightning
A exmnination B instance C purpose D conductor
16 Surveying is the science of calculating exact distances and directions
betvveen points on the Earth's surface
A precise B local C obscure D great
17 Bone and ivory are light, strong and accessible materials for Inuit artists
A available B beautiful C econ0111ical D natural
18 Ants follow scent trails so precisely that they can locate their nests
without hesitation
19 Although its takeoff in Aptil 1981 was beset with delays, the space
shuttle Colmnbia returned triumphantly two days later from its mission
in the Earth's orbit
A staff B rescue C funding D launching
20 In the first decades of the 20th century, the individual gene could not be
seen, but could be worked with fruitfully
A blindly B completely C productively D carefully
HI For Questio!Dls 21-30, choose the word o:r phrase th.at best
completes each of the following conversations
21 -''Did you.finish the report?"
- "Yes, but J 1,vish I had known
A how hard would it be
C ,vould be hard
B how hard it would be
D how would it be hard
22 - "Why did Bob get into trouble?'' - "Someone heard him _ his
views of the boss."
A to express B expressing C expressed D was expressing
~-""""""""""""'-=== -2 ! Trm)·ng TIIPT c'1uye11 Ngo(ri ngir- D{ti lu;c Ngo(ti nglJ·-DHQG Ha ll(>i
Trang 3Tdi li¢u lunfng d§n on thi vdo /o'p 10 TllPT chuyen Ngo(,li ngir- Af6n Tiing Anh
23 -"What was the vveather like yesterday?"
- "It was a afternoon "
A raining B rainy C rain D rained
24 -"This traffic is terrible!"
- "You 're right People should _ ''
A less use their cars B use less their cars
C use their cars less D their cars use less
, 25 -"Computers certainly have changed the world."
- ''Yes, they make _ to store information."
A it easier for people B it easier people
C people easier D easier for people
- "Yes, but they seem to be more nervous about _ playing.'\
A watching n1e than B watching 1ne
C watching than I ain about
27 -''! want to buy that car."
" its good qualities, it has one drawback ''
A Although B Even C Nevertheless D Despite
28 -"Those students study a lot "
- "Yes, the students here are very serious."
A most B ahnost C most of D almost of
29 -"Which is more important: luck or effort?"
- ''Luck is effort."
A of the saine iinportance
C of the same importance as
30 -"How did you do in the test?"
B the saine i1nportance as
D as the same i1np01iance as
- "}./o matter what the results _ , I plan to study harder next time."
IV Read the two passages then choose tlhe best answer for eadrn
1st passage
NOTICE: To all patrons of the Blue 1¥ave Fitness Center
The 1nanage1nent would like members to note that the Blue Wave Fitness Center is not liable for any items left in the lockers Should you lose
Trin}'llg THPT clwyen Ngo{ti ngCr- D(li IU)C NgO(li ngu- DHQG H(! Nf)i I 3
Trang 4Tai lifu hU'&ng dJn, 611 thi vao l&p JO TIIPT clmyen Ngo{Ji ngii'- Mon Tiing Anh
anything fro1n~the-JGcke~,w~ regret-tlia-tvve will be unable to assist you in
~~~~var 'f-h-erefore;-+tis-ilnportant that you make certain that your locker is
kept locked while you are using our facilities Also, for security reasons, we
do not keep a record of members' locker combination code, so it is vital that you remember the cmnbination you choose
31 Where would this notice be posted?
A In a changing room B At a railway station
C In a restroo111 D In an office
32 What do menibers need to open their lockers?
C A series"t)f nmnbers D Nothing
3 3 Why do you think this notice was posted?
A The Blue Wave has suffered thefts recently
B The Blue Wave changed its management
C The Blue Wave has bought new lockers
D The Bfue Wave is looking for new 1ne1nbers
2nd passage
Bears spend much of their time looking for food and they are not choosy, gorging on insects, berries, nuts, small 1na1nn1als, hain sandwiches, and garbage with equal relish Despite this, the chief natural factor li1niting
a bear population is the food supply Dr Lynn Rogers has found that, contrary to popular belief, so-called garbage bears - those that visit town dmnps or campsites - do not lose their ability to forage successfully for wild foods but are simply supplementing their diets with easy pickings Jn fact, these enterprising bears grow faster, n1ature sooner, and reproduce earlier than those that depend only on wild foraging Rogers has also found that dump-fed bears are the strongest and largest in the population He and his crew once captured a male bear that weighed 611 pounds
But easy living for the bears carries a price; those that stalk garbage
dumps are easier targets for hunters and those that visit cainps 1nay terrify
-if not injure - visitors Some state wildlife agencies capture "nuisance'' bears that have bec01ne too chmnmy with people and cart them ofI to less
4 / Tru'img THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngii'- D(li luJc Ngo(li ngii:- DHQG Hit n{>i
Trang 5Ti'ti lifu lur&ng ddn on thi v<10 /o'p 10 THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngir- Mon Tidng Anh
-· -=
populated parts of the forest The removal progran1s do not always work; bears released 100 miles or more from their place of capture have reappeared in their old haunts
34 The passage suggests that Dr Lynn Rogers is a
A writer who has published books about bears' feeding habits
B naturalist whose concern is preserving bears' wild habitats
C scientist who has studied dump-fed bears
D trapper who captured live bears for zoos
35.According to the passage, which of the following assumptions about
bears has been proved to be wrong?
A Some would rather eat wild foods than garbage
B They devote a lot of time to searching for food
C So1ne do not fear ca1npers and approach campsites readily
D They lose their foraging ability after feeding at garbage dumps
36 FVhich of the following is NOT true of bears that feed at garbage dumps and campsites?
A They grow at a relatively slower rate
B They can be easily shot
C They reproduce at an early age
D They are sometiines relocated
3 7 lt can be concluded fi"om the passage that garbage bears are the
strongest of the bear population because
A their natural predators are not found near garbage dumps
B they can get more food by c01nbining wild food from dumps
C they have been known to travel distance of 100 1niles or 1nore
D they get a lot of exercise climbing in and out of garbage cans
38 The word "those" used in line 9-10 refers to ?
A visitors B dumps C hunters D bears
39 It can be inferred from the passage that bears' contact with humans has resulted in
A bears' preference for life in the wild
B both benefits and disadvantages to bears
C an increased likelihood of the extinction of bears
D bears' susceptibility to a variety of diseases
Tru·<hrg TJ/PT chuyen Ngo(li ngii'- lJ(li lu;c Ngo9i ngii' DHQG Ha N()i I 5
Trang 61
Tlli liefu hzrO'nf? dJn tm thi V(/0 flip J(J; THPT clmyen Ngo9i nga·- M<)n Tiing Anh
40 According to the passage, the purpose of removal program is to
A, clean out the dmnps
B shoot ''nuisance" bears
C settle bears in less populated areas
D reduce the bears' food supply
V Re:;ndl tlhle text below and decide whkh answer (A, B, C or D) best fits emd-n llHHmbe1red space
J\Aany adults in Atnerica and increasing nmnbers elseYvhere (41)
_ part in n1entoring schemes A mentor is an adult who provides
support and friendship to a young person There are ( 42) · different
( 43) _ of mentoring: passing on skills, sharing experiences, otTering guidance S 01neti1nes the most ( 44) thing to do is just listen Mentoring is open to anybody - no particular ( 45) experience is required, just a desire to n1ake a ( 46) to the life of a young person
find they have a real ( 4 7) for it
The support of a 111entor can play an important ( 48) in a child's developn1ent and can often make up ( 49) a lack of guidance
in a young person's life It can also iinprove young people's (50) _ towards society and build up their (51) in dealing with life~s challenges For the mentor, it can be incredibly re\varding to knovv that they have had a significant (52) on a child and helped to give them the best possible (53) in life Indeed, it is not only adults who are
(54) of taking on this role There is now an increasing (55) _ for teenagers to mentor young children, for exa1nple by helping the1n with reading or other school work
Trang 7Tili liju hu-rfog ddn 011 thi vczo lop 10 Tl/PT chuyen Ng<){Ji ngil'- M<Jn Tidng Anh
C demand D lack
VI Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits illll each of
the spaces in the following passage
There is a big (56 DIFFER) in the Bijago Islands
off the west coast of Africa in the roles that men and women play For
example, men look after the children -and wear jewelry and perfmne when
they go out Women find building hou\ses (57 PREFER)
-i to shopping and do all kinds of jobs which men would (58 NORMAL)
_ do in other countries If they want a husband, they ask
his 1nother's (59 PERMIT) and do not need to obtain
his (60 AGREE) when they plan their (61 MARRY)
to him Most 1nen spend hours every day standing in front of mirror brushing their hair and choosing nice clothes to wear
"I don't want to make any (62 CRITIC) of the
w01nen in our society, but I think it's tin1e that sexual (63
DISCRIMINATE) against men stopped," one man said
"Some visitors to our islands find our customs very (64 AMUSE)
any girl visits my n1other," another man said
VU Fill in each b!ank with ONE word to complete the f0Howh11g
In Western countries, electricity~ gas and water are not luxuries but
necessities Co1npanies now realize that consmners want products that will
not (66) work effectively, but also save money
For most North American households, lighting accounts for ] Oo/o to 15%
of the electricity bill However, this amount can be (67) _ _
by replacing an ordinary l 00-watt light bulb with an energy-saving bulb
Tnrimg THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngu- D{Ji lu;c Ngo(ti ngu-DHQG Ha Nf;i 17
Trang 8Tdi li~u hu·rfog (Mn t1n thi Vlto /o'p J{) THPT clwyen Ngo(ti ngti'- 1l1011 Tidng Anh
These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard ( 68) _ and last eight times longer Therefore consun1ers can save about US$7 to US$21 per bulb
In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for fridges, freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers The label tells the consumers how (69)
energy efficiency each 1nodel has, compared (70) other appliances in the same category
vrn:.Complete tlhe second! sentence so that it !has similar meaning to the
mt11dl lFXVE wonlls, including the word given Do not change the
word given
71 Tam and Ken like many of the same things COMMON
T 01n and Ken have many things
It's ; whether we stay in or go out
73.1 hope you enjoy yourself while you stay with Mabel DURING
I hope you enjoy yourself with Mabel
This his daughter
75.1 started studying law in 2003 and I'm still studying law SINCE
I 2003
76.1 am sorry that I have caused you so much trouble APOLOGIZE
I so 1nuch trouble
It's walk to college 78.1 don't have enough money to buy a new camera AFFORD
I a new ca1nera
79 My sister always talks when I'm watching my favorite TV program
HABIT lviy sister has
·when I'n1 watching my favorite TV progran1
81 Trzdmg THPT clmyen NgO{li ngt'r- D{li h()C NgO{li 11gii'-DHQG Ila 119i
Trang 9Tai lifu hmfog d/111 <Jn thi vt10 /o'p 10 Tl/PT clrnyen !\'go(Ji ngii'- 1Won Ti<fng Anh
_ ,_ ,,,_ ,, ,._"""""''"""""===· :ruw:::mmt 1.±.l.,:;aa,t!t~m
IX Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that Rt me21H]§
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, begirrniing ,vith
the word(s) given
81 fie tries hard, but he cannot master English pronunciation
87 He would prefer you to pay him in1mediately
He'd rather you
88.Nobody can deny that he has a beautifitl voice
It can't
89 The furniture was so expensive that I didn't buy it
The furniture was too
90 He didn't arrive in England until the end of December
It vvasn 't
X (91-100) Write a paragraph of about 100 - 150 words on dlle
following benefits of the Internet Your paragraph must coverr the
The Internet as a source of information
The Internet as a source of entertainment
Tndrng Tl/PT chuyen Ngo( ugfr- Dfti h9c Ngo{1i ngir- DHQG ffo Ni)i I 9
Trang 10Tdi liefu hm,ng dlin 011 thi vtto /o'p JO fHPT chuyen lVgo{ti ngfi· - 1Ho11 Tiing Anh
T!htoi gfan lam bai: 120 phut (Khong ki thai gian phrit ad)
t Clhioosie the wo:rd (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from the othe:rs\
1 A death B health C disease D spread
2 A ocean B 1nostly C solar D to1nb
4 A a_cc01npany B occur C accident D occasionally
5 A chen1istry B 1ne~hanic C character D parachute
U For Question from 1-5, choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose
stress pattern is different from the others in the same line
6 A sentence B suggest C species D syste1n
7 A bacteria B dangerous C government D interesting
8 A attack B defeat C believe D happen
9 A pyrainid B ancient C ani1nal D possession
10 A acc01npany B responsible C enviromnent D parliainent
IH Read the two passages then choose the best answer for each
Sometimes ifs hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it
can show up in so many different ways Your symptoms could be caused
by many other proble1ns You may have rashes hives, joint pains
rn 1Trmrng TIIPT c/111ye11 Ngo{ti ngii'- D{Ji lu;c Ngo{Ji 11gfr-DHQG /l{l ll9i
Trang 11Tl1i li?u lllfO'llg dliu on t!,i V{l(} IO'p IO THPT chuyen NgO(Li ngu·- Mtm Tid11g Anh
mimicking arthritis, headaches, irritability, or depression The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, seafood, wheat, nuts, seeds, chocolate, oranges and tomatoes Many of these allergies will not develop if
these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven 1nonths Breast milk also tends to be protective Migraines can
be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenathylamine, monosodium, glutamate, or sodimn nitrate Com1non foods which contain these are chocolate, aged cheeses, sour cream, red wine, pickled herring, chicken livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meats, 1nany Oriental and prepared foods (read the labels) Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B-vitainins, particularly B6 and niacin Children who· are hyperactive 1nay benefit from eliminating food additives,
especially food colorings, and foods high in salicylates fron1 their diets A few of these are almonds, green p~ppers, peaches, tea, grapes This is the diet made popular by Benjainin Feingold, who has written the book Why your child is Hyperactive Other researchers have had mixed results when
testing whether the diet is effective
11 The topic of the passage is
A reaction to foods
C infants and allergies
B food and nutrition
D a good diet
12.According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to food is due to
A the vast number of different foods we eat
B lack of proper treatment plan
C the si1nilarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems
D the use of prepared formula to feed babies
13 The word 'syn1ptmn J in line IO is closest in meaning to
A indication B diet C diagnosis D prescriptions
14 The phrase ·set off' in line 17 is closest in meaning to
A relieved B identified C avoided D triggered
15 What can be inferred about the babies from this passage?
A They can eat ahnost anything
B They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants
Trang 12T<'ti lifu hlf<tng dan on tlti V{IO lop JO THPT chuyen /Vgo!li ngii·- 1Hih1 Tidng Anh
~C _,-,- -T-h-e -'1-y gain I ittle benefit~from being breast fed
D They 1nay become hyperactive if fed solid food too early
16 The ·word 'hyperactive' in line 23 is closest in meaning to
A overly active B unusually low activity
C underdeveloped intestinal tract
D inability to swallow solid foods
18 The word 'these' in line 25 refers to
A food additives B food colorings
C innutritious foods D foods high in salicylates
19 Which of the following was a suggested treatment for 1nigraines in the
A Eating more ripe bananas
B Avoiding all Oriental foods
C Getting plenty of sodimn nitrate
D Using Vitan1in B in addition to a good diet
20 According to the article, the Feingold diet is not
A verified by researchers as being consistently effective
B available in book fonn
C beneficial for hyperactive children
D designed to eli1ninate foods containing certain food additives
KV Read the text beiow and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best
fits each numbered space
Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees It (21) of ,vater and sugars Bees 1nay travel as (22) as seventy-five thousand kil01neters and visit over two 1nillion flowers to produce just half a kilo of honey The color and flavor of honey depend (23) the type of flower visited In (24) ~ there are more than three hundred (25) of honey The lighter-colored ones are generally milder in flavor than darker honey
n ! Tnri'rng THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngit-D{ti Ju;c Ngo(li ngii·-DHQG Ha n{)i
Trang 13Tai li¢u hmfog dfill 611 thi V{IO /(rp JO TIIPT c/,uyen NgO{li ngir - Mon Tiing Anh
In ancient (26) , honey was the main sweet food, as sugar was
very (27) Honey was of great (28) to the ancient Egyptians,
who used it as pay1nent
Today, honey is produced and eaten in (29) part of the world
Research suggests that it prevents tiredness and improves athletic
perfonnance However, honey is not just food - it (30) be taken for
sore throats and is used in many skin and hair-care products
21 A involves B contains C includes D consists
25 A varieties B collections C sets D differences
26 A seasons B tin1es C years D dates
V For Questions 21-30, choose the woird! or phrase that best
completes each of the following conversations
31 -"Why is Jane upset?"
- "She's disappointed because her son's lovv test scores prevented
to the university "
B to admit him
A him from ad1nitting
C him to admit D him fr01n being ad1nitted c ,
32 - "I under~tand you don't like opera."
,Igo at least once a month."
A On the contrast B In contrary
C On the contrary D In the contrast
3 3 -"How did you decide what kind of car to buy?"
- "After all the alternatives, I chose the fastest car I could find "
A considering fro1n B considering
34 Jane is a very student
A eventually B foregoing C conscientious D admissible
TndYng THPT chuyen Ngo(Ji ngtr- D(!i !u;c Ngo9i ngii'- DHQG Ha N9i I l3
Trang 141 m !Ki/u fteuong dtin on tlui vao !up 10 TIIPT chuyen Ngo(li ngii'- li-1011 Tiling Anh
:w :z:::in£.:u.t:,'.;.! ~m · ·
3 5 The student was admitted even thourzh his test scores were
A underscored B 1narginal C qualitative D successive
36 -"Will you write my term paper for me?"
- "No The only thing I can do is _ you write it.''
A helping B help to C help with D help
3 7 -"John 's remark was very strange ''
- "Yes, I was completely by what he said"
38 -"Did Bob take the test?"
- "Yes, and , he passed it easily "
A surprisingly B surprised C so surprising D by surprised
39 -''Do you: know where Bob is?''
- ''Strange sound, he is in Cedar Rapids."
A may it B as it 1nay C like it may D does it
40 JVot mentioning the author's name was a serious
A omission B perception C preservation D rotation
Vt lU§e tlh.e word given ill11 !brackets to fonn a word that fits in each of
tfme 5paces in the foUowing passage
Judo is a sport that has achieved great popularity in many parts of the world It \Vas ( 41 ORIGIN) developed in Japan in the late 19th century based on ancient 1nethods of self-defence There are two
VIOLENT) against each other, they are ( 44 RESPECT) to their opponent and bow to each other before and after each contest
because the only equipment you need is the special loose-fitting suit It is very suitable for (46 YOUNG) if they join a club where
enough attention to safety Although Judo is a physically ( 48 DEMAND)
sport which requires a lot of (49 STRONG) _ , practice and skill, there are 1nany people ·who find it (50 ENJOY) - as a means of relaxation in their spare tilne
Il4l I Tndmg THPT clmyen Ngofli ngii'-D{li h9c Ngo(ti ngt:r- DHQG Ha n9i
Trang 15Ttti /iefu hmfng dl111 011 tlti v,10 lo'p JO TJJPTchuyen /\/go{li ngii'- lvl(;n Ti<fng Anh
VIL Fill in each blank with ONE word to con1plete the following
A pioneer in the field of telecommunications, Alexander Graham Bell was ( 5 1) in 18 7 4 in Edinburgh, Scotland He moved to Ontario, and then to the United States, settling in Boston, before beginning ~ ~ ~
his career as an inventor Throughout his life, Bell had been interested (52) _ the education of deaf people This interest led him to ( 53)
the microphone and, in 1876, his ·electrical speech machine,' which we now call a (54) News of his invention quickly (55) throughout the country, even throughout Europe By 1878, Bell had set up the first telephone exchange in NeYv Haven, Connecticut By 1884, i long distance connections were (56) _ between Boston, I\'.tlassachusetts and New York City Bell imagined great uses for his telephone, like the model from (57)
1920s, but vvould he ever have ( 5 8) telephone lines being used to transmit video images? Since his (59) _ in 1922, the telecommunication industry has undergone
-an a111azing revolution Today, non-hearing people are able to use a special
display telephone to con1municate Bell's ·electrical speech 1nachine paved the way (60) the Information Superhighway
VIII Use the given words to make complete sentences Change tlhie form
of the words or add other necessary words
Dear Tom,
61 II write/ thank/ you! spend/ summer/ us
62 It/ nice/ you/ come/ teach/howl use/ computers
63 You/ helpfitl/ it/ easy/ follow/ lessons
o t • • o t e o I I I e t t t t t t o t o I O t I o I t O t o o O t O • 0 I t t I t I t t t t t •, t e t t t I t I O I t t t I t t t t t t I O t I t I O t t O t t I t I t I t t f I O I O I • t ~ I I o o t O O O o
64 Before/ you/ come/ computers/ strange/ us
65 No-iv/ we/ knolvl howl use/ them/ support/ study
o o t t e • t o t o o t o t t o I t • o t I t t O O t I t t o o I f t I e I I t I t t I I t t O t t I O t I t t O t t t I t t t I t I t I ~ I I I I t O t I t f t t t O t O I O O O t O I I f t t f G t t O O t t O
Trmrng THPT chuyen Ngo[Ji ngil'- D(li !U)C NgO{li ngu·- DHQG' Ha J'v'9i I n 5
Trang 16Tdi li?ll hmh1g dllll tm thi V{lO lop J() T!IJPT clwyen NgO(li ngir- fvlon Thing Anh
66 Asl_vou/ s~[!/[{it.Jel comput~tl v~rite/ letter/ you
• 0 o o o 1 o • o o O o o • • 0 0 s D D O O O O O O O O O O O O f O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O D O O O O O O O < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 • 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I D O I O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O I 0
67 Alli us/ regret/ time/ fly/ so quickly
68 We/ can't ·wait/ next sum,nerl when/ you/ return
69 Wei thankjid/ what/ you/ do/ for/ us
70 JI look/ forward/ hear/ you/ soon
Lots of love,
DL JFimifalhi each of the folrnowing selill.teITTces nlIJl such a way that it means
e:u11ctDy the same as the sentence printed before it, beginning with
the word(s) given
71 If she does not hurry, she will be late for school
78 'Don't forget to lock the house when you go out, William, 'his mother said
Willia1n~s mother reminded
79 This organization is supported by the government for most of its income
This organization depends
80 They are going to repair my car tomorrow
I a1n
)C (iH=HH]) Wirite a pa:ragiraplh of aibout 100 - 150 words stairtilrllg
in my opinion, smoking should be banned in public places
Trang 17T(li liefu hmfog tltin 011 thi vdo Mp IO TIIPTchuyen Ngo!li ngu·- M{Jn Ti<fng Anh
DE THI MON: TIENG ANH (CHUYEN) Thoi gian lam bai: 120 phut (Khong kd thai gian phat aJ)
I Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part ns
pronounced differently from the others'
1 A b0111b B prQble1n C h.Qt D tomb
3 A perh.£ps B relax C m.£ny D axe
4 A c0111puter B comb C c21nplain D infonnation
5 A tusk B sgstain C sgcceed D sgggest
n For Question from 1-5, choose the word (A, B, C or D) wlhlose
stress pattern is different from the others in the same line
9 A c0111municate B delivery C television D experience
10 A refer B idea C mistake D bother
HI Read the following passage then choose the best answer for e21d11
The food we eat see1ns to have profound effects, on our health Although science has made enormous steps in 1naking food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat Son1e research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses
rs; are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon People of different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume
That food is related to illness is not a new discovery In 1945,
oo; government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites ( comn1only
used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused cancer Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food~ and it
Trifimg THPT clmyen Ngo(li ngtr- D(li IU)C NgO{Ki ngii'-DHQG Ha N{)i / 17
Trang 18Tdi li¢u hmrng d,in tm thi w,o Mp JO THPT chuyen /\'go(ti 11gir- il!On ndng Anh
becomes more difficultallthe time to kno\V which ingredients on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful
penicillin to cattle and poultry and because of this penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cmvs Sometimes sirnilar drugs are '-administered to anin1als not for medical purposes but for financial reasons The farmers are simply trying to fatten the anin1als in order to
r20J obtain a higher price on the market Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures the practices continue
A heal thv diet is directlv related to good health Often we are v v unaware of detrimental substances we ingest Smnetimes well-
these substances to food without our knowledge
'-11 !Jow has science done a disservice to people?
A Because of science disease caused bv containinated food has been ' v virtually eradicated
B It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food
C As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially hannful
substances have been added to our food
D The scientists have preserved the color of 1neats, but not of
'-12 In line 2, the word 'fit' is closest in meaning to _
A athletic B suitable C tasty D adaptable
13 The word 'prone· in line 7 is nearest in meaning to
A supine B healthy C unlikely D predisposed
14 What are nitrates used/or?
A They preserve flavor in packaged foods
B They preserve the color of meats
C They are the objects of research
D Thev cause the animals to become fatter •·
15 The word 'these' in line 12 refers to _ ,
A meats B colors C researchers D nitrates and nitrites
]8 : Trm)ng TH PT c/wyen Ngo(ri ngli· - D(li h(JC Ngo(li ngft- DIIQG llt1 11{ji
Trang 19foi /i¢u lur611g dii11 <Jll thi wro Mp lO THPT cltuyen Ngo{li ngii· - 1Hon Tii11g Anlt
16 The word ·carcinogenic·· in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A trouble-111aking B color-retaining
C rnoney,-inaking D cancer-causing
A dangerous substances B added substances
C natural substances D benign substances
18 All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
A food may cause forty percent of the cancer in the world
B drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons
C some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals ~
D researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for more than forty-five years
19 The fact that the topic has been known for some time is discussed in lines
20 vVhat is the best title for this passage?
A Harmful and Hannless Substances in Food
B Impro~ring Health Through a Natural Diet
C The Food You Eat Can Affect Your Health
D A voiding Injurious Substances in Food
IV Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) be§t fits each numbered space
Nowadays people are 1nore a,vare that wildlife all over the world is in
(21) Many species of anitnals are threatened, and could easily become (22) if we do not make an effort to (23) them There are many reasons for this In some cases, ani1nals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds (24) as parrots, are caught alive, and sold as pets For many animals and birds, the problem
is that their habitat - the place ,vhere they live - is (25) More (26) is used for fanns, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (27) _ , but these chemicals pollute the environment and (28) ,vildlife The most successful ani1nals on earth - hun1an beings
- will soon be the only ones (29) , unless we can (30) this problem
Trm}ng THPT chuyen /\lgo{1i ngfr-D(li lu;c Ngo{ti ngir-D!JQG lid /\/(Ji li9
Trang 20Tlti li¢u hm1ng dlin fm thi wuo lop JO 7JHPT chuyen Ngo{li ngii·- M<Jn Tidng A.nh
31 VVe regret _ you that you have exceeded your overdraft facility
A to infonn B informing C to tell to D telling
32 Why don't you try the key anti-clockwise?
33 He wasn't for the accident
34 In , it was obviously the wrong thing to do
A hindsight B the wake C retrospect D the whole
35 You've got to be certain before making the decision
36 It's by _ mean the best book that I've ever read
37 was there no coffee, there was no food either
A Not yet and B Not n1uch also
C Not only but D Neither nor
38 Hardly had he sat do1vn _ he was sent/or again
39 Don't worry about making noise The children are wide _
40 I'm af,·aid you've got the wrong end of the _ _
20 I Tndmg THPT clmyen NgO{li ngi'i"-D(.li h(JC Ngo{li ngir-DHQG Ha n9i
Trang 21foi liiu hmfog difn on thi w10 lop IO TH PT clmyen Ngo(ti ngu· - Mtm Tilng Anh
VI Use the word giveirn in brackets to form a word! tlhlat fits ill11 eaidhl ([J)jf the spaces in the following passage
Chi111panzees use a system of different sounds to com111unicate with each other These sounds have ( 41 VARIETY) ( 42 MEAN)
and chin1ps use them as a means of ( 43 This is one (44 SIMILAR) _ between chimps, whales and dolphins There has been a
great deal of ( 45 SCIENCE) research into this ( 46
(48 COLLECT) of sounds is not the sa111e thing as a language, which has s01ne kind of (49 GRAMMAR) -
structures l\!Iost scientists are in ( 50 AGREE) about this
vn FiH in each bfanlk with ONE word to complete Hn.e foHownll11g
Many of the things we do depend on receiving infonnation from other
people Catching a train, 1naking a phone call and going to the cine1na all
comn1unicated In the past this infonnation used to (52) _ kept on paper in the (53) of, for exainple, books,
newspapers and tin1etables Now 1nore and 1nore infonnation is put on
sometimes (55) _ us even realizing it Consider the use (56)
computers in both shops and offices Big shops, especially chain stores with branches (57) over the country, have to deal with very large amounts of infonnation They have to make (58) there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy~ they need to be able to re-order before stocks (59)
out, to decide which things are selling well and (60)
on All these processes are perfonned quickly and efficiently by co1nputers
Trm}ng THPT chuyen Ngorti ngif- D(li h9c Ngo(,i ngii'- DHQG !-Id lV9i 121
Trang 22Tcli li¢u hmrng c!lfn {}n thi wro Mp J{} TllPT chuyen lVgo{li ngii'-M{J11 Tidng Anh
VHL U§e the if~v~n-wenisto make complete sentences Change the form
of the words or add other necessary words
65 Nol matter/ they/ say, don't/ sad
66 Although/ his/ leg! break/ he/ manage/ go/ v,/ork
0 O I O I I O O O C O I I, 0 0 O I I O I O O O * t O O O O O O O O o O O I O O O O O O O ,I t o O O o o o O O o O o o t O O o o O I o o O o o o O O O o O • 0 1 O o o t O O o f O o o O o O o o o o O o o ,j t I O t o I I o t f 1
69 He/ congratulate/ ,ne/ my/ promotion
KX Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exacdy the same as the sentence printed before it, beginning with
the word(s) given
In , he doesn't quit s1noking
She is a , tl1an rne
I ,00
to concentrate when people are talking so loudly
This is ; I go to that 1narket
Trang 23foi li¢u llll'(mg dlin l)u tlti vlw liip JO THPT chuyen Ngo{li ngir-· Mon Ti.€llg Anh
75 He tried so hard, but he did not succeed
Ho,vever : he did not succeed
76.1 want to study English, not French
It , not French
77 If there 's an emergency press the red button
I11 • press the red button
78 He hasn't got enough rnoney to support his family
He , of money to support his family
79 For safety reasons, security officers are checking more people
An increased are being checked for safety reasons
80 vVe must continue our journey even if there are troubles
Regardless , we 1nust continue our journey
X (81-100) Write a paragraph of about 100 - 150 woirds starting
with the following sentence:
It is believed that a man who knoivs how to divide his time between work and leisure enjoys happiness
DE THI lVION: TIENG ANH Thoi gian lam bai: 120 phut (Khong kd thrJ'i gian phat aJ)
I Choose the word (A, B, C or D) wh.ose underlined part is piro1rno1Lrncedl differently from the others'
2 A smooth B footpath C wan11th D strength
3 A typical B lyrical C mythical D psychology
4 A govermnent B safeguard C original D magazine
5 A p.e:rticular B marvelous C d.e:rk D p.§:rdon
it Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is diffoirelIT!t
Trang 24Teti lifu luurng t1ifo <Jn thi vdo l&p 10 THP1' chuyen lVgo{Ki ngfi:-M{)n Tiing Anh
9 A significant B econ01nic C comparative D immediate
10 A fantastic B f01iunate C mountainous D dangerous
Hl Re~un 1tll11e follfowh1g pa§sage and! th.oose 1the lbe§t atll1l.§'tiveir (A~ B9 C rnr D)
to ea clbi qJ ll.H est ii oirn
The actual word perfmne comes from the Latin per fitmus which means literally ·by smoke' This is because, many centuries ago, people
noticed that so1ne smoke rising from their fires s1nelled sweet and pungent
Until then, there was scent, of course, in flowers and even in trees, but it
could not be controlled in any way A flower that smelled sweet at dusk or
after the rain, for instance, no longer did so after dark It was only in
lighting their fires that men first noticed that s01ne woods gave off sweet
smells, and that by burning them they could have scent whenever they
wanted it
Women began to perfmne the1nselves very early on, and the Egyptians used scent very Havislldy Cleopatra went to 1neet Anthony in a
barge that was literally soaked with it! Perfmnes of the ti1ne would,
however, see1n very strange to us today because they were extre1nely spicy
The fi~st cheap scents were 1nade in Ron1an tin1es and even Nero's wife,
Poppaea, went into business and invented a scented face creain which
became a status sy1nb0I among rich w01nen at the time
The great breakthrough in perfmnery came when the scientist Avicenna, who lived from 980 to 1036, discovered that the aroma from
plants and flovvers could be preserved by distillation - and rose water was
born It came to Europe at the ti1ne of the Crusades, when the knights
brought perfmnes hon1e for their ladies to use In the Middle Ages and the
Refonnation, · people sprayed themselves with perfume as a substitute for
hygiene, as they used baths less and less (In 1292 there were still about 30
baths in Paris ·where people chose betvveen steam and warm water, but these
gradually went out of fashion.)
H was during the 18th century that Paris really began to reign as a centre of elegance, luxury and fashion The austerity of the French
Revolution was just a n_assnng phase, after which the Directoire, and then
the Consulate and the Empire, rediscovered the art of perfumery and
24\ \ Truimg THPT c!wyen Ngo{ri ngii·-lJ{ri h9c Ngo(J.i nglt- DHQG Ht1 n()i
Trang 25Ttli /i¢u lur<rng ddn 011 thi vt10 lop JO THPT chuyen Ngo[Ji ngu- Afon Tidng Anh
beauty Napoleon's love of Eau de Cologne was as well-known as Josephine's for heavy musk-scented perfumes
Nowadays people like exotic, rather heavy scents with oriental undertones for evenings and for everyday use, the simpler 'green' smells of citrus and single floral scents The materials the perfumer uses have changed very little, except that synthetic essences have taken over to get
ingredients But basically, perfun1e making remains the saine
A importance of perfmne to women
A People would bum some woods to have scent at their convenience
B Only a few flowers at the time had fragrances
C Scents released by smoke were sweeter and more pungent than those released by flowers
D Flowers smelled sweet only at dusk or after the rain
A in a moderate atnount
C in a limited amount
B in an excessive ainount
D in a small ainount
A scent B flavor C odor D taste
A difficult B long C transitional D brief
A fake B man-made C imitation D false
is TRUE?
A Women began to perfu1ne themselves in Roman times
B Perfumery was not an industry.in Roman times yet
C Ancient perfumes 1nay not be to our liking
D All women used scented face creams
Tnrimg THPT chuyen Ngo(ll 11gir-D(1i h9c Ngo{li ngfJ.'-DHQG Ha Ni)i / 25
Trang 26l'i'ei !iefu Jum,ni d/fn on thi v<}o Mp!() THPT c!myen lVgo(}i ngi:t ~Jon Tiing Anh
18 According to-the thirdparagraph, which of the follolving statements is TRUE?
A Distillation is a big advance in perfumery
B People could take a hot bath in Paris
C Perfmne could not take the place of baths
D Rose 1.vater originated in Europe
A Napoleon had no passion for Eau de Cologne
B Paris achieved the status as a centre of elegance long before the 18th
centurv .,
c: Fev./ people knevv about Josephine·s love for heavy musk-scented
D People had a difficult ti1ne during the French Revolution
20 According to the fifth paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A People use the saine perfmnes for different times of the day
B Synthetic essences are now used 1nore widely in perfumery
C Perfumers have invented a lot of new materials for perfume n1aking
D Perfrnnery has c01ne a long way since its early days
IV Re21dl tlhie fo~fowing passage and dledde ,vhich a:nsvver (A, B, C o.r D) best fit§ ieada rrnunnbered spare
Being rn.arried to England's King Henry VII was a dangerous (21)
, It could easily (22) you your life! Henry VII (1491-154 7) is one of the 1nost famous characters in English (23) As a young man
he \vas handsome and extre1nely athletic, and (24) to contemporary accounts, everyone thought he was extre1nely attractive He was a brilliant horseman, and a superb shot with a bo"v and arrow He was (25) at
an early version of the game of tennis and was also an (26)
musician The fan1ous tune · Green sleeves' is said to (27) ,vritten by him though there is no proof of this The (28) thing Henry was not very good at was (29) sons He married six different w01nen to try
and produce a male heir (30) _ the throne, but his only son from all
26 Tndmg 111 PT clwyen l\'go!li ngfi· - D{d fl(JC Ngofii ngii- Dlf QG /Jll n(H
Trang 27T(li liefu fmirng (!tin on tlli V(lO l&p JO TH PT chuyen NgO(li ngif- 1'/d{jn Tiring Anh
these n1arriages died when he was just 14 years old However his t\VO
daughters both becmne queens of England, so if he had only lived long er:ough, he might not have been so worried
21 A activity B business C occupation
~ - mstory B past C civilization
24 A basing B fallowing C according
"I- A
.:: ) expert B professional C experienced
26 A obtained B accomplished C achieved
31 My parents always want me to set a good to my younger brother
32 I know it's a big favor to ask but, _ , I've ahvays helped you when you are in trouble
dinner table
34 She cast a sad srnile in my direction and then her tragic story
A proceeded B resumed C persisted D restored
3 5 I always have a hot bath after a hard-working day as a _
A principle B normality C rule D regularity
36 He is very big-headed, him widely unpopular
A 1nake B to make C 1nakes D making
3 7 His talents with his hard ,vork led to his great success
Tnn'rng THPT chuye11 Ngo{Ki ugti'- D(!i h(JC Ngo{li ngi1'- IJHtQG Hd lV(Ji / 27
Trang 28Tl!i !ifu ludmg dtin on thi vao Mp JO THPT chuyen Ngo9i ngu· - 1Hon Tiing Anh
38 His harsh critids1nofher appearance gave to her deep hatred for hi1n
A cause B rise C result D lead
39 He seen1s to a lot of pleasure fron1 collecting stainps
A reach B grab C derive D originate
40 The maths exercise was so difficult that students could finish it
A few B a few C little D a little
Vl Use the woirdl given in brackets to form a word that fits in each of
tlhe §paces ill1l flhue following passage
\Vith its mind-bending ( 41 DIVERSE) - fro1n snovvcapped 1nountains to sun-washed beaches, tranquil temples to feisty festivals, ramshackle rural villages to techno-savvy urban hubs - it's hardly ( 42 SURPRISE) that India has been dubbed the planet's most multidi1nensional country
The continent is home to 1nore than a billion people, and its wide range of ethnic groups translates into an intoxicating ( 43 CULTURE)
cocktail for the traveler For those on a ( 44 SPIRIT)
· -quest, India has a large number of sacred sites and stirring philosophies, while lovers of the great outdoors can paddle in the shi1nmering waters of one of 1nany palm-fringed beaches or si1nply breathe
in the scent of vvildflowers on a rejuvenating forest walk And then there·s
dumplings to zesty north Indian curries, travelers are treated to a positively ( 46 SEDUCE) meal of subcontinental specialties
De1nystifying India is a perpetual work-in-progress and for 1nany travelers, that's ( 4 7 PRECISE) what 1nakes her so deeply (48 ADDICT) Ultimately, it's all about (49 SURRENDER) _ yourself to the unkno\vn: this is the India that nothing can quite prepare you for because its very essence - its (50 ELUDE)
visitors seesaw between the two - India will jostle your entire being and no matter where you go or what you do, it's a place you'll never forget
28 I Truifng THPT clmyen Ngo(li ngir-lJ(li h!Jc Ngo(li ngii'-DHQG Ha n{)i
Trang 29T(li lifu lurong dfin on tlli viw /o'p JO THPT clluyen Ngo(li ngii'- Ail)n Tidng Anh
the f oHowing passage
special to live Sometimes he would sleep in a cardboard box in Thompkins Square Parle S01neti1nes he would stay with his friends He played in a
searching for some kind of identity
interested Soon he was surrounded by agents, gallery owners, journalists and other people who were desperate to make him fa1nous and 1nake money
work all over A1nerica He dated the (not yet famous) pop star Madonna
VHI Complete the second §entel!lce §O th.at it h~rn similar meaning to tlhle
finit one, using the word nn braclk.et Y 01U1 must use between T'VVO and!
The t\vo short cartoo11s
62 It was useless to cmnplain to the n1anager POINT
Tndmg THPT chuyba Ng0<Ji ngfir- D(ui !u;c Ngo(ti ngit- DHQG Hd N()i I 29
Trang 30Tiii li¢u !w·o·ng dlin (Jn thi v<10 Mp lO TH PT clwyen Ngo(li ngfi· - JtR,n Tidng Anh
63 The students were not alloYved to enter certainbuildings PROHIBITED The students , certain buildings
64 I'll receive a cheque and then I'll pay you immediately SOON
I'll pay you a cheque
65 He seems unable to appreciate classical n1usic INCAPABLE
He seems classical 1nusic
66 Typhoid \Vas the cause of many deaths in the last century DIED
IV1any people in the last century
67 Our tearn \Von and the visitors lost
·r1, :'.:), .! 1t: \ '· l.~ r.~ 1· /_ ro1 -s our ea1n t
68 She has doubts about her abilitv
She lacks her O\Vn ability
69 As \Ve are to blame, we will not charge vou FA ULT ~
As \Ve ,vill not charge ' vou ~
I"ll inforrr1 1·ou there
the origin.ai oflles~ using the word provided
71 I vvas strongly detennined to take 1ny study seriously next se1nester
Trang 31Teti li¢u llll'o'ilg d,in Ofi thi VllO lop 10 THPT clmyen 1\'go{ui ngii'- 1'vlon Tieng Anh
78 Although I didn't want to go out so late, I had no choice
X Write a paragraph olf about 100 11:o 150 word§ orn 11:lhie ifoHowimlg 11:opk~
Online ga,nes should be banned Do you agree or disagree with the
statenient? Justify your answer
Tlhoi ghtll11 him lbai: 120 phut (Khong kd thcli gian phat aJ)
5 A soothe B gloomy C livelihood D monsoon
H Choose the word! (A9 B9 C oir D) whose §tre§§ jp21ttenn fo dlliffeirelIBt fronn
the other§'
6 A gesticulate B secondary C illiterate D phenomenon
7 A archaeology B indispensable C vocabulary D pharmaceutical
8 A me1norable B cere1nony C category D believable
9 A substantial B cucmnber C vandalize D avenue
IU- I tih~ I #
Trm'rng THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngir- D(li h9c Ngo(Ji ngl1'- DHQG Hi'u Ni)i \ 3 ft
Trang 32Tl!.i liefu lun1ng dfin on tlei vdo lo'p JO THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngilf- fet!on Ting Anh
In the first fonn, known as pri1nary cooperation, group and individual f1U1§e The group contains nearly all of each individual's life The rewards of the group's work are shared with each 1nember There is an interlocking identity of individual, group, and task performed Means and goals become one, for cooperation itself is valued
While pri1nary cooperation is most often characteristic of preliterate societies, secondary cooperation is most often characteristic of many modern societies In secondary cooperation, individuals devote only part of their lives to the group Cooperation itself is not a value Most 1nembers of the group feel loyalty, but the welfare of the group is not the first consideration Metnbers perfonn tasks so that they can separately enjoy the fruits of their cooperation in the form of salary, prestige, or power Business offices and professional athletic teains are exainples of secondary cooperation
In the third type, called tertiary cooperation or accommodation, latent conflict underlies the shared work The attitudes of the cooperating parties are purely opportunistic; the organization is loose and fragile Acc01n1nodation involves com1non means to achieve antagonistic goals; it breaks down ,vhen the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals This is not, strictly speaking, cooperation at all, and hence the somewhat contradictory term antagonistic cooperation is someti1nes used for this relationship
A To explain how cooperation differs fr0111 competition and conflict
B To show the importance of group organization and attitudes
C To offer a brief definition of cooperation
D To urge readers to cooperate more often
32 Tndmg THPT clmyen NgOIJi ngir-lJ(li lu;c NgO{li ngii'- DHQG ll<l 119i
Trang 33Tdi li?u lm&ng ddn on tlzi vc10 lop 10 THPT clwyen Ngo(li ngii'- Mtm Thing Anh
12 The word cherished in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A prized B appraised C defined D set up
13 The word fuse in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A react B unite C evolve D explore
14 Which of the following statements about primary cooperation is
supported by the information in the passage?
A It was confined to prehistoric times
B It is usually the first stage of cooperation achieved by a group of individuals attempting to cooperate
C It is an ideal that can never be achieved
D Every 1nember shares the reward of the group's work
15 According to the passage, why do people join groups that practise
secondary cooperation?
A To experience the satisfaction of cooperation
B To get rewards for themselves
C To associate with people who .have si1nilar backgrounds
D To defeat a c01n1non ene1ny
16 Which of the following is an example of the third form of cooperation
as it is defined in the fourth paragraph?
A Students fonn a study group so that all of them can improve their grades
B A new business attempts to take customers away from an established c01npany
C Two rival political parties temporarily work together to defeat a third party
D Members of a fanning cmnmunity share work and the food that they grO\v
17 rVhich of the following is NOT given as a name/or the third type of cooperati?n?
A tertiary cooperation
C latent conflict
B acc01n1nodation
D antagonistic cooperation
18 The word fragile in line 14 is closest in meaning to
A inefficient B easily broken C poorly planned D involuntary
19 As used throughout the passage, the word conunon is closest in
Trang 34Tlti liefu lur6ng dl1n on thi w}o Mp JO Tl!J PT clmyen lVgo{ti ng11'- 1Hon Ting Anh
20 Which of the following best describes the overall organization of the passage?
A The author describes a concept by analyzing its three fonns
B The author cmnpares and contrasts two types of hun1an relations
C The author presents the points of view of three experts on the saine topic
D The author provides a number of concrete examples and then draws
of a crime~ finds that their partner has been (26) to them, or feels a passionate sense of social injustice (27) , anger 1nay have other causes as ,:vell We know that ani1nals can be made 1nore aggressive if the limbic parts of their brains are stitnulated~ (28) , overstimulation of the limbic ( e1notional) centre of the brain may override the neo-cortex, the (29) _ part Changes in honnone levels see1n to cause anger too, and inheritance plays a part, as does our (30) The more we are raised in anger, the more anger we are likely to feel later in our lives
21 A sources B bases C origins D foundations
23 A overtaking B overcoming C overthrowing D overturning '-'
24 A inequality B unfairness C disproportion D inconsistency
25 A accused B conde1nned C charged D punished
26 A unbelievable B questionable C suspicious D unfaithful
27 A However B Therefore C Moreover D But
28 A additionally B consequently C furthermore D so
29 A reasoning B thinking C considering D conte1nplating
30 A maturity B upbringing C grovvth D development
Trang 35foi li¢u hmJ'ng dan on thi VllO lo'p IO THPTchuyen Ngofti ngir- iHtm Tieng Anh
V Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of tlhe following sentences
31 If the negotiations hadn't been so intense, we the contract
33 such an easy exain greatly disappoints 1ne
A Your failing B You failed in C Your fail D You failed
34 the plan ended in failure was no surprise to me
3 5 for a second interview will be informed by mail
C If you are chosen D All chosen
36 The plan for a long time was eventually finalized yesterday
A having been developed B being developed
3 7 I a five-day trip to London to have a good rest, but I
couldn't find time
A ·would take B could take C was to take D was takihg
3 8 Interesting as , I don~ t think they are quite educational
A TV shows as these B these TV shows are
C these are TV shows D these TV show
3 9 So that he is willing to help everyone in need
A kind a person is he B kind person he is
40 She felt a warm of happiness when he e1nbraced her
VI Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits ill1l each of tlhi1e spaces in the following passage
In Vietnain, one of the best places to spend holiday is the romantic highland city called Da Lat, which is also known for it (41 TRANQUIL) _ First, the superb scenery, complemented by the pleasant
Tnrimg THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngir- D(Ji lu;c Ngo{ti ngfr- DHQG Hd N(Ji I 35
Trang 367f{'Ji !iefu lunfog dlin <Jn thi V{lO hfp JO T!HPT chuyen Ngof.}i ngtr-!i1on Tidng Anh
climate all year round, provides a (42 POEM) setting for rmnance Just imagine walking among tall pine trees on windswept hills, standing in a,ve of a ( 43 SPECTACLE) waterfall, or sitting among carpets of ( 44 FRAGRANCE) flowers at sunset Second, travelling to Da Lat, people can engage in a wide range of activities For exainple, beautiful gardens and buildings in lovely French
stroll along tree-lined boulevards in the shade of huge pine trees, exploring shops that sell traditional handicrafts unique to Da Lat Finally, people visiting Da Lat can enjoy luxury because of its ( 4 7 MODERN) _ By way of illustration, there are ( 48 DELIGHT) _ hotels that have special roorns for the1n with candles and beautiful decorations It is also possible for them to enjoy local specialties
to the ( 49 ACCOMPANY) of soft 1nusic in elegant restaurants which are open until late at night In conclusion, Da Lat is the Vietnamese~s first choice for a (50 MEMORY) holiday Vil Inseirt nll1l ieaclhi of time blal!]ks with ONE suitable word to complete the foil owing passage
One of my uncle's friends got a job for a building con1pany driving a huge cement 1nixer truck He loved his job, but it often kept hi1n (51)
although he loved his young wife dearly, he became convinced she was having an ( 5 3) It was the little things: she had started wearing new clothes and too much perfmne Apparently, in an effort to catch her out, he drove home early one day Sure enough, there was a brand new sports car (54) outside the house, and the upstairs curtains were closed Wiping a tear frmn his {55) with his fist, he backed up his truck and filled the ( 56) with quick-setting ce1nent Finished with the job, he hid round the corner to see vvhat (57) happen _Sure enough, his wife caine out of the house with a man in a suit They looked together at the ruined car, and his
·wife burst into tears The husband was surprised to see the man shrug his shoulders, bid his wife (58) and get into a completely
36 / Tnn)·ng THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngii'- D(li h9c Ngo(,li ngfi''.- lJHQG Ha 11{)i
Trang 37Tl1i liiu hmi'ng ddn on tlli vao lop 10 THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngu- Mon Tilng Anh
different car Jmnping out of his truck, he 1narched to confront his wife and
found out the truth The car was a surprise present she had (59)
him: the man was the salesman who had (60) delivered it
-VIII Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the san1e memruhng
as the original ones, using the woirdl provklledl
61 She paid no attention to my advice and still partied all night NOTICE
62 We haven't received any news fr01n her since June HEARD
63 Some of my friends refused to go on the camping trip OBJECTED
64 I haven't contacted my best friend for several 1nonths TOUCH
65 Was it difficult for you to solve the puzzle? DIFFICULTY
67 Mr S1nith was not at the prize-giving ceremony, so his wife accepted
68 If he drives so recklessly, he is certain to have an accident BOUND
69 Why didn't I reme1nber to send him an email last night? SHOULD
70 I don't like it when others laugh at 1ne LAUGHED
IX Finish each of tlhe foUowiJrng sentences in such a way th.at it means
exactly the sarne as the sentence printed !before it9 beginning with tlhe
Trang 38f{ui lifU !wrong dt1uu ()RU !hi V([{) frrp JO rurr chuyen Ngo(li ngir- jj;f {jn Tiing A.nil
72 In spite of his hard work, he couldn~t earn enough n1oney to afford a small house
76 I had to ,,.,,ait for n1y best friend for over two hours
My best friend kept ."
77 As I hadn't prepared carefully, I didn't have a successful interview
78 He was a vvidower when he died
He died
79 "'I wish 1ny daughter were hard-vvorking," said Mr S1nith
Mr Sn1ith c01nplained about
80 I thought he was my father
I mistook ·
)L Wrnte 21 pair21gr2qplhi of abolllli HHb to 150 words oll1l the following topic:
Students should take a part-time job Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Justify your answer
381 Tnn'lng THPT clmyen Ng0<Ji ngtr- D{ii h9c Ngo(Ji ngu- DHQG Hli n{Ji
Trang 39Tili lifll luuJ'llg diin Oil thi V{l() Mp JO THPT clwyen NgO(li ngii'- Mou Ti<fng Anh
DE THI MON: TIENG ANlHI (Clhmyellll)
Thoi gfallll larn bai: 120 plluH (Khong ki thai gian phdt aJ)
I Choose the word (A9 B9 C or D) wlh.o§e 1Ulll1l.dleirllnll1ledl p21rt ns proll1l.01Ulliiltedl -, differently fro mt the others,
1 A classical B c01npo§.er C an§.wer D basic
2 A feasible B feather C feat D feature
4 A chorus B cherish C chaos D scholarship
5 A together B wort_hy C ethnic D though
n Choose the worrdl (A, B, C or D) whose stress pmtterirn is dnfforerrnt
from the others 9
6 A obscure B c01nfort C reform D suppose
7 A ability B geography C calculation D technology
8 A suspicious B distressful I C envelope D returning
9 A scholarship B balcony C educate D engineer
10 A abundant B marvelous ! C destructive D disastrous
HI Read the foil owing passage andi choose tlhe lbe§t allllswer (A9 B, C (Ofi" D)
As a young w01nan, Jane lfinished school in London, attended secretarial school, and then worked:l for a docmnentary filmmaker for a while When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a
Truimg THPT chuyen Ngo(li ngit-D{li h9c Ngo(.Ui ngfJ'-DHQG Hd N9i 39
Trang 40Q
Tai liefu lur&ng d&n l},u thi V(SO lt!p 10 THPT clmyen NgO{JJi ngrt- Jl1on Tidng Anh
waitress until she had earned the fare to travel du~rre by boat She was 23 years old Once in Kenya, she met Dr Louis Leakey, a famous paleontologist and anthropologist He was i1npressed with her thorough knowledge of Africa and its wildlife, and hired her to assist him and his wife on a fossil-hunting expedition to Olduvai Gorge Dr Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect person to c01nplete a study he had been planning for so1ne ti1ne She expressed her interest in the idea of studying animals by living in the wild with them, rather than studying dead ani1nals through paleontology
Dr Leakey and Jane began planning a study of a group of chi1npanzees who were living on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kenya
At first, the British authorities would not approve their plan At the time,
alone But Jane's mother, Vanne, agreed to join her so that she would not be alone Finally, the authorities gave Jane the clearance she needed in order to
go to Africa 8.nd begin her study
11 What is the main source of information about chimpanzees?
A the research of Jane Goodall
B the research of some conservationists
C Jane Goodall' s father
D recent research
12 What does the name of the toy chimpanzee refer to?
A Jane's father B her favorite toy
C a baby anilnal D her close friend
13 Which of the following is NOT true about Jane?
A Jane was born in London
B She was interested in anilnals from her early age
C At the age of 10, she went to Africa to live with animals
D She wanted to live among animals
14 What does 'there' in the passage refer to?
40 j Tndmg THPT clwyen Ngo(Ji ngi'J·-D(Ji lu;c Ngo9i ngu·- DHQG I-la n{)i