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The effect ofspychological traitson entrereneurial intention among postgraduates

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THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS NGUYEN THI NGOC QUYEN THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG POSTGRADUATES MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honors) Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS NGUYEN THI NGOC QUYEN THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG POSTGRADUATES ID: 22120107 MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honors) SUPERVISOR: ASSOC PROF LE NGUYEN HAU Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Acknowledgement The completion of this study represents a significant turning point in my life It has been a long journey and has demanded a lot of effort and time Many people's patience, support and constant encouragement helped bring this work to life First of all, I would like to thank you very much Assoc Prof Le Nguyen Hau who provided guidance and encouragement in his own unique way I feel extremely blessed to have him as my first supervisor His passion for research has been exceptionally inspirational Working under his supervision has been an extremely rewarding experience which has contributed significantly to the completion of the thesis By this opportunity, I would like to thank you to postgraduates of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City because of their kind support Last but not least, my warm and heartfelt thanks go to my mother, my father and my husband for their everlasting love and support which sustained me in the years it took to bring this work to completion Thank you for the strength you gave to me Best regards, THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Abstract This research is part of a larger investigation on factors influencing entrepreneurial intention This research study examines the relationship between psychological traits as a means of identifying predictors of entrepreneurial intention among postgraduates in Viet Nam The sample consisted of 250 participants, drawn from postgraduate students enrolled in master courses in University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City The finding provides evidences that postgraduate students‟ belief in the self-efficacy, and needs for achievement capability to reinstate their entrepreneurial intention The finding also points outs that communitarian culture impacts on entrepreneurial intention as particularly internal locus of control - one of typical characteristics of entrepreneur has negative relationship with entrepreneurial intention Through the findings, the study also presents some implication to promote the entrepreneurial success for both business founders and also employees THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Table of content Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Research background 1.2 Statement of the research problem 10 1.3 Research questions 13 1.4 Research methodology 13 1.5 Scope of the study 13 1.6 Contribution of the research 14 1.7 Research structure 14 Chapter 2: Literature review 16 2.1 Psychological traits 16 2.1.1 Achievement motivation 16 2.1.2 Self-efficacy 17 2.1.3 Locus of control 18 2.2 Entrepreneurial intention 18 2.2.1 Entrepreneurship 18 2.2.2 Entrepreneur 18 2.2.3 Entrepreneurial intention 19 2.3 Relationship between psychological traits & entrepreneurial intention 20 2.3.1 Achievement motivation & entrepreneurial intention 20 2.3.2 Self-efficacy & entrepreneurial intention 21 2.3.3 Locus of control & entrepreneurial intention 22 Chapter 3: Research method 26 3.1 Research procedure 26 3.2 Development of measurement scale 27 3.3 Sampling and data collection method 30 3.4 Data analysis method 32 Chapter 4: Data analysis & findings 34 4.1 Sample demographic 34 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG 4.2 Reliability test 34 4.2.1 Scale of achievement motivation 34 4.2.2 Scale of self-efficacy 35 4.2.3 Scale of locus of control 36 4.2.4 Scale of entrepreneurial intention 37 4.3 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) 40 4.3.1 EFA for independent variables 40 4.3.2 EFA for dependent variable 41 4.4 Regression 43 Chapter 5: Conclusion 45 5.1 Discussion 45 5.2 Implication 46 5.3 Limitation of the study and recommendations of future research 47 5.4 Conclusion 48 Reference 49 Appendix 53 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG List of tables Table 2.1: Research hypotheses 24 Table 3.1: Questionnaires of achievement motivation Table 3.2: Questionnaire of internal locus of control 26 Table 3.3: Questionnaire of external locus of control 27 Table 3.4: Questionnaire of self-efficacy 27 Table 3.5: Questionnaire of entrepreneurial intention 28 Table 4.1: The reliability statistics of achievement motivation‟s scale 29 Table 4.2: The item-total statistics of achievement motivation scale 34 Table 4.3: The reliability statistics of self-efficacy scale 34 Table 4.4: the item- total statistics of self-efficacy scale 34 Table 4.5: the reliability statistics of external locus of control scale 34 Table 4.6: the item-total statistics of external locus of control scale 35 Table 4.7: the reliability statistics of internal locus of control scale 35 Table 4.8: the item-total statistics of internal locus of control scale 36 Table 4.9: the reliability statistics of entrepreneurial intention scale 36 Table 4.10: the item-total statistics of entrepreneurial intention scale 36 Table 4.11: summary of Cronbach alpha values 37 Table 4.12: KMO & Barlett‟s test of indepentdent variables 37 Table 4.13: Rotated component matrix of independent variables 38 Table 4.14: Total variance explain of dependent variables 38 Table 4.15: model summary 39 Table 4.16: ANOVA 40 Table 4.17: Coefficients 40 Table 4.18: summarized results of hypotheses test 41 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG List of figures Figure 2.1: Research model 24 Figure 3.1: Research Procedure 25 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background According to Commission of the European Communities (2003), entrepreneurship is viewed as the mindset and process to create and develop economic activity by blending risk-taking, creativity and/or innovation with sound management within a new or an existing organization It is believed that economic growth occurs not only because of broad improvements in technology, productivity and available resource but also because of entrepreneurs Nowadays, entrepreneurs play the vital role in economic development in every country The extraordinary power of the entrepreneurial process evolved throughout the world as almost twenty years elapsed The resurgence of the entrepreneurial spirit is the most significant economic development of this decade They create and allocate value and benefit for individuals, groups, organizations and society (Lynn, 1977) In particular, entrepreneurs identify opportunities; bring the new technologies and concepts into active commercial use Furthermore, they create new business ventures, jobs and wealth, but they also force other firms out of business As a result, new and better jobs than lost ones are created, the overall of productivity rises and economic well being increase (Shaper & Volery, 2007) As entrepreneurship and SMEs would play crucial role for the economy of each country, which the government of each countries should look forwards on development by how implementing the policy to support and which level In Vietnam, the Doimoi (renovation) policy in 1986 coupled with the passage of the Enterprise Law in 2000 has stimulated a tremendous growth of small – and medium – sized enterprises (SMEs), which are considered an important vehicle for the economic growth in Vietnam Since then, there has been a phenomenal transition to a market- oriented model, in which entrepreneurship has broadly become a universal modality for people wishing to become gloriously rich For the last decade, the number of newly established enterprises has increased dramatically The new business formation rate was to be about times larger in 2010 compared with one in 2000 In term of labor scale, there are 248,842 active enterprises on January 2010 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Number of micro-, small-, and medium enterprise accounted for 97.43% During 2000-2009, new SMEs can be positioned as a king in job creation While 59% of total employment in business sector working for state-owned companies in 2000, ten years later, when number of laborers increased to 8,927,900; 59% of them working in small and medium enterprises of non-state sector, contribute over 40% to the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) According to the General Statistic Office (GSO), in the first half of the year 2012, more than 36,100 new businesses were added with a total registered capital of VND232.5 trillion Through the statistic numbers presented above, it is abundantly clear that entrepreneurship can be considered as a driving force of the economic growth, innovation and employment in Vietnam Because of those significant roles, Vietnamese entrepreneurship should be paid much more attention and higher consideration by scholars and governors in order to enforce the economy and assist entrepreneurs to overcome the challenges of globalization era 1.2 Problem statement Entrepreneurship is timeless From the very young to very old, people are starting new business at a rapid rate One cause of the sudden increase of new entrepreneurs is the current trend of professionals who leave their companies to start putting their own businesses They believe in modern days that being just an employee is not enough to meet their needs Most employees are not satisfied with the salaries they get from their employers Thus, they bind themselves looking for– as many are doing now they start their own company, using the expertise they learned from their previous employers The main factor contributing the interest of professionals to engage in entrepreneurship is the high unemployment rate in Viet Nam In fact, following the result of ILSSA‟s report published on VNExpress e-newsletter, there are total around 178.000 labors with high qualification such as bachelor or master degree being unable to find jobs within the first quarter of 2015 Thus, connected with self-employment such as self-actualization, independence and greater satisfaction, has become more desirable among graduates (Baughn et al., 2006) This has been supported by several empirical studies Hart and Harrison (1992) for example, investigated tendency of university students in Northern Ireland and found that 47% expressed the intention to 10 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG 10 285 2.849 100.000 4.4 Regression Lastly, the regression was done to analyze the main hypothesis Table 4.15: model summary Model R R Square Adjusted 567a 321 R Std Error of Square the Estimate 309 5.85849 Table 4.16: Annova ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig Regression 3655.876 913.969 26.629 000b Residual 7722.424 225 34.322 Total 11378.300 229 Table 4.17: Coefficients Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Standardized t Coefficients Coefficients B Std Error Beta Sig Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF 42 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG (Constan -.972 3.442 AMN 1.130 165 EXTLC 791 INTLC t) SELFEF FICACY -.282 778 395 6.835 000 903 1.108 174 263 4.551 000 903 1.108 437 261 097 1.675 095 906 1.103 1.114 199 321 5.592 000 917 1.091 Based on the result of multiple linear regression, firstly it could be seen that R square is 321 which was larger than adjusted R square (.309) and in the ANOVA table, sig was 000 These were meant that the independent variables could explained 32.1% variance of dependent variableentrepreneurial intention As seen in table of coefficients, the hypothesis about positive related between entrepreneurial intention and achievement motivation as well as with self-efficacy were supported because the sig was 000 < 005 Whilst, internal locus of control had negative relation with entrepreneurial intention as the sig was 095 > 005 and interestingly external locus of control had positive relation with entrepreneurial intention The table below was the summarized result of hypotheses test: Table 4.18: summarized results of hypotheses test Hypotheses H1 Support There is positive relationship between achievement Supported motivation and entrepreneurial intention H2 There is positive relationship between self-efficacy and Supported entrepreneurial intention H3a There is positive relationship between internal locus of Rejected control and entrepreneurial intention 43 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG H3b There is negative relationship between external locus of Rejected control and entrepreneurial intention 44 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Chapter CONCLUSION 5.1 Discussion The basic objective this research study works was intended toward detecting the traits which lead a person to become an entrepreneur among postgraduates in Viet Nam In order to so few basic and important variables of psychological traits were derived from the through and in-depth review of the literature and also the self-conceptualization and understanding of the concerned researchers Three factors in the form of achievement motivation, self-efficacy & locus of control were examined to assess the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and these important independent variables Firstly, as McClelland has suggested it seems that people with high need for achievement, are likely to be attracted to entrepreneurial jobs and are good at it (Collins et al, 2006) The result is particular consistent and supported to this conclusion The postgraduate now are more materialistic, but also possess traits of very high responsibility in their work and life They are open-minded, enthusiastic and non-stop looking for opportunity to start their own business to earn money and get success This is partly the influence of globalization and a more open society In another hand, the relationship between self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention is also high This is in consonance with the findings of Boyd & Bozikis (1994), Krueger, et al (2000) and Wang et al (2002) who found that people with high sense of self-efficacy have higher entrepreneurial aspiration People with self-efficacy seem to be good at planning, organizing and implementing action to reach their goals The reason could be linked to the fact that belief in one‟s ability to be successful in a course of action is what potential entrepreneur needs to be successful in his course of action Lastly, the study also indicates an interesting point that almost subjects believe that the success of entrepreneurship could not come up without support from external factors even 45 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG internal locus of control is a characteristic that is found more in business founders compared to other individuals as it is related to entrepreneurship (Spector, 1982) In fact, the study‟s result showed difference as there is negative relationship between internal locus of control and entrepreneurial intention This can be explained thought the culture‟s impact Vietnamese people are in communitarian culture that often affects their belief that success could not come from single effort Even the sample is not large enough to have an accurate confirmation, however, it may be reasonable in the context The difference with other studies mention in literature review could be understood when those studied were almost made in western culture or developed countries which people are familiar with autonomous As cultures become less individualistic and more collectivist, people are more likely to identify with the group to which they belong, diminishing the degree of control that they feel over their environments, but not necessarily diminishing their entrepreneurial propensity In high individualism countries, having autonomy is more important, individual decisions are considered superior, and individual initiative is socially encouraged In collectivistic countries, security is rated as more important, group decisions are considered better than individual ones, and individual initiative is discouraged 5.2 Implication The results of the present study have some practical implications for the long-standing quest to discover the entrepreneurial intention (Gartner, 1985) On a practical level our results show that psychological traits can be useful tools to promote entrepreneurial success Importantly, this applies not only to business founders but also employees In fact, organizations in particular can benefit from selecting entrepreneurial individuals based on their personality profile Research shows that organization that recruit and retain entrepreneurial individuals gain competitive advantage in their respective markets (Lumpkin, 2007) Thus, evaluating the candidate‟s psychological traits should be considered during the interview test to be able to recruit those talents Furthermore, training & delegation are also critical keys for retention and development In another side, support for young entrepreneurs is the government long-term strategy for 46 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG economic development Entrepreneurship education should be added in both high-school and higher education programs In fact, some universities have provided courses on Entrepreneurship but it is still very limited while high school programs rarely include topics about business or entrepreneurship Therefore, students should be equipped with not only creative thinking, knowledge of entrepreneurship, skills of business planning…but also enhance the entrepreneur‟s characteristics such as ambition, self-confidence and as well as internal locus of control which plays important role to overcome the business challenges Beside education, other activities to support young people to start their own businesses also need to be promoted For instance, we can support students for creating their own business by taking a series of measures such as developing appropriate risk propensity, making a encouraging and supporting atmosphere, setting up entrepreneurial funds and incubating entrepreneurship of university students By these educations and supporting policies, it‟s believed to promote university student‟s entrepreneurial intentions, reaching the goal of promoting employment by entrepreneurship 5.3 Limitation of the study and recommendations of future research There are some limitations of this study Firstly, the data of study was only collected from an university The result will be different if the sample is increased and respondents are from more various sources Future studies can expand the subjects such as adding more universities with different majors, educational level (bachelor, diploma, certificate )The geography in the current study was in Ho Chi Minh city which can be expanded in another places Secondly, the study was only examined some inside factors of individual, particularly achievement motivation, self-efficacy and locus of control The future research can put in more different dependent factors such as education, culture, family to consider the influence on entrepreneurial intention 47 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG 5.4 Conclusion Entrepreneurship is not the function that might be outcome of simple actions It requires a regular and permanent effort as part of psychological traits which have received particular attention all over the world Based on the study‟s result, it identified identify the relationship between each of three types of psychological traits: achievement motivation, locus of control and self-efficacy influences with entrepreneurial intention among post graduates in Viet Nam which some reflects the consistency with other researches whilst some proved the great impact of culture This results in the need of more studies should be researched with considering different factors to explore the increasing tendency Investment in indigenous entrepreneurship can bring important returns to society and contribute to a country‟s economy Recognizing the benefits of entrepreneurship, more efforts should be taken to provide effective entrepreneurship courses and programs to consistently assist indigenous youth in this country to be more entrepreneurial and competitive 48 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Reference Bandura, A (1982) Self-efficacy mechanisms in human agency American Psychologist, 37 , 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Tôi cho sống thoải mái, an nhàn quan trọng phải nỗ lực vươn lên Are you satisfied to be no better than most other people at your job? Tôi cảm thấy không phiền long có nhiều người giỏi nơi làm việc Do you like to make improvements to the way the organization you belong to functions Tôi thích tạo nên cải cách, tiến nơi làm việc Do you take trouble to cultivate people who may be useful to you in your career Tôi gặp khó khan việc có thiện cảm với người quan trọng có ích cho công việc 53 Mức độ đồng ý 1- Hoàn toàn không đồ ng ý 5- Hoàn toàn đồng ý 5 5 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG Do you get restless and annoyed when you feel you are wasting time Tôi cảm thấy áy náy khó chịu lãng phí thời gian Have you always worked hard in order to be among the best in your own line Tôi làm việc chăm để trở thành người giỏi Would you prefer to work with a congenial but incompetent partner rather than with a difficult but highly competent one? Tôi thích làm việc với đồng nghiệp hợp ý/ ăn rơ không giỏi làm việc với người khó tính giỏi, thạo việc Do you tend to plan ahead for your job or career Tôi có xu hướng lên kế hoạch trước cho công việc hay nghề nghiệp Is "getting on in life" important to you việc thành công sống quan trọng 10 Are you an ambitious person Tôi người có nhiều hoài bão 11 Will days often go by without your having done a thing? Tôi thường để ngày trôi qua mà không hoàn thành việc 12 Are you inclined to take life as it comes without much planning? Tôi thích sống tự do/ diễn ngẫu nhiên mà không cần phải lên kế hoạch trước Đánh giá tâm lý tự chủ thân/ tâm điểm kiểm soát I usually get what I want in life Tôi thường đạt muốn sống I need to be kept informed about news events Tôi cần có thông tin tin tức/ kiện I never know where I stand with other people Tôi vị mình/ chỗ đứng lòng người khác nh Tôi người khác nghĩ I not really believe in luck or chance Tôi thật không tin vào vận may hay hội I think that I could easily win a lottery Tôi nghĩ trúng số cách dễ dàng If I not succeed on a task, I tend to give up Nếu không thành công việc đó, có xu hướng từ bỏ/ đầu hàng I usually convince others to things my way Tôi thường thuyết phục người khác l m theo cách tô 54 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG The success I have is largely a matter of chance Thành công mà có nhờ phần lớn vào may mắn Marriage is largely a gamble for most people Hôn nhân phần lớn trò chơi may rủi cho tất người 10 People must be the master of their own fate Mọi người phải làm chủ số phận 11 It is not important for me to vote Đối với việc biểu không quan trọng 12 My life seems like a series of random events Cuộc sống dường chuỗi kiện ngẫu nhiên, trước 13 I never try anything that I am not sure of Tôi không thử thứ mà không 14 I earn the respect and honors I receive Tôi đón nhận niềm vinh dự lòng tôn kính mà tạo 15 A person can get rich by taking risks Một người dám chấp nhận rủi ro giàu có 16 Leaders are successful when they work hard Những người dẫn đầu thành công họ làm việc chăm 17 Persistence and hard work usually lead to success Sự kiên trì bền bỉ làm việc thường dẫn đến thành công 18 It is difficult to know who my real friends are Rất khó để biết người bạn thật 19 Other people usually control my life Người khác th ờng kiểm soát cuộ sống Đánh giá tâm lý lực thân Thông thường theo sát mục tiêu hoàn thành 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 Tôi tự tin xử lý tình cách hiệu Tôi giữ tự tin phải đối mặt với khó khăn 5 5 5 Khi phải đối mặt với vấn đề xảy ra, thường tìm hướng giải Đánh giá ý định khởi nghiệp 5 I intend to start my own business in the future Tôi có ý định bắt đầu nghiệp riêng tương lai gần I plan my future very carefully Tôi lên kế hoạch cho tương lai cẩn thận I read newspapers with business news Tôi đọc nhiều báo/tạp chí kinh doanh Constantly looking for business opportunities Tôi không ngừng tìm kiếm hội kinh doanh 55 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG 10 11 12 13 14 Read books on financial matters Tôi đọc nhiều sách lĩnh vực tài Put away money to start my own business Tôi dành dụm tiền để khởi nghiệp Read books on procedures for initiating business Tôi hay đọc sách viết cách/ thủ tục để bắt đầu nghiệp I plan my finances very carefully Tôi lên kế hoạch tài cho thân cẩn thận Make plans to start my own business Tôi có kế hoạch để bắt đầu công việc kinh doanh I dedicate time to learn how to create a business Tôi dành thời gian để học cách làm để tạo dựng công việc kinh doanh 5 5 5 PHẦNB – Thông tin cánhân Các bạn vui lòng cung cấp số thông tin sau để phục vụ cho việc phân loại so sánh nhóm đối tượng khảo sát: Tuổitác: - Dưới 25 tuổi - Từ 25 đến 35 tuổi - Từ 36 đến 45 tuổi - Trên 45 tuổi Giới tính: nam Trình độ học vấn: - Đại học: - nữ Sau đại học Bạn có làm hay không? Có không Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác Anh/ Chị 56 ... enough to meet their needs Most employees are not satisfied with the salaries they get from their employers Thus, they bind themselves looking for– as many are doing now they start their own company,... university students in Northern Ireland and found that 47% expressed the intention to 10 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG run their own business Similarly,... What is the effect of achievement motivation on entrepreneurial intention of postgraduate? What is the effect of locus of control on entrepreneurial intention of postgraduate? What is the effect

Ngày đăng: 13/03/2017, 12:40


