15 bài học tiếp là vô vàn các câu hỏi được minh họa bằng hình ảnh sinh động kèm theo các bài tập liên quan từ vựng giúp bạn rèn luyện thêm ngữ pháp, ngôn ngữ cũng như tư duy. Ngoài ra còn có những đoạn hội thoại để rèn kỹ năng đọc hiểu.
Trang 2语言执箴类(-年纵)
Bff;' ,1: τ守:~去玄大寻也 nó iι
Trang 3数 :72 干字 ED数: 25∞ 1 -28∞o 朋
号: ISBN 978 -7 -5619-1 ∞8 -5/H 01109 价: 23 ∞元
Trang 4第十六课Lesson 16 ……… (1)
第十七课Lesson 17 ……… .……·……… (10)
第十八课Lesson 18 … .………… (18)
第十九课Lesson 19 … .…… …… (27)
第二十课Lesson 20 … … .… .…… (35)
第二十一课 Lesson 21 … .… (44)
第二十二课 Lesson 22 …… .… … ………… (51)
第二十三课 Lesson 23 … .…·……… (59)
第二十四课 Lesson 24 … .…… …… .… (67)
第二十五课 Lesson 25 … .……… …… (75)
第二十六课 Lesson 26 ……… .…… (84)
第二十七课 Lesson 27 ……… .… (93)
第二十八课 Lesson 28 … .……… .……… (102)
第二十九课 Lesson 29 …… .… .…… (111) 第三十课Lesson 30 ……… .………… .……… (1 20) 词语表. .…… .…… (131)
补充生词 ………. .…… .… (149)
参考试卷 (N 卜……… (1 62) 参考试卷 (V 卜……… (165) 参考试卷(VI) ……… .………·… (168)
试卷参考答案………. .…… .… (171)
Trang 5令词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 7令词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 9•
Trang 10令 词语 Words and expressions 令
2 摊主 tãnzhO owner of the stand
5 正宗 zhèngzõng orthodox school; genuine
6 晕倒 yünd凸o faint and fall down
8 亏本 kuT b邑n lose money in businese
9 才主面 lãmiàn noodles made by pulling with two hands
Trang 13玛丽:那有 什么? 我们 欧洲人 不是也吃M凸Iì: Nà yδu shénme? Wδmen Ouzhõurén búshì y邑 chï
M 凸Iì : Yuè chòu yuè h凸o!
φ 词语 Words and 叩esslOns 令1.粥
name of a person; the name of the brand of strong-smelling preserved bean curd
Trang 16令词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 21令词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 22令词语 Words and expressions 令
comb one's hair
look in the mirror
Trang 23chuãn yïfu
Trang 24φ 词语 Words and expressions φ
Trang 2510 因 kùn sleepy
Trang 30令词语 Words and expressions 令
there's not enough time night owl; a person who goes to bed late
Trang 32令词语 Words and 叫resslOnsφ
2 傻瓜相机 sh凸 guã xiàngjî automahc camera
Trang 33lawn
woods; grove forest
Trang 35令词语 Words and 叩esslOns 令
shu臼 i , zhTshì shòule di 凸 nr; M 凸Iì jTntiãn k臼 n shang qu h邑n m剖,
Trang 38麦克:有一 张, 在宿舍里,那是 我 小时候 的Möikè: Y凸u yì zhãng, zöi sùshè li, nö shì wö xiöo shíhou de
M臼 ikè: Nö shì guãngzhe pìgu zhöo de
令词语 Words and 叫reSSlOns 令
2 合影
3 光
jTngsè héyTng guang
Trang 39XI
Please put on a show with an action related to the verbs we have just learnt, and then say a relevant sentence
Trang 40advertisement
beverage; drink quench one's thirst
Trang 43令词语 Words and expressionsφ
6 喝不惯 hë bu guàn not used to the drink
Trang 45chá ji邑 k邑 Bàba hê kãfêi bù jiã táng, bù jiã niún凸i. Tã
说喝咖啡就是要喝那个苦味儿。妈妈喝不shuδhê kãfêi jiùshì yào h邑 nà ge kOwèir Mãma hê bu
Trang 47令词语 Words and expressions 令
1.矿泉水 kuàngquánshuT mineral water
2 白开水 báikãishuT plain boiled water
Trang 48pímà。 máoxiànmà。 bèiléimà。 guãpímào
φ 词语 Words and expressions 令
令问题 Questions 令
2 什么时候戴草帽?
Trang 51令 词语 Words and expressions 令
2 地摊 dìtãn stall on the ground
3 种类 zh凸nglèi variety; kind
4 卖力 m臼 ilì exert oneself to the utmost; spare no effort
8 礼貌 ITmào courtesy; politeness
9 转身 zhu凸 n sh邑n turn round
Trang 54麦克:后来我问一位老年妇女,她不但不理Màikè: Hòulói w凸 wèi yí wèi 1凸onión fùnü , tã búdàn bù IT
M臼 ikè: Kàn lai, w凸 zhën shì ge 1凸ow臼 i!
令词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 57令词语 Words and expression吕令
Trang 58cow
Henry (name of a person) prmse
Trang 594 皮肤 pífü skin
5 含 hón keep in the mouth
6 奶嘴儿 n凸 izuTr nipple (of a feeding
d 奶嘴儿
7 小天使 xi凸o tiãnshT little angel
8 喂养 wèiy凸 ng feed
9 吓 xià frighten; be scared
Trang 62。therwise; if not there is no n(~ed; why
Trang 63Please put on a show with an action related to the verbs we have just learnt, and then say a relevant sentence
Trang 64令词语 Words and 叫reSSlOns 令
Trang 65令练习 Praeti优令
请说出图 1~ 图 8 中的和尚在做什么。
( 1-8)
Please tell us what the monk or the monks are doing in the pietures
350 Talk about the pictures 看图说话
Trang 66令词语 Words and expressions 令
6 对象 duìxiàng the person you talk to
Trang 68huà lói d凸 zhãohu ne?
Trang 70d 邑ngyú
Trang 73令 词语 Words and pxr附附 IOns 令
Plpase tpll us the use of all these things we have just learnt
350 Talk about the pidure 看图说话
Trang 74词语 Words and 叫resslOns 令
widespread only
fishing rod fishhook
··K OJu
pObi臼 n
wéiyï yugan yugou
sh臼 ng
nàixïn qlngsong
Trang 78令词语 Words and expressions 令
4 醉翁之意不在酒 ZUI weng zhT the drinker's heart is not
yì bú zài JIU in the cup, but with other
日loÌl ves
Trang 81φ 词语 Words and 叫resslOns 令
Trang 83令 词语 Words and expressions ~如
Trang 87令词语 Words and expressions 令
我说话算数 w凸 shuõ huà suàn shù 1 mean what 1 say
Trang 88令 词语 Words and 叫reSSlOns 令
Trang 90令词语 Words and expressions 舍
Trang 91dàhuãli 凸 n hig f10wery face (a division
。f the roles in Beij ing opera)
Trang 93前 她, 涂了 口红, 描了 眉, 上了 自良影 和qián tã túle k凸uhóng , miáole méi, shàngle y凸 nyTng hé
/、 落汤鸡。
yushuT b凸 tã quánsh邑n lín de xi臼 ng zhT luòtãngjT
Trang 96Zhõngguó dàxióngmão Iα!
司如 词语 Words and expressions 令
2 良药 liángy臼o good medicine
3 及格 gé pass a test or an exammatlOn
4 才柔 róu rub
5 大熊猫 d臼 xióngmão panda
Trang 98wu
Trang 99令词语 Words and expressions 令
2 木棍儿
huãshêng mugunr
peanut wood stick
Trang 100令词语 Words and expressions 令
mò míng qí miào be baff1ed; odd
t凸 oyàn nasty; disgusting
Trang 1017 反感 的 ng凸n
8 由此可见 yóu cT k邑jiàn
be averse to; be disgusted with
it shows; thus it can be seen
Trang 103问" 说成了 "亲吻", 把"我 想 问 你"wèn" shuõchéngle "qïnw邑n", b凸 "wõ xi凸 ng wèn nT"
说成了 "我想吻你"。对 个陌生 的shuõchéngle "w凸 xi凸 ng w邑n nT" Duì yí ge mòshêng de
Trang 105王为什么问 这种莫名其妙Wáng wèi shénme wèn zhè zhõng mò míng qí miào
M 臼 ikè! 。 !W凸 yòu shàngle yí kè!
令词语 Words and 叫reSSlOns 令
Trang 106令词语 Words and exp附SHms 令
Trang 109令词语 Words and expressions 令
1.赶(时髦) 9凸 n(shímáo) follow (the fashion)
3 古董 gOd凸ng antIque
8 丰富多彩 fëngfù duõc凸 i varied and colourful
Trang 110时街 上 又 ?亲才亏 起 超短裙 和 盘 头的
shí Jle shang yòu liúxíng qT chãoduãnqún hé pán tóu de
发型 来了。她觉得自己的 打扮 又 过时 了,fàxíng lai le Tã juéde zìjT de d凸 ban yòu guò shí le,
g 凸 nmáng huí jiã, Y邑 chuãshang chãodu凸 nqún , shüshang pán
Trang 111头的发型。没想到 出门一看, 情况tóu de fàxíng Méi xiöng dào chü mén yí k臼 n , qíngku臼 ng又变了。最时髦的是牛仔裤和披肩发。她只好yòu biàn le Zuì shímáo de shì niúz凸 ikù hé pïjiãnfà Tã zhTh凸o
回家再 换上 牛仔裤,头发也改成披肩发,心
huí jiã zài huànshang niúz凸 ikù , tóufa y邑 g凸 ichéng pïjiãnfà, xïn
想,这回大概错不了了吧?天哪!出xiöng, zhè huí d 臼g臼 i cuò bu li凸o le ba? Tiãn na! Chü
Trang 114令 词语 Words and expressions 令
1.炀油 jú yóu treatment of the hair with a cream to
make it soft and shiny
2 烫(发) t臼 ng(fà) glve a permanent wave; perm
6 流行感冒 liúxíng g 凸 nmào flu
Trang 115hónglüd邑ng rénxíng-héngdà。 guò ji岳 tiãnqiáo qloo
Trang 117φ 练习 Praetise 令
你的鼻子上。当听到一个我们刚学过的坷,就像接到命令一 样,立刻把这个手指指向与该词有关的你身体的那个部位,
片、4¥左、, r ,'气< 0
Let's play a game The rule is as follows: put a finger on your nose; after hearing a word we've just learnt, point immediately to the part of your body relevant to the word with the finger; say the word loudly; and then put back the finger on your nose again and wait for the next order
Trang 118
Trang 119令词语 Words and expressions 令
3 停车线 tíngchëxiè>n stop line
Trang 120像 熊猫;额头上起了个大包;鼻子被撞
xiàng xióngmão; étóu shang qTle ge dà bão; bízi bèi zhu臼 ng
Trang 1234如 词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 124Please put on an action showing the meaning of the verb we've just learnt , and then make a sentence with the verb
Trang 125hH
Trang 126令词语 Words and expressions 令
Trang 134令词语 Words and 叫resslOns 令
1 唐朝 Tóng Chóo the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
2 美人儿 m邑irénr beauty; beautiful woman
3 杨贵妃 Yóng guìfëi highest-ranking imperial concubine by the
sumame of Yang; Lady Yang
4 海洋 h凸 iyóng seas and oceans; ocean
5 青蛙 qlngwa frog
7 扑通 pütδng splash; flop
Trang 150xi 凸obiàn
XI 凸o tiãnshT
Trang 153补充生词 Supplementary words
Trang 154f
~ 书架
Trang 1595
Trang 1612 4 /7'(7"飞f 飞
Trang 166参专试卷 (N)
The examination paper for the course of Leaming to Speak
with the A id 0/ Pi ctures
2 运用这些词语口头回答问题;
3 口头描述图画内容。
The examination requiremen臼:
1 lρok at the pictures carefully and learn the new words and expressions;
2 Answer the questions orally, using these new words and expressions given;
3 Describe the pictures orally
Shàng bãn dì-yT tiãn
Trang 169rau,e sìyõng
cage ; eOOP
wild y邑shëng
wihl nawre
Trang 170state; condition suggeshon; suggest reasonable
tourist bureau
J I臼 nyì y凸u dàoli
safe; secure have to mankind hger elephant lion boa; python bear
12 跑来看他们的都是哪些动物?
13 这些动物为什么觉得笼子里的"动物"又奇怪又可笑?
Trang 172ji凸 nsh凸o
huánjìng dòsì
smee the earth eeaselessly; eontinuously deereas(~; reduee
envmmment; e 1f eumstanees wantonly; without restraint
Trang 1737 捕杀 bOshã catch and kill
8 濒临 bïnlín be close to; be on the verge of
9 灭绝 mièjué become extinct
10 观念 guãnniàn concept; sense
17 偷猎 tõuliè go hunting stealthily
偷猎者 tõulièzh吕 stealthy hunter
18 鲸鱼 èyú crocodile
19 发财 fãcái get rich
发一笔大财 fã yl bT dà cái earn a great sum of money
25 违法 wéi f凸 break the law; be illegal
违法者 wéif凸zh昌 the person who violates the law