Modern technology is changing human life in many ways, notably in the way people interact with technological products. Human-computer interaction becomes more and more natural and convenient and this makes our life more enjoyable and comfortable. A new concept was formed for this revolutionary change that is Ambient Intelligent (AmI). Ambient Intelligence (AmI) has become an active area with many related projects, research programs and potential applications in dierent domains, such as home, oce, education, entertainment, health care, emergency services, logistic, transportation, security and surveillance [135], [116], [164], [67], [62], [43], [123]. A common viewpoint shared by many authors [3], [61], [14], [40] is that AmI refers to digital environments in which the environmental information (temperature, humidity..) and the human presence are perceived automatically by sensors and devices interconnected through networks. Three main features of Perceiving, Modeling and Acting are required for an AmI system [40]. Perceiving is also considered as the problem of context awareness, in which humanity with their attributes are the center of perception. Modeling relates to feature extraction and building discriminate descriptor for each object. Finally, Acting species the response of the environment to the people inhabiting in it by providing adaptive and user-transparent services. Although the vision of AmI was introduced more than ten years ago and its research has strengthened and expanded, the development and implementation of the real-life applications are still in infancy. There are many practical challenges that need to be addressed in each of the contributing technological areas or particular applications [2].