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Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)

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Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)Nghiên cứu và phát triển các kỹ thuật định vị và định danh kết hợp thông tin hình ảnh và WiFi (LA tiến sĩ)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THUY PHAM THI THANH NGHIÊN CỨU PHÁT TRIỂN CÁC KỸ THUẬT ĐỊNH VỊ ĐỊNH DANH KẾT HỢP THÔNG TIN HÌNH ẢNH WIFI PERSON LOCALIZATION AND IDENTIFICATION BY FUSION OF VISION AND WIFI DOCTORAL THESIS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Hanoi − 2017 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THUY PHAM THI THANH NGHIÊN CỨU PHÁT TRIỂN CÁC KỸ THUẬT ĐỊNH VỊ ĐỊNH DANH KẾT HỢP THÔNG TIN HÌNH ẢNH WIFI PERSON LOCALIZATION AND IDENTIFICATION BY FUSION OF VISION AND WIFI Specialization: Computer Science Code No: 62480101 DOCTORAL THESIS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE SUPERVISORS: Assoc.Prof Thi Lan Le Dr Trung Kien Dao Hanoi − 2017 DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP I, Thuy Pham Thi Thanh, declare that this thesis titled, "Person Localization and Identification by Fusion of Vision and WiFi", and the work presented in it are my own I confirm that: This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a PhD research degree at Hanoi University of Science and Technology Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any other qualification at Hanoi University of Science and Technology or any other institution, this has been clearly stated Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly attributed Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given With the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work I have acknowledged all main sources of help Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself Hanoi, January 2017 PhD STUDENT Thuy Pham Thi Thanh SUPERVISORS Assoc.Prof Thi Lan Le Dr Trung Kien Dao i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This thesis is done at International Research Institute MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisors Assoc.Prof Thi Lan Le and Dr Trung Kien Dao for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and related research, for their patience, motivation, and immense knowledge Their guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my Ph.D study Besides my advisors, I would like to thank the scientists, the authors of the published works which are cited in this thesis I am provided with valuable information resources from their works for my thesis In the process of implementation and completion of my research, I has received many supports from the board of MICA directors My sincere thanks go to Prof Yen Ngoc Pham , Prof Eric Castelli and Dr Son Viet Nguyen, who provided me with an opportunity to join researching works in MICA, and who gave access to the laboratory and research facilities Without their precious support would it have been impossible to conduct this research I would also like to thank board of directors of the University of Technology and Logistics where I worked I received financial support and time from my office and leaders for completing my doctoral thesis I gratefully acknowledge the financial support for publishing papers and conference fees from research projects B2013.01.48, and NAFOSTED 102.04-2013.32 I would like to thank my colleagues at Computer Vision Department and Pervasive Spaces and Interaction Department for their accompaniment during my research A special thanks to my family Words can not express how grateful I am to my mother and father for all of the sacrifices that they have made on my behalf I would also like to thank to my beloved husband and my sisters Thank you for supporting me for everything Hanoi, January 2017 PhD Student Thuy Pham Thi Thanh ii CONTENTS DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii CONTENTS v SYMBOLS vi LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xvii LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 WiFi-based localization 1.2 Vision-based person localization 1.2.1 Human detection Motion-based detection Classifier-based detection 1.2.2 Human tracking 1.2.3 Human localization 1.3 Person localization based on fusion of WiFi and visual properties 1.4 Vision-based person re-identification 1.5 Conclusion WIFI-BASED PERSON LOCALIZATION 2.1 Framework 2.2 Probabilistic propagation model 2.2.1 Parameter estimation 2.2.2 Reduction of Algorithm Complexity 2.3 Fingerprinting database and KNN matching 2.4 Experimental results 2.4.1 Testing environment and data collection 2.4.2 Experiments for propagation model 2.4.3 Localization experiments Evaluation metrics Experimental results 2.5 Conclusion iii 13 14 18 19 19 21 22 23 24 26 29 30 30 32 33 34 35 38 38 40 43 43 43 49 VISION-BASED PERSON LOCALIZATION 50 3.1 Introduction 50 3.2 Experimental datasets 53 3.3 Shadow Removal 56 3.3.1 Chromaticity-based feature extraction and shadow-matching score calculation 57 3.3.2 Shadow-matching score utilizing physical properties 60 3.3.3 Density-based score fusion scheme 62 3.3.4 Experimental Evaluation 65 3.4 Human detection 67 3.4.1 Fusion of background subtraction and HOG-SVM 67 3.4.2 Experimental evaluation 69 Dataset and evaluation metrics 69 Experimental results 70 3.5 Person tracking and localization 72 3.5.1 Kalman filter 72 3.5.2 Person tracking and data association 73 3.5.3 Person localization and linking trajectories in camera network 80 Person localization 80 Linking person’s trajectories in camera network 82 3.5.4 Experimental evaluation 84 Initial values 84 Evaluation metrics for person tracking in one camera FOV 85 Experimental results 87 3.6 Conclusion 90 PERSON IDENTIFICATION AND RE-IDENTIFICATION CAMERA NETWORK 4.1 Face recognition system 4.1.1 Framework 4.1.2 Experimental evaluation Testing scenarios Measurements Testing data and results 4.2 Appearance-based person re-identification 4.2.1 Framework 4.2.2 Improved kernel descriptor for human appearance 4.2.3 Experimental results iv IN A 92 93 93 96 96 96 96 97 97 98 102 4.3 Testing datasets 102 Results and discussion 104 Conclusion 115 FUSION OF WIFI AND CAMERA FOR PERSON TION AND IDENTIFICATION 5.1 Fusion framework and algorithm 5.1.1 Framework 5.1.2 Fusion method Kalman filter Optimal Assignment 5.2 Dataset and Evaluation 5.2.1 Testing dataset 5.2.2 Experimental results Experimental results on script data Experimental results on script data 5.3 Conclusion LOCALIZA 117 118 118 120 121 123 124 124 128 128 129 132 PUBLICATIONS 137 BIBLIOGRAPHY 139 A 154 v ABBREVIATIONS TT Abbreviation Meaning AHPE Asymmetry based Histogram Plus Epitome AmI Ambient Intelligent ANN Artificial Neural Network AoA Angle of Arrival AP Access Point BB Bounding Box BGS Background Subtraction CCD Charge-Coupled Device DSM Direct Stein Method 10 EM Expectation Maximization 11 FAR False Acceptance Rate 12 FN False Negative 13 FOV Field of View 14 FP False Positive 15 fps f rame per second 16 JPDAF Joint Probability Data Association Filtering 17 GA Genetic Algorithm 18 GLOH Gradient Location and Orientation Histogram 19 GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System 20 GMM Gaussian Mixture Model 21 GMOTA Global Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy 22 GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems 23 GPS Global Positioning System 24 HOG Histogram of Oriented Gradient 25 HSV Hue Saturation Value 26 ID Identity 27 IP Internet Protocol 28 KLT Kanade Lucas Tomasi 29 KNN K-Nearest Neighbors 30 LAP Linear Assignment Problem vi 31 LBP Local Binary Pattern 32 LBPH Local Binary Pattern Histogram 33 LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis 34 LMNR Large Margin Nearest Neighbor 35 LoB Line of Bearing 36 LOS Line of Sight 37 LR Large Region 38 MAC Media Access Control 39 MHT Multiple Hypothesis Tracking 40 MOTA Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy 41 MOG Mixture of Gaussian 42 MOTP Multiple Object Tracking Precision 43 MSCR Maximally Stable Colour Regions 44 NLoS None-Line-of-Sight 45 PCA Principal Component Analysis 46 PDF Probability Distribution Function 47 PLS Partial Least Squares 48 PNG Portable Network Graphics 49 PPM 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WiFi-based localization system Parameters Values/Types Meaning Scanning period (s) Period for mobile device to scan signal strengths from nearby APs Velocity 1-1.3 m/s Velocity of pedestrian in the testing environment 2000 (locations) Number of fingerprint locations for the first testing scenario 1200 (locations) Number of fingerprint locations for the second testing scenario 672 (measures) Number of measurements carried out for the training data of tuning system parameters in the first testing scenario 467 (measures) Number of measurements carried out for the training data of tuning system parameters in the second testing scenario Fingerprint locations WiFi signal strength measurements The parameter configuration for training process using Genetic Algorithm Genetic algorithm configuration Population size 20 Elite count Crossover fraction 0.5 Time limit No 154 Maximal generations No Tolerance 10−6 Selection Uniform Crossover Scattered Mutation Uniform Creation population Uniform Optimal parameters are produced by using the configuration data of Genetic Algorithm for the first and the second testing scenario, respectively Optimal parameters P0 -41 dBm P0 is known signal power at a reference distance r0 in dBm -36.1757 dBm n n is the path-loss exponent indicating the rate at which the path loss increases with the distance 1.1 2.2029 kσ 1.0035m−1 kσ is a constant, which also needs to be determined from experiment data 5.3147m−1 r0 (m) 2.5117 (m) kd 49.23 dB m·m−1 5.1311 dB m·m−1 kd is an attenuation factor per wall/floor thickness unit σ is standard deviation which is also a function of P KNN matching The number of the nearest neighbors of a location z θ 1.1 θ and λ are constants used to define the curve of exponential functions in the weight function λ 0.000002 k 155 Table A.2 Technical information of vision-based localization system Parameters Frame rate Values/Types 20 fps Meaning Camera frame rate Image resolution 640x480 pixels Image resolution for each frame captured from cameras 25x80 pixels Minimum scale of human in human detection 120x300 pixels Maximum scale of human in human detection The number of Gaussian components selected for shadow-matching score calculation based on chromaticity and physical features This figure is also chosen for shadow set in density-based score fusion scheme The number of Gaussian components selected for nonshadow set in density-based score fusion scheme 0.015 A fixed learning rate of GMM background subtraction 50% Jaccard similarity coefficient between the areas of the ground-truth bounding box BBgt and the detected bounding box BBdt If it is greater than 50% then a potential match between them is found, otherwise unmatched BBdt counted as false positive and unmatched BBgt as false negative ±10 pixels It is used to decide whether a new track appear or existing track will be removed from the monitoring region of a camera The controlled points in this case are defined as all points near the contour line of the defined threshold region K Gaussian components Learning rate η Jaccard index J The deviation of the defined threshold region 156 Standard deviation σ in both x and y directions of the image coordination system Distance threshold T ±10 pixels The Footpoint position deviation from real position, which is indicated in initial covariance matrix of Kalman filter ±5 pixels The velocity deviation shown in initial covariance matrix of Kalman filter ±5 pixels The Footpoint position deviation from real position, which is indicated in state noise covariance matrix of Kalman filter ±2 pixels The velocity deviation shown in state noise covariance matrix of Kalman filter ±3 pixels The Footpoint position deviation of measurement shown in measurement noise covariance matrix of Kalman filter 20 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm Distance thresholds are given to decide whether or not assign a target in ground truth data to an output of tracker Table A.3 Technical information of fusion-based localization system Parameters Values/Types Meaning Standard deviation in both X and Y directions of the real world coordinate system ±5 pixels The Footpoint position deviation from real position, which is shown in initial covariance matrix and state noise covariance matrix of Kalman filter ±3 pixels The velocity deviation indicated in initial covariance matrix and state noise covariance matrix of Kalman filter 157 ±3 pixels Frequency of location measurements η Velocity coefficient ∆T Velocity of pedestrian The average time deviation Deviation of Wifi position labeling n=1 time/second ∆T = The deviation for FootPoint measurement shown in measurement noise covariance matrix of Kalman filter The position is measured n times per second Velocity coefficient shown in the state equations of Kalman filter n 1-1.3 m/second The moving speed of pedestrians in the environment This shows the normal velocity of a pedestrian seconds The average time deviation between two consecutive samples of wifi signals cm/m The deviation per one meter in dataset labeling of wifi positions, in compared with the truth positions 158 ... THUY PHAM THI THANH NGHIÊN CỨU VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN CÁC KỸ THUẬT ĐỊNH VỊ VÀ ĐỊNH DANH KẾT HỢP THÔNG TIN HÌNH ẢNH VÀ WIFI PERSON LOCALIZATION AND IDENTIFICATION BY FUSION OF VISION AND WIFI Specialization:... from the distinctive sensors like WiFi and visual sensors ❼ Signal synchronization between different sensors of WiFi and camera This is a necessary step before testing and evaluating any fusing... environments by using WiFi and camera systems For this, the concrete objectives are: ❼ Constructing an improved method for WiFi- based localization The method al- lows to to use popular WiFi- enable devices,

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2017, 19:27


