ARCHITECTURE, ECONOM ICS, AND IDENTITY IN ROM ANO-BRITISH ’SMALL TO W NS’ Thesis submitted for the degree o f Doctor o f Philosophy at the University o f Leicester by Thomas C Rust, M.A (Denver) School o f Archaeological and Ancient History University o f Leicester UMI Number: U219620 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion Dissertation Publishing UMI U219620 Published by ProQuest LLC 2013 Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC All rights reserved This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 U NIVERSITY OF LEICESTER ABSTRACT ARCHITECTURE, ECONOMICS, AND IDENTITY IN ROMANO-BRITISH ‘SMALL TOW NS’ By Thomas C Rust In recent years the impact of Roman imperialism in Britain has garnished significant attention An area overlooked in recent research is the meaning of architecture in the illdefined category o f sites known as ‘small towns.’ Using the social psychology approaches o f identity theory, social identity theory, and operant conditioning, this study examines the impact o f Roman imperialism and the socio-economic changes that occurred on the island as reflected in the choice o f architecture Focusing on ‘small towns’ is problematic due to difficulties with definition and site categorization However, as settlements that were more complex than simple villages but more organic than the larger cities, they provide an opportunity to measure the socio economic impact o f Roman imperialism in the rural countryside This thesis examines the meaning o f architectural variation in small towns by investigating the shifting use o f construction techniques and building types in comparison with personal artifacts Data was collected from published site reports and entered into a simple geo-spatial database where broad trends were analyzed to reveal general patterns over space and time Detailed case studies were then examined from sites that showed some shared characteristics in this initial analysis Different patterns became evident that were not solely attributable to site type, size, economics, or local geology and reveal the negotiation o f personal identity in the context o f Roman imperialism As a supplementary example, architectural variation on the better documented American frontier provided a comparison for socio-economic change on the Roman frontier The choice o f architecture styles by the inhabitants of Romano-British ‘small towns’ had different meanings given the unique set o f economic and social forces they encountered The inhabitants o f these sites negotiated their personal identities in relation to the civic identities o f the settlement in which they lived and were affected by economic, social, and imperial forces W ord Count: 77,649 Table o f Contents List of Figures iv List of Tables List of M aps vii C h a p te r 1: Introduction I The Problem II Justification for Studying Small Towns III Roman Urbanization in the North West Provinces: Small Towns in Context IV Socio-Economic Change Reflected in Architecture on the American Frontiers C h a p te r 2: Theory and M ethodology I Introduction 21 II Cultural Change and Identity A Romanization: An Introduction andCritique 21 B Identity and Material Culture 27 III Methodology A Defining “Small Towns” B Problems with the Data C Method o f Analysis D Database Construction 21 42 20 22 C h ap te r 3: Provincial P atterns and the Developm ent of A rchitectural T raditions I Introduction 26 II Building P atterns 26 A Timber Buildings 27 B Stone-Founded Timber Buildings and Buildings with Unknown Superstructures 67 C Stone B uildings 21 III Economics o f Architectural Change 29 A Origins 80 B Governmental Influences 91 C Economic Growth .95 D Social Identity and Economic Demand 100 i IV Discussion 118 C h a p te r 4: T ran sito ry Building Practices I Introduction 123 II Macro Analysis 124 III Case Studies A Iron Age Settlements and the Search for Identity i) Baldock ii) Dragonby iii) Baldock and Dragonby C om pared B Carlisle: A Cosmopolitan Small Town on the F ro n tier C Wanborough: A “New” Roman Town in Between Two Worlds 130 130 137 143 144 160 IV D iscussion 169 C h a p te r 5: Tow ns with Stone Building T raditions I Introduction 177 II Macro-Analysis 177 III Case Studies A Ilchester: An Integrated “New" Town 187 B Nettleton: A Religious Center 193 C Camerton: A Proto-Industrial Center 205 D Catterick: Success and Limits in a Government Town 212 IV Discussion 228 C h a p te r 6: Towns with T im ber Building T raditions I Introduction 234 II Macro-Analysis 235 III Case Studies A Margidunum: An Administrative Site with a Civilian Settlement B Neatham: A Local Center with a Conservative Outlook C Alcester: A Local Center without Building Stone D Great Chesterford: A Rural Agricultural Settlement 242 248 255 264 IV D iscussion 272 n Chapter 7: Discussion I Introduction 275 II Economic Forces and Architecture 276 III Identity saliency and architecture A Interaction o f Identity Saliency and Economic Growth 282 B Interaction o f Civic and Personal Identities 295 IV Continental Comparisons 299 V Conclusions 305 Appendix A: List of Small Town 309 Appendix B: Building Number and Types of Study Towns by Phase 311 Appendix C: Gazetteer 320 Bibliography 421 iii List of Figures 1.1 Model o f Economic Growth and Stone Building Feasibility 1.2 Log Saloon, Unionville, Montana, c 1870s 16 1.3 Bannock, M o n tan a 17 1.4 Ackerman Homestead, Garfield County, M ontana 17 2.1 Type o f Buildings in Romano-British Small T o w n s 43 2.2 Earthfast C onstruction 45 2.3 Sill Beam C onstruction 46 2.4 Masonry Construction 47 3.1: Percentages o f provincial construction over tim e 57 3.2 Number and Type of Timber Constructed Buildings by Period 59 3.3 Number o f Stone-Founded Buildings with Timber Superstructures 68 3.4 Number o f Stone-Founded Buildings with Unknown Superstructures 69 3.5 Number of Composite Buildings with the Additions of Stone Founded Buildings with Unknown Super Structures 70 3.6 Number o f Stone B uildings 71 3.7 Occurrence o f ’’Romanized" F eatu res 101 3.8 Occurrence o f "Romanized" Features in Timber B uildings .108 3.9 Buildings o f St Albans ( Verulamium) 121 4.1 Baldock B uildings 125 4.2 Carlisle Buildings 125 4.3 Dragonby Buildings 126 4.4 Wanborough B uildings 126 4.5 Transitory Building Tradition Coin Loss per 1000 C o in s .128 4.6 Stratified Pottery from B aldock 133 4.7 Samian Ware from B aldock 133 4.8 Ritual Objects from B aldock 134 4.9 Brooches from B aldock 134 4.10 Dragonby Pottery Sherd T o ta l 140 4.11 Dragonby B rooches .141 4.12 Carlisle Pottery Sherd T o ta l .151 4.13 Carlisle Amphorae Sherd T o ta l 151 4.14 Carlisle Samian Ware Sherd T o ta l 158 4.15 Carlisle Brooches 163 4.16 Wanborough Amphorae Sherd T o ta l 164 4.17 Wanborough Amphorae Sherd W eig h t 164 4.18 Wanborough Samian Ware Sherd Total 165 4.19 Wanborough Mortaria Sherd T o ta l 166 4.20 Wanborough B rooches 167 4.21 Wanborough Timber Building on Raised S to n es 168 5.1 Bath B uildings 180 5.2 Camerton B uildings .180 5.3 Catterick B uildings 181 5.4 Corbridge B uildings 181 5.5 Ilchester B uildings 182 5.6 Nettleton B uildings 182 5.7 Richborough B uildings 183 5.8 Springhead B u ildings 183 5.9 Water Newton B u ild in g s 184 IV 5.10 Stone Building Traditions Coin Loss per 1000 C o in s 5.11 Ilchester Brooches 5.12 Ilchester Samian Sherd C o u n t 5.13 Nettleton Brooches 5.14 Nettleton Samian Sherd C o u n t 5.15 Camerton Spindlewhorls 5.16 Camerton Samian Sherd C o u n t 5.17 Camerton Brooches 5.18 Catterick Samian Histogram 5.19 Catterick Brooches 5.20 Catterick Hairpins 6.1 Alcester Buildings 6.2 Alchester Buildings 6.3 Asthall Buildings 6.4 Great Chesterford Buildings 6.5 Margidunum Buildings 6.6 Neatham Buildings 6.7 Towcester Buildings 6.8 Timber Tradition Coin Loss per 1000 C o ins 6.9 Margidunum Brooches 6.10 Margidunum Samian Sherd C o u n t 6.11 Neatham Brooches 6.12 Neatham Samian Sherd C ount 6.13 Alcester Samian Histogram 6.14 Alcester Brooches 6.15 Great Chesterford Mortaria Sherd C o u n t 6.16 Great Chesterford Samian Sherd C o u n t 6.17 Great Chesterford Brooches 7.1 Comparison of Feasibility Based on Availability of Local S tone 7.2 Comparison of Sites with Varying Degrees of Economic G row th 7.3 Mean Coin Loss Comparison Based on Building Traditions 7.4 Case Study Coin Loss Comparison with Provincial and St Albans Loss Patterns 7.5 Influence of Differing Degrees of Identity Saliency 7.6 Model of a Site with High Economic Growth, Strong Roman Identity, and Low Feasibility 7.7 Model of a Site with Low Economic Growth, Strong Roman Identity, and Low Feasibility 7.8 Model of a Site with High Economic Growth, Weak Roman Identity, and Low Feasibility 7.9 Model of a Site with Low Economic Growth, Weak Roman Identity, and High Feasibility 7.10 Model of a Site with Moderate Economic Growth, Strong Roman Identity, and High Feasibility 7.11 Model of a Site with High Economic Growth, Strong Roman Identity, and High Feasibility 7.12 Model of a Site with High Economic Growth, Weak Roman Identity, and High Feasibility 7.13 Model of a Site with Low Economic Growth, Weak Roman Identity, and High Feasibility 7.14 The Interaction of Civil and Personal Identity v 186 192 193 199 199 208 210 211 219 220 224 237 237 238 238 239 239 240 242 245 247 252 252 260 261 266 267 268 277 279 281 282 284 285 287 288 289 290 292 293 294 298 List of Tables 2.1 Examples o f Small Town Characteristics for D efinition 34 2.2 Characteristics o f Small Towns from Alexander (1 ) 35 2.3 Small Town Classification by Burnham (1 ) 36 2.4 Small Town Classification by Burnham (1993 and 19 ) 37 2.5 Characteristics o f vici by Rorison (2 0 ) 38 3.1 Summary o f Timber Constructed Buildings by T y p e 57 3.2 Towns with Timber Building T raditions 66 3.3 Buildings with Stone Foundations and Timber Superstructures 68 3.4 Summary o f Stone Construction by P e rio d 71 3.5 Wanborough's Change in A rchitecture 78 3.6 Use o f Decorative E lem ents 101 3.7 Timber Buildings with Decorative E lem ents 107 3.8 Inscriptions by T o w n 116 4.1 Transitory Building Tradition T o w n s 124 4.2 Characteristics o f Transitory Tradition T o w n s 127 4.3 Economic Activity in Towns with Transitory Building T raditions 128 4.4 Building Activity in Early C arlisle .146 5.1 Towns with Stone Building T raditions 179 5.2 Characteristics o f Stone Tradition T o w n s 186 5.3 Economic Activity in Stone Tradition T o w n s 186 6.1 Towns with Timber Building T raditions 236 6.2 Characteristics of Towns with Timber T raditions 240 6.3 Economic Activity in Towns with Timber T raditions 241 6.4 Site Activity Comparison within A lcester 259 7.1 Case Study Mean Coin Loss Rate Compared with British Mean 282 7.2 Potential Impacts o f Civic Identity on Individual Identity 296 7.3 Potential Impacts o f Personal Identity on Civic Identity 297 VI List of Maps 2.1 Towns in S tu d y ! 41 3.1 Timber Buildings AD 43-100 60 3.2 Timber Buildings AD 100-150 61 3.3 Timber Buildings AD 150-250 62 3.4 Timber Buildings AD 250-350 63 3.5 Timber Buildings AD 350-450 64 3.6 Economic A ctiv ity 65 3.7 Stone Buildings AD 43-100 73 3.8 Stone Buildings AD 100-150 74 3.9 Stone Buildings AD 150-250 75 3.10 Stone Buildings AD 250-350 76 3.11 Stone Buildings AD 350-450 77 3.12 Towns with Known Iron Age S ite s 81 3.13 Towns with a Military P h a se s 82 3.14 Circular Buildings AD 43-100 .85 3.15 Circular Buildings AD 100-150 86 3.16 Circular Buildings AD 150-250 87 3.17 Circular Buildings AD 250-350 88 3.18 Circular Buildings AD 350-450 89 3.19 Villa D en sity 90 3.20 Cursus Publicus 94 3.21 Building Construction Compared with Limestone B edrock 98 3.22 Decorative Features AD 43-100 102 3.23 Decorative Features AD 100-150 103 3.24 Decorative Features AD 150-250 104 3.25 Decorative Features AD 250-350 105 3.26 Decorative Features AD 350-450 106 3.27 Number o f Villas and "Other Substantial Buildings” within 10 k m 110 3.28 Inscriptions on S to n e 113 3.29 Instrumentum D om esticum 114 3.30 Total Inscriptions 115 4.1 B ald o ck 131 4.2 D ragonby 138 4.3 C arlisle 147 4.4 W anborough 161 5.1 Ilchester 188 5.2 N ettleton 195 5.3 C am erton 207 5.4 C atterick 217 6.1 M argidunum 244 6.2 N eatham 250 6.3 A lcester 257 6.4 Great Chesterford 265 vii Mahany, C and Langley, R S 1994 "Summary o f the Birch Abbey Area" pp 13-15 in Mahany, C (ed.) 1994 Manning, W H 1987 "Industrial Growth" pp 586-6120 in J W acher (ed,) The Roman World Vol Routledge: London Margary, I.D 1939 "Roman Camp-Site Near Castor.” Antiquity 13: 455-8 Mather, C 1980 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