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Outcomes upper intermediate vocabulary builder

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Tiếng Anh và mức độ quan trọng đối với cuộc sống của học sinh, sinh viên Việt Nam.Khi nhắc tới tiếng Anh, người ta nghĩ ngay đó là ngôn ngữ toàn cầu: là ngôn ngữ chính thức của hơn 53 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, là ngôn ngữ chính thức của EU và là ngôn ngữ thứ 3 được nhiều người sử dụng nhất chỉ sau tiếng Trung Quốc và Tây Ban Nha (các bạn cần chú ý là Trung quốc có số dân hơn 1 tỷ người). Các sự kiện quốc tế , các tổ chức toàn cầu,… cũng mặc định coi tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ giao tiếp.

Guide to Pronunciation Symbols Consonant Sounds /Р/ /ь/ /t/ /d/ /к/ /9/ If/ /V/ /s/ Ш /1/ / m/ /П/ /h / /г/ Ш /w / /0/ /6/ III /31 w /d5/ /0/ pet bed time dog king garden fox, leaf van same zebra, is light mat name hot red young what bath weather fashion television cheap, catch jumper spring Vowel /pet/ /bed/ /taim/ /dog/ /кщ/ / 'ga:dan/ /foks/, /li:f/ /vaen/ /se m / / ‘ zebra/, /iz/ /1ай/ /maet/ /neim/ /Hot/ /red/ /jAQ/ /WDt/ /Ьа:0/ /we6a/ / ‘faejan/ / te li'v ija n / /!fi:p/, /kaetf/ / 'ф л тр э/ /sprni/ /1:/ III П/ l ei /зе/ /а:/ /о/ /у/ /и/ /и:/ /л/ /з:/ /э/ see win very every cat farm clock wall book moon cup world letter /si:/ /win/ / ' veri/ / 'evri/ /kaet/ /fa:m / /klok/ /wd:I/ /Ьик/ /ти :п / /кдр/ /w3:ld/ / ‘ leta/ Diphthong (two vowels together) /е I/ /эи/ /ai/ /аи/ /Э1/ /в/ /еэ/ /иэ/ wait phone mine house noise near hair pure /weit/ /faon/ /main/ /haos/ / n3iz/ /тэ/ /hea/ /pjoa/ Remember: Sound is not the same as spelling, for example, the word '/s'finishes with the letter 's' but the sound is /z/ /ы / ib When writing the sound of a word (its phonemic transcription), always put lines like these //on either side of the word: /vaen/ van Stress is shown with marks like these ' , ' shows the primary stress in a word For example, / ' ga:dan/ фзлЛел , shows the secondary stress For example, / , teli ' vijan/ tele viA io n INTRODUCTION TO OUTCOMES VOCABULARY BUILDER Learning vocabulary in collocations and phrases will develop your fluency And doing a little revision regularly is the best way to learn vocabulary.That's what the Outcomes Vocabulary Builder (OVB) will help you with It has been written to provide you with the important vocabulary in the Student's Book and to show you how these words are commonly used It does not include easier words which you should know from lower levels such as boring, or unusual words, which you probably don't need to remember at this level What each entry contains _ • Each entry has a short explanation of the word's meaning and often gives information on other forms or opposites • There is then a list of up to six typical collocations and phrases that the word is used with • Regular language boxes provide extra information on word families, phrasal verbs etc How the OVB is organised It is organised to make it quick and easy to use in class and to revise at home • Each unit in the OVB contains the most important new words from exercises, texts and listenings in the unit of the Student's Book • The units are then divided according to each double page of the Student’s Book and the words within those pages are written in alphabetical order • At the end of each unit there are exercises to • There is an answer key at the back of the book Ways you can use the OVB • Read the word list before you study the unit in the book • Translate all the words you don’t know based on the explanation Check the collocations for each word Do they make sense? Are any different to your language? • In class, if you have forgotten a word, look it up again Write out the collocation list and add one of your own • Cover words in the list and say or write phrases with the word.Then compare with the collocation list • Choose five to ten words from the list to learn each day • Put eight new words in a story using the collocations listed • Do the exercises at the end of each unit some time after you've done it in class Then check the answers in the key • Write a list of the words you find difficult to remember and write sentences using the words ART AND ENTERTAINMENT Pa c e s -9 banned to ban something means to not allow it: my parents - mefrom playing the game / smoking is - in the building / he’s been - from driving / the government has - hunting can’t be bothered if you can’t be bothered to something,you don't want to make the effort to it The past form is couldn’t be bothered If you bother to something, you make the effort to it: I can't be bothered to watch it now / Areyou coming out?’‘No, I can’t be bothered.’/1 couldn’t be bothered to cook / he didn’t bother to phone us I a lot of people don’t bother voting I don’t bother coming to collect me - I’ll get the bus come out when a film or book comes out, it becomes available: I waitfor films to - on cable / -o n DVD / her new book is due to ~ next week commercial if something is commercial, it is produced just to make money The adverb is commercially: a typical -filmfrom Hollywood I I don’t like their music - it’s too - / a -T V channel (run as a business, not paidfor by a government) I thefilm was aflop commercially I the restaurant isn’t commercially viable (able to make money) disturbing if something is disturbing, it is upsetting, or makes you feel anxious or worried.The verb is disturb Disturbed is also an adjective: Ifound it a bit-1 a - increase in crime / some deeply photographs / a profoundly - experience / It disturbs me that governments aren’t doing more to help / I was very disturbed to hear about the murder dull if something is dull, it is boring.The noun is dullness: it’s quite - l a rather - movie / 1found it incredibly - I it was deadly dull (extremely dull) / there’s never a - moment here (there’s always something interesting happening) / 1hated the dullness of the landscape OUTCOMES gripping if something is gripping, it is extremely exciting.The verb is grip Gripped is also an adjective: a - novel / a - story / thefilm’s absolutely - l a really - ending / the story really grips you I we were all gripped by the TV reports heavy you can say that something is heavy if it is very serious or upsetting: it’s a good book, but quite / don’t want to read anything too - on holiday / found the book - going at times (difficult to read) hilarious something that is hilarious is extremely funny.The adverb is hilariously: it was absolutely / some - jokes / he’s - when he’s in the right mood / it was hilariouslyfunny over-the-top if something is over-the-top, it is so extreme that it seems silly We can shorten the word to OTT (oh-tee-tee): it was completely - / think that’s a bit - / 1find her a bit OTT sometimes turn over in British English, if you turn over when you are watching TV, you change to a different channel In American English,you say change / switch channels: I started watching it, but then I turned over / can we - to BBC1? / we turned over to watch thefootball uplifting if something is uplifting, it makes you feel happy and full of hope.There is a formal verb, uplift: a really - story I a n - experience 11felt uplifted by his talk Pa g e s -1 ambiguous if something is ambiguous, its meaning is not clear.The noun is ambiguity, and the adverb is ambiguously: his later paintings are quite - / some of the language is a bit - 11 think she was being deliberately - / there’s a lot of ambiguity in what he said 11 worded it carefully to avoid ambiguity I it was worded ambiguously atmospheric if something is atmospheric, it creates a mood of mystery or excitement The noun is atmosphere: a really - painting / - music I the decor’s quite - / keep the lights low to create a spooky atmosphere bankruptcy bankruptcy is a situation when someone does not have enough money to pay all their debts The adjective is bankrupt: he laterfell into - / the couple nowface - 1she was close to -1 the number of bankruptcies has risen / the company went bankrupt lastyear / they have been declared bankrupt / he’s virtually bankrupt conventional if something is conventional, it is done in the usual way, and is not new or different in any way The adverb is conventionally.The opposite is unconventional: a - portrait I a novel / his ideas are all quite - l a - education I a highly - upbringing / she was brought up quite conventionally / an unconventional approach to art I -A l Some adjectives are formed by adding -al to a noun For example, follow convention / conventional ideas Have an accident / accidental damage; good behaviour / behavioural problems; help commerce / have a commercial advantage; cause a major controversy / a controversial decision; a rare exception / in exceptional circumstances; round the globe / a global effort; it’s not the norm / normal relations; a big organisation / undergo organisational changes corrupted if a person becomes corrupted, a place or person has a bad influence on them and makes them dishonest or immoral things.The verb is corrupt: he was - by the criminals he was mixing with /young prisoners can become ~ by older inmates / he was ~ by wealth / they say that power corrupts / he was trying to corrupt her despair despair is a feeling that you have no hope Despair is also a verb: afeeling of total - he killed himselfin ~ / she was in the depths o f- / losing the business drove him to ~ / it was a very difficult time, but we never despaired / 1never despaired of finding him again dominant if a person or thing is dominant, they have more power or influence than others.The noun is dominance: the ~ partner in the relationship / a - personality / the company has a ~ position in the world market / the political and economic dominance of the USA friction if there is friction between people, there is unfriendliness or disagreement between them: there was ~ between the two sisters / the usual frictions between parents and teenagers / money was a source of - between them fulfil if you fulfil your desires, you achieve what you wanted to achieve: his struggle to ~ his desires / at last he had ~led his childhood dream / 1hope one day I will ~ my ambitions heated a heated discussion or argument is one in which people are angry or upset: a ~ discussion between the two sisters / having a - argument / a ~ debate on the punishment of criminals / the discussion was quite ~ at times impression if you get an impression about something, you get a feeling about it, or form an opinion about it: I get the - someone's died / 1got the distinct - (the very strong impression) that we weren't welcome / 1don’t wantyou to get the wrong ~ / it left me with the ~ that she's not very happy / what wasyourfirst ~ of her? intimate something that is intimate is about a person's private life The noun is intimacy and the adverb is Intimately: an ~ painting / an ~friend of the artist / did they have an ~ relationship (a sexual relationship)? / the newspaper published ~ details of his private life / things he only talked about in the intimacy of the home / they know each other intimately (they know personal details about each other) lap your lap is the top part of your legs when you are sitting down: the cat on Mr Clarke’s ~ / Can I sit on your ~? I he climbed on to his dad’s loosely if you copy or explain something loosely, you don't it in a careful or exact way The adjective is loose: it’s ~ based on afifteenth century work / it can be ~ interpreted as an autobiography / a loose translation / a loose interpretation of the work obstacle an obstacle is a problem or difficulty that stops you from going somewhere or doing something: lack of money is a serious ~ / an ~ to communication / what were the major -syou encountered? / she’s had to overcome a lot of-s along the way / they are calling on the government to remove ~s tofree trade open to interpretation if something is open to interpretation,you can understand it in several different ways Your own interpretation of something is the way you understand it The verb is interpret: I think the book’s ~ / what’syour interpretation of the novel? / that’s one possible interpretation / it’s difficult to interpret dreams accurately / how doyou interpret his behaviour? ordeal an ordeal is a very difficult or painful experience: a terrifying ~ / giving evidence in court was a terrible ~ / she had to face the ~ of another operation / they went through a terrible *-/ the children are still recovering from their ~ parallel a parallel between two things is a similarity between them Parallel lines are next to each other and stay the same distance apart as they continue Parallel is also an adjective: parallels between the two works / there are some parallels here with his earlier works /you can draw parallels between the two novels / a shape with two parallel lines / the road runs parallel to the river perspective your perspective is the way you see or understand a situation: the story is seenfrom the monster’s - my illness has given me a new ~ on life / try to see thingsfrom a broader ~ / let’s put things into - (understand their context) I ybu need to keep a sense of - (understand that something is perhaps not as serious as it seems) pointedly if you something pointedly, you it deliberately to show people that you are angry, upset or worried.The adjective is pointed: he’s looking awayfrom us / she looked at her watch ~ 14 don’t want to go,’he said ~ / he made some pointed remarks about me owing him money VOCABULARY BUILDER represent to represent something means to be a symbol of it The noun is representation: the lilies - female purity / the different colours - different feelings / rain is represented by blue patches on the map / a symbolic representation of death resolve if you resolve a problem, you find a solution to it The noun is resolution: in the end, everything was ~d / the matter hasn't beenfully ~d / they want to - things quickly / let's hope things can be ~d peacefully / everyone is hopingfor a quick resolution of the conflict I we believe we have achieved a satisfactory resolution to the problem been reversed if things have been reversed, they have been changed around so they are opposite to how they were before Reverse can also be used as an active verb: the positions o f the characters have - / their roles have ~ I to reverse the order o f the songs / they want the court to reverse its decision sombre if something is sombre, it is serious and sad You can also say that a person is sombre, or in a sombre mood.The American spelling is somber The adverb is sombrely: rather a painting / the - mood o f his early work / he seemed a bit - / she was in a - mood / there was a - silence / the funeral was a - occasion / he nodded sombrely strike the way something strikes you is the feeling you get about it, or the opinion you form about it Strike is often used in the passive: it strikesyou as a conventional portrait / doesn't his behaviour - you as odd? I thefirst thing that struck me was howfew people were there / 1was struck by how cheerful she seemed (I noticed it) symbolic if something is symbolic, it uses pictures or shapes to represent ideas or feelings A symbol is something that represents an idea or feeling Symbolise is the verb Symbolism is the use of symbols: it's fu ll o f - meaning / the flowers are - o f life (they represent it) / a highly ~ act (with an important meaning) / the dove is traditionally the symbol o f peace / a dove is often used to symbolise peace / the event symbolises the country's struggle for democracy / trying to analyse the symbolism in the painting tension tension is a feeling of excitement or fear, or a feeling of distrust between people The adjective is tense: a lot o f - in the piece I the builds throughout thefilm / there is mounting between the two communities / growing ~ along the border between the two countries / the atmosphere in the city is still tense / a tense day waitingfor the results textile textiles are fabrics made from cotton, wool, etc.: a - designer / a - mill (afactory that makes textiles) the - industry OUTCOMES Pa c e s -1 accused if you are accused of a crime, the police say officially that they think you did it.The accused is the person who is accused of a crime The verb is accuse: he was - of a crime / both men are - of murder I he was wrongly - of the theft / he stands - (is accused) of kidnapping / the police want more time to question the accused / he accused me of lying / the police have accused him of hiding evidence breakthrough a breakthrough is an important discovery: the police made an initial - / scientists have made a major - in cancer treatment / a significant ~ infuel ° technology / an important scientific disguise if you wear a disguise,you wear different clothes and change the way you look so that people won't recognise you Disguise is also a verb: he wears a - she put on a different ~ / he travelled in - (wearing a disguise) / no one saw through his / she disguised herself as a police officer element the elements of something are the parts that form it: all the stories contain the same elements / one o f the key elements (most important parts) of the government's policy / her looks are a vital - of her success fatal if something is fatal, it causes someone to die A fatal mistake is one that causes something to fail completely.The adverb is fatally: the monster's ~ flaw / a - accident la - illness l a - dose of the drug I his injuries proved - (werefataI) / going back to the scene of the crime was his - error I a~ mistake / two people werefatally wounded I fatally injured feature to feature something means to include it A feature is something that is included: the plot ~s the same character types / thefilm ~s several top actors / the new model ~s an improved engine design / what are the ~s of a classic crime movie? / a car with a lot of special ~s get away with if you get away with a crime,you are not caught and punished for it: it's difficult t o - a crime I t o - murder / he'll never - it! initial an initial idea or action is one at the beginning of a situation, which later changes The adverb is initially: the police made an - breakthrough / the stages of the illness / his - reaction was positive / initially, I didn't enjoy thejob / the company was quite successful initially resist if you resist something, you stop yourself from doing something even though you want to To resist something also means to stop it from happening: he has to - the temptation tojoin theforces of darkness / 1can never - chocolate 11 couldn't - having a look inside / it’s difficult to an offer like that / the bank has -ed increasing its charges / some people try to - change EXERCISES P repo sitio n s A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition There are parallels the two paintings Does it strike you odd? There's a lot of tension the two communities This is one of the key elements the agreement It's important to keep a sense perspective about things She is accused stealing This is an important breakthrough treatments for AIDS They can be corrupted other prisoners В Choose the correct preposition He's been banned/ram /o f driving The flowers are symbolicfor / of death She was sitting on /over her father's lap I could sense the friction with / between them My cat loves sitting on / by my lap He disguised himself os / in a medical student Try to see things in /from my perspective There is one major obstacle to / with progress W o r d fam ilies A Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold I a n uplifting experience feel by a speech a mysterious music atmosphere a loose translation it's based on an earlier novel they represent love a symbolic of love to resolve the matter find a satisfactory В Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb feature disturb accuse ordeal disguise despair C o l l o c a t io n s A Match the adjectives to the nouns Look up the adjectives if you need help a very heated his fatal an intimate a dominant her initial a major a) personality b) reaction c) discussion d) breakthrough e)flaw f) relationship В Complete the missing adjectives from the unit a really g _ _ p _ g novel I found the film deeply d _ _ t b g a h _ r s joke it was a s _ _ b _ e occasion he made some p _ t_ d remarks a highly с v t _ I approach to art the second film was deadly d I! С Complete the sentences with the correct nouns Look up the nouns if you need help bankruptcy impression (x2) obstacles ordeal despair interpretation temptation They have been through a terrible After her death, he was in the depths of His family now faces She's had to overcome a lot of I don't want you to get the wrong I tried to resist the to read the message I got the distinct we weren't welcome Her intentions are open to P h r a s a l verbs A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb It comes off / out on DVD next week We turned over / across to watch the football You'll never get awayfor / with this! The bad weather set us back / down by two weeks We were brought on / up to respect our elders The business failed and he fell into / over bankruptcy VOCABULARY BUILDER SIGHTSEEING Pa g e s -1 affluent an affluent place is one where rich people live You can also describe a person as affluent The noun is affluence: an - part of the city I an society I - businessmen / an area that is knownfor its affluence date back if something dates back to a time in the past, that is the time it started or was built: the buildings - to the tenth century / the church dates back 500years / it dates back a long way I these problems ~ to the 1960s deprived a place that is deprived is one where very poor people live You can also say that a person is deprived The noun is deprivation: one of the most - areas in the country l a - inner city school I children I the city has high levels of deprivation dominate if something dominates, it is bigger or more important than other things This verb is often used in the passive The adjective is dominant: the church -s the town square / the town is ~d by a huge power station / the economy ~d the election campaign I the company has a dominant position in the market erect to erect something means to build it: high-rise blocks were ~ed after the Second World War / they have -ed a securityfence / trying t o - a tent glimpse if you get a glimpse of something, you see it for a very short time Glimpse is also a verb: I caught a - of the church / we got a - of the sea / people queued upfor a - of the star / 1~d a man walking past the house grand if something is grand, it is big and impressive The noun is grandeur: the houses looked very - / a ~ public building / he’s got - plans / the 18thcentury grandeur of the palace hideous something that is hideous is extremely ugly or horrible The adverb is hideously: a - modern OUTCOMES building / she looks - in that dress / hisface was hideously deformed / they’re hideously expensive (extremely expensive) high-rise a high-rise building is very tall, with a lot of different levels: - blocks of flats I - office buildings knock down to knock a building down means to destroy it A more formal word is demolish: the old school is going to be knocked down / they’re knocking down some of the old high-rise blocks / I think it’s time they knocked it down landmark a landmark is a famous building or monument that a lot of people recognise A landmark is also an event that stands out as being very important: one of the city’s mostfamous -s / the Statue of Liberty and other well-known -s / the revolution was a - in French history / this is a decision by the court renovate to renovate something old means to repair it and make it look new again Renovated is the adjective.The noun is renovation: plans to the old theatre / the church has been completely ~d / the newly -d town hall / the building has undergone extensive renovation I a major renovation project run-down a building that is run-down is not in good condition because it is old and hasn't been looked after well You can also say that an area is run-down: some - buildings / the schoql is rather - I a - inner city area / some parts of the city are very soar if prices soar, they increase quickly by a large amount.The adjective is soaring: prices are -ing in the area / unemployment has -ed to 15% I profits have ~ed dramatically / inflation looks set to - in the coming months / a period of-ing house prices In c r e a s e s a n d d ecrea ses There are lot of Words used to describe increases and decreases For example, prices soared (increased a lot) or prices plunged (decreased a lot) Increase: soar, shoot up, rocket, climb, surge,jump, rise, creep up (slowly) Decrease: plunge,plummet, crash, drop,fall, slide steer clear if you steer clear of something, you avoid it: I'd - of that area after dark / he tried to - of the reporters / 1try to - of processedfood (not eat it) stunning something that is stunning is very beautiful You can also describe a very attractive person as stunning.The adverb is stunningly: a - building l a - painting l a - dress l a - view from the hotel window / she’s absolutely - l a -ly beautiful woman tomb a tomb is a place where a dead person is buried, especially when this is covered by a stone structure: the - of the last emperor I the queen’s / there arefive people buried in the up-and-coming something that is up-and-coming is likely to become more popular or successful soon: an - area of the city I a n - politician I an young singer Pages -1 fast when you fast,you not eat anything for a period of time, often for religious reasons Fasting is the act of not eating, and a fast is a period of time when you don't eat: during this time people -ed / Muslims - during Ramadan I a period of-ing I after two weeks he broke his - (ate again) foam foam is a mass of small white bubbles The adjective is foamy: shaving - l a layer o f- on top of the coffee I the waves broke in a mass of white I -y water (covered infoam) join in if you join in with something,you take part in it, along with other people: wejoined in thefun / Come and - I / everyonejoined in the celebrations leading up to the period leading up to something is the period just before it The verb is lead up to: the period - Lent / the events - the murder I in the weeks that led up to the attack / during the months that led up to his death ornate something that is ornate has a lot of complicated decoration.The adverb is ornately: a very - costume I an - building I a very - gate / -ly decorated pastry pastry is a type of food you make by mixing flour, butter and water together You roll the mixture flat, then fill it with fruit, meat, etc.: a full of cream or custard I fish wrapped i n - a meat pie made with puff- (very light pastry) 11 don’t know how to make plague the plague was a very serious disease in the past, that spread quickly to a lot of people A plague of a modern disease is a serious outbreak that affects a lot of people A plague of things is also a large number of bad things that happen at the same time: dressed in a - doctor costume I thousands died in the Great Plague l a - of cholera I the town is sufferingfrom a - of rats I a - o f violence in the city shoot up if prices shoot up, they increase quickly by a large amount.The past tense and past participle is shot up: prices really - during the carnival / interest rates have shot up in recent months / inflation shot up to 6% lastyear shower with if someone is showered with something, other people throw it over them You can also say that you shower someone with gifts, if you give them a lot of gifts: the couple are showered with confetti I they showered her with presents spectacular if something is spectacular, it is extremely impressive to look at or watch: a - show / the dancing was absolutely - l a - view of the mountains / ~ scenery spray if you spray water or something else into the air,you throw it into the air so that it falls over a wide area: ~ confetti everywhere / afountain -ing water into the air I they - water on to the crops I -ing chemicals to kill the insects / they -ed us with water stick to if you stick to something, you continue to it or use it, rather than changing to something different.The past tense and past participle is stuck to: the locals - traditional costumes / let's the original plan / 1alwaysfind it hard t o - a diet / he stuck to his principles upload if you upload photos or documents, you put them on to the Internet: I've -ed loads of photos on to my website I I'll - afew more pictures / students can - their old essays on to the site Pages -1 armour armour is a metal suit of clothes that soldiers wore in the past to protect themselves: they wear - and try to knock each other off their horses / a suit o f- / a knight in - I he was her knight in shining - (a man who came to her rescue) burst a burst of something is a sudden large amount of it: they're subjected to -s of heat I a short - of activity / a sudden - of enthusiasm dread if you are dreading something, you are not looking forward to it at all: I'm -ing my exams / I'm absolutely -ing my interview tomorrow I I’ve started to - meeting him drought a drought is a long period of time without any rain, when the ground becomes very dry: there’s a terrible - the worst - the country has ever seen / a severe - / the - is affecting the whole country float if something floats, it sits on the top of water and doesn't sink You can also say that something floats in air: they’rejust -ing along I some leaves -ing on the water / she was -ing on her back in the pool / the balloons -ed across the sky forthcoming a forthcoming event is due to happen soon: discussing their - trip / the - general election / their - wedding hang if something hangs, it is fixed to something at the top, but the bottom part can move freely.The past tense and past participle is hung: they from the tower before dropping again / there were flags -ing from the windows I their coats on hooks behind the door launch if you launch something such as a campaign or an investigation, you start it Launch is also a noun: we’re -ing a campaign to stop the park / they’re -ing a major new campaign against VOCABULARY BUILDER racism / the police have - ed an investigation / that song ~ed her career as a singer / the newspaper ~ed an attack on the prime minister (criticised him/her) / after the launch of the new safety campaign plunge if something plunges, it falls a long way down from a high position: they ~d 20 metres down into total darkness / the car ~d off a cliff / they ran to the pool and ~d (dived) into the water promote if you promote something,you support or encourage it: which speaker is ~ing something? / a new campaign to - recycling / an effort to ~ trade between the two countries pulse your pulse is the regular movement of blood around your body, which you can feel in your wrist or neck: it’ll really setyour ~ racing / the nurse took my - (felt it) / 1could stillfeel afaint ~ in her neck / the average ~ rate is about 70 beats per minute / my щstarted to race race if something races, it goes very fast: it’ll setyour pulse racing / my heart was racing / the engine was racing / different thoughts were racing through my head / my heart began to relate if you relate something, you tell it to someone: which speaker is relating an experience? / he ~d the story to us /try t o - thefacts accurately restriction a restriction is a rule which limits or controls something.The verb is restrict: there are no height ~s on the boats / speed ~s on the roads / there are strict ~s on the sale of alcohol / the government is planning to impose tough new -s on immigration / the -s have now been lifted (ended) / a new law to restrict the sale of guns slide a slide is a tall piece of equipment that you sit or lie on and move down Slide is also a verb, with the past tense and past participle slid: a park with ten ~s andfour pools / children were playing on the / Mum, can I go on the ~? /you climb to the top and then - down / we slid across the ice spin around if something spins around, it moves round and round in circles: all that ~ning around made me dizzy / the helicopter blades started to - / my head was ~ning (I couldn’t think clearly) splashed if you get splashed, water comes on to your body The verb is splash: Look-you got ~ there / got - when the bus went past / the children were splashing each other in the pool spoil things if you spoil things, you make an event not enjoyable Spoil is also a verb: stop moaning you’ll ~ / 1hope the rain doesn’t ~ / don’t spoil the fun / he spoiled the party by getting drunk OUTCOMES steeply if something falls steeply, it drops down quickly by a large amount You can also say that something rises steeply.The adjective is steep: it falls really ~ / the roadfalls ~ down into the village / wages havefallen - (decreased by a large amount) / the plane rose ~ / prices have risen - (increased by a large amount) / a steepfall in inflation strain if there is a strain on something, there is a problem because there is too much demand for it Strain is also a verb: water parks put a - o n water resources / the holiday put a real ~ on ourfinances / aflu epidemic would place a considerable ~ on the health service / the whole education system is under considerable ~ / the extra costs are likely to strain ourfinances / the incident has strained relations between the two countries strapped if someone or something is strapped into place, they are held there securely.The verb is strap, and strap is also a noun: the riders are ~ into seats / they had weapons ~ to their belts / is everyone ~ in? (wearing their seat belt) / we +• everything in place / a watch with a leather strap subjected to if you are subjected to something, someone does it to you The verb is subject someone to: they’re ~ bursts of heat / she was ~ six hours of questioning / her husband subjected her to years of abuse sustainable if something is sustainable, it can continue for a long time without causing problems, or without harming the environment The noun is sustainability: we want local government to investigate ~ alternatives / the country needs - economic growth / ~ agriculture / the - use of natural resources / is thisform of development environmentally ~? / he doubts the sustainability of the scheme tame if something is tame, it is not very exciting: it looked quite - / 1found some of the rides a bit ~ / it’s too - for most kids trial a trial is a test in which people try a new product to see how good it is.Trial is also a verb: I’ve taken part in the ~s / the drug is undergoing clinical ~s (it is being tested on people) / the company is carrying out ~s on the new car / the new system is being ~led in a hospital in London upside down if something is upside down, the top is facing downwards and the bottom is facing upwards: you go - and everything / the bus landed - on the other side of the road / turn thejar - and give it a shake EXERCISES Prepositions Complete the sentences with the correct preposition This tomb dates back the 4th century Relations me and John are a bit strained I've uploaded the photos the website Hang your coat the hook behind the door Egypt is known its pyramids I spoiled the holiday forgetting the tickets The car plunged the cliff into the water We arrived at the resort and dived the pool W ord families A Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold economic deprivation closed for renovations building restrictions strapped into the seat the system is straining prices have fallen steeply shaving foam an affluent neighbourhood a childhood it needs to be Access is to club members I can't fasten the an old ankle a learning curve cappuccino a an area of fast-growing Collocations A Match the adjectives to the nouns Look up the adjectives if you need help a dominant a famous a run-down high-rise natural an up-and-coming economic an inner a; young singer b) blocks c) landmark d) position e) area f) resources g) city school i) growth В Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the list Look up the verbs if you need help break catch spoil stick set launch undergo The statue is renovation We our fast yesterday The mayor is a second election campaign The rain came down and the fun Good leaders to their principles a glimpse of the Pope in Rome I An African safari will your pulse racing С Complete the sentences with the correct nouns Look up the nouns if you need help resources months flats knight head food activity trials I live in a block of More tourists will visit in the coming I try to avoid processed There was a burst of on the stock market today It's important to control our water The new drugs are undergoing clinical Strange thoughts were racing through my A helpful policeman was my in shining armour Phrasal verbs _ A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb We had to queue around / up for the show The university is carrying down / out some research A child ran into the street and knocked me down / off my bicycle The price of air tickets has shot up / away recently I knocked my glass down / away by mistake I was very excited in the months leading up / over to our trip Forget about your work and join up / in the party! Patterns _ A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list make spray avoid dance fast soar Try .situations that makeyou unhappy means not eating I'm planning spaghetti for dinner The weather report predicts temperatures tomorrow Would you like ? I'm against farmers chemicals on fruit and vegetables VOCABULARY BUILDER EXERCISES Pr epo sit io n s A Com plete the sentences w ith the correct preposition Do you know where the lid _this pot is? Slice the tom ato thin pieces Soak the beans in w ater _a few hours I can't decide _the fish and the lobster You can substitute lem on lime in this recipe There's been an outbreak food poisoning Starch is in foods such bread and rice В Choose the correct preposition I'm looking for a piece o f I in cheese You should worry/or / about all the salt you eat The dressing is oil mixed by / with vinegar She's very loyal to /fo r her friends He still relies on / to his parents for money My diet is influenced o f I by Japanese cooking Wo r d fam ilies A Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold publicise an event attract a lot of good personal hygiene a serious allegation a n kitchen tell a story that's w hat she authentic Irish music 1question its not really convinced make a confession provide fierce resistance h e to ‘the crime the team competed В Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb fusion squeeze tid e encounter fake fu ss _ Wo rd Collocations A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list Look up the verbs if you need help make uphold keep settle stem take establish squeeze the lid on while the soup is cooking The Yankees past the Red Sox to win the baseball league the facts before making an accusation H e a fuss about the poor service no notice when he loses his temper the bill and left the waiter a tip W e need to the tide of teenage drug addiction 1believe in traditional family values Match the two halves of the collocations a plea of an informed vitamin a wood-fired steamed an old a close a) not guilty b) choice c) vegetables d) supplements e) encounter f) oven g) injury С Complete the collocations with nouns and adjectives from the unit a f h wound a p h of salt a r h estimate make a s e fossil f s a h у smoker P hrasal v er b s b u ild in g A Complete the sentences with verbs formed from the words in the list industrial authority The president the need to fight terrorism Undeveloped countries need help to That law yer in divorce cases I don't have the power to payment Newspapers the arrest of the movie star legal public special emphasis The United Kingdom has 1,000 illegal immigrants A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb An argument flared over / up over the bill I'm full but I still have to get by / through dessert The health department carried out / on a kitchen inspection Turn away / down the heat on the stove I pulled several hairs up / out of my food A swine flu epidemic has broken out / over VOCABULARY BUILDER 61 16 pass on to pass something on means to give it to someone else after someone has given it to you: I’m phoning to-on a message / canyou pass this on to Gemma? temper a temper is a tendency to become very angry suddenly: she's got a terrible - / he's got a violent - after afew drinks / 1managed to control my / sheflew into a-1 he went off in a - / -s were beginning toflare (people were beginning to get angry) warehouse a warehouse is a large building where goods are stored before they are sold: the goods haven’t left the -yet / they're still in the- / a -fu ll o f wine BUSINESS Pa g es 1 -1 1 chase up to chase something up means to find out whether it has been dealt with yet: I’m phoning to an order / I’ll - the sales department / can you chase John up about this? enquire to enquire about something means to ask for information about it.The noun is enquiry.These words can also be spelled inquire and inquiry: I’m just calling to - about some prices / I'm phoning to - whetheryou have any rooms available / we've had over 500 enquiries about thejob / I’ll make a few enquiries and see what I canfind out / a major police inquiry is being carried out / launch a murder inquiry Pa g e s 112 -113 acquaintance an acquaintance is someone you know slightly You can also say that you are acquainted w ith someone: a wide circle o ffriends and -s / a casual - / some business ~s / I’m not personally acquainted with him / I’d like to get acquainted with her blue-collar blue-collar work is work that involves physical strength and using your hands Work in an office is called white-collar work: ~ work / - workers la - union break even to break even means to make no profit and no loss.The noun is breakeven: eventually we broke even / the business is breaking even at the moment / I’ll be glad when we reach a breakeven point capital capital is money that you invest or use to start a business: we raised the - we needed / the business was set up usingforeign - we don’t have much - / they’ve sunk a lot of- into the business / selling property to release Some nouns are formed by adding -y to a verb For example: enquire about prices/ launch a public enquiry recover from an accident / make a quick recovery; deliver the goods / rearrange the tim e of delivery; master a language / achieve complete mastery; discover a cure for the common cold / make a discovery entrepreneur an entrepreneur is someone who sets up and runs a business.The adjective is entrepreneurial: afamous - la successful - / help fo r budding -s / his -ial skills excel to excel means to something very well: he -led at thejob / she -led at university / he -s at all sports float to float a company means to start to sell its shares on the stock market.The noun is flotation: we -ed the company on the stock exchange / theflotation on the stock market is scheduledfo r December I a £30 million flotation flagship flagship means the biggest and most important: we’re opening a new - store in Tokyo / one o f our - products overdue if something is overdue, it has not been done by the expected time.- an - payment onyour account / my library books are - (I should have returned them) / it’s a week - / these reforms are long- 62 OUTCOMES foot the foot of something is the bottom part of it: sitting at the - o f the Tatra Mountains / the - of the stairs / the - o f the page / the - o f the statue hostile if something in business is hostile, it is done to a company that does not want it Something that is hostile is also unfriendly or opposed to something.The noun is hostility: we were the subject o fa - takeover bid / travelling through - territory (belonging to the opposing side in a war) / most people were - to the idea / a large - crowd had gathered outside / her speech provoked a ~ reaction / widespread hostility to the idea / a lot o f hostility towards the president / an outbreak of hostilities (war) inquisitive if you are inquisitive, you ask a lot of questions about things.The adverb is inquisitively The noun is inquisitiveness: they are very ~ / an ~ child / she looked at me ~ly / 1found his ~ness irritating ladder a ladder is a piece of equipment you can climb up to reach high places A ladder is also a system with different levels that you can make progress through to reach a senior position: he climbed the corporate - and became UK sales manager / people at the bottom o f the social ~ / keen to get on the first rung o f the housing locksmith a locksmith is someone whose job is to fix locks on doors and windows: initially, he trained as о - / 1had to call a lookout if you are on the lookout for something, you are trying to find it: they're constantly on the fo r new ideas / we were warned to be on the ~for pickpockets network to network means to talk to a lot of people in order to meet people who w ill be useful for your work A network is a group of people or organisations that work together or are connected in some way: they're always -ing / it's important to ~ / I've got a good ~ o fcontacts observer an observer is someone who watches something carefully.The verb is observe: they're keen —s / an acute - o fhuman nature / the elections w ill be monitored by independent -s / they observe changes /you can learn a lot by observing people / it'll be interesting to observe what happens performance someone's performance is how well they something The verb is perform: they're alwaysfocused on improving their - / the goalkeeper gave a brilliant - / his disappointing in the exams / a definite improvement on his last / the team all performed brilliantly / she didn't perform very well in that task plough to plough money into something means to invest money in it: we -ed all the money back into the business / he -ed the profits into a new venture / they ~ed all their savings into the business portfolio a portfolio is a collection of investments that someone has made, or a collection of things they can offer or use in business: he built up a substantial - / a - o f shares / a - o f clients / a - of skills property a property is a feature or quality that some­ thing has: by exploiting the geothermalproperties of an underground lake / the chemical properties of hydrogen / plants with healing properties renewable if something is renewable, it can be replaced so that it never runs out Renewables are renewable forms of energy: it provides - energyfo r the whole area / - resources / woodfrom - sources / the increasing use of-s stiff stiff can mean difficult or severe: wefaced some - competition / ~ opposition to the government / drink drivers w illface - new penalties / a - ja il sentence stock exchange a stock exchange is a place where shares in companies are bought and sold: we floated the company on the - / lost a lot o f money on the ~ / the New York - / the London ~ closed 15 points lower / the -fe ll by 15% I the - rose slightly yesterday takeover a takeover is when one company takes control of another The verb is take over: a hostile - bid / the ~ o f HBOS by Lloyds / the company is vulnerable to a - / they've taken over two o f their main rivals turnover a company's turnover is the amount of business it does: we have an annual ~ o f three million dollars / - rose by 6% lastyear / - has doubled in the last threeyears / a slightfa ll in venture a venture is a new business activity: he ploughed the profits into a new - / this could be a profitable - / a successful business * / embark on a joint - (involving more than one person or company) Pa c e s 14 -115 adopt to adopt something means to start using it The noun is adoption: many countries are -ing similarformats / the decision to - the euro / voted to - the proposals / they've -ed a moreflexible approach / the -ion o f new policies alert to alert someone means to tell them or warn them about something Alert is also a noun: a website that -s users to special offers / we immediately -ed the police / afire - / aflood branch out to branch out means to start doing something different or new: we want to ~ into other areas / supermarkets that have branched out into clothing / 1need to - and try something new complex if something is complex, it is very complicated.The noun is complexity: the - and changing nature o f our society / a very - problem / a highly - system / it's quite - / it looks very - / overwhelmed by the sheer -ity of the problems concept a concept is an idea The adjective is conceptual: these are relatively new ~sfor people living here / start with afew basic -s / the broad - o f mental illness'/ 1don't have a clear - o f what we want to achieve / 1found it difficult to grasp the - (understand it) / a -ualframeworkfor the proposals VOCABULARY BUILDER 63 deal a deal is an agreement in business or politics: a two-year sponsorship ~ / can we a - ? I he cut a - with the main opposition party (agreed one) / we're close to clinching the - (agreeing it) / OK you've got a - I / that wasn't part o f the devastate to devastate something means to damage it very badly.To devastate a person means to upset them very badly.The adjectives are devastating and devastated.The noun is devastation: the country has been -d by war / losses which have ~d the economy / 1was absolutely devastated when he died / a devastating blowfo r this community / the devastating effects o f the war / the widespread devastation caused by the storm / a scene of complete devastation device a device is a machine or tool: a - that allows you to sharefiles / an ingenious little - / some sophisticated - s i a -for measuring electricalflow / it's fitted with a special anti-locking - / all our vehicles have the latest hi-tech safety -s overwhelmingly overwhelmingly means to a very great extent The adjective is overwhelming: reality TV is - positive / they voted - in support of the idea / the overwhelming m ajority of students / managed to succeed against overwhelming odds / overwhelming evidence that he was guilty / the idea won overwhelming support pitch to pitch something means to talk about it and try to persuade people to buy it Pitch is also a noun: they - their ideas to the panel / there were three o f them -ingfo r the contract / a sales - / only had ten minutes to make my plunge to plunge means to decrease quickly by a large amount Plunge is also a noun: profits have -d / share prices have -d / temperatures -d to minus 15 / a - in house prices reflect to reflect something means to show it or be a sign of it The noun is reflection: they directly - the needs o f the Afghan economy / his speech didn't - expansion expansion is when something increases in size The verb is expand: they present their businesses and plansfo r - / planning a massive - / the views o f the government / the election result -s public anger over the recent scandals / a clear -ion o f his intentions / their behaviour is a -ion on their parents / a sad -ion on modern society the company is setfo r a major - / the company's plans / the business expanded dram atically in the first two years / plans to expandfurther saturated if the market is saturated, there are more products available for sale than people want to buy The verb is saturate: the market's - / a flood of fuel fuel is a substance such as coal or petrol that can be burned to produce energy: high - costsforced him to close down / rising - bills / oil is quite an expensive - /fossil -s / the development ofbio-s (fuels madefrom plants) I new —efficient vehicles instability if there is instability, a situation is likely to change suddenly.The adjective is unstable: political - / things that can cause economic - /1 was worried about her emotional - 1an unstable economy / the situation is still unstable / she seems a bit unstable at the moment negotiation negotiation is an official discussion between groups who want different things and are trying to reach an agreement The verb is negotiate: there is no - on the amount / ongoing -s between the two countries / peace -s / resolving problems through - / the details are still under - / they can negotiate what percentage o f the company they w ill own / both sides seem willing to negotiate / refused to negotiate with terrorists niche a niche is an opportunity to sell a special product to a small group of people Niche is also an adjective: it's a - market la - product / managed to exploit a - in the market / he spotted a - in thefashion market 64 OUTCOMES cheap imports w ill saturate the market scrutiny scrutiny is the careful examination of something The verb is scrutinise, the plans come under -from local experts / their accounts have come under intense - / the government's proposals are being subjected to close - /to scrutinise the documents carefully stake someone's stake in a business is the share that they own Someone who owns a stake is a stakeholder: buy a - in the company / they own a 30% - in the company / increase their - la majority -/he now has a controlling - (enough shares to control the company) / a big -holder in the company strategy a strategy is a planned series of actions in order to achieve something.The adjective is strategic: planning and marketing strategies / a successful business -/an effective -for economic recovery / draw up a long-term - / strategic planning / it was a strategic decision sustain to sustain something means to make it continue: it w ill be difficult to - itself / measures designed to - economic growth / the nutrients necessary to - life would-be would-be means hoping to become something: a group of- entrepreneurs / a - actor / - pop stars EXERCISES C o l l o c a t io n s A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list Look up the verbs if you need help Pr e p o sit io n s A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition I’m interested in one your products The goods are still sitting the warehouse Do you ever buy shares the stock market? I'm right the bottom of the corporate ladder The two companies embarked a joint venture There are no job vacancies the moment Wo rd fam ilies A Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold scrutinise the accounts come underdose get clinch lace gather run plough exploit W e acquainted at the staff cocktail party Sh e a business from her home A large crow d to hear the president's speech W e all our money into the new venture Drink drivers will soon stiffer penalties The company a niche in the market It was our presentation w hich the deal enter into negotiations expansion plans deal We are В Complete the m issing adjectives Business success depends on s с planning We bought a m _ у stake in a rival company The company's performance has come under a complex problem into Asia a problem of great a disappointing performance I usually i _ e scrutiny P I instability is bad for business an outbreak o f hostilities well in exams a environment The hurricane left a scene o f с _e devastation The company invests in r _ _ _ _ e energy technologies Wo rd b u ild in g A Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs in the list discover recover enquire master deliver Part of business is thinking strategically W e lose sales because of product delays Scientists have made a cancer treatment W e expect a slo w from the recession I made a n about flight availability С M atch the tw o halves o f the collocations a pop a) pitch a saturated against overwhelming fossil a sales the opposition b)fuel c) party d) star e) market f) odds Phrasal v er b s A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb We need to chase over / up some orders to meet our target The police are carrying on / out a murder investigation Please pass this message up / on to the sales manager We're setting on I up a Singapore office She's really climbing up / overthe corporate ladder We've run down / out of tim e with this project VOCABULARY BUILDER 65 ART AND ENTERTAINMENT SIGHTSEEING P rep o sit io n s A between as between of of of in by В from of on between on as from to P r e p o s it io n s THINGS YOU NEED SOCIETY AND SOCIAL ISSUES A P r e p o sit io n s P r ep o sit io n s A A to between onto on for by off into W o rd fa m ilies A deprived renovated restricted strap strain steep foamy affluence in away over against from with around in of W o rd fa m ilies A sarcasm acquisition resignation hazardous obligation traumatised of by of on on in into of Wo rd fa m ilies A В summary donor cutbacks growth backing contribution abuse, claim, assault, conduct boost W o rd fa m ilie s Co llocations A В A Collocations Collocations A A В uplifted atmospheric loosely representation resolution feature, disguise, despair Collocations A с e f a b d gripping disturbing hilarious sombre pointed conventional dull С ordeal despair bankruptcy obstacles impression temptation impression interpretation P h sa l v e rb s A d с e b f a i l g В В 7 out over with back up into 66 OUTCOMES undergoing broke launching spoiled stick caught set С flats months food activity resources trials head knight P h sa l v er b s A up out off up down up in Pa ttern s A avoiding/to avoid fasting to make soaring to dance spraying settle, navy rip go lose make change keep feel В lever-arch electrical safety wastepaper necessary hairline occupational P h sa l veri A l back with of fn apart away Pattern s A l project picture fees crop root injustice change В с d e a b С 7 to help attaching to freeze to to tighten investing raise deny combat conduct raise drop sleep С food colourful fashion travel inflation D scarce sexual economic financial brief self P hrasal verbs A broke down carryout goes against cut back on settingup cutoff ACCOMMODATION P r e p o s it io n s P r ep o sit io n s CRIME AND PUNISHMENT P r e p o sit io n s A A P r ep o sit io n s A l about of of from from about into for on W o r d f a m ilie s A В reluctantly substitute self-consciously fitness flexibility thrashing knitting foul, sprain, sack, tackle W O R D - B U IL D IN G A unable dishonest unconscious uncoordinated C o l l o c a t io n s A X b с a d В craft fear fool obligation thread coordination breath match about with of on in with A W o rd -b u unemotional illegal unsuitable uncomfortable insignificant unpleasant il d in g Collocations integration confirmation frame reservation Collocations A l breezy mist shade resume ages flood significance W o r d - bu ild in g transformation resist greasy chilly overwhelming filth A spoil pitch pay swimming make return В A l growing rot come gathering dare В wild emotional scientific sexual human campaign С building initial stunning public complete local 5 с a e b d Patterns get make put twist make come P h r a s a l v e rb s A off out out into off in out up d с a e b f D overwhelming thinking extreme way symptoms P h sa l v e r b s A l 5 in of in A in from in at with of W o rd fa m ilie s by by of from W o rd fa m ilie s В NATURE down away over down with off A blowing to contest getting rising to make to call to make A l of by with for from into / to in on W o rd fa m ilie s A burglar disappearance fraudster insured kidnapped theft suspiciously WORD-BUILDING A lecturer announcer accelerator incinerator instructor backer cooker sweetener Collocations A l broad armed thin young vicious ethnic illegal electrical rising В policy smuggling law situation rate murder С с d a b e f PH R A S A L V E R B S A broke into got back came up come forward went off get hold of В down up with out out in VOCABULARY BUILDER 67 ANSWER SPORTS AND INTERESTS K EY 11 CAREERS AND STUDYING 10 SOCIALISING P r e p o s it io n s 11 TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL P r e p o s it io n s A P r e p o s it io n s HEALTH AND MEDICINE A P r e p o s it io n s A in in of of with of В of in from W in during o r d f a m il ie s A В implementation bureaucracy appealing recognises standardise outrageous W o r d -B u i l d i n g A workers teacher A В get hand look made bear set named verbs A to on out В by of of W ord since of for FAMILIES W through around up publicity activity responsibility humidity speciality obesity Co l l o c a t io n s burst getting going broadcast get working feel С l б l up on up up o r d f a m il ie s l bumps dented breathtakingly claustrophobia remarkable infuriated W o r d -B u i l d i n g by the day by heart by the rules by nature by the day by sight Co l l o c a t io n s A flat cracked full peak fresh blazing 4e 5d С б taxi rates recovery verbs up out out up W from by to with on by o r d f a m il ie s A chronic swelling relieve surgical therapist acknowledgement В replacement rigorous recuperation ranked outsourced gambling С breath, replace W o r d -B u i l d i n g inconvenience violence independence difference C o l l o c a t io n s A verbs A l out for out l silence slammed made lodge breaking put reached Phrasal A A В safe border lane spree side park money eye price fortune Phrasal o u tco m es W to about from A A A 68 in of for o r d -B u il d i n g В с a b freak rise workload system summary effect Ph r a sa l into of to A Co l l o c a t io n s with for by on shame interrupt light-hearted slap engagement gorgeous stuffy versatile draining redundancy stimulation interfering retirement suntan supporters employers managers 12 off on on hold hand accepted sent making keep В b с d С surgery attack breath organ customer resort a 5f 6e 13 LIFE EVENTS P r e p o s it io n s A l with 15 FOOD P r e p o s it io n s P r e p o s it io n s P r e p o s it io n s A A A l into of for to with for In from on on about of of В with W o r d f a m il ie s A bribe overreaction feast burial mourning draining vain elaborately o r d f a m il ie s W В scan disrupt irrational commuting convictions ashes d a h b С f e g saving reached scattered taking steer resorts off up up out stringed dignity third period medical compulsive formal С verbs A l strengthen raise win have check rob 7’ cling express go get call cover take Phra sa l A В С o r d -B u i l d i n g C o l l o c a t io n s В laundering dissuade remotely dignified descending compulsively weakening lengthen tightening strengthen shorten widen Co l l o c a t io n s A authorised proof frugality stern reluctantly withdrawal В 6 after on through out с e a Phrasal of for into for between for of as W В A W 16 BUSINESS 14 BANKS AND MONEY b 5d 6f verbs of about with W to on by o r d f a m il ie s A publicity unhygienic convincing alleges authenticity confessed fiercely В squeeze, encounter, fake, fuss W o r d -B u il d i n g A | legalised emphasised industrialise specialises authorise publicised C o l l o c a t io n s r\ keep squeezed establish made take settled stem upholding В 5с 6g 7e С flesh pinch rough scene fuels heavy Phrasal o r d f a m il ie s A l scrutiny negotiate W expanding complexity perform hostile o r d -B u il d i n g A l mastery delivery discovery recovery enquiry C o l l o c a t io n s A l got runs gathered ploughed face exploits clinched В strategic majority intense political complete renewable С d e f Phrasal b 5a 6с verbs A up out on up up out verbs A up off out on off out up through out down out out v o c a b u l a r y b u il d e r 69 INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE be was/were been become became become begin began /bigaen/ begun /Ыдлп/ bet bet bet bite /bait/ bit bitten /bitan/ blow /Ыэи/ blew /blu:/ blown /Ы эип/ break broke broken bring brought /bro.t/ brought build /bild/ built /bilt/ built burn burned/burnt burned/burnt buy bought /by.t/ bought catch caught /ky.tl caught choose chose /tfauz/ chosen come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut did done draw /dro:/ drew /dru:/ drawn /dn:n/ dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed /dreamt drink drank/draer)k/ drunk /drAQk/ drive drove driven eat ate /ей/ eaten /!:/ fall lfx \ l fell /fel/ fallen /fsilan/ feel /fl:l/ felt /felt/ felt fight /fait/ fought/fy.t/ fought find found /faond/ found flee flew flown fly /flai/ flew /flu:/ flown /flaun/ forget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven freeze froze frozen get got got [US: gotten] give gave given go grow /дгэи/ went been/gone grew /gru:/ grown /дгэип/ hang/haerj/ hung/hAQ/ have had had hear /hia/ heard /h3:d / heard /h3:d/ hide hid hidden /hidan/ hit hit hit hold held held hurt /h3:t/ hurt hurt keep kept kept know /паи/ knew /nju:/ known /пэип/ lay /lei/ laid laid lead /li:d/ led /led/ led learn /1з:п/ learned/learnt learned/learnt leave left left 70 OUTCOMES PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE lent lent let let let lie lay lain lie (not tell the truth) lied lied lose /lu:z/ lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay /pei/ paid /peid/ paid prove proved proven/proved put put put read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/ ride rode ridden ring rang /гзео/ rung /гло/ run /глп/ ran /raen/ run say /sei/ said /sed/ said see saw /S3:/ seen sell sold sold send sent sent set set set shoot shot shot show showed shown shut shut shut sing sang /saer]/ sung /SAfJ/ sink sank /saeqk/ sunk/SAQk/ sit sat sat sleep slept slept slide slid slid speak spoke spoken spell spelled/spelt spelt spend spent spent spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt spread /spred/ spread spread stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck /stAk/ stuck strike /straik/ struck /strAk/ struck swear swore sworn swim swam/swaem/ swum /swAm/ take /teik/ took /tuk/ taken /teikan/ teach taught / ty.tl taught tell told told think thought /0D:t/ thought throw /0гэи/ threw /0ru:/ thrown /бгэап/ understand understood understood wake woke /wauk/ woken /waukan/ wear /wea/ wore /w э:/ worn /W3:n/ win won /WAn/ won write wrote written /ritan/ VOCABULARY BUILDER 71 IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE lend HEINLE CENGAGE Learning' Outcomes Upper Intermediate Vocabulary Builder Sheila Dignen and Guy de Villiers Publisher: Jason Mann Senior Commissioning Editor: John Waterman Content Project Editor: Amy Smith © 2010 Heinle, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitialising, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, or applicable copyright law of another jurisdiction, without the prior written permission of the publisher Compositor: Pre-PressPMG For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at Cover and text design: Studio April cengage.com/permissions Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequest@cengage.com ISBN: 978-1-1110-0552-8 Heinle, Cengage Learning EMEA Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 5BE United Kingdom Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customised learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and Japan Locate our local office at internationai.cengage.com/region Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education Ltd Visit Heinle online at elt.heinle.com Visit our corporate website at cengage.com Printed in Singapore - 11 10 VOCABULARY BUILDER SH EILA D IG N EN and G U Y DE VILLIERS OUTCOMES REAL ENGLISH FOR THE REAL WORLD The Outcomes Vocabulary Builder booklet contains key language from the Student’s Book and is organised by unit so that learners can easily refer to the words they need while they are studying (VlltBI , OUTCOMES The Outcomes Vocabulary Builder contains: • • • • A short explanation for each word Common collocations and phrases Practice activities Regular language boxes for extra information on word families, word-building and phrasal verbs • Answer key Also available for the student: • Workbook - additional language and skills practice, a Developing Writing section, extra activities for the Outcomes Vocabulary Builder and audio CDs for the listening activities • MyOutcomes - online practice for grammar, vocabulary and all four skills Use for self study or interact with your teacher and get feedback on your progress Pin code available at the back of the Student’s Book HEI NLE C EN GAGE Learning' Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world Visit Heinle at http://elt.heinle.com Visit our corporate website at www.cengage.com и и и и гчож u m i INTMMIDMTt [...]... purchase,you buy something Purchase is also a verb: an impulse - / I went home with my -s / they put pressure on us to make a - / the receipt shows the date o f- / it’s cheaper to - goods online VOCABULARY BUILDER 11 recover to recover something means to get it back after it was taken away, thrown away or almost destroyed: he would - thingsfrom bins / police have - ed the stolenjewellery /families... the public 2 We use pegs for washing to the line 3 I'm starting 1need my coat 4 What do you plan for Xmas? 5 1need the screws in my glasses 6 I'm thinking about in the stock market VOCABULARY BUILDER 13 4 SOCIETY AND SOCIAL ISSUES Pa g e s 2 6 -2 7 bankrupt if a company is bankrupt it does not have enough money to pay all its debts and so cannot continue to exist Bankrupt is also a verb:... growth: there is - concern about the number of teenagers sleeping rough / the - popularity of small cars / the number of people working part-time has grown / a growth in sales of personal computers VOCABULARY BUILDER 15 initiative an initiative is an important new plan: the government will launch a new - aimed at getting young people off the streets / a new - for peace / the government has announced a... the unit 1 work on a research p _ t 2 paint a bleak p _ _ _ ^ _ e 3 pay your tuition f _ _ s 4 plant a cash с _ _ p 5 find the r t of the problem 6 fight social i _e 7 monitor climate с e VOCABULARY BUILDER 17 5 SPORTS AND INTERESTS Pages 3 6 -3 7 breath your breath is how quickly you are breathing in and out: it took me ten minutes to get my ~ back (start breathing normally again) / she gets... from going into the goal Save is also a noun: the goalkeeper -d the shot / he -d the penalty / shejust managed to - it / the shot was -d on the line by one of the defenders / that was a great save/ VOCABULARY BUILDER 19 send off to send someone off in a game such as football means to order them to leave the field because they have broken a rule: he got sent off for hitting another player / the referee... shape 7 I was so hot I almost passed out / down 8 This class is too difficult I can't keep in / up honest 1 I'm to sleep because I'm so worried 2 We didn't win the game because the referee w as VOCABULARY BUILDER 21 6 ACCOMMODATION Pages 4 2 -4 3 bay a bay is an area on the coast where the sea curves inwards: a little -you could scramble down to / go swimming in the - l a sheltered - / looking out... them or start to have a relationship with them: I’ve hooked up with a guyfrom London / we'll - with them again in New York / ourfirm has hooked up with another small company (agreed to work with) VOCABULARY BUILDER 23 heritage your heritage is your culture and family background:you appreciateyour own - / it’s important to protect our national - / buildings that are part of our - / the country’s rich... / by her divorce 4 That manager is always putting employees down / away 5 I'll hook up on / with you next time I'm in town 6 The village is cut away / off by bad weather in the winter make spoil VOCABULARY BUILDER 25 7 thousands o f homes have been affected by the - / the worst -fo r 50years / a devastating - 1 the rain has caused -s in many parts of the country / the isfinally beginning to subside... a science - l a research - I - staff I - equipment / - tests / the work is all carried out in a pull out to pull out of something means to stop being involved in it: they are threatening to - of VOCABULARY BUILDER 27 the project / trying to r of the agreement / he has beenforced to ~ of the tournament due to injury resume to resume means to start again The noun is resumption: the talks will ~ next... Becoming wiser is part of older floodwaters have been reported in the news 5 I'm planning lasagne for dinner 6 Please ask her me back 7 You are forcing me a difficult decision 1 2 3 4 VOCABULARY BUILDER 29 8 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Pa g e s 5 4 -5 5 break into to break into a place means to enter it using force.The noun is break-in: the house had been broken into / someone broke into my car

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2016, 19:18

Xem thêm: Outcomes upper intermediate vocabulary builder

