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Test your english vocabulary in use upper intermediate (vocabulary in use vocabulary in use) {PRG}

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Unit10 Test4 Roots -port-, -vert-, -spect- 9 Unit 11 Test5 Abstractnouns excitement, generosity,wisdom 10Unit12 Test6 Compound adjectives air-conditioned, off-peak, sugar-free 11 Unit13

Trang 3

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©Cambridge University Press 2001

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A catalogue for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 521 66568 X

ISBN 0 521 66435 7 English Vocabulary in Use:upper-intermediate(second edition)

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Unit10 Test4 Roots -port-, -vert-, -spect- 9 Unit 11 Test5 Abstractnouns excitement, generosity,wisdom 10

Unit12 Test6 Compound adjectives air-conditioned, off-peak, sugar-free 11

Unit13 Test7 Compoundnouns (1) noun +noun baby-sitter, sunglasses, junk mail 12 Unit 14 Test8 Compoundnouns (2)verb+preposition cutback,turnover,outlook 13

Unit15 Test9 Wordsfrom other languages ballerina, yoghurt, judo 14

Unit 17 Test11 NewwordsinEnglish video jockey, surfingthenet,shopaholic 16

Wordsand pronunciation

Unit18 Test12 Words commonly mispronounced doubt, hiccough, sword 17

Unit 20 Test14 Homonyms wait,weight; row Irsul and row/rau/ 19

Connectingand linkingwords

Units 21-23 Test15 Connectingand linking(1) previously,in case, reason 20

Units 24-25 Test16 Connectingand linking(2) afterall,moreover, onthecontrary 21 Unit 26 Test17 Text-referring words situation, aspect, issue 22 Unit 27 Test18 Discoursemarkers in speech well, letmesee, hangon 24

Unit28 Test19 Discourse markers inwriting firstly,inconclusion,in otherwords 26

Countablesand uncountables

Unit29 Test20 Uncountable words travel, luggage, knowledge 28

Unit30 Test21 Words thatoccuronlyinthe plural headquarters, binoculars,scissors 29

Unit31 Test22 Countableand uncountable nouns glass,aglass; hair,ahair 30

with differentmeanings

Unit 33 Test24 Making uncountablenounscountable a pieceof advice,aflash of lightning, 32

some spotsof rain Unit34 Test25 Containersandcontents atubeof toothpaste,a jarof jam, a box 33

of matches

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) I

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Unit 35 Test26 C ountries,nationalities andlanguages Brazil,Japanese,Arabic 34 Unit 36 Test27 The weather drought, stifling, chilly 35

Unit 37 Test 28 Describing people appearance wavyhair, freckles, plump 36

Unit 38 Test 29 Describing people character down-to-earth, broad minded,eccentric 37 Unit39 Test30 Relationships colleague,acquaintance, tofancysomeone 38

Unit 40 Test31 At home bungalow,attic,tablemat 39

Unit 41 Test32 Everydayproblems power cut, toleak,stained 40 Unit 42 Test 33 Globalproblems to erupt,injured,earthquake 41 Unit 43 Test34 Education degree, tutorial,to pass an exam 42 Unit 44 Test 35 Work union representative,redundant, shift work 43

Unit 45 Test36 Sport billiards, high jump,fencing 44 Unit 46 Test37 Thearts sculpture, novel, performance 45

Unit 49 Test 40 Theenvironment island, glacier, polluted 48

Unit 50 Test41 Towns artgallery, trafficjam,population 49

Unit 55 Test 46 Holidays timeshare,package holiday, breath taking 54

Unit 56 Test 47 Numbersand shapes triangle, sphere, odd andeven 56 Unit 57 Test48 Scienceandtechnology mobile phone,microwave, genetic 57

Unit62 Test 53 Money -buying, sellingandpaying earn, current account,overdrawn 62

Feelingsand actions

Unit 63 Test 54 Beliefandopinion maintain, pointof view 63 Unit 64 Test55 Pleasant and unpleasant feelings grateful, frustration,worrying 64 Unit65 Test 56 Like, dislike and desire adore, loathe, devoted 65

Unit67 Test58 Thesix senses glance, fragrant, telepathy 67


Unit 69 Test 60 Number,quantity,degree andintensity minuscule,considerable,a greatdeal 69 Unit70 Test 61 Time for thetimebeing,temporary, tolast 70 Unit 71 Test62 Distancesand dimensions length, faraway, stretch 71 Unit 72 Test63 Obligation,need, possibility and compulsory,exempt,shortage 72


Unit 74 Test 65 Possession, givingand lending estate, property,allocate 74

2 Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

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Unit 75 Test66 Movementand speed flutter, crawl,rate 75 Unit 76 Test67 Texture, brightness, weight and density prickly, dazzling, hollow 76 Unit 77 Test 68 Success,failure and difficulty manage, compromise, cope 77

Unit 84 Test75 Idiomsdescribingproblematic situations totakea backseat,the tide has turned, 84

tobury the hatchet

Unit 85 Test76 Idioms connectedwithpraise knockspotsoff,onthe ball, pick holesin 85

andcriticism Unit86 Test77 Idioms connected withusinglanguage talk shop,a talking-point, long-winded 86

Unit87 Test 78 Miscellaneous idioms to paythrough thenose, tohave 87

somethingonthe brain

Unit88 Test 79 Proverbs Don’t putallyour eggs in one basket 88

Phrasal verbs and verb-based expressions

Unit89 Test 80 Expressions with do and make do housework, doup,makeamistake, 89

makeup Unit90 Test81 Expressionswithbring and take bringdown, bringtolight, takeafter, take 90

for granted

Units 91-92 Test82 Expressionswithget, setand put getby,put upwith,setone’shearton 91 Unit93 Test83 Expressionswithcomeandgo come across,cometo anend,gooff, 92

asfaras it goes Unit94 Test 84 Miscellaneousexpressions run outof,see your way to,break 93


Varietiesof English

Unit95 Test 85 Formal and informal words(1) offspring, children, kids 94 Unit96 Test 86 Formaland informal words(2) slang, wally, cool 95

Unit 97 Test87 US English semester,panty-hose, wash up 96

Unit100 Test 90 The language ofsignsandnotices refrain, forbidden, admission 99

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) 3

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We are verygrateful toall the schools, institutions,teachers and students aroundthe world who either pilotedor commentedonthe material

Matylda Arabas, Gydma,Poland

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Wewould also like tothankoureditorsatCambridgeUniversityPress,inparticular Noiri'nBurke and Geraldine Mark, whoseexpertisehas enabled usto

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4 Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

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Introduction to the student

Why test vocabulary?

Research has shown thatyouneed to meetawordatleast 7times beforeyou

knowitproperly.Doing exerciseslike these, thatpractisewords and expressions

thatyouhave already encountered,is a useful wayof helping yourself tofix the

vocabularyyou areworkingonin yourlong-termmemory

What vocabulary istested?

This book providesaseriesof testsondifferentaspectsof English vocabularyat

anupper-intermediate level It isbased onthe vocabulary presented andpractised

intheunitsof English Vocabulary in Use: upper-intermediate Therearereferences

inthecontentspagesandineachtest toshowyouwhichunit or unitseachtestis

basedon.Inafewcases vocabularyitems areincluded which havenotbeen

presented in English Vocabulary in Useand, when this happens, theinstructions

for theexercisesuggestthat you may use adictionaryif you wish You can,of

course,use thesetestsevenif youhavenot been workingwith English Vocabulary

in Use butaresimply interestedin assessing your knowledgeof the vocabulary

areacovered by the test.

Howdo I score my tests?

Eachtestisscoredoutof 40and akey, withinformationabout how manymarks

eachitemgets,isgivenat the backof the book It should be veryclear from the

key what youneedtowriteto geteach mark andso youshould be abletoscore

your work withouta teacher, if you wishto.Thefirstexercise ineachtestalways

offersa maximum scoreof10andit isrecommended thatyoudothisexercise

first Ifyourscorefor thisexercise isless than5,thenwe suggestthat youdoabit

more work inthe languageareacovered by thetest before doing therestof it

Although thetestsareall scored outof 40,you will probably feel thatsometests

areeasierthanothers Thisispartly becauseeveryone ismorefamiliar withsome

vocabularyareasthan others.However,becausecertainvocabularyareas are

particularly dense,it isalsotruethat in a fewcasesyouneed toshow thatyou

knowmorewords and expressionsthan youdoto getthesamenumber of marks

in therestof thetests.

How longdo the tests take?

Eachtestshould take20to30 minutestocomplete

We hopethatyou enjoy usingthesetestsandthat theywill helpyoutolearn the

vocabulary that youwantand need to master atthis level

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) 5

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Findeach of the followinginthetext

Example: asingular noun book

The aim of this book is to help you test your knowledge of

then check your answers in the back of the book.

Draw the following punctuation marks.

Answer these questions.

1 What arethe prefix, therootand the suffixindisorganisation?

2 How manysyllablesaretherein theword monosyllabic, and whichoneisstressed?

3 Nameanoun, a verb,an adjectiveandanadverb based ontherootwide.

4 Give a synonymand anantonymfor wide.

5 Giveacolloquial synonymforman.

6 Whatisthemamverbinthesentencebelow? Whatareitssubjectanditsobject?

opportunities to express subtle shades of meaning and to use

different styles.

7 Inthesentenceabove,isthe verbaddsused transitivelyor intransitively? What about


8 Pig-headed anddeterminedcan besynonyms.Whichof these wordsispejorative?

9 Who wouldwenormallyspeak to usinginformal English?

10 Whatisacollocation?

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

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TEST ** Unit 8

1 Suffixes

2.1 Put -eror -orontothe endingsof these words,as appropriate

10 marks Example: read.&t

Makenounsfrom these verbsusing -tion, -ion or -ssion.

Example: permit: permission

10 marks \ Apersonwho playsthepiano?

2 A personwho believesintheideasof KarlMarx?

3 The persontowhomaletterisaddressed?

4 A person whotypesletters andother documents?

5 A person whoisemployed by someone?

2.4 Add the -ness suffixtothese adjectives

5 marks Example: tired: tiredness

Circlethecorrectsuffixedformof thesewords

Example: beautiful beautyise (beautify) beauticate









Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) 7

Trang 11

Add a prefix to a word in the first statement in order to make an opposite word that

completes the responses.

Example: Thatman’slocking the door Noheisn’t.He’s unlocking it.

1 He’squite matureforhis age Idon’tagree.Ithink he’s

2 Ithink she’sreliable Nosheisn’t.She’svery

3 Isshewrappingthat parcel? No,she’s it.

4 Is hishandwriting legible? No,Ifind it quite

6 Do youthink he’s honest? No,I’m surehe’s

7 Isit convenient tohaveachat? No,sorry,it’sa bit now

8 CanIreplace thevase I broke? I’mafraid not -it’s

9 Doyou likeyour boss? No,I him intensely

10 Are these mushrooms edible? No, I’m prettysurethey’re

Use your knowledge of prefixes to write definitions of the underlined words.

AlthoughJimis an he’s only (2)semi-literate When he tries to write a letter, he half the words and his wife has to (4>rewrite it for him His wife used to work in a(5|sub-departmentof thepostoffice where her main job was mailJim’svery(7>pro-armybut he(8>over-emphasisesits good points

His wife, on the other hand, is rather<9)anti-armyand she (l0)undervaluesits positive aspects

Which word is the odd one out in each set?

Example: legible, loyal, legal, legitimate Loyal - i£ -fomns its opposite with

dis-where&s tHe others use the prejtx

iL-1 insert,internal, inedible,income

2 disobey, disconnect, dismount,dissimilar

3 uncomfortable, unlock, unfold,unzip

4 extract,ex-wife,ex-commumcate,exhale

5 reversible, rational, reasonable, relevant

TestYour English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

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Choose one of the words from the box Put it in the correct form to complete the sentences.

Note that the words in the box are all verbs Sometimes youhaveto change the verb into a

noun, adjective or adverb.

Example: Why doyouhavesuchastrange expression on yourface?

1 Themeeting until4p.m.

2 If you arelookingfora temporary job,read the inthe local paper

4 Charlie’sarrival createda and I managedtoleave without being noticed

5 The shop hasa verygood offeron a newbrandof biscuits

Complete the box Use a dictionary if necessary.

Match the Latin roots on the left with their meanings on the right.

Find words from one of the roots in 4.3 to fit the definitions.

1 products broughtintoacountryfrom anothercountry

2 a person the police thinkmayhavecommittedacrime

3 a personwho leadsan orchestra

4 inward-looking

5 topersuadesomeone tochangetheir beliefs

6 the firstpartofan essayor thesis

7 makingyoufeel miserable

8 a personwhochecks that thingsaredone correctly

9 to putsomeoneoff their throne

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) 9

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TEST •Unit I

5.1 Make abstract nouns from the words in the box below Put them in the correct column.

Example: Hisface was sored with

attack there andthen,(angry)

2 Rose hasarather difficult

3 Hiswritingshowsagreatdealof

4 Sal hasn’teverknown true

5 Dick hasn’t much ofa senseof

6 Patrickislookingforward tohis

7 Penny always showedgreat

8 Iwonder if womenwilleverachieve

9 Idon’t think I’veever experienced

10 Thiswork isspoiled by the student’s

that I thought he would haveaheart

Irank thecream,(satisfy)with herfather,(relate).(sensitive)


.(humorous). (retire)

tome (kind)



5.3 Put these abstract nouns into the correctcolumn:pleasant or unpleasant.

Add two extra abstract nouns to each of the columns in 5.1 Write down 4 other abstract

nouns which do not use a suffix, e.g love Do not write down any of thewordsalready on

this page.

10 TestYour English Vocabulary Use (upper-intermediate)

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Compound adjectives

|*Unit 12

6.1 Fill intheotherpartof these compound adjectives.Choosefromthewordsin the box

controlled fetched free haired minded

Example: afar- fetched, excuse

3 -secretinformation 8 hard- students

6.2 Find differentways ofcompletingthese compounds.Usewordsfrom the box

first-6.3 Match theadjectivesin boxAwith thenounstheyareoften used within box B

io marks Example: hard,-working students

time-consuming off-peak areas work

all-out well-off runner phonecalls

Example: laugh/ hearted/light Light-hearted, Laugh: Light-hearted, = carefree

1 headed/big/man

2 coat/ worn /out

3 never /lecture/ending

4 witted/mind/quick

5 two / behaviour/faced

6 shoes/toed / open

7 rosy /child/cheeked

8 last/decision/minute

9 time/part/ job

10 personality/going/ easy

Trang 15

Find a noun that fits in thebracketsto make two compound nouns Use a dictionary if you

need to.

Example: luxury(goods) train( luxury goods and goods tram are both compound nouns)

1 junk ( ) poisoning 6 air ( )lights

5 god ( ) tongue 10 income ( ) insj

Explain what the difference is between:

Example: generationgapandagegap Generation gap refers to the differences in

attitude etc between different generations. Age gap refers to the

difference in ages between, say, a brother and sister, or a. husband and


1 blood pressure and blood donor

2 kitchenscissorsandnailscissors

3 sunglasses andwineglasses

4 pen-nameand pen-knife

5 human beingand human race

Pair the words in the box to make ten compound nouns.

Complete the blanks to make appropriate compound nouns.

Sam is an elderly business man. He had a heart l1* last week when he was standing at

a bus . He had been upset by a letter telling him that his bank

was overdrawn and by newspaper articles which he had read that morning about plans to reinstate

the death W , to abolish the welfare and to ignore the abuse of human within the labour l7! of his own country. The ambulance almost broke the sound <8) getting him to hospital and it also almost had an accident

as its windscreen were not working and it was raining hard Fortunately, not all the medical staff of the hospital had joined the brain l10* and he was quickly and

effectively treated.

Test Your English Vocabulary Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 16

Compound nouns (2) verb + preposition

Matchthe compoundnoun onthe left with itsmeaning onthe right

2 breakthrough b reduction

6 drawback / f escape

7 outlook g moneypassingthroughacompany

10 turnover ) purchase of onecompany by anotherone

Add prepositions to complete the compound nouns inthesesentences.

1 At the end of his lectureonthe effects of fall the professorgavethe students a

print withsomeshockingstatistics.

3 Hesays he becameadrop because of the break of his parents’ marriage.

4 Rapid staff turn thisyear has led toafallinthe factory’s put.

5 Wewent toa newfactory letnearthe pass

Rewrite the sentences using compound nouns based on the phrasal verbs in the first sentence.

Example: Theboss announced that he wascuttingbackonour budgetstoamassive extent.

The boss announced roasslve cutbacks bn our budgets

1 Itdidn’tsurprisemewhen theirmarriage broke up

The didn’tsurpriseme

2 Janetworksout dailyatthegym

Janetdoes atthe gym

3 Asurprisingnumber of people turnedoutfor thelecture

4 Modern bossesusuallyask workerstofeed back on newinitiatives.

Modern bossesusually ask workersfor

5 Johnwasthere when thewar brokeout.


6 Ourtravel plansweresetback by the weather

Ourtravel planssuffered

7 Atreethat fellonthe line held uptramsall day

8 The journalistwrote upthe incidentinaninteresting way.

The journalistdid

9 Our neighbour’s housewasbroken intolast night

10 Theirnewhouseislaidout inaveryunusualway

Theirnewhouse has

Trang 17

Words from other languages

Put the words intheboxintothe appropriatecategory:


gateau ghetto guerrilla yashmak yoghurt

Chooseawordfrom the box that fits in each phrase





4 toliveinaquiet 9 theeveningwasa

Match thenamestothe objects

Example: (embargo) yacht ski snorkel the others relate to sport while embargo Is

a political and economic act

2 ballerina judo soprano waltz

3 fjord patio steppe tundra

4 marmalade dachshund poodle rottweiler

14 Test Your English Vocabulary Use (upper-intermediate)

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» Unit 16

I 0.1 What do these abbreviations standfor?

10marks Example: BBC The British Broadcasting Corporation

4 MP

10.2 What arethe fullforms of these shortened words?

10marks Example: phone telephone

Whatarethe short forms of thesefull words?

Example: aeroplane plane

7 suitcase 9 wristwatch

1 0.3 Hereis anotewritten in a hurry, with alot of abbreviationsin it.Canyou saywhat eachone

10 marks inbold meansin full?

Example: tel telephone


From: SallyOldbeck


Herearethetimesformytrip:arr.from Pans 2.25 pmatVictoriaStation,Wed14th.Stay with friends, tel: 41356787, address 56 Carlton Ave, Eastcheap, London S4 DepSat17thfromHeathrow, flightno El654toDublin

If youneedto ringmeinthe office,it’sOriental Imports Ltd,tel 3546659,ext5656



10 marks


Useabbreviationsinsteadof the words in bold

Example: Mr S Williams,careof76 NorthStreet, c/o 76 North Street

1 It isadigitalcamera,thatis tosayitdoesn’tusefilm, but takespictureselectronically

2 I neededsomepaper, envelopes, pens, andso on

3 Thereareseveralwaysof solvingthe problem,forexample,tryfittingnew batteries

4 Youcanrepair it yourself Pleasenote,theguarantee isnolonger valid if youdo

5 Shesawaflyingsaucer orsomekindof spaceshipin the skyabove her house

6 Heraddressis:Flat number 3,Block B, Horley Street,Bartsow (2marks)

7 ShegotaBachelor ofSciencedegreefromLondonUniversity,and now she’s doinga

Doctorof Philosophy degree (2 marks)

8 Therewas a postscriptatthe endof the letter

Trang 19

TEST ■» Unit 17

I I I Matchthe wordstothe pictures

mousepotato in-line skating teleshopping roadrage audiobook

peopleareless territorialat workadvertisers targetolder people

unnecessary thingsgetthrown away

thecompany saves money onholidaypay

the internetismuchmore heavily usedthereare alotof people thesameage

11.3 Mark thesestatements trueorfalse.If theyarefalseexplain why

10 marks Example: Keypalsarepeople whocollectkeys False Keypals are people who exchange

e-mails in the same way thai penpals exchange letters.

1 Eco-touristslikevisitingcapitalcities

2 People whosuffer fromeatingdisordersarealwaysfat

3 Ascreenagercanbemale orfemale

4 Docusoapsareprogrammesaboutsoap operas

5 A spindoctor hastostudy medicineforatleast fiveyears

6 Telebanking means saving uptobuyaTVorcomputer.

7 Someonewhoisdrop-deadgorgeous is veryold

8 Cosmonauts travelintocyberspace

9 Onabad-hairdayyouneedtogotothe hairdresser’s

10 Laddish behaviouris badbehaviour

I 1.4

10 marks


Explain theunderlined wordsin thesentences.

Example: Alot of people refuseto eatGMfoods GM stands -for genetically modi/fled,

which means that the -foods have been artificially changed through biotechnology in some way.

1 My boss has cyberphobia and always insistson usingsnail mail

2 Shopaholicsoften spend a fortune tele-shopping

3 While Iwaschannel-hopping last night,Ifounda very interestingfly-on-the-wall

documentary aboutlifein a busycafe

4 Sick building syndromeand information fatigue syndromearetwoof the health hazardsoflifeinthe twenty-firstcentury.

5 He’sawannabedirector and he’s planning hisfirst film-it’stobeaboutDianamania

16 Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 20

These wordsareintheIPA.Writethem in their normalspelling.

Example: /'intrastir)/ interesting

2 /plau/ 4 /'saikik/ 6 /resipi:/ 8 /said/ 10 /t\f/

Dividethewordsintopairsof words that rhyme

Example: heard, word.

Mark thestressedsyllableinthe wordsinbold

Example: Next week, we’ll progresstothenext stage.

1 Whatare your country’s main exports?

2 They have conflicting ideasabouttheirown roles

3 The children have madealot of progresswith their maths

4 The value of propertyusually increasesevery year

5 Will they permityoutowork here?

6 Although heis Russian,hehasaUK permanentresidence permit

7 Thehighest Julytemperatureseverwere recordedinLondon today

8 I’ll neverdesertyou,the poetpromised his love

9 Thereis goingto beanorganisedprotestabout thenew by-pass

10 What an insult!You havenorighttospeaktomelikethat!

Underlineall the silent letters inthistext.

Julie,a friend I met atmypsychologyclass,

left thesilver comb I gave herfor

Christmasin thecastlewhenwespentan

hour there last week She tookit out of her

bag because she wanted to getsome knots

outof her hairwhilewe were having awalk

round the old tombs there I told her she

would loseitif she wasn’t careful And she

did!Fortunately, an honest person pickedit

up and returned it tothe gatekeeper.Julie

feels very indebtedtothat anonymous

person asshewasvery fond ofthat


Trang 21

4 grunting 10 tinkling d horses ) ram

5 mooing 11 whirring e fountain k pigs

Circlethemost appropriatewordfor each sentence.

Example: The dog always whistles/clashes/(growls)whenitseesthe postman.

1 Pleasecan youhelpmesmash/mash/crash thepotatoes?

2 Children love spraving/sputtermg/splashing through puddles

3 Sheheardachck/clank/clmkatthe end of the phoneashe hungup.

4 The woundedsoldier grunted/growled/groanedin pain.

5 Do you hearthose churchbells clinking/clanging/tinkhng?

6 Shespraved/splashed/spnnkled herbsonthefish andcalled the familyto eat.

7 Sorry,I can’tstopnow.I’vegot towhirr/dash/trickle

8 Can youwhistle/giggle/grumble thissong?

9 They clanked/chnked/clashed glasses and drank tothesuccessof theirproject.

10 Whenshe asked him todo the washing-up, he justsplashed/grunted/trickled

Match these combinations of letters to theirusualassociations in English and give two

examples of words for eachlettercombination.

1 gr movementof water

5 -ash a sharpmetallic sound

grow l, grumpy

Choosetheverbfromthe sidethat best fits each gap

Example: Camcorders wHirr asthe bridalcoupleemergefrom the church

2 I with saltwaterifIhave asorethroat

3 Don’t theballsohard

4 Ihateitwhen fierce dogs

6 Let’s glasses and drink their health

8 Horsenderscarry a

9 Peopleusually back whencowsmakea noise.

10 People with bronchitis tend to






Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 22

Find fivemoreexamples of homophones(wordsthat sound thesame)and fivemore

examplesof homographs(wordsthat arespelt thesame)in thetext.Explain why theyare

examplesof homophones/homographs

Examples: Homophone: weight (wait)

homograph: sow (-female pig) and sow

Lookatthatfatsow!What a weight she mustbe!

Heavier than lead! I’ve neverseenanything like it And

therearetwo piglets underneath her.What a row they

are making!If she rollsoveron topof them,they won’t

live They certainly needabigpentohouse an animal


Find a wordinthe box that rhymes with the underlined words

mooned no now bed nose seed

Example: Janecanbereliedon totakethelead, s&ed

1 The wind blew thetreedown

2 Have you woundthe grandfatherclock today?

3 Iheard theband playing live

4 Have you readCrimeandPunishment?

5 I loveyourbowtie.

6 Thechildren stood in tworows

7 Thecat justlaythereafterits operation lickingitswound

9 At the end of theconcert,the orchestra took abow


14.3 Writeeachof thesewords,written in phonetics, intwodifferentways

10 marks Example: /ea/ <u*x Heir

Example: What a Pane!,aglassmaker’smemoirs What a pain' Meaning what a

nuisance is a normal expression Pane = a large piece o-f glass

1 Tee Time, autobiography of a golfinstructor.

2 Love At First Site,romanceon anarchaeological dig

3 Heaven Scent, biography of acreatorof perfumes

4 This Place has a Soul,accountof lifeinafishmonger’s

5 Sail of the Century,accountof amemorablevoyage

Trang 23

Choose the correct alternative.

Example: I havetogotothe hospitalonce amonth now Previously Ihadtogoeverytwo


(a) Former (b) Previously (c)Prior

1 here, I usedtowork ina factory

(a) BeforeI’veworked (b) Beforetowork (c)Beforeworking

2 Takethis umbrella just incase

(a) of raining (b)itwillrain (c) it rains

3 Youcan stay atourflat condition thatyou payforyour own phonecalls

(a) of (b) on (c) in

4 You willget tothecity centre busyoutake

(a)however (b) nomatter (c) whichever

5 Myreason togo wasthat itwastoofartodrive

(a)of not wanting (b)to not wanting (c)fornot wanting

Fillthegaps using the words given.

1 Wesent outaquestionnaire, findingout what people really wanted

3 thefiveyearsshewasaway, Inever oncestopped thinkingof her

4 It’s OK to missafew classes, yousend anote totheteacher explaining why

Rewrite the sentences usingthewords inbrackets.

Example: Therewerea lot of accidentsas aresult of thesnow, (cause) A Lot of accidents

were caused, by the snow, or The snow caused, a lot of accidents.

1 Computers will changeourliveseven moreinthenewmillennium,(bringabout)

2 There was a 20%increase in taxes.Then therewereserious riotsandprotests, (spark off)

3 Hehad madeamistake, and saidso.(acknowledge)

4 The decisionwasunpopularand a lot of angrydebate resulted,(giveriseto)

5 A lack ofcommunicationbetweenemployersand employeescausesthis feeling of

insecurityamong thestaff, (arise from)

6 Great changesinfamilylife havecomeas a result ofgrowing economic prosperity, (lead to)

7 Adecision madetenyears agoisresponsibleforthepresentproblems, (stemfrom)

Complete the missing words.

Example: I don’t know what hismotLv&s werefor doing whathedid

1 Our planshavemetall thecon the authorities asked for

2 I wonder what pr himtomake suchanaggressivecomment?

3 Thedecisionwastheout of monthsof protestsfromenvironmentalgroups

4 Theentryre forthiscourse areEnglish andoneforeign language

5 Iwouldnotallowit underanycir

20 TestYour English Vocabulary Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 24

Connecting and linking (2)

Complete the missing words.

1 Heneverworks, and hewastes timeandmoney.Butfo al th ,heisanoldfriend andsoIwill help him

2 Ina t all her other talents, sheisanexcellent musician.

3 Itwould besillyto get itrepaired.Af al ,we’regettinganew onenext month

4 Ad , shewasundergreat stress, butthat is notan excusefor such bad behaviour

5 George was wrongtosendthat letter, but eq Jean waswrongtotelleveryone

6 The EuropeanUnion wasnothappy with the plan Fur ,therewasa lot of


7 Ap from doinga lot ofsport,shealso worksinachildren’shomeat weekends

8 I don’tthinkit’sworthgivingupsomuchtime.Be ,it’s veryexpensive.

9 Iwaslookingfor a holiday withalotof excitement.Lik ,mybrotherwanted

somethingveryactive,sowewentsnowboarding together

10 DearSir/Madam, Fu tomyletterof 28/5, 1 amwriting toask whether

Replace the underlined word(s) with another version, as indicated in brackets.

Example: She plays theguitar.Additionally, she plays thepiano, (moreinformal)

And,/ What’s more / In addition she plays the piano.

1 The flightsget bookedup veryquickly.Moreover,we’ll havetobook before the 25th to

getthe cheapticket, (moreinformal)

2 That shop sellspens,paper,you know,greetingscards,etc (moreinformal)

3 She hasan MAin economics.Shehas a diplomainpoliticstoo, (moreformal)

4 It’salways difficulttosav ‘Yes.Iwas wrong.’ (moreformal,useadmit )

5 OK I maynotunderstand all the details, butIthink Iamright,(moreformal, use concede)

Fillthegapswith thecorrectprepositions

Example: Inaddition ho mathsI’m doingacoursein computer science.

1 He’sa goodathleteand an excellentmusician boot

2 Wediscussedthe pollutionin theriver,along afewotherlocalmatters.

3 I brokemylegandJimhurt hisshoulder topof allthat wehad to buya newcar

4 Apart my otherinterests,I’m also keenon photography

5 The weatherwaswet inSeptember the other hand,itwasdryin October

6 Iwasn’toffended whenyoucalled hera fool thecontrary,Iwasdelighted

Correctthe mistakesin thesesentences.

Example: It’sexpensive.Tothe other hand,it’stheonlyopportunity we’llget togo.On

the-other hand-, it's the only opportunity well get to go.

1 Heisa painteras wellas heisapoet.

2 Likewiseher brotherwent to university,and she didtoo.

3 Soyoudowant towork.That’sallgoodand well, but howare yougoing tofinda job?

4 You need a good guidebook.On addition,youneed goodequipment.

5 I’m nottired Quite anopposite!I’mready towork all nightif necessary

Collocations Match each word 1-4 with another worda-d

Trang 25

Complete each secondsentencewithoneof the words in this list There may bemorethan


situation dilemma solution approach aspect

topic position question issue response

1 TOM: MovingtoLondonwouldmeana better job, butI’mworried about thechildren’s

education They have suchagoodschool here

MARY: Yes,it’s a real .Wemustthink hard beforewedecide

2 In future,carswill be taxed automaticallyastheyenterthecity centre.Thisnew

tothe trafficproblemmaywork,weshall justhave to waitandsee

3 BABS: Wetalked about howtrees communicatewithoneanotherthroughasortof

chemical language

ED: Treescommunicating?That’sastrange of conversation!

4 Thousandsof peoplearehungryin thesouthof thecountry.The is getting


5 Canwetrustourpoliticians?This isa(n) that is inthe mindsof manypeoplenowadays

6 Everyoneknows that thereisacrisis inthe national healthservice.Sofar,however,there

7 ROGER: Thenewbookingsystemreallydoesseem towork

PAULA: Yes,Ithinkwe’vefounda atlast

8 Iamconvincedthat Nancy should bedismissed.I amnot prepared tochange my


9 MILDRED: So,isthereal problemthatthere justisn’tenough moneyto continuewith the


LARRY: Well,it’sone of the problem,but thereareother difficultiestoo.

10 ThePrime Ministerspokeabout the needtoreduce unemployment.Shesaidthiswasthe

Ineachof these pairsofsentences,thesame word fits the gap Whatisit?You are giventhe

first letter

Example: (a) Theswlyecfc of his speech wasworld peace.

(b) She didnot want totalkabout her illnessso wechanged theswlyecfc

1 (a) Shemadeaninterestingp about the needfor real changesinthewaywedothings

(b) Well,eventhough I don’t thinkweshould over-react,Idosee your p

2 (a) Whatisthe p withregardtonewmembers? Are they allowedtovote?

(b) Ithink herp inrelationtowhether weshould sell upornot istotally


3 (a) Ipersonally don’tcarewhether sheisappointed ornot.But Ithink the bossexpects

metotakea v on thematter.

(b) So you reallythinkweshould justcancel the wholeprogramme?That’squitea radical

v .Idon’t thinkmanypeople willagreewithyou

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 26

4 (a) The k tothe problemof poorcommunications istospend more on


(b) We’vetalked and talked, butwestillcan’tfind a k tosolvingthe dilemma

5 (a) Onereporter suggested thatanofficialat theMinistry wascorrupt,but theMinisterrejectedthisc

(b) Thec that protestshave been ignoredisnot true.Everyonehasavoice


5 marks

Add thecorrect prepositions

2 D’youthink we’ll findasolution the problem?

3 What washer reaction theclaim thatit washer fault?

4 Your judgement thesituation is a bitnaive,if Imay say so

5 What isyourattitude theissueof private versuspublic schools?

debate farm support

The crisis couldaffect


defend itself if need

aroseinan unstable

Severalmembers have

recently raised theissue

in connectionwith

Hesaid thefactsrevealedinthedocuments suggestedthat theearlier version

She said herassessment

was basedona number of

recentstudies carriedout

Theclaimcomesin a

paperpublished inthe

Statewhether thesentencesarea fact, a claim, a reactionora belief.

Example: Therewill be lifeafterdeath, ft.belie/f

1 Why should I doit? Why can’tsomeoneelse doit?

2 Withoutoxygen,human beingscannot live

3 TheMinister wasnottelling the truth when he saidmore moneywould be granted nextyear

4 Lovecanovercomeanydifficultyinlife

5 PresidentKennedy died in 1963

Trang 27

Use these markers to fill the gaps.

mind you let me see now then look well

1 A: What’sSally’slastname?

2 A: D’youliveinthecentreof town?

B: ,nearthecentre,butnotactuallyin it.

3 A: Whyweren’t youhereto meether?

4 (Teacher to the class) ,listen tothistape,andanswer thequestions.

5 A: Edna wantsyou to ringher about the

-B: Edna!Idon’twant totalk toher!

B: ,you knowIdon’tlike her Why didn’tyou justsayIwasaway?

A: WhyshouldItellstoriesforyou?

6 A: That’s allfor today,then

B: Yes ,see you tomorrow?

A: ,sametime tomorrow.


7 A: It’swarm today,isn’t it?

B: Yes ,it isthe beginningofspring,so weshouldn’tbesurprised

Choose the best alternative, (a), (b) or (c) to fill the gaps.

1 A: She’s alwaysannoyingme

B: (a) Fine (b)Well then (c) Right,youshould tell her!

2 A: I justdon’t know what todo

B: (a)Sortof (b)You know (c) Listen, I’vegotanidea

3 A: What’sthematter withyou?

B: Oh, IguessI’m (a)holdon (b)sortof (c)wellthen,worried aboutmyexams

4 A: Here’s a package for you

B: (a) Right (b) Youknow (c)Sort of,leaveitonthedesk, will you,please

5 A: CouldyougivemeJim’se-mailaddress?

B: Yes,(a) fine (b) anyway (c)holdon,I’ll justhaveto getmyaddress-book

6 A: Sothat’s whatyouthink weshould do,isit?

B: Yes,(a) anyway (b)at the end of the day (c)mind you,I’llringyou later and wecan

makeafinaldecision then

7 A: They’ll be hereatabout 5.30

B: (a) Fine (b)Hold on (c)Still, I’ll be herewaitingfor them

8 A: What’s the matter?

B: It’soh,(a)right (b)youknow (c)anyway,thesameold problem

9 A: There seemsto be nothingwe cando aboutit.

B: Well(a) forinstance (b) atthe end of theday (c) wellthen,we justhaveto accept it.

24 Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 28

I’m verysorry Imissed Peter yesterday when hewashere.

Yes.(a)Sort of (b)At the end of the day (c)Still, you’ll getanother chance.He’scoming againnextWednesday

She’snot veryfriendly,isshe?


Well(a)still (b) forinstance (c)fine,sheneversayshello if you meether inthecorridor

is talking to C)


Yes,ten tosix So, (a)wherewas I (b)still (c) atthe end of the day, oh yes,I was

goingtogiveyou myaddress

Yes, please

Well, whynotcomewithus?

Well,ayou’releaving tooearly,(a)andso (b) and well then (c)and b, thereare

alreadyfourof you It’sonlyasmallcar

What happened?

Tracy(a)Imean (b) so (c) listen, Sandra forgotto bring thetickets

Hey,whathappened with Barbara and the studentfromTaiwan?

Well, (a)fine (b) wherewasI (c)whereshall Istart,it wasabout three weeksago

I think Barbarawas just goingoutof

Completethe markers

1 Whenyouwant to getback towhatyou weretalking about,you can say‘Where


2 When you want tosummarise orconcludesomething,you cansay‘At the ’

3 Whenyou want to geta group of people’s attention totell them somethingimportant,you

cansay‘ then!’

4 Whenyou don’twant to betooprecise,youcansay‘ of’

5 Whenyouwant toexplain orclariy something,youcansay‘You ’

Your score


Trang 29

Use discourse markers to rewritethebeginnings of thesesentences, without changing the

meaning. The first letter of the discourse marker is given.

Example: Asa last point,letusconsider theeffecton theenvironment.F

1 The first point is,weshould notallowourpersonal feelingstoinfluenceourdecision.F

2 Now changing the subjecttothequestion of violenceon television, theevidenceforits

effectsarenotclear T

3 Asa side issue, not part of the main question,therewasasimilar examplein1984, butthat is not important inthepresent argument.In p

4 To end this argument, we may saythatit is tooearlytodecide what will happen tothe

economy as aresult Inc

5 To continue,letusconsider thesituation ofchildrenwho only haveoneparent.


6 While not discussing any further thequestionof social consequences, thereare

importantpoliticalreasonswhythegovernment will not supportthe idea

Answer the questions.

Example: Saycan be usedtomean‘for example’: Trueorfalse? True

1 Give twootherwaysof sayingthe discourse marker first.

(4 marks )

2 Which is correctasanotherwayof sayingthe discourse marker finally ? At lastorlastly?


3 Giveanotherwayofsayingm conclusion.(2 marks)

4 Give twootherwaysof sayingthe discourse markerto sumup.

(4 marks)

5 Which of thetwoanswersin4ismoreformal? (2 marks)

6 Giveanother wayofsaying for example (2 marks)

7 Giveanotherwayof sayingon the other side of this page.(2 marks)

8 So to speak and as it were mean more or less thesame:Trueorfalse? (2 marks)

9 In other words and that is to say aresimilarin meaning,butin other wordsisless formal:Trueorfalse? (2marks)

26 Test Your English Vocabulary Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 30

With0>r toyourletter of 13th April 2000 requesting a refund for

yourtravel tickets, I should liketomake the (2>f points:

• The rules donot permitcancellationof booking less than three days before

departure <3)(s the enclosedleaflet, paragraph6.6).

• In an(4)e letter toyou (dated 2nd January2000),wealertedyou to

the penalties forlate cancellation

• The company isnotobliged torefund thecostof travelevenif therearestrong

personal reasonsfor cancellation You shouldcontactyour insurancecompany

(for(5)f. informationplease read paragraph8.5of the enclosed


• MayI(6)r youalsotothe conditionsas printedon the form which

youfilledinatthe timeof making the booking? You willsee therethat theconditionswere quiteclear

As I mentioned(7)a ,cancellation less than three days before departure

means youdonothave the righttoarefund In(8)o words,despitethe

circumstances youdescribe,thereisnothing thatwecandotohelp, andthematter mustnowrestwithyour insurancecompany

Yours sincerely,

I CoidJheari

IvorColdheart (Mr)

Managing Director

Trang 31

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1 We’regoingtothe shopstomorrow.Iwant tolook atsome newfurnitures, Dan needs

newclothes,Mariawants tolookat skiingequipmentsandSheilaneeds some papers forhercomputerprinter.We’ll probably spendlotsof moneys!

2 Aftersome courses,he found that hewasmakingprogressesandincreasinghis

knowledges of geography He looked forwardtocontinuinghis studiesat universityand,

perhaps,oneday, doing someadvancedresearches intothe geographyof his local area

3 I reallyneedsomeadvices fromyoubefore I take up the violin Do you have any tips

about buying aninstrument?Arethere any works byfamous composers thatare easy for abeginner?Whichkinds of musicswouldyourecommend? Any informationsyoucan give

mewould be useful

Which ten ofthesefood names are not normally used in the plural?

flour carrot loaf fish cooking-oil fruit toast pancake

Completethesentences withthese words connectedwith materials andresources Decide whether the word is used countably or uncountably.

stone leather coals cloth plastic glass

1 Mostof thecottageswerebuilt of ,which wasnotsurprising becauseyoucould

seelarge lyingeverywhereinthefieldsaround the village

2 I havesome here which I boughttomakeadress I hateitnow.Ithink I’lltear

itupandmakesome for dirty jobs in the kitchen

3 canproduce a phenomenal heat That’swhyI findithardto believethathesaid

heoncesaw someone inIndia walkingover red-hot

4 Thecarseatsareall They’remuch morecomfortable than

5 The that thosewine- aremade of is verypureandexpensive

28 TestYour English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 32

Ten of these nouns are normally only used in the plural Which ones? Tick (/) the boxes.

Example: Her luggagewassearched by the customs (officialsat theairport or port)

1 Thea intheconcert hallareexcellent,(thesound quality)

2 We complained tothea butit wasawasteof time,(thepeoplein power)

3 Thec of each chapterarelistedat the beginning of thebook, (what is init)

4 A dangerouscriminal hasescaped The police havenoideaof hisw (where


5 Someof the g on the lorryweredamagedin theaccident,(things tobebought andsold)

Makethe verbs and pronouns singular or plural, as appropriate.

Example: Physics(be) a verydifficultsubject Physics Is a, very cU/fficwlt swtyect.

1 Darts(be)a goodgameifyou are bored and justwant tohavefun

2 Economics (be) mybest subject when I wasatschool Maths(be)compulsory and I hated


3 Thenews (be)verybad,I’mafraid Do youwant tohear (it/them)?

4 Thespaghetti(be) ready I hopeyou’rehungry, because there(be)a lot of(it/them)

5 Looks(be)notthemostimportantthing.What mattersisa person’spersonality

Trang 33

Decidewhetherthe noun inbrackets shouldbe used countably (with the indefinite articlea

or intheplural) or uncountably (noaor no plural).

Example: Would youlike cheese in yoursandwich? (cheese)

(‘Acheese’usuallymeans a big, whole roundcheese.)

1 Therewas on thefloor and Igotalittlepiece in my foot,(glass)

2 I boughtsome tomakeadressforourPatsy’swedding,(cloth)

3 Wouldyoulike ? My sisterboughtmea big boxfor my birthday,(chocolate)

4 Wouldyou prefer or fordinnertonight? (fish/chicken)

5 Could I borrow ? Myshirtiscreased through beinginthe suitcase fortwo

days, (iron)

6 There’s atthebackof thehouse We couldgo for awalk thereafterlunch if

youlike.Thetreesarelovely rightnow (wood)

7 AsIarrived Isaw walkingaroundinthe garden And thatwas inthe middleof


8 Did you buy for thecomputer? Iwant toprintsomething,(paper)

9 Weneedsome fortheorange juice.Could youfetchsome? (glass)

Saywhetherthe nouns can be singular (S), plural (P), or both (S/P) in these sentences. Put the

verb‘be’ in the correct form.

Example: Wedon’tuse so much/manypaper(s) sincewestartedusinge-mail

(S)-singular.(Thematerial you writeletterson is‘paper’.)

1 After the dog had beenon it,there(be) hair(s)alloverthesofa

2 The economic (policy/policies) of thisgovernment (be)completelycrazy

3 I lovemeeting(people) fromdifferentcountriesand different professions

4 Hewanted tobuildsix houses,sohe bought (land) just onthe edgeof thecity

5 She bought meawonderful gift: The Complete (Work) of ShakespeareonCD-ROM

What’sthedifference between ?

1 pepperand a pepper?

2 tapeanda tape?

3 rubber and a rubber}

4 coffee and a coffee}

5 tradeanda trade}

What do we normally mean when we use the following nouns?

1 peoples(inthe plural)

2 ahome (witha)

3 lands(intheplural)

4 iron(withoutan)

5 a paper (witha)

30 Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 34

23 Collective nouns

23.1 Fill the gaps with collectivenounsin thecorrectform, singularorplural Use eachnoun

10 marks onceonly

1 Therewas a of sheepin onefield and a of cows inthenextfield

2 Theboathad aglass bottomandwecould see of beautifully-coloured fish

3 Shewasattacked bya of beesand hadtogotohospital

4 of hungry dogs wandered through thestreetslookinginrubbish bins for food

5 A of thieves had brokeninand stolen jewellery andpaintings worth

£1million.A of detectivesis nowonthe scene looking for evidence

6 Therewas a large of people,waving banners andprotesting.Therewereabout

500people there.Asmall of police officerswas tryingtohold them back

7 Haveyou gota of cards? I’ve learnta new game It’sfun

23.2 Describe the pictures using these collectivenouns.Useeachoneonceonly Number1 uses

10 marks twowords

23.3 Use acollectivenountoexpressthesamemeaning as the underlined words

10 marks Example: The people who plaved togetherinthe matchwerecongratulated by thecaptain

The tecum were congratulated, by the captain.

1 The people who work in thiscompanyaremostlyyoungpeople

2 The people who flew the plane remained calm during theemergencylanding

3 The people who acted in the filmwere justordinary people,notfamousstars.

4 The peopleingeneral havearighttoknow how the politiciansarespending theirtaxes.

5 The people whoactinthistheatreareonstrike,sothere will benoperformances this week.23.4

10 marks

Your score


A herd of goats.

Usecollectivenouns.Whatcould youcall ?

Example: alotof goatsinonefield

1 sixtables neatlyon topof oneanother

2 flowers wrappedin nice paper, as apresent

3 lots of dirty clotheson thefloor

4 six wineglasses all exactly thesame

5 hundredsofstrongcomplaints

6 alot of untrueclaimsor allegations

7 questionsaskedoneafter another

8 alarge group ofelephants

9 a large groupof birds

10 agroupof wolves

Trang 35

Choose words from the box to fit into the sentences. Make the words plural, if necessary.

article breath carton gust loaf

lump means puff spot stroke

Example: Putanother (MIP.P of coalonthe fire

1 Jospendsalldayinthelibrary but I don’t believeshe does a of work there

2 It’s verystuffy here I’m dying for a of freshair

3 How many of sugarwouldyou like inyourcoffee?

4 Customersarepermittedtotakeuptosix of clothingintothe fittingroom

5 WhenI was walking home, Ifeltthe first of rainandsoon itwaspouring

6 Hetookthecigaretteoutof hismouthand blewout of smoke

7 The donkeyisthemain of transportonthe island

8 Asudden of wind blewmy papersalloverthe garden

9 I’d liketwo of bread, please, anda of milk

What doeachofthesepictures show?

Write anexpression using a state of + one of theabstractnouns from the box to complete

the sentences.

agitation anxiety confusion disrepair emergency flux uncertainty

Example: John’sin.A 5 bate..,9.f... waitingfor hisexamresults.

1 After thefloods wasdeclared in thecity

2 Afterthe Revolution, thecountrywas in

3 The old school buildingneedsrenovationas it is in

4 Whenthelightswent out,everyone ranaroundin

5 Fionaisstill in astowhether shehasgotthe job

6 Grangotherselfinto ,asshethought I’d had an accident

Rewrite the text, making all the uncountable nouns countable.

Example: You cantravel round Englandusingdifferenttransport. You con travel round.

England,, using different means of transport.

Before visiting England, let me give you some advice and some information Don’t take too much luggage with you but take some warm clothing You never know whether you are going to get good weather or not. One day you have thunder, lightning and rain, the next it is sunny.

32 TestYour English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 36

25 Containers and contents

25.1 Name the following items

10 marks


20 marks

Explainthe difference between each of thetwophrases

Example: a barrelof beer/acanof beer A barrel of beer Is ft. large- wooden or plastic.

container Holding many gallons (50 litres or more) of beer whereas a can

Is ft. metal container typically Holding Half a litre.

1 a bottleof milk/ acrateof milk

2 flowersina pot/flowersin atub

3 a packet ofcigarettes / a cartonofcigarettes

4 atubeof paint / a tinof paint

5 ashopping bag/ashopping basket

6 a bowlof ice-cream / a tubofice-cream

7 acupof tea / a mugof tea

8 a potof ointment / atubeof ointment

9 a boxof sweets/ a jarof sweets

10 a jewellery box/ a jewellerycase


10 marks

Putthe wordsfrom the box into thecorrectcolumn

paper clips

Trang 37

Make nationality/cultural identity adjectivesfrom thesenounsandputthemintothecorrect

group.Example: Turkey Turkish (group A)

Japan Brazil Ireland Israel Ukraine

groupB: -icadjectives groupD: -iadjectives

Thenounschange spelling and/orstressand/orpronunciationwhen theyaremadeinto

adjectives.Writethe adjective and explain the changes

Israel Israeli stress changes -from Israel to Israeli



ItalyMakea noun meaning‘a personfrom thatcountryorgeographicalregion’

3 Finland


Example: Shewent totheRussia onholiday She went to Russia,(no The’)

1 I think she marrieda Scottish

2 Haveyou everheard Bulgarishmusic? It’sreally wonderful

3 Hewent toworkintheCentreEast,inJordan,I think

4 I would liketoliveinUKfora whiletoimprovemyEnglish

5 Ilovethe colour of the Mediterranesea

What dowecall ?

1 A person who speakstwo languages perfectly?

2 The differentwaysof speakingin oneand thesamelanguage?

3 The languageyoulearnt fromyour birth?

4 Thecountrywhosecapital isManila?

5 The national language of the Netherlands?

TestYour English Vocabulary Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 38

Put thesewords into the cold, hot,orwet/dry column,as appropriate.

downpour close ratfiy flood heatwave


Whatdowecall ? The first letterisgiven

Example: A light that flashesinthe sky duringastorm? 1 igbtntng

4 Dirty,brownish, meltingsnowinthestreets? s

Fillthe gaps The first letterisgiven One mark per gap

1 In thespringtheice m , the groundt and plantsstart to grow again.

2 Normally,atthattimeof year,the weather isvery cold,but thatdayitwasvery

m ,with a temperatureof12degreesand sunshine

3 Itsnowed last night butitdidn’ts ,sothe roadsareclear

4 As Ilookedout tosea,thehorizonwash ,and the sky and seaseemedtobe

one bluemass

5 It washotonthebeach,but there wasagentle b that cooled usalittle

6 Theskywasvery o ,and thenitp down

sweat,soallwecould do all daywassitinsidewith theairconditioningon

night, and thestreets gotf

9 Thenorthisusuallycold and d ,while the south iswarmerand verydry

10 Theweather wasratherm that day, and I found itdifficult to concentrateon

mywork.I justwantedtofallasleep all thetime.

1 Therewash and ramfallingatthesametime,andall the gardenwaswhitefor


Putthese wordsonascalefrom‘strong’to‘weak’

Trang 39

TEST |’»Unit 37|

28 1 Fill the gaps to describe the people in these pictures The first letter is given.

10 marks

2 She’sgotb hair andisf -skinned

4 He’sgotabeard anda m andaslightlyc face

5 She’sgotlong,s hairandist -faced

Answer the questions You are sometimes given the first letter of the missing word.

1 Whatistheadjectiveform of the wordwaveswhen itreferstoa person’shair?

2 What dowecall the small,pale brownspotssome peoplehaveon theirskin, especiallyfair-skinned people? f

3 Give anadjectivethat meansa personhasred orreddish hair,g

4 Whatcolour isauburn? Isit‘golden, reddish-brown’or is it‘verydark,almost black’?

5 If someonehasacrew cut,istheir hair longorshort?

6 Isstoutsimilarin meaningto (a)slimor (b) plump?

7 Whatis a polite word thatmeans‘fat’, o

8 Ifsomeone isstocky, theyareratherthin.Isthistrueorfalse?

9 Ifsomeone is anorexic,theyareusuallyverythin indeed Is thistrueorfalse?

10 What wordmeans‘extremely fat’?o

11 Ifa personisscruffy,isthat normallya positive or a negativething?

12 Whichis more negative,tocallsomeone slimor skinny?

13 Howdowedescribesomeonewhoislosing their hairatthe frontof their head?We say

14 What doesit meantosaythatsomeonehas ahealthy complexion?Is it that their faceand skinlook healthyor that justtheireyeslook healthy?

15 What shouldyourememberabouttheadjectivehandsome?

Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)

Trang 40

Which people does the speaker approve of and whichdoesthespeakernotapproveof?

Example: Jack’smiserly butJillis generous

TVie speaker doesn't approve of Jack but does approve of Jill.

1 Samisbroad-minded andSue is original 4 Amosis inquisitiveand Anna is naive

2 Markisarrogantand Maryiscurt. 5 Dave’s pig-headed and Debby’s brusque

3 JohnispushybutJaneis assertive

29.3 Rewrite thesentencesin exercise 29.2 Use adjectivesfromthe boxtoshow that this speaker

10 marks hasadifferentopinionaboutwhetherthe people’scharacteristicsarepositiveor negative

inquiring open self-assured thrifty unprincipled weird

Example: .&gr:ee, J|Wk .thrifty. arid, . t# &xÿav<xgajr>t ,



Match the adjectives in the boxtothe people whoarebeingdescribed

jealous optimistic sincere eccentric gifted relaxed

envious sensitive cruel nosy easy-going

Example: optimistic - Jilt always sees the bright side of things.

1 Robert alwayswantswhatotherpeople havegot.

2 Sandra plays the piano better thananyoneelse I know

3 Beth takeseverythingin her stride andnevergets upset.

4 Paulseemstoenjoypulling hiscat’s tail

5 Dandoesn’t mind whatwedo when westay athis place

6 Youalways know that Claremeanswhat shesays

7 Juliefelt terrible when her boyfriend left herforsomeoneelse

8 Beckyonlyever wearsblack clothes and black lipstick

9 Wheneverwehavevisitors,our neighbour Fredisathiswindowwatching whoit is

10 Emma alwaysgetsveryupsetif she feels that sheisbeing criticisedorlaughedat.

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2018, 15:42

