I What is commercial dispute?. II Methods for Solving Disputes III What makes arbitration a better choice for resolving business disputes?. Commercial dispute is a conflict or a disagree
Trang 2Settlement of Diputes
Trang 3I) What is commercial dispute?
II) Methods for Solving Disputes
III) What makes arbitration a better choice for resolving business disputes?
IV) Practice
Trang 4I) What is commercial dispute?
Trang 5Commercial dispute is a conflict or a disagreement on performance of rights and duties between the parties in business activivities
Trang 6II) Methods for Solving Disputes
Trang 71 Negotiation
2 Mediation
3 Arbitration
4 Litigation
Trang 8Negotiation is the most
informal and commonly- used
type of dispute sollution
• have their own interests
• discuss their problems
directly > reach an agreeable
Trang 10is a more formal process
Have a third person (abitrator):
+) listen to their arguments>
make a decision (final and binding)
for them
+) acts like a judge However,
more flexibility than a judge in
devising solutions to problems
→ This is a popular method that
businessman choose nowadays
Trang 11+) Each party present its evidence and
argument and cross-examine the other side -
+) Public - court proceedings and records are
+) The decision is based on the law, can be
final and binding
+) Losing party may pay costs
Trang 12Conflict can sometimes cause problems, so it is important to know how to handle them – outside court For businessman it is the best choice that not only insures parties‘s benefit and maitains
business relationship and settling dispute by arbitration can
meet these requires.
Trang 13III) What makes arbitration a better choice
for resolving business disputes?
Trang 141 Speed
2 Choice of the neutral
3 Technical issues
4 Confidentiality
Trang 151 Speed
• disputes resolved quickly
• The parties determine the timeframe for the
arbitration, allowing them to bypass delays inherent
in litigation
Trang 162 Choice of the neutral
• the opportunity to choose the individuals who will decide the issues in question
• this freedom allows the parties to customize the resolution process to suit these issues
Trang 173 Technical issues
• Arbitration gives the parties an opportunity to secure the services of an individual experienced in a technical area, or a particular business field
• It is for this reason that disputes in the construction industry and maritime law are often resolved through arbitration
Trang 184 Confidentiality
• In the cases, require a confidential outcome
• because the dispute involves privileged information
or issues of particular sensitivity
Trang 19IV) Practice
Trang 201 The latest time to settling disputes by VIAC is …
A 6 months
B 8 months
C A year
Answer: A
Trang 212 Translated into Vietnamese
The buyer and seller shall make every effort to
resolve amicably by direct, informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or
in connection with the contract
→ Người mua và người bán phải cố gắng hết sức để giải quyết một cách thân thiện bằng thương lượng trực tiếp mọi bất đồng hay tranh chấp phát sinh
giữa hai bên liên quan đến hợp đồng
Trang 223 Translate into English
Tất cả tranh chấp, tranh cãi, bất đồng phát sinh giữa các bên thuộc hoặc liên quan tới hợp đồng này hoặc vi phạm thuộc hợp đồng này, sẽ được phán quyết cuối cùng bằng trọng tài ở Singapore tuân theo luật trọng tài thương mại của ủy ban trọng tài thương mại singapore
và theo luật của Singapore
Trang 233 Translate into English
All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise between the parties, out of, or in relation to, or in connection with this contract, or for the breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Singapore Commercial Arbitration Board and under the Laws of Singapore
Trang 244 What are the different between mediation and arbitration?
• has no decision-making authority
• cannot bind the parties
• the process of mediation is not controlved by prrinciples of law but for arbitration this is
Trang 25Thank you for listening