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Chiến lược cạnh tranh cho công ty cổ phần VIGLACERA tiên sơn

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  • Marketing

  • 1.6. Marketing: Definitions of Marketing by the American Marketing Association

    • General information:

    • Summary of the company establishment and development processes:

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Luận văn thạc sĩ Chiến lược cạnh tranh cho công ty cổ phần VIGLACERA Tiên Sơn MBA THESIS THE COMPETITIVE STRATEGY FOR VIGLACERA TIENSON JOINT STOCK COMPANY Page TABLE OF CONTENT Page No 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 Content COMMENCEMENT: GENERAL INSTRODUCTION General overview, the need and meaning of the studying subject Purposes of study Methods of Study Structure of essay CHAPTER I: COMPETITIVE STRATEGY THEORY Concepts Strategy Business strategy Business strategy is an art In regard of management category, strategy is a type of plan In regard of combining unity, strategy is defined as follows Specific characteristics of business strategy The roles of enterprise’s business strategy Business environment Business environment The Industry business environment Types of business strategies Three main competitors by Michael Porter Blue Ocean Strategy Strategic Management Procedure of strategy management Strategic version and mission Strategic thinking How could we reach expected position Mission of enterprises The process is as follows Roles of business strategy Marketing Instruments for shaping strategic ideas CHAPTER – ANALYZING STUDYING OUTCOME ON Page 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 27 THE COMPANY CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCE General introduction on VIGLACERA TIENSON The company establishment and development processes The company organizational structure Business functions, duties Characteristics of Business Activities Technology - Products – Production Management at the 27 27 29 29 30 32 Viglacera Production technology Granite wall and floor tiles of Viglacera Production Management Circumstance on financial competence of VIGLACERA Assets Structure, Capital sources The company situation on capital use and management On liquidity The coefficient of performance Market segment and marketing activities of the company Viglacera distribution System The directly export system and through mandate system 32 33 33 35 37 38 40 41 42 43 43 primarily 2.4.3 Distribution system of the competitors Page 43 LIST OF TABLES/FIGURES Page No Content M 1.1 - Model of Business environment M1.2 – Model of The Industry business environment M1.3 – Model of Procedure of strategy management M 1.4 – Model of SWOT matrix Table 2.1: Joint Stock Capital Structure at 31 December 2008 Figure 1: Management Structure of Viglacera Table 2.2 Tiles production output in the years 2006 - 2009 Table 2.3 : Raw material and fuel nom system of 2009 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table 2.5 : Report on business activity results in 2006 - 2008 Table 2.6 – Assets Structure, company capital sources Table 2.7 –Viglacera using performance in 2007 and 2008 Table 2.8 - The coefficient of liquidity in the last few years Table 2.9 – The coefficient of performance, profitable rate Table 2.10: THE PRODUCTION REGIONS OVER 16 THE WORLD Table 2.11: TOP OF LEADING COUNTRIES OF Table 2.4 –Viglacera’s Balance Sheet Summary in 2006 - 2008 Page 15 16 21 25 30 31 32 34 36 36 37 39 40 41 48 49 18 PRODUCTION IN THE WORLD Table 2.12: TOP OF LEADING COUNTRIES OF CONSUMPTION IN THE WORLD Table 2.13: TOP OF LEADING COUNTRIES OF 19 EXPORT IN THE WORLD Table 2.14: TOP OF LEADING COUNTRIES OF 51 20 EXPORT IN THE WORLD Table 2.15: The designed capacity and building material 52 21 production by 2020 Table 2.16: Italian floor and wall ceramic products by category 53 22 check-list Table 2.17: The export growth of building Ceramics from 54 17 23 24 25 26 27 2006 - 2008 Table 2.18: Granite tiles production companies in the country Table 2.19 - The overview of Vietnam’s granite production Table 2.20: SWOT MATRIX Table 3.1: Forming strategic plans Table 3.2: Sample of monthly evaluation sheet 50 51 54 61 62 64 70 Page COMMENCEMENT: GENERAL INSTRODUCTION General overview, the need and meaning of the studying subject Most of the successful Vietnamese enterprises for the time being have been developing and growing up since the very specific overview of the Vietnamese eco-political certain circumstance Vietnam started from the centralized planed economic market, where enterprises’ economic activities were allocated from the central Government but not following the supply – demand principle, and the market was allocated unclearly and there was no competitive element Other enterprises were founded by family workshops; businessmen in this sector have early caught up opportunities and well applied them to develop till so far Page Elements, which helped our enterprises succeed in the past are now whether still relevant to assist enterprises in successfully developing under new market situation when Vietnam joining WTO, a violently competitive market, a play ground with competitors are foreign companies, international groups with a decade experience, abundant capital sources, experienced talented human resources working in other different markets? It is clear that playing effectively in the new environment, enterprises must be equipped knowledge in order to understand newly playing regulations; to have in hands business strategy in general and competitive strategy in particular in conformity with the new market demands, and competitive strategy is one of the most significant strategy for anyone, who play any role in the market today From the private playground turning to the public one that whoever like to play in the playground can use it, globalization have changed the core of business activities, from concentrating on producing the best, cheapest products, enterprises had moved their concentration on the market It is simply because they want customers to believe in using and buying their products other than the competitors’ one And to make it come true, enterprises must better understand customers’ needs, they need better communication on their products, and they need to build long term relationship between their product brand name and the targeted customer group For that mentioned above reasons, competitive strategy is a magnetic needle for activities to boost competitive capability and business efficiency for the sustainable development of enterprises In the context of deeper and deeper integration into the world economy by Vietnam, enterprises are given both chance and challenges especially construction industry in general and construction materials production industry in particular One of the weak points of enterprises trading in construction materials production industry is that they not have a right competitive strategy in order to take full advantage of chance and overcome challenges thereby improving their competitive capability in the new business environment Page This topic will build up, analyze and choose competitive strategy and propose necessary solutions to the implementation of such a strategy of Viglacera in order to improve the competitive capability and business effectiveness, which will help secure the sustainable development of the company Purposes of study - To find out the competitive strategies of Viglacera; - To have a clear understanding of strong points (core competence), weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Viglacera; - To analyze and figure out the best competitive strategies as well as to sort out right methods to perform such strategies, which helps improve the competitive capability and promote sustainable development of Viglacera; - To clarify and apply the theory of setting up of the competitive strategy to a particular enterprise; - To specify the guideline for the enterprise in performing its strategies in order to make it the leading company in the construction materials production industry in Vietnam Methods of Study - Methods of approaching: The methods of qualitative, data analysis, statistics, and comparison to evaluate the actual situation and bring out complete solutions - Methods of data collection: Use of secondary data from available published documentations; Use of results from market researches on the construction materials production industry and use of sources from magazines, internet, etc - Methods of analyzing and processing data: Analysis, synthesis, and comparisons Structure of essay Setting aside the conclusion and preferences, the content of essay is divided into Page three chapters as follows: Chapter 1: COMPETITIVE STRATEGY THEORY Chapter 2: ANALYZING STUDYING OUTCOME ON THE COMPANY CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCE Chapter 3: COMPETITIVENESS STRATEGY OF VIGLACERA CHAPTER I: COMPETITIVE STRATEGY THEORY 1.1 Concepts 1.1.1 Strategy There are different definitions of strategy but the most general definition is “Strategy is series of complex actions in order to apply resources that an organization may have to its particular objective” Strategy means a plan that includes: - Main long-term objectives (3years, years, or 10 years) which specify the development orientations of an organization in the future - Major policies for attracting, allocating and using resources effectively - Decisions on the main methods of achieving the objectives Page - The oriented ability of the strategy in order to ensure the continuously sustainable development of the organization in the market fluctuation 1.1.2 Business strategy Business strategy is an art - Alain Threlart said that “Strategy is a technique that an enterprise uses to fight against competition and win the victory” - M.Porter said that “Strategy is the technique of building sustainable competitive advantages for defense” In short, these writers consider business strategy as an art of market competition and development of enterprise In regard of management category, strategy is a type of plan - G Arlleret said that “Strategy is to specify means and methods to achieve the intended objectives through policies” - D.Bizrell and his co-authors said that “Business strategy is a general plan that guides and directs the enterprise to intended objectives, which is the foundation for setting up policies and operation procedures” - Gluecl said that “Strategy is a type of unified and comprehensive plan which is designed to ensure the enterprise’s objectives to be achieved” In regard of combining unity, strategy is defined as follows - “Strategy is an art of combining together and controlling all activities in order to achieve long-term objectives of enterprise” - Chandler believes that strategy implies specifying main long-term objectives of enterprise as well as choosing right methods or processes and allocating necessary resources and planning to achieve such objectives - With regard to enterprise, “Business strategy is an art of designing and arranging means for achievement of the enterprise’s long-term objectives in connection with the fluctuation of business environment and competition” Specific characteristics of business strategy Page 10 - Implement solutions to make good use of the flexible capital by means of: money and goods exchange, request of old debt, good management of fuel and materials, selling reinforcement in order to minimize the number of final precut in store As the company has numerous flexible capital and ineffective expenditure of 4.3 billion VND, decreasing flexible capital by cutting down on the bad debt and product in store is a good way to help Viglacera in this situation Distributors should have careful choices of counterparts who have enough financial capacity, experience in marketing, large space and most importantly, calling for money in the shortest time -In the long term, it is essential to reorganize the capital by increase the fundamental capital to 30% when there is high interest rate from the bank in order to improve the financial capacity and cut down on the borrowing cost At the present, the fundamental capital rate is 13%, which is relatively low compared with other counterparts The reasonable one should be 30%/ However, in 2009, it not vitally necessary to add the fundamental capital but making good use of the policies of banks to enjoy the aid in interest rate is needed In the long run, when the interest rate goes up, it is highly recommended to reorder the capital by increasing the fundamental capital, cutting down on the expenditure on loaning, all of which are to improve the financial capacity of the company Solutions to production administration of the company Evaluating the competitive strategy at cost leadership is a satisfactory measure, so after doing a research on this issue, I suggest Viglacera follow three important solutions to have better management of the production cost and stabilize the manufacturing processes: - Effectively build up and mange a chain of supply from providers to producers - Completely eliminate waste during production -Ultimately stabilize and enhance the quality of products Effectively build up and mange a chain of supply from providers to producers Page 65 It is of great importance that the company provides material on a regular basis in reasonable quantity It is necessary for the company to examine the materials at the enterprises of providers and make use of their space to store the input Besides, Viglacera should regularly contact with providers to ensure both sides follow the contract in terms of conditions of payment of time of payment Completely eliminate waste during production After considering manufacturing processes, some examples of waste have been spotted: - Disqualified products and produced in large quantity, exceeding the needs - Shipping - Storing - Unnecessary routines *Disqualified products and produced in large quantity, exceeding the needs Causes: - There is not a close link between production planning and ordering - The technology is outdated and poorly-prepared, causing mistakes during mass production - There is not a frequent source of materials so they have to produce spare products in case there are more orders - They not maintain machines in good conditions, which results in inefficiency - The department of quality control does not work well, that is why the quality of products is not consistent Solutions: - Cultivate a detailed production plan, applying the method of ∑6 to assess - Examine carefully the materials at mines - Develop a tough agenda to maintain equipment - Train workers to master the manufacturing processes Page 66 *Waste in shipping - Reorder the machines to minimize the time - Maintain machines more frequently - Train workers to be skilled *Unnecessary routines - Cultivate a detailed process and offer instructions for workers at packaging stage - Examining closely *Storing - Reinforce the management of store - Develop selling and marketing Improve product quality is a very significant factor to reduce production costs and upgrade the company competitiveness - For new products, it is necessary to hire experienced Chinese professionals to design pattern and set up new production process - It is necessary to import several high-ranking materials from China, India to supplement the mixed pigment materials to improve and stabilize the quality and reduce loss - Training personnel to seriously comply with production processes, training and appllying quality improve system following the Kaizen method Consecutively upgrade quality and reduce losses - Pigment quality control material from mines and suppliers’ factories Assigning experienced officials to supervise the quality and set up preliminary treatment and process stable quality materials in coordination with suppliers Solutions to human resource administration strategies For the time being, the output of the company is million m2/ year with a staff of 540 people The yield of each person is 650 million VND per capita each year There needs to adjust these figures The company should build up checklists and Page 67 assessment methods so that workers can be examined Moreover, there should be more stimulating policies from the board of management Improving human resources by means of a system of checklists and assessment methods The company needs to develop a system of assessment to evaluate the productivity of individuals and groups Based on that, a detailed plan with specific goals can be set more easily For example, every month there should be a meeting to evaluate the work of each group each branch to increase salary for individuals with high distinctions There is a document with outlines the general result in work of the whole group, mistakes of workers, achievements and shortcomings that need overcoming At this level, individual responsibilities are not strictly considered, so this meeting is merely too general What workers need is a deep understanding of individual responsibilities, specific goals, things to improve or requirements of the company Thus, in my opinion, the goals and responsibilities as well as business figures should be broadly announced before each meeting; as a result, administrators can evaluate their employees more objectively To solve the mentioned problems, an evaluation sheet has been developed; after the supervisor has filled in all evaluative items, these sheets will be delivered to all workers so that they could see how they are assessed and give feedback to supervisor’s comments Then they will be forwarded to board of managers to keep records of employees fairly and offer them a salary increase if they are qualified Table 3.2: Sample of monthly evaluation sheet Page 68 Name:…………… Instructions: Position:…………… Evaluate items separately Department:………… Evaluate the whole period; not focus on a specific incident or event Supervisor:……… Time of evaluation:……… From… …………to………… Criteria Unsatisfied, Under average, Average, meet Good, Excellent, not need the constantly exceed the improvement, requirements meet meet the requirements sometimes the requirements requirement s unsatisfied Weight of work Weight of work of employee Does it meet the requirements? Quality of work Precision, elaboration, and clarity when handling the job Reliability Reliability of employee’s commitment Manner Work independently, dedicatedly and responsibly Adaptability Ability to adapt to changes and job requirements Co-operation Ability to co-operate with coworkers The promotion potential and professional development O Reach the limit of work capacity O Reach the limit of work capacity, but can be improved when handling another task, for example: O Able to improve the yield after training O No sign of reaching the limit of work capacity Employee’s opinion: I agree O I disagree O on the ideas on this evaluation sheet Overall comments: ………………………………………………………………………… …… Employee …………………………………………… Date…………………………………… Supervisor …………………………………………… Date …………………………………… Manager’s comments………………………………… Date…………………………………… Page 69 - Each week a meeting among members of board of mangers should be held to evaluate the yield through the period and outline a new plan - Each month Board of Managers evaluate the productivity of each department based on the following criteria: Output Product quality Waste and disqualified products Production cost Income Distribution and administration cost Materials and products in store Human resources and average income per person Environmental preservation The chief leader of each department reflects based on the above criteria and gives recommendations if there are - It is suggested that in each monthly meeting, Board of Managers should set goals for each department that month in close examination of general objectives of the company Before months, there should be a thorough check in the department to work out a list of recommendations sent to Board of Managers On that basis, there will be discussions to help each department overcome the difficulties or praise the one with high productivity - Every year, the company should assess the capacity of employees in the evaluation sheets Each member of the Board of Managers has to write reflections in the format of the whole corporation At present, in evaluation meetings, all the feedback and comments are not constructively realistic, which are not reliable enough to be based on to determine salary increase, promotion, employee rotation or training Therefore, a detailed formatted reflection is considered a more objective tool for assessment Besides, the feedback from supervisors is to add more validity in the assessment package As a result, leaders can keep in records these real Page 70 statistics to set goals or cultivate a detailed plan for production and human resources - In essence, cultivating an employee assessment system is a challenging task which entails the determination of the whole staff However, this is a key element as human resources is a contributing factor to the survival and flourish of the company To make it more objectively, assessment should be based on the reality of production and characteristics of the company Therefore, the company’s business and administrative goals could be obtained, leading to the sustainable development of the company Some solutions to motivate employees at work Viglacerra Tien Son JSC has taken human resources into consideration, which is likely to be revealed through the efficiency in production and employee assessment In general, employees are satisfied with working conditions such as payment, bonus, welfare, working environment, colleague relations, recognition and promotion This indicates the far outlook of Board of Managers However, there are some contrasting ideas about several indicators directly related to enployees More specifically, the working environment is unsafe with noise and air pollution, health insurance is not convenient, rules of praise and fine fail to motivate employees, and information is not shared among them To deal with the above weaknesses, it is recommended to implement the following programs: Salary, bonus and welfare: Increase to 3.7-4 million VND per person each month This is obtainable as the yield increases by 1.5 times (from million to 4.5 million m2) while the number of workers goes up merely by 1.2 times (from 430 to 525 people) Bonus for each year and stimulating policies should be reconsidered (for instance, they should be more varied and encouraging) Welfare needs paying more attention, especially to healthcare and health insurance Working conditions : Improve the working conditions at such areas as preparing materials, trimming products by equipping more industrial vacuum cleaners, fans Page 71 and protective clothes for labourers The company should employ more workers, improve techniques to assure the rotation of labor and, most importantly, avoid overtime working Colleague relations: Group workers, match workers’s capacity with suitable tasks so that they can dedicate most for the job, creating a competitive atmosphere and encouraging sharing experience at work Besides, there should be specific goals for each individual, group and department This will strengthen the solidarity and co-operation among members Moreover, it is advisable to maintain the culture in business, developing the habit of considering everything though rules and policies Finally, common information should be shared among the employees in the company Emphasize on employee training and promotion: This is a strategic factor to motivate employees and make them dedicate to the company There should be some obtainable challenges at work so that the staff can enjoy job satisfaction It is highly recommended that the company has policies to attract and develop outstanding people, give them the recognition and opportunities to get promoted Besides, the company’s administrators had better pay attention to professional development for their staff Training courses, bonus, peer mentoring, employee rotation are all factors to attract people with high distinction, making use of their talent and ability Excellent employees should be recognized by means of certificate of merit or they should be invited to seminars to share their experience to manipulate success 3.4.3 Distribution Strategy Focus on exporting to Taiwan, India Thailand and Europe markets - Setting up the export target of 30% company total production output; - Thoroughly take full advantages of policies to support export activity by Vietnam Government - Advantages of production costs and upgrade competitiveness compared with China, Thailand Page 72 - Policies proclaimed by Taiwanese and Indian Governments, which ban or limit imported sources from China The great demand for products with large size polishing is very high, thus it is a need to focus exporting to these countries These are the very potential markets for exportation Actions to take: - Develop the company export capability to promote exports activities - Finding out reliable and capable distributors in these markets Each country, at least, have two distributors - Organize export together with other packages from the parent company Penetrating the domestic market and focusing Southern market To change the using habit of domestic consumers from using floor & wall tiles to ceramic tiles Applying measures to promote marketing, consulting and constructing and using granite tiles To promote the strong features of granite, while limiting the disadvantages of construction and using the company products Actions to take - To push marketing activities to promote the product image of Viglacera Granite Tiles as the image of high quality, modern design and luxury product for big projects, office buildings, and high level apartment - Set up the design consulting system for room model in showrooms and in the catalog - Guide the workers in details and clearly the process how to work with floor & wall tiles (for example, instruct the workers how to flat the tiles in proper way…) Instrution manual is directly printed on the tile box Guide consumers in details and clearly the process hows to keep and preserve products; promote or include detergent that protects against slippery, scratchresistant, anti-sticking dirty in the process of using the product (Instrution manual is directly printed on the tile box) - Develop the cost support strategy to gradually penetrate into the Southern market, Page 73 the large and potential market (now only 10% of the company total sales) Penetration with high value products instead of imported products 3.4.4 Marketing strategy As to retailers, besides signing contracts with reliable counterparts who are experienced in marketing and have enough space to accommodate products, it is necessary for them to be provided banners and slogans when promoting a new brand Moreover, for the time being internet has very much developed, thus enterprises in both outside and inside the country those who are interested in finding partners via the internet Understanding clearly the demand, the company has trongly developed its product promotion system in the internet and found out several huge contracts Therefore, the foundation of marketing department and the upgrading of marketing activity will help the company to update the current changes of market demands to have suitable product structures for each market demand In addition, the company has set up relevant market strategies to create good conditions for its right –track market development Thereby the company must conduct the followings: - Strengthening and developing marketing promotion activities, participating in trade fair exhibitions, sponsoring social charities, making good image into the customers’ mind - One of the most effective promotion activities is to cover the company products on the several websites Therefore, the company should train staff to skillfully use websites in order to find out partners, contracts to boost its production 3.4.5 Building the corporate culture Making the company corporate culture into a discipline organization and a cooperative and learning organization for sustainable development Actions to take : Page 74 - Develop and disseminate common vision for the whole company, the company people work together to reach for the common vision - Building a neat, effective management team, increasing quality productivity, discard outdated old thinking,, communicate openly - Looking at organizations as a relationship system - Fostering learning individual - Transfer from being trained to self-training: to encourage abilities development of individual attitudes and willingness to study Only when all individuals to develop the habits associated with long-term learning, the organization will become a learning organization - Transfer from individual’s learning to closely cooperative relationships: Learning together and participation of individual will help strengthen their ability to help each others Creating good communication methods make the relationship between individuals more closely and cooperative - Moving from one way learning to capability upgrading: to achieve this, the company has to set a clear vision and can be shared, as motivation for leaning Therefore, all individuals can reach for perfection and self-control in accordance with common vision The shared vision that can affect people and make their work more meaningful, helping them achieve something more valuable compared with simple work - Transfer from learning alone to the network connection: Need to encourage employees to set an inter-departmental working group to proactively detect and resolve problems This is expressed by the time the individual working in group and the working performance will be evaluated in every quarter -Establish a learning network: In the past, the role of enterprises in creating a learning environment usually as a military command agent- to announce the orders, staff training, encouraging their learning Today, that role has been changed, such as an ecologist, always create the best learning environment possible, support and Page 75 encourage individuals to learn and overcome difficulties, providing learning channels, the diversified learning opportunities, create a creative learning network ' - Building a working style by company teamwork - To promote learning culture the company can use other approaches such as application of information technology, reducing the control ranking, seriously respect and accept the staff opinions, create an environment for encouraged initiatives, change the organizations management model and recognize the importance of the research and development activities, provide general exchange channels, reward for individuals those who successfully complete their work Page 76 CONCLUSION Through analyses during the topic, we can find opportunities, threats for Viglacera as well as strong points and weak points of the Company Since that, by SWOT, we select the strategies to promote the strong points in order to overpass the threats (cost leadership strategy); make good the weak points to seize the opportunities, make good the weak points to avoid the threats These are long term strategies in order to help the company develop unshakably During the period from 2015 to 2030, the best strategy that the company needs to follow are: building the Company to become a leader on market The topic also shows methods to execute the best strategies selected By this topic, we hope to contribute into success and unshakeable development of Viglacera There, the scope of the topic researches the following contents: Systematize the basic matters on strategy, competitive strategy of the Company Analyze, evaluate the real situation of building and executing the competitive strategy of Viglacera On the basis of analyses, evaluations, the topic proposes the methods to build and execute effectively the competitive strategy of the Company However, building and applying the competitive strategy is a new problem in our country, especially applying in real situation of Viglacera So, matters which the topic participates in settlement will not avoid the shortcomings Therefore, our team is looking forwards to receiving the contributing ideas to complete the topic with more practicability Page 77 REFERENCE - Garry D Smith, Danny R Arnold, Boby R Bizzell (2007), Business Strategy and Tactics, Social Labour Publishing House; - Nguyen Hoa Khoi and Dong Thi Thanh Phuong (2008), Strategic Management, Statistic Publishing House; - Associate Professor, PhD Nguyen Thi Lien Diep and MA Pham Van Nam (1999), Business Strategy and Policies, Statistic Publishing House; - Documents from Global Advanced Master of Business Administration (GaMBA) - Journals, newspaper, economic journals, internet, - Summary reports of 2006, 2007, 2008 and others documents of Viglacera Tien Son Joint Stock Company; - Michael E Porter (1996), Competition Strategy, Science and Technique Publishing House - Fred R David (2000), Definitions on Strategic Management, Statistic Publishing House - Arthur A Thompson, Jr & A.J.Strickland III (1997), Strategic ManagementConcept and Cases, the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc - Rowan Gibson (2002), Thinking about Future, translated by Vu Tien Phuc, Duong Thuy, Phi Hoanh, Youth Publishing House, HCM City - Institute for Management Research and Training (2007), Establishment and Implementation of Business Strategy – the Way to Success, Labor and Society Publishing House Page 78 - Viet Phuong (1999), Theories of Market Economies, Science and Technique Publishing House, Hanoi - Relevant websites to construction and material CERTIFICATION We hereinafter certify that the contents of this thesis have not been submitted to any other training programs of Master degree or any training programs in another level MEMBERS OF TEAM Nguyen Kha Hoa Le Luyen Viet Ha Nguyen Khac Dung Quach Huu Thuan Nguyen Viet Cuong Page 79 [...]... INTRODUCTION ON VIGLACERA TIENSON 2.1.1 The company establishment and development processes General information:  Name : Công ty Cổ phần Viglacera Tiên Sơn  Foreign Transaction name : Viglacera Tien Son Joint Stock Company  Abbreviation : VIT  Address : Tiên Sơn Industrial Zone, Tiên Du District, Bắc Ninh Province  Telephone : 0241 3 839 390  Fax : 0241 3 838917  Website : www.graniteviglacera.com.vn... January 2007, Tiên Sơn - Viglacera Granite Company changed its name into Viglacera Tiên Sơn Granite Company following the Decision No 28/QĐ - HĐQT dated 13 January 2007 of the Management Board Chairman for Glass and Construction Ceramic Corporation  On 29 August 2007, the Minister for Ministry of Construction made the Decision No 1124/QĐ-BXD on ratifying Privatizing Plan of Viglacera Tiên Sơn Granite... under Glass and Construction Ceramic Corporation  On 19 October 2007, Viglacera Tiên Sơn Granite Company under Glass and Construction Ceramic Corporation was turned into Viglacera Tiên Sơn JSC following the Decision No 1309/QĐ-BXD dated 19 October 2007 of the Minister for Ministry of Construction  On 01 November2007, Viglacera Tiên Sơn JSC officially put into operation at the form of Join Stock Company... of Viglacera passed by Shareholders’ meeting to found the company dated 30 October 2007  Headquarters: - Tiên Sơn Industrial Zone ,Tiên Du District, Bắc Ninh Province - Tel: 0241 839 390 Fax: 0241 838917  Middle Region Branch: Viglacera Tiên Sơn JSC Branch in Đà Nẵng ctiy - Address: 353 Điện Biên Phủ Str, Thanh Khê Dist, Đà Nẵng city - Tel: 0511 3659445 Fax: 0511 3659 445  Southern Region Branch: Viglacera. .. Thăng Long - Viglacera Paving Tile Company moved its headquarters from Phúc Thắng Commune, Mê Linh District,Vĩnh Phúc Province to Tiên Sơn Industrial Zone, Tiên Du District, Bắc Ninh Province pursuant to the Decision No 111/QĐ-BXD dated 19 January 2005 of the Minister for Ministry of Construction  On 23 November 2005, Thăng Long - Viglacera Paving Tile Company changed its name into Tiên Sơn - Viglacera. .. 100 (Source: Viglacera Tiên Sơn JSC) 2.1.4 Characteristics of Business Activities The company management structure is organized at the form of JSC as follow Page 28 Figure 1: Management Structure of Viglacera Tiến Sơn JSC SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING MEETING CONTROL CONTROL BOARD BOARD MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT BOARD BOARD MANAGING MANAGING DIRECTOR DIRECTOR BUSINESS BUSINESS DEPUTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR... primary collection and produce process, the company work it very well so get results: - Material quality is suitable, so product quality is stable - Reduce material quantity in the company store, reduce Working capital 2.3 CIRSCUMSTANCE ON FINANCIAL COMPETENCE OF VIGLACERA On 01 November2007, Viglacera Tiên Sơn JSC officially put into operation at the form of Join Stock Company, evaluating outcomes of the... 2001 pursuant to Decision No 1866/QĐ-BXD dated 02 November 2001, Tiên Sơn Granite company was a member company that entered in the accounts depending on Vietnam Glass and Construction Ceramic Corporation (Viglacera)  On 16 July 2003, Tiên Sơn Granite was merged into Thăng Long Enamelled Tile Company and changed name to Thăng Long - Viglacera Paving Tile Company under Glass and Construction Ceramic... relationship (Source: Viglacera Tiên Sơn) Page 29 Southern Southern Branch Branch 2.2 Technology - Products – Production Management at the Viglacera Table 2.2: Tiles production output in the years 2006 - 2009 Year 2006 2007 2008 Plan 2009 Production output 1,506,230.0 2,024,132.2 2,459,352.2 3,200,000.0 (m2) Quality A1 (%) 92.2 86.5 92.2 90 Loss (%) 10,2 10,8 8,02 7 (Source: Viglacera Tienson Joint... Branch: Viglacera Tiên Sơn JSC Branch in Hồ Chí Minh city - Address: 156 Nguyễn Hồng Đào Str, 14 Sub district, Tân Bình District, Hồ Chí Minh city - Tel : 08 38490289 Fax: 08 38491630 2.1.3 Business functions, duties Viglacera conducts the main following business sectors:  Business sectors:  Pursuant to Business Registration Certificate No 21.03.000297 granted by Planing & Investment Authority of Bắc Ninh

Ngày đăng: 10/11/2016, 15:28



