Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig with Jane Hudson David Jay Gill Hamilton New ENGLISH FILE Beginner Teacher's Book Paul Seligson and Clive Oxcnden arc the original co-au thors of Ellg/ish File I (pub 1996) and Englisl! Filt~ (pub 1997) OXFORD UN I VER S ITY PRES S Syllabus checklist Introduction • What Beginner students need? • Study Link • Course components Student's Book Files 1-7 Back of the Student's Book • For students Workbook MultiROM Student's website • For teachers Teacher's Book Video I DVD Class audio C Ds Test and Assessment CD-ROM Teacher's website The (ommon European Framework of Reference 12 Lesson plans 14 Photocopiable activities 120 Contents Grammar activity answers Grammar act ivity masters Commun icative activity instructions Com m u nicative activity masters Vocabulary activity instructio ns Vocabulary activity masters So ng activity instructions Song activity masters Syllabus checklist (irammar Vocabulary verb be: I and you number50-10 verb be: he, she, it countries verb be: we, you, they; negatives (all persons) nationalities; numbers 1\-20 8l fJ Hello! I)] Where are you from? 10 12 We're from the USA We're American PR ACTIC AL ENG USH The alphabet REVISE & CH ECK spelling your name What you remember? What can you do? classroom language ft 14 rJ What's in your bag? 16 IJ Family and friends 18 A man's (af or a woman's car? 20 PRACTI CAL ENGLI SH Personal information introducing people personal information: age, address, etc 22 REVISE & CHECK What you remember? What can you do? singular and plural nouns; a/ an, the possessive adjectives; possessive s small things adjectives colours and common adjectives - people and family phone numbers; numbers 21-100 ftc=============================~ 24 IJ A bad hair day present simple: I and you common verbs I 26 [;J What you have for breakfast? present simple: we, you, they food and drink 28 present simple: he, she, it jobs and places of work 30 PR ACTI CAL ENGLISH 32 REVISE & (HE CK a 34 IJ He speaks English at work What time is it? telling the time What you remember? What Can you do? Do you like mornings? adverbs of frequency; c-:;_:-:; -:-_-;cc-_~_ _ _ _ _ _~present simple 36 [J Life at the top of the world word order in questions; question words 38 You can't park here can I can't: permission and possibility 40 PRACTICAL ENGLISH 42 REVISE & CHE n How much is it? saying and understanding prices buying a coffee What you remember? What (an you do? days of the week a typical day (ommon verbs common verbs Pronunciation Speaking listening word stress; introducing yourself people introducing themselves sentence stress; iii and lUll Where ore you from? Where is he from? Where is she from? Where is it from? Can you hear the difference? word stress; talking about nationalities understanding a dialogue Reading l hi, 1:)0/, and /01 lel ,/i:/, and IJI song:D-/-S-C-O; People in the street: What's your nome? How you spell it? Where are you from? I'll and lsi; What's in your bag? understanding short conver~tions plural endings 10/, IA/, and I:J talking about family and friends understanding dialogues Ire/,/ell, la:/, and 13:1 talking about cars song: You're beautiful What car? - Men and women are different People in the street: Do you have brothers and sisters? Howold ore they? lu:/, Iw/, and /v/; linking talking about your lifestyle understanding a longer conversation word stress; food questionnaire a radio programme: Itrl , Id3l, and Igi 3rd person s; word and sentence stress talking about people who work You are what you eat Breakfast in Japan and Hungary understanding a dialogue English at work song: Friday f'm in love; People in the street: silent consonants Whotdo you do? Do you like it? What time you start and finish~ sentence stress questionnaire: Do you like mornings? an interview Aday in the life of James Blunt Ie;,!, 10/, l aol , and Iji your free time your free time Hammerfest in winter sentence rhythm Can you ? understanding dialogues IU"J/, l si , and Ikl saying prices understanding prices; song: Money, money, money People in the street: Where you usuaffy have lunch? What you have? Howmuchisit? a;:==================== C;;rammar Vocabulary past simple: be in, 01, on: places 44 rJ 46 [] A perfect day? past simple: hove, go, gel irregular verbs; revision of daily routine verbs 48 past simple: regular verbs common verbs 3: more irregular verbs so PRACTICAL ENGlISH S2 REVISE & (HECK Before they were famous It changed my life What's the date today? saying the date What you remember? What can you do? ~============== S4 rJ On an island in Scotland there is I there ore S6 [] Dream town? S8 60 PRACTICAL ENGlISH -, Strangers on a train hotels; in, on, under there was I there were places revision of past simple; object pronouns: me, him, etc common verbs What you think of it? asking for and giving opinions What doyou remember? Whal can you do? 66 REVISE & CHECI( 64 66 rJ IJ Trip of a lifetime be going 10 (plans) future time expressions 68 What's going to happen? be going to (predictions) the weather; revision: verb colocation 70 PRACTICAL ENGLI SH 72 REVISE & CHECI( What you like dOjng? _ _ _~fl~·k.: e + verb + -;ng Is there a bank near here? asking fo r and giving directions What you remember? What can you do? 74 The (on you ?(jame 76 Communication 82 listening 88 C;;rammar Bank 102 Vocabulary Bank Numbers, Countries and nationalities, Things, People and family, Adjectives, Common verbs 1, Food arld drink, Jobs and places of work, The time and ordinal numbers, Atypical day, Common verbs and 3, Hotels, Places, Irregular verbs 117 ordinal numbers: months Sound Bank activities prepositions of place Pronu nciation Speaking 13:1 and was/ were Wherewerethey? What did you yesterday? regular past simple endings Listening Reading tI phone COO'lefStltioo song: Perfect day One day in history t loved, l iNed, I cried What did you this morning ! yesterday?, etc People in the street When's your birthday? What did you on your lost birthday? !e.,! and It:",! Is there a TV? Where is it? dialogue: asking about hotel faciliti es Hotels with a difference the letters eo Good or bad holiday? Jeff and Kelly's holiday One man's dream sentence slress answering questions al>out a story Strangers on a train; song: I'm a believer Strangers on a train strong stress People in the street: What's the last film you sow? What did you think olit? loI,Iu:!, and lUI What you like doing? sentence stress future plans: a dream trip liz's trip 10 South America revision of sounds What's goinglo happen? weather forKast; song: Threelittle birds polite intonation Free time understanding directions People in the street: Is there 0/ on near here? INTRODUCTION New English File Beginner is for real beginners, or for false beginners who need a slower, more supportive approach It gives you and }'Our students the complete New Eflglisll File package, with all the in-class and out -or-class components your students need to learn suc~cssfu lly, and with all the, teacher support that accompames other levels of the senes The aim of every level of M."I" English File is to gcl students l OKford University Press 2009 Vocabulary Categories fuesday What speak nurse twenty to two juice hospital Turkey Russian meat live magazine book seventy restaurant water beer quarter past four breakfast Friday lawyer Where newspaper vegetables listen Spanish dinner waiter leElnesEiay 10 half past one English ninety 11 China factory fish 12 thirty lunch France A Tuesda B Fridav How C Wednesday I 10 II 12 195 New EatIkII me TNdter's Beginner PhOlocopiable © Orlord University Press 2009 Vocabulary Verb circles Put the word s in the circle w ith the verb they go with I work ~ I cinema I gym I I I a shower] I sport I home I I a coffee I ~ I university I I housework I go I the guitar I I computer games I I breakfast I I exercise I tennis I I shopping I I beach I I I I go to go to the ' " 196 ' : ' ' ' play " , ' ' '" have Vocabulary What is floppif1 New Englhh file Teac:her's Book Beginner Photocopiable 10 Oxford University Press 2009 The day before today was f/oppit It was my birthday last week I got a lot of f/oppits There was a very good football f/oppit on TV last night The f/oppit today is 7th June A year has twelve f/oppits What time does your flight f/oppit in New York> I'm sorry You can't f/oppit by credit card in this shop Last summer we f/oppited in a small hotel in Paris Tom floppited his wife when they were Erasmus students in Norway 10 I don't have any dollars I want to floppit some euros 11 We couldn't floppit photos because we didn't have a camera 12 The floppit month of the year is August 13 When Joanna was in Rome she floppiled some wonderful friends 14 He floppited a new computer in PC Centre last week 15 I arrived late because the floppit was terrible 16 I can't floppil my phone Do you know where it is? 197 o New hlitsal file Tudter's Beginner Photocopiable Q Oxford University Press 2009 Vocabulary Draw it · - - -_ _._ - - - - - _." a towel a lift ·· - -.- - - _.- - a lamp a garden a shower the first floor a remote control a cupboard a present a seat ·-_ _ -_ _ - _ 198 _ a bedroom _ - a pillow - - . _ - - _ - -_ - -_ - -_ _ - - _ -_ a petrol station a chemist's a car park a river next to under upstairs a mirror a boat a laptop the sea a church o New Enliish Ale TNCher'S Book Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2009 Vocabulary Mime it A a Mime (= explain without speaking) word to Student B b Watch Student B mime word a Try to guess the word and write it Then continue to take turns Student B's words Your words a c _ _ b _ C II camping turn right cycling taking photos _ d e p _ f f _ g h c running between reading hot B a Watch Student A mime word Try to guess the word and write it Then continu e to take turns b Mime (= explain without speaking) word a to Student A Your words Student A's words c _ _ I :I II cooking opposite straight on c _ _ _ travelling p- r _ _ b _ _ r _ _ h painting flying lurn left cold 199 ~ D-I-5-(-D CDI Track 51 1.50 L ANGUAGE adjectives • Give each student a sheet and focus on a Tell 55 to look at the fou r groups of adjectives • If you speak your SS' LI, you may wanl to translate the adjectives or 55 can look them up in a dictionary • Foc us on the lyrics, and the four ))I'OUpS of adJectIves ShoW 55 Ihal in each verse the re is a missing word beginning with D, anothe r with I, another with S, and another with C • Focus on b and on verse I Tell S5 that they are going to listen to it, and they must write next to the adjective that they hear for each tetter They M USTN'T write the words into the gaps yet Play verse I Allow S5 to compare their answers, then play it again Check answers then play it again as necessary • Re peat with the other verses and check answers D delightful delirious desirable disastrous irresistible impossible incredi ble incredible 3 S super sexy sensat ional superfi cial super special C crazy crazy complicated candy cutie • Focus on the Song facts and go through them with 5S • If your SS like singing, play the song again for them to sing along • The complete lyrics of the song are on p.4D of the Teacher's Book Friday I'm in love CO2 Track 37 1.38 Matching rhyming words LANGUAGE rhyming words • Give each student a sheet Focus on a and go through the words in each circle, eliciting the pronunciation and meaning Then get SS to match the rhymi ng pairs • Check answe rs head - bed wait-late too-you black-back heart-start • Focus on h Explain that they arc going to listen and put the pairs of words into the song Play the song once, pausing after each verse for 5S to write in the missing words Replay as necessary, and check answers I too yo u heart start wait black back head JO bed • Focus on c 5S write the words in the gaps Now play the whole song from beginning to end • If your S5 like singing, play the song again for them to sing along, and finally focus on the Song fact s • The complete lyrics of the song are on p.290fthe Teacher's Book late • Focus on c Go through the song, helping SS understand the meaning Explain/translate the highlighted phrases, and get S5 to write them in their notebooks • If your S5 like singi ng, play the song again for them to sing along, and finally focus on the Song fact s • The complete lyrics of the song are on p.59 of the Teacher's Book C02 Track 67 4.29 Predicting rhyming wo rds You're beautiful 1.16 COl Track 78 Listening for missing pronouns and possessive adjectives LA NGUA GE personal pronotl ns and possessive adjectives • Give each student a sheet and fncli s on a • Explain that these words are missing from the song The words from the first circle go with the first verse and the words from the secon!l ci rcle with the second verse • Play the first verse and get SS to put the wo rds into the correct place Play it again if necessary • Now play the chorus for SS to read and listen, and then verse for 55 to complete it Check answe rs I My 2My 31 She S She 61 she we IO She li my 121 131 14 we amy • Focus on b Go th rough the song line by line, hel ping 5S to understand the meaning Explain/translate the highlighted adjectives, or get SS to look them up in their dictionaries, and get S5 to write them in thei r notebooks 200 LAN GUAG E rhyming words • Give each student a sheet and focus on a Tell S5 tha t the missing words all rhyme with the last word in the line before Then play the first two lines fo r them to check, and elicit that the word is pay • Now play the fi rst verse once Then play it again, pausing after ea :h mi:;.sing word fo r SS to write Do the same for the second verse and check answers I pay me lllan Monaco same ball mind me • J:ocus on h Go through the song helpi ng SS unde rstand the meaning, and referring to the Glossary Explain/translate the highlighted words and phrases which are all to with money, and get SS to write them in their notebooks • If your SS like si nging, play the song again for them to sing along, and finally focus on the Song fa cts • The complete lyrics of the song are on p.73 of the Teacher's Book Perfect day Three little birds CD2 Track 81 5.13 Listening for extra words LA NGUAGE LA NGUAGE mixed vocabulary mixed vocabulary the lines numbered 1- 12 have an extra word, but the unnumbered li nes aTC correct • Play the first verse once for 55 to cross out the extra words Replay as necessary Repeat with the second verse, then check answers very all city sec go My here 9good 10 about II always 12 very • Go through the song, helping S5 to understand the meaning Usc the Glossary Then focus on b and get 55 to re-read the first verse and in pairs to write down the three places (t he park, the zoo, the ci nema) Write their [...]... for students More for teachers New English File Begillller gives your New English File Beginner gives you everything you need to teach motivating, enjoyable lessons, to save you time, and to make your life easier students everything they need for successful learning and motivating home study Workbook Each A- C lesson in the Student's Book has a two-page section in the \Vorkbook This provides all the grammar,... the street sections of the Practical English lessons as an alternative to the Class CD The New English File Beginner package also includes: • Three class audio C Ds These contain all the listening materials for the Student's Book • Teacher's website ~~" J This gives you extra teach ing resources, including - a guide to New English File and the Common European Framework... activity for each File These provide extra practice using new vocabulary, and can be used either in class or for self-study Photocopia ble Song activities see pp.200-208 New English File Begiuuer has a song for every File in the Teacher's Book AH the photocopiable material is accompanied by clear instructions and keys Photocopiable Test and Assessment activities see CD-ROM in the back of this book Complete... Workbook 'Listen and repeat' activities Studenfs website /beginner Extra learning resources including: • grammar exercises • vocabulary activities • pronunciation practice • Practical English activi ties • a vocabulary calendar • the Study Link learning record Teacher's Book The Teacher's Book has detailed lesson plans for all the lessons These include: • an optional 'books-closed'... different languages Thi s work could include written work from a course (for example from the Writing sections of New English File Beginner) , selfassessment sheets, and audio and video recordings anything that can 'prove' the learner's language history and level Here are some examples of how New English File fits with the aims of the CEF: • The Study Link feature, which helps students find extra help and extra... Focus CDI Track 06 ! ,'"' I'm Rob fiitf!fI!ttl 55 can find more practice of this grammar on the MuitiROM and on the New English File Beginner website • Tell 55 to go back to the main lesson on p.5 3 VOCABULARY numbers 0-10 a 1.6 50me 55 may already know some numbers in English, but real beginners arc unlikely to know the correct pronunciation or spelling Write t he numbers (in numerals not words) from... these words and phrases on the MultiROM and on the New ElIglish File Begilmer website .iM!!1!tj1 Extra photocopiable activities Classroom language p.l6l (instructionsp.lS3) Grammar be: I and you p.123 Communicative Ni(e to meet you p.l61 (instructions p.lS3) ilTftfl lffl • SS can find more practice of these sounds on the MultiROM and on the New English File Beginner website d 1.11 Focus on the sentences... detailed scales for each area of competence, see chapter 4 of the CEF • What is a Portfolio? Is New English File CEF-compatible? The European Language Portfolio is a document for learners It has three parts: Yes, definitely The CEF focuses on using language for a communicative purpose, and so does New Eng/isll File The CEF encourages the development of the abili ty to 'do things' in a foreign language,... Each Practical English lesson also has a two-page section in the vVorkbook, and incllldes full practice of the functional language students have learnt There v\'orkbook is available with and without key MultiROM - ENGLISH FlLI IECoINNll The MultiROM works in two ways: • It's a CD-ROM, contain ing revision of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Words and phrases to learn, and Practical English (with... SUPPDrt a Extra challenge 1.1~ egg lei li:/ tree shower III CDI Track 32 Mexico, ten, scven, breakfast wc, he, she, meet, three she, Spanish, English, Russian, nationality 41ifflfi@lss can find more practice of these sounds on the Mu[ tiROM and on the New English File Beginner website d U2 Focus on the sentences and play thc CD just for SS to listen Then play the CD for 55 to listen and repeat • Tell 55