TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ TP.HCM KHOA CAO ĐẲNG – THỰC HÀNH INTERNAL TITLE: TH – TRUE MILK’S PRODUCT Member: Lê Hoàng Yến Ngọc (C14MK11) INSIDE THE MARKET Project Number: 001 INTERNAL TITLE:TH TRUE MILK’S PRODUCT YN: Hello every body, my name is ka To day, I have a interview survey about TH True Milk’s product And now, the interview start YN: Hi sir, can I bother you a few minutes? I need a surey Customer: sorry, I…I don’t understand YN: I would like to ask you a few questions about TH True milk’ Product, you have a few minutes? Customer: Yes, I agree YN: Great, thank you 1/ How many person in your family? 2-3 person 6-7 person 4-5 person More person 2/ How much milk average person in your family dink a week 1-5 box 10-15 box 5-10 box More 15 box 3/ Who are you often buy milk for? Your parent Yourself Your child Your girlfriend Other How important are the following factor to you? Very important Models of design Product quality Product price Important Not very Unimportant important Promotion After sales service Staff attitude YN: Why you think the quality of product is very important, and model of design is not important? Customer: Because with me, the quality of product very important, I’m very fear when drink a low- product can affect health And I buy milk for my parent and my child If I want to save a little money, buy a milk box low- quality is not a good idea 5/ Why did you choose that product? Good quality Price cheap Counselor Other 6/ Where are you often buy milk? Store TH True Mart Supper market Grocery Store Other Enthusiastic 6/ You still spend any other products? Yes No 7/ you know the product through public media? Friend Family Magazine Other Advertisement 8/ You have introduced products for people to know about? Yes No AFTER RESEACH MARKET SURVEY, WE HAVE PROFILE • Our company’s typical customer is 80 percent for female and 20 percent for male • We aim to maintain high standards of customer care.So when using our quality product, , customer feel satisfied • They often buoght it in the suppermarkets and cosmetics store Vì mua sp họ có cảm giác an tồn, có nv tư vấn • In the future, our company will be reaching customer throungh ads on website and in magazines Customer in the major metropolitan as tp.Ho Chi Minh, Binh Dương, Ha Noi,… And many fiel province THANK FOR YOUR ATTENTION