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English 11 UNIT 9: NATURE IN DANGER I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently A environment B animal C dynamite D pesticide A garbage B trash C factory D atmosphere A dump B destruction C pollute D pump A forest B effect C destroy D protect A decrease B deforestation C recycle D sewage A slang B small C snack D swagger A swift B slim C smile D snippy A steamer B sleepy C sneeze D sweater A crown B snowy C swallow D slowly 10 A sloppy B smog C snob D swollen II Choose the word with different stress A capture B exist C discharge D extinct A devastate B endanger C estimate D pesticide A prohibit B destruction C establish D animal A interference B cultivation C entertainment D environment A survive B respect C nature D affect III Choose the best answer for each of following question One of the factors _global warming is carbon monoxide A of B on C for D in Earlier, it was found that carbon monoxide was concentrated _the Southern Hemisphere, and could be attributed _deforestation A in/to B on/to C in/in D on/for Holes are developing in the earth’s ozone layer, the part of the atmosphere that protects the earth _ dangerous radiation A to B in C from D with The greenhouse effect is causing the earth’s temperature _ A to rise B rises C rose D rising Global warming is called the greenhouse effect because the gases that are gathering above the earth make the planet _to a greenhouse A compare B comparable C compared D comparison Air pollution can have serious consequences for the health of human beings, and also severely affects _ecosystems A nature B natural C unnatural D naturally Air pollution is a global problem and has been the subject of global _and conflict A cooperate B cooperative C cooperatively D cooperation As the world has _and its population has grown, the problem of water pollution has intensified A industry B industrial C industrialize D industrialized _government action to reduce them, smog levels remain very high in many cities A In spite B Despite C But D Although 10 Individuals often throw out goods without _that they are headed for a landfill and could be dangerous for the environment A realize B realized C realizing D realization 11 The human race is only one _of beings in the living world A means B existence C species D collection 12 Many rare animals are decreasing so rapidly than they are in _of becoming extinct A conclusion B threat C risk D danger 13 Laws have been introduced to _ the killing of rare animals A prohibit B prevent C stop D quit 14 The environment _animals and plants are living is badly destroyed High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 A in that B where C in where D which in IV Rewrite the sentences using compound adjectives The first one has been done for you as an example My father works in that office building It is ten stories high → My father works in that ten-story office building That swimsuit is Jane’s favorite It’s made in one piece only → In our country, the second-largest holiday for high school students is the Tet holidays The holidays last two weeks → _ The Mekong is 4.200 kilometers long It is one of the longest rivers of Southeast Asia → _ A soccer game is divided into two halves Each half lasts 45 minutes → The game is played by two teams of 11 players, using a round ball The ball weighs 400 grams → My sister is training for a race in the next Olympic Games It’s the race of 200 meters for women → IV Complete the sentences, filling in each blank with a suitable compound adjective The first one has been done for you as an example Traffic that is moving in two opposite directions is called two- way traffic No vehicle is traveling in the opposite direction because this is street “What you call a hotel that is of excellent quality?” – “You call it a hotel.” These jeans, which are not brand-new, are sold at a low price at clothing shops The package tour is not expensive The price includes rail travel to Hue V Rewrite the following sentences, using a “to + base verb phrase” to reduce the relative clause Example: The only thing we can now is wait and see →The only thing to now is wait and see Who is the first Vietnamese woman that set foot on the Antarctic? → _ Why am I always the last that finds out about these parties? → _ This is the ideal place where we can build a house of our own → _ The Honda Civic is the best car you should rent for your trip → _ Dr Scott is the very person you should consult about the course you may take at this college → _ What are the most interesting things a tourist can see and in your city? → _ VI Combine each pair of sentences to form one meaningful sentence, using (a) a relative clause and (b) a “to + base verb phrase” The first one has been done for you as an example Yuri Gagarin traveled in space He became the first man in that area of space exploration → a Yuri Gagarin became the first man who traveled in space → b Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space This is the best book You can read it on a long flight a _ b _ The next question is the crucial one We will consider it a _ b _ He does not let little things disturb him He is not that type of person High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 a He is not _ b He is not _ She needs help No one can help her a She has no _ b She has no _ The best place is in the living room You should put the piano there a _ b _ VII Below is an extract from the diary of one of the imaginary “persons” from outer space who revived a charred star after it had been destroyed by those who once inhabited it This part of the diary is about what happened to Earth – the name of the charred star after it was given “the gift of life” Read it, then choose words from the box to replace the underlined words and phrases in the diary barren mastered caught us unawares miscalculated intervene keep safe from danger monitored fragile state of extreme ruin DIARY EARTH 2019 We watched carefully what happened on Earth after it received life As we watched, we thought about our own bare, colorless planet surrounded by black space, and grew more and more envious of Earth We saw the countless blue colors of the oceans We saw also the numberless green colors of the land and the millions of delicate, easily-damaged flowers that covered it We saw the land filled with living creatures ruled by strange two-legged beings We allowed these beings to have the Earth to guard and protect it However, it was these beings who finally destroyed Earth We knew this might happen and we came to prevent it from happening However, we made a mistake and came too late The final disaster happened so suddenly it took us by surprise The wisdom and the extremely powerful minds we had boasted about had failed to foresee the disaster VII Read the text once for the gist (overall idea) and then fill in the blanks with the words of phrases from the following list have not seen the threat air pollutants temperature variations warning us of a catastrophe 10 the ozone layer the ecological battle less and less easy to find 11 ecological food chain animal kingdom environmental disaster 12 increase in ultraviolet radiation theory When was the last time you saw a frog? Chances are, if you live in a city, you (1.) one for some time Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming (2.) those slimy, hopping members of the (3.) All over the world frogs are losing (4.) for survival Could it be that their rapid decline in number is signaling some coming (5.) for us all? Frogs are highly sensitive to (6.) and might adversely react to environmental changes long before we become aware of (7.) The decline in the number of frogs worldwide may be a warning that planet Earth is not only losing a vital link in the (8.) (Frogs keep populations of otherwise pestilent insects at manageable levels,) but we might be increasing our output of (9.) to levels that may have already become irreversible Frogs could be inadvertently (10.) One (11.) that seems to fit the facts concerns the depletion of (12.) The ozone layer is meant to shield the earth from ultraviolet radiation rays, and its thinning out has led to a sharp (13.) levels This increase in radiation may be having a greater effect upon frog populations than previously believed Task Find the single words in the text which mean the following appearing in great numbers a continuous decrease High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 reacting quickly or strongly to something in a way that is not likely to produce a good result very necessary or essential impossible to be changed back to what it was before not deliberately or without intending to the act of decreasing something markedly to protect VIII Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences Peaceful (coexist) is the best solution for all of us now The storm has made a complete (devastate) to the town The giant panda is an (danger) species Get some more (fertile) for the garden Everything we are doing is for the (maintain) of good relations between our countries There should be a (prohibit) against the sale of firearms every where The (fertile) of the soil is very important to the growth of plants The paintings are in an excellent state of (preserve) Many areas in the rain forests of South America, Asia, and Africa have been totally destroyed, threatening the (survive) of some species 10 We shall take the (scene) route across the Alps IX Fill one suitable preposition in each blank to complete the following sentences This new law prohibits people _smoking in offices I can’t survive 10 dollars a week The book is admirable respect style After his discharge the army, he went to Canada This is true respect English but not to French X Choose one suitable word or phrase to fill in each blank to complete the following sentences Using the correct form of the words discharge survive fertile capture off-spring devastate scene extinct endanger 10 pesticide This advertisement will the attention of TV audiences She was by his death The Nile into the Mediterranean If we continue to destroy the forests, many more species will become A writer must have a imagination Their are all very clever Be careful when using They are also poisons On the way we stopped to admire the Many strange customs have from early times 10 International laws now place some animals on the lists of species XI Choose the correct word or phrase from the pair in brackets to complete each of the following sentences There are very few unexplored arrears left in the (world/cosmos) Barnaby spent all his life working on the (earth/land), like his father and grandfather before him After a long day in the town, you really appreciate the fresh air of the (nature/countryside) Some market gardens find labor costs for casual workers so high that they allow the public to (pick/pick up) the product themselves The children watched open-mouthed as the meteor blazed across the evening (heavens/sky) From the helicopter the navigator could see the red cliffs of the Devon (coast/shore) It is hoped that the recent advances in medical research will enable us to (devastate/eradicate) many of the diseases which currently kill a large number of people in developing countries The travelers gazed in awe at the (lake/sea), a beautiful stretch of clear, fresh water surrounded by snow-capped peaks High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 South Africa is a country of great beauty and immense natural (sources/resources) 10 The dragonfly is an (insect/animal) that we know very little of XII Choose one suitable word or phrase to fill in each blank to complete the following passage There are two more than you need damage developing environmental construction environmentalists obliterated resources tribal conservation irrigation drought scale source rugged Problems arose in the 1990s over the Indian government’s giant dam project in the (1.) Narmada Valley, where many of Rudyard Kipling’s stories are set The Narmada River rises in the heart of central India and flows westwards to the Arabian Sea According to officials, the planned (2.) of a huge dam and (3.) canals would provide water for drinking and agriculture in an area worryingly prone to (4.) The Narmada dam would also offer a major (5.) of electricity to power-starved regions As part of its commitment to (6.) countries, the World Bank originally gave India a $450 million loan for this vast project However, critics argued that the dam project represented (7.) and cultural destruction on a (8.) so massive that the benefits would pale in comparison to the (9.) it would cause They pointed out that more than 200.000 people would be uprooted and rehoused and ancient (10.) cultures would be (11.) The World Bank subsequently halted funding as a result of intense pressure from (12.) following an unfavorable independent review of the project XIII Fill one suitable article “a, an, the, ∅ ” in each blank to complete the following passage (1.) forest from which Man takes his timber is (2.) tallest and more impressive plant community on Earth In terms of Man’s brief life, it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and (3.) fall of the leaves, but to the forester, it represents the climax of (4.) long succession of events No wooded landscape we see today has been (5.) forest for all time Plants have minimum requirements of temperature and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of Earth’s surface has, at some time, been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive However, as soon as (6.) climatic conditions change in favor of plant life, a fascinating sequence of changes, called a primary succession, occurs first to colonize the barren land and the lichen surviving on bare rock Slowly, (7.) acids produced by these organisms crack (8.) rock’s surface, plants debris accumulate and mosses establish shallow root-holes Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually form a covering of plant life Roots broke even deeper into the developing soil and eventually large shrubs give way to (9.) first trees These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination – closing their ranks and forming (10.) climax community which may endure for thousands of years Yet even this community is not everlasting (11.) fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it down to gain land for pasture or cultivation If the land is then abandoned, (12.) secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil (13.) shrubs and trees are among the early invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and lodged in (14.) coat of mammals For as long as it stands and strives, the forest is (15.) vast machine storing energy and the many elements essential for life XIV Fill one suitable word in each blank to complete the following passage Most people picture sharks (1.) _huge, powerful, frightening predators, ready at any moment to (2.) _their sharp teeth to attack unwary swimmers without provocation There are numerous fallacies, however, in this conception of sharks First, there are about 350 species of sharks, and not all of them are large They range in size (3.) _the dwarf shark, which can be only inches (0.5 feet) long and can be held in the palm of the hand, to the whale shark, which can be more than 55 feet long A second fallacy concerns the number and type of teeth, which can vary tremendously (4.) _the different species of shark A shark can have from one to seven sets of teeth at the same time, and some types of shark can have several hundred teeth in each jaw It is true that the fierce and High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 predatory species possess extremely sharp and brutal teeth used to rip the prey apart; many (5.) _types of shark, however, have teeth more adapted to grabbing and holding (6.) _to cutting and slashing Finally, not all sharks are predatory animals ready to strike out at humans, on the least whim In fact, only 12 of the 350 species of shark have been (7.) _to attack humans, and a shark needs to be provoked in order to attack The types of shark (8.) _have the worst record with humans are the tiger shark, the bull shark, and the great white shark (9.) _, for most species of shark, even some of the largest types, there are no known instances of attacks (10.) _humans XV Read the passage and answer the questions that follow In many parts of the world, the influence of television is a matter of increasing concern For years, critics of television have concentrated on the issue of the program content - particularly violence - as it affects viewers The problem seems especially serious with regard to younger children There is evidence that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences? In the last few years criticism of television has moved to a new stage by shifting the focus from the subject matter to the experience of the medium itself The problem now with TV is not just what is seen but how it is seen The way children watch it causes them to be passive, and some evidence suggests that such viewing might even affect the development of the brain in small children However, the worst aspect of television is the way it can interfere with family life The "box" has too often become a substitute parent, taking over most of the work of introducing social and moral values to the child and developing them in him Parents allow this to happen by using television like a drug for the purpose of keeping children quiet Eventually the child comes to depend on the box and it becomes a necessary, lifelong habit While many children go through the "television experience" and survive, many others are deeply affected by it Much of the discussion of TV during the next few years will center on how to reduce the dangers which it presents, particularly to younger people Already there are movements to try to ban TV advertising which is directed at children under a certain age Perhaps this is just the beginning In the end, some people may even go to the extreme of demanding the removal of such a powerful medium from the lives of young people This might not be a practical solution, but we should not ignore the danger of television There has been increasing concern about the influence of television because _ A watching TV is a waste of time, especially for young children B people who watch too much TV don't know how to react to violence in real life C TV viewers tend to accept violence as normal in everyday life D children are taught how to use guns and knives too early Arguments against the bad influence of TV on young children include all of the following EXCEPT_ A violent content B hindrance of the development of the brain C interference with family life D drug addiction Some parents allow their children to watch a lot of TV so that they A can be introduced to good social and moral values B won't become a nuisance to parents C can acquire a lifelong habit D keep away from drugs According to the passage, the dangers of TV to young viewers_ A have been exaggerated B are not as great as people feared C have not been successfully tackled yet D have practically been ignored According to the passage, the demand to remove TV from the lives of young people can be described as_ A extreme B necessary C satisfactory D popular XVI Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the idiomatic expressions from the box There will be one word per blank In some cases, it may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct day in and day out = constantly; for a long time feel free few and far between = = High School for Gifted Students - HNUE something if one wants uncommon and infrequent Page English 11 drop someone a line = send someone a letter for good = permanently; forever get off the ground = start to be successful get in touch with = contact get under way = begin; start go easy on = not punish severely a fish out of water = someone not in his or her natural surroundings "Why we need to get gas now? We have quite a bit left." "This highway goes through some very empty country, and gas stations are "Will the concert start soon?" "It should any minute now." "I'm tired of the same old routine." "I know how you feel I get tired of doing the same things too." "I've missed James since he moved to Seattle." "You should _him _ and let him know how you're doing I'm sure he'd love to get a letter from you." "How's that advanced computer class you're taking, Polly?" "Not so good I can't understand a word that the teacher or any of the students are saying I really feel like _." "Are you moving to Baltimore _?" "No, just 111 be back here in a month or two." "I need to use a computer for a few hours." " _to use my laptop computer I don't need it this morning "I got stopped by the police for speeding I have to pay a big fine." "Well, you could talk to the judge and ask him to reduce it Since you've never been stopped for speeding before, maybe he’ll you." "Has Howard _ you lately?" "No, he hasn't, I don't think he has my new telephone number." 10 "Maxwell's project will be very successful, I think." "Oh, I don't know I'm not sure it will ever _." XVII From the notes, make one sentence Use who or which with the words in brackets Greta Garbo (She was born in Sweden) She moved to America in 1925 Greta Garbo, who was born in Sweden, moved to America in 1925 Football (It first started in Britain.) It is now popular in many countries Football, _ Margaret Thatches (She was the Prime Minister of Britain for 11 years.) She studied science at university.' → _ Michelangelo (He lived until he was 90.) He is one of Italy's greatest artists → _ The Nile (It runs through several countries.) It is the longest river in Africa → _ Gandhi (He was born in 1869) He became India's nationalist leader → _ Elephants (They are found in Africa and India) They live to a great age → _ 7.Martina Navratilova (She was born in Prague.) She became a US citizen in 1981 → _ Darwin (His ideas changed our view of the world.) He travelled to a lot of countries when he was young.’ → _ Madonna (Her parents were born in Italy.) She is a famous American singer → _ 10 Bill Clinton (His wife is a brilliant lawyer) He became President of the USA in 1993 → _ 11 Sebastian Coe (He was a successful English runner.) He is now a politician High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 → _ 12 Catherine of Russia (She ruled for over 30 years.) She made many important changes → _ XVIII Complete the sentences with one of the phrases in the box and “who” or “whose” interviewed me — has visited so many different countries have saved their son — wives have just had babies - book won a prize last week — divorce was in the papers - car had broken down — complain all the time The parents thanked the woman who had saved their son The couple whose divorce was in the newspapers have got married again It is very interesting to meet somebody The person _ asked me some very difficult questions .3 In my office there are two men _ What's the name of that writer _? I don't like people We helped a woman _ XIX Defining relative clauses Complete the sentences using “who” or “which” I went to see a doctor She had helped my mother I went to see the doctor who had helped my mother A dog bit me It belonged to Mrs Jones →The dog _ A woman wrote to me She wanted my advice →The woman _ A bus crashed It was 23 years old →The bus _was 23 years old Ann talked the man He had won a lot of money →Ann talked to the man _ Mary was staying with her friend He has a big house in Scotland →Mary was staying with her friend _ He's an architect He designed the new city library →He's the architect XX Reduced relative clause Decide which of the following sentences contained reduced relative clauses and which not The man called Max at the office and asked him to meet him later that day The man called Max in the film was played by Patrick Plums used to make me sick when I was a boy The player hurt in the tackle had to be taken to hospital Coffee made with this new percolator tastes better than ever The shark attacked in the shallows, causing panic among the bathers The player hurt his knee in the tackle but played on Coffee made Brenda feel agitated so she gave up drinking it The shark attacked in the shallows swam away losing a lot of blood 10 Plums used to make jam must be very ripe XXI Relative clauses with a participle Complete the definitions Put in an active or passive participle of these verbs: add — arrive — block — own — play — take - tell — watch — wear A competitor is someone takinq part in a competition 00 Your property is everything owned by you Baseball is a game mainly in the US A wrist-watch is a watch on your wrist A latecomer is a person late An instruction is a statement you what to A spectator is someone a game or an event An extension is a new part on to a building High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 An obstacle is something your way XXII Relative clauses with a participle Write each news item as one sentence Change the part in brackets into a clause with an active participle (e.g costing) or a passive participle (e.g found) A new motorway is planned (It will cost £500 million.) A new motorway costing £500 million is planned 00 Some weapons belong to the IRA (They were found at a flat in Bristol.) Some weapons found at a flat in Bristol belong to the IRA Families have been evicted (They were living in an empty office building.) → Families A chemical company has gone bankrupt (It employed 4,000 people.) →A chemical company A bridge has been declared unsafe (It was built only two years ago.) →A bridge People have marched to London (They are protesting against pollution.) →People Tennis fans have been queuing all night at Wimbledon (They hope to buy tickets.) →Tennis fans A new drug may give us eternal youth (It was developed at a British university.) →A new drug XXIII Relative clauses with a to-infinitive Comment on each situation Use the to-infinitive structure David offered his help No one else did David was the only person to offer his help Olivia's daughter swam a length of the pool No other girl as young as her did that →Olivia's daughter was The secretaries got a pay rise No one else did →The secretaries were The pilot left the aircraft Everyone else had left before him →The pilot was Mrs Harper became Managing Director No other woman had done that before →Mrs Harper was Daniel applied for the job No other candidate as suitable as him applied →Daniel was XXIV Reduced relative clause Fill in the blank with the past participle form of the verbs in the box to make a reduced relative clause for each sentence: boar - book - bring - cook - dig - leave {twice) paint - park - return - steal - treat - wash Children born on or before 1st September should have been vaccinated Any books _ to the library more than three days late will be subject to a fine Meat _ in oil or butter contains much more cholesterol than meat which has been grilled Patients with the new wonder drug showed no greater signs of recovery than those receiving traditional medicine Did you know that grapes to dry in the sun turn into raisins? Tickets by phone must be paid for within 24 hours The management declines all responsibility for property _ from cars in this car park The skeleton up at the building site last month turned out to be over 2,000 years old Yes, folks, it's true Clothes in new "Spumo" won't lose their colour We guarantee it! 10 Looking round a junk shop one day, Stanley came across a picture by Rembrandt 11 Dogs into Britain from another European country must spend three months in quarantine 12 Baggage unattended may be destroyed XXV The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space Fill each blank in this way High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 11 I thought it was a fantastic idea at first but I've lost some of my now ENTHUSIASTIC It was a .place and I'd like to have been able to stay longer FASCINATE The thing I hate most about being unemployed is the BORING I wish you'd show some in this matter, because it's important INTERESTING It's worrying to think what might happen if such weapons fell into the hands of FANATICAL Tennis started as a hobby for him but it's become an now OBSESSED The whole evening was a and I couldn't wait to leave BORING Her include swimming and reading INTERESTING People living in cities often suffer from LONE 10 To be honest, I found the film rather OFFEND XXVI Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it He didn't bother to knock before he walked into the boss's office →He walked into the boss's office Walking in the rain gives him pleasure →He enjoys She admitted that she had taken the necklace →She admitted to Let's invite the Browns to the party on Sunday →He suggested "I must see the manager!" he cried →He insisted He said he was not guilty of stealing the car →He denied She didn't say a word as she left the room →She left the room Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feelings →Arthur apologized I'm sorry I was rude to you yesterday →I apologise 10 "I'm sorry that I broke the glass," said Peter →Peter apologised 11 She doesn't usually stay up so late →She's not used 12 "You should have waited for us," the team leader said to John →The team leader criticised 13 Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people →Betty is devoted High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page 10

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2016, 10:05


