surpac introduction
Trang 1Introduction to Surpac 6.0
August 2007
Trang 2Copyright © 2007 Gemcom Software International Inc (Gemcom)
This software and documentation is proprietary to Gemcom and, except where expressly provided otherwise, does not form part of any contract Changes may be made in products or services at any time without notice
Gemcom publishes this documentation for the sole use of Gemcom licensees Without written permission you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit any part of the documentation For such permission, or to obtain extra copies please contact your local Gemcom office or visit
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions Neither is any liability assumed for damage resulting from the use of the information contained herein
Gemcom Software International Inc Gemcom, the Gemcom logo, combinations thereof, and Whittle, Surpac, GEMS, Minex, Gemcom InSite and PCBC are trademarks of Gemcom Software International Inc or its wholly-owned subsidiaries
Rowdy Bristol
Phil Jackson
James Willoughby
Surpac Minex Group
Perth, Western Australia
Gemcom Surpac 6.0
Document Release Date
August 2007
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Table of Contents
About This Document 7
Overview 7
Requirements 7
Objectives 7
Document Conventions 8
Typographical Conventions 8
Keyboard Conventions 8
Menu Conventions 8
Mouse Conventions 9
Forms 9
Elements of Forms 10
Getting Started 11
Installing Surpac from a CD 11
Task: Install Surpac 11
Starting Surpac 12
Task: Start Surpac 12
Licencing Surpac 13
Task: Licence Surpac 13
Setting the Work Directory 14
Task: Set the Work Directory 15
Exiting Surpac 15
Task: Exit Surpac 15
Modifying the Surpac Desktop Icon 16
Task: Modify the Surpac Icon so that the Work Directory is Set Automatically 16
Surpac Concepts 18
Surpac Data Types 18
Function-centric vs Data-centric Operations 19
Function-centric 19
Data-centric 20
The Surpac Interface 21
Menus 22
Task: Open a File Using the Menu 22
Toolbars 23
Task: Use the Reset Graphics Button from the Toolbar 23
Navigator 23
Task: Open a File from the Navigator 23
Preview Pane 24
Task: Display a String File in the Preview Pane 24
Legend Pane 25
Graphics 25
Task: Display and View Data in Graphics 25
Properties Pane 26
Layers Pane 26
Status Bar 27
Task: View Changes to the Status Area 27
Message Window 27
Task: Clear the Message Window 27
Getting Help 28
Trang 4Table of Contents
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Field Help and Form Help 28
Task: Access Field Help and Form Help 28
Online Help 30
Task: Access Online Help from a Form 30
Task: Access Help from the Help Menu 31
Task: Use the Index to Search for Information 32
Task: Search the Online help 33
Tutorials 34
Task: Access the Tutorials profile 35
Support 36
Task: Log a help request 36
Strings 40
String Data Hierarchy 40
Types of Strings 42
Description Fields 42
Data Numbering 42
Data Ranges 43
String File Names 43
String Directions 44
Viewing String Data 44
Task: View String Data 44
String File Structure 47
Task: View String Data in a Text Editor 47
Viewing and Saving Data 50
Multiple Viewports 50
Task: Work with Multiple Viewports 50
Attributes and Styles Files 54
Task: Change Display Style 54
Task: View Point Properties 61
Task: View Segment Properties 62
Task: Determine Bearing and Distance Between Two Points 62
Saving Data 64
Task: Save a File 64
Editing Data 66
Orbit Mode 66
Task: Use Orbit Mode to Rotate Data 66
Selection Modes 67
Task: Change Selection Modes 67
Task: Use Point/Triangle Mode to Delete Points 68
Task: Use Segment/Trisolation Mode to Reverse Segments 70
Task: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments 71
Task: Use String/Object Mode to Delete and Clean Strings 78
The Move Tool 80
Task: Move Data Along an Axis 80
Task: Move Data in a Plane 81
Task: Move Data in Three Dimensions 84
Creating Data 86
Create a Simple Pit Design 86
Task: Create a Simple Pit Design 86
Managing Data in Layers 98
Layers and the Surpac Work Area 98
Trang 5Table of Contents
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Creating Layers 99
Task: Creating Layers 99
Appending Data to a Layer 103
Task: Appending Data to a Layer with the Navigator 104
Task: Appending Data to a Layer with the Open File Command 106
Replacing Data in a Layer 109
Task: Replacing Data in a Layer with the Navigator 109
Task: Replacing Data in a Layer Using the Open File Command 111
Saving Workspace Settings 113
Task: Saving a Workspace 113
Triangulated Surfaces 117
Overview 117
Naming Conventions 117
DTM Conventions 118
Viewing a DTM Surface 118
Task: View a DTM in Graphics 118
Creating a DTM Surface 119
Task: Create a DTM — Graphics based Method 119
Task: Create a DTM — File based Method 121
Creating a Boundary String Between Two DTM Surfaces 123
Task: Create a Boundary String by Intersecting Two DTMs 123
Calculating a Cut and Fill Volume Using DTM Surfaces 126
Task: Calculate Cut and Fill Volumes Between Two DTMs 126
Viewing a Solid Model 127
Task: Viewing a Solid Model 127
Creating and Validating a Solid Model 128
Task: Create and Validate a Solid Model 128
Calculating a Volume Using a Solid Model 135
Task: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model 135
File Tools 138
String Maths 138
Task: Convert Geological Ore Zone Interpretations from Section Coordinates to Plan (Real-World) Coordinates 139
Task: Move a Pit 200 Metres North to Correct Survey Station Error 140
Task: Calculate the Cumulative Length of a String 142
Applying a Boundary String 143
Task: Applying a Boundary String to a Soil Sampling File 144
Classifying Strings 146
Task: Display Soil Samples using String Classification 146
2D Transformations 148
Task: Transform a Pit to a Different Coordinate System 149
Polygon Intersection 151
Task: Intersect Polygons to Calculate the Area of an Ore Body Within a Pit Boundary 152
Task: Clip Ore Blocks Inside a Pit 154
Advanced Interface Operations 156
Menu Bars, Menus and Commands 156
Displaying and Customising Menu Bars 157
Task: Create a Customised Menu Bar 158
Customising Toolbars and Buttons 160
Task: Display Toolbars and Create a Customised Toolbar 160
Task: Creating a Custom Button to Put on a Toolbar 162
Using and Creating Profiles 163
Trang 6Table of Contents
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Task: Select the geology_database Profile 163
Task: Saving your Customisations to a Profile 164
Task: Restoring the Default Profile 164
Using the Function Chooser 165
Working with Forms 166
Configuring Windows and Panes in the Interface 167
Toggle floating 167
Toggle auto-hide 168
Close 169
More Surpac Functions 170
Drillhole Database 170
Task: Open a Database, Display the Drill Holes and Create Sections 170
Block Models 175
Task: Display, Constrain, and Report a Block Model 175
Plotting with Autoplot 182
Task: Produce a Plot of a Pit Using Autoplot 182
Trang 7Before proceeding with this tutorial, ensure you have the following items:
1 A copy of Surpac 6.0 for installation
This is usually installed from a CD, but you can download the software from the Web site
2 A suitable computer with a CD ROM drive
Minimum Recommended
Processor P4 >1.75 gigahertz (GHz) P4 Duo >2.5 GHz
Graphics card A graphics adapter with 256 MB
memory, from a major manufacturer such as NVIDIA or ATI
An NVIDIA or ATI graphics card, separate from the motherboard, with 512 MB memory
By working through this tutorial, you should be able to:
• Install and licence Surpac
• Understand Surpac data types and concepts
• Understand the basic components of the user interface
• Get assistance from the various sources of Surpac help
• View and save various types of Surpac data
• Understand Surpac selection modes and use them to edit data in Surpac
• Create data by digitising
• Understand the use of layers in Surpac
• Understand the concepts of DTM surfaces and solids
• Use file tools to work with strings
• Customise the interface and work with forms
• Display drillhole databases and block models
• Plot simple files using Autoplot
Trang 8About This Document Document Conventions
Text Format Meaning
<Bold Italic> Text or data that varies with each input is shown in italic font and enclosed in angle
brackets Some examples are installation directories, dates, names and passwords
When you substitute the text for the variable, do not include the brackets For example:
<password> requires you to substitute a password in place of ‘<password>’
Italics A word or phrase to which the author wants to give emphasis For example: you must
select an item from the list to continue
Bold This typeface indicates one of the following:
• A file name, path or URL
• Strongly emphasized text For example, “It is very important to save the data
• Text that a procedure has instructed you to type
• A menu option, tab, button, check box, list, option button, text box or icon
For example: Drag and drop the file pit1.str into graphics
Keyboard Conventions
<key>+<key> Press and hold down the first key, then press the second key For example:
CTRL+Z means hold the CTRL key down, then press Z
Menu Conventions
In this documentation, the following example demonstrates the syntax used for menus and submenus:
1 Choose File > Open > Block model
This means click the File menu, move the cursor over the Open command and then select Block model
on the submenu
Trang 9About This Document Document Conventions
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Mouse Conventions
Action Description
Click Quickly press and release the left mouse button without moving the mouse
Right-click Press and release the right mouse button without moving the mouse
Double-click Without moving the mouse, click the left button twice rapidly
Drag and drop <an
With the cursor over the object, press and hold down the left mouse button to select the object Move the mouse until the cursor is in the position you want and then release the mouse button
Drag Press and hold down the left mouse button Then move the mouse in the direction
that the text specifies
Right drag Press and hold down the right mouse button Then move the mouse in the
direction that the text specifies
Rotate Use your finger to make the wheel button roll Move it forward, that is in a
clockwise direction, or backward, that is in an anticlockwise direction
Forms contain several components that you will use to provide information to Surpac:
2 Tab 5 Radio button or Option button 8 Check box
Trang 10About This Document Document Conventions
1 Title Title of the dialog box
2 Tab Labelled group of options used for many similar
kinds of settings
3 Text box Rectangular box in which you can type text If
the box already contains text, you can select that text and edit it
4 Combo box
or Drop-down
Closed version of a list box with an arrow next
to it Clicking the arrow opens the list
6 Label Text attached to any option, box, button, or to
any other element of a window or dialog box
7 Help Context sensitive help button
8 Check box Square box that you select or clear to turn an
option on or off
9 Button Rectangular or square button that initiates an
action Buttons have text labels to indicate their purpose
Trang 11Getting Started Installing Surpac from a CD
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Getting Started
In this chapter you will learn about:
• Installing Surpac from a CD
• Starting Surpac
• Licencing Surpac
• Setting the work directory
• Exiting Surpac
• Modifying the Surpac desktop icon
Installing Surpac from a CD
Task: Install Surpac
1 Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive and the installation menu will appear
Note: If the installation menu does not appear, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the CD and double-click
Autorun.exe You will see the following page:
Trang 12Getting Started Starting Surpac
4 When you are prompted to click Next, do so
5 When you are prompted to accept the licence agreement, click Accept, and then click Next
Note: You must accept the terms of the license agreement or the installation will not continue
6 When prompted to choose an installation directory, select the default installation directory
Note: Although you can use the Change… option to select another destination folder for the program, it is
recommended that you use the default location
Caution: Do not install the software in any folder within C:\Program Files or in any folder whose
name contains spaces If you do, Surpac might not perform in the way you expect and need
7 When prompted to enter a product, ensure that Surpac is selected, and click Next
8 Click Install, and then click Finish when the Finish button becomes available
Starting Surpac
Task: Start Surpac
• Start Surpac, using either of these methods:
− Double-click the Surpac icon on your desktop
− Choose Start > All Programs > Surpac Minex Group> Surpac 6.0
Trang 13Getting Started Licencing Surpac
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Licencing Surpac
The instructions below are for installing a single user licence In order to proceed, you will need:
• Surpac 6.0 installed, as previously described
• A USB or parallel sentinel
• A valid token number
If you do not have all of these, please contact your local support office
Task: Licence Surpac
1 Insert the sentinel into a USB or parallel port as appropriate
2 Start Surpac
If the Surpac interface is displayed, you already have a valid licence Proceed to step 6
If you see the form below, a valid licence does not exist
3 Select local, and then click Apply
4 In the Token field, enter the token number, and click Validate
5 Click Apply
Trang 14Getting Started Setting the Work Directory
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Note: Refer to the Installation Manual for troubleshooting and for details about network licences
6 To review licence details, or enter a new token number:
a Choose File > Licencing > Change/Inspect licence
b After reviewing or updating the licence, click Apply
Setting the Work Directory
A work directory is the default directory for saving Surpac files Files used in this tutorial are stored in the
<installation directory>\demo_data\tutorials\introduction
where <installation directory> is the directory in which Surpac was installed
Trang 15Getting Started Exiting Surpac
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Task: Set the Work Directory
1 In the Surpac Navigator, right-click the introduction folder
2 Select Set as work directory
The name of the work directory is displayed in the title bar of the Surpac window
Exiting Surpac
Task: Exit Surpac
• Exit Surpac, using either of these two methods:
− Choose File > Exit
− Click the button at the top right corner of the Surpac window
Trang 16Getting Started Modifying the Surpac Desktop Icon
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Modifying the Surpac Desktop Icon
All of the files in this tutorial are stored in a specific directory Each time you start Surpac, you will need
to have the working directory set to that folder The following steps describe how to create an icon that automatically sets the working directory when you start Surpac
Tip: You can create multiple Surpac desktop icons with different properties
Task: Modify the Surpac Icon so that the Work Directory is Set
1 Move the cursor over the Surpac icon on your desktop
2 Hold down the right mouse button, drag and release
3 From the popup menu, select Copy Here
A copy of the original icon is created:
4 Right-click the new Surpac icon, and select Properties
5 In the Start in field on the Shortcut tab, enter
where <install_directory> is the folder where Surpac is installed
6 Click OK
7 Right-click the icon you have just modified and select Rename
Alternatively, the F2 key can be used as a shortcut
Trang 17Getting Started Modifying the Surpac Desktop Icon
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8 Type: Surpac Introduction and press ENTER
The icon will appear with the new name:
9 Double-click this icon to start Surpac
Notice that the work directory is automatically set when Surpac starts up
Trang 18Surpac Concepts Surpac Data Types
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Surpac Concepts
In this chapter, you will learn about:
• Surpac data types
• Function-centric vs data-centric operations
Surpac Data Types
Surpac uses many different file types Each file type is represented by a unique icon in the Navigator Following is a list of the most common file types used in Surpac:
File type Example Description
String pit1.str A string is a sequence of three-dimensional coordinates representing
some physical feature
DTM pit1.dtm Digital Terrain Mode (DTM) files are generated from str files and can
represent surfaces or solids A DTM surface is a set of triangles that represent a surface such as topography or a pit design A solid model is a set of triangles that represents a 3D shape, such as an ore zone or an underground mine design
database surpac.ddb
Drillhole database (DDB) files are used to connect to relational drillhole databases It is a text file that tells Surpac which tables and fields to read from the database
database ug_mine.sdb
Survey database (SDB) files are used to connect to relational survey databases It is a text file that tells Surpac which tables and fields to read from the database
model block.mdl
A Block Model is a form of spatially-referenced database that provides a means for modelling a 3D body from point and interval data such as drillhole sample data It provides a method for estimating volume, tonnage, and average grade of a 3D body from sparse drillhole data
Plot files pit_str.dwf The files output from the Plotting module are in DWF format You can
open and edit them in the Surpac plotting window or send them to a plot device such as a Plotter
Macros macro.tcl Macros are custom programs, created to perform a set of repetitive tasks
or functionality specific to an operation You can easily record and edit TCL scripts in Surpac
Plugins topo2.dxf This icon identifies a type of file that you can import directly into Surpac
For example, you can import any file that has one of the following
extensions: dxf, dwg, dgn, dm, shp, dgd
Styles file styles.ssi Surpac styles files contain information such as drawing styles, colour
settings for strings and DTMs, or default Surpac settings
Trang 19Surpac Concepts Function-centric vs Data-centric Operations
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Function-centric vs Data-centric Operations
Many graphical operations in Surpac can be performed quicker via a data-centric approach - by selecting the data first, then specifying an operation to be performed on the data
For example, to calculate volumes between two DTM surfaces, you must use the function-centric
approach, such as by selecting Cut and Fill between DTMs from the Volumes menu
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When you select data first, and then specify the function to be applied to the data, you are performing a
data-centric operation
For example, when you right-click a file, a popup menu is displayed You then choose the operation to be
performed – such as Open
Many graphical operations are quicker and easier to perform using the data-centric approach
For example, you can select data in a string file, and then right-click to display functions that Surpac can perform on the data
Trang 21The Surpac Interface Function-centric vs Data-centric Operations
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The Surpac Interface
So that you can see the Surpac interface with some data files in the Navigator, ensure that you have
started Surpac and set the work directory as described in the Getting Started chapter
Trang 22The Surpac Interface Menus
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The menus group functions from a particular module, such as the Block Model module
Task: Open a File Using the Menu
1 Choose File > Open > String/DTM file
2 Fill in the form as shown, and then click Apply
The file pit1.str is displayed in graphics
Trang 23The Surpac Interface Toolbars
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A toolbar is a collection of icons that have related functions Toolbars allow you to access commonly used functions directly, without the need to search through the menus
Task: Use the Reset Graphics Button from the Toolbar
1 Open the file pit1.str in graphics
2 Click the Reset graphics icon
This function removes all the data that is displayed in graphics
If data has been modified, Surpac will display a form to allow you to save the file This is described
in detail in the chapter Viewing and Saving Data
The Navigator works like Windows Explorer Using the Navigator, you can manage your files and
directories by creating new folders, cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting files and folders
Task: Open a File from the Navigator
1 Right-click the file pit1.str in the Navigator
2 From the menu, select Open
The file pit1.str is displayed in graphics
Trang 24The Surpac Interface Preview Pane
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Preview Pane
The Preview pane displays string data without the need to load it into graphics
Task: Display a String File in the Preview Pane
1 If the Preview pane is not displayed, click the Preview button at the top of the Navigator
2 Click the file pit1.str in the Navigator
3 Click and drag in the Preview pane to rotate the data, as shown below:
4 Click the Preview button again to close the Preview pane
Trang 25The Surpac Interface Legend Pane
Task: Display and View Data in Graphics
1 Click the Reset graphics icon
2 Drag and drop the file pit_design.str into graphics
The file is displayed in graphics:
3 Perform the following steps:
− Use the left mouse button to rotate the image
− Use the right mouse button to zoom in and out based on the centre of the image
− Use the wheel button, or both mouse buttons, to pan the image
− Use the wheel button to zoom in or out in relation to the current location of the cursor
Trang 26The Surpac Interface Properties Pane
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Properties Pane
This is the area where you see:
• The properties of your file data when the Navigator is active
• Information about graphics data when Surpac is in select mode and you have data selected
Layers Pane
This is the area where you manage your data in layers This is described in detail in the chapter
Managing Data in Layers
Trang 27The Surpac Interface Status Bar
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Status Bar
The Status bar shows the coordinate position of the mouse cursor as well as the string number and design gradient The Status bar also shows whether a database or blockmodel is loaded into memory
Task: View Changes to the Status Area
1 Drag and drop surpac.ddb (a geological database) into graphics
2 Drag and drop block_model.mdl (a block model) into graphics
Notice that two buttons have been added to the status area, indicating that a database named
surpac and a block model named block_model are loaded:
3 Move the mouse within the graphics area
Notice that the coordinates shown in the status area are updated as you move the mouse
4 In the Status bar, click the surpac button, and select Close
5 Click the block_model button, and select Close
Message Window
The Message window shows the information, warnings, and error messages that Surpac produces while
it is executing functions
Tip: Sometimes the message window also contains information such as coordinates of selected points You can copy
this information and paste it into text files or documents
Task: Clear the Message Window
1 Right-click in the Message window to display a menu
2 Select Clear in the menu
Trang 28Getting Help Field Help and Form Help
In this chapter, you will learn about:
• Field help and Form help
• Online help
• Tutorials
• Support
Field Help and Form Help
When Surpac prompts you to enter information, it displays a form The components on the form where you enter information are known as fields
You can get helpful information about each field by accessing Field help Helpful information about the entire form, and concepts related to the function, are available by accessing Form help
Task: Access Field Help and Form Help
1 Click the Reset Graphics icon
2 Choose File > Open > String/DTM file
3 Click the Location field, and then right-click to display a popup menu
Trang 29Getting Help Online Help
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4 From the popup menu, select Field help
A window appears with help that is specific to the field selected
5 Press TAB several times
Notice that the help text changes as the cursor moves to different fields This happens because the
Enable auto help box is selected
6 Click the Enable auto help box so that it is cleared
7 Press TAB several times
Notice that the help text does not change
8 Click the Enable auto help box so that it is selected
9 Click the X button in the top right corner of the help window to close it
10 Click and then right-click in a field to display the following menu
11 From the menu, select Form Help
Form help provides information about the function Open file
Trang 30Getting Help Online Help
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Online Help
Online help contains more detailed information than form help and field help, as well as examples and troubleshooting assistance
Task: Access Online Help from a Form
1 Choose Display > 2D Grid
2 Click the button at the lower left corner of the form
The online help for the 2D Grid function appears:
3 Close the help window
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Task: Access Help from the Help Menu
1 Choose Help > Table of contents
2 In the table of contents, expand SSILM, and then Surpac Software Licence Manager (SSILM)
3 Select Overview
Trang 32Getting Help Online Help
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Task: Use the Index to Search for Information
The Index is another good way to locate help
1 Choose Help menu > Table of contents
2 In the lower left corner, click the Index tab
3 In the text box at the top, slowly type each letter of the word autoplot
After you type each letter, the help system selects the index entry that is the closest match
4 Press ENTER
Trang 33Getting Help Online Help
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Task: Search the Online help
1 Choose Help > Table of contents
2 In the lower left corner, click the Search tab
3 Type the words clip DTM, and click Search
This search returns all the help topics that contain both the words “clip” and “DTM” The topics that contain the most occurrences of these words are ranked higher in the list
4 Click the topic that is ranked 1 at the top of the list, DTM Maths
This topic contains a large number of occurrences of “DTM” and only one occurrence of “clip” It does not contain the phrase “clip DTM” anywhere in the help topic
You can also do a phrase search by enclosing your search in quotes
5 Type “clip DTM” in the Search box, and then click Search
The search will find only the exact phrase “clip DTM”
6 Click the top row, DTM Clip
7 Scroll down in the help topic so that you can see the text “clip DTM” highlighted
Trang 34Getting Help Tutorials
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Tutorials are designed to teach you how specific functions work within a practical, task-based
environment, by working through exercises using a specific dataset
Surpac tutorials are available via the tutorials profile When you install the software from the CD, the
tutorials are installed into directories under:
<installation directory>\demo_data\tutorials
where <installation directory> is the folder where Surpac is installed
Each directory contains a tutorial in PDF format, as well as a data directory that contains the files required
to perform the exercises outlined in the tutorial
Trang 35Getting Help Tutorials
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Task: Access the Tutorials profile
1 Right-click in the blank area on the right of the main menus
2 From the popup menu, Choose Profiles > tutorials as shown
You will see a set of menus for the tutorials as shown
To view the tutorials or run the macros for the tutorial, you must first click on the menu item to change the directory to your chosen tutorial
You can then either view the tutorial document as a PDF or run the macros that appear in the tutorial
Trang 36Getting Help Support
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Internet download
You can also download individual tutorials from
• From the main page, select Support, then Tutorials
Tip: The tutorials offered on this page may be more recent than those from the CD installation
The final type of help is where you contact your local Support office, either by email or by phone
Task: Log a help request
1 Choose Help > Log a request
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2 Fill in a detailed description of your problem
3 Click Contact Info…
4 Enter your personal details, and then click OK
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5 Click Computer Info…
6 Click Capture Config to automatically get the details of your PC
7 Enter as much detail as possible, and then click OK
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8 If you have data to demonstrate your problem, click Attach File…
9 Navigate to the data file(s) that you want to attach, and then click Open
10 Click Save
11 Give your output file a meaningful name
12 Navigate to the folder where you wish to store the file, and then click Save
13 Email the .sbg file to:
Trang 40Strings String Data Hierarchy
String Data Hierarchy
Data in a string file is classified into: