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AV 11 Unit 3 A party

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CF31a CF 31 Date: ngày tháng Time: phút ~ phút Name: _ UNIT 3: A PARTY A Pronunciations I Choose the word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a husband b hospital c honest a blow b talk d hungry c family d celebrate a American b friend c present a garden d birthday b anniversary c yesterday d flower II Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others a invite b intimate c divorce d imagine a understanding b anniversary c experience d celebration a brilliant b different c secretary d attractive a adventure b mechanic c appointed TLBT11 d service BTCB CF31b B Infinitive and Gerund I Infinitive (động từ nguyên mẫu có “to”)  Active: S + V + to V…  Ta thường dùng “to V”, sau động từ: would like / want / need (cần, muốn), agree, expect (kỳ vọng), seem (dường như), decide (quyết định), intend (có ý định), manage (thành công), promise, demand (yêu cầu), force (bắt buộc)… _ He would like to go on holiday next week _ My mother agreed to give me some money  Passive: S + V + to be V3… _ He seemed to be surprised at the news _ She would like to be met at the airport by her husband TLBT11 BTCB CF32a CF 32 Choose the correct answer _ I need to meet John at once a to meet b to be met I would like by my wife at the airport tonight a to meet b to be met He promises me some books a to give b to be given The doctor was forced immediately to save the patient’s life a to be operated b to operate I expect my wife’s letter today a to receive b to be received She expected to the party, but she wasn’t a to be invited b to invite The teacher agreed the class into two groups a to divide b to be divided I decide my house on Christmas Day a to decorate TLBT11 b to be decorated BTCB CF32b Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms (active or passive) _ He wanted (go) to go to the meeting She managed (pass) the exam last year He promised (visit) his teacher the day before yesterday He seems (go) to Paris We expect (give) much money by our mother everyday The car would like (wash) He agreed (buy) a new computer She wants (have) some tea They intend (organize) a party tonight We decided (sell) our car 10 John seems (surprise) at my passing the exam 11 The President agreed (interview) this weekend 12 Joe expected (award) the first prize in the competition TLBT11 BTCB CF33a CF 33  Chú ý:  Học sinh cần phân biệt động từ dạng (hiện tại, khứ…) động từ dạng quy tắc Động từ dạng thì: ta vào thời gian dạng động từ _ Mary often (go) goes shopping on Sundays _ I (see) saw him yesterday Động từ dạng quy tắc: a S + V + to V…  S + decide, seem, want… to V _ He wants to see the boss b S + V + O + (not) to V…  S + ask / tell / allow / order… O + to V _ He asked me to give him the book _ They ordered her to wash up TLBT11 BTCB CF33b Choose the correct answer _ He wants me (wash / to wash) up They often (play / to play) football in the afternoon They agreed (paint / to paint) a picture We (saw / see) the film yesterday He asked me (study / to study) harder They ordered her (drives / to drive) carefully After we (to meet / had met) John, we went to a restaurant While they (ate / were eating) dinner, there was an explosion last night Tim often (watches / watch) TV in the evening She expects (to finish / finishes) the work soon 10 Tina decided (goes / to go) abroad for her study 11 The dog seems (to be locked / to lock) out in the cold all night 12 The lifeguard asked the boys (don’t swim / not to swim) out too far 13 Nam rarely (absent / absents) from school 14 My teacher asked Tom (to go / goes) out TLBT11 BTCB CF34a CF 34 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms _ He wants (see) to see the boss Would you like (invite) Mary to your party? She decided (drive) to New York John managed (knock) out Bill They asked me (speak) English slowly Lan and Mai (buy) some fruit everyday While I was doing my homework, my wife (cook) last night By the time I arrived home, my parents (go) out She seems (have) two children Lan (practise) English everyday 10 When I (eat) breakfast, John phoned me this morning 11 Mary (go) to bed before 10 o’clock last night 12 _ she (like) _ boiled eggs? TLBT11 BTCB CF34b Arrange the given words in the correct order _ to open / asked / me / she / door / the She asked me to open the door told / her / John / to be / quiet  _ would like / she / your computer / use / to  _ a / needs / John / house / to buy  _ expected / to the party / I / to be invited  _ did / see / Mary / he / last night / ?  _ Hoa / does / to the English club / go / everyday/?  _ My mother / with / to help / me / asked / her / that heavy bag  _ What / right now / are / waiting for / you / ?  _ rebuilt / I / to / my room / want  _ TLBT11 BTCB CF35a CF 35 Find out the mistake from the underlined words _ He wanted meeting me so that he could talk to A B C me about the project D  caâu A: to meet I expected to give a gift by her but I wasn’t A B C D The boss ordered me go to Hong Kong for our A B C D business Would you like turning on the light because the A B C D room is dark After they completed their homework, they A B came to visit me C D A dangerous situation was create by the bad A B C D roads TLBT11 BTCB CF35b Choose the best answer He agreed a party last night a organize b to organize c organizing d organizes Would you like some tea? a have b having c to have d to having After they me the mail, they went to Hong Kong a sent b had sent c have sent d sending He told me care of his children a to take b took c take d taking When I to the radio, she called me last night a listening b listened c had listened d was listening It heavily yesterday a rained b rains c raining d had rained She needed the boss to talk about the project a meeting b meet c met d to meet She promised to pick me last night a at b with c up d to TLBT11 10 BTCB CF36a CF 36 Date : ngày Time : tháng phút ~ phuùt Name: UNIT 3: A PARTY II Gerund (danh động từ)  Là dạng động từ thêm “ing”, có chức vừa danh từ vừa động từ a Active: S + V + Ving (gerund) …  Ta thường dùng “gerund” sau động từ: keep (tiếp tục), suggest (đề nghị), like, enjoy, love (thích), dislike (không thích), risk (liều lónh), mind (phiền lòng), allow (cho phép), mention (đề cập đến)… _ He enjoys going out for a walk every evening b Passive: S + V + being + V3 / Ved _ The building continues being built Chú ý: sau giới từ ta dùng “gerund” * Active: Preposition + Ving (gerund) _ Because of getting up late, he didn’t have breakfast * Passive: Preposition + being V3 _ In spite of being asked to homework, he went out TLBT11 11 BTCB CF36b Choose the correct answer _ We like (eating / being eaten) fruit I don’t mind (cleaning / being cleaned) the floor I don’t mind (asking / being asked) about my past by someone He suggested (going / being gone) to Vung Tau Homework continues (doing / being done) by students In spite of (hurting / being hurt), he still drove to his house Instead of (being excited / exciting) about the good news Tom seemed to be indifferent Because of (studying / being studied) hard, he had good marks He kept (watching / being watched) TV I must drive more carefully I can’t risk (getting / to get) another speeding ticket 10*.He expected (to meet / meeting) her again 11 She enjoys (to play / playing) chess 12 They (meet / met) John yesterday TLBT11 12 BTCB CF37a CF 37 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form _ Ms Thompson (find) found the key yesterday Barbara likes (spend) weekends on watching films Do you mind (turn) on the light We kept (do) the test He needed (buy) some food Ms Thompson is always willing to help, but she doesn’t want (call) at home unless there is an emergency The computer continues (repair) Because of (go) to bed late, she felt tired Mai often (visit) her teacher on Sundays Would you like (drink) some tea? 10 While he (walk) in the park, he saw a black cat 11 The mother made the children (go) to bed early 12 We (organize) a party last night TLBT11 13 BTCB CF37b Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings _ Dick didn’t intend to tell Sue about the party  Dick didn’t mean to tell Sue about the party I want to finish the work soon I would like _ I didn’t mean to upset you I didn’t intend _ Let’s go to the cinema tonight He suggests _ Because he drove carelessly, he had an accident Because of She continued to write a letter to him She kept Although he worked hard, he had a low salary In spite of _ He wants everybody to serve him He wants to be _ I’ve never done this exercise before This is the first time _ TLBT11 14 BTCB CF38a CF 38  Review some structures (ôn vài cấu trúc) S + make + O + V let… _ He made me wash the car  Chú ý: S + help + O + to V V _ He helped me / to my homework S + see +O+ hear V V_ing watch find notice … _ I saw a man paint the door The color is yellow _ I heard the baby crying in the next room TLBT11 15 BTCB CF38b Choose the best answer I expect _ Mary at the airport a meeting b to meet c to be met d meet They asked him _ carefully a to drive b drive c driving d drives Let us _ a party tonight a organize b organizing c to organize d organized I found a girl _ into the shop yesterday a to go b went c go d goes Would you mind _ me with my homework? a help b to help c to helping d helping Can you help me _ up this store? a lift b to lift c lifting d a and b are correct I expected _ to the party, but I wasn’t a to invite b to be invited c inviting d being inviting She was accused of _ animals a to kill b killing c being killed d kill TLBT11 16 BTCB CF39a CF 39 Arrange the given words in the correct order _ agreed / the children / to divide / equally / the candy The children agreed to divide the candy equally demanded / the judge / the original document / see / to  _ to be / she / at home / doesn’t / want / called  _ held / was / the party / a restaurant / in  _ a pleasure/ to see you / again / after so long / it / is  _ made / she / read / him / the newspaper  _ like / we / football / in the morning / playing  _ It is / to watch / boring / this program  _ TLBT11 17 BTCB CF39b C Word form (dạng từ loại) Vị trí tính từ (adjective)  Tính từ thường đứng sau động từ S + to be / feel / look / sound / smell / taste…+ adj _ She feels happy  Tính từ đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghóa cho danh từ Adj + noun _ I have a good book Adj noun Vị trí trạng từ (adverb) a S + V + Adv _ He speaks quickly V Adv b S + V + O + adv _ He speaks English quickly c Adv + adj _ She is perfectly happy Adv adj TLBT11 18 BTCB CF40a CF 40 Choose the correct answer _ She runs (slow / slowly) He is a (quick / quickly) driver She speaks French (quick / quickly) Yesterday she made a (perfect / perfectly) delicious cake When I came into the room, I saw Mary dancing (exciting / excitingly) I felt (comfortable / comfortably) last night She made a right (decision / decisively) I think that he is a (careful / carefully) teacher Mary prepared the lesson more (careful / carefully) than me She talked to me about her family (happy / happily) 10 I have an (interesting / interestingly) book 11 What is a (beautiful / beauty) girl 12 Fifty years ago, Rosa and Luis got (marriage / married) 13 I don’t want (to take / to be taken) to school by my parents every day TLBT11 19 BTCB CF40b Word form: verbs nouns succeed success successful successfully reason hợp lý, reasonable reasonably reason perfectio perfect n delight delight adjectives perfect delightful adverbs perfectly meanings thành công hoàn toàn, hoàn hảo delightfully vui thích Put the words in brackets in the correct form _ She achieved great success in life (succeed) He finished the project (succeed) We with her for hours about the danger, but she would not change her mind (reason) The food tastes (perfection) The film was interesting (delight) She gave me a answer (reason) He signed a contract (succeed) TLBT11 20 BTCB ... me C D A dangerous situation was create by the bad A B C D roads TLBT11 BTCB CF35b Choose the best answer He agreed a party last night a organize b to organize c organizing d organizes Would... tea? a have b having c to have d to having After they me the mail, they went to Hong Kong a sent b had sent c have sent d sending He told me care of his children a to take b took c take... to me about her family (happy / happily) 10 I have an (interesting / interestingly) book 11 What is a (beautiful / beauty) girl 12 Fifty years ago, Rosa and Luis got (marriage / married) 13 I don’t

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2016, 21:29
