Giải nhanh các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm anh văn p5

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Giải nhanh các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm anh văn p5

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i Khang Vigt Cau 43: The word "there" in the last sentence of paragraph refers to A our own planet B the core of a black dwarf C the outer surface of the Sun D the planet Mercury Cau 44: This passage is intended to '" A describe the changes that the Sun will go through ' B discuss conditions on the Earth in the far future '-A ; ^ C alert people to the dangers posed by the Sun , , iMte D present a theory about red giant stars Cau 45: The passage has probably been taken from ; A a scientific chronicle B a news report C a work of science fiction D a scientific journal Cau 46: She regretfully told him that A she left the tickets at home B she would have left the tickets at home C she would leave the tickets at home D she had left the tickets at home Cau 47: , he would have learned how to read A Had he been able to go to school as a child ,| B If he could go to school as a child fl, C Were he able to go to school as a child ly, D If he has been able to go school as a child H-i? Cau 48: The robbers attacked the owner of the house A but they appeared with the expensive painting B so they disappeared with the expensive painting C and disappeared with the expensive painting D so that they would appear with the expensive painting ' Cau 49: Having been delayed by heavy traffic, A she was unable to arrive on time ^ni^m'Qt q B her being late was intolerable rto C it was difficult for her to arrive on time • D it was impossible for her to arrive on time Cau 50: he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain A He felt very tired though B As he might feel tired C Tired as it was D Tired as he might feel Doc ki ctoan van sail vci c/ipn pitmrng (in (Jung (A Itoac B, C, D) c/io mSi cli'> til- 51 den 60 How men first learnt to (51) words is unknown; in other words, the origi'^ of language is a (52) A l l we really know is that men, unlike animals (53) invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions aiiti things so that they could communicate with each other, and that later they agreetl (54) certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent thos^' jounds, and which could be written down These sounds, (55) spoken or written in letters, arc called words Great writers are those wiio not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that (56) powerfully to our iTiinds and emotions This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary (57) Above all, the real poet is a master of words He can (58) I^js meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and gssociation can (59) men to tears We should, therefore, learn to choose our vvords carefully, (60) they will make our speech silly and vulgar Cau 51: cau 52: Cau 53: Cau 54: Cau 55: Cau 56: Cau 57: Cau 58: Cau 59: A create A story A whatever A at A i f A interest A work A transmit A move B invent B mystery B however "^'^^ B whether B attract B style B carry B break Cau 60: A because B so C make C legend C somehow C with C however C.appeal C form C.convey C take Cor D D D D D discover secret soinewhat upon though D lure y " D prose D transfer D.send D although Doc kidoan van sau va clipn phirffng (ut itiing (A lioac B, C, D) cho moi did tie 61 (ten 70 The heart has long been considered to be (61) feelings of love dwell In love songs throughout the ages, love almost always together (62) the heart The heart has continuously been viewed (63) the place where love begins and develops Even the Bible gives (64) to love and the heart The role of the heart in love must come from what happens to it when a person feels strongly (65) to someone The strong feelings (66) to other person, especially in the early stages of a relationship, have tiie results that the heart starts beating faster and breathing starts speeding (67) According to psychologists, a love relationship is a situation that (68) a lot of stress and the body reacts to this by getting ready to face the unknown This has been called the "fight or flight" (69) , meeting danger by fighting it or running away So with love, the heart accelerates |d (70) becomes quick ,ip sy;,; u 1, £ , :^h?it'•m\ • j">»'^>> 217 GiJi nhanh CDBT TN Anh Van - Ng6 VSn Minh C: make ( v ) : lam, san x u l t , chuan bi(cai gi) C a u 45: - Dap an: D - Dien giai: Bai van c6 the dirge tn'eh tir mgt tap chi khoa hgc, chu khong phai: A : mot bien nien sur khoa hoc r g u 52: B mystery (n): su huyen hi, dieu hi dn Danh tir phii hgp voj ngiJ ^iih CO " u n k n o w n " cau tru-oc B: mgt ban tin Cac dap an ( A , C, D ) khong phii hgp nghia: C : mgt truyen khoa hgc vien tuong legend (n): truyen thuyet Dien giai: Hop thi v o i thi qua khir hoan vi lue noi voi ve hoi tiee thi da bo quen ve » nha roi u * t i V i ' « - < somehow: (adv) hang each ndo - hop nghTa v o i y ciia cac cau trir^c: nguoi phat minh tir ngir nhu the nao la mgt bi an « Cac tir lai khong hgp nghTa: C a u 47: - Dap an: A Dien giai: Cau c6 dang eua cau dieu kien loai III Trong menh de If, khj tu- If dime gian luge thi se c6 hien tugng dao ngiT xay ra: dgng tir had dugc dao la B: however: nhien D: somewhat: c6 phan >u.> ,i'(t#""' • Cau 54: D upon; agree upon: nhdt trive Cau 55: B whether; whetlier or: du (the nay) hoac - were (cau dieu kien loai 11) Cau 56: C appeal to: thu hiit, loi cudn, tdc dong mgnh den - should (cau dieu kien loai I ) Cau 57: B style di kem voi literary: van phong Cau 59: A move; to move sb to tears: lam mui long C a u : - D a p an: C - Dien giai: Diing lien tii' "and" dien ta y song hanh Trong tru'ong hgp nay, no ket noi hai hanh dgng cau voi A : but: nhung (dien ta y trai ngugc) Cau 60: C or: neu khong //?/ (lien tir ham y chgn lya) Cau 61: B where: trang tir quan h | chi noi chon, hgp voi dgng tir dwell a cuoi cau ^ Cau 62: B w i t h hgp voi dgng tir go: dong hanh v o i B : so: v i vay (dung de ket luan) Cau 63: C as: to he viewed as: duac xem nhir Id D: / / / a / : de (chi m^ic dich) Cau 64: D preference; to give preference C a u 49: - Dap an: A to sb/sth: danh ini tien cho ai/cdi gi Cau 65: A attracted (a): thu hiit, loi cuon Ta c6: to be/feel + adj giai: Chu ngu eua cum phan t u (Participle Phrase) va chii ngu' ciia to be/feel attracted to sb: cam thay bi thu hiit bai menh de theo sau phai la cung mgt nguai L o a i ( B , C, D ) v i : C a u 50: - Dap an: D B: attractive (a): c6 sire hap dan, thich thu - Dien gisii: Tinli tir + AS dira dau cau de thay cho m^nh de phu voi (Al)thoiigh C: attract (v): thu hiit, hap dan D: "attracting" la "gerund" eua dgng tir "attract" Cac chgn lira lai ( A , B, C) sai cau true hoac ngu-ngliTa: -h A: Though a vj t r i giua hoac cu6i cau la mot trang tir mang nghTa nhien B : / i i - ( v i ) chi iy .i^ymiK C: lech chu ngir (it) ^Su 66: C for; feelings for sb: tinh cam danh cho 67: B u p ; to speed up: tang tdc ^au 68: B involves: liiin can den/ham chua Ba dgng tir lai khong hgp nghTa C a u 51: B invent (v): sang che cai chira he c6 tne&c Cac chgn Hra lai khong hgp nghla A : create ( v ) : tao [>f Km m• Ba lien tir lai khong hgp nghTa Ba lien tir lai chi moi quan he y tirong khong phu hgp: ; D i e n (thekia) Cau 58: C convey meaning: truyen dgt mot y nghTa Cac chgn lira khac sai loai dieu kien 218 , , ,'«! m / • * " ^ ' ' ' ' "J*'' ' had (thi qua khur hoan thanh) - i m • A: whatever: bat ke cai g i , bat cu' thu gi tru-oc chu ngu- va trat tir ngu' phap eua cau khong thay doi Co ba dang dgng tir c6 the dao dau cau de thay cho lien tCr IF: i secret (n): dieu b i mat CSu 5-5' Cac chon lya khae sai each diing thi - mi' story (n): cau chuyen C a u 46: - Dap an: D - [); discover (v): kham pha A: include ( v ) : bao gom C: comprise (v): bao gom \ D: arouse ( v ) : danh thirc tinh ngu Gi5i nhanh CDBT TIM Anh van - NgS VSn Minh • W H KfTan^ vi?i C a u 69: D reaction (n): phdn I'mg, hanh dong V j tri a day can mpt danh tir Loai (A, B, C ) vi: l (;:au : a u 778: - Dsip sin: D o ; c A: reactor (n): 16 plian ung hat nhan (khong hop nghTa) ^ E: reactionary {a): pVi&n &(?ng C: reacting ' ' aoi ;won>iii;r' C a u 70: C breathing (n): hai tha/nhjp tha > dong tir inhale: tho vao/liit vac Dien giai: "Neu c6 the giai quyet som van de thi se tot han cho tat ca Cac chgn lira khac lech nghTa: A: Neu tat ca nhung nguai lien quan ma tot han/manh khoe han, thi chiing ta c6 till giai quyet som van de D: sweating la gerund cua dgng tir sweat: toat mo hoi • »»»» B: sai dang dong tir ciia m^nh de chi'nh cau dieu ki?n loai I: (will be thay vi C a u 71: - Dap an: D would be) Dien giai: Sai trat tir tir C: la cau dieu kien loai II de gia djnh, tinh huong noi ddn mgt kha Cau true: to explain sth to sb: gicii thich dieu gi cho explaining the rules Sua lai: explaining the children the rules of the game |i5ng CO the xay tuang lai Cau 80: - Dap sin: C of the game to the children - C a u 72: - Dap an: B - - nhung nguoi lien quan" ,:, B: exhaling la gerund ciia dong tir exhale: tha (cai gi) - Dien giai: to have run out of sth: da can het cai gi Cau : - D a p an: D «to :{a} ^vn Ba tir lai khong hop nghTa: - Cac chgn lira khac khong hop nghTa ,;> , A ) nb la phan tir cua dong tir react: phan ung A: inluiling la geninclciia Cac dong tiJ khac khong hgp nghTa Dien gisii: If I were you, I would la each khuyen bao Ijch sir/nhe nhang Cac chon lira khac lech nghTa: Dien giai: Nguai mai thuoc dong doi qui tQC, cai ten thi khong Sura lai: his name —>^he (was famous) A: c5m doan; B: canh bao; D: de nghj -'^ ' C a u : - D a p an: A ,' ,i,,r Dien giai: Cac nha van cung thai, chu khong phai cac tac pham Sua lai: writing —y writers ,| O E THI T U Y E N S I N H C A O O A N G N A M 0 , , M O N : Ticng A n h ; Khoi: D - M a de thi 529 C a u : - D a p an: C - Thai gian lam bai: 90 phiit Dien giai: Trong truong hop nay, khong can giai tir in sau dong tir join to join a club/the army: gia nhap mpt cau Igc bg/nhgp ngii Sua lai: in —* , ; " ", De T h i G o m 80 C a u (Tir Cslu Den C a u 80) , Danh C h o T a t C a T h i Sinh So sanh: Chon phuang an dung (A hoac B, C, D) de hoan moi cau sau: to join (sb) in doing sth: cimg lam chung voi mpt viec gi to join in a song/the laughter: cung hat voi/ciing cuoi theo nhUng ngiroi khac C a u 75: - Dap an: D - - ,^ , , A How about nu Dien giai: will vai ngoi thir nhat diing de hua h^n Cac chon lira lai khong hop nghTa vai cau cho san: B: insist (v): khang khang/nhat myc C : offer (v): de iighj/n go y D: suggest (v): de nghj/ggi y C a u 77: - Dap an: A - B During C With D At :f ;i detective stories?" - "In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers." Sua lai: going shopping —> to go shopping C a u : - D a p an: A A On Cau 2: - " Dien giai: song song: tat ca phai la cac cym nguyen the c6 to ij f.j / Cau 1: entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him Dien giiii: Why don't we ? la each noi de de nghj, ggi y, xui giiic hoac ru r*-' B What you think about C Are you fond of D What people feel about Cau 3: The window was so high up that A only ii B all I could see was the sky C thus D.just Cau 4: The reason why I don't want to move is that I'm perfectly happy here A large B main C big D great Cau 5: If you are not Japanese, so what are you? A nation B national , viwn C nationality - D nationalized • "'•"'••*"• 221 £)oc kfdoan van sau va clion phuang an dung (ting'v&i A Itoac B, C, D) cito ff,3i cau tie 21 iten 30 C a u 6: - " W o u l d you mind lending me your bike?" tt )9 A Yes, let's ' '\J B Yes Here it is C Great ^ D Not at all /, q, C a u 7: D o n ' t worry H e ' l l the j o b as as possible ••^A uneconomically ^as desperated in need o f reform Private schools existed, but only for the very -jUI - ' rich There were very few public schools because o f the strong sentiment that ,| „ , children who would grow up to be laborers should not "waste" their time on B economic C economically A t the beginning o f the nineteenth century, the American educational system education but should instead prepare themselves for their life's work It was in the D economizing C a u 8: It was not until she had arrived home remembered her appointment 7,,., with the doctor Mann, probably the most famous o f the reformers, felt that there was no excuse in ,,• A that she B she C and she i^f^ f,{^y D when she had B practically C consequently D actually A have always made B are always made C always make D are always making A astonishment news B astonish soon matched in other school districts around the country He extended the school year from five to six months and improved the quality o f teachers by instituting C a u 10: Can you keep calm for a moment? Y o u noise in class! C a u 11: I've just been told some a republic for any citizen to be uneducated As Superintendent o f Education in the state o f Massachusetts from 1837 to 1848, he initiated various changes, which were C a u 9: He looks thin, but he is very healthy A also face o f this public sentiment that educational reformers set about their task Horace teacher education and raising teacher salaries Although these changes did not > ,1 bring about a sudden increased public awareness as to the need for a further strengthening o f the system .^^j/j j C astonished D astonishing Cau 21: The best title for the passage could be after their houses properly, the police wouldn't have so C a u 12: I f people A The Beginning o f Reform in American Education much work to B.should look C have looked D look C A Fight for Change C a u 13: I would really your help with this assignment A thank B respect D American Education in the Beginning o f the 19"' Century C take D° appreciate A interested B satisfied C a u 15: Take the number bus and get A off B outside D suspicious at Times Square B type D up D good grades B urgently C completely D partly D to type I because, he ' A does not want students to waste their time on education B is quoting someone else who said that education was a waste o f time A Sorry, I don't B Yes, it was C I don't think that D Not yet C a u 18: He arrived late, >it s JTI/^ was annoying B what T C that D which ot C a u 19: l this letter around for days without looking at it A carry B have been carrying C am carrying D w i l l be carrying 222 C a lot o f money go by air than travel by train B always C prefer ,- >; Cau 24: The author o f the passage puts the word "waste" in quotation marks C typed Paris?" A better B a strong educational background A obviously the report for him C a u 17: - "Has an announcement been made about the eight o'clock flight to C a u 20; They would A a high level o f intelligence Cau 23: The word "desperately" in the passage mostly means C down C a u 16: The manager had his secretary A to have typed C humorous r Cau 22: The passage implied that to go to a private school, a student needed with what you have got, Mary A it ${ • B Nineteenth - the Century o f Reform A.looked C a u 14: Be improvement in the educational system, they at least IK* ,j {, C thinks that education is not really a waste o f time * "' " ' D wants to emphasize how much time is wasted on education Cau 25: According to the passage, Horace Mann wanted a better educational system for Americans because A Massachusetts residents needed something to with their spare time ^ B education at the time was so cheap C all citizens should be educated in a republic , ,^ D people had nothing else to except go to school D rather 223 G i i i nhanh CDBT TN Anh Van - Ng6 van Minh C a u 26: The word "reformers" in the passage mostly means B although he didn't know much about that company A B people who believe that education is wasted ,,1 C people who really enjoy teaching i D people who work for the government C so he didn't know much about that company ,1 vsr A people who try to change things for the better / 'j C a u 27: The word "citizen" in the passage mostly means A a person who lives in a particular city D in spite he knew much about it 35: , they would have had what they wanted .i, ( , A Supposing they were arriving at the fair early ) >! w B I f they arrived at the fair early " d il C Unless they arrived at the fair early enough D Had they arrived at the fair early B a person who works in a particular place C a person who works, especially one who does a particular kind o f work D a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country Cau 28: From 1837 to 1848, Horace Mann A raised money for the educational development in Massachusetts - r i ri v f - ?- Cau 36: There were t w o small rooms in the beach house, ' ,, j f j i ;g£ ^ •; served as a kitchen A smallest o f that B the smaller of which C the smaller o f them D the smallest of which Cau 37: John's score on the test is the highest in the class He " , B managed education in the state o f Massachusetts C funded many projects to improve the educational system for Americans D worked as a headmaster in a school in the state o f Massachusetts „ ^ , o.'l ' t A must have studied very hard B should study very hard C must have to study well D should have studied all the time Doc ktdoan van sou vd clign phiramg an ddng (d'ng v&i A lioac B, C, D) clio C a u 29: According to the passasge which sentence is N O T TRUE? mdi cau tie 38 den 47 A Horace Mann suggested schools prepare children for their life's work B Horace Mann was a famous US educational reformer It is hard to think of a world without gas or electricity Both are commonly used for lighting and heating today We now can instantly flick a l i g h t e r or strike a C Horace Mann brought about changes in many schools in the United States match to make a flame But it was not long ago that there were no such things as D Horace Mann began raising teachers* salaries matches or lighters To make fire, it was necessary to strike a piece of iron on flint C a u 30: According to the passage, which o f the following is a change that Horace Mann instituted? for sparks to ignite some tinder I f the tinder was damp, or the flint old, you had to borrow some fire from a neighbour A Increased pay for the students We not know exactly when or how people first used fire Perhaps, many ages B The matching o f other districts' policies ago, they found that sticks would burn i f they were dropped into some hole where C Better teacher training ' melted lava from a volcano lay boiling They brought the lighted sticks back to make their fire in a cave Or, they may have seen trees catch fire through being D The five - month school year struck by lightning, and used the trees to start their own fires C/t(>n tiv (ling voi A lioac B, C, D) irng vdi tiv cd plum gacli c/idn plidt tint klidc vdi b(i tic led mdi can saii: I Gradually people learned they could start a fire without traveling far to find flames They rubbed t w o pieces o f wood together This method was used for Cau : A writer B final C jvory D wjdow thousands o f years When people became used to making with which to cook food C a u 32: A cleared B threatened C passed D managed and stay warm at night, they found that certain resins or gums from trees burnt longer and brighter They melted resins and dipped branches in the liquid to make C/ton nlidni tiv lioac nienli ile tliich hop (ung v&i A liogc B, C, D) di fioin' titdnit nidi can saii C a u 33: John constributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute A another C more fifty dollars fifty B one other fifty dollars , , C a u 34: He agreed to sign the contract A because he didn't know how much about that company's director can still be seen in old buildings o f Europe There was no lighting in city streets until gas lamps, and then electric lamps Were installed Boys ran about London at night carrying torches o f burning D the same amount also !'!v'""''T torches that lit their homes at night Iron stands in which torches used to be fixed Iff, •Tiaterial They were called torch boys, or link boys, and earned a living by guiding visitors to friends' houses at night 225 For centuries homes were lit by candles until o i l was found Even then, ojj lamps were no more effective than a cluster o f candles We read about th^ splendors and marvels o f ancient palaces and castles, but we forget that they niust have been gloomy and murky places at night , v*,,}) C a u 38: The word "lighter" in the passage mostly means 46: What form o f street lighting was used in London when link boys used to vvork there? Gas lighting B Electric lighting ' C N o lighting at all D O i l lighting • 47: The best title-for the passage could be S"?' A a hot bright stream o f burning gas that comes from something that is on firv The Advantages o f Candles B a small device that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes, etc B Fire: Discovery and Uses C a device that uses electricity, o i l or gas to produce light C Different Types o f Lamps D the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc that makes it possible to see things D Prehistoric People and Fire C a u 39: To make a fire in times just before the advent o f matches, it was essential to have access to mitiji^i^sam a f^r.>!;c:,H H)u«t q i i i : - -^Zn'''^ CIton phircfng dn (A hodc B, C, D) ung v&i tie cd dm chinh nhiin vdo dm tiit CO v'l tri klidc vdi ba tie lai nidi can *) r zfiWitv: A a burning fire or to possess iron B a magnifying glass ' Cau 48: A process B factor C receive D proper C a burning fire or to possess D fiint, iron and dry tinder >' Cau 49: A possession B politics C refusal D decision Cau 50: A authority B mathematics C particular D community fiint C a u 40: The first fire used by people was probably obtained A from heat or fire caused by nature B by rubbing wood together C from the sun's iieat through glass D by striking iron against fiint sHa (te cdc cau sau trd titdnit cau (lung: C a u 41: Torches for lighting were made from A the wood o f gum trees CIton pitieoitg dn (A Itoac B, C, D) ung vdi tie/cum tie cd gach citdn can pitdi B iron bars dipped in melted resins Cau 51: Due o f the government's policy, some farming areas have been abandoned A C tree branches dipped in melted resins D wooden poles dipped in o i l B D Cau 52: Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play m the tennis tournaments C a u 42: Before the electric lamp was invented A • ' A o i l lamps and then candles were used B C D Cau 53: It is time the government helped the unemployment to find some jobs B people did not use any form o f lighting in their houses A C candles and then o i l lamps were used B C D Cau 54: M y mother doesn't care how much does the washing machine cost D candles and o i l lamps appeared about the same time A C a u 43: The word "splendors" in the passage mostly means B because she is going to buy it anyway A things that fill one with surprise and admiration ,^,| v c D Cau 55: The British national anthem, calling "God Save the Queen", was a B wonderful things that have been achieved C places where a lot o f people go on holiday D the beautiful and impressive features o f a place C ip A traditional song in the 18''' century C a u 44: Which sentence is N O T T R U E according to the passage? B C • ' -infrfl | t o « ; A We can make a fire by striking a piece o f iron on fiint to ignite some tinder B A world is impossible without gas or electricity l>Qc ki (loan van sau vd citpn pituwtg dn dung (ung vdi A Itoac B, C, D) cito C Matches and lighters were invented not long ago '^Si clt(~) tie 56 (ten 65 D We know exactly when and how people first used fire Around the age o f sixteen, you must make one o f the biggest decisions o f your C a u 45: The word "gloomy" in the passage mostly means ''fe " D o stay on at school and hopefully go on to university (56) ? Do I leave A containing a lot o f white B totally covered with darkness C badly lit in a way that makes one feel sad D full o f light; 226 haviffftlrflaffifa^^ start work or begin a training (57) ' "I';' The decision is yours, but it may be (58) remembering two things: there is •^ore unemployment (59) those who haven't been to university, and people | o have the right (60) w i l l have a big advantage in the competition for jobs 227 H U O N G DAN GIAI B: economic (n): kinli te H| - Dien gisii: Thi hien tai tiep dien + trang tir tan suat Ion (alway.'i): dung de phan nan mot thoi/tat cua (thuong khien nguoi khac birc bgi) ? 8M Cau 11:-Dap an: D Dien giai: A D J + N Cau vSn can v i tri cua mot tinh tir - Dien giai: all tir lien k^t de tao menh de danh ngir (noun clause) lam chu ngu cho dong tir was Ba chon lira lai sai cau true - Cau 4:- Dap an: B Loai: A: astonishment (n): sir kinh ngac ''* astonishing (a): kinh ngac - V-ing lam tinh tir, chi tinh chat cua sir v^t/sy viec Dien giai: n}ain reason: nguyen nhan chinh '4 ' B: astonish (v): lay lam kinh ngac Cau 5:-Dap an: C C: astonished (a): kinh ngac - tinh tir chi tarn trang cua ngirai Dien giai: nationality (n): quoc tjch Cau 12:- Dap sin: A V j tri ciia tir cau can m^t danh tir phCi hop nghTa Loai: - Dien gisii: Can true cua cau dieu ki^n loai I I : If clause ( Q K D , to be -> were cho tat ca cac ngoi) + main clause (S + A: nation (n): quoc gia - khong hop nghTa could/would + Vnguycn) B: national (a): thuoc ve quoc gia Cau 13:- Dsip sin: D D: nationalized (v); quoc huu hoa '; Cau 6:- Dap an: D - Dien gisii: appreciate (v): cam kich T u hgp nghTa v a i ngir canh: cam J i i c h sir giiTp da + "'Would you mind lending me your bike?": Phien ban cho toi mirgn chiec xe? - Dien giai: Not at all: Khong c6 gi: Day la each noi bay to sy san long triroc mot yeu cau Ijch sir " N o t at all.": Khong CO gi ' • Cau 10:-Dap an: D C: Are you fond of ? Ban c6 thich ? - ' V'^ Cac trang t u khac khong hgp nghTa Ba chon lira lai khong hop nghTa - ' ' r}\ Ba chon lira lai khong hop nghTa Cau 7: - Dap an: C Loai: A: to thank for something: cam an ve I Loai: A: uneconomicaiiy (adv): khong tiet ki^m (khong phu hgp nghTa) B: respect (v): ton * C: take (v): cam, nam, lay " ' :au 14:-Dapan: B - Dien giai: to be satisfied with; thoa man Loai: A: to be interested in: thich + HeMI the j o b as economically as possible: Anh ay se lam vi^c ay vai niih' tiet kiem toi da - Dien giai: V j tri cua tir cau can mot trang tir de phii hgp v6i dgng tir thuong " d o " da cho '*' ' ' C: to be humorous: hai luroc D: to be suspicious of: nghi nga ^au 15:-Dap an: A - ' ^ Dien gisii: Len xe buyt/tau lira giai t u la on; xuong xe buyt/tau lira giai tir la ff Cac giai t u khac khong hgp nghTa , 231 Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vigt C a u 16:- Dap an: B Ba chpn lira lai khong hgp nghTa - Dien giai: Nguyen the khong /o tlianli ngir to have sb st: sai/bdo c,i lam gi Cac dang dgng tCr khac sai cau true A: tac gia khong muon hoc sinh lang phi thai gian vao v i f c hgc B: trich dan 16i noi rang giao due la mot sir lang phi thoi gian C a u 17:-Dap an: D - Dien giai: Cach tra l a i hop voi cau hoi a thi Present Perfect A va B v5 nghTa; rieng C: chi c6 each noi I don't think so ,, ^ |;au : - D a p an: C C a u 18:-Dap an: D reformers, felt that there was no excuse - Dien giai: which: dai tir quan dung sau dau phay thay cho sir vi?c dSng truot Loai: A va B : khong phai la dai tir quan h0 r ,Vf»f/•,••••> - - C: that cung la dai tir quan he nhung khong thk dung sau dau phay f B: giao due thai ay rat it ton kem D: ngiioi ta chang biet lam gi khac hon la di hgc Cau 26:- Dap an: A - C a u : - D a p an: D Dien giiii: Djnh nghTa cua "reformers": nha cdi cdch - fj , Dien giiii: Djnh nghTa cua "c/7/ze/i": co«gJd/7 f, Ba dinh ngliTa lai deu sai B: always - sai cau true Cau 28:- Dap an: B C: prefer di voi to - infinitive ^ C a u : - D a p an: A - " ' Dien giiii: Tiiong tin a cau: As Superintendent of Education in the state of Massachusetts front 1837 to 1848, he initiated various changes, which were soon Dien giai: A (Nhung Khffi Dau Cua Cdi Cdch Trong Nen Gido Due My) Loai: matched in other school districts around the country: La tra Gido Due a liC'u hang Massachusetts B: {19 - Thi Ki Ciia Cdi Cdch) va C (Dau Tranh Cho ThayDdi) - y tuong qua rong va khong tryc tiep nh5c den cai each giao due a M y - Dien giai: Thong tin a cau: Private schools existed, but only for the very rich: Co trumig tir, nhinig chi ddnh cho nhuvg nguvi rdt gidu B: mot nen tang giao due vung chac ,, ,, v,, DitMi g i i i i : lorace Mann khong he de nghj nha truang chuan bi cho hoc smh sail di lam \c kiem song; ong chi tang nam hgc tir thang len thang, va cai lliicn chat lirgiig giao vien bang each de xirang viec dao t^o su pham va tang luong g^ , , A : mot trinh thong minh cao , , ": :, Cau 29:- Dap an: A C a u 2 : - D a p an: C Ba chpn lira lai khong hgp nghTa: tir 1837 den 1848, ong da khai xir&ng nhieu thay doi khde nhau, nhuvg tliuy doi md chang bao Idu sau duac bat ehuac lam theo tgi cdc hat CO truang hoe Iren khan cd nu&e D: {Nen Gido Due My Vdo Dau The Ki 19) cung khong nhSc den cai each v cho hp Ba chpn lira lai deu dung y bai van Cau : - D a p an: C - i Dien giiii: Nang cao chat Uigng dao tao giao vien chinh la vi?c Horace Mann ;\cuat Ong khong de xuat nhung viec lai: D: diem so cao A : tang luaiig cho hgc sinh C a u 23:- Dap an: B Dien giai: despperately = urgently: mot cdch khcin thiet C a u 24:- Dap an: C Dien giai: Tir waste ngoac kep cho thay ro rang la tac gia khong d6ng >' voi y kien cua cho rang di hoc thuc sir la mot s^r lang phi thai gian , ,, Cau 27:- Dap an: D Loai: A : belter phai dirng sau had 232 r ^ Ba djnh ngliTa lai deu sai - Dien giai: Ta c6: would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vnguyen: thich Idm gl han lam gi - in a republic for any citizen to be A: dan cu t i l u bang Masachusetts can gi de lam vai thai gian ranh roi cua hg chon B la dap an dung Cac dang thi khac neu khong dung thai di^m cua hanh dong - Dien giai: Thong t i n a cau: Horace Mann, probably the most famous of the \a chpn lira lai khong hgp nghTa manh mot hanh dpng nao Trong cau nay, ta de dang nhan tMy dien ngCr "for - o i kfti thay rang khong c6 cdgi nipt nuac cong hda md cong ddn Igi that hoc Dien giai: Tiiong thircnig ta sCr dung thi hien tai hoan tiep dien de nhSn days" va hanh dong mang theo thu ben minh may r5i ma chua doc den Vay, ta - - nedncated: Horace Mann, c6 le la nguvi noi tieng nhdt cdc nha cdi cdch, C a u 19:-Dap an: B - , ! D: nhan manh so lugng thai gian da bj lang phi cho giao due , | , f„ „ - , , J» r, , i , , , , , , , , , - * 1 ' 'i'l.o'A * % B: bat ehuac chinh sach cua cac quan hat knac I D : nam hgc dai thang u31:D |A./'rait3(r)/ B./'fainl/ ^ ; C./"aivari/ t • ,, vi "\^, D./'widou/ 233 Tity TNHB MTV DVVH Khang Vi$t A : mot tia lua gas choi sang va nong bong phat tir vat dang chay C: mot thiet bj phat sang bang dien, dau hoac gas C a u 32: C A./kliod/ B./'aeret:nd/ C./pa:st/ D./'maen iifed/ D: nang iugng tir mat trai, bong den, v.v giiip ta thay ro moi vat C a u 3 : - D a p an: A - Dien giai: another fifty: Them fmpt Ian] 50 la Cau 39: - Dap an: D ma - Loai: B: khong c6 one other C: chi CO fifty v».v '' D: hoan toan v6 nghTa as matches or lighters To make fire, it was necessary to strike a piece of iron on flint for sparks to ignite some tinder: Nhtmg each day khong Idu '' * C a u : - D a p an: B - «ii€'^sil.- f^' Dien giai: Thong tin a doan 1: But it was not long ago that there were no such things more y\- 'sM ;-U 0m veil chua c6 nhimg thi'r nhir la diem qui^t hoac cdi hat lua Di tgo lua, can phai ddnh mgnh mot mdnh s/it vdo vien da lua dS Idm bdn cdc tia lira di dot Dien giai: Truong hop ta sir dung menh de phu chi sir nhugng bo: chay ci'ii kho hoac c6 kho Ba chon lua lai sai y although + clause (A Cau : - D a p an: A Loai: A : a day khong the c6 menh de phu chi l i C: khong tlie c6 ket iuan v6i so - D: sai ngu pliap: in spile khong the dung truac menh de ^pm C a u : - D a p an: D ' * Dien giai: Thong tin a tron doan 2: Perhaps, that sticks many ages ago, they found woidd burn if they were dropped into some hole where melted a volcano lay boiling lava They brought the lighted sticks back to make their pre in a cave Or, they may have seen trees catch fire through being struck by hgp nay, nSu tir If \vong m^nh de if clause bj gian iugc thi se c6 hien tuong dao ngu lightning, Co le ngdy xua nguui la xay Tir "had" duoc dao trudc chu ngu va ngir phap cua cau khong thay doi, nhgn thay nlmvg que cin se phat chay iieu ihd cliirng vdo mot cdi ho chua - Dien giai: Ta thay cau dang a dang cau diSu kien loai III Trong truong and used the trees to start their own fires: dung Chi CO ba dang dugc phep dao: nham niii lira nong chay dang soi sung sue Ho mang may que cui dang chay vi di + had XrongXhi past perfect nhom lira Irong hang dgng Hoac la, c6 le nguai ta da nhin thay cay coi boc chay V/ bi set danh, va hg dung nhiivg cay di It/ tgo lira + wVrc dieu kien loai II Cau : - D a p an: C + 5//ow/f/trong dieu kien loai I - A , B va C sai dang dpng tiJ menh de phu ciia cau d i l u kien loai III Cau 42: - Dap an: C D: chi CO hai vat thi khong so sanh a bac nhat - C a u 37:- Dap an: A Dien giai: Ta c6: must + have + V3/ed: t/V hdn da lam gi mot viec chhc chhn da lam Trong cau nay, viec " D i l m bai kiem tra ciia John cao nhat lap" giup chung ta suy luan dieu "H5n la anh ay da hoc hanh rk cham chi" i u s t e r of candles: SuSt nliieu thi ki nha cira dugc thdp sang bang den cdy cho p« dau mo dugc phat hien Thgm chi din luc ay, den dau vdn khong sang horn ^Ql cum den cdy Cau : - D a p an: D Vay, ta chpn A la dap an nhat diing J Loai: B: should + Vnguyen: la 16i khuyen cho hien tai hoac tuong lai iu 4 : - D a p an: D - da khong chju hoc) Dien giai: lighter (n): cdi bat It'ia Ba chpn lira khong phai la djnh nghTa cua "lighter": •' Dien giiii: Thong tin a cau dau doan 2: We not know exactly ''pw people first used fire: ndo va bang each nao C a u 38: - Dap an: B r Dien giai: Dinh nghTa cua "splendors": ve huy hodng, trdng Iq Ba chon lira lai khong diing nghTa C: must va have to khong di chung vai D: should + have + V3/ed: dang le da nen lam gi (dang phai hoc ni'' 234 Dien giiii: Thong tin a dau doan cuoi: F o r centuries homes were lit by candles until oil was found Even then, oil lamps were no more effective than a Cku true dung de phan xet dieu gi da c6 dau hieu hoac rut,ra kk luan ve - that lit their liomes at night: Hg nung chay nhira thong nha a vao ban dem Loai: A va C: khong chiia dai tir quan he nao > ; in va nhimg cdnh cay vdo chat long di lam nhimg cay duoc thdp sang Dien giai: Dai tir quan he lam tan ngu cho giai tir ' - Dien giai: Tiiong tin a doan 3: They melted resins and dipped branches the liquid to make iorc/ies C a u : - D a p an: B - „ „ •• when or Chiing la khong biel nguai Ian dau lien diing lira ' 235 • Cau 45:- D a p a n : C - Dien g i a i : Dinh nghTa ciia ''gloomy": toi lam, u dm, dm dgm Ba chon lya lai khong diing ngliTa gu 55:- D a p a n : B jjjn Cau 46:- D a p a n : C - Dien giai: Phan tir phai a dang hi dpng Sua lai calling called * Cau 56: A later (adv): ve sau/sau Cau can vj t r i cua mot trang tir hgrp Dien g i a i : Thong tin a doan ap chot: There was no lighting in city streets pghTa nam cuoi cau until gas lamps, and then electric lamps were installed Boys ran about London Loai: B: former (adj): trudc day at night carrying torches of burning material They were called torch boys, or C: after (prep); sau link boys, and earned a living by guiding visitors to friends' houses at night; Khong CO den dieang cho den den dot bang gas, vd sau la den di^n dime l^p dgt Nhimg can he cam dude chgy qiianh cdc diixmg phd Ludn Don Chung dux/c goi Id nhiing cau he soi du&ng, hogc nhirng cent be dan duang, vd chung kiem sSng bdng cdch chi duang cho khdch den thdm nlid hgn be vdo ban dem ,,, Cau : - D a p a n : B - iJjnh v o i training CSu 58: D vv'orth: to be worth + gerund: dang de Idm gi Ta c6: "77ie decision is yours, bid it may he lugng nhieu hon V I vay ta dung "among" )i}\\n, wt'f^\%i\>^' C /ri 'si:v/ Loai: A : between and: dung cho hai nguai hoac hai vat D /'prop3(r)/ Cau 49: B B, D: khong hgp nghTa Cau 60: B skills B./'pDlstiks/ A./oi'ewati/ C./n'fjuizl/ •t-^'uim^^'^w ^ D./di'si3n/ •«^: iraJi' B./inaeea'maetiks/ C./pa'tikjabCr)/ ''*'**V NgO canh: people who have the right skills will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs: nh&ng nguai c6 ky nang cong vi?c tot se c6 ca hgi Idn kiem v i f c lam Cau 61: B straight la trang tir dung sau dong tir thuang "/o go" D./ka'mjuinati/ go straight: d i thang Cau 51: - D a p a n : A Loai A , C, D: instant, just va direct deu la tinh tir Dien g i a i : Due to + Noun/Noun phrase: Do bofi Cau 62: C help; help s.o to sth: giup lam gi Sua lai Due o f —>• Due to Cau 52: - Dsip sin: A - Ta c6: "Getting qualifications will help you to get on more quickly in many • Can 63: A while: trongluc, never hardly ever Dien g i a i : Ngfr canh: giup nhiing nguoi that nghiep Sua lai v o i danh tir tap hop: unemployment unemployed •lid ^ Q N

Ngày đăng: 01/10/2016, 14:42

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