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Cty INHFTTOTV DWH KTiang Vj§t B Phuong an sai The hoy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his fathv, about his mistake (Can be c6 nai me cau noi cho cha can biet ve 16i lam ciia can.) D F^iiiro'iig an sai The boy requested his mother not to talk about his misiuli,^ any more (Can be yen cau me cau dirng noi ve loi lam cua cau ta nfra.) Question 24: "You shouldn't Frank!" have leaked our confidential report to the j'rc.K^, said Jane "Frank, ie anh kliong nen tiet 16 ban bao cao mat ciia chuiiu ta cho bao chi biet!" Jane noi (Nhirng Frank da lam dieu do) L u u y: leak (tiet 16) Y bai: The issue of equality for women in Drislish j0tional nguoi da lam.) B Dap an dung Criticize thu hiit s^r chii y ciia ca nuoc la vao dau the k i 20 nhirng nha dau tranh cho nu quyen gianh dugc quyen bau cu cho phy nO.) A Phuong an sai: British women did not complete their traditional supporting = tiet 16 Jane criticized Frank for having = phe dischised report to the press (Jane phe binh Frank tiet Ip ban bao cao mat cua ho cho bao chi biet.) lam cai g i Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press = cao buoc D Phuong an sai: suffragettes fought for the equal employment and equal pay (cac nha dau tranh cho nir quyen dau tranh cho vi?c lam va tien luang binh dang), y bai: //; the 1960s feminism women's liberation movement became the subject of intense debate when the encouraged role and to demand women to reject their traditional equal status and equal rights with men in areas such as employment and pay (Trong thap nien I960, thuyet nam nU binh quyen tro with their de tai cho cugc tranh luan gay gat phong trao giai phong phy nir dgng report (Jane cao bupc Frank da danh lira bao chi bang ban bao cao vien phu nir t u bo vai tro phy truyen thong va doi hoi dja vj va quyen Igi binh dSng mat ciia ho.) vai nam gioi cac ITnh vuc nhu vi^c lam va tien luang.) C Plurang an sai Jane report to the press suspected that Frank had leaked their confidenlial (Jane nghi nga ring Frank da tiet Ip ban bao cao mat ciia iio Question 27: The phrase (Cum t u ||e dja vj giua nam va nu) report (Jane loi la Frank xu njnh bao chi bang ban bao cao mat cua ho.) A Phuong an sai: the visible space between men and M'f;/;7e«(khoang c6 the thay dugc giua nam va niJ) Question 25: "If you don pay the ransom, we 'II kill your boy, " the kidnappers told us " N ^ u 6ng kh6ng tra tien chuoc, chiing toi se giet trai ong," nhCrng ten bat coc cho chiing toi biet C Phuong an sai: the social distance between the two sexes {distance = khoang each) (1;; D Phuong an sai: the social relationship C Dap an diing The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ran.som (Nhifng ten hit coc de doa giet trai chiing toi neu chiing toi khong chju tra t'lkn chuoc.) A Yeu to sai: pledged refers to ) B Dap an diing: the difl'erence in status between men and women (su khac biet D Phuong an sai: flatter (xu njnh) Jane blamed Frank for having flattered the press with their confidential "gender gap " in paragraph gender gap doan de cap den cho bao chi biet - thuc te la Frank lam dieu do.) todo something = hua mpt each trjnh se lam dieu gi Question 28: Susan B Anthony, Margaret penlioned B Anthony, Margaret (ra l^nh) Phuong an B dang chu dong nhirng thieu tan ngCr (Susan Question 26: It can be inferred from the paragraph that in the 19"' (Ta c6 the suy t u doan rang a the k i 19, women did not have the right Sanger and Elizabeth Sanger va to vote in politic'-'^ (Phu nir A n h kh6ng c6 quyen bo phieu cac cuoc bau cu chinh tri) are Elizabeth in the fight for American women's rights (nhirng kSMoi tien phong cugc dau tranh cho quyen Igi phu nu MT) Y bai: In "lid 1800s SiLsan B Anthony 'banted to provide ) Blackwell ) the US the movement that is often called the 'first wave of feminism D Yeu to sai: promise to something = hua lam dieu gi (kh6ng hpp ngiJ canh) C Dap an diing: British as Blackwell dugc de cap nhu la C Dap an diing: pioneers B Ta phai diing: order someone to something between the two sexes (moi quan h? xa ibpi giua hai phai nam va niJ) (khong phu hop ngiJ canh) 156 equal fights (phan Ion phu niJ khong ao uac c6 dja vj va quyen Igi binh diing - khong supporting A Phuong an sai: accuse someone of doing/ having done something elections role (phu nu Anh khong hoan vai tro phu cua minh - khong dugc neu bai) report to the press but he did someone for doing/ having done something binh lam viec g i ; disclose century, women dugc neu bai) Frank shouldn 'I have leaked their confidential s;i< won for B Phuong an sai: most women did not wish to have equal status and S h o u l d n ' t have + past participle ( d i l n ta mot dieu le khong nen lam nhuiiy confidential in the early 20''' century, when the suffragettes attracted the I'ight to vo/e.(Viin de binh dang danh cho phu niJ xa hoi A n h kin dau tien L a i khuyen cho tinh huong qua khu: their confidential altenlion society first worked for women with the means of contraception fcide whether or not to have children, " began in the the right to vote, Margaret and Elizabeth so that they Blackwell, Sanger could who had to fight br the chance to become a doctor, wanted women to have greater opportunities to i/Mc/y (Trong phong trao dau tranh a MT, Ian song doi nu quyen kin thii niiat bat 157 ^ CtyJNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vi§t dau vao giua thi k i 19 Susan B Anthony doi quyen bau cir, Margaret Sanger mu6n phu nir duoc cung cap cac bien phap tranh thai de bg c6 the quyet djnh c6 hay khong, va Elizabeth Blackwell, nguai dau tranh cho ca hQi tro bac si, muon phu nO c6 quyen ca hoi hpc tap hon.) B Phuang an sai: The women's liberation movement in the world first began in Britain (Phong trao giai phong phu nu tren the gioi bat d i u tai Anh - y sai, xem lai dap an A ) Giai nhanh CDBT TN Anh Van - NgO Van Minh A Phuang an sai: American women who were more successful than men (nhuiig phu nir MT dat hon nam gioi - y khong dugc de cap doan van) B Phuang an sai: American women with exceptional abilities (nhiJng phu nfr MT v o i kha nang phi thuang - y khong diroc de cap) D Phuang an sai: American women who had greater opportunities (nhung pliy ''The Equal Rights Amendment " T u chinh an \i (ERA) A Dap an dung: was not officially approved (khong dugc chinh thuc thong the ERA was not passed (Mac du T u chanh an ve Quyen binh dang khong dugc thong qua ) B Phuong an sai: changed the US Constitution (lam thay doi Hien phap Hoa K y - y sai v i no khong dugc thong qua.) C Phuong an sai: was brought into force in the 1960s (c6 hieu lire thap nien 1960 - ly tuong t u nhu phuong an B ) D Phuong an sai: supported employers, schools and clubs (ung hg gioi chii, truong hoc va cau lac bg - y khong dugc de cap) Question 30: //; the late 201'' century, some information was issued by C Dap an dung: the Equal in Britain ) Opportunity and statistics Commission Opportunity (Uy Ban Nghien Cuu C\ Commission to show where improvements was set up to in opportunities f>r women needed to be made ( U y Ban Nghien Cuu Ca H o i Binh DSng dugc thanli lap de cong bo cac nghien cuu va thong ke cho thay nguai ta can nang cao co A , B , D Cac phuang an sai: the Equal Rights Amendment (Tu chinh an vc QuySn Binh dSng); the Equal Pay Act of 1970 (Luat Tra Luang Binh DSng nam is true according to the passage ? ( D i l u na" sau day dung so v o i doan van?) A Dap an dung: The movement of feminism began in the US earlier than (Piiong trao phu niJ a MT bat d4u sdm han a A n h ) Thai diem phat sinl' phong trao plioiu' i : ')>> a Anii la "in the early 20"" century", mid 1800s'' ) B , C , D Cac phuang an sai: an overlooked problem (mgt \kn de bj bo qua); a ceilingmade of glass (trAn nha lam bSng thiiy tinh); a transparent frame (mot khung su6t) Question 33: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the pa.ssage? ( Y nao sau day khong dugc de cap doan van?) A Dap an dung: There is now no sex discrimination in Britain and in the US B Phuong an sai: Many American women still face the problem of household chores (Nhieu phu nu' MT van doi mat vSn d l \h cong viec nha) Y bai: Many women also face the problem of the, i.e the household chores (Nhieu phu nu MTcung doi mat \kn de ve "ca lam thu nhi", nghTa la cong viec nha.) | C Phuang an sai: An American women once had to fight for the chance to Ngudi phu nir la Elizabeth Blackwell D Plurong va a MT la "/// an sai: British women now bai: "Women now have much better employment Question 34: ^09n van rSng have much better employment (Ngay phu nu A n h cd ca hgi tim viec lam nhieu han) Y opportunities / / can be inferred from the passage that ) " (Ta cd the suy tir B Dap an dung: women in Britain and the US still fight for their equal status '^d equal rights? (Phu nir d A n h va MT van dau tranh cho dia vj va quyen Igi ^'nli dang CLia hg) A n h : "they still tend to get less well-paid Jobs than men, and ^^'O' few are appointed 158 mostly means A Dap an diing: an imaginary barrier (mgt rao can ao) Y bai v^ cum tir ia: prevents them from having high-level jobs (ngan can hg khoi cac cong viec cSp cao) opportunities Act (Luat chong phan biet giai tinh) Question 31: Which of the following Britain "glass ceiling ' in paragraph become a doctor ( M o t phu nu' MT tirng dau tranh cho ca hoi t r d bac sT.) hoi danh cho phu nir) 1970); the Sex Discrimination Question 32: The phrase (Cum tir "glass ceiling" a doan c6 ngliTa gan voi (Hien a A n h va MT khong cSn sir phan biet gidi tinh.) Hoi Binh D5ng) y bai: the Equal research about feminism (Vao cuoi the k i 20, mgt s6 thong tin ve phong trao phu nu a A n h dugc cung cap bai publish ki 20) Y sai v i chi'ing ta b i ^ mgt dao luat dugc qu6c hgi thong qua chu khong phai chinh phu, v a no cung khong dugc dS cap doan van Quyen Binh D^ng ( E R A ) qua), y bai: Although D Phuang an sai: The British government passed laws to support women in the 'early 20"' century (Chinh phu Anh thong qua dao luat ung hp phu niJ vao dau the nu MT CO n h i l u ca hoi han - y khong dugc de cap) Question 29: C Phuang an sai: The US movement of feminism became the most popular in the late 20"" century (Phong trao phu niJ a MT tra nen dugc quan tarn nhat vao cuoi th^ k' 20) Y sai v i doan van noi: "In the 1980s, ferminism became less popular in the US " (Trong thap nien 1980, phong trao phu niJ tra nen it dugc quan tarn a M T ) to top jobs in industry" ( H g van thudng nhan nhung cdng 159 vi?c CO luong thap lion nam gioi va rat it phii nir duoc bo nliiem nhCrng chuc vy Dap an la B: immediate / r m i : d lat/ c6 trpng am roi vao am tiet thi'r hai dung dan nganli cong ngliiep) M i : "ihere is still discrimination Cac phuong an khac c6 trpng am roi vao am tiet thu nhat (van CO sir phan biet ve gioi tinh) Question 41: A Pbuong an sai: the belief that sex discrimination popular should *' not exist is not A Dap an dung Ta dung nifnh de quan he khong gioi han (non-defining in the US (niem tin rSng sy piian biet gioi tinh se tchong ton tai, khong relative clause) voi dai tir which di sau dau phay de thay the cho ca menh d l truac duge quail tam a M7) Y bai: "the British government women's liberation movement" did not approve of the (nguyen tSc la sir p h a n biet gioi tinh se dupe se {.4 khong ton lai dirge quan tam a MT) C [Mnrang an sai: the British liberation government did not approve ; of the women's movement (chinh phii A n h khong tan phong trao giai phong phi, IVlenh de thi'r nhat la menh de chinh dien ta y ngliTa chinh He behaved very strangely, va menh de quan he la menh de phy dien ta y phu "That surprised me a lot" He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much ( A n h ky cu x u rat ki d'lku lam toi rat ngac nhien.) D Phuong an sai: ta khong the dung dai t u quan h? "thqj" sau dau ph§y niJ - khong iicu bai) D Phuong a n sai: women not have belter employment opportunities despite B , C Cac phuong an sai: y "be surprised" ,>iM'' khong phai la y chinh their great efforts (phii iiO khong c6 ca iipi tim viec lam tot hon mac du no lire rfu Question 42: He cannot lend me the book now He has not finished Ion) Y sai; xem lai can 33 (Bay gio anh ay chira the cho toi mugn cuon sach dugc A n h ay chua dpc xong.) Question 35: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage' in Britain and the US (Phong trao phu nir a Anh A Phirong an dung cum tir "having done" de chi hanh dpng dpc sach hoan tat Having finished va MT) A , B , C Cac phuong an sai vi chung chi neu tirng y rieng ie doan viin: Opportunities B Dap an dung Ta c6 moi quan he ve thai gian giua hai cau (chu y trang t u now) nen ta dung menh de trang ngu chi thai gian vai " n o t u n t i l " (Phirong an nao sau day la tua de thicii ligp nhat cho doan van?) D Dap an dung: Feminism for Women Nowadays (Co hoi danh cho phu n u nay); Women and the Right to Vote (Phy nu va quyen ban cir); The Suffragettes reading it yet in British Sociciy (Cac nha dau tranh cho nu' quyen xa hoi Anh) reading the book, he cannot lend it to me (Dpc xong cuon sach nhung anh ay khong thk cho toi mugn dupe.) C Phuong an sai Not having finished reading the book, he will lend it to me (Chua dpc xong cuon sach nhung anh ay se cho toi mugn.) D Phuong an sai: m^nh de bSt dau bang "as long as" (mien la) la m?nh de dieu Question 36: future /'fju:tX3(r)/, prospect /"prospekt/, guidance /'gaidns/, invoKe ki?n /in'volv/ Question 43: Crazianna is a big country Dap a n la D: involve / i n ' v o l v / c6 am roi vao am tiet thu hai Cac respect from its neighbours phuong an khac c6 am roi vao a m tiet thi'r nhat dugc cac quoc gia Ian can kinh ne.) Unfortunately, it has never received (Crazianna la mpt qu6c gia Ian Rui thay, no khong he Question 37: facilitate / f a ' s i l i t e i t / , hydrology /lia 1'dnMo^i/, participate /pa:'tisipcit/- D Dap an dung Ta c6 hai cau c6 y nghTa doi lap nen ta diing menh de chi intimacy / ' i n t i n i D s i / nhugng bp v a i "though" de ket hgp L u u y: m^nh de "// has never Question 38: represent /repn 'zent/, permanent /'pa : manant/, continent /'kont I nant/, sentiment /'sent mant/ Dap a n la A : represent /repn 'zent/ c6 trpng a m roi vao a m tiet thu b a Cac phuong an khac c6 trpng a m roi vao am tiet thu hai Question 39: romantic /rau'maentik/, reduction / r i ' d A k / n / , popular /'popjalaCrVfinancial / f a i ' n a s n j l / respect from its neighbours " la y chinh A Phuong an sai: ta khong the diing m^nh de chi nguyen nhan vai "because" de k^t hgp B Phuong an sai: ta khong the dung menh de chi ket qua \6\" de l^^t hop C Phuong an sai: day la cau nhan manh chu tiJ "Crazianna" Question 44: His academic record at high school was poor He failed Dap an l a C: popular / ' p D p j a l a ( r ) / , c6 trpng a m r o i vao a m tiet thu nhat 'hatprestigious Cac phirong an khac c6 trpng am r o i v a o a m tiet thu hai '^hong t h i nop dan vao truang danh tieng do.) Question 40: optimist / ' o p t i m i s t / , immediate /rmi:diat/, fabulous accuracy /'aekjalasi/ 160 /'faebjal-''^' received institution to apply to (Ket qua hpc tap ciia cau ta a trung hpc rat kern Cau ta t ) Dap an dung Cau thu nh^t la nguyen nhan dan den ket qua a cau thu hai Ta ^ ^ f g t u noi cau "as a result" de chi moi quan he nhan qua 161 my i N T i f f W T V T J W H Khang Vi§t A Yeu t6 sai la "he clidn't apply to that prestigious institution " Can ta khong dij dieu kien nop don clu'r khong pliai cau ta khong nop don vao truong B Phuong an sai: His academic record at high school was poor as a result of hix failure to apply to that prestigious institution (Ket qua lioc tap ciia cau ta a trung hoc r^t kem la ket qua cua viec khong the npp don vao truong danh tieng do.) C Phuong an sai: cum hien tai phan tir (-ing) ket hgp v6i menh de chinh kh6n< the dien ta moi quan he nhan qua Question 45: Smoking immediately is an extremely harmful habit You should give it up (Hut thuoc la la thoi quen cue ky tai hai Anh nen bo hut thuoc ngay.) D Dap an dung Cau thu nhat la nguyen nhan dan den hanh dong dien ta troiig cau thu hai Ta dung menh de chi nguyen nhan bk dau bang "as " (boi v i , v i ) A Phuong an sai: ta khong the dung menh de trang ngu chi thai gian de ket hop hai cau Hon nira ngij nghTa cua cau sai B Phuong an sai You should give up smoking immediately into an extremely and you will fall harmful habit (Anh nen bo hut thuoc ngay, va anh se bat ddu C Phuong an sai Stop your smoking immediately so it will become one of your extremely harmful habits ( T u bo hut thuoc v i no se tra mpt thoi quen cue ky tai hai D Dap an diing: at home (thoai mai, t u nhien nhu a nha) Why don't you sit at home ? (Sao anh khong ngoi xuong va c u t u nhien nhu a nha?) A Phuong an sai: at peace (hoa binh, hoa thuan) ^^^ ^ B Phuong an sai: at rest (khong cu dong) B Dap an diing: barely (= in a way that is just possible but only with cjifficulty): vira van, chi dii The village was barely visible through the dense fog (Ngoi lang chi hien Id m d suong mu day dac.) A , C , D Cac phuang an sai: only (duy chi); mostly (phan Idn, chii yiu la); hard Question 52: Ta c6 dieu kien khong c6 that d hien tai dugc noi gian tiep: "without animals and plants" = "if there were no animals and plants", ket hgp vdi menh de chinh cua cau dieu ki?n loai 11 nen no Question 47: Question 53: Cau hoi vk k\g giao t\ip , ^, Dap an la D Harry: "Areyou ^ ^^'^^j i,, j ready, Kate? There's not much time left " Kate: "Yes, just a minute I'm coming !" dong khong can thiet ma lai dugc thuc hien (Dang le chj khong can nau qua nhieu mon an nhu the Chi c6 ba nguoi dung bua trua thoi.) have dung cho cau dieu kien loai U'- oughtn't theo sau la "to"; couldn't have dien ta su suy doan qua khur Question 48: Cau hoi ve ngu' dong t u (phrasal verbs) C Dap an dung: break out (khai phat bat thinh linh) The Second World Wci'' broke out in 1939 (The chien thu hai bung no nam 1939 A , B , D Cac phuang an sai: bring about (dem lai ket qua); turn up (xuat hien); (Tdi se khong hoan tat); I'd he OK (Tdi khong sao) Question 54: There are only three of us for ;f ' Kate: Vang, chd mgt chut T d i d§n Cac phuong an sai: No longer (khong nua); / won't finish C Dap an dung Cau true "needn't have + qua k h u phan tir" dien ta mpt hanh "You needn 't have cooked so many dishes |.Si /; (Cugc song tren trai dat se nhu the nao neu khong cd dong, thuc vat?) Harry: Kate, ban c h u l n bj xong chua? Khong can nhieu thdi gian dau C Phuong an sai: make it your own home (bien no gia dinh rieng cua anh) A , B , D Cac phuang an sai: wouldn't Dap an la B The temperature at which melting takes place varies widely from material to material (Nhiet ma sir tan chay xay a thay doi nhieu tCiy theo V9t lieu.) Question 51: Dap an la A What would life on earth be like without animals and plants?, \j\ Question 46: Cau hoi ve ngu lunch." Question 50: Cau la cau phuc vai menh de quan he d giua cau c6 dong tir so it {takes) nen chii tir ciia no cQng la s6 it (rnealtlng) Luu y: melting takes place at a temp'^rature, va ta dung dai t i j quan he " w h i c h " thay cho "-temperature " (can man) mot thoi quen cue la tai hai down and tnake yourself B Dap an dung: speed up (lam tang toe do) "We'd better speed up if we want get get Ithere in time " (Chung ta nen tang toe neu chung ta muon d i n kjp luc.) A , C , D Cac phuang an sai: turn down (bat am lugng); take up (tiep tuc mpl c6ng viec bo da); put down (de xuong) ' A Dap an diing no matter how (in whatever way): bat ke nhu the nao, du, mac du "No matter how you treat him, he 'II help you He's so tolerant " ( D u anh doi x u anh ay nhu the nao thi anh ay cung se giup anh A n h ta rat khoan dung.) B Phuong an sai: in addition to (ngoai ra, them vao) + cym danh tu/ danh dong tu Phuong an sai: even though (mac du) dijng cho menh de chi sir nhugng bg ^'^n ta hai y doi lap D Phuang an sai: as if (nhu the la) Question 55: Cau hdi ve ngu dgng t u (phrasal verbs) '1^"''' ' ' H'C Dap an dung: take in ( = understand): h i l u I could not take in the lecture at take out (lay d i ) '^'j- It was too difficult for me (Tdi khong hieu chut gi ve bai giang ca N o qua khd Question 49: Cau hoi ve ngu dong tir (phrasal verbs) ^ ^ i vdi tdi.) 162 163 Giai nhanh CDBT TN Anh Van - NgO Van Minh " A , B , D Cac plurong an sai: gel along (hoa thuan); make off{&i mat, cuon goi); hold on (nam chat, giCr chat) Question 56: Menh de danh ngCr (noun clause) bat dau bang what c6 the lam chu ngCr cau A Dap an dung / did not want to believe them, but in fact, what they said was true (Toi khong muon tin ho, nhung that dieu ho noi la dung.) B Phuong an sai: dai tir "what" khong the lam chu tir cua dpng tir "say" d t h i chu dong what has been said C Yeu t6 sai: they were said{\\\k bj dpng); phai sua lai nhu dap an A D Phuong an sai: ta khong dung menh de quan he khong gioi han v i dai tir " w h i c h " thay the cho ca menh de truoc Question 57: Ta c6 tinh hu6ng d tuang lai nen dong tir "wear" a thi Tirong lai tiep dien D Dap an dung: Why not? (Tai sac khong?) - day la cau d6ng y trirac lai de nghi A Phuong an sai "Yes, I'm afraid not" (Vang, toi e rang khong the) la cau tra \ci\o cau hoi C6-Kh6ng B Phuong an sai " / think that, too " (Toi cung nghT the) dien ta sir dong y voi y Y\kn nguoi khac C Phuong an sai Not completely" h^n voi nguoi khac (Khong hoan toan) dien ta sir dong y mot uestion 62: V a i dao ngCr dira trang tir chi noi chon dau menh de ta Khong can dung trg dong tir ma chi vi?c dua truoc chu tir: Trang tii- chi noi chon + dong tir + chii tir B Dap an diing The instructor blew his whistle and off ran the runners (Huan Itiyen vien thoi coi va cac van dong vien chay viit di.) ' A , C Hai plurong an diing sai thi dong tir (dong tii' " r u n " khong the chia d thi Qua khir tiep dien) vi hanh dong xay tire thi Dap an la B "You 'II recognize Jenny when you see her She will be wearing a red hat "(Anli D Phuong an sai Ncu khong diing dao ngir ta phai sira tlianh: the runners ran off Question 63: se nhan Jenny anh gap c6 ay Co ay se doi chiec non mau do.) C Dap an dung Luii y: prevent something from (ngm Question 58: Cau hoi ve k i nang giao tiep She built a high wall round her garden to prevent her fruit from being stolen (Co Alfonso: "1 had a really good time Thanks for the lovely evening " Alfonso: T o i dugc huong mot khoang thai gian thoai mai Cam on ve buoi toi tuyet v o i A Dap an dung: I'm glad you enjoyed it (Toi mirng la anh thich thii) B , D Cac phirang an sai: chung la cau tra 16i cho cau hoi C6-Kh6ng C Phuong an sai: Oh, that's right ( , dirge r6i) - dung de dap lai 16i x i n loi Question 59: Cac de cap den so sanh bSng va so sanh hon v o i ti'nh tir B Dap an dung So sanh khong bang: not as/to + tiqnh tii7trang tir + as "This shirt is not nearly as expensive as that one." (Chiec ao so m i gan nhu khong dat bang chiec ao kia.) A Phuong an sai Trang tir much chi b6 nghTa cho tinh tiJ so sanh han, khong dung voi so sanh bang "as as" C Phuong an sai So sanh hon: less + to'nh tir dai +than (kem hpn) D Phuong an sai Trang tir chi cap "far" phai dung truoc "much": far (too) much Question 60: Day la loai bien bao: N O + V-ing (Cam ) Dong t i r : trespass ( = enter land or a building that you not have permission): xam nhap " N O TRESPASSING" = Ckm vao! Dap an dung C: not to enter (khong dugc vao) Question 61: Cau hoi v^ kT nang giao tiep Sue: "Can you help me with my essay? " Sue: Ban hay gii'ip toi lam bai luan chan) ay xiiy buc tuong cao \ung quanh ngoi viron de ngan chan trai cay bj danii ctip.) A Plurong an sai: enable someone to something (cho phep) B Plurong an sai: so that + menh de chi miic dich "so that her fruit would be stolen " (de trai cay ciia c6 ay se bj danh cap) c6 ngir nghia khong phii h g p , J ,» D Plurong an sai: /// order that + menh chi muc dich (chu khong diing voi cum tir) Question 64: B Daj:) an dung: /// case = phong (c6 nghTa la truvng hop chuycn gi 4o xay ninrng nguoi noi khong mong nnion dieu do) Before I left for my sunvner camp, my mother told her to take warm clothes with me in case it was cold (Truoc toi di trai he mt? toi bao toi inang thco quan ao am phong kiii troi ianh.) A Plurong an sai: despite + c\\m tir chi sy nhirgng bg , C Plurong an sai: so that + menh de chi muc dich I) Phirong an sai: whereas (= while) + lucnh dc chi su doi lap Question 65: B Dap an dung othenvise/ or else (= ncu khong) diing d6 neu kel qua dieu •16 khong xay hoac tinh huong thay doi "Never be late for an interview, otherwise you can't get the job " (Khong bao gicV ^^n phong van tre, neu khong anh se khong xin dugc vice lam.) A , D Plurong an sai: unless = if not (trir khi) - chi dieu kiC-n (notj late for an "tterview ^ ,,), C Phuang an sai Co th5 sira I?!: or so or else , nhiih 'Hi- li 165 Question 66: Day la cau dieu kien loai III: Y doan van: "Culture is derived from the treatment and care of the Menh de If chu ngu* + had + qiia khii' phan tir goil '^^'^ of what grows on it " (Tir culture bat nguon tir v i f c cliam s6c dat va Menh de cliinh: chii ngu + would ('d) have + qiia k h u phan tir nhCfiig thu moc tren do.) Dap an la B: hadn't been If it hadn't been for the heavy storm, the accident would not have happened (Neu and history (pliat triln til' nen van hoc va Ijch su- ciia Hy Lap va La M a - khong dugc de cap doan van) kliong v i tran bao kliung kliiep tlii tai nan c6 le kliong xay ra.) C Phuong an sai comes from a source that has not been identified (xuat phat tir Question 67: A Dap an dung Ta dung trang tir "however" de noi hai menh de doi lap Til- noi cau c6 the a vj t r i dau, giua hoac cuoi cau thu hai Tru-oc va sau "however" piiai c6 dau pliay hoac dan chani The sky was cloudy and foggy We went to the beach, however (Troi nliieu may va suong mil Tuy nliicn clu'ing toi van di bai bien.) B, C , D Cac phuong an sai: chi'ing khong phai la tir noi cau (sentence connector) Even though (dii, mac du) diing menh de chi sir nhugng bo; so (nen, cho nen) dung menh de chi ket qua va yet (= nhung) la lien tir chu iTiot nguon goc chua duoc xac djnh - xem lai dap an A ) D Phuong an sai derives from the same root as civilization does (bat nguon ciing mot nguon goc nhu tir civilization Y civili^'ilio" bai: '"Distinctions have been drawn too between " (Nguoi ta ciing rut sy khac biet giua culture va Question 72: // is stated in paragraph I that a cultured person neu ning mot nguoi c6 van hoa ) C Dap an dung: has knowledge of arts, literature, culture Y bai: "A person Question 68: Cau hoi ve ngu dong tir (phrasal verbs) (Doan I and music (c6 kien tliuc ve * of culture has a knowledge of and interest in the arts, literature, and music " anh liuang, ton hai) He never lets any t lung come between him and his weekend fishing trip (Anii ay khong bao gia de dieu gi anh hirong den chuyen di cau ca cuoi tuan.) A Phuong an sai has a Job related to cultivation (c6 ciing viec lien quan den trot) Tir culture moi lien quan den trot B Phuong an sai takes care of the soil and what grows on it (day la iigliTa ciia B, C , D Cac phuong an sai: come on (= hii dau ); come up (xay ra) la noi dong tu' (khong c6 tan ngu); gioi tir among diing cho nhom nhieu hon hai va khong diing vai lien i\x and tir culture chir khong piiai a cultured person) D Phuong an sai does a job relevant to education (lam ciing viec c6 lien quan den giao due - khong dugc de cap doan van) Question 69: Question 73: The author remarks that cidture and civilization are the two words D Dap an dung N g u canh doi hoi mot yeu cau danh cho M i k e that Would you mind making some coffee, Mike? (Mike, anh lam on pha mot it ca plic giiip toi diioc khong?) A Phuong an sai Cau yeu c&w Would/Will/Can/Could you ? B Phuong an sai Shall you make some coffee, Mike? (DS toi pha cho anh ca C Phuong an sai Cau de nghj "Why don't we ?" khong rieng cho M i k e Tac gia nhan xet r5ng culture va civilization D Dap an dung: not develop from la hai tir the same meaning (khong bat nguon tir ciing mot nghTa) Y bai: "Distinctions have been drawn too between culture and civilization; the latter is a word derived not, like culture or agriculture, from phe CO duoc khong Mike? - ngir ngliTa khong phii hop) the soil, but from the city." (Nguoi ta cung rut sir khac biet giua culture civilization, dahh cho mot nhom chu tir tliir hai khong nhu tir culture hoac civilization ma no bat nguon tir tlianh thi.) pattern Question 70: L u u y: chii tir + would rather/sooner + m^nh de that (chu tir + thi niau tir loai - khong dugc de cap); are both related to agriculture and qua khii- gia djnh - past subjunctive) (khi hai chii tir khac nhau) (ciing lien quan den nong ngliiep va trot - sai); have nearly Our boss would rather we didn't chat during the working khong niuon chung ta tan gau gia lam viec.) Question 71: According to the passage, the word culture tir culture ) he v6i sir cliuan bj va sir dung dat de trot) 166 hours (Ong cin'i and use of land for farming the passage (Ta CO the suy tir doan van la tir th6 ki 20 C Dap an diing: classical (lien (c6 ciing cultivation the same ""-'aning (c6 ngir nghTa gan nhu - sai) Question 74: // can be inferred from (Theo doan van va bat nguon tir dat A , B , C Cac pliuoiig an sai: share the same word formation A Dap an dung: is related to the preparation and civilization) nghe tiiuat, van ligc va am nhac) khong phai tir noi cau A Dap an dung: come between and(lam (jt, B Phiiang an sai develops from Greek and Roman literature ^'^iight as compulsory literature, philosophy, that since the 20''' century ) and history have not been subjects (van hgc c6 diSn, triet ligc va Ijch sir khong la •^on h o c bat bugc) 167 uty I N H H TVITV D W H Knang Y doan van: "the study of literature, philosophy, and history ceased in the ih 20 century to he central to school and university education " (viec hoc tap van lioc vi§t D Phuong an sai: "The use o f the word culture has been changed since the 19"' century." (Viec su dung t u culture da thay doi tij- thS k i 19.) y bai: "the use o f the word cuhure has been strongly influenced by conceptions o f evolution in the c6 diSn, t r i i t hoc va Ijch sir khong la chinh yen giao due dai hoc va ph6 thong the k i 20) A , B , D Cac phuong an sai: schools and universities literature, philosophy, have not taught classical and history (cac truang thong va dai hoc khong day van hoc C O dien, triet hoc va Ijch su nu'a); classical have been considered ]9 '^^ literature, philosophy, and history as core subjects (van hoc c6 dien, triet hoc va ijch su' dugc xem niiu cac mon hoc chinh); all schools and universities literature, philosophy, have taught century" (vi$c su dung t u culture triln a the k i 20.) Question 78: / / is difficult to give the definitions jig of the word culture EXCEPT (That kho de dua djnh nghTa cua t u culture ngoai trir A Dap an dung: agricultural only non-problematic agricultural Question 75: The word "attributes " in paragraph xu5t phat t u nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hgc ma thoi) ; most likely means meaning and medical meaning" definitions go C Dap an dung: cjualilies (= thing that are a part o f a person's character): dac fields su); sociological meanings and anthropological meanings (nghTa ve xa hoi hgc va nhan (nhung ITnh vuc); skills (kT nang thuang ve thuc hanh, doan van de cap den van hoc, triet hoc va lich su) Question 79: Which o f the following is N O T true about the word culture? ) A Dap an dung: / / is a word that cannot he defined (Do la mot t u k h o n g the (khong thay doi, nhu cu) evolve or develop djnh nghTa) They are not static " (Cac nen van hoa tien trien hoac phat trien Chung khong n h u cu.) ; N h u v a y : "he not static" Xuax\%Avxang\a\ or A , B , D Cac phuong an sai: regular f.ii (Dieu gi sau day khong dung ve t u culture?) could best be replaced by ( T u "static" doan c6 the thay the phu hop nhat boi (nghTa ve and historical meanings (nghTa ve triet hgc va Ijch chung hgc) Y doan van: "Cultures to (Cac djnh nghTa khong kho hieu chi hoc moi khong gay kho hieu ma thoi: historical and figurative Ijch su va an du); philosophical A , B , D Cac phuong an sai: aspects (nhung khia canh cua mot sir vlec); C Dap an dung: unchanged hack B , C, D Cac phuong an sai vi theo dap an A chi cac nghTa ve nong nghiep va y ) ti'nh; attribute (thuoc tinh) Question 76: The word "static" in paragraph for ) and medical meanings (y nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hoc) Doan c6 neu: ''The van hoc c6 dien, triet hoc va Ijch su) (Tir "attributes" doan c6 ngliTa gan v d i da gliiu anh huong manh me cua khai niem vh su tien hoa the k i 19 va svr phat classical and history (tat ca cac truong thong va dai hoc deu day century and o f development in the 20 Doan c6 neu: "The multiplicity of meanings attached to the word made and will make it difficult to define " ( V so nghTa gan lien vai t u da va se lam cho develop" vi^c djnh nghTa gap kho khan - chu khong phai la khong the.) (thuong xuyen); balanced (can bang); dense (day dac) B Phuong an sai: lis use has been considerably changed (Viec su dung t u thay doi dang ke) y dung, xem lai cau 76 Question 77: Which of the following is NOT staled in the passage C Phuong an sai: It differs from the word civilization ? (Dieu nao sau day k h o n g dugc neu doan van?) civilization), A Dap an dung: Anthropology and sociology have tried to limit the references D Phuong an sai: "// evolves from agriculture to culture (Nhan chung hoc va xa hoi hoc da c6 gang han che y ngliTa lien quan 'ighiep) Y dung, xem lai cau , dap an A den Question 80: The passage culture.) (No khac biet so vdi t u y dung, xem lai cau 73 mainly discusses " (No bat nguon t u nong (Doan van chu yeu ban luan Doan C O neu: "under the influence o f anthropologists and sociologists, the word culture Xo refer to a whole way o f life o f people, including their customs, laws, conventions, and values" (chju anh huong cua nhan chimg hoc va \ hoi hoc tir culture "ghTa cua t u de cap den toan bo each sinh song cua nguoi dan, bao gom phong tuc luat phap, luat le va cac gia trj) B Phuong civilization.'" D Dap an dung: the multiplicity o f meanings o f the word culture (sir da dang an sai: "Distinctions have been A Phuong an sai: the distinction between culture and civilization 8'Qa culture va civilization- drawn between culture and (su khac biet chi dugc de cap d doan 2) B Phuong an sai: the figurative meanings o f the word culture (nghTa an dv cua y dugc neu d doan dau 2, xem l ^ i cau 71D culture - khong phai chu de chinh cua doan van) C Phuong an sai: "The word culture can be used to refer to a whole way o f lif*^ o f people." y dugc neu a cuoi doan I , xem lai dap an A 168 culture) ' C Phuong an sai: the derivatives o f the word culture (cac tir phat sinh cua t u ci^//j//x'- khong phai chu de chinh cua doan van.) Li 169 Uty mffffTOITVDWH Khaiig Viei G\i\h CDBT TN Anh VSn - NgO Van Minh B Sorry for staining your carpet Let me have it cleaned C Thank you for being honest with me D e T H I T U Y E N S I N H D A I H O C NAM M6n T h i : Anh V a n ; Khoi D D Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday? T h o i gian lam bai: 90 phut, khong k i thoi gian phat de !; itlS ^ n i ; > Question 12: "You can go to the party tonight you are sober when you come M a de thi: 358 home." A as long as De thi goni 80 cau (Tir cau den 80) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions B walking Question 2: Our industrial output A rises C walked from B has risen Question 3: $2n D has walked million in 0 to $4 million this year C was rising B When C Because B rainy Question 5: Laura had a blazing A gossip D That C foggy Question 6: All students should be A numerate Question 7: day C word D row and literate when they leave school B numeric C numeral D numerous broken several world records in swimming A She is said that she has B People say she had C She is said to have D It is said to have A action * ;'' " B No, it isn't C No, I'll think it over D Not just now D force C not to leave A as high as that in B as much as D more than D don't leave ¥' A any another country B any countries else C any another countries D any country else ' ^' * \ Question 18: Not having written about the required topic, a low mark A the teacher gave me B I was given C the teacher gave D my presentation was given ' Question 19: They're staying with us the time being until they can afford a house B for C at Question 20: We have bought extra food B when D in our guests stay to dinner C if B interlink A By all means, sir D in case C interact "' D intervene B That's right, sir -i C Why not? Henry: " Question 10: She had to borrow her sister's car because hers was C off work D I ' d love to >'!!„!!; \'''->v Question 23: Margaret: "Could you open the window, please?" D Welcome! It's nice of you , ^ii' Sales girl: " " C Actually speaking, myself don't like it , , B won't leave A interconnect B Not at all Don't mention it Question 11: Ben: " C effect C as many as that in " B out of order MS u Question 22: Mr Black: "I'd like to try on these shoes, please." A A l l right Do you know how much it costs? A out of work D took up Question 21: The Internet has enabled people to with each other more quickly Question 9: Liz: " Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!" Jennifer: " Question 15: I've warned you many times the front door unlocked A so that A Forget it C got out the boy became quieter B influence A during Question 8: Bill: "Can I get you another drink?" Jerry: " B cooled off Question 17: It is true that this country produces more oil than ? D snowy with Eddie and stormed out of the house B chat D as soon as Question 16: "The inflation rate in Greece is five times my country," he said Question 4: Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a A windy C as far as with a swim in the lake A gave in A not leaving D rose Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone A Whether Question 13: We Question 14: As the drug took Question 1: Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon A to walk B as well as D off chance " A I am, of course • , C I feel soriy U^il^'' :- t ' B Yes, with pleasure p yes, I can " Jane: "Never mind." A Congratulations! How wonderful! ^•'cstion 24: I might, I couldn't open the door A However hard J S J B As try C Ti-y as D No matter , A Question 47: A typical feature o f both modern and prehistoric hunter-gatherers is that Contemporary hunter-gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric ancestors We know from the observation o f modern hunter-gatherers in botii Africa and Alaska that a society based on hunting and gathering must be very mobile While the entire community camps in a central location, a smaller party harvests the food within a reasonable distance from the camp When the food in the area has become exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site We also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most hunter-gatherers, along with a strict division o f labor between the sexes These patterns o f behavior may be similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period - !*; ({) D: can nhan ve viec lai xe qua cham ^ Question 3: - Dap an: C n i - Dien giai: C - (chi noi moi mot de tai la thai tiet) ^ Cac chon Ig-a lai sai y cau cho sin: A: khong c6 y kien ve thai t\k ^ ^ B: bao ring ching quan tam den thai tiet D: chuyen gi cung noi din ke ca thai tiit ^r,.^ ' , Question 4: - Dap an: C - V r f - ; - Dien giiii: C - (khong nha bac sT gioi thi da khong qua duoc ca mo) Cac chon lira lai sai y cau cho sin: A: 36ng sot dugc la vi chinh minh la bac si phau thuat gioi B: da chet vi khong c6 bac sT gioi D: mac dii bac sT gioi nhurng van chet Question 5: - Dap an: D | | - - Dien giai: D - (hiia se dan di tham quan pho; will dung vai ngoi thir nhat de diln ta Icri hira) ^i Cac chon lira lai sai y cau cho sin: A: khong phai la mot lai hua; neu mot sy vi|c khong noi den cau cho sSn (di mpt vong quanh vai John) B: mot dir tinh, khong phai la lai hura vai John ' D: to chirc mot chuyen tham quan cho John Question 6: - Dap an: D - Dien giai: not to come up to one's expectations = to fall short of one's ^pectations: khong nhu mong dai ciia Cac chon lira lai sai y cau cho sin: msl :H • > A: mong dgi phim ket thuc dot ngpt han ? - :£< " B: mong dgi phim se te nhat han C: phim hay nhu mong dgi i':^ • 193 Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vi?t Question 7: - Dap an: B - Dien giai: There's no point in doing stii = It's useless to stit: c6 lam gi Cling \6 ich thoi C: thai hoac tinh cam ngu y D: sir lam them ngoai gia Question 14: - Dap an: C Cac chon lya lai sai y cau cho san: • - A : Jane doi y mac dii kiiong muon lam the ••> B: CO the thuyet phuc Jane doi y '> - ^ i: f ' ; A : ham y suy luan: chSc han da c6 di kham bac sT; mau t h u i n y v6i lien tir but {\c chon lua lai sai y cau cho san: C: khong can tbik phai di kham bac sT • B: James la mot nhfmg ngu-oi sau cimg biet chuyen thay doi thai khoa bieu C: Dieu cuoi cimg ma James biet la thai khoa bieu c6 thay doi , ijiH oo:> fiv?a ^ f w sa • D: khong the di kham bac sT du-gc, mau thuan y vai lien tir but Question 16: - Dap an: D D: Cuoi Cling thi James biet chuyen thay doi thai khoa bieu - Question 9: - Dap an: D - * : V: Dien giai: C - (le raphai di khdm bac si nhimg Igi khong di) Cac chon lira lai khong ham y trach moc: Dien giai: A - {Moi ngu&i da nghe chuyen doi thai khoa bieu tru&c James.) •s iS^I Question 15: - Dap an: C C: khong muon Jane doi y Question 8: - Dap an: A - r » t t Dien giai: to tell sh (not) to sth Cac chon lira lai A , B va D khong dung cau triic ciia dong tir tell Dien giai: D - (dai tir quan h$, tan ngir ciia giai tir) >: Cac chon lira lai A , B, va C sai cau true Dien giiii: D - (tuy it tien nhirng xoay sa song duoc) Question 17: - Dap an: D to get by = to make ends meet - f,f,i4j Dien giai: another + danh tic so it vv Cau 18: Laura: "What a lovely house you have!" Maria: " , " A N o problem B Thank you Hope you w i l l drop in C O f course not, it's not costly D I think so Cau 19: The room needs A to decorate for the wedding B be decorated C decorate D decorating Cau 20: When the old school friends met, a lot o f happy memories A were brought B had been brought C faded D fainted Cau : The curtain have A weakened Cau 22: He's a very back T • C faded Towards the end o f the century, thefe was still considerable argument over w^hether books should be used for information or treated respectfully and over vvhether the reading o f materials such as newspapers was in some way mentally yveakening Indeed, this argument remains with us still in education However, vvhatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialized readership on the other By the end o f the twentieth century, students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use reading skills which were inappropriate, i f not impossible, for the o r a l reader The social, cultural and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term "reading" implied m^' Cau 26: Reading aloud was more common in the medieval world because because o f the strong sunlight B lightened The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number readers As the number o f readers increased, the number o f potential listeners declined and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud As reading for the benefit o f listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing o f reading gs a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers A few people could read to themselves D fainted B there were few places available for private reading person because he can make other workers follow his advice A deciding B influential C effective D creative Cau 23: Janet: " D o you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" Susan: " " B That would be great C You're welcome , D feel very bored Cau 24: H o w long does the play ? B extend Cau 25: That hotel is so expensive They A cost J D people relied on reading for entertainment ' Cau 27: The word "commonplace" in the first paragraph mostly means " A don't agree, I ' m afraid A prolong • C silent reading had not been discovered B take B for everybody's use C most preferable D widely used Cau 28: The development o f silent reading during the last century indicated " C stretch D last • iCKwa ^ A an increase in the number o f books you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast C A attracting attentions " fine B an increase in the average age o f readers D charge s C a change in the status o f literate people Doc (loan van sau va c/ton plimrng an cfi'ing (A Itoac B, C, D) clio nun can »«-i'{ ' C a requirement for readers in a particular area o f knowledge D a reading volume for particular professionals C a u 32: The phrase "oral reader" in the last paragraph mostly means "a person who " " A takes part in an audition C is interested in spoken language B is good at public speaking D practises reading to an audience C a u 33: A l l o f the following might be the factors that affected the continuation of the old shared literacy culture EXCEPT Qiicc the Sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it w i l l begin to rink- After it shrinks to the size o f the Earth, it w i l l become a white dwarf star e Sun may throw o f f huge amounts o f gases in violent eruptions called nova ^plosions as it changes from a red giant to a white dwarf ^ ^fter billions o f years as a white dwarf, the Sun w i l l have used up all its fuel and |l i^ave lost its heat Such a star is called a black dwarf After the Sun has become ^ black dwarf, the Earth w i l l be dark and cold I f any atmosphere remains there, it ^ i l l have frozen over the Earth's surface 36: It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun A has been in existence for 10 billion years B is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow d w a r f C w i l l continue to be a yellow dwarf for another 10 billions years D is rapidly changing in size and brightness A the inappropriate reading skills B the printed mass media C the diversity o f reading materials D the specialized readership C a u 34: Which o f the following statements is N O T T R U E according to the passage? A Reading aloud was more common in the past than it is today B The decline o f reading aloud was wholly due to its distracting effect C The change in reading habits was partly due to the social, cultural and technological changes D Not all printed mass media was appropriate for reading aloud C a u 35: The writer of this passage is attempting to Cau 37: What w i l l probably be the first stage o f change for the Sun to become a red giant? A Its core w i l l cool o f f and use less fuel B Its central part w i l l grow smaller and hotter C It w i l l throw o f f huge amounts o f gases '' D Its surface w i l l become hotter and shrink Cau 38: When the Sun becomes a red giant, what w i l l the atmosphere be like on the Earth? A It w i l l become too hot for life to exist B It w i l l be enveloped in the expanding surface o f the sun A show how reading methods have improved C It w i l l freeze and become solid B explain how reading habits have developed D It w i l l be almost destroyed by nova explosions C change people's attitudes to reading D encourage the growth o f reading Doc ky doan van sau day va clion phivffng an dung clw mdi doan van (A liogc B, C, D) clio mdi cau tie 36 den 45 The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its center that convert hydrogen to helium The Sun has existed in its present state Cau 39: When the Sun has used up its energy as a red giant, it w i l l A stop to expand B cease to exist C become smaller D get frozen as a A white dwarf B red giant C yellow dwarf D black dwarf : As a white dwarf, the Sun w i l l be for about four billion six hundred million years and is thousands o f times larger A- a cool and habitable planet fi the same size as the planet Mercury By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest o f the Sun's life ;.,„•, CSu 40: Large amounts o f gases may be released from the Sun at the end o f its life than the Earth C thousands o f times smaller than it is today w i l l be like About five billion years from now, the core o f the Sun w i l l shrink and ) around million miles in diameter become hotter The surface temperature w i l l fall The higher temperature o f the I 42: The Sun w i l l become a black dwarf when center w i l l increase the rate o f thermonuclear reactions The outer regions o f the L the outer regi )ns o f the Sun expand Sun w i l l expand approximately million miles, about the distance to Mercury, \ it has used up all its fuel as a white dwarf which is the closest planet to the Sun The Sun w i l l then be a red giant star the Sun moves nearer to the Earth Temperatures on the Earth w i l l become too high for life to exist !> the core o f tho Sun becomes hotter 206 J ; ' ^' 207

Ngày đăng: 01/10/2016, 14:42

