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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4: Learning A Foreign Language có đáp án

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Unit 4 Learning a foreign language Period 21 lesson 1: Getting started Listen and read Ngµy so¹n : Ngµy d¹y : A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to revise and get acquainted with learning a foreign language topic . - Skill : pair work , group work B / Teaching aids : Text books , cassette , chalk , pictures and some boards …. C/ Procedure : 8 min I / Warm up : Brainstorming - Play games . Ways of learning English 12 min - Summarize their ideas and introduce the getting started to students and Ask Ss to make some examples with each way of learning English . - Correct mistakes and lead in the new lesson . II / New lesson : 1. Pre – reading : - Introduce the situation and ask some questions 1. Have you ever had an oral examination in English ? 2. If yes , What did teacher ask you ? - Now look at the Listen and Read and introduce “ Lan is talking to Paola about the oral examination she has had . “ - Present some new words : + Examiner (n) : a person who examine the exam . + Examinee ( n) : a person who take part in the exam . + Aspect of learning English : Translation + Written examination >< Oral examination (n) * Checking technique : What and where 2. While – reading : - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and find out the questions which the examiner asked in the conversation . - Repeat the reported speech . - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue . Listen and copy . Then give some examples . Listen carefully and answer the questions . Listen and repeat in chorus and individually . Copy down 15 min - Call on some Pairs to read the dialogue again . Correct pronunciation . - Have Ss read the conservation again and see what exactly the examiner asked Lan . Look at the list of questions and check the boxes . - Call on Ss to read the correct answers aloud . - Correct and give the answers : 1. What is your name ? 2. Where do you come from ? 6. Why are you learning English ? 7. Do you speak any other languages ? 8. Hoe did you learn English in your country ? 9. How will you use English in the future ? 10 . What aspect of learning English you find the most difficult ? 14. Read this passage . - Call on some Ss to read all the correct questions aloud 3. Post – reading : - Ask Ss to study the list of the questions and work in pairs . - Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class. - Correct mistakes Play games in groups Listen and work in groups to find out the questions . Listen and copy . Work in pairs to practice the conservation Read the dialogue again and check the boxes . Read them aloud . Repeat all the correct questions Work in pairs 12 min 3 min III / Homework : 1. Write the questions and change them into the reported speech 2. Prepare the next lesson . S1: Examiner S2: Examinee ( Exchange ) - Demonstrate in front of class. Listen and write down . VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp Unit có đáp án EXERCISE Put the following statements into reported speech Viết lời phát biểu sau sang Reported-speech “Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?” said my uncle “Do puppies travel free?” asked a dog owner “Can I bring my dog into the compartment with me?” she asked “Does this train stop at York?” asked Bill “Can you telephone from inter – city trains?” said businessman EXERCISE Put the following statements into reported speech Viết lời phát biểu sau sang Reported-speech “Does the 2.40 train have a restaurant car?” he enquired “Can you get coffee on the train?” asked my aunt “Do they bring it round on a trolley?” she said “Are there smoking compartments?” said the man with the pipe “Have you reserved a seat?” I asked him EXERCISE Put the following statements into reported speech Viết lời phát biểu sau sang Reported-speech “What country you come from?” said Bill “How long have you been here?” said Alice “Are you working as well as studying?” asked Peter “Have you got a work permit?” Bill wanted to know “What are you going to study?” asked Jane EXERCISE Put the following statements into reported speech Viết lời phát biểu sau sang Reported-speech Have you enrolled for more than one class?” said Bob “Do you want to buy any second hand books?” said Bill “Have you seen the library?” asked Janet VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí “Do you play rugby?” said Brown 5.“Will you have time to play regularly?” he went on EXERCISE Put the following statements into reported speech Viết lời phát biểu sau sang Reported-speech “Did you play for your school team?” said Fred “Are you interested in acting?” asked Paula “Would you like to join our Drama Group?” she said “What you think of the canteen coffee?” asked Henry “How can I get from the station to the airport?” said Kerry EXERCISE Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses Điền động từ ngoặc đơn vào If you (read) in bad light you will ruin your eyes Somebody (steal) your bicyle if you leave it unlocked What will happen if her parachute (not open) If the page-boy (wash) my car I’ll given him a dollar If she (need) a computer she can borrow mine EXERCISE Put the verb in brackets into the correct tenses Điền động từ ngoặc đơn vào If you (not go) away I’ll send for the police I’ll be very angry if she (make) any more mistakes If they (be) late I’ll punish them He’ll be absolutely furious if he (hear) about this If you put on the Kettle she (make)the tea EXERCISE Put the verb in brackets into the correct tenses Điền động từ ngoặc đơn vào You can use my hand phone if yours (not work) If you (not know) the meaning of a word you may use a dictionary If Henry (refuse) to help I’ll have to manage without him If Janet (not help) I’ll have to manage without her If you (go out) would you buy me some cigarettes VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Đáp án EXERCISE 1 My uncle asked if a return ticket was A dog owner asked if puppies traveled free She asked if she could bring her dog into the compartment with her Bill asked if the train stopped at York The businessman asked if I could telephone from inter-city train EXERCISE He asked if the 2.40 train had a restaurant car My aunt asked if you could get coffee on the train She asked if they brought it round on a trolley The man with the pipe asked if there were smoking compartments I asked if he had reserved a seat EXERCISE Bill asked what country I came from Alice asked how long I’d been there Peter asked if I was working as well as studying Bill asked if had got a work permit Jane asked what I was going to study EXERCISE Bib asked if I had enrolled for more than one class Bill asked if I wanted to buy any second hand books Janet asked if had seen the library Brow asked if I played rugby He asked if I would have time to play regulary EXERCISE Fred asked if I had played for my school team Paula asked if I was interested in acting She asked if I would like to join their Drama Group Henry asked what I thought of the canteen coffee Kerry asked how he could get from the station to the airport VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí EXERCISE read will steal doesn’t open washes needs EXERCISE don’t go makes are hears will make EXERCISE doesn’t work don’t know refuses doesn’t help are going Bài giảng điện tử Tiếng Anh 9  Contents: Contents: 1. Modal verbs with if 2. Direct and reported speech: _ Statements. _ Yes-No Questions. _ Wh-Questions m i g h t s h a l l must c a n h a v e t o MODAL VERBS s h o u l d h a s t o o u g h t t o m a y c o u l d 3 X My grades are terrible. Mrs. Quyen If you want to get good grades, you must study hard. If you want to get good grades, you must study hard. If clause Main clause 1. Conditional sentences ( type 1): = You must study hard if you want to get good grades. Simple present tense Modal + V If You ( have to ) go to university if you want to study medicine. have to a. Lan: My grades are terrible. Mrs. Quyen: If you want to get good grades, you………………………. b. Hoa: I’d like to be a doctor. Aunt Thanh: You ………… if you want to study medicine. c. Ba: Oh, no! I weigh 60 kg. Nga: If you want to lose weight, ……… d.Tuan: Where is Ba? He’s very late. Mrs. Thoa: If he doesn’t come soon, …………… e.Mr. Ha: I feel sick. Mrs. Nga: If you want to get well,……… f. Lan: I’d like to go to the movies, Mom. Mrs. Kim: ……… if you want to go out. have to go to university must study hard 1. Complete the sentenses. Use the modal verbs in brackets and information in the box. go / university stay / bed do / homework study hard miss / train do / exercise (should) (might) (ought to) (must) Oh, no! I weigh 60 kilos If you want to lose weight, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . should do a lot of exercise c. Ba 1. Complete the sentences. Use the modal verbs in brackets and information in the box. stay / bed do / homework miss / train do / exercise (should) you Tuan ?Where is Ba? He’s very late If he doesn’t come soon, …………………. he might miss the train. d. 1. Complete the sentenses. Use the modal verbs in brackets and information in the box. stay / bed do / homework miss / train (might) Mrs. Thoa Mrs Nga If you want to get well, . …………… ought to stay in bed Mr. Ha I feel sick (ought to) 1. Complete the sentences. Use the modal verbs in brackets and information in the box. stay / bed do / homework e you Na Mrs Kim ……………….… if you want to go out. You must do your homework f. I’d like to go to the movies, Mom. (must) 1. Complete the sentences. Use the modal verbs in brackets and information in the box. f do / homework

Ngày đăng: 07/09/2016, 15:31

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