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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 unit 12: The asian games

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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 Period: 77 UNIT 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Time: 45 minutes Lesson 1: Section A_Reading Objectives:By the end of the lesson,students will be able to : - understand about the Asian Games -develop such reading micro-skill as scanning for specific ideas, and guessing meaning in context  Teaching aids:texbook, lesson plan,posters,pictures,chalks,………  Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s Student’s Activities Activities 4’ I Warm-up: -Greeting -Checking attendance -asking monitor -answering  Game:Network - explaining the -listening & Jogging high-jump Swimming game writing -Starting the game -claping hands Sports ( Winner ? ) Weight-lifting snooker football Introduction 12’ II Pre-reading: -intro the lesson 1/ Pre-tech vocbulry: + take place (v) = happen (v)xảy -following the -listening and + multi-sport(a)nhiều môn thể thao steps for teaching repeating + compete (v) cạnh tranh vocabulary -copying + facility (n) thuận lợi 19’ + take part (v) = participate (v) tham gia + weight-lifting(n) cử tạ + hockey (n) khúc côn cầu + appreciate (v)  Checking vocabualry: R.O.R 2/ Task The words in the box all appear in the passage Fill each blank with a suitable word.(p.138)  Key: facilities aquatic enthusiasm effort 5.advancing appreciated III While-reading: Task Scan the passage and complete the following table.(p.138) Key: -asking sts to fill in the blank -calling sts to write their words -getting feedback -working in pairs -practising In 1951, the 2nd Asian Games in Manila,the philippines In 1958, Squash,rugby,fencing and moutain biking In 2002, Task Answer the questions.(p.138) -asking sts to read quickly & complete the table -calling sts to write their words -getting feedback -working individually -asking sts to read & answering the questions -calling sts to give the answers -getting feedback -working in groups -asking sts to choose A,B ,C Or D -calling sts to give their choice -getting feedback -working individually -answering orally -writing their words down on the board Key: (teacher’s book) 7’ 2’ 1’ IV Post-reading:  Mutilple choice: 1/ The Asian Games take place every _years A B.4 C.5 D.6 2/ What are built and promoted in tha Asian Games? A frienship B solidarity C Strength D A & B 3/ Where were the 1st Asian Games held in 1951? A India B.Thailand C Japan D Korea 4/ How many sports were introduced in Thailand in 1998? A.7 B C.5 D.4 5/ Which coutry won gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards? A Thailand B Japan C Philippines D.Vietnam V.Consolidation: -Recall the lesson VI/ Homework: -go over the lesson at home -prepare the next part in “Speaking” -asking sts about the H.W -writing the answers -listening carefully Period : 78 UNIT 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Time: 45 minutes Lesson 2: Section B- Speaking Objectives: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : -Talk about the Asian Games  Teaching aids:textbook, posters,picturecs,handouts……  Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s Activities 4’ I Warm-up: -Greeting -Checking attendance Game: Slap the board Take place weightlifting hockey Compete Student’s Activities -asking monitor -answering - explaining the game -Start the game ( Winner ? ) -listening & guessing -claping hands billiards -intro the lesson 13’ 13’ Introduction II Pre-speaking:  Task Ask and answer questions about the Asian Games, using the infromation from the table below (p.139) Example: A: When and where were the 1st Asian Games held? B:(They were held) in 1951 in India A:How many coutries took part in the Games? B:Eleven A:How many sports were there at the Games? B:Six III.While-speaking: Task Take turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games, using the information from the table below (p.140) Example: In bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal -asking sts to talk about the table -walking around for help -calling sts to speak out -getting feedback -aking sts to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes -calling sts to speak their sentences -getting marks -asking sts to make the dialogues -working in pairs -speaking out before the class -working individaully -speaking out 13’ 2’ 1’ IV Post-speaking: Make their own dialogues V.Consolidation: -Recall the lesson VI/ Homework: -go over the lesson at home -prepare the next part in “Listening” -going around for help -calling sts to speak out their dialogues -getting marks -working in pairs to make the dilogues -speaking out before the class -asking sts about the H.W -listening carefully Period : 79 UNIT 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Time: 45 minutes Lesson 3: Section C- Listening Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the passage and multiple choice and answer some questions  Teaching aids:textbook, posters,picturecs,handouts……  Skill: Listening  Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s Student’s Activities Activities 5’ I.Warm up: -Greeting -asking monitor -answering -Checking attendance -Matching: -Dividing class -working in into groups groups and doing Pictures Names -Giving direction exercises Long Jump and letting sts high jump exercise Swimming -Declaring the -clapping hands gymnastics winner ( Prepare pictures) -correcting errors -taking notes 10’ II.Pre Listening: -Following the -copying words *Pre- teach vocabulary: steps of teaching -coming live (adj): trực tiếp vocabulary -freestyle (n): bơi tự -Rubing out and -Listening, -gymnasiumgymnastics  gymnast letting sts remembering and -Land (v): chạm đất remember repeating -bar (n): ngang *Checking vocabulary: -asking questions -answering the *Questions: orally and letting questions orally 1- Which sports you like best? Why? sts answer 2-Have you ever watched these sports on -Leading sts to the -listening to TV? new lesson: teacher listening to sports III.While- Listening: 18’ 1.Task 1: Listen and choose the best -Running through -taking notes answer: the exercise Answer keys: -Playing the tape -listening to the twice tapes C A B B D 9.5 8.9 2.3 weightlifting -Checking the answers minute -Letting sts listen -correcting 58 again and second correcting their answer 11’ Task 2: Listen and answer the questions: What time Was ………? It was at………… A 10:15 pm B:10:15 AM C.5:10 Am D.10:20 pm 2- How many… ?  They have won……medals A gold B silver C.8 gold D silver 3-How many times…… ?  Lee Bong –Ju competed … times in the long jump A B C D.4 4- What was the last… ?  …… A long jump B high jump C.gymnastics D Swimming 5-How was the Vichai….? - He was very…… A happy B disappointed C.Confident D.cheerful IV.Post – Listening: Talk about a famous athlete you know * Suggested Cues: -What is her/his name? -What field does she /he good at ? -How many gold or silver does she/he win? ………… 1’ V.Homework: -Study lesson -prepare for the next period -Giving instruction again -sticking a poster on the board and letting sts listen to the tape again -Asking sts to give their answer -Playing the tape one more time to check the answers -listening to the instruction -looking at the poster -dividing class into groups to discuss the topic -calling sts to perform in front of class -giving feedback -discussing in groups -Giving homework -taking notes -doing as indicated -listening to the tape -talking in front of class Period : 80 UNIT 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Time: 45 minutes Lesson 4: Section D- Writing Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write the description of the prepararion for the coming Asian Games  Teaching aids:textbook, posters,picturecs,handouts……  Skill: writing  Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s Activities 7’ I.Warm up: -Greeting -Checking attendance -asking monitor -Asking sts to go to the board -Dividing class into groups -Giving instruction and starting the game -Claping the board Student’s Activities -answering -going to the board and playing the game in groups -Declaring the winner volleyball jump hockey High -clapping hands football Sports long jump rugby table tennis gymnastics swimming bodybuilding 15’ II)Pre writing: * vocabulary: +National stadium(( n):sân vận động quốc gia +Car part (n) chổ đậu xe +modern facility(n):trang thiết bị đại +upgrade(v) nâng cấp +official song( N):bài hát thức +recruit( v): tuyển * structures: -should +Vo -following the steps of teaching vocabulary -copying down the words and guessing the meaning -Reading the word s and letting sts repeat -Providing some structures that are needed to use in the writing -listening and repeating -taking notes + Passive voice forms +tense +First of all, second, next,beside that,more over…finally… * Studying the table 15’ 8’ 1’ III)While writing: * Begin the writing with: To prepare for the coming Asian Games ,we have a lot of things to do.First of all,we will build more National stadium and… IV) Post writing: Correction Expected answer: To prepare for the coming Asian Games ,we have a lot of things to do.First of all,we will build more National stadium and some sport buildings and car parks.Next, we will upgrade national sports centres and local stadiums because they are not in good conditions.Besides that,we will widen training areas and roads to sports building Moreover,we will equip hotels,guest houses with modern facilities and also special services for disabled athletes.We will promote and advertise preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV.We will recruit volunteers to serve the games( university teachers and students with good English) Last but not least,we will hold competition to choose an offficial music the Games V) Homework: Study lesson -prepare for the next period -Running through the table before writing -listening and taking notes -Asking sts to work in groups and writing on the poster -Going around and giving some help -taking notes some common errors -working in groups and write down -Asking sts to stick their posters on the board and correcting the writng -Giving some common mistakes and how to correct them -sticking posters on the board and correcting -Asking sts to review the leson -listening and taking notes -listening and taking notes -listening and taking notes Period : 81 UNIT 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Time: 45 minutes Lesson 5: Section E- Language Focus Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to distingush sounds and review the use of ommission relative pronounce correctly  Teaching aids:textbook, posters,picturecs,handouts……  Skill: skills  Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s Activities 5’ I.Warm up: -Greeting -asking monitor - Checking attendance -asking sts to go to the -Matching board and doing the exercise Pictures Names -correcting street screw square ice cream -Introducing the ( prepare pictures) lesson 15’ II) Pronunciation: -Reading words and * Listen and repeat letting sts repeat / str / /skr/ -calling some sts top /skw/ read the words street scream individually square -asking sts to work in strong screen pairs and practising squeeze -correcting mistakes strange `screw about pronunciation squeak strength scratch squeal * practise reading aloud these sentences: 24’ -Asking sts to recall III) Grammar: the relative pronouns that they have studied who which whom that Student’s Activities -answering -doing as indicated -taking notes -listening -listening and repeating -doing as indicated -working in pairs -taking notes -doing as requirement relative pronouns whose • … Review the use of each relative pronouns quickly -Reviewing relative pronouns and the use -reviewing knowledge • remind the ways to omit the relative pronouns * Task 1::complete sentences: 1- …you lost 2-he visited to the party couldn’t come 3-John told 4-I brought yesterday 5-we met this morning 6-we had for lunch * Task 2: complete sentences… 1-I work with 2-we went to 3-we’re living in 4-they were talking about 5-I slept in * Task 3: tick the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted 1’ IV) Homework: Study lesson prepare unit 13 -asking sts to work in pairs to exercises -going around and giving some help -calling some sts to give their answers on board -correcting errors -working in pairs and doing exercises -giving their answers on board -taking notes -listening and taking notes

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2016, 11:59

Xem thêm: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 unit 12: The asian games


Mục lục

    Time: 45 minutes Lesson 2: Section B- Speaking

    Time: 45 minutes Lesson 3: Section C- Listening

    Time: 45 minutes Lesson 4: Section D- Writing

    Time: 45 minutes Lesson 5: Section E- Language Focus


