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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 unit 12: The asian games

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Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES rd The 73 period Date : Grade 11 Theme: THE ASIAN GAMES Unit 12 READING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students should know more about the Asian Game s Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Through this unit, students know the history of the Asian Games - New words: Words related to the Asian Games Skills: Reading for identifying the main idea and specific information II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Real objects, pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (4 minutes) - Let students to look at some pictures about sports a What sports you see in the picture? B Which one you like to play ? why ? c in which sporting events are these sports competed? -There are many things about Asian Games that we want to say Today, we’ll study a new lesson Unit 12- Reading Pre-reading: (7 minutes) - Ask students to look at the picture and discuss the three questions in pairs -Go around to offer help -Call on some students to present their Students’ activities - Look at the picture - Answer the questions a they are : volleyball Table tennis, rugby, hockey , tennis,,,,,,, b I like to play….because it makes me healthy c in Sea Games and Asian Games - Listen to the teacher look at the picture and answer the questions -The answers are various 1,every four years Notes Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 answers and give comments from other 2,the number of students participating countries -Give feedback has increased tremendously since the first games n 1951 only 11 countries participated in the first Asian games, In 2002 the games attracted nearly 10000 participants from 44 countries 3, Vietnam seem to well in bodybuilding, billiard Karate and wushu -Ask students to read through the passage and find some new words +intercultural (A) : between cultures +multi- sport event +solidarity (n) +promote (v) -Let students read and copy in their notebooks While-reading: (20 minutes) You are going to read about the Asian games -Make the class read the small talks, to scan the details and the tasks Task : -Ask students to read a passage about Asian games and then underline those words which match with the definitions on the right column in the task - Firstly, ask students to study individually then in pairs - Walks around the class, offer ideas and comments when students need help -Read individually -Listen to the teacher and write down -Read in chorus -Listen to the teacher -Read the passage and underline new words -Try to guess the meanings of the words -Listen to their friends’ answers -Listen to the teacher and Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 -Call on some students to explain their correct answer in front of the class -Keys:1,facilities - Give suggestions 2,aquatic 3, enthusiasm 4, effort 5, advancing 6, appreciated Task - Work in pairs, read the small talks again and answer these questions - Ask students to work individually then work in pairs - Walk round the class and comments when students need -Check the answer in front of the class as a whole -Give correct answers -Read passage again -Work individually Keys 1951 2,the second Asian games in Manila, the Philippines 3.1958 4,squash, rugby Fencing and mountain biking 5.2002 Task : - Ask students to read all questions to answer the questions in task - Ask students to work with a partner - Walks around the class to help students whenever they need -Give correct answer (the answer is in the passage) Post-reading: (12 minutes) - Let students work in groups to talk about sports in which Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at the Asian Games - Has students work in groups and discuss - Walk around the class, listen to student’s discussions and offer -Work individually -Read carefully and give the answer the purpose is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia 2.9,919 body building, billiard and women’s karate -Work in discuss group and -two students present in front of the class Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 suggestions when necessary - Give comments - Call on some students to speak and give them feedback Homework : (2 minutes) -Ask students summarize the passage at -Copy down home and prepare the next lesson notebooks Teachers Headmaster Headmistress Students Classmaster Friends Close – friends Friendship Subjects Geography Chemistry English Sports Frotball Jogging on the Problems at school Live far From school Students cheat in exams Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 The 74th period Date: Grade 11 Theme: THE ASIAN GAMES Unit 12 SPEAKING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students could talk about sports results Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Through this unit, students can ask and answer about the Asian Games and sports - Language: Ask and answer questions about the Asian Games and sports Skills: Fluency in expressing opinion and expressions about the Asian Games and sports in Vietnam II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm-up:(6 munites) - Ask students close the book and arrange these jumbled words to make the complete questions by putting the words given in the right orders - 1, were, the ,where, Asian, held, games, when, and ,14th- ? - countries , in hw , the part, many , took Games ? - Student’s activities - Listen to the teacher -Find out the words -Suggested answer: when and where were the 14th- Asian Games held? 2.How many countries took part in the games? Today, we will practice speaking about the Asian Games Pre-reading: (5 minutes) Task 1: - read individually Notes Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 -Ask students to read the dialogue and ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue - Ask student to work individually then work in groups -call on some pairs to act out the dialogue - Give suggestions While –speaking :(24 minutes) Task 2: -Ask students to look at the pictures and talk turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14 asian games ,using the information from the table below - Ask students to work individually then in pairs - Walk around the class to help student when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask student to practice it with a partner - Corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary Post-reading: (13 minutes): - Ask students to talk about the Asian games and sports in which Vietnamese athletes took part in -Give the meaning of some words when necessary - Ask students to work individually then work in pairs - Walk around the class to help students when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask students to practice this conversation - Correct their pronunciation when necessary and then work in pairs - listen to the friend and give comments -Listen to the teacher Compare the answer with the partners Ask the teacher if necessary -Some groups present their answer in front of the class -Answer : 1,in bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal ………… - Do the task -Compare the answer with the partners - Work in groups -Ask the teacher if necessary -Some groups present their answer in front of the class Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 - Give comments - Homework(2 minutes): -copy in their notebooks - Write about the Asian games their like and prepare the next lesson Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 The 75th period Date : Grade 11 Theme: THE ASIAN GAMES Unit 12 LISTENING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students should know more about the sports and sportsmen Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students listen for the main idea and comprehension questions - Language: - New words: Words related to the sports and sportsmen Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aid: Pictures ,text book IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up : (4 minutes) - Ask the students question : - Listen and answer - Name some gymnastics you know or see? - What you call A person who -listen to the teacher display in gymnastics? - Lead in: we are going to listen to the talking about the Asian games Pre-listening : (6 minutes) - Let students work in pairs to look at - Work in pairs and each pair works in role the pictures and answer the questions - Listen to the -Call on some students to give their teacher answers and write them on the boards - Picture 1: swimming, picture -Introduce some new words from the 2: high jump listening passage picture 3: long jump, picture 4: Notes Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 While-listening: (24 minutes) Task 1: -Ask students to listen to conversations - Listen to each pair - Let students listen for three times -Check the answer in front of the class as a whole -tick in the right column that best reflect their answer - Go around and remark Task 2: - Ask students to listen again and answer the questions - Let students read the questions first and quickly- work in pairs - Let students listen again times and ask them to discuss in groups to answer the questions - Listen to each group and remark gymnastics - Look at the picture in the book and guess before listening -Listen carefully - Work individually - Give corrects 1c A A ,4 B D -Listen to the dialogues and then work in groups and give their answers -keys : 1,10.15 2,6 3,2 4,high jump 5,disappointed After-listening: (10 minutes) - Have students sit in groups and talk about A famous athlete you know - work in group and - Go around and help if necessary discuss -Call on some students tell the class - each group again presents their -Give comments answers Homework: (2 minutes) - Ask students to exercise in workbook - Listen and copy in their - Prepare the next lesson notebooks Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 The 76th period Date : Grade 11 Theme: THE ASIAN GAMES Unit 12 WRITING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students know how to describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students can write a passage describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games - Language: -New words : Words related to topic Skills: Describing a the preparations for the coming Asian Games II Method: Intergraded, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Some models, hand outs ,pictures IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm-up : (4 minutes) -Ask students to arrange the jumble word? Build, upgrade, widen, equip advertise, recruit, hold Lead in : To know more about them we will learn the new lesson: Writing Pre-writing: (10 minutes) - Let students read task and match the verbs in column A with the noun phrases in column B - Explain some new words if they not know -Let students work in pairs set in the task - Go around to help students to answer the task -Check the answers with the whole Students’ activities - Observe and work in pairs to answer - arrange the jumble word -Listen and the task - suggested answers : i+ B 2+D ,3+A,4+e.5+g, 6+C, 7+g Notes Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 class While-writing: (20 minutes) Task _Ask students to gather and - Listen to the teacher organizing ideas for their paragraph -Let students write their paragraph for 10 minutes -Ask students to exchange their paragraph with a partner -Go around helping and collecting typical errors Post-writing: (10 minutes) - Let students write on the board or in the papers - Go around and remark - Ask or students who may be good at English to write on the board – Give general comments and remark -Write down their -Compare partners paragraph with the - Some students read aloud the form of someone - Listen and check themselves - One student of one group reads aloud the paragraph - Discuss and correct mistakes themselves Homework: (2 minutes) - Listen and copy - Describing a celebration they have seen and prepare the next lesson Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 The 77th period Date : Grade 11 Theme: The Asian Games Unit 12 LANGUAGE FOCUS Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: Educational aim: Students know how to distinguish the clusters /str/ and /skr/ and/ skw/ in a word or a sentences Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students can Use relative clauses and equivalent types of clauses with out relative pronouns appropriately - Language: - New words: Words related to the topic Skills: - Pronunciation: str/ , /skr/ and/ skw/ - Grammar: - relative clauses ( revision) - Omission of relative pronouns II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities I Pronunciation(10 minutes) -Model the two sounds / str/ and /skr/ and/ skw//for a few time -Pronounce the sounds and ask students to repeat -Ask students to practice pronouncing the sounds in chorus and individually -Give feedback +Practice these sentences -Read all the sentences and ask students to underline the words with the sounds and write / str/ and /skr/ and/ skw/ under them Students’ activities -Listen to the teacher - Read aloud in chorus first ,then read individually -Underline the words with the sounds and write / str/ and /skr/ and/ skw/ -Work in pair Notes Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 -Ask students to practice the sentences in pair -Go around and help - Let students read the sentences and work in groups - Listen and remark each group II Grammar: (34 minutes) Exercise1: -Ask students to comment on the use of relative clauses and write them on the board -Ask students to read it quickly -Explain the use of them -let students excerise1 individually and then compare their answers with another students -Go around and help -Check the answer the class as a whole -Listen to their friends’ reading - listen to the teacher and comment - Listen and copy - Take note quickly -Do the Exercise1: -Work individually -Compare with the partners -Answer: 1, you lost 2, he invited to the birthday party 3, John told 4, I bought yesterday 5, we met this morning 6, we had for lunch Exercise -Ask students read the sentences -Listen to the teacher and through exercise -Explain new words if any -Keys: -Call on some students to go to the 1, I work with board and write the answers 2, we went to -Give a feedback 3,we are living in 4,they were talking about 5.he applied for Exercise3 6,I slept in -ask students how to this exercise -let students work in pair to finish the -Do the exercise3 exercise and compare with the person sitting next to them - Some students write on - Listen to students and help them to the board and others check Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 it and correct mistakes -call on some students to give the answer and give feedback -Keys: ,yes (we are going to see) 2, no (relative pronoun function as subject ) 3,yes 4, yes 5,yes 6, yes - Listen and copy Homework: (2 minutes) - Let them exercises in Workbook -Prepare the next lesson Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 The 78th period Date : Grade 11 Theme: CORRECT THE TEST I Objectives: After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done And have to know how to try their best for the next test II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Greeting - Ask students some questions on the previous test - Tell the aim of the period: correct the test Students’ activities - Greeting - Listen and understand the task - Get ready for the lesson I Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently by circling A, B, C or D:.(1.25points): (5 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get students to read the passage again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud II Circle A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence (6.25points): (15 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud - Look at their paper - Compare the resutls with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys Notes Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 11 III Circle A, B, C or D to find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence (1.25 points): (5 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Show the passage again several times - Get students toread the passage again carefully - Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud IV Choose the item among A B C or D that best answer the questions about the passage: (1.25 points): (10 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud Homework: (5 minutes) Ask students to prepare UNIT 13: HOBBIES at home - Look at the writing again and compare it with the others - Correct the wrong sentences base on the key - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys - Prepare UNIT 13: HOBBIES at home

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2016, 11:59

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