1 Kristen went to the park yesterday Look at the pictures she took Match the words to the pictures Then check your answers with a classmate: Glass bottles Pieces of paper Tyre Plastic bags Empty cans Plastic bottles Chocolate wrappers Pens Look again at the picture Kristen took in the park and complete the sentences with the correct form of there was and there were: Example: There were plastic bags There wasn’t a picture a a black tyre b any green pieces of paper c any magazine? No, Books _ d any plastic bags? Yes, _ e any chocolate wrappers? Yes, _ f a pair of jeans g a cigarette 3 Read and answer the questions below: Kristen: Yesterday evening I went to the park I wanted to sit and relax, but It was too dirty Paul: What you mean? Kristen: There were plastic water bottles and cans everywhere! It was disgusting! Paul: I was at the park last week There were a lot of papers and many plastic bags, too Kristen: Yes! People just don’t clean up their mess Paul: Yes, it’s terrible to see that people aren’t aware enough of the environment Kristen: I think that we should something about it Do you agree? Paul: Definitely! But how much can we do? Kristen: I don’ know, but we can certainly something I know… let’s plan a clean-up day We can ask people to come and clean the park Paul: That’s a great idea a What happened to Kristen yesterday? _ b What did she see? _ c Why people leave rubbish everywhere? _ d What is Paul’s idea? _ e Do the students plan the clean-up day? _